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Practice Paper

Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper


1. Mr. Bansal is a manager in ABC Corporation. In a meeting, Mr. Y, his subordinate points out his mistake.
Mr .Bansal could not take it in right spirit and start abusing him. His behavior may be called
a. adjustment function b. eco-offensive function
c. knowledge function d. ego-defensive function
e. None of the above
2. Charan had been working in a project where his expertise acts as a crucial factor for his company. For his
company, this project was an important one. Suddenly, he got a very lucrative offer from a rival company
but refused to leave. His commitment may be called as
a. affective commitment b. continuance commitment
c. Normative commitment d. Affecto-Continuance commitment
e. Both a and c
3. People who believe that they are the masters of their fate and captain of their souls, are having strong
a. Internal locus of control b. External Locus of control
c. Emotional stability d. Extraversion
e. Both b & c
4. Tarun is having an ability to adapt his behaviour according to the demand of the situation. He may be
a. Risk taking person b. Person having high self esteem
c. Person believing in Machiavellianism d. Self monitoring person
e. None of the above
5. Mr. Bhusan wants his subordinate to work hard. So he tells them that the company is having a tradition of
hard work. His behaviour may be called as
a. The knowledge function b. The value expressive function
c. Adjustment function d. eco-defensive function
e. All of the above
6. Arghya believes that polluting environment is a crime. Being a production manager, he has been asked by
his top management to dump industrial waste into the nearby river. For doing the job, he may have
a. Cognitive Dissonance b. Cognitive preference
c. Cognitive interpretation d. Cognitive assurance
e. Cognitive reflection
7. Creative persons having quality penchant are generally
a. Type A personality b. Type B personality
c. Indifferent personality d. Type Z personality
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice Questions

8. Rakesh believes that taking and giving bribe is wrong. This is ____ component of Rakesh‟s attitude.
a. Affective component b. Behavioral component
c. Cognitive component d. None of the above
e. All of the above
9. Orientation is a ____
a. Immaturity to maturity process b. Adult life stage process
c. Socialization process d. Career stage process
e. None of the above
10. Power is a ____motive
a. Primary Motive b. General Motive
c. Secondary Motive d. Common motive
e. Both a &c
11. Tarun used to sit at cubicles. Based on his performance, he was given a cabin. Management tried to satisfy
which type of needs of Tarun
a. Social needs b. Self actualization needs
c. Esteem needs d. Safety needs
e. All of the above
12. Safety + physical needs of Maslow is equal to ____need of ERG theory
a. Growth b. Relatedness
c. Hygiene d. Both b & c
e. None of the above
13. Motivation force = Expectancy x Valence x ____
a. 1st level outcome b. second level outcome
c. Instrumentality d. a&c
e. b&c
14. Nitika is a business analyst with Genpact. She is not happy with her salary because she knows that
Datamonitor pays better than Genpact in project manager position. According to equity theory, this type of
comparison is
a. Self-Inside b. Self outside
c. Other inside d. Other Outside
e. None of the above
15. Curiosity is ____motive
a. primary b. Secondary
c. General d. a&c
e. b&c
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

16. Which is not a reason for work place diversity

a. Changing demographics b. legislation
c. growing international business d. Competitive pressure
e. all of the above
17. Fusion of culture in Coca-Cola is a result of
a. Diversity b. Convergence
c. Arbitrage d. Both b & C
e. None of the above
18. HP believes that its 70 employee will be from the age group of 28-30. HP is an example of
a. Compliance organization b. Redefining organization
c. Exclusionary organization d. Affirmative action organization
e. None of the above
19. Harley Davidson hires very few female employees to show that it does not discriminate against women. It
is an example of
a. Compliance organization b. Redefining organization
c. Exclusionary organization d. Affirmative action organization
e. None of the above
20. Mr. Wang asked one student a question from a concept which he has discussed in the class. The student
could answer the question correctly which prompted Mr. Wang to believe that every body understood the
concept. It is an example of ______ of perception
a. Proximity b. Similarity
c. Continuity d. Closure
e. None of the above
21. Red shirt of Prosenjit attracts attention of everybody. This refers to what type of external stimuli
a. Contrast b. Novelty
c. Motion d. Intensity
e. Repitition
22. Learning comes into which sub process of perception
a. Registration b. Feedback
c. Consequence d. Interpretation
e. All of the above
23. Blue color employees are bad. This is what type of perceptual grouping
a. Proximity b. Similarity
c. Continuity d. Both b & c
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice Questions

