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Should Flood Insurance Be Mandatory and Operate Under a Three-Strike Rule?

US citizens living in flood prone areas should have mandatory flood insurance, and a

three-strike rule should be implemented when rebuilding flood damaged property. Because of the

large amount of storms and natural disasters America has experienced in the last few years,

having flood insurance and a backup plan is a relevant topic to discuss. Flood insurance prices

should be raised so the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program), which is the only organization

who offers flood insurance, can afford to rebuild homes. In addition, the organization can begin

to repay the massive amount of money they owe the treasury. In a podcast we listened to titled

“Flood Money,” we met Bill. Bill lives in a very flood prone area of Houston. He told us the

government has paid 1.88 million dollars in total on rebuilding his house several different times.

Bill also said the amount of flood insurance he pays each year is miniscule compared to the

amount of money the NFIP has spent on his house. So, if the prices of flood insurance were

raised, and everyone in flood prone areas had to pay for insurance, then the NFIP could actually

afford to rebuild homes. Additionally, implementing a three strike rule when rebuilding flood

damaged property would be extremely helpful. The NFIP’s spending would be more limited and

less exponential, and they would only need to rebuild the same property three or less times. In an

article we read about the California wildfires titled After California’s Most Destructive Fire

Season, a Debate over Where to Build Homes, we learned about when the head of the Santa

Monica Mountains Conservancy made a radical proposal on live television. He proposed a three

strike rule should be implemented when dealing with homes damaged by fire. He argued about a

different natural disaster, but the same idea applies here. With a three strikes rule, the program

will begin to repay its debt and still stay on top of its flood recovery efforts. In conclusion, the
NFIP needs to raise insurance rates and implement a three strike rule for rebuilding damaged

homes, so they can get out of debt and keep America safe at the same time.

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