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Chapter Four  Qualifying – change the nature and gives the name

exclusive of the crime. It must be alleged, otherwise

CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH AGGRAVATE CRIMINAL will be treated only as generic aggravating
LIABILITY circumstance. It cannot be offset by a mitigating
ARTICLE 14. Aggravating circumstances. — The following are
circumstance (Alevosia or evident premeditation to
aggravating circumstances: qualify killing of a person to murder)
 Inherent – necessarily accompanies the commission
1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public position.
2. That the crime be committed in contempt or with insult to the public of the crime; it is an element of the crime committed
authorities. (evident premeditation is inherent in robbery, theft,
3. That the act be committed with insult or in disregard of the respect due
the offended party on account of his rank, age, or sex, or that is be estafa, adultery, concubinage)
committed in the dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has not given
provocation. Generic Specific Qualifying
4. That the act be committed with abuse of confidence or obvious 1. X
ungratefulness. 2. X
5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the Chief Executive or in 3. X X
his presence, or where public authorities are engaged in the discharge of (Dwelling only) (Except Dwelling)
their duties, or in a place dedicated to religious worship. 4. X
6. That the crime be committed in the night time, or in an uninhabited 5. X
place, or by a band, whenever such circumstances may facilitate the 6. X
commission of the offense. 7. X
Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall have acted together 8. X
in the commission of an offense, it shall be deemed to have been 9. X
committed by a band. 10. X
7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of a conflagration,
11. X
shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other calamity or misfortune.
12. X
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of armed men or persons
who insure or afford impunity. 13. X
9. That the accused is a recidivist. 14. X
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have 15. X X
been previously convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in 16. X X
the same title of this Code. 17. X
10. That the offender has been previously punished by an offense to 18. X
which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for two or more 19. X
crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty. 20. X X
11. That the crime be committed in consideration of a price, reward, or (Except motor vehicles)
promise. 21. X X
12. That the crime be committed by means of inundation, fire, poison,
explosion, stranding of a vessel or international damage thereto,
derailment of a locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice involving
great waste and ruin.
The aggravating circumstances must be established with
13. That the act be committed with evidence premeditation. moral certainty, with the same degree of proof required
14. That the craft, fraud or disguise be employed.
to establish the crime itself.
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or means be employed
to weaken the defense.
16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia). Most important of the classification of aggravating
There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against circumstances are the qualifying and the generic
the person, employing means, methods, or forms in the execution thereof
which tend directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk to aggravating circumstances.
himself arising from the defense which the offended party might make.
17. That means be employed or circumstances brought about which add In practice, the so-called generic aggravating
ignominy to the natural effects of the act.
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. circumstances are referred to simply as aggravating
There is an unlawful entry when an entrance of a crime a wall, roof, floor, circumstances. The so-called qualifying aggravating
door, or window be broken.
20. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons under fifteen circumstances are simply referred to as qualifying
years of age or by means of motor vehicles, motorized watercraft, circumstances.
airships, or other similar means. (As amended by RA 5438).
