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puLp fantasy retro roLepLaying

—book of tabLes—
Crafting reCipes .............................................. 8
Enchanted Weapons (Metal) ...................................................................................... 8
Enchanted Weapons (Wood) ...................................................................................... 8
Enchanted Weapons (Leather).................................................................................... 9
Enchanted Shields (All Materials) .............................................................................. 9
Enchanted Armour (Metal) ...................................................................................... 10
Enchanted Armour (Leather) ................................................................................... 10
Enchanted Skill Bonus Items.................................................................................... 11
Mana Enhancers - Free Spells ................................................................................... 11
Mana Enhancers - Mana Multiplication .................................................................. 11
Spell Scrolls .............................................................................................................. 11
Potions (Liquid)........................................................................................................ 12
Potions (Gas) ............................................................................................................ 13
Wands, Rods and Staves (Arcane)............................................................................. 14
Wands, Rods and Staves (Divine/Psychic) ............................................................... 15
Single Use Items ....................................................................................................... 16
Constant Items.......................................................................................................... 17
Arcane Daily Use Items............................................................................................. 18
Divine/Psychic Daily Use Items ............................................................................... 19
Clockwork Automata ................................................................................................20
Golems ......................................................................................................................20
Artificial Limbs .........................................................................................................20
Lightmaster Sails ......................................................................................................20

Lesser arCane speLL paths ............................. 21

Arcane Analysis......................................................................................................... 21

Arcane Perception .....................................................................................................22
Bodily Enhancement ................................................................................................ 23
Breaking and Entering ............................................................................................. 24
Detections ................................................................................................................. 25
Mage Hand ............................................................................................................... 26
Resist Elements ......................................................................................................... 27
Scroll Writing ...........................................................................................................28
Simple Conjuring ..................................................................................................... 29
Spell Protection ........................................................................................................30

greater arCane speLL paths ...........................31

Arcane Control ......................................................................................................... 31
Arcane Defence ......................................................................................................... 32
Arcane Enhancements............................................................................................... 33
Arcane Summoning ..................................................................................................34
Dispel Magic ............................................................................................................. 35
Enchantments ........................................................................................................... 36
Haste ......................................................................................................................... 37
Invisibility ................................................................................................................38
Mystic Movement ..................................................................................................... 39
Polymorph ................................................................................................................40

Lesser Divine speLL paths .............................. 41

Control Weather ....................................................................................................... 41
Divine Health ...........................................................................................................42
Divine Insight ...........................................................................................................43
Divine Light .............................................................................................................44
Divine Sound ............................................................................................................ 45
Divine Walls .............................................................................................................46
Minor Healing .......................................................................................................... 47
Movement .................................................................................................................48
Nature’s Calling ........................................................................................................ 49
Protection from Magic..............................................................................................50
greater Divine speLL paths.............................51
Blood Healing........................................................................................................... 51
Bone Healing ............................................................................................................ 52
Create Food And Drink ............................................................................................ 53
Divine Calm .............................................................................................................54
Divine Lore ............................................................................................................... 55
Muscle Healing ......................................................................................................... 56
Nerve Healing ........................................................................................................... 57
Organ Healing .......................................................................................................... 58
Pathfinding ............................................................................................................... 59
Symbols ....................................................................................................................60

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths ..............................61

Heal Self ................................................................................................................... 61
Lesser Hiding ........................................................................................................... 62
Minor Premonitions ................................................................................................. 63
Psychic Conjuring ....................................................................................................64
Psychic Detection ..................................................................................................... 65
Psycholumination .....................................................................................................66
Psychometry ............................................................................................................. 67
Resist Magic ..............................................................................................................68
Resist Pain ................................................................................................................ 69
Self Defence .............................................................................................................. 70

greater psyChiC speLL paths ...........................71

Bodily Alteration ...................................................................................................... 71
Gas Moulding ........................................................................................................... 72
Iron Will ................................................................................................................... 73
Liquid Moulding ...................................................................................................... 74

Psychic Movement .................................................................................................... 75

Psychic Speed............................................................................................................ 76
Psychoportation........................................................................................................ 77
Sixth Sense................................................................................................................ 78
Solid Moulding ......................................................................................................... 79
Telekinesis ................................................................................................................80

annihiList speLL paths.....................................81

Destroy Bodies.......................................................................................................... 81
Destroy Gasses ..........................................................................................................82
Destroy Liquids ........................................................................................................ 83
Destroy Minds ..........................................................................................................84
Destroy Solids........................................................................................................... 85
Destroy Souls ............................................................................................................ 86

Chirurgeon speLL paths .................................. 87

Artificial Limbs ......................................................................................................... 87
Mend Blood ..............................................................................................................88
Mend Bone................................................................................................................ 89
Mend Flesh ...............................................................................................................90
Mend Muscle ............................................................................................................ 91
Mend Nerves and Organs .........................................................................................92

CLairvoyant speLL paths ................................ 93

Connected Vision ..................................................................................................... 93
Mental Vision ........................................................................................................... 94
Penetrating Vision .................................................................................................... 95
Postcognition ............................................................................................................ 96
4 Precognition ............................................................................................................. 97
True Seeing ...............................................................................................................98
Conjurer speLL paths ..................................... 99
Greater Conjuring ..................................................................................................100
Light Conjuring .......................................................................................................101
Physical Conjuring ................................................................................................. 102
Sound Conjuring .................................................................................................... 103
Tricks of the Mind .................................................................................................. 104

empath speLL paths ...................................... 105

Blood Repair ........................................................................................................... 105
Bone Repair ............................................................................................................ 106
Lay On Hands......................................................................................................... 107
Muscle Repair ......................................................................................................... 108
Nerve and Organ Repair......................................................................................... 109
Skin Repair ............................................................................................................. 110

mountebank speLL paths ...............................111

Appraisal ..................................................................................................................111
Linguistics .............................................................................................................. 112
Patter ...................................................................................................................... 113
Sound Mastery........................................................................................................ 114
Vocal Control .......................................................................................................... 115

neCromanCer speLL paths ............................. 116

Darkness ................................................................................................................. 116
Decay .......................................................................................................................117
Undead Communication ........................................................................................ 118
Undead Control ...................................................................................................... 119
Undead Creation.....................................................................................................120

Undead Summons ................................................................................................... 121

oCCuLtist speLL paths .................................. 122

Change Gasses ........................................................................................................122
Change Liquids....................................................................................................... 123
Change Solids ......................................................................................................... 124
Confusion ............................................................................................................... 125
Greater Hiding ....................................................................................................... 126
Polymorph Self ....................................................................................................... 127

priest speLL paths ........................................ 128

Artificial Life ..........................................................................................................128
Detect Life .............................................................................................................. 129
Protect Life .............................................................................................................130
Raise Dead .............................................................................................................. 131
Summon Life .......................................................................................................... 132
Turn Undead ........................................................................................................... 133

runesmith speLL paths ................................. 134

Arcane Charging ..................................................................................................... 134
Crafting .................................................................................................................. 135
Magical Enhancement ............................................................................................ 136
Metallurgy .............................................................................................................. 137
Non-Arcane Charging ............................................................................................ 138
Potions .................................................................................................................... 139

speLLsworD speLL paths ................................ 140
Awareness ................................................................................................................ 140
Body Control .......................................................................................................... 141
Dodging .................................................................................................................. 142
Regeneration ........................................................................................................... 143
Transcendental Moves ............................................................................................ 144

teLepath speLL paths .................................... 145

Distractions ............................................................................................................ 145
Mental Controls...................................................................................................... 146
Mind Blast .............................................................................................................. 147
Mind Meld .............................................................................................................. 148
Mind Sense ............................................................................................................. 149
Telepathy................................................................................................................. 150

warDen speLL paths ......................................151

Camouflage ..............................................................................................................151
Exploring ................................................................................................................ 152
Protection ............................................................................................................... 153
Survival................................................................................................................... 154
Tracking.................................................................................................................. 155

warLoCk speLL paths .................................... 156

Air Mastery ............................................................................................................. 156
Earth Mastery ......................................................................................................... 157
Fire Mastery ............................................................................................................ 158
Frost Mastery .......................................................................................................... 159
Light Mastery ......................................................................................................... 160
Water Mastery..........................................................................................................161

witCh speLL paths ........................................ 162

Animal Companions ............................................................................................... 162
Animal Lore ............................................................................................................ 163
Nature’s Bounty ...................................................................................................... 164
Nature’s Eye ............................................................................................................ 165
Plant Lore ............................................................................................................... 166
Wild Shape.............................................................................................................. 167

Lightmaster: © 2019 Blacky the Blackball

Released under the Open Game License V1.0a. All text is hereby declared to be “Open Content”
by the terms of that license.

Art Credits
◊ Christof Grobelski (Cover)
6 Rights to all artwork held by Kevin Crawford/Sine Nomine Publishing. All artwork used under
license. Artwork is not “Open Content” by the terms of the Open Game License V1.0a.

Permission is hereby granted to print/photocopy/distribute the contents of this book.

attaCk tabLes .............................................. 168
Axe, Battle............................................................................................................... 168
Axe, Hand ............................................................................................................... 169
Bash ........................................................................................................................ 170
Beak ........................................................................................................................ 171
Bite.......................................................................................................................... 172
Bolas ....................................................................................................................... 173
Bow, Composite ...................................................................................................... 174
Bow, Long ............................................................................................................... 175
Bow, Short .............................................................................................................. 176
Brawling ................................................................................................................. 177
Claw ........................................................................................................................ 178
Club ........................................................................................................................ 179
Crush ...................................................................................................................... 180
Dagger .....................................................................................................................181
Diminutive ............................................................................................................. 182
Fireball.................................................................................................................... 183
Fire Bolt .................................................................................................................. 184
Flail ......................................................................................................................... 185
Frostball .................................................................................................................. 186
Grappling ............................................................................................................... 187
Hammer, War ......................................................................................................... 188
Horn ....................................................................................................................... 189
Ice Bolt .................................................................................................................... 190
Javelin ......................................................................................................................191
Lightning Bolt ........................................................................................................ 192
Mace ....................................................................................................................... 193
Magic Missile .......................................................................................................... 194
Mattock, War.......................................................................................................... 195

Morning Star .......................................................................................................... 196
Mounted Lance ....................................................................................................... 197
Pistol ....................................................................................................................... 198
Polearm ................................................................................................................... 199
Quarterstaff ............................................................................................................200
Sling ........................................................................................................................ 201
Smoothbore ............................................................................................................202
Spear .......................................................................................................................203
Stinger ....................................................................................................................204
Sword, Broad .......................................................................................................... 205
Sword, Falchion ......................................................................................................206
Sword, Rapier ......................................................................................................... 207
Sword, Scimitar ......................................................................................................208
Sword, Short ...........................................................................................................209
Sword, Two-Handed ............................................................................................... 210
Trample ....................................................................................................................211
Water Bolt ............................................................................................................... 212
Whip ....................................................................................................................... 213

CritiCaL strike tabLes ................................. 214

Blunt Critical Strikes .............................................................................................. 214
Fire Critical Strikes ................................................................................................ 215
Frost Critical Strikes............................................................................................... 216
Grappling Critical Strikes ...................................................................................... 217
Knockdown Critical Strikes ................................................................................... 218
Lightning Critical Strikes ...................................................................................... 219
Piercing Critical Strikes .........................................................................................220
Slashing Critical Strikes ......................................................................................... 221

bLank CharaCter sheet ............................... 222

open game LiCense ....................................... 223
Open Game License Version 1.0A ............................................................................223
Enchanted Weapons (Metal)
Time Needed Runesmith
Weapon Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Weapon +1 (Iron) Craft Iron, +1 Weapon 5 4 200gp
Weapon +2 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel, +2 Weapon 7 5 350gp
Weapon +3 (Titanium) Refine Titanium, Craft Titanium 17 10 1,700gp
Weapon +1 (Iron)
Craft Iron, +1 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 16 11 1,760gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +4 (Mithral) Craft Mithral 15 15 2,250gp
Weapon +2 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel,
26 11 2,860gp
With Minor Combat Ability +2 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Minor Combat Ability 26 15 3,900gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +5 (Adamantite) Craft Adamantite 20 20 4,000gp
Weapon +1 (Iron)
Craft Iron, +1 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 23 18 4,140gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +3 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel,
35 13 4,550gp
With Minor Combat Ability +3 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +2 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel,
33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability +2 Weapon, Major Combat Ability
Weapon +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Major Combat Ability 33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +5 (Adamantite)
Craft Adamantite, Minor Combat Ability 31 20 6,200gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +3 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel,
42 18 7,560gp
With Major Combat Ability +3 Weapon, Major Combat Ability
Weapon +5 (Adamantite)
Crafting reCipes

Craft Adamantite, Major Combat Ability 38 20 7,600gp

With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +6 (Aetherite) Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite 45 25 11,250gp
Weapon +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Minor Combat Ability 56 25 14,000gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Major Combat Ability 63 25 15,750gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Weapons (Wood)

Time Needed Runesmith
Weapon Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Weapon +1 Craft Wood, +1 Weapon 5 4 200gp
Weapon +2 Craft Wood, +2 Weapon 9 8 720gp
Weapon +1
Craft Wood, +1 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 16 11 1,760gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +3 Craft Wood, +3 Weapon 14 13 1,820gp
Weapon +2
Craft Wood, +2 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 20 11 2,200gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +3
Craft Wood, +3 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 25 13 3,250gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +1
Craft Wood, +1 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 23 18 4,140gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +4 Craft Wood, +4 Weapon 21 20 4,200gp
Weapon +2
Craft Wood, +2 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 27 18 4,860gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +3
Craft Wood, +3 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 32 18 5,760gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +4
Craft Wood, +4 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 32 20 6,400gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +4
Craft Wood, +4 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 39 20 7,800gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Weapons (Leather)
Time Needed Runesmith
Weapon Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Weapon +1 Craft Organic, +1 Weapon 10 6 600gp
Weapon +2 Craft Organic, +2 Weapon 14 8 1,120gp
Weapon +1
Craft Organic, +1 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 21 11 2,310gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +3 Craft Organic, +3 Weapon 19 13 2,470gp
Weapon +2
Craft Organic, +2 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 25 11 2,750gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +3
Craft Organic, +3 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 30 13 3,900gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +1
Craft Organic, +1 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 28 18 5,040gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +4 Craft Organic, +4 Weapon 26 20 5,200gp
Weapon +2
Craft Organic, +2 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 32 18 5,760gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +3
Craft Organic, +3 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 37 18 6,660gp
With Major Combat Ability
Weapon +4
Craft Organic, +4 Weapon, Minor Combat Ability 37 20 7,400gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Weapon +4
Craft Organic, +4 Weapon, Major Combat Ability 44 20 8,800gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Shields (All Materials)

Time Needed Runesmith
Shield Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed

Crafting reCipes
Shield +1 (Wood) Craft Wood, +1 Armour 6 5 300gp
Shield +2 (Wood) Craft Wood, +2 Armour 10 9 900gp
Shield +1 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +1 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 17 11 1,870gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +3 (Wood) Craft Wood, +3 Armour 15 14 2,100gp
Shield +4 (Mithral) Craft Mithral 15 15 2,250gp
Shield +2 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +2 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 21 11 2,310gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +3 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +3 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 26 14 3,640gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Minor Combat Ability 26 15 3,900gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +5 (Adamantite) Craft Adamantite 20 20 4,000gp
Shield +1 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +1 Armour, Major Combat Ability 24 18 4,320gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +2 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +2 Armour, Major Combat Ability 28 18 5,040gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +3 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +3 Armour, Major Combat Ability 33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Major Combat Ability 33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +5 (Adamantite)
Craft Adamantite, Minor Combat Ability 31 20 6,200gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +4 (Wood) Craft Wood, +4 Armour 26 25 6,500gp
Shield +5 (Adamantite)
Craft Adamantite, Major Combat Ability 38 20 7,600gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +4 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +4 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 37 25 9,250gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +4 (Wood)
Craft Wood, +4 Armour, Major Combat Ability 44 25 11,000gp
With Major Combat Ability
Shield +6 (Aetherite) Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite 45 25 11,250gp
Shield +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Minor Combat Ability 56 25 14,000gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Shield +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Major Combat Ability 63 25 15,750gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Armour (Metal)
Time Needed Runesmith
Armour Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Armour +1 (Iron) Craft Iron, +1 Armour 6 5 300gp
Armour +2 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel 11 6 660gp
Armour +3 (Titanium) Refine Titanium, Craft Titanium 17 10 1,700gp
Armour +1 (Iron)
Craft Iron, +1 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 17 11 1,870gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +4 (Mithral) Craft Mithral 15 15 2,250gp
Armour +2 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel,
27 11 2,970gp
With Minor Combat Ability +2 Armour, Minor Combat Ability
Armour +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Minor Combat Ability 26 15 3,900gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +5 (Adamantite) Craft Adamantite 20 20 4,000gp
Armour +1 (Iron)
Craft Iron, +1 Armour, Major Combat Ability 24 18 4,320gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +3 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel,
36 14 5,040gp
With Minor Combat Ability +3 Armour, Minor Combat Ability
Armour +4 (Mithral)
Craft Mithral, Major Combat Ability 33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +2 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel,
34 18 6,120gp
With Major Combat Ability +2 Armour, Major Combat Ability
Armour +5 (Adamantite)
Craft Adamantite, Minor Combat Ability 31 20 6,200gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +5 (Adamantite)
Craft Adamantite, Major Combat Ability 38 20 7,600gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +3 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel,
Crafting reCipes

