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Ebooks Vs.

Traditional Books
By Minot Pettinato ; Updated April 12, 2017

Technology has taken over books. There are pros to both ebooks and traditional books.
Ebooks are better for the environment because they save on paper, however with paper
books, you will not have to worry about your reader getting dropped, malfunctioning or
breaking down as you would with an ebook. While you may prefer the convenience of
an ebook, there is still something to be said for curling up in bed with a traditional,
printed book.

Ebook Convenience
Ebooks are simply more convenient than traditional books. Handheld readers are small,
and you can store them away easily when you're traveling or on the go. The lighting on
most readers makes it akin to an actual book page, and if you're unsatisfied with the
text size, you can change the size of it to better suit your eyes. Also, unlike ordering
traditional books online, there will be no shipping costs to ebook readers. Whether
reading the book online or on a handheld reader, you will receive it almost instantly.

Ebook Privacy
For those who are trying to take out a book on a particular subject that may be
embarrassing or private, the privacy afforded by buying an ebook beats awkwardly
standing in the checkout line. Ebooks also allow you to protect your books by password.

Ebook Storage
You can store many ebooks on one device, as opposed to paper books which can
require a mass amount of space. This is also convenient for students who carry
backpacks that could otherwise be loaded down with textbooks.

Ebook Price and Author Pool

For those not looking to purchase ebooks for their handheld readers, there are plenty of
free ebooks available online. One benefit is that you can read them on any piece of
technology that has the Internet and a web browser. There is also a larger pool of
authors to choose from, allowing you to read from unknown talents.

Traditional: No Technology Required

While convenient, technology does not have everyone rushing to read on a digital
screen. Traditional books do not require the purchasing of ebook readers, giving your
credit card number or using the Internet. Especially for those not familiar with
technology, purchasing a traditional book is much easier.

Traditional Collector's Editions

Signed copies, numbered editions and beautiful bindings are all related to traditional
books. With the age of ebooks, collector’s editions and autographed copies of books
might be a thing of the past.

Traditional Decor
Aside from reading, traditional books make for fantastic accent pieces. Those
decorating an office with bookshelves or making a habit of collecting bright, antique
books for a shabby chic style obviously prefer traditional books when making their
decoration decisions.

Book Borrowing
So you've told your friend about the latest book your reading, and he wants to borrow
it. Lending books becomes a much harder task when they take the form of data.
Traditional books allow for book borrowing and lending without having to lend out your
entire reader.
by Taboola
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The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional
By Jill Harness October 22, 2015

Editor’s Note: This article was last updated September 10, 2015.
Editor s Note: This article was last updated September 10, 2015.

While you re browsing the electronic bookshelves of an online bookstore, you may be
tempted to buying a lower-priced eBook over a physical copy. Before you buy either
version though, it s important to realize that there are definite advantages and
disadvantages of each, you should always evaluate your own needs before deciding.

The following are some of the advantages of eBooks over physical titles:


 video playing

 Travel. If you re on the go a lot, you know how heavy regular titles are, particularly if you
intend to finish one book while you are out and need to bring another book with you.
eBooks allow you to bring a whole library with you wherever you go. You can switch
between titles with ease and the weight is lighter than a standard paperback.
 Storage. Those who own a lot of books know how much space they can take up, but with a
reader, your bookshelf is located on a small handheld device, your computer or on both.
This will save you a lot of storage space and also means you have a backup online if
something happens to your books.
 Price. eBooks are often cheaper in the long run because there are no printing fees
associated with them. In fact, you can often find free eBooks online, whereas physical books
almost always cost you something. You must remember however, that readers are not free,
you are going to spend a good amount upfront for a device like this.
 Speed. When you buy an eBook, your reward is instantaneous. Whereas if you order a
book online you have to wait for it to arrive before the fun begins.
 Font adjustments. With an eBook, you can instantly change the darkness of the lettering
or the size of your font. When your eyes feel strained after reading a paper book too long,
you have little choice but to stop reading. With an eBook, you can just change the font size
and keep going. This is also a great feature for those who need large print books.
 Night reading. If you read in bed, an eBook may be a good option as many readers come
with built-in reading lights. These are easy to use and won t get in the way like the lights
attached to actual books do.
Advantages of physical books over electronic titles:
 Resale value. Like music downloads, you ll never actually be able to resell electronic
books. If you are into collectable books, this is a particularly big problem and you should
only use physical titles.
 Reading ease. This one is only really a benefit for those that would otherwise read eBooks
on their computers or phones. If you buy a commercial eReader, it will probably use ink
technology that will not hurt your eyes with backlight. Never the less, you don t need to
worry about this problem with a physical book.
 No devices needed. If you find yourself in a small town without your cell phone or
computer, you won t be able to download a new title for your eBook, but you can always
stop by a local bookstore and pick up a new paperback.
 No batteries. While most readers have a good battery life, there will still be times where
you forget to charge it and then can t read at all. You ll never have this problem with a
standard book.
 No warranties needed. If your eReader breaks, you will have nothing to read until you
receive a new one. Some devices let you read the titles you have saved on your computer,
but it s just something you ll never have to worry about with a physical book. Best of all, if a
book does get damaged to where you can't read it, you can just go to the bookstore and buy
another copy, rather than worrying if it is still covered by the manufacturer s warranty.
 Tradition. Let s face it; you re never going to get that comforting smell of paper or the
weight of a good book in your hands when you read an eBook. And while you can flip ahead
in an eBook, you can t do so in a matter of seconds and flip right back to your page.
As you can see, both types of books have many advantages; the decision is ultimately up to
you. Some people find technology more convenient, while others find the weight and smell
of books to be comforting. Whatever you decide, many of our top online bookstore sites,
particularly and Borders, offer electronic downloads along with physical
books, so you can be certain that all of your favorite titles will still be available.

