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This study was undertaken to give solutions and ease the traffic problem in Manila

because of the apparent issue of mass transport problems happening in the country.

Through this study, it will benefit the following:

Commuters will benefit from this because they will get to their destination immediately

and efficiently

Roads because cars and a lot of transportation cars will get to their destination

immediately without any hassle

Government through this study they will provide better service for the benefit of the


Environment will be cleaner without the pollution from the car that releases carbon


Ambulance will benefit from this because they will be able to arrive at the hospital earlier

than they imagined.


The researchers of the study provided the operational definition or meaning of the

following terms based on the usage of the words in this study.

Traffic Management is a key branch within logistics. It concerns the planning, control and

purchasing of transport services needed to physically move vehicles.

Car a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation

Political Will the determination of an individual political actor to do and say things

that will produce a desired outcome.

Government the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a


Public Transport is a system of transport for passengers by group travel systems

available for use by the general public.

Traffic consists of road users including pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles,

streetcars, buses and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using the public

way for purposes of travel.

Highways is a busy road with many lanes. Highways are usually the quickest route for

driving between one city and another.


The main problem of the traffic is lack of infrastructure that cause traffic congestion

specially in Metro Manila, but it can be easily solved just by constructing roads but road

widening will affect the people who lives besides the roads. The other problem is the

houses taking the gutter as a part of their house, it can cause people forced to use the

way of vehicles. And the illegal parking, it can cause traffic because it’s taking one lane

needs to be clear so the flow of cars will not be slowed down. The public utility vehicles

that don’t follow the “No loading and unloading zone” it can cause traffic because they

stop wherever they want and they will call passengers even if its illegal in that place, the

other one is the illegal settlements or vendors even if they cause traffic they don’t stop

even if its illegal. The number of vehicles continues to increase but the road are hardly

increased. Philippines is now among fastest-growing economies in asia, which means

more Filipinos can buy cars, the low interest and easy access to credits catches the eyes

of the people so many people can afford it. Some buy cars for their business like delivery

vans or public utility vehicles

the History of Traffic Management System started in 1972 to centrally control the

freewaysystem in the Twin Cities metro area. The Traffic Management System aims to

providemotorists with a faster, safer trip on metro area freeways by optimizing the use

ofavailable freeway capacity, efficiently managing incidents and special events,

providingtraveler information, and providing incentives for ride sharing. (The

MinnesotaDepartment of Transportation)Cities and traffic have developed hand-in-hand

since the earliest large humansettlements. The Same forces that draw inhabitants to

congregate in large urban areasalso lead to sometimes intolerable levels of traffic

congestion on urban streets. Cities arethe powerhouses of economic growth for any

country. According to Bartone et al. (1994),around eighty percent of Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) growth in developing countriesis expected to come from cities. For the

purpose of economic activities, it is imperativeto facilitate movements. Transportation

system provides the way for movements andmedium for reaching destinations.

Inadequate transportation system hampers economicactivities and creates hindrances for

development. In most of the developing countries which are overburdened by rising

population and extreme poverty, increasing economicactivities and opportunities in the

cities result in rapid increase in urban population andconsequent need for transportation

facilities. Authorities in these countries often fail tocope with the pressure of increasing

population growth and economic activities in the 2 cities, causing uncontrolled expansion

of the cities, urban sprawl, traffic congestion and environmental

degradation.Transportation and property are important in physical and economic

development oftowns and cities all over the world. Property and land values tend to

increase in areaswith expanding transportation networks, and increase less rapidly in

areas without suchimprovements. Rapid and continued rise in housing and land prices are

expected in citieswith transportation improvements and rapid economic and population

growth (Goldberg,1970).Man, nations, regions and the world would be severely limited in

development withouttransportation, which is a key factor for physical and economic growth

(Oyesiku, 2002).Transportation systems and land use are interdependent. Indeed findings

of earlierstudies indicate compelling and consistent connections amongst them (Ewing

andCervero, 2001; Polzin, 2004).


 The causes of traffic congestion has nothing to do with traffic management.

 The factors affecting the traffic have nothing to do in government implementations about

.traffic rules.

 People who’s disobeying the traffic law does not have relationship in traffic congestions.

 The government and traffic management has no relation in traffic crisis.


The study focus on ‘’The problem of the society perpetual issues of government about car

industry in analysis of traffic management. Traffic congestion has been one of the fundamental

problems faced by modern citiessince the wide usage of automobiles. Just a normal few minutes

trip to the conveniencestore may take up to half an hour due to traffic jam or slowdown. According

to the police,congestions are actually the causes of some issues like road rage, road bullies and

majoraccidents.The small road capacity is also one of the contributing factors. As the number of

privatecars increases greatly over the years, traffic congestion occurs when the needed

roadcapacity is not fulfilled. Simple improvements of the road infrastructure can easily solvedthis

problem. Since congestion occurs frequently in the cities, local government municipalcan consider

passing laws on restricting the number of car owned in a family. This methodis in fact, workable

and effective.

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