43 18 7,740gp
With Major Combat Ability +3 Armour, Major Combat Ability
Armour +6 (Aetherite) Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite 45 25 11,250gp
Armour +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Minor Combat Ability 56 25 14,000gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +6 (Aetherite)
Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite, Major Combat Ability 63 25 15,750gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Armour (Leather)

Time Needed Runesmith
Armour Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Armour +1 Craft Organic, +1 Armour 11 6 660gp
Armour +2 Craft Organic, +2 Armour 15 9 1,350gp
Armour +1
Craft Organic, +1 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 22 11 2,420gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +3 Craft Organic, +3 Armour 20 14 2,800gp
Armour +2
Craft Organic, +2 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 26 11 2,860gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +3
Craft Organic, +3 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 31 14 4,340gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +1
Craft Organic, +1 Armour, Major Combat Ability 29 18 5,220gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +2
Craft Organic, +2 Armour, Major Combat Ability 33 18 5,940gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +3
Craft Organic, +3 Armour, Major Combat Ability 38 18 6,840gp
With Major Combat Ability
Armour +4 Craft Organic, +4 Armour 31 25 7,750gp
Armour +4
Craft Organic, +4 Armour, Minor Combat Ability 42 25 10,500gp
With Minor Combat Ability
Armour +4
Craft Organic, +4 Armour, Major Combat Ability 49 25 12,250gp
With Major Combat Ability

Enchanted Skill Bonus Items (All Materials)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Skill +1 (Low Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft Low Steel 7 5 350gp
Skill +1 (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, +1 Skill 7 6 420gp
Skill +1 (Cloth) Craft Cloth, +1 Skill 9 6 540gp
Skill +2 (High Steel) Iron To Steel, Craft High Steel 11 6 660gp
Skill +1 (Leather) Craft Organic, +1 Skill 12 6 720gp
Skill +2 (Wood) Craft Wood, +2 Skill 11 10 1,100gp
Skill +2 (Cloth) Craft Cloth, +2 Skill 13 10 1,300gp
Skill +2 (Leather) Craft Leather, +2 Skill 16 10 1,600gp
Skill +3 (Titanium) Refine Titanium, Craft Titanium 17 10 1,700gp
Skill +4 (Mithral) Craft Mithral 15 15 2,250gp
Skill +3 (Wood) Craft Wood, +3 Skill 16 15 2,400gp
Skill +3 (Cloth) Craft Cloth, +3 Skill 18 15 2,700gp
Skill +3 (Leather) Craft Leather, +3 Skill 21 15 3,150gp
Skill +5 (Adamantite) Craft Adamantite 20 20 4,000gp
Skill +6 (Aetherite) Condense Aetherite, Craft Aetherite 45 25 11,250gp
Skill +4 (Wood) Craft Wood, +4 Skill 51 50 25,500gp
Skill +4 (Cloth) Craft Cloth, +4 Skill 53 50 26,500gp
Skill +4 (Leather) Craft Leather, +4 Skill 56 50 28,000gp

Mana Enhancers - Free Spells (All Materials)

Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed

Crafting reCipes
1 Free Spell (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, Mana Enhancer (+1) 4 3 120gp
1 Free Spell (Cloth) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (+1) 6 3 180gp
1 Free Spell (Leather) Craft Organic, Mana Enhancer (+1) 9 6 540gp
2 Free Spells (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, Mana Enhancer (+2) 8 7 560gp
2 Free Spells (Cloth) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (+2) 10 7 700gp
2 Free Spells (Leather) Craft Organic, Mana Enhancer (+2) 13 7 910gp

Mana Enhancers - Mana Multiplication (All Materials)

Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
x2 Mana (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, Mana Enhancer (x2) 13 12 1,560gp
x2 Mana (Cloth) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (x2) 15 12 1,800gp
x2 Mana (Leather) Craft Organic, Mana Enhancer (x2) 18 12 2,160gp
x3 Mana (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, Mana Enhancer (x3) 18 17 3,060gp
x3 Mana (Cloth) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (x3) 20 17 3,400gp
x3 Mana (Leather) Craft Organic, Mana Enhancer (x3) 23 17 3,910gp
x4 Mana (Wood/Iron) Craft Wood, Mana Enhancer (x4) 31 30 9,300gp
x4 Mana (Cloth) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (x4) 33 30 9,900gp
x4 Mana (Leather) Craft Cloth, Mana Enhancer (x4) 36 30 10,800gp

Spell Scrolls
Time Needed Runesmith
Scroll Type Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Spell Scroll (1st Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (1st Level) 3 2 60gp
Spell Scroll (2nd Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (2nd Level) 5 4 200gp
Spell Scroll (3rd Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (3rd Level) 8 7 560gp
Spell Scroll (5th Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (5th Level) 10 9 900gp
Spell Scroll (7th Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (7th Level) 13 12 1,560gp
Spell Scroll (10th Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (10th Level) 15 14 2,100gp
Spell Scroll (20th Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (20th Level) 26 25 6,500gp
Spell Scroll (50th Level) Craft Wood, Create Spell Scroll (50th Level) 51 50 25,500gp

Potions (Liquid)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
Arcane Spell (1st Level) 8 3 240gp
Make Potion (1st Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
Div/Psi Spell (1st Level) 8 3 240gp
Make Potion (1st Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
Arcane Spell (2nd Level) 14 6 840gp
Make Potion (2nd Level),<Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
Div/Psi Spell (2nd Level) 15 6 900gp
Make Potion (2nd Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
Arcane Spell (3rd Level) 20 9 1,800gp
Make Potion (3rd Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),
Div/Psi Spell (3rd Level) 22 9 1,980gp
Make Potion (3rd Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
Arcane Spell (4th Level) 26 12 3,120gp
Make Potion (4th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (4th Level) 27 12 3,240gp
Make Potion (4th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
Arcane Spell (5th Level) 32 15 4,800gp
Make Potion (5th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (5th Level) 35 15 5,250gp
Make Potion (5th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (6th Level),
Arcane Spell (6th Level) 37 17 6,290gp
Make Potion (7th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (7th Level),
Arcane Spell (7th Level) 40 17 6,800gp
Make Potion (7th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level),
Crafting reCipes

Div/Psi Spell (6th Level) 40 17 6,800gp

Make Potion (7th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (7th Level) 43 18 7,740gp
Make Potion (7th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (8th Level),
Arcane Spell (8th Level) 47 20 9,400gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Spell (9th Level) 50 20 10,000gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Spell (10th Level) 51 20 10,200gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (8th Level) 54 25 13,500gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (9th Level) 55 25 13,750gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (10th Level) 56 25 14,000gp
Make Potion (10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (11th Level) 87 50 43,500gp
Make Potion (13th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (12th Level) 88 50 44,000gp
Make Potion (13th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (13th Level) 89 50 44,500gp
Make Potion (13th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (14th Level) 95 50 47,500gp
Make Potion (17th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (15th Level) 96 50 48,000gp
Make Potion (17th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (16th Level) 97 50 48,500gp
Make Potion (17th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (17th Level) 98 50 49,000gp
Make Potion (17th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (18th Level) 119 50 59,500gp
Make Potion (20th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (19th Level) 120 50 60,000gp
Make Potion (20th Level), <Spell>
Craft Liquid, Implant Arcane (50th Level),
Arcane Spell (20th Level) 121 50 60,500gp
Make Potion (20th Level), <Spell>

Potions (Gas)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (1st Level), Make Potion (1st
Arcane Spell (1st Level) 12 5 600gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level), Make Potion (1st
Div/Psi Spell (1st Level) 12 5 600gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (2nd Level), Make Potion (2nd
Arcane Spell (2nd Level) 18 6 1,080gp
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level), Make Potion
Div/Psi Spell (2nd Level) 19 6 1,140gp
(2nd Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (3rd Level), Make Potion (3rd
Arcane Spell (3rd Level) 24 9 2,160gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level), Make Potion (3rd
Div/Psi Spell (3rd Level) 26 9 2,340gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (4th Level), Make Potion (4th
Arcane Spell (4th Level) 30 12 3,600gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level), Make Potion (4th
Div/Psi Spell (4th Level) 33 12 3,960gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (5th Level), Make Potion (5th
Arcane Spell (5th Level) 36 15 5,400gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level), Make Potion (5th
Div/Psi Spell (5th Level) 39 15 5,850gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (6th Level), Make Potion (7th
Arcane Spell (6th Level) 41 17 6,970gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (7th Level), Make Potion (7th
Arcane Spell (7th Level) 44 17 7,480gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level), Make Potion (7th

Crafting reCipes
Div/Psi Spell (6th Level) 44 17 7,480gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level), Make Potion (7th
Div/Psi Spell (7th Level) 47 18 8,460gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (8th Level), Make Potion (10th
Arcane Spell (8th Level) 51 20 10,200gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (10th Level), Make Potion (10th
Arcane Spell (9th Level) 54 20 10,800gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (10th Level), Make Potion (10th
Arcane Spell (10th Level) 55 20 11,000gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), Make Potion
Div/Psi Spell (8th Level) 58 25 14,500gp
(10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), Make Potion
Div/Psi Spell (9th Level) 59 25 14,750gp
(10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), Make Potion
Div/Psi Spell (10th Level) 60 25 15,000gp
(10th Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (13th
Arcane Spell (11th Level) 91 50 45,500gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (13th
Arcane Spell (12th Level) 92 50 46,000gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (13th
Arcane Spell (13th Level) 93 50 46,500gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (17th
Arcane Spell (14th Level) 99 50 49,500gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (17th
Arcane Spell (15th Level) 100 50 50,000gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (17th
Arcane Spell (16th Level) 101 50 50,500gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (17th
Arcane Spell (17th Level) 102 50 51,000gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (20th
Arcane Spell (18th Level) 123 50 61,500gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (20th
Arcane Spell (19th Level) 124 50 62,000gp
Level), <Spell>
Craft Gas, Implant Arcane (50th Level), Make Potion (20th
Arcane Spell (20th Level) 125 50 62,500gp
Level), <Spell>

Arcane Wands, Rods, and Staves (Crafting, assumed to be made of wood)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Craft Wood, Craft Wand, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
Arcane Wand (1st Level) 14 5 700gp
Charge Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Wand, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
Arcane Wand (2nd Level) 17 5 850gp
Charge Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
Arcane Rod (1st Level) 23 10 2,300gp
Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
Arcane Rod (2nd Level) 26 10 2,600gp
Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
Arcane Rod (3rd Level) 29 10 2,900gp
Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
Arcane Rod (4th Level) 32 10 3,200gp
Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
Arcane Rod (5th Level) 35 11 3,850gp
Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
Arcane Staff (1st Level) 32 15 4,800gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
Arcane Staff (2nd Level) 35 15 5,250gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
Arcane Staff (3rd Level) 38 15 5,700gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
Arcane Staff (4th Level) 41 15 6,150gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
Arcane Staff (5th Level) 44 15 6,600gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (6th Level),
Crafting reCipes

Arcane Staff (6th Level) 47 15 7,050gp

Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (7th Level),
Arcane Staff (7th Level) 50 15 7,500gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (8th Level),
Arcane Staff (8th Level) 54 18 9,720gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Staff (9th Level) 57 20 11,400gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Staff (10th Level) 58 20 11,600gp
Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>

Arcane Wands, Rods, and Staves (Recharging)

Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Arcane Wand (1st Level) Charge Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted> 5 4 200gp
Arcane Wand (2nd Level) Charge Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted> 6 4 240gp
Arcane Rod (1st Level) Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 9 8 720gp
Arcane Rod (2nd Level) Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 10 8 800gp
Arcane Rod (3rd Level) Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 11 8 880gp
Arcane Rod (4th Level) Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 12 8 960gp
Arcane Rod (5th Level) Charge Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 13 8 1,040gp
Arcane Staff (1st Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 13 12 1,560gp
Arcane Staff (2nd Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 14 12 1,680gp
Arcane Staff (3rd Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 15 12 1,800gp
Arcane Staff (4th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 16 12 1,920gp
Arcane Staff (5th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 17 12 2,040gp
Arcane Staff (6th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 18 12 2,160gp
Arcane Staff (7th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 19 12 2,280gp
Arcane Staff (8th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 20 12 2,400gp
Arcane Staff (9th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 21 12 2,520gp
Arcane Staff (10th Level) Charge Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 22 12 2,640gp

Divine/Psychic Wands, Rods, and Staves (Crafting, assumed to be made of wood)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Craft Wood, Craft Wand, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
Div/Psi Wand (1st Level) 15 5 750gp
Charge Non-Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Wand, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
Div/Psi Wand (2nd Level) 19 6 1,140gp
Charge Non-Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
Div/Psi Rod (1st Level) 25 10 2,500gp
Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
Div/Psi Rod (2nd Level) 29 10 2,900gp
Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),
Div/Psi Rod (3rd Level) 33 10 3,300gp
Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
Div/Psi Rod (4th Level) 37 12 4,440gp
Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Rod, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),
Div/Psi Rod (5th Level) 40 14 5,600gp
Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
Div/Psi Staff (1st Level) 40 20 8,000gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
Div/Psi Staff (2nd Level) 44 20 8,800gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),
Div/Psi Staff (3rd Level) 48 20 9,600gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (4th Level) 52 20 10,400gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (5th Level) 55 20 11,000gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level),

Crafting reCipes
Div/Psi Staff (6th Level) 58 20 11,600gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (7th Level) 61 20 12,200gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (8th Level) 69 25 17,250gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (9th Level) 70 25 17,500gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Craft Staff, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Staff (10th Level) 71 25 17,750gp
Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted>

Divine/Psychic Wands, Rods, and Staves (Recharging)

Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Div/Psi Wand (1st Level) Charge Non-Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted> 6 5 300gp
Div/Psi Wand (2nd Level) Charge Non-Arcane Wand, <Spell to be implanted> 7 5 350gp
Div/Psi Rod (1st Level) Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 11 10 1,100gp
Div/Psi Rod (2nd Level) Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 12 10 1,200gp
Div/Psi Rod (3rd Level) Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 13 10 1,300gp
Div/Psi Rod (4th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 14 10 1,400gp
Div/Psi Rod (5th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Rod, <Spell to be implanted> 15 10 1,500gp
Div/Psi Staff (1st Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 21 20 4,200gp
Div/Psi Staff (2nd Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 22 20 4,400gp
Div/Psi Staff (3rd Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 23 20 4,600gp
Div/Psi Staff (4th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 24 20 4,800gp
Div/Psi Staff (5th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 25 20 5,000gp
Div/Psi Staff (6th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 26 20 5,200gp
Div/Psi Staff (7th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 27 20 5,400gp
Div/Psi Staff (8th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 28 20 5,600gp
Div/Psi Staff (9th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 29 20 5,800gp
Div/Psi Staff (10th Level) Charge Non-Arcane Staff, <Spell to be implanted> 30 20 6,000gp

Single Use Items (Assumed to be made of wood or iron)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Arcane Spell (1st Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level), <Spell> 5 3 150gp
Div/Psi Spell (1st Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level), <Spell> 5 3 150gp
Arcane Spell (2nd Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (2nd Level), <Spell> 8 5 400gp
Div/Psi Spell (2nd Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level), <Spell> 9 6 540gp
Arcane Spell (3rd Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (3rd Level), <Spell> 11 7 770gp
Div/Psi Spell (3rd Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level), <Spell> 13 9 1,170gp
Arcane Spell (4th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (4th Level), <Spell> 14 9 1,260gp
Arcane Spell (5th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (5th Level), <Spell> 17 11 1,870gp
Div/Psi Spell (4th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level), <Spell> 17 12 2,040gp
Arcane Spell (6th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (6th Level), <Spell> 20 13 2,600gp
Div/Psi Spell (5th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level), <Spell> 20 14 2,800gp
Arcane Spell (7th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (7th Level), <Spell> 23 15 3,450gp
Div/Psi Spell (6th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level), <Spell> 23 16 3,680gp
Div/Psi Spell (7th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level), <Spell> 26 18 4,680gp
Arcane Spell (8th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (8th Level), <Spell> 27 18 4,860gp
Arcane Spell (9th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level), <Spell> 30 20 6,000gp
Arcane Spell (10th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level), <Spell> 31 20 6,200gp
Div/Psi Spell (8th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), <Spell> 34 25 8,500gp
Div/Psi Spell (9th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), <Spell> 35 25 8,750gp
Div/Psi Spell (10th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level), <Spell> 36 25 9,000gp
Arcane Spell (11th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 62 50 31,000gp
Crafting reCipes

Arcane Spell (12th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 63 50 31,500gp
Arcane Spell (13th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 64 50 32,000gp
Arcane Spell (14th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 65 50 32,500gp
Arcane Spell (15th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 66 50 33,000gp
Arcane Spell (16th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 67 50 33,500gp
Arcane Spell (17th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 68 50 34,000gp
Arcane Spell (18th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 69 50 34,500gp
Arcane Spell (19th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 70 50 35,000gp
Arcane Spell (20th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 71 50 35,500gp
Arcane Spell (25th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 76 50 38,000gp
Arcane Spell (30th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 81 50 40,500gp
Arcane Spell (50th Level) Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (50th Level), <Spell> 101 50 50,500gp