24. If we see a picture of an apple even in a black and white picture, we can recognize it as apple. It is an
example of
a. Perceptual context b. Perceptual defense
c. Perceptual constancy d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
25. I believe that Khushid is bad. I can not prove it. So I start telling that may be he is not bad, but he is lazy.
And lazy people are generally bad. This kind of behavior is an example of
a. Perceptual context b. Perceptual defense
c. Perceptual constancy d. Both a and c
e. None of the above
26. An unhealthy, destructive disagreement between two or more people.
a. Functional conflict b. Dysfunctional conflict
c. Intrapersonal conflict d. Displacement
e. Intergroup conflict
27. An approach to understanding a manager‟s concern for production and concern for people.
a. Ohio study b. Fielder theory
c. Managerial Grid d. Pyramid model
e. Path theory
28. Mr. Pankaj Mehta gets sleepless nights and remains anxious when ever he finds a junior of his confronts his
decisions or his seniors call him for any mistakes in his work. What personality factor is “low” and is
resulting in this behavior.
a. Extroversion b. Openness to experience
c. Emotional Stability d. Conscientiousness
e. Agreeableness
29. Ram is a great worker. Ram‟s boss hates drinking like anything. When he comes to know that Ram drinks
regularly, he forgets all the virtues of Ram as worker and rates him poorly in appraisal. This is called
a. Stereotyping b. The halo effect
c. Attribution d. Both a & C
e. None of the above
30. Leader‟s ability to define own as well as subordinates task clearly and getting the task accomplished on
time is called
a. Consideration trait b. Initiating structure
c. Employee oriented leadership d. Both a & C
e. None of the above
31. Michel Dell believes in doing things differently. In leadership theory, it is called
a. Authority compliance b. Middle of the road
c. Country club d. Development-Orientation
e. a, b & c
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

32. In highly unfavorable situation, what type of leadership behavior is prescribed

a. Task motivated b. relationship motivated
c. Mixture of them d. All of the above
e. None of the above
33. An employee who informs authorities of the wrong doings of his/her company or co-workers is known as
a. Grapevine Communication b. Whistle –blowing
c. Feedback loop d. Scapegoating
e. Misleading information
34. According to Maslow, when does a need stop motivating?
a. When it is substantially satisfied b. It never stops motivating
c. When one returns to a lower level need d. When one chooses to move to a higher level need
e. After the fulfillment of lower needs.
35. Jessica is late for work each day by about ten minutes. This behavior exhibits:
a. Consensus b. Similarity
c. Reliability d. Consistency
e. Distinctiveness
36. When employees were asked to pinpoint the causes of their own performance problems, they blame lack of
support from the Manager while the manager claimed that employees lack of effort or lack of ability were
the reasons for the poor performance. The Employees is guilty of:
a. Fundamental attribution error b. Self-serving bias
c. Consensus d. Internal locus of control
e. Distinctiveness
37. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator examines all of the following except:
a. Extroverted/introverted b. Sensing/intuitive
c. Perceiving/judging d. Intelligent/challenged
e. Thinking/Feeling
38. Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called:
a. Extinction b. Punishment
c. Negative reinforcement d. Positive reinforcement
e. Classical learning
39. ______ are repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values of the organization,
what goals are important, which people are important, and which are expendable.
a. Stories b. Rituals
c. Material symbols d. Cultural typologies
e. Organizational value
Multiple Choice Questions