21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime be deliberately
augmented by causing other wrong not necessary for its commissions. GENERIC QUALIFYING
A. Definition – Those circumstance which raise the AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING
penalty for a crime without exceeding the maximum CIRCUMSTANCE CIRCUMSTANCE
The circumstance can be offset The circumstance affects the
applicable to that crime. by an ordinary mitigating nature of the crime itself such that
circumstance the offender shall be liable for a
more serious crime. The
B. Basis: The greater perversity of the offense as shown circumstance is actually an
by: ingredient of the crime;
No need to allege this Being an ingredient of the crime,
 the motivating power behind the act circumstance in the information, it cannot be offset by any
 the place where the act was committed as long as it is proven during trial. mitigating circumstance;
If it is proved during trial, the court
 the means and ways used would consider the same in
 the time imposing the penalty;
It is not an ingredient of a crime. It Qualifying circumstances to be
 the personal circumstance of the offender only affects the penalty to be appreciated as such must be
 the personal circumstance of the victim imposed but the crime remains specifically alleged in the
the same complaint or information. If not
alleged but proven during the
C. KINDS trial, it will be considered only as
generic aggravating
 Generic – that apply to all crimes. It increases the circumstance. If this happens,
penalty up to maximum period prescribed in the they are susceptible of being
crime. It may be offset by mitigating circumstance offset by a mitigating
(Dwelling, nighttime, recidivism) Pursuant to the 2000Revised Rules of Criminal
 Specific – apply only to specific crimes (ignominy – Procedure, every Complaint or Information must state
for chastity crimes; treachery – for persons crimes)
not only the qualifying but also the aggravating d. His presence has not prevented the offender from
circumstances committing the criminal act

- If not alleged, they may still be considered in the “public authority”

award of damages - Also called person in authority
- A public officer who is directly vested with
(1) That advantage be taken by the offender of his public jurisdiction, that is, a public officer who has the
position. power to govern and execute the laws
- Governor,Mayor , Barangay captain, Councilors,
Basis: greater perversity of the offender, as shown by
Government agents, Chief of Police
the personal circumstance of the offender and also by
the means used to secure the commission of the crime Discussion
o Not applicable when crime is committed in the
presence of an agent only (any person who, by
a. The offender is a public officer
direct provision of law or by election or by
b. The commission of the crime would not have been
appointment by competent authority, is charged
possible without the powers, resources and influence of
with the maintenance of public order and the
the office he holds.
protection and security of life and property, such as
“public officer” barrio councilman, barrio policeman and barangay
- A public officer is any person who, by leader, and any person who comes to the aid of
(1)direct provision of the law, persons in authority)
(2)popular election or o The crime should not be committed against the
(3)appointment by competent authority shall take public authority (if yes then=direct assault), Article
part in the performance of public functions in the 148)
Government of the Philippine Islands or shall o Knowledge that a public authority is present is
perform in said Government or in any of its essential
branches, public duties as an employee, agent o When the presence of public authority, made
or subordinate official of any rank or class. known to the offender, has not prevented the latter
from committing the criminal act
“advantage be taken by the offender of his public
(3) That the act be committed with insult or in disregard
of the respect due the offender party on account of
- Applies only when the person committing the
his rank, age, or sex, or that it be committed in the
crime is a public officer who takes advantage of
dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has not
his public position
given provocation.
- Public officer must use the influence, prestige or
ascendancy which his office gives him as the Basis: greater perversity of the offender, as shown by
means by which he realizes his purpose (US v. the personal circumstances of the offended party and
Rodriguez, 19 Phil. 150, 156-157) the place of the commission of the crime

Discussion: Requisite of disregard to rank, age, or sex:

a. Crimes must be against the victim’s person or his
o There must be proof that the accused took advantage
of his public positon
b. There is deliberate intent to offend or insult the
o If the accused could have perpetrated the crime
respect due to the victim’s rank, age, or sex
without occupying his position, then there is no abuse
of public position. (People v. Sumaoy, G.R. No. Discussion
105961, October 22, 1996) o Four circumstances are enumerated in this
o Wearing uniform is immaterial in certain cases paragraph, which can be considered single, or
o Failure in official duties is tantamount to abusing of together. If ALL the four circumstances were
office present, they have the weight of one aggravating
o NOT AGGRAVATING when it is an integral element circumstance only
of, or inherent in the offense (malversation under o Applicable only to crimes against persons or honor
Article 217, falsification of document under Article o “with insult or in disregard”- it is necessary to prove
171) the specific fact or circumstance, other than that the
victim is a woman, in order that it may be
(2) That the crime be committed in contempt of or which
considered as an aggravating circumstance, there
insult to the public authorities
must be evidence that in the commission of the
Requisites: crime, the accused deliberately intended to offense
a. That the public authority is engaged in the exercise or insult the sex or age of the offended party
of his functions