Constant Items (assumed to be made of wood or iron)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
Arcane Spell (1st Level) 35 30 10,500gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
Arcane Spell (2nd Level) 38 30 11,400gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
Arcane Spell (3rd Level) 41 30 12,300gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
Arcane Spell (4th Level) 44 30 13,200gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
Arcane Spell (5th Level) 47 30 14,100gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (6th Level),
Arcane Spell (6th Level) 50 30 15,000gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (7th Level),
Arcane Spell (7th Level) 53 30 15,900gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (8th Level),
Arcane Spell (8th Level) 57 30 17,100gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Spell (9th Level) 60 30 18,000gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
Arcane Spell (10th Level) 61 30 18,300gp
Constant Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
Div/Psi Spell (1st Level) 55 50 27,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
Div/Psi Spell (2nd Level) 59 50 29,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),

Crafting reCipes
Div/Psi Spell (3rd Level) 63 50 31,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (4th Level) 67 50 33,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (5th Level) 70 50 35,000gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (6th Level) 73 50 36,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (7th Level) 76 50 38,000gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (8th Level) 84 50 42,000gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (9th Level) 85 50 42,500gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>
Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
Div/Psi Spell (10th Level) 86 50 43,000gp
Constant Non-Arcane Spell, <Spell to be implanted>

Arcane Daily Use Items (Assumed to be made of wood or iron)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
11 6 660gp
(1st Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (1st Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
15 10 1,500gp
(1st Level, 3xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
18 10 1,800gp
(2nd Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
21 10 2,100gp
(3rd Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
19 14 2,660gp
(1st Level, 5xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
22 14 3,080gp
(2nd Level, 2xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
28 14 3,920gp
(4th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
31 14 4,340gp
(5th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (1st Level),
30 25 7,500gp
(1st Level, 10xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (2nd Level),
33 25 8,250gp
(2nd Level, 5xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (3rd Level),
36 25 9,000gp
(3rd Level, 3xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (4th Level),
39 25 9,750gp
(4th Level, 2xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (5th Level),
Crafting reCipes

42 25 10,500gp
(5th Level, 2xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (6th Level),
45 25 11,250gp
(6th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (7th Level),
48 25 12,000gp
(7th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (8th Level),
52 25 13,000gp
(8th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
55 25 13,750gp
(9th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Arcane Spell Craft Wood, Implant Arcane (10th Level),
56 25 14,000gp
(10th Level, 1xDay) Daily Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>

Divine/Psychic Daily Use Items (Assumed to be made of wood or iron)
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
12 7 840gp
(1st Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (1st Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
16 11 1,760gp
(1st Level, 3xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
20 11 2,200gp
(2nd Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),
24 11 2,640gp
(3rd Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (3rd Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
20 15 3,000gp
(1st Level, 5xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
24 15 3,600gp
(2nd Level, 2xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
32 15 4,800gp
(4th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),
35 15 5,250gp
(5th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (5th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (1st Level),
35 30 10,500gp
(1st Level, 10xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (2nd Level),
39 30 11,700gp
(2nd Level, 5xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (3rd Level),
43 30 12,900gp
(3rd Level, 3xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (4th Level),
47 30 14,100gp
(4th Level, 2xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (5th Level),

Crafting reCipes
50 30 15,000gp
(5th Level, 2xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (6th Level),
53 30 15,900gp
(6th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (7th Level),
56 30 16,800gp
(7th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
64 30 19,200gp
(8th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
65 30 19,500gp
(9th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>
Div/Psi Spell Craft Wood, Implant Non-Arcane (10th Level),
66 30 19,800gp
(10th Level, 1xDay) Daily Non-Arcane Spell (10th Level), <Spell to be implanted>

Clockwork Automata
Time Needed Priest
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Minor Clockwork
Craft Minor Clockwork Automaton 4 4 160gp
Lesser Clockwork
Craft Lesser Clockwork Automaton 10 10 1,000gp
Greater Clockwork
Craft Greater Clockwork Automaton 14 14 1,960gp

Time Needed Priest
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Flesh Golem Craft Flesh Golem 12 7 840gp
Clay Golem Craft Lesser Golem 20 12 2,400gp
Bronze Golem Craft Lesser Golem 22 12 2,640gp
Stone Golem Craft Lesser Golem 22 12 2,640gp
Iron Golem Craft Iron Golem 30 15 4,500gp
Titanium Golem Craft Greater Golem 40 20 8,000gp
Obsidian Golem Craft Greater Golem 45 20 9,000gp

Artificial Limbs
Time Needed Empath
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Days) Level Needed
Wooden Limb Craft Wooden Limb 1 2 20gp
Glass Limb Craft Glass Limb 1 5 50gp
Metal Limb Craft Metal Limb 1 8 80gp
Crafting reCipes

Titanium Limb Craft Titanium Limb 1 12 120gp

Lightmaster Sails
Time Needed Runesmith
Item Spells Needed Cost
(Weeks) Level Needed
Lightmaster Sails Craft Dragonhide 30 30 25,000gp*
*Price would normally be 9,000gp, but 16,000gp cost of materials is included

arCane anaLysis
Read Languages I Range: Sight Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
2 Caster can read text written in any language (but not codes or ciphers) with understanding of the basic concepts being discussed.
Analyse Stone Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
3 Caster discovers the origin, nature and composition of any worked or natural stone.
Analyse Metal Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
4 Caster discovers the origin, nature and composition of any worked or natural metal.
Analyse Gas Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
5 Caster discovers the origin, nature and composition of any worked or natural gas.

Read Languages II Range: Sight Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
7 Caster can read text written in any language (but not codes or ciphers) with word-for-word understanding except for jargon or cultural references.
Analyse Liquid Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
8 Caster discovers the origin, nature and composition of any worked or natural liquid.

Analyse Item Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Caster discovers the purpose for which a worked item was made, but not its specific abilities.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Analyse Spell Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 Caster discovers the remaining duration of an active spell, along with the type of spell path that it was cast from (e.g. “lesser divine path” or “witch path”), but
not the exact spell name or level.

Analyse Death I Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 Caster discovers the time and cause of death of a corpse of any age (but not the identity of the killer, if any). If the corpse is not present, this spell may be cast
at the place of death but only within 24 hours of the death occurring.
Read Languages III Range: Sight Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can read text written in any language (but not codes or ciphers) with word-for-word understanding including appropriate translation/context/
explanation of jargon and cultural references.
Analyse Power Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
16 Caster discovers whether an item, person or place has magical power (the ability to cast or provide spells). If so, the caster also discovers the sphere of magic
of the item, person or place and (if an item or place) the origin of the item or place’s power.
Astral Travel Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
Caster’s soul leaves their body in an incorporeal and invisible form. The caster’s body is dead for the duration, but will not start to decay. The caster’s soul can
17 see and hear what is around them, and can fly “blind” through the air at 1 mile/minute, or at 10’/round if flying through solid objects or while observing the
world around them. If the caster is not back in their body by the end of the spell’s duration, they fully die: their body will start to decay and their soul will
pass on to whatever afterlife exists in the campaign setting.
Analyse Death II Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 Caster discovers the time and cause of death of a corpse of any age, and also the identity of the killer and gets a vague reason for the death (accident, revenge,
insanity, mercy killing, etc.) If the corpse is not present, this spell may be cast at the place of death but only within 24 hours of the death occurring.

Arcane Analysis Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
20 Caster gains knowledge as if casting all the above “Analyse <XXX>” spells at once on the target person, item, or place.
Mass Arcane Analysis Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
25 Caster gains knowledge as if casting all the above “Analyse <XXX>” spells at once on one target person, item, or place per round.
Deep Power Analysis Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 Caster discovers whether an item, person or place has magical power (the ability to cast or provide spells). If so, the caster also discovers the sphere of magic
of the item, person or place and (if an item or place) the identity of the creator and the reason for which the item or place was created.
Greater Astral Travel Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
Caster’s soul leaves their body in an incorporeal and invisible form. The caster’s body is dead for the duration, but will not start to decay. The caster’s soul can
50 see and hear what is around them, and can fly “blind” through the air at 10 miles/minute, or at 50’/round if flying through solid objects or while observing
the world around them. If the caster is not back in their body by the end of the spell’s duration, they fully die: their body will start to decay and their soul
will pass on to whatever afterlife exists in the campaign setting.

arCane perCeption
Mindsense (10’) S Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
1 Caster detects the number and location of all sapient beings within range.

Remote Hearing (10’) Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
3 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away. The point can be through intervening objects.

Clairaudience (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

4 Caster can move the point from which they hear at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 100’ (but not through intervening objects). If the point is
out of sight of the caster (for example round a corner) its movement must be navigated by “feel” as the caster tries and fails to move it through objects.

Remote Vision (10’) Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
6 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Clairvoyance (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

7 Caster can move the point from which they can see at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 100’ (but not through intervening objects).

Remote Hearing (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

8 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away. The point can be through intervening objects.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Read Thoughts Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)

10 Allows the caster to read what a single target is thinking. If the saving throw succeeds by more than 5, the target notices the spell.

Remote Vision (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

11 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Clairaudience (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

12 Caster can move the point from which they hear at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 300’ (but not through intervening objects). If the point is
out of sight of the caster (for example round a corner) its movement must be navigated by “feel” as the caster tries and fails to move it through objects.

Remote Hearing (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
14 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 500’ away. The point can be through intervening objects.

Clairvoyance (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

15 Caster can move the point from which they can see at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 300’ (but not through intervening objects).


Remote Vision (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
18 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 500’ away. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Far Remote Hearing Range: 1mile/lvl’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
20 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 1 mile per level away. The point can be through intervening objects.

Far Remote Vision Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

25 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 1 mile per level away. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Global Remote Hearing Range: planet Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point anywhere on the same planet. The point can be through intervening objects.

Global Remote Vision Range: planet Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

50 Caster can see as if at a fixed point anywhere on the same planet. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

boDiLy enhanCement
Weigh Item S Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster discovers the exact weight and mass of an item.

Acute Hearing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

2 Target gains acute hearing, giving them a +10 bonus to all Spot checks involving hearing.

Cat’s Grace S Range: 10’ Duration: See below

3 Target gains the balance and grace of a cat, giving them a +10 bonus to a single Dexterity check (but not a skill check). If the bonus is not used it fades after 1
Night Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Target can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest as if it were day.

Peripheral Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

5 Target can see in a 300° arc, and cannot therefore be flanked.

Shout Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

6 Target’s voice is amplified to three times its normal volume.

Underwater Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

7 Target can see through even the murkiest of water within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

Water Breathing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

8 Target (who must be willing) can breathe in water or any primarily water based liquid, but not in air, for the duration. This spell does not stop acidic or hot
liquids from damaging the target externally.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Gas Breathing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
10 Target can breathe any gas as if it were air. This spell does not stop corrosive gasses from damaging the target externally.

Slow Poison S Range: Self Duration: 1 hr/lvl

11 Delays the effect of any poisons in the caster’s body until the duration of the spell expires, but does not get rid of those poisons.

Dark Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

12 Target can see in complete darkness as if it were day.

Adaptable Breathing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Target can breathe any gas or water based liquid. This spell does not stop corrosive gasses or acidic liquids from damaging the target externally.

Mass Cat’s Grace Range: 10’ Duration: See below

16 One target per level of the caster gains the balance of a cat, giving each of them a +10 bonus to a single Dexterity check (but not a skill check). If the bonus is
not used, it fades after 1 round.

Mass Night Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 One target per level of the caster can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest as if it were day.

Mass Water Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

19 One target per level of the caster can see through even the murkiest of water within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

True Vision S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

20 Target gains the effects of the Dark Vision, Peripheral Vision, and Water Vision spells simultaneously

Mass Water Breathing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

25 One target per level (who must be willing) can breathe in water or any primarily water based liquid, but not in air, for the duration. This spell does not stop
acidic or hot liquids from damaging the targets externally.
Mass Gas Breathing Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
30 One target per level can breathe any gas as if it were air. This spell does not stop corrosive gasses from damaging the target externally.

Mass True Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

50 One target per level gains the effects of the Dark Vision, Peripheral Vision and Water Vision spells simultaneously.

breaking anD entering
Locking Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster causes a single lock to lock itself. The lock can be unlocked normally.

Wizard Lock Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Caster causes a single door or container to be magically locked. The door or container cannot be opened for the duration, but it can still be broken.

Examine Lock Range: Touch Duration: Instant

3 Caster gains knowledge of the workings of a non-magical lock. The caster gets a +4 bonus on attempts to pick the lock, and anyone the caster describes the
lock to gets a +2 bonus to pick it.
Knock (20%/40%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 The locked door or container touched has a 20% chance of being unlocked if locked with a mundane lock, and a 40% chance of being unlocked if locked by
a Wizard Lock or Seal Portal spell.
Examine Trap Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Caster gains knowledge of the workings of a non-magical trap. The caster gets a +4 bonus on attempts to disable the trap, and anyone the caster describes the
trap to gets a +2 bonus to disable it.
Make Safe (20%/40%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 The trap touched has a 20% chance of being disarmed if mechanical, and a 40% chance of being disarmed if magical.

Jam Portal Range: 50’ Duration: Permanent

7 The target portal (door, window or gate) expands and sticks in its frame. It will require forcing open.

Weaken Portal Range: 50’ Duration: Permanent

8 The target portal (door, window or gate) is weakened severely. Any Strength checks to open it get a +10 bonus on their roll.
Lesser arCane speLL paths

Knock (40%/90%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 The locked door or container touched has a 40% chance of being unlocked if locked with a mundane lock, and a 90% chance of being unlocked if locked by
a Wizard Lock or Seal Portal spell.
Shatter Portal (10’x10’x1’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
11 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be no more than 10’x10’x1’ in size and must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Make Safe (40%/90%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 The trap touched has a 40% chance of being disarmed if mechanical, and a 90% chance of being disarmed if magical.

Seal Portal Range: Touch Duration: 1 hr/lvl
14 Caster causes a single portal (door, window or gate) or container to be magically locked. The door or container cannot be opened or broken for the duration.

Shatter Portal (20’x20’x2’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

15 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be no more than 20’x20’x2’ in size and must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Shatter Portal (50’x50’x3’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
17 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be no more than 50’x50’x3’ in size and must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Shatter Portal Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
19 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be of any size but must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Passwall Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

20 Caster creates an 8’x5’ archway through the touched wall with a depth of up to 6” per level.

Knock (90%/100%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 The locked door or container touched has a 90% chance of being unlocked if locked with a mundane lock, and a 100% chance of being unlocked if locked
by a Wizard Lock or Seal Portal spell.
Make Safe (90%100%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 The trap touched has a 90% chance of being disarmed if mechanical, and a 100% chance of being disarmed if magical.

Breaking and Entering Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Detect Arcane Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any active arcane spell or any item containing an arcane spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Psychic Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

2 Caster can see a glow around any active psychic spell or any item containing a psychic spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Divine Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

3 Caster can see a glow around any active divine spell or any item containing a divine spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Invisible Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
5 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this spell, but at a –10 penalty.

Detect Traps Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

6 Caster can see a glow around any mechanical or magical trap. Each trap in the area has a 75% chance of being detected by this spell.

Detect Evil Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

7 Caster can see a glow around any evil beings or items created by evil magic. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘evil’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.

Locate Object (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

8 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 100’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Detect Power (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
10 Caster can tell the level of a person, magic item, or active spell within 100’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that they cannot see.

Detect Death Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

11 Caster can see a glow around any dead bodies or parts of dead bodies, and a glowing outline where any creatures have died in the last 24 hours.

Locate Object (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

12 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 300’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.


Detect Magic Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can see a glow around any active spell (of any sphere) or a faint glow where a spell has been cast in the last week. The glow may shine through thin
objects such as containers.

Locate Object (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

16 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 500’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

Detect Power (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
18 Caster can tell the level of a person, magic item, or active spell within 300’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that they cannot see.

Locate Object (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
20 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within one mile, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

Detection Detection Range: 100’ Duration C (1 min/lvl)

25 Caster can perceive any detection spells within range. All such spells are identified, but their point of origin is not.

Detections Range: Self Duration C (1 rnd/lvl)

30 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Locate Object (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

50 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within one mile per level, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

mage hanD
Rattle Object (1lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
1 One object weighing up to 1lb. shakes violently. It’s wielder must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping it.

Holding Force (1lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 A force of 1lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Moving Force (1lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

3 A gentle force of 1lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Rattle Object (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

4 One object weighing up to 5lb. shakes violently. It’s wielder must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping it.

Holding Force (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 A force of 5lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Moving Force (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

6 A gentle force of 5lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Rattle Object (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

7 One object weighing up to 25lb. shakes violently. Its wielder must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping it.

Holding Force (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 A force of 25lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Rattle Object (50lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

9 One object weighing up to 50lb. shakes violently. Its wielder must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping it.
Lesser arCane speLL paths

True Aim (+10) Range: Touch Duration: C (1rnd)

10 Any one missile attack made by the target during the round gets a +10 bonus to its attack roll.

Moving Force (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

11 A gentle force of 25lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Holding Force (50lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 A force of 50lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Mass Rattle (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

13 One object/level weighing up to 5lb. shakes violently. Their wielders must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping them.

Moving Force (50lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

14 A gentle force of 50lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Holding Force (100lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

15 A force of 100lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Fling Object (small) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

16 Caster may fling one unattended object within 10’ at a target within 100’. Attack uses the Brawling table with a small size and does Blunt, Sharp or Piercing
critical strikes depending on its shape.

