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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95

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A review of geophysical methods for geothermal exploration

Janvier Domra Kana a,n, Noël Djongyang a, Danwe Raïdandi a, Philippe Njandjock Nouck b,
Abdouramani Dadjé a,c
Department of Renewable Energy, The Higher Institute of the Sahel, University of Maroua, PO Box 46, Maroua, Cameroon
Department of Physics, University of Yaoundé I, PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon
School of Geology and Mining Engineering, University of Ngaoundere, PO Box 454, Ngaoundere, Cameroon

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Exploration of geothermal resources is important from the energy point of view. Geophysical methods are
Received 7 July 2014 among the three main disciplines applied on the surface to explore geothermal resources, including geology
Received in revised form and the chemistry of thermal fluids. This paper presents various geophysical methods of exploring geothermal
12 November 2014
reservoir. Some comparisons, advantages, and disadvantages of each method are discussed. It was found that,
Accepted 12 December 2014
Available online 1 January 2015
the most successful methods are aimed at parameters that are directly influenced by the geothermal activity,
such as Geophysical well logs, self-potential, Geoelectrical and thermal methods, and are usually referred as
Keywords: direct methods. Other methods explore the physical parameters of the host rock, including magnetic
Energy properties, density and seismic velocity, and are usually referred as indirect or structural methods. It appears
that, direct methods give information on parameters that are influenced by the geothermal activity, while the
Geophysical method
structural methods give information on geological parameters which may reveal structures or geological
Geothermal resources
bodies that are important for the understanding of the geothermal system.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2. Physical properties and geophysical exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3. Geophysical methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1. Indirect or structural methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1.1. Seismic methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1.2. Magnetic measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1.3. Gravimetric method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.2. Direct methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.2.1. Geoelectrical method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.2.2. Thermal methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.2.3. Other methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.2.4. Combining methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

1. Introduction

Geothermal energy is one of the cleaner sources of energy

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 237 95261943. which are gaining importance as an alternative to hydrocarbons.
E-mail address: (J. Domra Kana). According to Gupta and Roy [1], more than 20 countries generate
1364-0321/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of an ideal geothermal system by International Geothermal Association (IGA).

reservoir can form. This hot geothermal water can manifest itself on
the surface as hot springs or geysers, but most of it stays deep
underground, trapped in cracks and porous rock. This natural
collection of hot water is called a geothermal reservoir. Although
the deeper crust and interior of the earth is universally hot, an
enhanced geothermal system lacks two of the three ingredients
required for a naturally occurring geothermal reservoir.
Most geophysical exploration methods have been developed for
the oil and gas industry, and ever more sophisticated tools and
refinements in the different approaches are designed to solve specific
problems associated with the detection and characterization of
hydrocarbon reservoirs. The exploration of geothermal resources has
profited greatly from these developments, however, the methods
cannot always directly transferred from oil and gas to hot water
and/or steam. First of all, physical properties of H2O differ from those
of hydrocarbons, resulting in differing responses of physical measure-
ment methods. Second, geothermal reservoirs can be found in highly
varying geological environments, mostly associated with volcanism,
where hydrocarbons are usually not present. Third, the economically
Fig. 2. Hot rock and hot sedimentary aquifer systems. most interesting geothermal reservoirs are much hotter than any oil or
gas reservoir. At the moderate temperatures comparable to those of
electricity from geothermal resources and about 60 countries hydrocarbons many of the advanced exploration methods are simply
make direct use of geothermal energy. Geothermal studies have cost prohibitive, as the economic potential of a medium-enthalpy
been carried out by many researchers to quantify the thermal geothermal reservoir is much lower than for an oil or gas well. For
characteristics of different geological region over the world and to these reasons, some of the existing geophysical methods have to be
evaluate their suitability for geothermal exploration. adapted to meet the needs of geothermal exploration or different
Several types of geothermal resource can be distinguished [2], methods have to be developed and applied [3].
but an ideal conventional geothermal system requires heat, perme- The use of renewable energies is shot down in many situations
ability, and water (Figs.1 and 2). The heat from the earth’s core because of the relatively high start-up costs and long-term commit-
continuously flows outward. Sometimes the heat, as magma, ment it requires to actually become profitable. It is reason that,
reaches the surface as lava, but it usually remains below the earth’s underdeveloped country like African ones doesn’t use geothermal
crust, heating nearby rock and water, sometimes to levels as hot as energy. Nevertheless they have great potential for this form of power.
several hundred degrees Celsius. When water is heated by the For example the basin of Rio del Rey and Douala basin in Cameroon
earth’s heat, hot water or steam can be trapped in permeable and (Fig. 3), where many geophysical explorations are made for oil and gas
porous rocks under a layer of impermeable rock and a geothermal research, showed interesting geophysical results.
J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95 89

Fig. 3. Geographical map of coastal basin in Cameroon (adapted from [46]).