b. That he who is thus engaged in the exercise of said  of the rank of the offended party
function is not the person against whom the crime is Rank-refers to a high social position or
committed standing as a grade in the armed forces; or
c. The offender knows him to be a public authority to a graded official standing or social
position or station; or to the order or place
in which said officers are placed in the army o What aggravates the commission of the crime in
and navy in relation to others; or to the one’s dwelling:
designation or title of distinction conferred 1. The abuse of confidence which the offended
upon an officer in order to fix his relative party reposed in the offender by opening the
position in reference to other officers in door to him
matters of privilege…. 2. The violation of the sanctity of the home by
- There must be a difference in the social trespassing therein with violence or against the
condition of the offender and the will of the owner
offended party
- Proof of fact of disregard and deliberate o Evidence must show clearly that the defendant
intent to insult required entered the house of the deceased to attack him
o Offended party must not give provocation, when it is
 Of the age of the offended party the offended party who has provoked the incident,
- The circumstance of old age cannot be he loses his right to respect and consideration due
considered aggravating in the absence him in his own house
of evidence that the accused deliberately o Even if the offender did not enter the dwelling, this
intended to offend or insult the age of aggravating circumstance applies
the victim (People v. Diaz, L-24002, o It is not necessary that the accused should have
January 21, 1974, 55 SCRA 178, 187) actually entered the dwelling of the victim to commit
- the circumstance of lack of respect due o It is enough that the victim was attacked his inside
to age applies in case where the victim his own house, although the assailant may have
is of tender age as well as of old age devised means to perpetrate the assault from
(age of the offended party) without
o Even if the killing took place outside the dwelling, it
 of the sex of the offended party is aggravating provided that the commission of the
- refers to the female sex, not to the male crime began the dwelling
sex o It is aggravating in abduction or illegal detention
- when the offender acted with passion where the victim was taken from her or his house
and obfuscation and carried away to another place
- when there exists a relationship between o Dwelling need not be owned by the offended party.
the offended party and the offender It is enough that he used the place for his peace of
- when the condition of being a woman is mind, rest, comfort and privacy.
indispensable in the commission of the o Not included in treachery
crime (parricide, rape, abduction, o DWELLING IS NOT AGGRAVATING in the ff.
seduction) cases:
- When both offender and offended party are
Elements of the aggravating circumstance of dwelling: occupants of the same house, and this is true
a. Crime occurred in the dwelling of the victim even if the offender is a servant on the house
b. No provocation on the part of the victim - When the robbery is committed by the use of
force upon things (as it is inherent)
Requisites for Provocation: ALL MUST CONCUR - In the crime of trespass to dwelling (it is
a. given by the owner of the dwelling inherent)
b. sufficient - When the owner of the dwelling gave
c. immediate to the commission of the crime sufficient and immediate provocation
If all these conditions are present, the offended party is - When the dwelling where the crime was
deemed to have given provocation, and the fact that the committed did not belong to the offended
crime is committed in the dwelling of the offended party party
is not an aggravating circumstance - In adultery, when paramour also lives there
Basis: the following cases although the crimes were
Greater perversity of the offender as shown by the place committed not in the dwelling of the victims
of the commission of the offense - Victim was raped in the boarding house
where she was a bedspacer
Discussion: - Victims were raped in their paternal home
o Dwelling-must be a building or structure, exclusively where they were guests at the time and did
used for rest and comfort not reside there (in People v Ramolete, No.
o Considered as an aggravating circumstance L-28108, March 27, 1974, 56 SCRA 66, 81,
primarily because of the sanctity of privacy the law dwelling was not considered aggravating
accords to human abode because the victim was a mere visitor in the
o One’s dwelling place is a sanctuary worthy of house where he was killed)
respect, and that one who slanders another in the - Victim was killed in the house of her aunt
latter’s house is more guilty that he who offends him where she was living with her niece (dwelling
elsewhere may mean temporary dwelling)
o Dwelling includes the dependencies, the staircase
and the enclosures therein
- Victims, while sleeping as guests in the Requisites for aggravating circumstances for place of
house of another person, were shot to death worship:
in the house a. The crime occurred in a place dedicated to the
- When the husband killed his estranged wife worship of God regardless of religion
in the house solely occupied by her, other b. Offender must have decided to commit the crime
than the conjugal home when he entered the place of worship
- When adultery is committed in the dwelling of
the husband, even if it is also the dwelling of Discussion:
the unfaithful wife o Public authorities are in the performance with their
duties (similar with par. 2)
(4) That the act be committed with abuse of confidence, o Public authorities must be in their office
or obvious ungratefulness. o Public authority may be the offended party
o Nature of public office should be taken into account,
Basis: greater perversity of the offender, as shown by like a police station which is on duty 24 hrs. a day
means and ways employed o if it was committed in Malacañang palace or a
church it is aggravating, regardless of whether State
Requisites of Abuse of Confidence: or official; functions are being held.