Moving Force (100lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

17 A gentle force of 100lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Mass Rattle (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
19 One object/level weighing up to 25lb. shakes violently. Their wielders must make a saving throw each round to avoid dropping them.

True Aim (+20) Range: Touch Duration: C (1rnd)

20 Any one missile attack made by the target during the round gets a +20 bonus to its attack roll.

Holding Force (10lb./lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 A force of 10lb. in strength per caster level resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Moving Force (10lb./lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 A gentle force of 10lb. in strength per caster level carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be

True Aim (+100) Range: Touch Duration: C (1rnd)

50 Any one missile attack made by the target during the round gets a +100 bonus to its attack roll.

resist eLements
Light Resistance (+2) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Target is immune to natural light and lightning, and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks.

Fire Resistance (+2) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Target is immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Cold Resistance (+2) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Target is immune to natural cold, and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Light Resistance (+2, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 All targets in radius are immune to natural light and lightning, and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks.

Fire Resistance (+2, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 All targets in radius are immune to natural fire and heat, and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Cold Resistance (+2, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 All targets in radius are immune to natural cold, and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Light Resistance (+4) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Target is immune to natural light and lightning, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks.

Fire Resistance (+4) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 Target is immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Cold Resistance (+4) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Target is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Light Resistance (+4, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 All targets in radius are immune to natural light and lightning, and gain a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks.

Fire Resistance (+4, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 All targets in radius are immune to natural fire and heat, and gain a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Cold Resistance (+4, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 All targets in radius are immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Light Armour Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Target is immune to natural light and lightning, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks. Additionally,
target also takes half damage from lightning based attacks and reduces all lightning critical strikes by one level of severity.

Fire Armour Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Target is immune to natural heat and fire, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against heat/fire based attacks. Additionally, target also
takes half damage from heat/fire based attacks and reduces all fire critical strikes by one level of severity.

Cold Armour Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 Target is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks. Additionally, target also takes half
damage from cold/ice based attacks and reduces all cold critical strikes by one level of severity.
Mass Light Resistance (+4) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 One target per level is immune to natural light and lightning, and gain a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against lightning based attacks.

Mass Fire Resistance (+4) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 One target per level is immune to natural fire and heat, and gain a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Mass Cold Resistance (+4) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 One target per level is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Elemental Armour Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Target is affected by the Light Armour, Fire Armour, and Cold Armour spells simultaneously.

sCroLL writing
Advance Preparation Range: Self Duration: See below
1 When cast alongside another spell, this spell allows that spell to be readied so that it can be cast at a later time with no preparation rounds. The caster may
not cast any other spells until the readied spell has been cast, and this spell costs an amount of mana equal to the level of the spell being readied.

Write Scroll (1st) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 This spell allows the caster to write a 1st level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Write Scroll (2nd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 This spell allows the caster to write a 2st level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Write Scroll (3rd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 This spell allows the caster to write a 3rd level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Write Scroll (5th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

10 This spell allows the caster to write a 5th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Symbol of Stunning Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

11 Inscribes a symbol, which dazes the target for 5 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Write Scroll (6th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 This spell allows the caster to write a 6th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Symbol of Fear Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

13 Inscribes a symbol, which causes the target to flee for 1 minute per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Write Scroll (7th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

14 This spell allows the caster to write a 7th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Symbol of Sleep Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

15 Inscribes a symbol, which causes the target to fall asleep for 5 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw. The target cannot be awakened by
non-magical means.
Write Scroll (8th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 This spell allows the caster to write an 8th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being
Symbol of Blinding Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
17 Inscribes a symbol, which blinds the target for 30 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Write Scroll (9th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

18 This spell allows the caster to write a 9th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being written.

Symbol of Paralysis Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

19 Inscribes a symbol, which paralyses the target for 30 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Write Scroll (10th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 This spell allows the caster to write a 10th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being
Write Scroll (15th) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 This spell allows the caster to write a 15th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being
Write Scroll (20th) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
30 This spell allows the caster to write a 20th level spell onto a blank scroll so that it can be used later. The caster must be able to cast the spell that is being
Repeating Symbol
50 Inscribes any of the lower level symbols on this path, except that the symbol can be activated once per level of the caster before vanishing.

simpLe Conjuring
Ventriloquism Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Caster’s voice comes from any location in 100’ that the caster can see.

Conjure Sound or Light Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

2 Creates a simple immobile visual scene or a simple immobile set of repeating or constant sounds in a 10’ radius.

Conjure Taste or Smell Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Creates a simple immobile set of smells or tastes in a 10’ radius.

Conjuration (2 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects.

Illusion (1 aspect) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of one conjured aspect.

Delayed Conjure (1 aspect) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of one conjured aspect. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Conjuration (3 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects.

Illusion (2 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl


Lesser arCane speLL paths

Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of two conjured aspects.

Delayed Illusion (1 aspect) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of one conjured aspect. The appearance may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Delayed Conjure (2 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (3 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of three conjured aspects.

Conjuration (5 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (3 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

14 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Delayed Illusion (2 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

15 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of two conjured aspects. The appearance may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (4 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of four conjured aspects.

Conjuration (7 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of seven conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (5 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

20 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (5 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of five conjured aspects.

Conjuration (10 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of ten conjured aspects.

Illusion (10 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of ten conjured aspects.

speLL proteCtion
Resist Magic (+1) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Gives the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+1, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Gives all creatures within a 10’ radius of the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+2) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Gives the target a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+2, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Gives all creatures within a 10’ radius of the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Arcane Shield Range: Self Duration: C

8 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells and a +2 dodge bonus against arcane weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one arcane spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Lesser arCane speLL paths

Psychic Shield Range: Self Duration: C

10 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and a +2 dodge bonus against psychic weapon-like spells. The caster can (without
losing concentration) “parry” one psychic spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Resist Magic (+3) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Gives the target a +3 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Divine Shield Range: Self Duration: C

12 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells and a +2 dodge bonus against divine weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one divine spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Dual Shield Range: Self Duration: C

14 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws vs spells of any two spheres of magic (chosen at time of casting) and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like
spells from those spheres. The caster can (without losing concentration) “parry” one spell from one of the chosen spheres per round, adding any melee attack
bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Resist Magic (+4) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Gives the target a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +4 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Magic Shield Range: Self Duration: C
18 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws vs spells of all three spheres of magic and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells. The caster can
(without losing concentration) “parry” one spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Resist Magic (+5) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 Gives the target a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +4 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Arcane Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

20 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells and a +10 dodge bonus against arcane weapon-like spells.

Psychic Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

25 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and a +10 dodge bonus against psychic weapon-like spells.

Divine Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

30 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells and a +10 dodge bonus against divine weapon-like spells.

Magic Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

50 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against spells and a +10 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

arCane ControL
Advance Preparation Range: Self Duration: See below
1 When cast alongside another spell, this spell allows that spell to be readied so that it can be cast at a later time with no preparation rounds. The caster may
not cast any other spells until the readied spell has been cast, and this spell costs an amount of mana equal to the level of the spell being readied.

Delay Spell (1 rnd) S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

5 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a spell fails their saving throw, the target’s spell has its effect delayed by 1 round. If the target of the delayed
spell moves more than 20’ during the round then the target caster’s spell affects a random target within 20’ of the point that spells original target was at
instead, with a –4 modifier to the spell penetration check (or a –6 penalty to the attack check if it was a weapon-like spell).

Deflect Spell (–1) S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
8 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a weapon-like spell fails their saving throw, the target’s spell is deflected causing its attack roll to be
penalised by –1 per point by which the saving throw fails.

greater arCane speLL paths

Reflect Spell S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
10 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a weapon-like spell fails their saving throw (which gets a +4 bonus), the target’s spell is reflected back on
themselves, attacking with a +0 attack bonus.
Delay Spell (3 rnds) S Range: 100’ Duration: 3 rnds

11 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a spell fails their saving throw, the target’s spell has its effect delayed by 3 rounds. If the target of the
delayed spell moves more than 20’ during those rounds then the target caster’s spell affects a random target within 20’ of the point that spells original target
was at instead, with a –4 modifier to the saving throw check TN (or a –6 penalty to the attack roll if it was a weapon-like spell).

Delay Spell (5 rnds) S Range: 100’ Duration: 5 rnds

14 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a spell fails their saving throw, the target’s spell has its effect delayed by 5 rounds. If the target of the
delayed spell moves more than 20’ during those rounds then the target caster’s spell affects a random target within 20’ of the point that spells original target
was at instead, with a –4 modifier to the saving throw check TN (or a –6 penalty to the attack roll if it was a weapon-like spell).
Deflect Spell (–3) S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
15 If the target caster who is in the process of casting a weapon-like spell fails their saving throw, the target’s spell is deflected causing its attack roll to be
penalised by –3 per point by which the saving throw fails.

Delay Spell (10 rnds) S Range: 100’ Duration: 10 rnds
17 As Delay Spell (5 rnds) except that the spell is delayed for 10 rounds.

Delay Spell (20 rnds) Range: 100’ Duration: 20 rnds
20 As Delay Spell (5 rnds) except that the spell is delayed for 20 rounds.
Deflect Spell (90º) S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
25 If the target caster who is in the provess of casting a weapon-like spell fails their saving throw, the spell is fired at right angles to its intended target, hitting
Delay Spell (1 rnd/lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
30 As Delay Spell (5 rnds) except that the spell is delayed for one round per caster level.
Mass Spell Reflection S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
50 If any caster within range who is in the process of casting a weapon-like spell fails their saving throw (which gets a +4 bonus), the target’s spell is reflected
back on themselves, attacking with a +0 attack bonus.

arCane DefenCe
Force Shield S Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Creates an invisible shield in front of the caster that acts as a normal shield (but does not stack with a normal shield if the caster is already wielding one).

Shimmer Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Target appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 attack penalty.

Deflect 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
5 Any one missile attack that passes within range and that the caster can see is deflected and receives a –20 penalty on its attack roll.

Deflect 1 Blow S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
7 Any one melee attack within range that the caster can see is deflected and receives a –20 penalty on its attack roll.

Deflect 2 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
greater arCane speLL paths

Any two missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Stop 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

10 Any one missile attack that passes within range and that the caster can see is stopped in its tracks and falls harmlessly to the ground.

Deflect 2 Blows S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

11 Any two melee attacks within range that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect 3 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
13 Any three missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Stop 2 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
15 Any two missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are stopped in their tracks and fall harmlessly to the ground.

Deflect 3 Blows S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
17 Any three melee attacks within range that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Reflect 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

18 Any one missile attack that passes within range and that the caster can see is reflected back on its shooter and attacks them with a +5 attack bonus.

Stop 3 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

19 Any three missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are stopped in their tracks and fall harmlessly to the ground.

Deflect Many Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

20 One missile attack per caster level that passes within range and that the caster can see is deflected and receives a –20 penalty on its attack rolls.

Deflect Many Blows S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

25 One melee attack per caster level within range that the caster can see is deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Stop Many Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

30 One missile attack per caster level that passes within range and that the caster can see is stopped in its tracks and falls harmlessly to the ground.

Reflect 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

50 One missile attack per caster level that passes within range and that the caster can see is reflected back on its shooter and attacks them with a +5 attack bonus.

arCane enhanCements
Duration (x2) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
3 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its duration doubled, unless that spell has an instant or permanent duration. Spells that require
concentration do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.

Range (+50’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
5 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 50’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Duration (x3) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
7 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its duration tripled, unless that spell has an instant or permanent duration. Spells that require
concentration do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.


greater arCane speLL paths

Range (+100’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
10 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 100’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Duration (x4) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds

11 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its duration quadrupled, unless that spell has an instant or permanent duration. Spells that
require concentration do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.

Range (+150’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
13 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 150’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Range (+200’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
15 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 200’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Range (+300’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
17 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 300’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Range (+500’) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
20 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its range increased by 500’, unless the spell has a self or touch range.

Duration (+12 hrs) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds

25 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its duration increased by twelve hours, unless that spell has an instant or permanent duration.
Spells that require concentration do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.
Duration (+24 hrs) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
30 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will have its duration increased by twenty four hours, unless that spell has an instant or permanent
duration. Spells that require concentration do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.
Duration (Permanent) Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
50 The next spell the caster casts (within the duration) will gain a permanent duration, unless that spell has an instant duration. Spells that require concentration
do not continue after the caster stops concentrating.

arCane summoning
Find Familiar Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
When this spell is cast on a willing small non-magical animal (no bigger than a house cat) every day for a week, the animal becomes the caster’s familiar. The
1 caster and familiar magically understand each other’s speech, although the familiar retains its animal intelligence. Whenever the familiar is within 50’ per
caster level, either may share the senses of the other by concentrating. A caster may only have one familiar at a time. If either dies, the other takes a –5 penalty
to all actions for two weeks.

Summon Animal (1 lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1min)
3 Summons a 1st level natural animal that will obey the caster for the duration of the spell and then disappear.

Summon Animal (2 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)
5 Summons a 1st level natural animal that will obey the caster for two minutes and then disappear, or two total levels of natural animals that will obey the
caster for one minute and then disappear.
Control Demon (type A) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
6 Caster controls a single type A demon. The demon will be resentful and will not communicate with the caster. The demon must leave when the caster stops
Summon Animal (3 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)
7 As Summon Animal (2 lvls), except that a total of three level minutes of animals can be summoned.
Summon Lesser Demon Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
8 Caster summons a demon which takes two rounds to appear. The caster has no control over the demon. The type of demon that appears is based on a d20
roll: 1–12 = Type A 13–18 = Type B 19–20 = Type C
greater arCane speLL paths

Summon Animal (5 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)

9 As Summon Animal (2 lvls), except that a total of five level minutes of animals can be summoned.
Control Demon (type B) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
10 Caster controls a single type B demon. The demon will be resentful and will not communicate with the caster. The demon must leave when the caster stops
Summon Animal (10 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)
11 As Summon Animal (2 lvls), except that a total of ten level minutes of animals can be summoned.

Control Demon (type C) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
13 Caster controls a single type C demon. The demon will be resentful and will not communicate with the caster. The demon must leave when the caster stops

Delayed Animal Summons Range: 100’ Duration: varies
15 Summons a total of 10 level minutes of animals that will appear up to 1 day per caster level in the future and carry out the orders the caster left for them for
the duration of the spell and then disappear.
Summon Animal (20 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)
16 As Summon Animal (2 lvls), except that a total of twenty level minutes of animals can be summoned.
Delayed Lsr Demon Summons Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
17 Caster summons a lesser demon (see Summon Lesser Demon) that will appear up to 1 day per caster level in the future.
Summon Greater Demon Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
18 Caster summons a demon which takes two rounds to appear. The caster has no control over the demon. The type of demon that appears is based on a d20
roll: 1–12 = Type C 13–18 = Type D 19–20 = Type E
Control Demon (type D) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
19 Caster controls a single type D demon. The demon will be resentful and will not communicate with the caster. The demon must leave when the caster stops
Summon Animal (caster lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (varies)
20 As Summon Animal (2 lvls), except that a total of level minutes of animals equal to the caster’s level can be summoned.
Demonic Minion (type B) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent
25 Caster controls a single type B demon in the manner of a necromancer’s undead minion. The caster can have up to two demonic minions at a time.
Delayed Gtr Demon Summons Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
30 Caster summons a greater demon (see Summon Greater Demon) that will appear up to 1 day per caster level in the future.
Control Demon (type E) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
50 Caster controls a single type E demon. The demon will be resentful and will not communicate with the caster. The demon must leave when the caster stops

DispeL magiC
Resist Arcane S Range: Self Duration: C
2 Incoming arcane spells that target the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Resist Psychic S Range: Self Duration: C
3 Incoming psychic spells that target the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Resist Divine S Range: Self Duration: C
4 Incoming divine spells that target the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Dispel Arcane (10’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
5 Incoming arcane spells that target anywhere within 10’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing arcane spells within 10’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Psychic (10’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
6 Incoming psychic spells that target anywhere within 10’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing psychic spells within 10’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Divine (10’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
7 Incoming divine spells that target anywhere within 10’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing divine spells within 10’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.


greater arCane speLL paths

Dispel Arcane (50’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
10 Incoming arcane spells that target anywhere within 50’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing arcane spells within 50’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Psychic (50’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
11 Incoming psychic spells that target anywhere within 50’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing psychic spells within 50’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Divine (50’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
12 Incoming divine spells that target anywhere within 50’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing divine spells within 50’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.

Dispel Arcane (100’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
14 Incoming arcane spells that target anywhere within 100’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing arcane spells within 100’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Psychic (100’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
15 Incoming psychic spells that target anywhere within 100’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing psychic spells within 100’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Divine (100’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
16 Incoming divine spells that target anywhere within 100’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing divine spells within 100’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Depower Arcane Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 Target arcane caster loses all mana.
Depower Psychic Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 Target psychic caster loses all mana.
Depower Divine Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
19 Target divine caster loses all mana.
Resist Magic S Range: Self Duration: C
20 Incoming spells that target the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Dispel Arcane (300’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
25 Incoming arcane spells that target anywhere within 300’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be
cancelled. Existing arcane spells within 300’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Magic (10’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
30 Incoming spells that target anywhere within 10’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Existing psychic spells within 10’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.
Dispel Magic (50’r) S Range: Self Duration: C
50 Incoming spells that target anywhere within 50’ of the caster must make a saving throw (using the spell’s level, not its original caster’s level) or be cancelled.
Existing divine spells within 50’ of the caster must also make a saving throw (at +6) or be cancelled.

