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LUZ&CHELIN FOOTWEAR Save some points

Saving points on your purchases, you came

ABOUT US trade gifts on the store, you can choose
whatever you like trading it with just points,
We are a Colombian company dedicated on there is no need on additionnal cash.
the design rpoduction commercialization
and sales of footwear for ladies with the Buy wherever you like and however you
implementation of technology on comfort like.
benefits, in all of our line and new season
for example, foot pillows, shock absorber When you perform a registration you get
heel, and brand new design elements assigned a user code, which allows to any of
No added charges. our stores or online to access to our
We count with 4 sales points inside LA,
online sales, and we handle the process of benefits or redeem your points to fulfill the
Make your registration in our stores and
maquila for our customers amount of your purchase
exhibition stands, no need to buy anything
or any annual charge. If you like any reference and you don’t have
Our approach is the footwear with high
quality processing, applying a hand craft the cash, you can pay on three payments.
Open for everyone
work hand made in Colombia, paints and Guaranteed
some of the proper shoe fabrication The L&C footwear it’s made for empowered
techniques. We have a 4 years trajectory in gentleman and ladies that understand the All of our items on promotion or discounts,
la, we also want to still being part of your necessity to be in the vanguard of fashion have a guarantee of a month and as an
paws in your path. with high comfort for your feet. additional service we offer a repairing
service fee of charge after the end of the
PROPOSAL Each season special discount on our
guarantee, being paid by the customer
collection launch
Advertisement tittle, better in pairs! once the period is over.
Special discount
Advertisement slogan: “If you belong to the On full price items, the guarantee it’s of
l&c everything is happiness”. If you’re a Think twice, it’s better to have 2 pairs and three months after the purchase, and you
regustrated member of the club you will just one, on special references with get in addition
enjoy many prommotions, discounts, discounts higher than the offered to the
traceable points, gift cards and more general audience.
The same repairing service on this period
free of charge once the period is over the
cost it’s paid by the customer.
The assigned card of points it’s personal
and untransferable. Bonuses can not be
used with discounts between 50% and 60%
on selected items.

Promotions are not accumulated

For each transaction there is regustrated a

range of points depending of the amount of
the purchase, if it’s higher then it will get
more points on the assignation.

Points doesn’t expire

Points cannot be traded for money

For further information of our company

services and politics visit us on:


Points of Sale: 200 N. Spring Street Los

Angeles CA 90012 Estados Unidos.

5055 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 860, Los Angeles

CA 90036.

Phone: 1-323-938-0158 / 1-323-938-0159.

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