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Chinese Word: 车 chē -- car

Chinese Word: 帮助 bāngzhù -- help, to help
Chinese Word: 迟到 chídào -- to arrive late, be late
Chinese Word: 快到 kuài dào -- to arrive soon
Chinese Word: 名字 míng zì -- name
Chinese Word: 晚安 wǎn'ān -- goodnight
Chinese Word: 晚上 wǎnshàng -- evening
Chinese Word: 晚 wǎn -- late
Chinese Word: 早上 zǎo shàng -- morning
Chinese Word: 早 zǎo -- early
Chinese Word: 知道 zhīdào -- to know
Chinese Word: 只 zhǐ -- just, only
Chinese Word: 让 ràng -- to let, to make
Chinese Word: 学习 xuéxí -- to study, study
Chinese Word: 热 rè -- hot (for air, atmosphere)
Chinese Word: 男人 nánrén -- Man, men
Chinese Word: 没关系 méi guān xì -- it doesn't matter, no problem
Chinese Word: 家 jiā -- home
Chinese Word: 好的 hǎo de -- OK
Chinese Word:害怕hàipà, 怕pà -- scared, afraid
Chinese Word: 给 gěi -- give
Chinese Word: 感觉 gǎnjué -- to feel, feeling
Chinese Word: 跟 gēn -- with
Chinese Word: 话 huà -- words
Chinese Word: 坏 huài -- bad, spoiled, evil
Chinese Word: 男孩(儿) nánhái(er) -- boy
Chinese Word: 男朋友 nán péngyǒu -- boyfriend
Chinese Word: 女孩(儿) nǚhái(er) -- girl
Chinese Word: 跟 gēn -- with
Chinese Word: 话 huà -- words
Chinese Word: 坏 huài -- bad, spoiled, evil
Chinese Word: 女朋友 nǚpéngyǒu -- girlfriend
Chinese Word: 女人 nǚrén -- woman
Chinese Word: 应该 yīnggāi -- should
Chinese Word: 吃饭 chīfàn -- to eat (food)
Chinese Word: 厕所 cèsuǒ -- toilet
Chinese Word: 看 kàn -- look, watch
Chinese Word: 哪个 nǎgè -- which
Chinese Word: 下午 xiàwǔ -- afternoon
Chinese Word: 星期 xīngqī -- week
Chinese Word: 学校 xuéxiào -- school
Chinese Word: 再见 zài jiàn -- goodbye
Chinese Word: 走 zǒu -- to leave, walk
Chinese Word: 上 shàng -- on, to be on, last
Chinese Word: 帮忙 bāngmáng -- help, do a favour, lend a hand
Chinese Word: 电影 diànyǐng -- movie
Chinese Word: 多久duōjiǔ -- how long
Chinese Word: 时候 shíhòu -- time
Chinese Word: 岁suì -- year of age (age)
Chinese Word: 所以 suǒyǐ -- so, therefore
Chinese Word: 左(边) zuǒ(biān) -- left (side)
Chinese Word: 次 cì -- time (occurrence)
Chiniese Word: 刚 gāng -- just (now)
Chinese Word: 好了 hǎole -- Alright, OK, (enough!)
Chinese Word: 就 jiù -- just (is)
Chinese Word: 就是 jiùshì -- just is
Chinese Word: 聊天 liáotiān -- to chat
Chinese Word: 能 néng -- can (by circumstances)
Chinese Word: 新 xīn -- new
Chinese Word: 下 xià -- next
Chinese Word: 月 yuè -- month
Chinese Word: 不客气 bú kèqì -- you're welcome
Chinese Word: 不用谢 bú yòng xiè -- you're welcome
Chinese Word: 当然 dāngrán -- of course
Chinese Word: 饭 fàn -- meal, food, rice
Chinese Word: 还是 háishì -- or
Chinese Word: 跑 pǎo -- run
Chinese Word: 如果 rúguǒ -- if
Chinese Word: 事情 shìqíng -- thing, (matter, business)
Chinese Word: 样 yàng -- way, manner
Chinese Word: 读 dú -- to read
Chinese Word: 感谢 gǎnxiè -- to thank
Chinese Word: 买 mǎi -- to buy
Chinese Word: 难 nán -- hard, difficult
Chinese Word: 跑步 pǎobù -- go running
Chinese Word: 晚饭 wǎnfàn -- dinner
Chinese Word: 午饭 wǔfàn -- lunch
Chinese Word: 写 xiě -- to write
Chinese Word: 以为 yǐwéi -- thought (presumed)
Chinese Word: 右(边) yòu(biān) -- right (side)
Chinese Word: 爸爸 bàba -- dad, daddy
Chinese Word: 开心 kāixīn -- happy
Chinese Word: 路 lù -- path, road
Chinese Word: 妈妈 mā ma -- mom, mommy
Chinese Word: 笑 xiào -- laugh
Chinese Word: 小孩(儿) xiǎohái (er) -- little child, kid
Chinese Word: 也许 yěxǔ -- maybe, perhaps
Chinese Word: 生气 shēngqì -- angry
Chinese Word: 出 chū -- out
Chinese Word: 点 diǎn -- dot, point, o'clock
Chinese Word: 非常 fēicháng -- very, extremely
Chinese Word: 还是 háishì -- still
Chinese Word: 回 huí -- to return
Chinese Word: 见面 jiànmiàn -- to see, to meet
Chinese Word: 冷 lěng -- cold
Chinese Word: 拼音 pīnyīn -- pinyin (Romanisation)
Chinese Word: 生日 shēngrì -- birthday
Chinese Word: 手 shǒu -- hand
Chinese Word: 颜色 yánsè -- colour, color
Chinese Word: 一起 yīqǐ -- together
Chinese Word: 周 zhōu -- week
Chinese Word: 更 gèng -- more