Sleep (5 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Causes one or more visible targets whose levels total 5 or less to fall asleep. Targets may be woken as normal.

Charm Person Range: 100’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

2 Causes the target person to believe that the caster is a good friend.

Sleep (7 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

3 Causes one or more visible targets whose levels total 7 or less to fall asleep. Targets may be woken as normal.

Indecision Range: 100’ Duration: See Text

4 Causes the target to become unable to make decisions for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw. The target will continue to fight a foe they
are currently engaged with and will respond in self-defence against new foes, but will not otherwise take any action.
Suggestion Range: 10’ Duration: See below
5 Causes the target to perform a single suggested act that they would otherwise not be violently opposed to performing.

Sleep (10 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Causes one or more visible targets whose levels total 10 or less to fall asleep. Targets may be woken as normal.

Hold Person Range: 100’ Duration: C

7 Causes the target person to be Slowed.

Mind Control Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

8 Causes the target to obey any verbal commands from the caster that they would otherwise not be violently opposed to performing.

Sleep (20 lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

greater arCane speLL paths

Causes one or more visible targets whose levels total 20 or less to fall asleep. Targets may be woken as normal.

Charm Monster Range: 100’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

10 Causes the target to believe that the caster is a good friend.

Geas Range: 10’ Duration: Varies

11 Target is given a task, which must be within their capabilities and not self-destructive. Failure to perform the task results in the target taking an ‘E’ severity
lightning critical strike.
Power Word: Daze S Range: 50’ Duration: See Text
12 Causes the target to be Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Power Word: Pain S Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

13 Causes the target to lose half their current hit points.

Hold Monster Range: 100’ Duration: C

14 Causes the target to be Slowed.

Power Word: Sleep S Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

15 Causes the target to fall asleep. Target may be woken as normal.

Power Word: Discord S Range: 50’ Duration: See Text

16 Causes the target to disagree with everyone and refuse to cooperate with anyone for 1 day per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Power Word: Submit S Range: 50’ Duration: C

17 Causes the target to approach the caster and kneel before them. Target will fight if necessary to reach the caster.

Triggered Power Word Range: 50’ Duration: 1 day/lvl

18 As any of the lower level power words, but the effect doesn’t happen until the target senses a particular thing (an image, sound, word, smell, etc.) chosen by
the caster.
Power Word: Kill S Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
19 Causes the target to take an ‘E’ critical on a table of the caster’s choice.

True Geas Range: 10’ Duration: Varies

20 Target is given a task, which must be within their capabilities and not self-destructive. Failure to perform the task results in the target taking an ‘E’ severity
critical strike of each type.
Power Word: Three Words S Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
25 Caster uses three different Power Word spells from this path simultaneously. Each has its own saving throw.

Power Word: Shout S Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

30 Caster shouts one of the 20th level or lower Power Words from this path and it affects up to one target per caster level within range.

Enchantment Range: Self Duration 1 rnd/lvl

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Jog (1 target) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Target can run at 2x normal walking speed without tiring. If the target stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Speed (1 round) S Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd

2 Target is Hasted for one round, but then Slowed for the following round.

Speed (2 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 4 rnds total
4 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of two rounds split between them, but then each is Slowed for as many rounds as they were Hasted for.

Run (1 target) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

5 Target can run at 3x normal walking speed without tiring. If the target stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Haste (1 round) S Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd

6 Target is Hasted for one round.

Speed (3 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 6 rnds total

7 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of three rounds split between them, but then each is Slowed for as many rounds as they were Hasted for.

Haste (2 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 2 rnds total

8 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of two rounds split between them.

Sprint (1 target) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl


greater arCane speLL paths

Target can run at 4x normal walking speed without tiring. If the target stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Speed (5 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 rnds total

10 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of five rounds split between them, but then each is Slowed for as many rounds as they were Hasted for.

Jog (3 targets) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

11 Targets can run at 2x normal walking speed without tiring. If any stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely for that target.

Haste (3 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 3 rnds total

12 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of three rounds split between them.

Run (3 targets) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
14 Targets can run at 3x normal walking speed without tiring. If any stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely for that target.

Haste (5 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 5 rnds total

15 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of five rounds split between them.

Jog (5 targets) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

16 Targets can run at 2x normal walking speed without tiring. If any stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely for that target.

Speed (10 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 20 rnds total

17 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of ten rounds split between them, but then each is Slowed for as many rounds as they were Hasted for.

Run (5 targets) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

18 Targets can run at 3x normal walking speed without tiring. If any stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely for that target.

Haste (10 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 rnds total
20 One or more targets are Hasted for a total of ten rounds split between them.

Mass Jog S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

25 One Target per caster level can run at 2x normal walking speed without tiring. If any stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely for that

Mass Speed (3 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 6 rnds total

30 One target per caster level is Hasted for a three rounds, but then each is Slowed for three rounds.

Mass Haste (3 rounds) S Range: 10’ Duration: 3 rnds

50 One target per caster level is Hasted for a three rounds.

Invisibility (1 object) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
1 One object or creature (without clothes or equipment) becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (1 object, 1’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
4 One object or creature and everything that is entirely within 1’ of it becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a
sharp knock.

Invisibility (1 object, up to 1’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
6 One object or creature and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 1’ of it become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is
ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (1 object, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
8 One object or creature and everything that is entirely within 10’ of it becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a
sharp knock.

greater arCane speLL paths

Invisibility (3 objects) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs

10 Three objects or creatures (without clothes or equipment) become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Invisibility (1 object, up to 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
11 One object or creature and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 10’ of it become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is
ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (5 objects) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
13 Five objects or creatures (without clothes or equipment) become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (2 objects, 1’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
15 Two objects or creatures and everything that is entirely within 1’ of one of them become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely
such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (10 objects) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
17 Ten objects or creatures (without clothes or equipment) become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Invisibility (2 obj, up to 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
18 Two objects or creatures and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 10’ of one of them become invisible for the duration, or until
the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (1 obj, up to 20’) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
20 One object or creature and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 20’ of it become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is
ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Mass Invisibility Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
25 One object or creature (without clothes or equipment) per caster level becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a
sharp knock.
Mass Invisibility (1’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
30 One object or creature per caster level and everything that is entirely within 1’ of it becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely
such as by a sharp knock.
Greater Invisibility (1’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
50 One object or creature and everything that is entirely within 1’ of it becomes invisible for the duration. Anything that would normally break the invisibility
(such as a sharp knock or casting a spell) instead only temporarily suppresses it until the end of the following round.

mystiC movement
Jump S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
1 Target may make a 50’ long or 20’ high jump.
Feather Fall S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
2 Target can land after a fall as if the fall were 20’ per caster level less than it actually is.
Dimension Door (100’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
3 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 100’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.
Levitate Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Target may move vertically at 10’/round and hover in place.
Fly (75’/rnd) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Target may fly at a speed of 75’/rnd (5mph).
Phase Door (3’) Range: Touch Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
6 A 6’x3’ door opens in any solid surface up to 3’ thick.
Fly (150’/rnd) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Target may fly at a speed of 150’/rnd (10mph).
Teleport (100’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
8 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 100’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and
direction) is not empty, the spell fails.
Dimension Door (300’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
9 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 300’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.

greater arCane speLL paths

Long Teleport (1 target) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

10 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 10 miles per level of the caster to a named location to which the caster has been before. The chance of missing
and arriving 1d100 yards away from the intended location is: Lived in for a year 0%; Lived in for a week 1%; Studied for a day 10%; Visited for an
hour 25%; Passed Through 50%.
Fly (300’/rnd) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Target may fly at a speed of 300’/rnd (20mph).
Teleport (300’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
12 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 300’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and
direction) is not empty, the spell fails.
Long Teleport (3 targets) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
13 As Long Teleport except three objects or willing creatures are teleported.
Phase Door (5’/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
14 A 6’x3’ door opens in any solid surface up to 5’ thick per caster level.
Teleport (500’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
15 Object or willing creature is teleported up to 500’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and
direction) is not empty, the spell fails.
Long Teleport (5 targets) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
16 As Long Teleport except five objects or willing creatures are teleported.
Fly (450’/rnd) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Target may fly at a speed of 450’/rnd (30mph).
Long Teleport (10 targets) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
18 As Long Teleport except ten objects or willing creatures are teleported.
Mass Dimension Door (100’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
19 One object or willing creature per caster level is teleported up to 100’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.
Long Teleport (20 targets) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
20 As Long Teleport except twenty objects or willing creatures are teleported.
Mass Teleport (100’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
25 One object or willing creature per caster level is teleported up to 100’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute
distance and direction) is not empty, the spell fails.
Mass Long Teleport Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
30 As Long Teleport except one object or willing creature per caster level is teleported.
Global Teleport

50 Object or willing creature is teleported to a named location anywhere on the same planet to which the caster has been before. The chance of missing and
arriving 1d100 yards away from the intended location is: Lived in for a year 0%; Lived in for a week 1%; Studied for a day 10%; Visited for an hour 25%;
Passed Through 50%.

Shrink Self Range: Caster Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Caster shrinks to half their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.
Grow Self Range: Caster Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster grows to twice their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.
Study Target Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
3 Caster studies one target within range and memorises their current form and appearance for future castings of Disguise And Shapechange.

Alter Person Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Target’s form changes to that of a humanoid species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell.
This does not affect the target’s ability scores.

Shrink Other Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Target shrinks to half their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.

Grow Other Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
greater arCane speLL paths

Target grows to twice their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.
Polymorph Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

11 Target’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass and it
can survive in the target’s current environment. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell. The target’s ability scores do not change, and they do
not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.

Disguise Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
Target’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass and it
13 can survive in the target’s current environment. Specific individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing the caster has previously cast the Study Target
spell on them. The target’s ability scores do not change, and they do not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as
using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.

Shapechange Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
Caster’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of their choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass and it can
15 survive in their current environment. Specific individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing the caster has previously cast the Study Target spell on
them. The caster’s ability scores do not change, and they do not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings
to fly or using gills to breathe in water. Additionally, the caster may change to a different form at any time by concentrating for one round.

Merge Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 hr/lvl)
17 Target may merge themselves into any solid material (rock, earth, wood, etc.) that is large enough to hold them. While merged, the target may not take any
actions but is aware of their surroundings. If the target stops concentrating then they emerge and the spell ends.

Phasing Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Target may move through any non-moving inanimate material as if wading through water. The target does not leave a hole behind them, and this spell
cannot be used to provide immunity to moving objects such as weapons.
Mass Grow Other Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
25 One target per caster level grows to twice their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.
Mass Polymorph Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
30 As Polymorph, except one target per level can have their form changed.
Mass Merge Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 hr/lvl)
50 One target per caster level may merge themselves into any solid material (rock, earth, wood, etc.) that is large enough to hold them. While merged, the
targets may not take any actions but are aware of their surroundings. If any target stops concentrating then they emerge and the spell ends for that target.

ControL weather
Detect Temperature Range: Self Duration: C
1 Caster can tell the exact temperature of the air around them.

Predict Rain (1 day) Range: Self Duration: Instant

2 Caster can tell when rain will fall in their current location over the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Predict Storms (1 day) Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Caster can tell when natural storms will occur in their current location over the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Predict Weather (1 day) Range: Self Duration: Instant

5 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Gust of Wind Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
7 Creates a strong wind to blow in a 10’ radius around the caster. The wind will disperse gasses and give missile attacks a –6 penalty on their attack rolls.

Obscuring Mist Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

8 Creates a heavy mist around the caster stretching to a 10’ radius per caster level. The mist obscures vision and gives a –10 penalty to all missile attacks.

Lesser Divine speLL paths

Predict Weather (3 days) Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next three days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Create Rain Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Causes heavy rain (or snow if the temperature is low enough) to fall around the caster in a 10’ radius per caster level. All Spot checks and missile attacks
directed into the area from outside it take a –5 penalty.

Predict Weather (5 days) Range: Self Duration: Instant
13 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next five days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Control Winds Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can control the direction and speed of winds in a 50’ radius per level around themselves. Any wind direction can be chosen, and any winds speed can
be chosen from still to 1mph per caster level. Each 5mph of wind gives a –1 penalty on missile attacks.

Clear Skies Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
18 All cloud, mist and fog within a 1 mile radius per caster level is banished for the duration. This spell does not affect the wind.

Predict Weather (30 days) Range: Self Duration: Instant

19 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next thirty days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Create Downpour Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

20 Causes a torrential downpour (or snowstorm if the temperature is low enough) to fall around the caster in a 1 mile radius per caster level. All Spot checks in
the area take a –5 penalty, and all missile attacks in the area take a –15 penalty.
Extended Control (1 mile) Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
25 Caster can use any of the lower level spells on this path for the duration, with an area of effect of the spell being a 1 mile radius.

Summon Storm Range: 1 mile Duration:S C (1 min/lvl)

30 Caster can summon a storm that fills a 1 mile radius with winds of up to twice their level in mph, and optionally torrential rain, sleet, or snow and frequent
lightning strikes. The caster cannot control where the lightning strikes hit within the area; they will strike tall trees and buildings as normal.
Weather Control Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration C (1 min/lvl)
50 Caster can control all aspects of the weather in a radius of 1 mile per level, including the creation or dispersal of fog and clouds, the wind speed and direction
(to a maximum of 1 mph per caster level) and precipitation levels.

Divine heaLth
Halt Disease Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
1 Stops the spread of disease in an individual. The disease cannot get worse, and will not infect others. The existing state of the disease is not cured.

Halt Poison Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
3 Stops the spread of poison in an individual. The poisoning cannot get worse. The existing state of poisoning is not cured.

Resist Disease (2 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 When potentially affected by a disease, the target may make two saving throws and use the better result.

Resist Poison (2 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 When potentially affected by a poison, the target may make two saving throws and use the better result.

Resist Disease (3 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 When potentially affected by a disease, the target may make three saving throws and use the better result.

Resist Poison (3 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 When potentially affected by a poison, the target may make three saving throws and use the better result.
Lesser Divine speLL paths

Cure Mental Disease Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

10 Target is cured of any mental disease. The disease slowly fades over the course of 5d10 days.

Resist Disease (4 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 When potentially affected by a disease, the target may make four saving throws and use the better result.

Resist Poison (4 rolls) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 When potentially affected by a poison, the target may make four saving throws and use the better result.

Cure Disease Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
14 Target is cured of a single disease.

Cure Poison Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

15 Target is cured of a single poison.

Mass Cure Disease Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 One target per caster level is cured of a single disease.

Mass Cure Poison Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

19 One target per caster level is cured of a single poison.

Cure Mental Disease (instant) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

20 Target is cured of any mental disease.

Remove Diseases (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

25 All active diseases within a 100’ radius are cured, and any substances harbouring dormant diseases are cleansed of it.

Remove Poison (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

30 All active poisons within a 100’ radius are cured, and any poisonous or toxic substances are cleansed of poison. Any venomous creatures in the area have their
venom reserves destroyed, and will take a day to replenish those reserves.
Cleansing (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant

50 All active diseases within a 100’ radius per caster level are cured, and any substances harbouring dormant diseases are cleansed of it. All active poisons within
the area are cured, and any poisonous or toxic substances are cleansed of poison. Any venomous creatures in the area have their venom reserves destroyed, and
will take a day to replenish those reserves.

Divine insight
Detect Divine Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any active divine spell or any item containing a divine spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Arcane Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

2 Caster can see a glow around any active arcane spell or any item containing an arcanespell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Psychic Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

3 Caster can see a glow around any active psychic spell or any item containing a psychic spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Life Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

4 Caster can see a glow around any living creature. The glow may shine through thin objects such as clothing or armour.

Detect Curses Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

5 Caster can see a glow around any active curse or any cursed item. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers. The Game Master must
determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.
Detect Undead Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
6 Caster can see a glow around any undead creature. The glow may shine through thin objects such as clothing or armour.

Detect Traps Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

7 Caster can see a glow around any mechanical or magical trap. Each trap in the area has a 75% chance of being detected by this spell.

Life Insight Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

8 Caster can tell the age, species and current state of health of each visible living target within 50’.

Detect Invisible Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

9 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this spell, but at a –10 penalty.

Lesser Divine speLL paths

Magical Insight (50’) Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
10 Caster can tell the level of a single spell caster, magic item, or active spell they look at within 50’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that they
cannot see.
Poison Insight Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
11 Caster can tell the base saving throw bonus and effects of each poison on a single target object or in a single target creature they look at within 50’.

Sphere Insight Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
13 Caster can tell the profession of each spell caster, or sphere of each magic item or active spell they look at within 50’. The caster cannot examine the sphere of
active spells that they cannot see.

Detect Spell Aftertraces Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can tell which spells have been cast in the area within 50’ of them over the course of the past week.

Magical Insight (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
17 Caster can tell the level of all single spell casters, magic items, and active spells they look at within 500’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells
that they cannot see.
Locate Object (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
18 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 300’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

Curse Insight Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
20 Caster can tell the level, effect, and cure requirements of any single active curse or cursed item that they can see within 50’.

Deep Life Insight Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

25 Caster can tell the identity, character class (if any), profession, age, species and current state of health of each visible living target within 50’.