40. According to Hersey and Blanchard, readiness encompasses:

a. The leader‟s motivation b. The age of the followers
c. The follower‟s power d. The ability and willingness of the followers to
e. Motivation of employees take responsibility
41. ______ is a form of illegitimate political behavior.
a. Bypassing chain of command b. Forming coalitions
c. Sabotage d. Obstructing organizational policies through
e. Coercive power excessive adherence to rules
42. One of the main objectives of organizational change is:
a. Adaptation to its environment b. Increased motivation
c. Greater innovation d. Improved performance
e. Improved motivation
43. Quality Circle is a type of:
a. Self-managed work team b. Cross-functional team
c. Problem-solving team d. Organizational change agents
e. Motivational training
44. Stages of conflict occur in the following sequence
a. Potential opposition, Cognition & personalization, Intentions, Behavior & Outcomes
b. Potential opposition, Behavior, intention, Cognition & personalization & Outcomes
c. Intention, incompatibility, Behavior, intention, Cognition & personalization & Outcomes
d. Cognition & personalization, intention, incompatibility, Behavior, outcome
e. Cognition & Personalization, incompatibility, intention, behavior, outcome
45. Leader meets a group of subordinates, discusses the problems with them and listens to their ideas and
suggestions. Later he may take the decision that may or may not be in accordance with his subordinates‟
suggestions. This is ______ leadership style
a. Autocratic b. Participative
c. Directing d. Consultative
e. Selling
46. Which of the following types of organizational structure is characterized by work specialization, division of
labor, abstract rules, hierarchy & impersonality of managers?
a. Matrix structure b. Simple structure
c. Bureaucratic structure d. Formal structure
e. Work groups
47. ______ holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected
a. Equity Theory b. Expectancy Theory
c. Management by objectives d. Goal setting
e. Cognitive dissonance theory
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

48. ______ is represented in the organizational chart and is relatively permanent in nature.
a. Task group b. Work group
c. Cross functional group d. Command Group
e. Team
49. The managerial grid, propounded by Robert Blake and Mouton is a well-developed approach to defining
leadership styles. According to managerial grid, which of the following managerial styles is also known as
1, 1?
a. Impoverished management b. Middle-of-the-road management
c. Country club management d. Team management
e. Authority-obedience
50. Decisions that maximize given values in a given situation are known as
a. Objective rationality b. Conscious rationality
c. Subjective rationality d. Bounded rationality
e. Situational rationality
51. Ram closely monitors day to day activity as a manager. He is
a. Transactional leader of Management by exception (active)
b. Transformational leader
c. Transactional leader of Management by exception (passive)
d. None of the above
e. all of the above
52. Ram browses internet and obtains desired information. In learning theories, it is an example of
a. Classical conditioning b. Social learning
c. Operant conditioning d. vicarious learning
e. both a & d
53. I touch a hot vessel and move my hand away. In learning theories, it is an example of
a. Classical conditioning b. Social learning
c. Operant conditioning d. Vicarious learning
e. None of the above
54. Stimulus presented and behavior encouraged will result in
a. Punishment b. Positive reinforcement
c. Negative reinforcement d. a&c
e. None of the above
55. In ABC model of learning, vision statement is
a. behavior b. Consequence
c. Antecedent d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice Questions

56. Gangplank mechanism is a

a. horizontal communication system b. Vertical Communication system
c. Top down communication system d. lateral communication system
e. all of the above
57. The manager who communicates only when needed and limits their communication only to people whom
they need to interact with is called
a. Humanistic interact b. Informal developer
c. Mechanistic controller d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
58. Middle level managers of General Electric found a brilliant idea. They wanted to let the senior managers
know about it for $100 million budget allocation. But they received a budget of $10 million. They believed
it as a lack of communication. What might happen in communication process?
a. Defensiveness b. cognitive dissonance
c. filtering d. Both a & b
e. None of the above
59. Mr. Bernard used to work as a brand manager with P&G Chile. He was quite successful there. Based on his
performance, management decided to transfer him to China. Mr. Bernard, while taking decisions, started
attacking problems from the angles of Chilean market. It is a syndrome of
a. adjustment heuristic b. The representative heuristic
c. Anchoring heuristic d. Probable heuristics
e. framing heuristics
60. In time of fixing salary for a new applicant, management always takes into consideration his past salary. It
is a syndrome of
a. Adjustment heuristic b. The representative heuristic
c. Anchoring heuristic d. Availability heuristic
e. None of the above
61. Knowing very well that he might fail, Mr. Bernard committed all his resources on the project. In the
context of decision making, it may be called as
a. Availability heuristic b. Escalation of commitment
c. Anchoring heuristic d. Framing effect
e. None of the above
62. Jack Welch always took decision from his Guts. The name of his autobiography is „Straight from the Guts‟.
He followed which of following concept of decision making
a. Simon‟s bounded rationality model b. Economic rationality model
c. Judgmental model d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