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Introduction and Thesis Statement

Over the years, eBooks have made a big influence on the world of
literature. Many people of this generation are putting down the
traditional paper books, and picking up eReaders and other tablets
to be their new source of reading. However, eBooks slowly
becoming more and more popular than paper books has its
advantages and disadvantages. When trying to decide wether you
want eBooks or traditional paper books, you have to consider
certain things, such as the physical characteristics of each product,
and the effect the production of these products have on the
A. eBooks Advantages

-"fast, easy and immediate access” to information

-easier to navigate through the books

-provide searching abilities within the book

(Keeter and Marques, LRC 320 Powerpoint Project: E-Books VS. Traditional Books)

B. eBooks Disadvantages

-eReaders can malfunction

C. Traditional Books Advantages

-traditional books can never “malfunction

D. Traditional Books Disdavantages

-not searchable and the reader has to read through the content to find the information

-"[t]raditional books require more maintenance than an e-book"

(Keeter and Marques, LRC 320 Powerpoint Project: E-Books VS. Traditional Books)

Adobe Spark

A. eBooks
-can have multiple books in one, easy-to-carry tablet
B. Traditional Books
-heavier, especially for a high school or college student with multiple

A. eBooks
-require no paper at all to be produced

-the earth metals that are used to produce eReaders and tablets are “highly toxic.”

Baron, Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World

B. Traditional Books

-millions and millions of trees are cut down each year to produce the paper needed for
traditional books

“[i]n 2008, the U.S. book and newspaper industries combined resulted in the harvesting of 125
million trees...”

Hutsko, Are E-Readers Greener than Books

A. eBooks
-eReaders and tablets that are used to read eBooks can be pricey
B. Traditional Books
-the only thing you have to pay for is the cost of the book itself
-however, hard-cover high school or college textbooks are pricey
-over 92 percent of those polled said that they concentrate best
when reading a hard copy book
Baron, Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World
-“[w]hen reading either for (school) work or pleasure, the
preponderance of students found it easiest to concentrate when
reading in print. They also reported multitasking almost three times
as much when reading onscreen as when reading in hard copy."
Baron, Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World
A conclusion that can be drawn from Baron’s studies is that readers
who have difficulty concentrating should stay away from using
In conclusion, consumers will have to decide which choice they

prefer more: of whether to stick with the “old school” paper book or

go with the new, fancy eBook technology. As stated in this essay,

there are advantages and disadvantages with using either eBooks

or traditional books. Thus, it will be up to the consumer to decide

which choice to make based on the pros and cons.

YOU ARE AT:Blog»Advice»Forget E-Books: Why Traditional Books Are Better Than E-Books

Forget E-Books: Why Traditional Books Are

Better Than E-Books

The world is moving towards digitalization – has become a complete catchphrase.

However, that saying is absolutely true. Everything is actually going digital! Imagine
living without your smartphone, laptop, or TV. These gadgets have slowly made a huge
impact on our lives. While technology advancements have their own set of pros, only an
enthusiast reader will understand the joy of actual handheld books. Despite the fact
that it is the age of smartphones, e-books and tablets, traditional books are the better
option. This brings us to our argument about books Vs e-books, so which one do you
think is better? Let’s take a look at why traditional books are better than e-books.
Books Vs E-Books: Books Keep You Focused
Humans tend to get distracted very easily. And, in today’s generation, online messages and
notifications offer a great source of distraction. Even e-books can get distracting with their
wide range of books and online store. Most of the smartphones from the latest mobile phones
price list supports apps that will allow users to download and read books online. While this is
super convenient, smartphones also create a lot of distraction. On the other hand, books keep
you focused. You can switch off your gadgets and get engrossed in your book without any
distractions and interruptions. Books are also a great way to improve attention span.

Books Vs E-Books: They Don’t Run Out of Charge

One of the biggest disadvantages of an e-book is that it can run out of charge when the battery
is low. So, if you are not close to a power socket, your e-book is of no use if it has no charge.
Whereas handheld books don’t run out of charge in a span of few hours, you can read a book
anytime and anywhere as per your convenience. You don’t need to carry a 2 output ports
power bank or look for Wi-Fi; all you have to do is – read. Additionally, if you happen to drop
your book by accident you can rest assured that it will not break, as compared to an e-book.

Books Vs E-Books: Books Do Not Cause Strain

When it comes to books, there is a whole lot of unimaginable collection if you go through
the books price list. If you are an avid reader who is always on the lookout for a new book to
read, you will never run out of options. However, if you are going to prefer an e-reader it can
cause a lot of strain to your eyes and cause blurry vision. While there are some tips to deal with
blurry vision, e-books can disrupt sleep patterns and tire the brain and eyes. So, if you are
going to binge on books, opt for books instead of e-readers.
Books Vs E-Books: Books Improve Visual Comprehension

There are two major benefits of handheld books – they improve memory and visual
comprehension. Handheld books help in triggering memory and remembering details with
perfect clarity. Tiny physical movements like flipping or bookmarking a page will help you
remember where you read a particular quote you liked. These movements cannot be re-created
on an e-book.

Books Vs E-Books: Books Are Collectible & Sharable

When you have books, you can customize it however you want to. You can add notes or
underline words and phrases of interest. Additionally, you can also highlight certain pages.
Books that you bought recently can be read even after years. Moreover, when you have e-books
you cannot share. Handheld books can be passed among people to share and spread

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