a) Offended party has trusted the offender o The Chief Executive need not be in Malacanang
b) Offender abused such trust Palace, his presence alone in any place where the
c) Abuse of confidence facilitated the commission of the crime is committed is enough to constitute the
crime aggravating circumstance
o Other public authorities must be actually engaged in
Discussion (Abuse of confidence) the performance of duty
o Exists only when the offended party has trusted the o An electoral precinct during election day is a place
offender who later abuses such trust by committing where public authorities are engaged in the
the crime discharge of their duties
o Must be means of facilitating the commission of the o In places dedicated to religious worship-church and
crime any offense committed thereat even if no ceremony
o Culprit took advantage of the offended party’s belief is taking place, is aggravated by this circumstance
that the former would not abuse said confidence o Offender must have intention to commit a crime
o There must be a special relation of confidence when he entered the place
between the accused and the victim
o The confidence between the offender and the (6) That the crime be committed in the nighttime, or in an
offended party must be immediate and personal uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such
o Inherent in malversation (Art. 217), qualified theft circumstance may facilitate the commission of the
(Art. 310), estafa by conversion or misappropriation offense
9Art. 315), and qualified seduction (Art. 357)
Basis:on the time and place of the commission of the
Requisites of Obvious Ungratefulness: crime and means and ways employed
a) That the offended party had trusted the offender;
b) That the offender abuse such trust by committing a Discussion:
crime against the offended party; o When their elements are distinctly perceived and
c)That the act be committed with obvious ungratefulness can subsist independently, revealing a greater
degree of perversity (nighttime, uninhabited place,
Discussion (Obvious Ungratefulness) by a band can be considered separately)
o Ungratefulness must be obvious (manifest and o When aggravating?
clear) a. When it facilitated the commission of the
o robbery or theft committed by a visitor in the house crime; or
of the offended party is aggravated by obvious b. When especially sought for by the offender
ungratefulness to insure the commission of the crime or for
the purpose of impunity
(5) That the crime be committed in the place of the Chief c. When the offender took advantage thereof
Executive, or in his presence, or where the public for the purpose of impunity
authorities are engaged in the discharge of their o “especialy sought for”, “for the purpose of impunity”
duties, or in a place dedicated to religious worship and “took advantage thereof”-in order to realize the
crime with more ease, to prevent his (accised’s)
Basis: greater perversity of the offender, as shown by being recognized, or to secure himself against
the place of the commission of the crime which must be detection and punishment
respected I. Nighttime
Requirements of the aggravating circumstance of public - where it is self-evident that it was sought to
office: facilitate the commission of the offense when all
a. The crime occurred in the public office the members of the house were asleep
b. Public authorities are actually performing their public - Although not specifically sought for by the
duties culprit shall aggravate his criminal liability if it
facilitated the commission of the offense or the
offender took advantage of the same to commit - whenever more than three armed malefactors
the crime shall have acted together in the commission of
- should be understood, according to Viada, that an offense, it shall be deemed to have been
period of darkness beginning at end of dusk and committed by a band
ending of dawn -all must be principals by direct participation
- from sunset to sunrise - if one of the four armed persons is a principal
- become aggravating when it is especially by inducement, they do not form a band
sought by the offender, or taken advantage of by - all the armed men, at least four in number,
him to facilitate the commission of the crime must take direct part in the execution of the act
-commission of the crime must begin and be constituting the crime
accomplished in the nighttime - aggravating in crimes against property or
- when the place of the crime is illuminated by against persons or in the crime of illegal
light, nighttime is not aggravating detention or treason
-absorbed by Treachery - Not applicable to crimes against chastity
-information must allege that nighttime was abuse of superior strength and use of firearms,
sought for or taken advantage of by the accused absorbed
or that it facilitated the commission of the crime - inherent in brigandage
-NOT AGGRAVATING when crime began at - Aggravating in robbery with homicide
daytime -if the meeting is casual, the homicide committed
-commission of the crime must begin and be by the killers comprising a band is not
accomplished in the nighttime aggravated.