美 měi -- pretty
美国 měiguó -- America
那么 nàme -- that (for adjectives)
小时 xiǎoshí -- hour
这么 zhème -- that (adjective)
心 xīn -- heart
广东话 guǎngdōng huà -- Cantonese
红色 hóngsè -- red (colour)
或者 huòzhě -- or
讲 jiǎng -- to speak
懒(惰) lǎn(duò) -- lazy
先 xiān -- first
象 xiàng -- To look like, be like, or
想 xiǎng yī xiǎng -- think about it
阿姨 āyí -- aunt, auntie
白色 báisè -- white (colour)
尝试 chángshì -- try
东 dōng -- east
句子 jùzi -- sentence
开 kāi -- to open
门 mén -- door
住 zhù -- to live, to stay
聪明 cōngmíng -- smart, clever
掉 diào -- to fall, drop
更喜欢 gèng xǐ huān -- to prefer (a noun)
死 sǐ -- to die
小学 xiǎoxué -- primary (elementary) school
学校 xuéxiào -- school
远 yuǎn -- far, distant
中国 zhōngguó -- China
多少 duōshǎo -- how much / many
贵 guì -- expensive
好笑 hǎoxiào -- funny
看一看 kàn yí kàn -- take a look
钱包 qiánbāo -- wallet
生病 shēngbìng -- sick
书 shū -- book
包 bāo -- bag
大学 dàxué -- university
棒 bàng -- awesome
告诉 gàosù -- tell
高兴 gāoxìng -- happy
忙 máng -- busy
书包 shūbāo -- book bag
学生 xuéshēng -- student
走一走 zǒu yī zǒu -- take a walk
作业 zuòyè -- homework
半 bàn -- half
干嘛 gànmá -- doing what
回答 huídá -- to answer, an answer
卖 mài -- sell
鸟 niǎo -- bird
水果 shuǐguǒ -- fruit
中学 zhōngxué -- high school
正在 zhèngzài -- right now
别的 bié de -- other
对了 duìle -- by the way
儿子 érzi -- son
好吧 hǎo ba -- all right
开玩笑 kāi wán xiào -- make a joke
可爱 kě ài -- cute
起床 qǐchuáng -- to get up (from bed)
完 wán -- finish, complete
样 yíyàng -- the same
不错 búcuò -- not bad
穿 chuān -- to wear
对 duì -- to, towards, at
花 huā -- flower(s)
蓝色 lán sè -- blue (colour)
不要 búyào -- don't
恭喜 gōngxǐ -- congratulate, congratulations
里面 lǐmiàn, 里lǐ -- inside, in
难过 nánguò -- sad
女儿 nǚ'ér
其他的 qí tā de -- other
少 shǎo -- few
衣服 yīfu -- clothes
一直 yìzhí -- always
走开 zǒu kāi -- go away
再 zài -- again
欢迎 huānyíng -- welcome
别 bié -- don't
天气 tiānqì -- weather
以前 yǐqián -- previously, used to
意思 yìsi -- meaning
大家 dàjiā
过 guò -- to pass
后天 hòutiān
慢 màn -- slow, slowly
玩笑 wánxiào -- (a) joke
玩(儿) wán (er) -- to play
英国 yīng guó -- England
最 zuì -- most
怎么样 zěnme yàng -- how is it, in what way
错 cuò -- wrong, incorrect
孩子 háizi -- child, children
老师 lǎoshī -- teacher
绿色 lǜsè -- green (colour)
胖 pàng -- fat
天 tiān -- sky, day