Geophysical exploration of geothermal resources deals with in boreholes within the earth. The measurements are of the
measurements on the physical properties of the earth. The variations in space or time of one of several physical fields of
emphasis is mainly on parameters that are sensitive to tempera- force. These fields are determined, among other things, by the
ture and fluid content of the rocks, or on parameters that may nature and structure of the subsurface, and because rocks vary
reveal structures that influence the properties of the geothermal widely in their physical properties, at least one of these properties
system. The aim can be to: delineate a geothermal resource; usually shows marked discontinuities from place to place. These
outline a production field; locate aquifers, or structures that may physical properties include thermal conductivity, electrical con-
control aquifers in order to site wells; or assess the general ductivity, propagation velocity of elastic waves, density, tempera-
properties of the geothermal system. ture and magnetic susceptibility.
The important physical parameters in a geothermal system are: Geothermal systems often give distinctive and fairly easily
temperature; porosity; permeability; chemical content of fluid measured discontinuities in physical properties (e.g., high heat
(salinity); and (pressure) [4]. flow, low electrical resistivity, attenuation of high frequency elastic
Geophysical methods used in geothermal exploration can be waves). Clearly the ease with which discontinuities can be
divided into four main groups, depending on the physical para- detected depends on the degree of contrast in the physical
meters measured: potential methods; electrical and electromag- properties between the rocks comprising the geothermal system
netic (EM) methods, seismic methods, radiometric methods. These and surrounding subsurface. Presently, an accurate and unambig-
methods are most commonly used in well-logging. Each method uous interpretation of geophysical data is only possible where the
has a specific application, depending on the physical properties of subsurface structure is simply and known from drill hole data, and
the target and how precisely these properties can be detected by even then it is by no means always achieved.
the technology available. Geothermal reservoirs usually have irregular shapes and occur
This paper aims to present various methods and approaches of in rocks of complex structure and varying type. Emphasis in
geothermal exploration using geophysical method. In this paper geophysical exploration is therefore upon detection of geothermal
we classify the geophysical method in two mains groups: indirect systems and the determination of their relative physical proper-
and direct method. The direct methods include logging method, ties, rather than on precise quantitative interpretation, never-
thermal methods, electrical (resistivity) methods and self- theless some indication of the quality, size and depth of a
potential (SP), while the indirect methods include magnetic geothermal system may often be obtained. In other words,
measurements, gravity measurements, and seismic methods and geophysical surveys are conducted in order to provide data for
others method like remote sensing and gamma ray spectrometry the location of geothermal systems and the estimation of geother-
are also presented. Some comparison, advantage, and disadvan- mal drill hole locations.
tage of each method will also be discussed. Considerable volumes of rock at high temperatures are known
to exist below all major geothermal areas [5–8].
It is evident that geothermal reservoirs and their immediate
2. Physical properties and geophysical exploration surroundings have certain specific physical characteristics that are
susceptible to detection and mapping by geophysical methods. The
A geophysical survey consists of a set of measurements made temperature within the reservoir, i.e., the base temperature [9,10],
over the surface of the earth, in the air above and parallel to it, and is the most important physical characteristic of a geothermal
90 J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95