63. The use of work group is a

a. Traditional participative technique b. Judgmental participative technique
c. Modern participative technique d. All of the above
e. None of the above
64. Blue ocean strategy stresses on
a. Divergent thinking b. Convergent thinking
c. Cognitive complexity d. Both a & c
e. none of the above
65. Ram was very conservative while in taking risk. He has formed a group with few of his friends and start
investing in derivative trading. The profit and loss belongs to group. This may be called as
a. Group problem solving b. Nominal Group technique
c. Group polarization d. Delphi mechanism
e. None of the above
66. When a person can handle elaborate, intricate and complex stimuli, he is said to have high level of
a. Nominal thinking b. Scalon thinking
c. Cognitive complexity d. Both a & b
e. None of the above
67. When experts sit in different places, don‟t know each other, give decisions and based on the convergence of
their decisions, a company takes certain important decision, it is called
a. Delphi technique b. Group problem solving
c. Group thinking d. Nominal group technique
e. Brain storming
68. In an organization, senior managers have more say. They enjoy which type of power
a. Legitimate power b. cultural power
c. referent power d. Reward Power
e. Punishment power
69. Mr. Tadichu Nakasachi was a famous sword fighter. He had never lost a war. Hediki yashamata wanted to
become a great sword fighter from his childhood. According to Dependency factors, Nakasachi enjoys
a. Importance dependence factor b. Scarcity dependence factor
c. referent factors d. Both a & b
e. None of the above
70. Naveen is an idol to Ram. He is tall, handsome, having great charisma. According to Contingency model, it
is an example of
a. Internalization b. Identification
c. Compliance d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice Questions

71. According to Contingency model, credibility falls under

a. Internalization b. Identification
c. Compliance d. Both b & c
e. None of the above
72. „Responsibility is Individual‟ is a characteristics of
a. Work group b. Work team
c. Conjoint Group d. Delphi group
e. None of the above
73. Focusing on the super ordinate goal is a characteristics of ______
a. Work group b. Work team
c. Conjoint Group d. both a & c
e. none of the above
74. A person who is analytical , original, curious & independent is best suited for the following occupation
i. Economist ii. Accountant
iii. Real Estate agent iv. News reporter
a. (i) & (iv) b. (i) & (ii)
c. (ii) & (iv) d. (iii) & (iv)
e. (i) & (iii)
75. Ombudsperson position is created to promote
a. Upward communication b. Downward communication
c. Horizontal communication d. Lateral communication
e. Diagonal communication
76. Labor management negotiation over wages stands as an example of
a. Collective bargaining b. Distributive bargaining
c. Integrative bargaining d. Conflict resolution
e. Problem solving approach
77. ______ is one way to achieve unfreezing of an organization‟s status quo.
a. Increasing the driving forces directing behavior away from the status quo
b. Decreasing the restraining forces which hinder movement from inequality
c. Increasing employee investment in the status quo
d. Decreasing management‟s investment in change
e. Increasing the rigidity of the organizational hierarchy
78. The step in the action research process where information is gathered about problems, concerns, and
needed changes is known as the ______ stage.
a. Feedback b. Evaluation
c. Diagnosis d. Action
e. Prognosis
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

79. Assertive behavior and wealth acquisition is a phenomenon of ______ in society

a. Masculinity b. Feminism
c. Neutral bias d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
80. Low internal focus coupled with high external focus will result in ______ dimension of conflict handling
a. Problem solving b. Accommodating
c. Avoiding d. Dominating
e. None of the above
81. Which one of the following is not a conflict stimulation technique
a. Restructuring the organization b. Appointing a Devil‟s advocate
c. Bringing outsiders d. Authoritative command
e. All of the above
82. A ______ serves as an informal communication link between the conflicting parties. He is trusted by both

a. Consultant b. Arbitrator
c. Conciliator d. Both a & b
e. None of the above
83. Mr. Varun has been asked to resolve a conflict between two departments. He enjoys absolute power and
authority to take any decision regarding the conflict. He may be called as

a. Consultant b. Arbitrator
c. Conciliator d. a&c
e. None of the above
84. Production department and dispatch department enjoy
a. Reciprocal interdependence b. Sequential interdependence
c. Pooled interdependence d. All of the above
e. none of the above
85. In case of task uncertainty, inter group interaction is ----
a. high b. moderate
c. Low d. No interaction
e. None of the above
86. According to participation theory, when a person who is completely engrossed in an activity is called
a. Montonemosis b. Task involved
c. Task orientated d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice Questions