晚一点 wǎn yīdiǎn -- later, a little later

已经 yǐ jīng -- already
黑色 hēi sè -- black (colour)
前天 qiántiān -- the day before yesterday
食物 shíwù -- food
帅 shuài -- handsome
一会儿 yīhuǐ 'er -- a while
有关 yǒuguān -- about
把 bǎ -- particle for active tense
记得 jìdé -- remember
亲爱的 qīn'ài de -- dear, honey
然后 ránhòu -- and then
手机 shǒujī -- mobile phone, cellphone
头发 tóufa -- hair
带 dài -- to bring
喂 wéi -- hello (when answering phone)
风 fēng -- wind
老 lǎo -- old
骗 piàn -- lie, cheat
讨厌 tǎoyàn -- annoying, to hate
头 tóu -- head
找 zhǎo -- to look for
橘色 júsè -- orange (colour)
等 děng -- wait, wait for
等一下 děng yíxià -- wait a second
过来 guòlái -- come here, come over
空 kōng (or kòng) -- empty,(availability in
图书馆 tú shū guǎn -- library
越来越 yuè lái yuè -- increasingly, more
and more
一下 yíxià -- a moment, a bit
迟早 chízǎo -- sooner or later
对 duì -- to treat, (good / bad for)
回国 huíguó -- return to China, return
厉害 lìhài -- awesome, intense
前男友 qián nányǒu -- ex-boyfriend
前女友 qián nǚyǒu -- ex-girlfriend
世界 shìjiè -- world
希望 xīwàng -- hope, wish for
自己 zìjǐ -- self
汉字 hànzì (字zì) -- (Chinese) Character
流利 liúlì -- fluent, fluently
下雨 xià yǔ -- to rain, it's raining
字典 zìdiǎn -- dictionary
亲嘴 qīnzuǐ -- to kiss
儿女 érnǚ -- children (sons and daughters)
话语 huàyǔ -- words, speech
口音 kǒuyīn -- accent
送 sòng -- to send (as a gift), to
escort (somewhere)
一整天 yī zhěng tiān -- all day
重要 zhòngyào -- important
唱歌 chànggē -- sing (a song)
打 dǎ -- to hit
打电话 dǎ diànhuà -- make a phone call
当 dāng -- while, when, during
电视 diànshì -- Television, TV
黄色 huángsè -- yellow (colour)
健康 jiànkāng -- healthy, health
那边 nà biān -- there, over there
任何 rènhé -- any
身体 shēntǐ -- body
挺 tǐng -- pretty, quite
祝 zhù -- wish, pray, invoke
这边 zhè biān -- here, over here
啊 a -- ah, oh
办法 bànfǎ -- way, solution
笨 bèn -- stupid, dumb
茶 chá -- tea
出去 chūqù -- to go out
地方 dìfāng -- place
电 diàn -- electricity
粉色 fěnsè -- pink (colour)
故事 gùshi -- story
回来 huílái -- come back
近 jìn -- close
很)久 (hěn)jiǔ -- long (time)
开车 kāichē -- to drive a car
免费 miǎnfèi -- free
便宜 piányi -- cheap
奇怪 qíguài -- weird, strange
太太 tàitai -- Mrs, misses, wife
先生 xiānsheng (xiānshēng) -- Mr, Sir,
终于 zhōngyú -- at last, finally
紫色 zǐ sè -- purple (colour)
笨蛋 bèndàn -- idiot
翻译 fānyì -- translate, translation
灰色 huīsè -- grey (colour)
哭 kū -- cry
起来 qǐlái -- to get up
上班 shàngbān -- go to work, work
痛 tòng -- pain, painful
想起来 xiǎng qǐlái -- recall, remember
站起来 zhàn qǐlái -- stand up
种 zhǒng -- kind, type
床 chuáng -- bed
弟弟 dìdi -- younger brother
哥哥 gēge -- older brother
汉语 hànyǔ -- Chinese (language)
机会 jīhuì -- opportunity

