Andrew Jackson Outline

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Nitin Aradhya Period 6

10/21/10 10/21/10
APUSH Jackson Outline

Andrew Jackson became an iconic figure in American history during the war of War of
1812. He famous triumph against the british in the Battle of New Orleans was one his most
affluent moment that helped him become a substantial candidate for the presidency. He was
heavily opposed by famous figures such as Henry Clay, who played a major role in a conspiracy
role into making John Quincy Adams president, while making Henry Clay Secretary of State. His
bitter treatment of the native americans would reflect immensely during his presidency,
ultimately alienating them from their homeland. The Jackson era became a significant time
period due to the everlasting changes Jackson caused in American History.
Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of The United States of America. He had
many successful traits that helped him become successful. Since Jackson was a president that
didnt come from the wealth and was uprooted by poverty he allowed the common white man run
in the government. He also improved trade with Europe and South America. He also closed the
national banking system.
However, Andrew Jacksons presidency was measured by his negative influences. He
favored the spoil system and gave most government jobs to his friends and family. He also
tarnished the population of the Native Americans. His infamous trail of tears was the defining
moment in his presidency and expressed his authority as a president. He dislocated thousands of
native Americans to the unknown west without food and shelter, many died on the trail to the
west its self. He also ignored the other 2 branches of government. He ignored John Marshals
advice to dislocate the Native Americans. He also was a prominent slave owner as well.
Overall Andrew Jackson was a harsh leader and became a famous leader for his valor in
the battle of New Orleans but his presidency was defined by non-compassionate decision to spur
the trail of tears, a turning point in his presidency.

Vocab Terms:

1. Election of 1828- historical significance is Andrew Jackson triumhed except federalist

2. Veto of Maysville Road bill (1830)- Andrew Jackson denied buying stocks

3. Nat Turner Rebellion (1831) – Rebellion dealing with slaves .

4. Black Hawk War (1831-32)- Black Hawk tribes immigrates to Illinois.

5. 1833 - Compromise Tariff – Commanded by Henry Clay.

6. Force Act (1833)- Preserve rights of Black People.

7. Treaty of New Echota signed with Cherokees (1835)- Indians had to migrate to

8. 1836 - Beginning of the Texas war for Independence- Texas established a republic.
9. Battle of the Alamo (1836)- Conflict over Texas.

10. John Deer invents the steel tipped plow (1837)- Helped Increase farm production.

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