Tough Id

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Sweeping Statement � Thoughtless statemen

Spilling the beans � Revealing the information indiscreetly (t

Fell foul of � Got into trouble with
No love lost between � Not on good terms
On the cuff � On credit
A wild goose chase � Futile search
Going places � Talented and successful
To keep up � To keep in touch
Heads will roll � Transfers will take place
Make no bones about � Do not have any hesitation in anything
To stave off � Postpone
Draw on fancy � Use imagination
Cheek by jowl � Very near
Run riot � Act without restraint
Talking through hat � Talking nonsense
Put up with � Tolerate
At one�s wit�s end � Puzzled/confused/perplexed
The green-eyed monster � Used as a way of talking about jealousy
Set the record straight � Give a correct account
To go to the whole hog � To do it completely
Spilling the beans � Revealing the information indiscreetly

Fed up � Annoyed
Sharp practices � Dishonest means
Take with a grain of salt � To listen to something with considerable doubt
Stand-offish � Indifferent
Sowing wild oats � Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
Of no avail � Useless
A sore point � Something which hurts
Like a phoenix � With a new life/rebirth/reincarnation
To keep under wraps � Secret
Cut no ice � Had no influence
Brought up � Introduce for discussion
Cannot hold a candle to � Cannot be compared to
burn one�s boat � Leave no means of return
Blow over � Pass off
Run into � Incurred/to experience difficulties
Blue-eyed boys � Favorites
Dropping names � Hinting at high connections
Bone to pick � Cause of quarrel/ Bone of contention
End in a fiasco �A Total/Utter failure (
Fall back � To turn or move back
Turn up one�s nose at � To reject/despises---comtempt and repugnance
High and dry � Neglected/ To leave someone helpless
Mince matters � To confuse issues/ to mix facts (
Throw down a glove � To accept defeat
Fall through � To fail (
To have Too many iron in the fire � To get engage in too many enterprises at the
same time
Cut one off, without a shilling � Disinheriting / To expel from fraternal property
To beat a retreat � To run away in fear
To steer clear of � Avoid
To get one�s own back �To get one�s revenge
To run across � To meet by chance
A dark horse � An unforeseen competitor
Helter-Skelter � In disorderly haste
Go to the winds - Disappear (
Make ducks and drakes of � Squander
On the level � Honest and sincere
Done for � Ruined
To run one down � To disparage someone
To turn a deaf ear � To be indifferent
To take someone to task � To scold someone (
To play to the gallery � To behave in an exaggerated way to attract people�s
To have not a leg to stand on � Unable to prove or explain why something is
A man in the street � An ordinary person / common man
Give vent to � To emphasize
Over head and ears � Completely
To take someone for a ride � to deceive (cheat) someone
Yeoman�s service � Social work
Cold Comfort � Slight satisfaction
To feather one�s nest � To make oneself rich (in position or in monetary terms)
Sailing in the same boat � Being in the same difficult situation
To keep the wolf from the door � Escape starvation
Soft option � Easy and agreeable option
A little gush of gratitude � Excessive enthusiasm
To lose ground � To become less popular
To fall back on � to fail to do something important in time
Hand in glove � In close relationship
Go a long way � help considerably
Cross swords - Disagree
Pore over � Go through---read or study
Go down the drain � Lose forever
On good terms � Agree with someone
Measure up � Reach the level (
In the red � Losing money/to owe money
In lieu of � Despite of
Pull up - Reprimand
Lose head � Panic
Sit in judgement � To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you
have no authority
To cut teeth � To gain experience of something for the first time
Run in the same groove � Clash with each other
Close the book - Stop working on something
Keep your head � Remain calm
Pull strings � Use personal influence
Pot luck dinner � Dinner where somebody brings something to eat (
To have something up one�s sleeve � To have a secret plan
Status quo � As it is/ unchanged position (
Go scot-free � To escape without punishment (
To miss the bus � To miss an opportunity
To call spade a spade � To be frank
Birds of same feather � Persons of same character
High handed � Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing
Fall short � Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect
Take cue from � To copy what someone already did in past in order to be successful
Call for � To ask
Out of the question � Undesirable/ Not worth discussing
End up in something � Come to nothing/ Useless
Dropping like flies � Collapsing in large numbers
Rat race � Fierce competition for power
See eye to eye � To think in same way
Put across � To communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. successfully
To burn one�s fingers � To get physically hurt
To foam at one�s mouth � To be very angry
Kick up a row - Make a great fuss / To complain loudly about something
Wet behind the ears � Young and without experience / Na�ve
To talk someone over � To convince over
Through thick and thin � Under all circumstances
Come to grief � To suffer
Eat anyone�s salt � To be anyone�s guest
Give a hand with � To help with
Point blank � Very definite and direct
Kicking heels � To be relaxed and enjoy / Waste time
On the horns of dilemma � In a situation where you have to make choice between
things that are equally unpleasant
Live from hand to mouth - Miserably
Turn up � To appear
Carry weight � Be important / Important influence (
To give vent to � To express a feeling, especially anger, strongly
To get wind � Come to know about something secret or private
Under the thumb of � Under the control of
For better or worse - Always --whether the outcome is good or bad.
A shot in the dark � An attempt to guess something
Water under the bridge � Something that happened in the past and is now forgotten
or no longer important (
Stick to guns � Hold on to original decisions
Out of hand � Out of control, at once, immediately
The salt of the earth � Very good and honest/ Kind
Slip off � Leave quietly
Get on well � Have a friendly relationship
In a pickle � In an embarrassing or awkward situation
Weal and woe � Ups and downs
Rack and ruin - Ransacked --go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
Rides the high horse � Feel superior (C
Break up � Disband itself / The breaking up of relationship or associatio
bull in a china shop. : a person who breaks things or who often makes mistakes or
causes damage in situations that require careful thinking or behavior
Change colours � To turn pale To get frightened
Spick and span � Neat and clean / Tidy

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