Seismic methods rely on elastic waves which have different

velocities when travelling through different rock types, and are
refracted or reflected at discontinuities in or between formations
(Fig. 4). There are two types of elastic body waves: P-waves, where
the wave movement is in the travel direction; and S-waves, where
the material movement is perpendicular to the wave direction;
due to the wave movement, S-waves do not penetrate through
fluids, but only solid rocks.
In active measurements a distinction is made between refrac-
tion measurements and reflection measurements, depending on
the procedures. Active measurements give information on the
density of the formations, the porosity and texture, boundaries
and discontinuities and fluid-filled zones and thus even
The information can therefore be quite difficult to interpret and
depth penetration not high, and the method thus not cost-
effective. The strength of the active methods is in sedimentary
Fig. 4. Main components of a seismic reflection. surroundings as is to be expected for the basic methods used for
oil carrying formations [24]. Passive methods use the natural
system. Simply stated, the base temperature is the highest tem- seismic activity to delineate active faults and permeable zones
perature observed in the thermally uniform part of a geothermal (shear wave splitting) or to locate the boundary between brittle
reservoir. and ductile crust, which can be indicative of depth to hear source.
From theoretical calculations [11,12], indicate that a reservoir This can be important for the understanding of the geothermal
with a base temperature of 250 1C would need to have a volume of activity in the measured area. Ganbat, plot a Distribution of
2 to 3 km3 in order to justify exploitation for electric power earthquakes from the Olkaria field in Kenya. The cross-section
production with present day economics and technology. below shows that the main production fields are associated with
The geothermal reservoir rock must have an adequate and relatively high elevation of the brittle/ductile boundary, indicating
suitably distributed permeability should produce at least 20 t/h of high temperatures and shallow depth to heat source [25].
steam; many wells produce at much higher rates [13–19]. Finally, S-wave shadows can be used to predict locations of
The maintenance of high flow rates implies a high degree of bodies of partial melt, or magma chambers [5].
permeability in the reservoir, with a good geothermal well. The
principal geothermal heat carrier, water, must be available in
adequate quantities. As hot geothermal fluids are withdrawn from 3.1.2. Magnetic measurements
wells or from surface manifestations, the hydrological balance of Magnetic methods are widely used in geothermal exploration,
the system is restored, or partially restored, by the inflow of new often together with gravity measurements and seismic refraction,
or recharge water [20]. Knowledge of water movements in in mapping geological structures. Magnetization of rocks is of two
geothermal systems can be obtained with geophysical techniques types: induced magnetization (MI), which has the same direction
[21–23]. as the ambient earth’s field; and permanent magnetization (MP),
which often predominates in igneous rocks and depends upon
their properties and history.
3. Geophysical methods The measurements for local structures such as individual faults
or dykes are done on the ground by regular measurements along
Various methods of geothermal exploration using geophysical parallel profiles or in a grid [24]. Measurements aimed at larger
are reported in the literature. According to the basic approaches anomalies such as mapping of deeper intrusions or outlining
used, they can be classified into two main groups: direct and sedimentary basins are done through aeromagnetic surveys,
indirect method. where the height and spacing of the profiles relies on the
preferred data density [25]. In geothermal exploration an elevation
of about 100 m above ground and 100 m spacing between profile
3.1. Indirect or structural methods
lines is often used, but this is also influenced by the topography
below. Data presentation is through contour maps, and quite
The indirect or structural methods give information on geolo-
advanced filtering techniques can be used to distinguish anomalies
gical parameters which may reveal structures or geological bodies
in the data. Magnetic map of the Hengill high-temperature area,
that are important for the understanding of the geothermal
showing also main tectonic features, Postglacial volcanic eruption
system. These methods are classified as follows:
sites, and the distribution of hot springs and fumaroles; the main
geothermal activity correlates with low magnetic intensity [24].
3.1.1. Seismic methods Measurements are made using fluxgate, proton-precession,
The application of seismic methods for geothermal exploration over hauser, and optical absorption magnetometers. In most cases,
has employed almost every aspect of the seismic spectrum, using total-magnetic field data are acquired; vector measurements are
both active and passive methods. made in some instances. Magnetic rocks contain various combina-
Seismic methods measure sound velocity distribution and tions of induced and remanent magnetization that perturb the
anomalies in the earth as well as attenuation of the sound waves. earth’s primary field [26]. The magnitudes of both induced and
Active methods where an external source is used to create sound remanent magnetization depend on the quantity, composition,
waves, such as explosions or hammer devices, while passive and size of magnetic-mineral grains.
methods detect the seismic activity in the earth and use that to Magnetic anomalies may be related to primary igneous or
get information on parameters that may be influential for the sedimentary processes that establish the magnetic mineralogy,
geothermal system. or they may be related to secondary alteration that either
J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95 91