Divine Insight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Locate Object (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

50 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 1 mile per caster level’, they know the exact direction and distance
to it.

Divine Light
Palm of Light Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a beam of light like that of a hooded lantern from the caster’s palm. Light is effective at up to 40’.
Light (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light moves with the object.
Holy Nimbus Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Target gains a glowing aura, gaining a +2 dodge bonus.
Light (2 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Two points in space within range give off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius, or one point of space within range gives off normal light which
is effective within a 20’ radius.
Flash Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a 10’ radius bright flash of light at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they fail
their saving throw.
Holy Glow Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
6 Target gains a glowing aura, gaining a +3 dodge bonus.
Magic Missile W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
7 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.
Light (3 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
8 Three points in space within range give off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius; or one point of space within range gives off normal light which
is effective within a 20’ radius and one point with a 10’ radius; or one point with a 30’ radius.
Lux Clara (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
9 Touched object or point in space gives off light with all the properties of lux clara and which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light
moves with the object.
Lesser Divine speLL paths

Delayed Light (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl

10 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. The light can be delayed for up to 24 hours.
Beacon W(S) Range: 20’/lvl Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

11 Creates a glowing ball of light 6” in diameter that shoots out to the range of the spell and then shines brightly in a colour of the caster’s choice while drifting
slowly to earth (or until the duration runs out). The beacon lights an area equal to its height while active. If fired at a target instead of into the air, treat as a
Magic Missile except doing Fire critical strikes.

Light (5 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Five points in space within range give off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller number of
correspondingly larger areas as with the other Light spells in this path.

Light (10 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Ten points in space within range give off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller number of
correspondingly larger areas as with the other Light spells in this path.

Lux Clara (5 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Five points in space within range give off light with all the properties of lux clara and which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a
smaller number of correspondingly larger areas as with the other Light spells in this path.
Mass Light Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 One point in space within range per caster level gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller number
of correspondingly larger areas as with the other Light spells in this path.

Mass Faerie Fire Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
20 One target per caster level gains a glowing aura, gaining a +2 dodge bonus.
Lightning Strike W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
25 A lightning bolt, aimed by the caster, strikes the target from the sky. This spell must be cast outdoors and there must be cloudy sky within a mile of the caster
for it to function.
Holy Aura
30 Target gains a brightly glowing aura, gaining a +5 dodge bonus.
Mass Lux Clara Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
50 One point in space per caster level within range gives off light with all the properties of lux clara and which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be
combined into a smaller number of correspondingly larger areas as with the other Light spells in this path.

Divine sounD
Tongues II Range: 10’ Duration: C
1 Target is able to understand very basic single-word ideas and concepts (“attack”, “peace”, “hungry”, “friend”, etc.) in any spoken language as if they had two
ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to a similar level. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.

Silence (1’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.

Wall of Silence (1 Wall) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Creates an intangible immobile barrier of up to 20’x20’ though which sound cannot pass.

Tongues III Range: 10’ Duration: C

6 Target is able to understand short simple sentences in any spoken language as if they had three ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to
a similar level. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.
Silence (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates an intangible barrier 10’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.

Silence (3x1’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around each of three target objects or creatures through which sound cannot pass. The barriers move with the creatures.

Lesser Divine speLL paths

Wall of Silence (5 Walls) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Creates five intangible immobile barriers of up to 20’x20’ each though which sound cannot pass. Each barrier must be connected to at least one other.

Silence (5x1’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around each of five target objects or creatures through which sound cannot pass. The barriers move with the creatures.

Silence (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Creates an intangible barrier 50’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.

Tongues V Range: 10’ Duration: C
15 Target is able to understand everyday speech in any spoken language as if they had five ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to a
similar level (albeit with an accent). Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.

Shout Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Target’s voice is amplified to five times its normal volume.

Silence (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Creates an intangible barrier 100’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.

Mass Wall of Silence Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates one intangible immobile barrier per level of the caster of up to 20’x20’ each though which sound cannot pass. Each barrier must be connected to at
least one other.
Mass Silence (1’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around one target object or creature per caster level through which sound cannot pass. The barriers move with the creatures.

Tongues VII Range: 10’ Duration: C

50 Target is able to understand complex and technical speech in any spoken language as if they had seven ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any
language to a similar level with no accent. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.

Divine waLLs
Wall of Air Range: 50’ Duration: C
2 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Wall of Water Range: 50’ Duration: C
4 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.
Wall of Wood Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Creates a wall of solid wood up to 10’x20’x2’. It takes 20 rounds to hack through, or 50 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.

Wall of Earth Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates a wall of solid wood up to 10’x10’x2’. It takes 20 rounds to hack through, or 50 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.
Wall of Ice Range 50’ Duration: Instant
8 Creates a wall of ice up to 10’x10’x2’. It takes 50 rounds to hack through, or 100 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.

Lesser Divine speLL paths

Instant Pit Range 50’ Duration: Instant

10 Instantly digs a 500 cubic foot pit in stone or 1000 cubic foot pit in earth or ice. The entire pit must be within the spell’s range.
Lasting Wall of Air Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.
Wall of Stone Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Creates a wall of solid stone up to 10’x10’x1’. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither
end is up against a wall.
Lasting Wall of Water Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Lasting Wall of Wood Range 50’ Duration: Instant
15 Creates a wall of solid wood up to 10’x20’x2’. It takes 20 rounds to hack through, or 50 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.

Lasting Wall of Earth Range 50’ Duration: Instant
17 Creates a wall of densely packed earth up to 10’x20’x3’. It takes 10 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if
neither end is up against a wall.
Greater Wall of Ice Range 50’ Duration: Instant
18 Creates a wall of ice up to 20’x20’x2’. It takes 100 rounds to hack through, or 200 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.

Lasting Wall of Stone Range 50’ Duration: Instant
20 Creates a wall of solid stone up to 10’x10’x1’. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither
end is up against a wall.
Join Walls Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Seamlessly joins two touching walls over a 20’ join, or seamlessly joins together 100 cubic feet of stone blocks or pieces into a single solid block.
Curving Wall Range 50’ Duration: Varies
30 Creates any of the walls creatable by lower level spells on this list, but with the wall curved any amount up to a semicircle.
Force Wall Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
50 Creates a transparent but visible glass-like wall of impenetrable and impassable force up to 10’x20’x1/16” in size. The wall must be supported on a surface,
but cannot be toppled. The wall is immune to any magic that would penetrate or transform it, but may still be dispelled.

minor heaLing
Cure Wounds (1–10) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Target is healed 1d10 hit points.

Heal Light Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

2 Target is healed of one area of Light frostbite damage.

Heal Light Burns Range: Touch Duration: Instant

3 Target is healed of one area of Light burns.

Cure Wounds (3–30) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

4 Target is healed 3d10 hit points.

Unstun (1 Round) S,A Range: Touch Duration: Instant

5 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the target.

Heal Serious Burns/Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

6 Target is healed of one area of Serious burns or frostbite; or two areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Regeneration (1/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

7 Target is healed 1 hit point per round.

Cure Wounds (5–50) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

8 Target is healed 5d10 hit points.

Heal Critical Burns/Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Target is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite; or one area of Serious burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; or three areas of

Lesser Divine speLL paths

Light burns or frostbite.

Wake Range: Touch Duration: Instant

10 Target is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition.

Cure Wounds (7–70) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 Target is healed 7d10 hit points.

Regeneration (2/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

12 Target is healed 2 hit points per round.

Heal Multiple Burns/Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

13 Target is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; two areas of Serious burns or frostbite; one area of Serious
burns or frostbite and two areas of Light burns or frostbite; or four areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Cure Wounds (10–100) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Target is healed 10d10 hit points.

Ranged Unstun (1 Round) S,A Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the target.

Regeneration (3/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

18 Target is healed 3 hit points per round.

Cure Wounds (15–150) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Target is healed 15d10 hit points.

Regeneration (5/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

25 Target is healed 5 hit points per round.

Instant Regeneration Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 Target is instantly healed to their full hit point total.

Mass Instant Regeneration Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

50 One target per caster level is instantly healed to their full hit point total.

Walk on Branches Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Target can walk and fight on narrow branches, ledges or beams at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.
Walk on Stone Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Target can walk and fight on stone surfaces that slope up to sixty degrees at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.
Walk on Water Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 Target can walk and fight on reasonably calm water at no penalty and with no chance of falling in.
Hide in Tree Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Target can step inside a tree and hide for the duration. Target cannot see out of the tree, and can perform no action while hidden.

Run on Branches Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
9 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on narrow branches, ledges or beams as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance
of falling off.
Run on Stone Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
Lesser Divine speLL paths

10 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on stone surfaces that slope up to sixty degrees as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no
chance of falling off.
Run on Water Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on reasonably calm water as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance of falling in.
Walk on Air Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Target can walk and fight on reasonably calm air at no penalty and with no chance of falling. Target must remain at a constant height.

Spy from Tree Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Target can step inside a tree and hide for the duration. Target can see out of the tree, and can move around to look out in different directions but perform no
other actions while hidden.

Run on Air Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
18 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on reasonably calm air as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance of falling.
Target must remain at a constant height.

Merge with Tree Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Target can step inside a tree and hide for the duration. Target can see out of the tree, and can move around to look out in different directions, and can cast
spells on themselves; but can perform no other actions while hidden.
Carried by Air Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on reasonably calm air as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance of falling.
Target must remain at a constant height. Physical exertion does not tire the target while they are in the air.
Word of Recall S Range: 10 miles/lvl Duration: Instant
30 Caster is instantly teleported to a location within range that they have spent an hour memorising. Caster can only have one memorised location at a time.
Returning Word of Recall S Range: 10 miles/lvl Duration: Instant

50 Caster is instantly teleported to a location within range that they have spent an hour memorising, can spend up to 1 round per level at that location, and
is then instantly teleported back to the place where they cast this spell, or the nearest available open space if it is now occupied. Caster can only have one
memorised location at a time.

nature’s CaLLing
Identify Plant Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
2 Caster becomes aware of the nature and species (and history, if relevant) of one living plant.

Identify Herb Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

3 Caster becomes aware of the healing properties of one plant (or plant extract), including which part of the plant is active and how it must be used.

Identify Stone Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
5 Caster becomes aware of the nature and type (and history if relevant) of any one natural stone or rock.

Plant Growth Range 10’ Duration: 1 day

6 Target living plant grows at ten times its normal speed for the duration. Healing herbs are not affected by this spell.

Speak With Animal Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

7 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of animal. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the animal type chosen. Generally carnivores are smarter than herbivores and pack animals have more complex languages than solitary ones.

Control Animal (1 animal) Range: 100’ Duration: C
9 Caster can completely control the actions of one animal.

Detect Movement (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C

Lesser Divine speLL paths

10 Caster is aware of all movement within 100’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Speak With Plant Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of plant. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the plant type chosen. Generally, most non-magical plants have no sapience or language at all.
Control Animal (3 animals) Range: 100’ Duration: C
12 Caster can completely control the actions of three animals simultaneously.

Animal Telepathy Range: 100’ Duration: C

13 Caster can read the thoughts and emotions of one animal. The coherence of the thoughts will depend on the intelligence and sapience of the animal chosen.
Most animals without language think in crude non-verbal images only.
Control Plant (1 plant) Range: 100’ Duration: C
14 Caster can completely control the actions of one plant. Movement is only possible if the plant is naturally mobile.

Speak With Rock Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

15 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of rock or stone. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and
sapience of the rock type chosen. Generally, most non-magical rocks have no sapience or language at all.

Control Animal (5 animals) Range: 100’ Duration: C
17 Caster can completely control the actions of five animals simultaneously.

Control Plant (3 plants) Range: 100’ Duration: C
19 Caster can completely control the actions of three plants. Movement is only possible if the plants are naturally mobile.

Detect Movement (500’r) Range: Self Duration: C

20 Caster is aware of all movement within 500’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Nature’s Empathy Range: 100’ Duration: C
25 Caster can sense the thoughts and emotions of target animal, plant, or rock. The coherence of the thoughts will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the target chosen. Most animals without language think in crude non-verbal images only, and most plants and rocks have no thoughts or emotions.
Control Species (10’/lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: C
30 Caster can completely control the actions of all animals within range that belong to a chosen species simultaneously.

Master Animal Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent

50 Caster can completely control the actions of one animal. Mental commands can be given whenever the animal is within sight, and no communication or
concentration is needed. Only one animal can be mastered at a time, and if a second is mastered the first is released from control.

proteCtion from magiC
Resist Magic (+1) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Gives the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+1, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Gives all creatures within a 10’ radius of the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+2) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Gives the target a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+2, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Gives all creatures within a 10’ radius of the target a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Divine Shield Range: Self Duration: C
9 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells and a +2 dodge bonus against divine weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one divine spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Lesser Divine speLL paths

Resist Magic (+3) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Gives the target a +3 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Arcane Shield Range: Self Duration: C

11 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells and a +2 dodge bonus against arcane weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one arcane spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Psychic Shield Range: Self Duration: C
13 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and a +2 dodge bonus against psychic weapon-like spells. The caster can (without
losing concentration) “parry” one psychic spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Resist Magic (+4) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
14 Gives the target a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +4 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Dual Shield Range: Self Duration: C

15 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against spells of two spheres of magic (chosen at time of casting) and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like
spells of those spheres. The caster can (without losing concentration) “parry” one spell per round from one of those spheres, adding any melee attack bonus
they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Resist Magic (+5) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Gives the target a +5 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +5 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Magic Shield Range: Self Duration: C
19 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against spells and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Divine Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C
20 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells and a +10 dodge bonus against divine weapon-like spells.

Arcane Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

25 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells and a +10 dodge bonus against arcane weapon-like spells.

Psychic Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

30 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and a +10 dodge bonus against psychic weapon-like spells.

Magic Immunity Range: 100’ Duration: C

50 Gives the target a +10 bonus to their saving throws against spells and a +10 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

bLooD heaLing
Staunch Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If target moves, bleeding will resume.
Staunch Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. If target moves, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.
Seal Wounds (1 hit/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.
Staunch Bleeding (5 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 5 hit points per round. If target moves, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.
Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Bone Healing,
Muscle Healing and Nerve Healing paths.
Cure Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round.
Seal Wounds (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
7 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have
to be all from the same wound.

Cure Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
9 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. The bleeding does not necessarily have to be all from the same wound.

greater Divine speLL paths

Repair Artery Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Stops all bleeding from a single one of target’s injuries.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Bone Healing, Muscle
Healing and Nerve Healing paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Staunch Bleeding (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound. If target moves, bleeding will resume.
Seal Wounds (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.

Remove Blood Clot Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 Removes any single blood clot from the target.

Cure Bleeding (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound.

Mass Staunch Bleeding Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Stops all bleeding from one injury per level of the caster. If targets move, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same target, the
caster may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.
Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Bone Healing,
Muscle Healing and Nerve Healing paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury and Healing chapter of the main
Rulebook for further details.
Mass Seal Wounds Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 Stops all bleeding from one injury per level of the caster. If targets move faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have
to be all from the same target, the caster may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.
Mass Cure Bleeding Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 Stops all bleeding from one injury per level of the caster. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same target, the caster may cure multiple targets while
casting the spell.

bone heaLing
Set Bone (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones, except the skull, resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Heal Cartilage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 One of target’s areas of cartilage damage is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Blood Healing,
Muscle Healing and Nerve Healing paths.
Set Bone (any) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones, except the skull, resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Heal Broken Skull Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Joint Range: Touch Duration: Instant
greater Divine speLL paths

10 Target’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Set Bone Instantly (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
11 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones, except the skull, resulting from a Light injury is healed.
Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Blood Healing, Muscle
Healing and Nerve Healing paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Cartilage Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 One of target’s areas of cartilage damage is healed.
Set Bone Instantly (any) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones, except the skull, resulting from a any severity injury is healed.
Heal Broken Skull Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed.
Set Joint Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 Target’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed.
Heal Shatter Range: Touch Duration: Instant
17 One of target’s shattered bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Mass Set Bone (light) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 One fractured or broken (but not shattered) bone per caster level resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. The bones does not have
to be all from the same target, the caster may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.

Mass Heal Cartilage Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 One area of cartilage damage per level of the caster is healed over the course of 24 hours. The damage does not have to be all from the same target, the caster
may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.
Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Blood Healing,
Muscle Healing and Nerve Healing paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury and Healing chapter of the main
Rulebook for further details.
Mass Set Bone (any) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 One fractured or broken (but not shattered) bone per caster level resulting from any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. The bones does not
have to be all from the same target, the caster may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.
Mass Heal Shatter Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 One fractured, broken, or shattered bone per caster level is healed over the course of 24 hours. The bones does not have to be all from the same target, the
caster may cure multiple targets while casting the spell.