87. Which one is not a principle of TQM?

a. The organization focuses on the satisfying the needs of consumers
b. All employees should be involved to find the better way
c. Uses reliable data and information
d. In work station, three will not be any supervisor
e. Quality is supreme
88. Mr. Naveen and Mr. Ramanathan work in the same department. They sit in the same floor and meet every
day. Gradually they formed group. Which theory of group dynamics talks about this type of group
a. Theory of propinquity b. Balance theory
c. Exchange theory d. All of the above
e. None of the above
89. The concept of focal role is discussed in
a. RNT- Role Negotiation Technique b. RBT- Role Behavioral Technique
c. RAT- Role Analysis Technique d. RCT- Role Compliance Technique
e. None of the above
90. Achievement orientated culture is called as ______.
a. Adhocracy b. Clan culture
c. Hierarchical culture d. Market culture
e. None of the above
91. When in a group the common efforts of A , B & C is more than summation of individual effort of them,
then cause may be attributed ---
a. Syneremantion b. Synergy
c. Loafing d. Social loafing
e. None of the above
92. In a group, initially people relax but when they see deadline ensuing they start working with a greater pace.
This is called as
a. Norming b. Group equilibrium
c. Punctuated equilibrium d. a&b
e. None of the above
93. Doctors of Calcutta form ______ Group
a. Secondary group b. Reference group
c. In group d. Out group
e. None of the above
94. Which group violates the unity of command even for a temporary period
a. Command group b. Task group
c. Conjoint group d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

95. Find out three missing stages in group development, forming then ------- then -------- then ------- then
Adjourning / Mourning
a. Norming & Storming & Performing b. Norming & performing & storming
c. Performing & Norming & storming d. Storming & Norming & Performing
e. None of the above
96. Find out the missing steps of team building awareness -------- then -------- then -------- then self regulation
and behavioral change
a. Maturation & Integration & Authenticity b. Authenticity & Integration & Maturation
c. Integration & Authenticity & Maturation d. Integration & Maturation & Authenticity
e. None of the above
97. The belief that person functions as a whole is called ______ approach of Team building
a. noriman approach b. Gestalt approach
c. Scheman approach d. Both a & b
e. None of the above
98. Find out the right sequence of socialization process. Pre-arrival -------- then --------.
a. Metasthosis & Encounter b. Metamorphosis & Encounter
c. Encounter & Metamorphosis d. Both a & c
e. None of the above
99. When in a group the common efforts of A , B & C is less than summation of individual effort of them, then
cause may be attributed to
a. Productivity norms b. Social loafing
c. Loafing d. Loafening
e. None of the above
100. The Total market is of Rs 10, where A has 6 and B 4. If the market does not expand, any win of a
tantamounts to same amount of loss to B. When bargaining happens like this, this is called
a. Distributive bargaining b. Integrative bargaining
c. Contextual bargaining d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice – Answers and Explanations