introduces or removes magnetic minerals. In mineral exploration resistivity measurements is the Ohm’s law, which states that [29]:
and its geoenvironmental considerations, the secondary effects in E ¼ ρj ð3Þ
rocks that host ore deposits associated with hydrothermal systems
are important [27,28] and magnetic surveys may outline zones of where E is the electrical field strength (V/m); j is the current
fossil hydrothermal activity. density (A/m2); and ρ is the electrical resistivity (S/m), which is a
material constant. For a unit cube/bar, the relationship for
resistivity is defined as:
3.1.3. Gravimetric method
The purpose of a relative gravity survey is to directly map the ρ¼ ð4Þ
structure of the subsurface. Gravity is the attractive force between I
two or more bodies of mass. The force is proportional to the mass
of the object, and decreases with distance as seen in the 1/R2 term The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity (S/m), thus it is also
of Eq. (1) [29]. possible to talk about conductivity measurements. However, in
GM geothermal, the tradition is to refer to electrical or resistivity
g¼ ð1Þ measurements.
According to the type of power, the electrical methods are grouped
The density contrast leads to a different gravitational force into two mains groups. The first is called active method. This group is
which is measured, and usually presented in mgal or 10  3 cm/s2. subdivided in methods that pass alternative current (AC) or direct
In order to obtain information about the subsurface density from current (DC) current into the ground, and into methods that use the
the gravity measurement, it is necessary to make several correc- induction phenomenon. In the first case, the DC/AC vertical electrical
tions to the measured value. The final corrected values of the sounding (VES) of Schlumberger or Wenner array, dipole–dipole and
gravity anomaly, is called Bouguer anomaly and is given by [25]: bipole–dipole arrays are the examples. In the second case transient
g ¼ g obs  g n þ 0:3086h  0:04193rh þ TC ð2Þ electromagnetics (TEM) and controlled source electromagnetics
(CSEM) and Sirotem methods are typical examples. The second group,
where g obs is gravity readings observed at each gravity station after called passive, consists of methods that use natural electromagnetic
corrections have been applied for instrument drift and earth tides. (EM) fields as power sources energizing the ground. According to the
0.3086h is the gravity variations caused by elevation differences in range of frequencies of the EM field used these methods are
the observation locations. 0.04193rh is the correction from the distinguished in the magneto telluric (MT) (very long periods) and
excess mass material between the station and sea level. g n is the audiomagnetotellurics (AMT) (in the range of audio frequencies).
normal reference gravity according to an international formula. TC
is the field correction accounts for variations in the observed
gravitational values. DC method. The developed electrical potential field is
Assuming these corrections have accurately accounted for the measured ðΔVÞ and generally the following equation holds [29]:
variations in gravitational acceleration, the Corrected Bouguer
Gravity can be assumed to be caused by variation density beneath ρa ¼ ð5Þ
the observation point.
The density of the rocks depends mainly on the rock composi- where ρa is the apparent resistivity, K is the geometrical factor of
tion and its porosity, but partial saturation of the rocks may also the array used, ΔV is the measured potential difference and I is the
influence the values. Normally the density is between 2 and 3 g/ current passed through the ground.
cm3. The raw data needs to be corrected for several factors. The DC measurements are the oldest of the resistivity methods, at
results are usually presented or shown in Bouger maps based on least as methods used for geothermal exploration but their
the Bouger anomaly Δg B , where corrections have been done on application is not as common nowadays. Most of the configura-
the measured value g M for tidal effects, elevation, local topogra- tions rely on two pairs of electrodes, one pair for current
phy, latitude and drift in the gravimeter. An example is plotted by transmission and the other for measuring the potential difference.
Arnason, [24], shows a Bouger gravity anomaly map of the Hengill According to the geometry on the ground surface of the
area. An important additional application has been the use of electrodes, various methodologies have been developed. The most
precision gravity measurements for monitoring mass extraction in important are:
geothermal systems with production [30].
 Schlumberger sounding, which has been widely used for a long
time and is still the most popular one. The electrodes are on a
3.2. Direct methods
line, and the set-up is mirrored around the center. The pair of
potential electrodes is kept close to the center, while the pair of
The direct methods give information on parameters that are
current electrodes is gradually moved away from the center, for
influenced by the geothermal activity. These methods are:
the current to probe deeper and deeper into the earth.
 Dipole sounding or profiling; here various arrays exist, many
3.2.1. Geoelectrical method used quite extensively in the 1970s into the 1980s.
A survey in the geophysical literature concerning geothermal  Wenner method, electrodes are placed in line, equally spaced at