经常 jīngcháng -- often, frequently

特别 tèbié -- special, especially
同学 tóngxué -- classmate
分钟 fēnzhōng -- minute
垃圾 lājī -- rubbish, trash, junk
垃圾桶 lājī tǒng -- rubbish bin, trash can
美女 měinǚ -- beautiful girl
忘记 wàngjì -- forget
棕色 zōngsè -- brown (colour)
差不多 chàbùduō -- almost, similar
超 chāo -- super
房子 fángzi -- house
疯狂 fēngkuáng -- crazy
高 gāo -- tall
国家 guójiā -- country
海边 hǎibiān -- beach, seaside
姐姐 jiějie -- older sister
南非 nánfēi -- South Africa
欧洲 ōuzhōu -- Europe
旁边 pángbiān -- next to, side
帅哥 shuàigē -- handsome guy
睡着 shuì zháo -- fall asleep
同意 tóngyì -- agree
西 xī -- west
最近 zuìjìn -- recently
草 cǎo -- grass
弄 nòng -- do, fix, handle, play with
球 qiú -- ball
扔 rēng -- throw, throw away
日 rì -- day(date)
照片 zhàopiān (zhàopiàn) -- picture
纸 zhǐ -- paper
计划 jìhuà -- plan
疼 téng -- pain, painful
外面 wàimiàn -- outside
选 xuǎn -- choose, pick
选择 xuǎnzé -- choose, choice
有一天 yǒu yitiān -- one day
差一点 chà yīdiǎn -- almost
电脑 diànnǎo -- computer
狗 gǒu -- dog
韩国 hán guó -- Korea
金色 jīnsè -- gold (colour)
考试 kǎoshì -- Exam, take an exam
前面 qiánmiàn -- front
搬家 bānjiā -- move house
方便 fāngbiàn -- convenient
跟着 gēnzhe -- to follow
后面 hòumiàn -- behind, back-side
年 nián -- year
怎么了 zěn me le -- what's up? What's wrong?
困 kùn -- sleepy
猫 māo -- cat
伤心 shāng xīn -- sad
停止 tíngzhǐ -- stop
下面 xià miàn -- below, under
德国 déguó -- Germany
读书 dúshū -- read (a) book, study
今年 jīnnián -- this year
妹妹 mèimei -- younger sister
去年 qùnián -- last year
叔叔 shūshu -- uncle
行 xíng -- OK, to work
电话 diànhuà -- phone, phone call
答案 dá'àn -- answer
地址 dìzhǐ -- address
电话号码 diànhuà hàomǎ -- phone number
发 fā -- to send, transmit
关系 guānxi -- relationship
号码 hàomǎ -- number
开始 kāishǐ -- start, begin
后年 hòu nián -- year after next
介绍 jièshào -- to introduce,
每 měi -- every
妻子 qīzi -- wife
前年 qiánnián -- year before last
所有的 suǒyǒu de -- all (of)
同事 tóngshì -- colleague
丈夫 zhàngfu -- husband
老公 lǎogōng -- husband
老婆 lǎopó -- wife
菜 cài -- food, cuisine
贵姓 guìxìng -- honourable surname
您 nín -- you (respectful)
小姐 xiǎojiě -- miss, young lady
姓 xìng -- surname
定 yídìng -- certainly, definitely
澳大利亚 àodàlìyà -- Australia
才 cái -- only, just, actually
当 dāng -- to be (a role)
鼻子 bízi -- nose
耳朵 ěrduo -- ear, ears
马 mǎ -- horse
马上 mǎshàng -- immediately, right away
牛 niú -- cow, cattle
狮子 shīzi -- lion
眼睛 yǎnjīng -- eye(s)
上午 shàngwǔ -- morning, before noon
中午 zhōngwǔ -- noon
脚 jiǎo -- foot, feet
肯定 kěndìng -- sure, definitely, certainly
腿 tuǐ -- leg, legs
英语 yīngyǔ -- English
英语 yīngyǔ -- English
有 yǒu -- have / has / there is
公车 gōngchē -- bus
公园 gōngyuán -- park
凉快 liáng kuai
谁都 shéi dōu -- everyone
游泳 yóuyǒng -- swim, swimming
糟糕 zāogāo -- bad
之后 zhīhòu -- after, afterwards
之前 zhīqián -- before, beforehand
看起来 kàn qǐlái -- looks (like) (as though)
听起来 tīng qǐ lái -- sounds, (like) (as though)

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