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27128 Eprom works AS IS. No need to re-wire.

you need 8 and 10 you have 9 , cut the trace to 9 and hook 8 and 10 to the trace and see what

IIRC, you can ignore 10. On a MAX machine, you need to have 9 & 10 linked so the chip select
goes to the CIA. On a 64 you can leave 10 alone and, as BD says, just route the trace that
currently goes to 9 to 8 instead.

oh and pin 22 of the chip needs to go to B and its going to 11

so cut the trace to 11 and jumper it to B

The important pins for now are:


/GAME 8 active low ls ttl input
/EXROM 9 active low ls ttl input
GND 22 System ground (use for dumping ULTIMAX carts)

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