exploration, and more particularly in electrical methods, reveals a distance L. Depth probing is achieved by changing the
the existence of various techniques and methodologies used. interelectrode spacing a in successively increasing steps. The
Electrical methods which are used in geothermal exploration geometrical factor is equal to 2πL and the measurements are
measure the electrical resistivity distribution of the ground in displayed as ρa versus L.
one or another way. From the resistivity distribution in the ground,
structural and stratigraphic information can be obtained. Georgsson et al. [31] plot a regional resistivity map from
Husavik, N-Iceland based on Schlumberger soundings reflecting Principle. The main principle is that electrical current is the resistivity at 500 m below sea level. It shows well a defined
induced into the earth which generates an electromagnetic signal low-resistivity anomaly associated with the powerful Hveravellir
that is monitored at the surface. The basic relationship behind low-temperature area.
92 J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95 Induction method. This category consists of methods based These polarized fault zones generate a static electrical potential
on the study of the electromagnetic field set up by a current field, which can be measured on the ground surface. Mapping of
transmitting in the audio frequency range grounded dipole. Active this field provides an insight of the SP anomalies observed in the
audiomagnetotellurics (AAMT), transient electro-magnetic (TEM) study area. Positive, negative, and, more often, dipolar anomalies
Sirotem methods time domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) are observed. In Japan the method has also been used for reservoir
controlled source electromagnetics (CSEM) and controlled source monitoring especially for liquid-dominated geothermal systems,
audiomagnetotellurics (CSAMT) fall into this category [32]. assuming that the main cause of the SP anomaly is streaming
In this methodology the electromagnetic field, set up by the potential [38].
transmitting dipole, is measured. The two components Ex and Ey of An example is given by resistivity cross-section from the Krafla
the electric field and the associated three components H x , H y and high-temperature system in N-Iceland. It reflects well the low
H z of the magnetic field are measured. The apparent resistivity is resistivity close to the surface and the higher resistivity below
generally calculated as [33]: associated with the exploitable geothermal reservoir at 1–4 km
depth. Below that an extensive low-resistivity body may reflect
ρa ¼ 0:2T jZ j2 ð6Þ
partially molten magma [26].
where ρa is the apparent resistivity, T is the period in seconds of
the spectral component of the EM wave, and 3.2.2. Thermal methods
Ex  Ey In the thermal method, two distinct techniques can be distin-
z¼ ¼ ð7Þ
Hy Hx guish: borehole or shallow probe methods for measuring thermal
gradient, which is useful itself, and with a knowledge of the
thermal conductivity provides a measure of heat flow, and air-
Depth penetration of these methods may be expressed in terms
borne or satellite-based measurements, which can be used to
of skin depth (d¼ 0.5 (ρ/f)2 km), where a plane wave is attenuated
determine the earth’s surface temperature and thermal inertia of
at 37% of its original amplitude.
surficial materials, of thermal infrared radiation emitted at the
earth’s surface [39]. Frequency domain electromagnetic (FEM) methods. In the group Thermal methods include direct measurements of temperature
of passive electrical methods, we have: telluric, the self-potential (SP), and/or heat, and thus correlate better with the properties of the
the magnetotelluric (MT), the audiomagnetotelluric (AMT). geothermal system than other methods. However, as a (near-)
MT and AMT methods use natural electromagnetic fields for surface method they are limited to shallow levels. To measure
energizing the ground. The method has been well-described by temperatures close to the surface, in the uppermost meter or so, is
Strangway et al. [34] in relation to mineral explorations. The fairly simple [40]. Knowledge about status at deeper levels is based
details will not be repeated here. For our purposes it is sufficient on the existence of wells, usually shallow gradient wells (e.g. 30–
to know that the scalar apparent resistivity (in ohm m) is given by 100 m deep) [5], from which the thermal gradient can be calcu-
[35], lated and possibly the depth to the exploitable geothermal
resource. Drilling is though usually fairly expensive, and puts
jEx j2
ρa ¼  2 ð8Þ practical limits to the use of the method. Furthermore, shallow
5f H y  wells are not always adequate to get reliable values on the thermal
where f is the frequency in hertz, Ex is the horizontal x-directed
The heat exchange mechanism in the earth is important for
electric field component, and Hy is the horizontal y-directed
interpretation of thermal methods. A distinction is made between:
magnetic field in gammas. Hence to determine the apparent
resistivity at a given frequency the mutually orthogonal electric
 Conduction, which is based on atomic vibrations, and is impor-
and magnetic fields of the distant lightning are measured. The skin
tant for transfer of heat in the earth’s crust;
depth, δ in meters, is an approximate measure of exploration
 Convection, which transfers heat by motion of mass, e.g. natural
depth and is given by [35],
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi circulation of hot water; and