1. (d) ego-defensive function

Ego Defensive function of attitude is activated when people perceive that they are under kind of threat.
2. (c) Normative commitment
A commitment which continues because of some moral value is normative commitment
3. (a) Internal locus of control
People having strong internal control attribute their success and failure to themselves
4. (d) Self monitoring person
A person who can adapt to different situation is called „self monitoring‟ person
5. (b) The value expressive function
The behavior which is purported to express certain values of an individual is called value expressive
function of attitude
6. (a) Cognitive Dissonance
When there is a conflict between the thought and behavior of a person, it is called as cognitive
7. (b) Type B personality
People having type B personality do not experience a sense of urgency when carrying out tasks and do
not get upset or impatient if tasks are not accomplished within specified time. These type of people are
quality conscious and prefer to go in details
8. (c) Cognitive component
According to tri component model, attitude comprises of three components namely, cognitive, affective
and behavioral. The model says that behavior of a person is preceded by the feeling which is influenced
by thought
9. (c) Socialization process
Orientation is an indoctrination process where an individual gets to know the rules, norms, values of a
company. Socialization is a process where an individual gets to know the norms, rules of a society.
10. (c) Secondary Motive
Primary motives are those motives which are congenital in nature, I, e an individual is born with that
motive. Secondary motives are learned motives while general motives are mixture of primary and
secondary motives
11. (c) Esteem needs
Esteem needs include the need for power, achievement and status.
12. (e) None of the above
Alderfer‟s ERG theory categories needs into three basic groups of core needs
i) Existence needs
ii) Relatedness needs
iii) Growth Needs
Existence needs include physiological well being of an individual. Related needs emphasize the
significance of social and interpersonal relationships while growth needs are related to a person‟s inner
desire for personal growth and development
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

13. (c) Instrumentality

Instrumentality refers to desired reward. In order to make a person motivated, three components need to
be present namely reward, the expectancy or the probability that the effort will be fructified and the
effort must gel with the value system of that individual
14. (d) Other Outside
When somebody compares with somebody working in different vertical in a different company, that
comparison may be called as „Other Outside‟
15. (c) General
Primary motives are those motives which are congenital in nature, I, e an individual is born with that
motive. Secondary motives are learned motives while general motives are mixture of primary and
secondary motives. Children are born with some amount of curiosity, as they learn, they become more
curious. Thus it is a general motive
16. (e) all of the above
Some of the reasons for diversity are changing workforce demographics, legislation and law suits,
rapidly growing increase in international business, competitive pressures, etc.
17. (a) Diversity
Diversity embraces and inculcates the spirit of difference in a single place. People from different back
ground come together in an organization
18. (c) Exclusionary organization
Exclusionary organization allows the domination of one group over others in the workforce on the basis
of certain criteria like age, gender, education, etc
19. (a) Compliance organization
Compliance organizations try to eliminate the discriminatory practices but do not inculcate the true spirit
of diversity
20. (d) Closure
According to principle of closure, a person may sometimes perceive a whole when it does not exist.
Taking a sample and predict on the basis of the sample may be called as closure
21. (d) Intensity
Intensity of an external stimulus determines probability of the stimulus to be noticed
22. (d) Interpretation
The sub process of perception follows the below mentioned process
Confrontation------registration------interpretation------feedback------behavior ------ consequence Learning
happens at interpretation stage
23. (b) Similarity
When people try to generalize others based on their profession, then it is called similarity
24. (c) Perceptual constancy
According to the theory of perceptual constancy, the perception of elements like size, shape, color etc
does not change
25. (b) Perceptual defense
When a person tries to defend his view even by distorting meaning, then it may be called as perceptual
26. (b) Dysfunctional conflict
When a conflict culminates into bad consequence, then it may be called as dysfunctional conflict
27. (c) Managerial Grid
Managerial grid is a behavioral theory of leadership, where leader‟s behavior is being measured by his
concern to production and his concerned for employees
Multiple Choice – Answers and Explanations