-lighting of matchstick or use of flashlights does - Arms is not limited to firearms, sticks and
not negate the aggravating circumstance of stones included
- Even if there was darkness but the nighttime Requisites:
was only an incident of a chance meeting, there a. Facilitated the commission of the crime
is no aggravating circumstance here b. Deliberately sought
c. Taken advantage of for the purposes of
Elements; The following are the elements of impunity
Nighttime; d. There must be four or more armed me
1. The darkness or silence of the night was
especially sought by the offender; (7) That the crime be committed on the occasion of a
2. That night time was taken advantage of by the conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or
offender to facilitate the commission of the other calamity or misfortune
3. The purpose is to insure his immunity from Basis: reference to the commission of the crime
Reason: found in the debased form of criminality met in
II. Uninhabited place one who, in the midst of a great calamity, instead of
- one where there no houses at all lending aid to the afflicted, adds to their suffering by
- place at a considerable distance from town, or taking advantage of their misfortune to despoil them
where the houses are scattered at a great
distance from each other Requisites:
-should not be considered when the place a. Committed when there is a calamity or misfortune 1.
where the crime was committed could be seen Conflagration 2. Shipwreck 3. Epidemic
and the voice of the deceased could be heard b. Offender took advantage of the state of confusion or
from a nearby house chaotic condition from such misfortune
- determined by whether or not in the place of
the commission of the offense there was a Discussion
reasonable possibility if the victim receiving o Offender must take advantage of the calamity or
some help misfortune
- to an easy and uninterrupted accomplishment o Crime is committed DURING any of the calamities
of their criminal designs and to insure
concealment of the offense (8) That the crime be committed with the aid of armed
men, or persons who insure of afford impunity
a. The place facilitated the commission or Basis: means and ways of committing the crime
omission of the crime
b. Deliberately sought and not incidental to the Requisites:
commission or omission of the crime a. That armed men or persons took part in the
c. Taken advantage of for the purpose of commission of the crime, directly or indirectly
impunity b. That the accused availed himself of their aid or relied
upon them when the crime was committed
Discussion d. accused has applied for probation
o If the accused relied on the presence of armed o Present crime and the previous crime must be
men, availing himself of the aid of the latter, his embraced in the same title of this code
liability is aggravated o Must be taken into account no matter how many
o Casual presence of armend men near the place years have intervened between the first and second
where the crime was committed DOES NOT felonies
CONSTITUTE an aggravating circumstance o Pardon does not obliterate the fact that the accused
o Exception:shall not be considered/ is not present was a recidivist; but amnesty extinguished the
- when both the attacking party and the party penalty and its effects
attacked were equally armed
- when the accused as well as those cooperated (10) That the offender has been previously punished for
with him in the commission of the crime acted under an offense to which the law attaches an equal or
the same plan and for the same purpose greater penalty or for two or kore crimes to which it
- Casual presence, or when the offender did not attaches a lighter penalty
avail himself of any of their aid nor did not
knowingly count upon their assistance in the Basis: as shown by his inclination to crimes\
commission of the crime
o If there are four armed men, aid of armed men is Requisites:
absorbed in employment of a band a. That the accused is on trial for an offense;
o Aid of armed men= armed women b. That he previously served sentence for another
BY A BAND AID OF ARMED MEN offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater
Requires more than 3 Present even if one of penalty, or for two or more crimes to which it attaches
armed malefactors who the offenders merely lighter penalty than that for the new offense; and
all acted together in the relied on their aid. Actual c. That he is convicted of the new offense.