ρ  Radiation, which does not influence geothermal systems.
δ ¼ 503 ð9Þ
The simplified geothermal relationship for thermal conduction
is (conductive heat transfer only) [5]:
Thus the maximum exploration depth varies with the square
root of the resistivity of the section and with the inverse square  k ΔT
Q condz ¼ ð10Þ
root of the frequency. Natural EM fields with variable direction, Δz
frequency and strength are used to investigate the resistivity The parameter k, the thermal conductivity (W/m 1C), is a
distribution of the earth [36]. An example is giving by a resistivity material constant, which ranges between 1 and 5 W/m 1C, with
cross-section from the Menengai high-temperature geothermal the low values usually associated with sedimentary formations
system in Kenya down to about 8 km depth. It shows low and the higher for crystalline rocks. The thermal gradient, ΔT/Δz,
resistivity in the uppermost kilometer inside the Menengai crater, gives information on the increase of temperature with depth, and
but higher resistivity at deeper levels [37]. its distribution can be important in formation for understanding
The telluric method is based on the assumption that horizontal and delineation of the geothermal resource, both on a regional
lateral changes in resistivities, caused by geological structures, scale and local scale [41]. If the conductive hear transfer, Q, is 80–
affect the flow of telluric currents. Measurements are taken, in a 100 mW/m2 or higher, it may indicate geothermal conditions in
reference and at a remote station, of the telluric field, and the ratio the subsurface.
of the two fields is used in order to obtain qualitatively results for For convection, a distinction is made between free convection,
the resistivity variations. which is driven by density gradients in the fluid (due to a
The self-potential (SP) method is based totally on a different difference in temperature), and thus the heat is transferred, while
concept. Electrokinetic and thermoelectric phenomena provoke forced convection is driven by an external pressure gradient, such
electrical polarization of fracture zones where hot brines circulate. as hydrostatic head. Convection is a much more powerful way of
J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95 93