Create fooD anD Drink
Sustenance Range: Self Duration: 1 day
2 Caster can go without any food or drink for the duration of the spell without penalty. The caster will be no hungrier or thirstier when the spell has ended as
they were at the time of casting.
Create Water (1 Person) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
3 Fills a suitable receptacle within range with fresh water, enough to supply a single person for a day.
Create Food (1 Person) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
4 Creates enough fresh food (bread, cheese, fruit and precooked meat) to feed a single person for a day. The food is nutritious and healthy, but will go off at the
normal rate if left.
Conjure Flame Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
5 One piece of flammable material within range catches fire. Once started, the fire is non-magical and will use fuel and go out as normal. If the material is
being held or worn, the wearer gets a saving throw to avoid the material catching light.
Travel Biscuits (1 Person) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
6 Creates a handful of nutritious biscuits that will provide healthy nutrition for one person for one day. The biscuits will last for a month before going off.
Create Water (3 People) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
7 Fills a suitable receptacle within range with fresh water, enough to supply three people for a day. A horse or similar mount drinks as much as two people.
Create Food (3 People) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
8 Creates enough fresh food (bread, cheese, fruit and precooked meat) to feed three people for a single day. The food is nutritious and healthy, but will go off at
the normal rate if left. A horse or similar mount eats as much as two people.
Lesser Herb Potency Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

greater Divine speLL paths

Target healing herb, which must be still alive and growing, has its potency doubled so that only half the normal dosage will be needed for full effect.
Create Water (5 People) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
10 Fills a suitable receptacle within range with fresh water, enough to supply five people for a day. A horse or similar mount drinks as much as two people.
Create Food (5 People) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
11 Creates enough fresh food (bread, cheese, fruit and precooked meat) to feed five people for a single day. The food is nutritious and healthy, but will go off at
the normal rate if left. A horse or similar mount eats as much as two people.
Travel Biscuits (3 People) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
12 Creates a handful of nutritious biscuits that will provide healthy nutrition for three people for one day. The biscuits will last for a month before going off.
Greater Herb Potency Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
13 Target healing herb, which has already been picked and prepared, has its potency doubled so that only half the normal dosage will be needed for full effect.
This spell does not stack with the Lesser Herb Potency spell.

Create Lesser Plant Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
15 Creates a single non-magical plant no more than 10’ tall. The plant must be one that grows in the climate in which the spell is cast.
Mass Create Water Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
16 Fills a suitable receptacle within range with fresh water, enough to supply one person per caster level for a day. A horse or similar mount drinks as much as
two people.
Mass Create Food Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
17 Creates enough fresh food (bread, cheese, fruit and precooked meat) to feed one person per caster level for a single day. The food is nutritious and healthy,
but will go off at the normal rate if left. A horse or similar mount eats as much as two people.

Create Lesser Animal Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
20 Creates a single non-magical animal weighing no more than 10lb. The animal must be one that lives in the climate in which the spell is cast.
Mass Travel Biscuits Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
25 Creates a handful of nutritious biscuits that will provide healthy nutrition for one person per caster level for one day. The biscuits will last for a month before
going off.
Create Greater Plant Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
30 Creates a single non-magical plant no more than 1’ per caster level tall. The plant must be one that grows in the climate in which the spell is cast.
Create Greater Animal Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
50 Creates a single non-magical animal weighing no more than 1lb. per caster level. The animal must be one that lives in the climate in which the spell is cast.

Divine CaLm
Calming (1 Creature) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Target is calmed of strong anger, although it may remain quietly hostile if it was already. It will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence if attacked).

Calming (2 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Two targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence
if attacked).
Hold Person Range: 100’ Duration: C
5 Target person is Slowed.
Calming (3 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 Three targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence
if attacked).

Calming (4 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Four targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence
if attacked).
Calming (5 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
9 Five targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence
if attacked).
greater Divine speLL paths

Calm Animals (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 One animal per caster level is calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight
in self-defence if attacked).
Hold Monster Range: 100’ Duration: C
11 Target creature is Slowed.
Calming (10 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Ten targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence
if attacked).

Calming Word S Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster speaks a single word and all creatures within a 50’ radius are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already.
They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence if attacked).

Calm Animals (10’/lvl) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: 1 min/lvl
18 One animal per caster level is calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight
in self-defence if attacked). Saving throws against this spell get a –4 penalty.

Calming (20 Creatures) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Twenty targets are calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-
defence if attacked). Saving throws against this spell get a –4 penalty.
Lasting Calm Range: 300’ Duration: 1 day/lvl
25 Target is calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence if
attacked). The saving throw against this spell get a –4 penalty.
Mass Calming Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 One target per caster level is calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in
self-defence if attacked).
Permanent Calming Range: 300’ Duration: Permanent
50 Target is calmed of strong anger, although they may remain quietly hostile if they were already. They will not start a fight (but will fight in self-defence if
attacked). This spell lasts until dispelled.

Divine Lore
Perfect Recall Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Caster perfectly remembers any writing or conversation that they had within the past day per caster level.
Detect Evil Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster can see a glow around any evil beings or items created by evil magic. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘evil’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.
Detect Curse Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Caster can see a glow around any cursed beings or items. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.
Detect Hatred Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Caster can see a glow around any beings that are currently experiencing the emotion of hatred.
Examine Hallowed (1 Item) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
5 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and maker of any one holy item. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘holy’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.
Examine Poison Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
6 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and symptoms of any one poisonous or poisoned item.

Examine Species Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Caster gains knowledge of the nature and general abilities any one species. A creature of the species must be within spell range, and the caster learns nothing
about the creature’s individual abilities; only those general ones it shares with the rest of its species.

greater Divine speLL paths

Examine Curse Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
10 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and originator of any one curse. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘curse’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.
Examine Unhallowed (1 Item) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
11 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and maker of any one unholy item. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘unholy’ in their setting
for purposes of this spell.
Examine Hallowed (2 Items) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
12 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and maker of any two holy items. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘holy’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.

Examine Hatred Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
15 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, target, strength and nature of any hatred detected with the Detect Hatred spell.

Examine Hallowed (3 Items) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
17 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and maker of any three holy items. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘holy’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.
Hallowed History Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 Caster gains knowledge of the purpose, capabilities and history of any one holy item. This includes images of all who have owned the item. The Game Master
must determine what counts as ‘holy’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

Examine Unhallowed (3 Items) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
20 Caster gains knowledge of the origin, nature and maker of any three unholy items. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘unholy’ in their setting
for purposes of this spell.
Examine Person Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
25 Caster gains knowledge of the identity, character class (if any), level, and profession of target person.
Unhallowed History Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 Caster gains knowledge of the purpose, capabilities and history of any one unholy item. This includes images of all who have owned the item. The Game
Master must determine what counts as ‘unholy’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.
Mass Hallowed History Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 Caster gains knowledge of the purpose, capabilities and history of all holy items within 100’. This includes images of all who have owned the items. The
Game Master must determine what counts as ‘holy’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

musCLe heaLing
Heal Tendon (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 One area of target’s damaged tendons resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of an hour.
Heal Muscle (1 Muscle) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 One of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed over the course of an hour.
Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Bone Healing,
Blood Healing and Nerve Healing paths.
Heal Tendon (1 Tendon) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 One area of target’s damaged tendons is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Muscle (3 Muscles) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
9 Three of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles are healed over the course of an hour.
greater Divine speLL paths

Heal Tendon (3 Tendons) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

10 Three areas of target’s damaged tendons are healed over the course of an hour.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Bone Healing, Blood Healing
and Nerve Healing paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Muscle Instantly (1) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 One of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed.

Heal Tendon Instantly (1) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 One area of target’s damaged tendons is healed.

Mass Heal Muscle Range: Touch Duration: Instant
17 One damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscle per level of the caster is healed over the course of an hour. The damage does not have to be all from the
same target, the caster may touch multiple targets while casting the spell.

Mass Heal Tendon Range: Touch Duration: Instant
19 One damaged tendon per level of the caster is healed over the course of an hour. The damage does not have to be all from the same target, the caster may
touch multiple targets while casting the spell.
Regrow Muscle Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 One of target’s missing or destroyed muscle is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.
Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Bone Healing,
Blood Healing and Nerve Healing paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury and Healing chapter of the main
Rulebook for further details.
Regrow Tendons Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 One area of target’s missing or destroyed tendons is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.
Mass Heal Muscle/Tendon Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 One damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscle or area of tendon per level of the caster is healed. The damage does not have to be all from the same
target, the caster may heal multiple targets while casting the spell.

nerve heaLing
Heal Nerve Damage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 One area of target’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl

5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Bone Healing,
Blood Healing and Muscle Healing paths.


greater Divine speLL paths

Paralysis Relief Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Paralysed target is temporarily able to move. This does nothing to heal the damage that caused the paralysis, but neither does it aggravate the condition.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Bone Healing, Blood Healing
and Muscle Healing paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Heal Nerve Damage Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 One area of target’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Heal Brain Damage Range: Touch Duration: Instant

15 One area of target’s brain damage is healed over the course of 24 hours. This will awaken the target from a coma (at the end of the 24 hour period).

Heal Paralysis Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 Target is cured of paralysis and associated spinal cord damage (if any).

Mass Heal Nerve Damage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 One area of nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) per level of the caster is healed over the course of an hour. The damage does not have to be all
from the same target, the caster may touch multiple targets while casting the spell.
Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Bone Healing,
Blood Healing and Muscle Healing paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury and Healing chapter of the main
Rulebook for further details.
Regrow Nerves Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 All of target’s missing nerves (except the brain) are regrown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Brain Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 Target’s missing brain is regrown over the course of 24 hours.

organ heaLing
Heal Nose Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Heals all damage to target’s nose short of complete loss.

Heal Ear (external) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Heals all damage to the target’s external ear, including complete loss. This spell does not cure deafness associated with inner ear damage.
Heal Eye (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Heals all damage to the target’s eyes resulting from a Light injury.

Heal Ear Range: Touch Duration: Instant
9 Heals all damage to the target’s external and inner ear, including complete loss. This spell also cures deafness associated with inner ear damage.

greater Divine speLL paths

Heal Eye (critical) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 Heals all damage to the target’s eyes short of complete loss. This spell also cures blindness associated with eye damage (but not loss).

Heal Heart Range: Touch Duration: Instant

14 Heals all damage to the target’s heart short of complete loss over the course of 24 hours. Although the spell takes 24 hours to repair the heart, it will stabilise
the target immediately and prevent death from the damage that it is healing. If the heart damage would have killed the target, the target instead remains
unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Heal Lungs Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Heals all damage to the target’s lungs short of complete loss.
Heal Organ (24 hrs) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

16 Heals one area of target’s organ damage (except the brain) over the course of 24 hours. Although the spell takes 24 hours to repair the organ, it will stabilise
the target immediately and prevent death from the organ damage that it is healing. If the organ damage would have killed the target, the target instead
remains unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Regrow Nose Range: Touch Duration: Instant
17 Target’s missing or destroyed nose is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.
Organ Transplant Range: Touch Duration: Instant
Caster can replace one of target’s damaged or missing organs (except the brain) with a fresh one taken from a corpse or living donor. It takes 24 hours for
18 the replacement organ to start functioning, although it will stabilise the target immediately and prevent death from the removal of the organ that is being
replaced. If the removal of the replaced organ would have killed the target, the target instead remains unconscious until the organ is fully healed. If the
replacement organ is from a different species to the target, there is a 50/50 chance that this spell will fail at the time of casting.

Regrow Eyes Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Target’s missing or destroyed eyes are re-grown over the course of 24 hours. This spell cures blindness associated with eye loss at the end of the 24 hour period.
Heal Organ (10 mins) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Heals one area of target’s organ damage over the course of 10 minutes. Although the spell takes 10 minutes to repair the organ, it will stabilise the target
immediately and prevent death from the organ damage that it is healing. If the organ damage would have killed the target, the target instead remains
unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Regrow Heart Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 Regrows target’s missing heart over the course of 24 hours. Although the spell takes 24 hours to regrow the heart, it will stabilise the target immediately and
prevent death from the damage that it is healing. The target remains unconscious until the heart is fully regrown.
Regrow Organ Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 Regrows one of target’s missing organs (except the brain) over the course of 24 hours. Although the spell takes 24 hours to regrow the organ, it will stabilise
the target immediately and prevent death from the damage that it is healing. If the missing organ would have killed the target, the target instead remains
unconscious until the organ is fully regrown.

Intuition Range: Self Duration: Instant
2 Gives the caster a hunch about which one of a simple set of choices (e.g. “Which corridor is the way out?”) would be the most beneficial to the caster. The
hunch has a 75% chance of being correct and a 25% chance of being misleading (rolled secretly by the Game Master).
Find the Path (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
3 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.

Locate Object (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
5 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 100’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.
Find the Path (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
6 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.

Locate Object (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
8 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 300’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.
Find the Path (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
9 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.

greater Divine speLL paths

Locate Object (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
10 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 500’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.
Remember Path Range: Self Duration: 1 hr/lvl
11 Caster memorises the exact route that they travel over the course of the spell well enough to re-trace it backwards or forwards, even if they are without senses
(e.g. tied in a sack) while doing the travelling.
Find the Path (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: Instant
12 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.

Find Object (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
15 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest instance of an object or place that is in range even with only a vague idea what it looks
Locate Object (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
16 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 1 mile, they know the exact direction and distance to it.
Find the Path (10 miles) Range: 10 miles Duration: Instant
17 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.
Find Object (300’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest instance of an object or place that is in range even with only a vague idea what it looks

Locate Object (20 Miles) Range: 20 miles Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
20 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 1 mile, they know the exact direction and distance to it.
Find the Path (1 Mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
25 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to all paths and well-travelled routes within 1 mile per caster level. The caster gains full knowledge of
where the path go within the area, but not where they lead after leaving the area.
Locate Object (1 Mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
30 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 1 mile per caster level, they know the exact direction and distance
to it.
Find Object (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
50 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest instance of an object or place that is in range even with only a vague idea what it looks

Remove Symbol (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
3 Removes targeted first level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used to inscribe it).

Inscribe Symbol (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
5 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Inscribe Symbol (2nd lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
7 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first or second level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Remove Symbol (2nd lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

8 Removes targeted first or second level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used to
inscribe it).
Inscribe Symbol (3rd lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
9 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to third level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.
greater Divine speLL paths

Inscribe Symbol (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
11 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to fifth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Remove Symbol (3rd lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

12 Removes targeted first to third level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used to
inscribe it).
Inscribe Symbol (6th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
13 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to sixth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Inscribe Symbol (7th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
15 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to seventh level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Remove Symbol (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

16 Removes targeted first to fifth level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used to
inscribe it).
Inscribe Symbol (8th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
17 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to eighth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Remove Symbol (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

18 Removes targeted first to tenth level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used to
inscribe it).
Inscribe Symbol (9th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
19 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to ninth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Inscribe Symbol (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent

20 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to tenth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Inscribe Symbol (15th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent

25 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to fifteenth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Inscribe Symbol (20th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent

30 Caster inscribes a symbol containing any first to twentieth level spell that they know. The spell to be inscribed must be cast alongside this spell.

Remove Symbol (20th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

50 Removes targeted first to twentieth level symbol, providing the symbol fails its saving throw (at the level of the inscribed spell, not the level of the spell used
to inscribe it).

heaL seLf
Seal Wounds (1 hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
2 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.

Seal Wounds (3 hits/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have
to be all from the same wound.
Slow Regeneration (1hit/min) A Range: Self Duration: C
5 Caster regains 1 hit point per minute.
Set Bone A Range: Self Duration: Instant
6 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones, except the skull, resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of
concentration. The concentration need not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off.
Cure Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
7 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round.
Heal Muscle/Tendon A Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 One of caster’s damaged muscles or tendons resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The concentration need
not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off.

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Heal Nerve Damage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 One of caster’s damaged nerves resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The concentration need not all be
done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off. This spell will not heal brain damage.
Heal Eye/Ear A Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Damage to casters eyes or ears resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The concentration need not all be
done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off.
Repair Artery A Range: Self Duration: Instant
12 Stops all bleeding from a single one of caster’s injuries.
Slow Regeneration (2hits/min) A Range: Self Duration: C
13 Caster regains 2 hit points per minute.

Grace A Range: Self Duration: See Below
15 Caster’s Grace Period is extended indefinitely until they are healed or their brain is destroyed.

Reattach Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant

17 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The concentration need not all be done at once, but if it is stopped
then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury and Healing
chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Regeneration (1hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: C
20 Caster regains 1 hit points per round.
Regrow Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant
25 Caster regrows a missing limb over the course of 24 hours.
Regrow Organ A Range: Self Duration: Instant
30 Caster regrows any missing organ except the brain, over the course of 24 hours. This spell does not keep the caster alive if the missing organ is required for
life, so the Grace spell may also be needed to last until the organ is regrown.
Full Healing A Range: Self Duration: Instant
50 Caster is affected by all the lower level spells on this path simultaneously in whatever combination is necessary to fully heal them. This spell will not heal
brain damage.

Lesser hiDing
Shimmer Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 attack penalty.
Invisibility Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
3 Caster (without clothes or equipment) becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Silhouette Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Caster (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Caster gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.
Alter Self Range: Self Duration: 1 hr/lvl
5 Caster looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of caster’s own size. This is a visual illusion only, and the caster does not physically change.
Invisibility (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
6 Caster and everything that is entirely within 1’ of them becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.

Invisibility (up to 1’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
9 Caster and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 1’ of them become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended
prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Projected Image (1 Image) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

10 Creates an illusionary double of the caster (visual only), that the caster can control by concentrating. When the caster is not concentrating, the illusionary
double copies the caster’s movements.
Greater Alter Self Range: Self Duration: 1 hr/lvl
11 Caster looks, sounds and smells like any humanoid species within +/–20% of caster’s own size. This is an illusion only, and the caster does not physically
change. Neither does it give the caster language skills.