28. (c) Emotional Stability

Somebody who shows composure and maturity while dealing with people may be called as an
emotionally stable person
29. (b) The halo effect
When people draw a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic, then this
called halo effect
30. (b) Initiating structure
Leader‟s ability to define own as well as subordinates task clearly and getting the task accomplished on
time is called initiating structure. It was one of the parameters in Ohio state study
31. (d) Development-Orientation
Leaders who do not follow the standard tested path are development oriented leaders
32. (a) Task motivated
Fiedler contingency model judge a situation as favorable or unfavorable based on three parameters
namely leader-member relationship, degree of task structure and leader‟s position. When all the three
parameters are in favor of a leader, then the situation may be called as highly favorable. In highly
favorable or highly unfavorable situation, task oriented leadership is preferred
33. (b) Whistle –blowing
When an employee reveals some wrong doings of the authority, then it is called a whistle blowing
34. (a) When it is substantially satisfied
A physiological or psychological imbalance leads to the creation of need. When somebody is in
equilibrium, need ceases to exist
35. (d) Consistency
Behavioral regularity is called as consistency
36. (b) Self-serving bias
Somebody having self-serving bias tries to justify his beliefs
37. (d) Intelligent/challenged
Intelligent/challenged is not a personality trait
38. (a) Extinction
When a behavior is punished, then this is called extinction of that behavior
39. (b) Rituals
Rituals celebrate key values in a society
40. (d) The ability and willingness of the followers to take responsibility.
Hersey and Blanchard believed that leadership depends on sub-ordinates. Sub-ordinates are judged on
two parameters namely readiness to work and ability to work
41. (c) Sabotage
Sabotage harms political intent
42. (a) Adaptation to its environment
Adaption to its environment is an important objective of organization change
43. (c) Problem-solving team
Quality circle is formed when an organization tries to solve a problem. Members are drawn from same
department, mostly from same hierarchy level to study a problem and solve it
44. (a) Potential opposition, Cognition & personalization, Intentions,Behavior & Outcomes
Stages of conflict are Potential opposition, Cognition & personalization, Intentions, Behavior &
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

45. (d) Consultative

Consultative leadership focuses on participation
46. (c) Bureaucratic structure
Bureaucracy believes on abstract rules and supremacy of hierarchy
47. (b) Expectancy Theory
Motivation is result of reward probability of success x valence
48. (d) Command Group
Command Group is represented in the organizational chart and is relatively permanent in nature.
49. (a) Impoverished management
According to managerial grid, managerial styles I also known as 1,1 is called impoverished leadership,
where concern for production and concern for people is low
50. (d) Bounded rationality
Simon in his model of bounded rationality defined how people decide based on limited information. He
opined that people made a boundary of rationality and believed as per the boundary the decisions are
51. (a) Transactional leader of Management by exception (active)
When a manager monitors day to day activity closely then he may be called as
Transactional leader of Management by exception (active)
52. (c) Operant conditioning
In learning theory, Response to stimulus may be called as operant conditioning which means that people
from the consequence of an activity. If the consequence is positive, they repeat the activity
53. (a) Classical conditioning
Reflex action is a conditioning when stimulus leads to response
54. (b) Positive reinforcement
Behavior encouraged is positive reinforcement
55. (c) Antecedent
Antecedent is a trigger to behavior
56. (a) horizontal communication system
Gangplank mechanism is a horizontal communication system
57. (c) Mechanistic controller
The manager who communicate only when needed and limits their communication only to people whom
they need to interact with is called mechanistic controller
58. (c) filtering
When communication is distorted and certain information get blocked intentionally in upward
communication process, then it is called filtering
59. (b) The representative heuristic
The representative heuristics is generally observed when decision makers tend to predict the probability
of an outcome based on their previous experiences in similar decision making situations
60. (c) Anchoring heuristic
When decision maker makes decision based on some anchoring value, then it may be called as anchoring
61. (b) Escalation of commitment
When because of certain social or psychological factors, a person escalates his/her commitment on his
decision, then it may be called as escalation of commitment
Multiple Choice – Answers and Explanations