commission of an aid is not necessary
Must have acted The armed men may Discussion
together in the actual have direct or indirect o In reiteracion, it is essential that the offender be
commission of the participation. They are previously punished, that is, he has served
crime; (conspiracy) mere accomplices of the sentence
offender. o Speaks of penalty attached to the offense, which
may have several perios
(9) That the accused is a recidivist RECIDIVISM REITERACION
Requires conviction by Requires service of
Basis: shown by his inclination to crimes final judgment; sentence;
Crimes must be May be felonies or
Requisites: felonies; offenses punishable by
a. That the offender is on trial for an offense special law;
b. That he was previously convicted by final judgment of Offenses are under the Offenses may or may
same title of the RPC; not be in the same title
another crime
of the RPC;
c. That both the first and the second offenses are
embraced in the same title of the Code Four Forms or repetition
d. That the offender is convicted of the new offense 1. Recidivism
2. Reiteracion Or habituality
Discussion: 3. Multi-recidivism or habitual delinquency
o A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one 4. Quasi-recidivism
crime shall have been previously convicted by final
judgment of another crime embraced in the same Habitual delinquency (art. 62)
title of the RPC - when a person within a period of ten years from
o At the time of the trial, and not the time of the the date of his release or last conviction of the
commission of the crime (include everything that is crimes or serious or less serious physical injuries,
done in the course of the trial, from arraignment robbery, theft, estafa or falsification, is found guilty
until after sentence is announced by the judge in of any said crimes a third time or oftener
open court) - Either recidivist or one who has been previously
o No recidivism if the subsequent conviction s for an punished for two or more offenses (habituality)
offense committed before the offense involved in -he shall suffer an additional penalty for being a
the prior conviction habitual delinquent
o A judgment in a criminal case becomes final
a. after the lapse of the period for perfecting an Quasi-recidivism (art. 160)
appeal (an appeal must be taken within 15 days - any person who shall commit a felony after having
from promulgation or notice of the judgment or been convicted by final judgment, before beginning
order appealed from) to serve such sentence, or while serving the same,
b. when the sentence has been partially or totally shall be punished by the maximum period of the
satisfied or served penalty prescribed by law for the new felony.
c. the accused has waived in writing his right to
(11) That the crime be committed in consideration of a the intent is to kill, there is murder even if the house
price, reward or promise is burned in the process.

Basis: as shown by the motivating power itself (13) That the act be committed with evident
a. At least 2 principals 1. The principal by inducement 2. Basis: ways of committing the crime, because evident
The principal by direct participation premeditation implies a deliberate planning of the act
b. the price, reward, or promise should be previous to before executing it
and in consideration of the commission of the
criminal act ( Applicable to both principals.) Requisites, the prosecution must prove:
1. The time when the offender determined to commit the
Discussion: crime;
o Presupposes the concurrence of two or more 2. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung
offenders to his determination;
o There must be two or more principals (principal by 3. A sufficient lapse of time between the determination
direct participation and by inducement) and execution, to allow him to reflect upon the
o Price, reward or promise must be for the purpose of consequence of his act and to allow conscience to
inducing another to perform the deed overcome the resolution of his will.
o If w/o previous promise, it was given voluntarily
after the crime hd been committed as an expression Discussion
of appreciation, it should not be taken into o Essence of premeditation- that the execution of the
consideration criminal act must be preceded by cool thought and
o To be considered against the principal by reflection upon the resolution to carry out the
inducement, it is necessary that the price, reward or criminal intent during the space of time sufficient to
promise must be the prime reason for the principal arrive at a calm judgment
by direct participation committed the crime. o May not be appreciated absent any prrof as to
o That without the price, reward or promise, the how and when the plan to kill was hatched or what
principal by direct participation would not have time elapsed before it was carried out
committed the crime. o There must be evidence showing that the accused
o the price, reward or promise must be the primary meditated and reflected on his intention between
reason or the primordial motive for the commission the time when the crime was conceived by him and
of the crime. the time it was actually perpetrated
o The premeditation must be evident and not merely
(12) That the crime committed by means of inundation, suspected
fire, poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel or o Mere threats without the second element does not
intentional damage thereto, derailment of a show evident premeditation
locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice o Conspiracy generally presupposes premeditation
involving great waste and ruin o Can co-exist with price or reward
o When victim is different from that intended,
Basis: means and ways employed premeditation is not aggravating
o Not necessary that there is a plan to kill a particular
Requisite: person
a. The wasteful means were used by the offender to o Inherent in robbery, may be aggravating in robbery
accomplish a criminal purpose with homicide if the premeditation included the
Discussion killing of the victim
o When used as means to kill another person, the o The premeditation must be based upon external
crime is murder (qualifying) facts, and must be evident, not merely suspected
o “by means of fire” use if fire should be purposely indicating deliberate planning
adopted as a means to that end
o “by means of explosion” (14) That craft, fraud, or disguise be employed
o “by means of derailment locomotive
o Fire is not aggravating in the crime of arson. * Basis: means employed in the commission of the crime
o Whenever a killing is done with the use of fire, as
when to kill someone, you burn down his house Requisite:
while the latter is inside, this is murder. a. The offender must have actually taken advantage of
o There is no such crime as murder with arson or craft, fraud, or disguise to facilitate the commission of the
arson with homicide. The crime committed is only crime.