transmitting heat, but relies on the permeability of the rocks. 4. Discussion

High-temperature geothermal systems are based on the free
convection of the geothermal fluids, while geothermal systems Different methods may be applied for the exploration of
in sedimentary basins are based on conductive heat flow. How- geothermal resources. Furthermore, different methods are some-
ever, geothermal systems are often of a mixed type. Thermal times used from one country to another despite similar geother-
infrared imaging methods are a specialized branch of more mal surroundings, based on the routines that have been developed
generalized remote sensing techniques. at the different institutions. It is also important to combine
different methods, as relying on the results of measurements of
3.2.3. Other methods a single parameter usually does not give adequate information for Remote sensing. Remote sensing includes methods that good understanding of the geothermal system.
utilize images obtained in the ultra-violet, visible, and near According to indirect methods, seismic method is an ideal
infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Thermal method for geophysical exploration due to his precision, the
infrared observations, discussed previously under thermal standard tool for prospecting, as they can be used to supply a
methods, are also part of remote sensing. Remote sensing data detailed image of the subsurface structure in the sedimentary and
are treated in image format, often in digital form, so that they can other environment of most oil, gas and geothermal reservoirs
be processed conveniently. By comparison with known spectral [4,23]. But this method is so expensive and need many times and
responses of minerals or mineral groups, iron hydroxide minerals, attention by geophysicist.
silica, clay alteration, etc., can be defined over broad areas. Remote Nevertheless, Magnetic method can be benefit for to infer the
sensing can be used in geoenvironmental studies to map surface presence of veins, faults, ore bodies, or igneous rocks, all of which
alteration patterns [42], And to identify anomalous vegetation are indicators of structural changes possibly associated with a
patterns in areas related to abnormal metal content in soil [43]. geothermal heat source [4,24–28]. This method can be classified as
There are two main types of remote sensing: passive and active. preliminary for geothermal exploration. This method has been
Passive sensors detect natural emitted and reflected radiation. very popular during the last 30 years for the rapidity with which
Active remote sensing uses the reflected, or backscattered, signal the measurements can be made and the low cost of operation.
from energy emitted at pre-determined wavelengths. Satellite and Restrictions are the resolution with depth, the complexity of the
airborne imagery can map zones of secondary mineral precipita- interpretation which makes it most reliable only for structures
tion associated with emerging geothermal fluids and attributes with simple geometric shapes, and the insensitivity to the actual
such as heat flux. Aerial photography and terrain mapping with presence of water. But this method has limited by many uncer-
laser ranging also illuminate surface structural features associated tainties (data need filtering) and others things like topography etc.
with geologic settings. this method is most use in Mine exploration.
Similarly, Gravimetric methods are comparatively easy to use
and fairly economical; they provide a good estimate of the extent Gamma-ray spectrometry. Gamma-ray methods [44,45] of bodies with certain density. The resolution and quality of data,
use scintillometry to identify the presence of the natural however, decrease considerably with depth. Gravimetric studies
radioelements potassium, uranium, and thorium; multi-channel therefore provide a useful tool to be used for shallow reservoirs in
spectrometers can provide measures of individual radioelement combination with other geophysical methods. Gravity measure-
abundances. Gamma-ray methods have had wide application in ments are used to detect geological formations with different
uranium exploration because they provide direct detection. densities topography, latitude and drift in the gravimeter. How-
Thorium is generally the most immobile of the three radio ever, the gravity method is somewhat limited due to the ambiguity
elements and has geochemical behavior similar to that of that theoretically an infinite number of density distributions fits a
zirconium. Thorium content, like uranium content, tends to given gravity field and infinite number of applications in geother-
increase in felsic rocks and generally increases with alkalinity. mal exploration include mapping of: basement depth variations in
Gamma ray logs send rays into the walls of the well and collect sedimentary areas, intrusive rocks sometimes associated with a
information about relative rock types. This is important for possible heat source, fault or dyke systems, and alteration/cemen-
differentiating between sandstones, which are good sources of tation due to thermal effects [4,30]. Therefore, other information is
fluids, and shale, which has low porosity and permeability and can needed to be able to fix values, e.g. thicknesses of formations etc.
surround other rock layers and trap fluids. A survey in the geothermal geophysical literature reveals the
existence of many examples for the various geophysical electrical
3.2.4. Combining methods methodologies that have been used in geothermal exploration [33].
Good geophysical surveys are usually based on a combination Electrical methods, in particular, have been employed in the
of methods. It is necessary in order to get a better understanding study of most of the geothermal fields. This method is low
of the geothermal system. Usually, routine methods are to be expensive than others methods. The “efficiency” of the geoelectrical
preferred, but if they do not suffice, then other methods or methods used in geothermal exploration varies very much, and
possibly improvised methods need to be taken into account. depends mainly upon the specific target sought. Thus, resistivity
Combined parameter was illustrate in 2005 at W-Iceland and methods are used for hot brines/alteration zones and faults detec-
shows a simple model of the Asgardur geothermal system, based tion, induced polarization (IP) is used for alteration zones/miner-
on the temperature measurements and the magnetic measure- alization, controlled source electromagnetics (CSEM) and scalar
ments [24]. The NE–SW trending fault mapped by the magnetic audiomagnetotellurics (AMT) are used for hot brines/alteration
measurements is believed to carry the water towards the geother- zones and faults. MT/AMT are used for hot brines/magma chambers
mal field from the highlands, but the geothermal up flow is at its partially melt/regional structure, self-potential (SP) is used for flow
intersection with a northwesterly fracture delineated through the of fluids and heat, while Tellurics are used for hot brines/alteration
soil temperature measurements. Also, before any geophysical zones and fault detection. Electrical methods can be generally used,
exploration, reconnaissance of field can be needed and evaluated in all phases of geothermal research [4,33–36].
by some indirect method and confirmed by direct method. So, the Similarly, Thermal methods (gradient, heat flow, shallow tempera-
problem of the expensively of geophysical tools can be taken into ture, infrared photography) are used to delineate the geothermal field
account. and its extent, while micro seismic studies are often employed to
94 J. Domra Kana et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44 (2015) 87–95

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