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Time Reference

Comparing the time references on the direct speech and reported speech as follow:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

here there
 the month/year before
 the preceding month/year
last month/year
 the previous month/year

 a month/year later
 the following month/year
next month/year
 the next month/year

 at that time
now  then

today that day

 a day later
tomorrow  the following/next day

 the day before

yesterday  the previous day

 two days/weeks before

two days/weeks ago  two days/weeks earlier

Examples of Reported Speech

Direct Speech Reported Speech

“Will I receive the packet tomorrow?” He asked if he would receive the packet the following day.

“I have to return the book two days ago.” She said that she had to return the book two days earlier.

Direct speech yang diubah menjadi reported speech tersebut dapat berupa

 statement (pernyataan)
 imperative (command (perintah), invitation (undangan), request (permintaan))
 yes/no question (pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak), maupun
 information question atau wh-question (pertanyaan akan informasi)

Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Reported Speech

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

statement He said that he was not hungry at that time.

(Dia berkata bahwa dia tidak lapar saat itu.)
“I’m not hungry now.”
(Saya tidak lapar sekarang.)

imperative She told me not to touch her computer.

(Dia berkata pada saya untuk tidak menyentuh komputernya.)
“Do not touch my computer!”
(Jangan sentuh komputerku!)

yes-no question She wanted to know if I’d eaten her cake.

(Dia ingin tahu apakah saya telah memakan kuenya.)
“Did you eat my cake?”
(Apakah kamu makan kueku?)

information question He asked me who the winner was.

(Dia bertanya pada saya siapa pemenangnya.)
“Who is the winner?”
(Siapa pemenangnya?)

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