o If the victim is already dead and the house is Discussion
burned, the crime is arson. It is either arson or o Characterized by the intellectual or mental rather
murder. than physical means to which the criminal resorts to
o If the intent is to destroy property, the crime is carry out his design
arson even if someone dies as a consequence. If o Inherent in estafa and falsification
I. Craft
 Involves intellectual trickery and cunning on o Superiority may arise from aggressor’s sex, weapon
the part of the accused or number as compared to that of the victim (e.g.
II. Fraud accused attacked an unarmed girl with a knife; 3
 Insidious words or machinations used to men stabbed to death the female victim).
induce the victim to act in a manner which o Only applicable to crimes against persons
would enable the offender to carry out his
design (16) That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia)
 as distinguished from craft which involves
acts done in order not to arouse the Basis: means and ways employed in the commission of
suspicion of the victim, fraud involves a the crime
direct inducement through entrapping or
beguiling language or machinations Requisites:
III. Disguise a. that at the time of the attack, the victim was not in the
 Resorting to any device to conceal identity position to defend himself
 Purpose of the offender in using any device b. that the offender consciously adopted the particular
must be to conceal his identity means, method or form of attack employed by him
 accused must be able to hide his identity
during the initial stage, if not all through out, Discussion
the commission of the crime and his identity o There is treachery when the offender commits any
must have been discovered only later on, to of the crimes against the person, employing
consider this aggravating circumstance means, methods or forms in the execution thereof
which tend directly and specially to insure its
(15) That advantage be taken of superior strength, or execution, without risk to himself arising from the
means be employed to weaken the defense defense which the offended party might make
o It means that the offended party was not given
Requisites for abuse of superior strength are the opportunity to make a defense
following; o Applicable only to crimes against the person
1. That there be a notorious inequality of forces between o generally characterized by the deliberate and
the offender and the offended party in terms of their age, sudden and unexpected attack of the victim from
size and strength; behind, without any warning and without giving the
2. That the offender took advantage of this inequality of victim an opportunity to defend himself
forces to facilitate the commission of the crime o Means, methods or forms need not insure the
accomplishment of crime
Inequality of forces : includes the following; o Mode of attack must be consciously adopted
1. Offender uses weapon to take advantage; o Cannot be presumed
2. Numerical Superiority; o But treachery may exist even if attack is face-to-
3. Difference in physical characteristics such as age face – as long as victim was not given any chance
strength and size. to prepare defense
o It makes no difference whether or not the victim was
Discussion the same person whom the accused intended to kill
o “advantage”- to use purposely excessive force out o If the offended party was able to put up a defense,
of proportion to he means of defense available to even only a token one, there is no treachery
the person attacked anymore
o There is no advantage in: o does not exist if the accused gave the deceased
 One who attacks another with passion and chance to prepare or there was warning given or
obfuscation that it was preceded by a heated argument
 When a quarrel arose unexpectedly and the o there is always treachery in the killing of child
fatal blow was stuck at a time when the o Summary of the rules:
aggressor and his victim were engaged  When the aggression is continuous,
against each other as man to man treachery must be present at the beginning
 Attack was made on the victim alternatively of the assault
o An attack made by a man with adeasly weapon  When the assault was not continuous, in
upon an unarmed and defenseless woman that there was an interruption , it is
constitutes the circumstance of abuse sufficient that treachery was present at the
o NO ABUSE of superior strength in parricide against moment the fatal blow was given
the wife
o Evidence of relative physical strength is necessary (17) That means be employed or circumstances brought
