Professional Development Plan

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Professional Development Plan

Complete the chart below to plan your professional development over the next 2-3 years. Be sure your goals are specific and

Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3:

Integrate technology into Maintaining a work-life balance. Learn how to help students create
classroom. goals.
Rationale: Why did Students are in a very technology rich To become the best possible educator I chose this goal because it can help
you choose this goal? environment, being able to use a work-life balance must be created. student to understand their own
How do you expect it technology in an educational way is a Knowing and understanding where abilities and knowledge. It can help
to improve the must-have. Knowing the proper way being a teacher begins and ends is students to learn early on how to
outcomes of your to integrate technology into content extremely important. A work-life create attainable goals. Student made
areas can help teachers use balance allows for self-care to take goals can help students to be more
future students?
technology in a positive way and help place. When teachers are taking care engaged in their learning.
students learn in different ways. of themselves their students will have
a better learning experience as well as
a social emotional experience.
End Date: By when By the end of second year of By the end of first year of teaching. Before or during first year of
do you expect to teaching. teaching.
accomplish this goal?
Action Timeline: Attend professional development on Daily meditation or journaling. Before school begins speak to
What steps will you integrating technology. Setting schedule of work time and administration about their stance on
take to complete this Speak with coworkers on how they home time. student goal setting.
goal, and by when integrate technology into their Find a planner or time organization Before school begins speak to veteran
will you take them? classrooms. system that works. teachers on their thoughts on student
Example: Speak to administration about goal setting, get ideas on how to
programs that are provided to the implement student goal setting.
1/31/18: Join AACTE
teachers free of charge to use in the Before schools begins or during
classroom. school attend professional
development on student goal setting.

© 2019 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

Resources: What Professional Development Guided journaling Veteran teachers
resources are Other educators Yoga / Exercise Administration
available to assist you Social Media Planner or Calendar Professional Development
in accomplishing your Administration

© 2019 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

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