62. (a) Simon’s bounded rationality model

Simon in his model of bounded rationality defined how people decide based on limited information. He
opined that people made a boundary of rationality and believed as per the boundary the decisions are
63. (c) Modern participative technique
Participative model believes on employee empowerment which is a recent management phenomenon
64. (a) Divergent thinking
Blue ocean strategy stresses on making competition irrelevant which essentially implies doing things
differently or doing altogether different things
65. (c) Group polarization
When characteristics of an individual gets changed because of the group, then it may be attributed to
group polarization
66. (c) Cognitive complexity
When a person can handle elaborate, intricate and complex stimuli, he is said to have high level of
cognitive complexity
67. (a) Delphi technique
When experts sit in different places, don‟t know each other, give decisions and based on the convergence
of their decisions, a company takes certain important decision, it is called Delphi technique
68. (a) Legitimate power
Legitimate power refers to power that a person receives because of his position in an organization or
69. (d) Both a & b
Dependence of an individual over other depends on importance, scarcity and non-substitutability
70. (b) Identification
When referent and attractiveness are sources of power, then it may be called as identification
71. (a) Internalization
When expertise, legitimacy and credibility are sources of power, then it may be called as internalization
72. (a) Work group
When responsibility is collective as well as individual, then it may be called as team, team has a
superlative goal, but responsibility is individual, then it may be called as group
73. (b) Work team
When responsibility is collective as well as individual, then it may be called as team, team has a
superlative goal, but responsibility is individual, then it may be called as group
74. (a) (i) &(iv)
John Holland talked about the relationships among occupational personality types. He described six
different personality types namely realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional.
Holland argued a person can excel in a job only if his personality traits get with critical success factors
of the Job
75. (a) Upward communication
Ombudsperson is grievance handler and promotes upward communication. When all complaint
mechanisms fail, one can seek the attention of an Ombudsperson. For example, in a bank, if a customer‟s
grievance has not been redressed properly by the bank, he might go to the ombudsperson of that bank
76. (b) Distributive bargaining
When somebody‟s win is tantamount to somebody‟s loss, then it may be called as distributive bargaining
Organizational Behavior: Practice Paper

77. (a) Increasing the driving forces directing behavior away from the status quo
Unfreezing of an organization‟s status quo may be achieved increasing the driving forces directing
behavior away from the status quo
78. (c) Diagnosis
Action research process where information is gathered about problems, concerns, and needed changes is
known as the diagnostic stage
79. (a) Masculinity
The dominant values in masculine societies emphasize on wealth acquisition and assertive behavior
80. (b) Accommodating
Somebody who wants to accommodate others interests in a negotiation process don‟t have high internal
focus. He/she is not bothered about his/her self interest
81. (b) Appointing a Devil’s advocate
When somebody always raises questions on status quo, argues from a different perspectives, he may be
called as Devil‟s Advocate
82. (c) Conciliator
A Conciliator in a negotiation process is accepted by both the parties, tries to solve things informally
83. (b) Arbitrator
When a third party takes the role of an arbitrator, he has the authority to enforce his decisions on the
conflicting parties
84. (c) Pooled interdependence
When two or more groups function independently but their output needs to be combined to achieve the
overall objectives of the organization, the groups are said to have pooled independence
85. (a) high
In case of task uncertainty, inter group interaction is high, because they need to exchange information
86. (e) None of the above
According to participation theory, when a person who is completely engrossed in an activity is called
ego involved
87. (d) In work station, three will not be any supervisor
TQM focuses on satisfying the needs of consumers and thus empowers people across levels and uses
most authentic real time data
88. (a) Theory of propinquity
Theory of propinquity tells that groups are formed because of geographical proximity
89. (c) RAT- Role Analysis Technique
Role Analysis technique (RAT) stresses on the importance of focal role
90. (d) Market culture
Perform or perish type of culture may be called as market culture, in which emphasis is on achievement
91. (b) Synergy
When in a group the common efforts of A, B & C is more than summation of individual effort of them,
then cause may be attributed as synergy
92. (c) Punctuated equilibrium
According to the punctuated equilibrium model, the process of group formation is characterized by long
periods of inertia, punctuated by with brief periods of activity.
93. (a) Secondary group
Secondary groups are generally large in size. In such groups members share the same values and beliefs
and they may not know each other
Multiple Choice – Answers and Explanations

94. (b) Task group

In task group, there are two leaders, one the permanent command group leader and the other, task group
leader, thus it violates unity of command
95. (d) Storming & Norming & Performing
Group formation process in five stage model is as mentioned below
Forming ------- Storming ------- Norming ------- Performing ------- Adjourning
96. (a) Maturation & Integration & Authenticity
team building awareness follows the following stages
Maturation & Integration & Authenticity then self regulation and behavioral change
97. (b) Gestalt approach
The belief that person functions as a whole is called Gestalt approach of Team building
98. (c) Encounter & Metamorphosis
Socialization process is as under
Pre-arrival then encounter and then metamorphosis
99. (b) Social loafing
When in a group the common efforts of A , B & C is less than summation of individual effort of them,
then cause may be attributed to social loafing
100. (a) Distributive bargaining
When somebody‟s win is tantamount to somebody‟s loss, then it may be called as distributive bargaining

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