o Number of aggressors, if armed, may point to abuse about which add ignominy to the natural effects of
of superior strength the act
o There is abuse of superior strength when weapon
used is out of proportion to the defense available to Basis: means employed
the offended party
o Superior strength is absorbed in treachery Requisites:
o Means employed to weaken the defense a. Crime must be against chastity, less serious physical
o Intoxicating the victim to weaken defense injuries, light or grave coercion, and murder
b. The circumstance made the crime more humiliating Discussion
and shameful for the victim o With the aid of persons under fifteen years of age:
 To repress, so far as possible, the frequent
Discussion practice resorted to by professional
o Ignominy is a circumstance pertaining to the moral criminals to avail themselves of minors
order, which adds disgrace and obloquy to the taking advantage of their irresponsibility
material injury caused by the crime o Means of motor vehicles, airships, or other similar
o Applicable to crimes against chastity, less serious means
physical injuries, light or grave coercion, and  To counteract the facilities found by modern
murder criminals in said means to commit crime
o The means employed or the circumstances brought and flee and abscond once the same is
about must tend to make the effects if the crime committed
more humiliating or to put the offended oarty to  Where the accused used the motor vehicle
shame in going to the place of the crime in carrying
o NO INGNOMINY when a man is killed in the away the effects thereof, and in facilitating
presence of his wife their escape
o Rape as ignominy in robbery with homicide  “or other similar means”- motorized vehicles
o Ignominy not present where the victim was already or other efficient means of transportation
dead when such acts were committed against his similar to automobile or airplane
body or perso  The motor vehicle must have been sought
by the offender to facilitate the commission
(18) That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry of the crime.

Basis: means and wasy employed to commit the crime (21) That the wrong done in the commission of the crime
be deliberately augmented by causing other wrong
Discussion not necessary for its commission
o There is an unlawful entry when an entrance is
effected by a way not intended for the purpose Basis: ways employed in committing the crime
o To effect entrance and not for escape
o Act of entering through the window, which is not the Requisites:
proper place for entrance into the house a. That the injury caused be deliberately increased by
o Not aggravating in trespass to dwelling causing other wrong
o Inherent in: Trespass to dwelling, and robbery with b. That the other wrong be unnecessary for the
force upon things. execution of the purpose of the offender
o Why aggravating? One who acts, not respecting the
walls erected by men to guard their property and Discussion
provide for their personal safety, shows greater o There is cruelty when the culprit enjoys and delights
perversity, a greater audacity and hence the law in making his victim suffer slowly and gradually,
punishes him with more severity causing him unnecessary physical pain in the
consummation of the criminal act (People v. Dayug,
(19) That as a means to the commission of a crime, a 49 Phil 423. 427)
wall, roof, floor, door, or window be broken o It is essential that the wrong done was intended to
prolong the suffering of the victim, causing him
Basis: means and ways employed to commit the crime unnecessary moral and physical pain
o Refers to physical suffering of victim purposely
Discussion intended by offender
o Breaking the wall, roof, floor, door, or window must o Cannot be presumed
be utilized as means to the commission of any o Plurality of wounds alone does not show cruelty
crime o No cruelty when other wrong was done after the
o To effect entrance only victim was dead
o Breaking is lawful in the following instances: o Refers to physical suffering (ignominy involves
a. an officer in order to make an arrest may break moral suffering)
open a door or window of any building in which the
person to be arrested is or is reasonably believed to
b. an officer if refused admittance may break open
any door or window to execute the search warrant
or liberate himself,

(20) That the crime be committed with the aid of persons

under fifteen tears of age, or by means of motor
vehicles, airships, or other similar means

Basis: means and ways employed to commit the crime

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