Offset Image (10%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 10% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.

Chameleon (+10) Range: Self Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
15 Caster (with clothes and equipment) changes colour to match their surroundings. When the caster is stationary, they are effectively invisible. When the caster
is moving they get a +10 bonus to Stealth checks.

Offset Image (20%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
18 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 20% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.

Projected Image (2 Images) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Creates two illusionary doubles of the caster (visual only), that the caster can control by concentrating. When the caster is not concentrating on a double,
that double copies the caster’s movements.
Offset Image (30%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 30% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.
Chameleon (+15) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
30 Caster (with clothes and equipment) changes colour to match their surroundings. When the caster is stationary, they are effectively invisible. When the caster
is moving they get a +15 bonus to Stealth checks.
Greater Invisibility (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
50 Caster and everything that is entirely within 1’ of them becomes invisible for the duration. Anything that would normally break the invisibility (such as a
sharp knock or casting a spell) instead only temporarily suppresses it until the end of the following round.

minor premonitions
Intuition Range: Self Duration: Instant
3 Gives the caster a hunch about which one of a simple set of choices (e.g. “which corridor is the way out?”) would be the most beneficial to the caster. The
hunch has a 75% chance of being correct and a 25% chance of being misleading (rolled secretly by the Game Master).

Premonition (1 min) Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next minute) if they perform a specific action now.

Prophetic Dreams (1 dream) Range: Self Duration: See below
8 Gives the caster a dream (next time they sleep for at least an hour) about a subject of their choice. The dream will reveal information about the subject that
the caster did not already know.
Ghostly Echoes Range: Self Duration: Instant
9 Gives caster a vision of what has previously happened (up to 1 min/lvl in the past) in the place where they are.
Predict General Action Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

10 Caster gains knowledge of what action the target will take in the following round. In the following round’s Statement of Intent phase, the caster may hear
the opponent’s general choice of action (e.g. “cast a spell”, “attack” but not specifics of which spell or which target) before announcing their own; while still
getting the normal +2 bonus to initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.
Premonition (2 mins) Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next two minutes) if they perform a specific action now.

Prophetic Dreams (2 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
14 As Prophetic Dreams (1 dream) except the caster has two dreams about different subjects of their choice.
Predict Specific Action Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

15 Caster gains knowledge of what action the target will take in the following round. In the following round’s Statement of Intent phase, the caster may hear the
opponent’s exact choice of action including specifics of which spell or which target before announcing their own; while still getting the normal +2 bonus to
initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.

Prophetic Dreams (3 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
17 As Prophetic Dreams (1 dream) except the caster has three dreams about different subjects of their choice.

Premonition (1 min/lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next minute per level) if they perform a specific action now.
Mass Predict General Action Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

25 Caster gains knowledge of what action all creatures within 100’ will take in the following round. In the following round’s Statement of Intent phase, the
caster may hear the opponents’ general choice of action (e.g. “cast a spell”, “attack” but not specifics of which spell or which target) before announcing their
own; while still getting the normal +2 bonus to initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.
Prophetic Dreams (5 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
30 As Prophetic Dreams (1 dream) except the caster has five dreams about different subjects of their choice.
Mass Predict Specific Action Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

50 Caster gains knowledge of what action all creatures within 100’ will take in the following round. In the following round’s Statement of Intent phase, the
caster may hear the opponents’ exact choice of action including specifics of which spell or which target before announcing their own; while still getting the
normal +2 bonus to initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.

psyChiC Conjuring
Twist Light Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Bends light around a single inanimate object (of up to 10’x10’x10’ in size) so that it appears to be up to 10’ away from its real location.

Conjure Sound or Light Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Creates a simple immobile visual scene or a simple immobile set of repeating or constant sounds in a 10’ radius.

Conjuration (2 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects.

Illusion (1 aspect) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of one conjured aspect.

Conjuration (3 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects.

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Delayed Conjure (1 aspect) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of one conjured aspect. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Conjuration (4 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of four conjured aspects.

Illusion (2 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of two conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (2 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
14 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Conjuration (5 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

15 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects.

Illusion (3 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of three conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (3 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

18 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Conjuration (7 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of seven conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (5 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Conjuration (10 aspects) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of ten conjured aspects.

Illusion (5 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of five conjured aspects.

psyChiC DeteCtion
Detect Psychic Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any active psychic spell or any item containing a psychic spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Arcane Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

2 Caster can see a glow around any active arcane spell or any item containing an arcane spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Divine Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

3 Caster can see a glow around any active divine spell or any item containing a divine spell. The glow may shine through thin objects such as containers.

Detect Hatred Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

4 Caster can see a glow around any beings that are currently experiencing the emotion of hatred.

Detect Invisible Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

5 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this spell, but at a –10 penalty.

Detect Evil Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

6 Caster can see a glow around any evil beings or items created by evil magic. The Game Master must determine what counts as ‘evil’ in their setting for
purposes of this spell.
Detect Traps Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
7 Caster can see a glow around any mechanical or magical trap. Each trap in the area has a 75% chance of being detected by this spell.

Detect Power (50’) Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

8 Caster can tell the level of a person, magic item, or active spell within 50’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that they cannot see.

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Detect Class Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
10 Caster can tell the species and class (if any) of a person they look at within 50’, or the class of the person that cast a spell they look at within 50’. The caster
cannot examine the class of active spells that they cannot see.
Detect Power (100’, 10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
11 Caster can tell the level of all people, magic items, and active spells in a 10’ radius area within 100’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that
they cannot see.

See Invisible Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. This spell needs no concentration and the caster may attack invisible creatures without penalty.

Detect Magic Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can see a glow around any active spell (of any sphere) or a faint glow where a spell has been cast in the last week. The glow may shine through thin
objects such as containers.
Detect Power (500’, 50’r) Range: 500’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
16 Caster can tell the level of all people, magic items, and active spells in a 50’ radius area within 500’. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells that
they cannot see.

Detect Spell Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
18 Caster can exactly identify a spell they look at within 50’. The caster cannot determine the identity of active spells that they cannot see.

Detect Power (1 mile, 300’r) Range: 1 mile Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
20 Caster can tell the level of all people, magic items, and active spells in a 300’ radius area within 1 mile. The caster cannot examine the level of active spells
that they cannot see.
Locate Object (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
25 Caster visualises an object or place, and if an object or place matching that image is within 300’, they know the exact direction and distance to it.

Detect Any Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Detect All Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

50 Caster can use all of the lower level spell effects on this path simultaneously.

Palm of Light Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a beam of light like that of a hooded lantern from the caster’s palm. Light is effective at up to 20’.
Shimmer Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 attack penalty.
Light (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light moves with the object.
Faerie Fire Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Caster gains a glowing aura, gaining a +2 dodge bonus.
Flash Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a bright flash of light at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving
Magic Missile W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
6 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.
Darkness (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the darkness moves it.
Greater Faerie Fire Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
8 Caster gains a glowing aura, gaining a +3 dodge bonus.

Light (5 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
10 Five points in space within range each give off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller number of
Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 20’ radius and one 30’ radius).

Darkness (5 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
11 Five points in space within range each give off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller
number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 20’ radius and one 30’ radius).

Glow Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Target object (up to 10’x10’x10’ in size) glows in a colour of caster’s choice.

Signal Range: Self Duration: C
15 Creates a beam of light up to 5 miles long of any colour that springs from caster’s palm.
Darkness (10 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
16 Ten points in space within range each give off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller
number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 40’ radius and two 30’ radius).

Sunlight (10 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 Ten points in space within range give off light with all the properties of sunlight and which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a
smaller number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 40’ radius and two 30’ radius).
Nox Obscura (10 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
19 Ten points in space within range each give off an aura of nox obscura that suppresses even magical light and which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these
can be combined into a smaller number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 40’ radius and two 30’ radius).
Solar Lens Range: 500’ Duration: C

20 Concentrates natural sunlight into a 1” diameter beam, which will burn through 1’ of wood per round; 4” of stone per round; or 1” of metal per round. The
beam may be moved at a speed of 1’ per round. The movement is too slow for it to be used as a weapon, but if focussed on a helpless target, the target will
take an “E” severity fire critical each round.
True Lens Range: 500’ Duration: C

25 Concentrates any ambient light into a 1” diameter beam, which will burn through 1’ of wood per round; 4” of stone per round; or 1” of metal per round.
The beam may be moved at a speed of 1’ per round. The movement is too slow for it to be used as a weapon, but if focussed on a helpless target, the target
will take an “E” severity fire critical each round.
Mobile Solar Lens W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: C
30 Concentrates natural sunlight into a 1” diameter beam, which will burn through 1’ of wood per round; 4” of stone per round; or 1” of metal per round. The
beam may be moved at a speed of 30’ per round. The caster can attack with this beam, using the Fire Bolt table with a +6 bonus and double damage.
Mobile True Lens W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: C
50 Concentrates any ambient light into a 1” diameter beam, which will burn through 1’ of wood per round; 4” of stone per round; or 1” of metal per round.
The beam may be moved at a speed of 30’ per round. The caster can attack with this beam, using the Fire Bolt table with a +6 bonus and double damage.

Feel Purpose Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster becomes aware of the basic purpose of the touched item (but not detailed instructions for its use).
Feel Enchantment Range: Touch Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
2 Caster can feel whether each object touched is magical in some way, but gains no insight about the type or power of the object’s magical nature.
Feel Origin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Caster becomes aware of the place where the touched object comes from. This is the source of its material if it is natural, or the place it was made if it is

Feel Curse Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Caster becomes aware if the touched item is cursed. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.
Feel Sphere Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Caster can tell the sphere of magic (if any) contained within the touched item.
Analyse Stone W(S) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
7 Caster discovers the origin, nature and composition of any worked or natural stone. If the stone is worked, the caster also knows how this was done.
Significance Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Caster sees an image of the most significant event that has happened in the touched item’s past.


Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Caster gains knowledge as if having cast all the “Feel” spells of lower level than this one simultaneously on the touched item.
Postcognition (1hr/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
11 Caster has a vision of what happened in the past (up to 1 hour per level ago, with an accuracy of +/–30 minutes) either in their current location or in the
prior location of a touched item.

Identify Primary Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 Caster becomes aware of the primary magical power or bonus (but not any other powers) of the touched item.
Remember Death Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 Caster discovers the time and cause of death of a corpse of any age (and sees the event through the victim’s eyes). If the corpse is not present, this spell may be
cast at the place of death but only within 24 hours of the death occurring.

Significant Postcognition Range: Touch Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
17 Caster has a vision of what happened in the most significant event that has happened in the touched item’s past.

Identify Fully Range: Touch Duration: Instant
19 Caster becomes aware of all abilities and powers of the touched item, and gains immediate knowledge of how to use those abilities and powers without
needing to use either the Use Magicial Device or Read Magic skills.
Postcognition (1 day/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
20 Caster has a vision of what happened in the past (up to 1 day per level ago, with an accuracy of +/–1 hour) either in their current location or in the prior
location of a touched item.
Postcognition (1 month/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
25 Caster has a vision of what happened in the past (up to 1 month per level ago, with an accuracy of +/–1 day) either in their current location or in the prior
location of a touched item.
Postcognition (1 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
30 Caster has a vision of what happened in the past (up to 1 year per level ago, with an accuracy of +/–1 week) either in their current location or in the prior
location of a touched item.
Postcognition (1 decade/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
50 Caster has a vision of what happened in the past (up to 1 decade per level ago, with an accuracy of +/–1 month) either in their current location or in the prior
location of a touched item.

resist magiC
Resist Magic (+1) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Gives the caster a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Resist Magic (+2) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Psychic Shield Range: Self Duration: C
8 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and a +2 dodge bonus against psychic weapon-like spells. The caster can (without
losing concentration) “parry” one psychic spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Arcane Shield Range: Self Duration: C

10 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells and a +2 dodge bonus against arcane weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one arcane spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Resist Magic (+3) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Gives the caster a +3 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Divine Shield W(S) Range: Self Duration: C
13 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells and a +2 dodge bonus against divine weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one divine spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Dual Shield Range: Self Duration: C

15 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws vs spells of any two spheres of magic (chosen at time of casting) and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like
spells from those spheres. The caster can (without losing concentration) “parry” one spell from one of the chosen spheres per round, adding any melee attack
bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.

Resist Magic (+5) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Gives the caster a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +4 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Magic Shield Range: Self Duration: C
19 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to their saving throws against spells and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells. The caster can (without losing
concentration) “parry” one spell per round, adding any melee attack bonus they have to their dodge bonus or saving throw.
Psychic Immunity Range: Self Duration: C
20 Gives the caster a +10 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells.

Arcane Immunity Range: Self Duration: C

25 Gives the caster a +10 bonus to their saving throws against arcane spells.

Divine Immunity Range: Self Duration: C

30 Gives the caster a +10 bonus to their saving throws against divine spells.

Magic Immunity Range: Self Duration: C

50 Gives the caster a +10 bonus to their saving throws against spells.

resist pain
Fire Resistance (+4) S Range: Self Duration: C
1 Caster is immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.
Cold Resistance (+4) S Range: Self Duration: C
2 Caster is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Pain Resistance (25%) S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 25% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,
their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.
Unstun (1 Round) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
6 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the caster.
Poison Resistance S,A Range: Self Duration: C
7 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out.

Pain Resistance (50%) S,A

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

10 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 50% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,
their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.
Unstun (3 Rounds) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Three rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the caster.
Poison Riddance (50%) S,A Range: Self Duration: C
12 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out. If the caster concentrates for a whole hour, any poison in their system has a 50% chance of
being neutralised.

Wake A Range: Self Duration: Instant
14 Caster is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition.
Pain Resistance (75%) S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 75% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,
their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.

Fire Armour S Range: Self Duration: C
17 Caster is immune to natural heat and fire, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against heat/fire based attacks. Additionally, caster also
takes half damage from heat/fire based attacks and reduces all fire critical strikes by one level of severity.
Cold Armour S Range: Self Duration: C
18 Caster is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks. Additionally, caster also takes half
damage from cold/ice based attacks and reduces all cold critical strikes by one level of severity.

Pain Resistance (100%) S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 100% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after
death, their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.
Poison Riddance (100%) S,A Range: Self Duration: C
25 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out. If the caster concentrates for a whole hour, any poison in their system is neutralised.
Programmed Wake S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
30 Caster is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition. Caster can specify a rigger (that they could percieve if awake) that will
cause this spell to cast itself.
True Pain Resistance S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
50 Caster is able to ignore all hit point loss and takes no penalties from injuries (other than missing body parts) until they have taken enough hit point loss to
kill them, at which point they die.

seLf DefenCe

Force Shield S Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Creates an invisible shield in front of the caster that acts as a normal shield (but does not stack with a normal shield if the caster is already wielding one).

Deflect 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

5 Any one missile attack that passes within range and that the caster can see is deflected and receives a –20 penalty on its attack roll.

Deflect 1 Blow S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

6 Any one melee attack within range that the caster can see is deflected and receives a –20 penalty on its attack roll.

Stop 1 Missile S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
8 Any one missile attack that passes within range and that the caster can see is stopped in its tracks and falls harmlessly to the ground.

Lesser psyChiC speLL paths

Create Air Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Creates an area of fresh air 1” per level around the caster than no other gasses can enter.

Deflect 2 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

11 Any two missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect 1 Spell S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
13 Any one weapon-like spell that passes within range and that the caster can see is partially deflected and receives a –10 penalty on its attack roll.

Deflect 2 Blows S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
15 Any two melee attacks within range that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.


Deflect 3 Missiles S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
18 Any three missile attacks that pass within range and that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect 2 Spells S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
20 Any two weapon-like spells that pass within range and that the caster can see are partially deflected and receive a –10 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect 3 Blows S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

25 Any three melee attacks within range that the caster can see are deflected and receive a –20 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect 3 Spells S Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

30 Any three weapon-like spells that pass within range and that the caster can see are partially deflected and receive a –10 penalty on their attack rolls.

Deflect Combination Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd

50 Any combination of three melee attacks, missile attacks, or weapon-like spells that pass within range and that the caster can see are partially deflected and
receive a –20 penalty (for physical attacks) or a –10 penalty (for spells) on their attack rolls.

boDiLy aLteration
Cat’s Crace Range: Self Duration: See below
1 Caster gains a +10 bonus on their next dexterity check or dexterity-based skill check. The bonus lasts for the duration of the check, but if not used
immediately, it fades in 1 round.
Dislocate Range: Self Duration: 10 min
2 Caster can dislocate all their bones without harm. This allows them to wriggle out of manacles/bonds and through holes that are no wider than their head.
Alter Face (1 hr) Range: Self Duration: 1 hr
3 Caster’s face changes to a different form. Caster can look like any humanoid species (although their body won’t change with their face). Specific individuals
may be imitated.

Water Breathing Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Caster can breathe under water (but not in air) for the duration.

Alter Person Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Caster’s form changes to that of a humanoid species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell.
This does not affect the caster’s ability scores.
Gas Breathing Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Caster can breathe any gas safely for the duration. Corrosive gasses may still damage the caster’s skin.

greater psyChiC speLL paths

Alter Face (1 hr/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 1 hr/lvl
10 Caster’s face changes to a different form. Caster can look like any humanoid species (although their body won’t change with their face). Specific individuals
may be imitated.
Adaptable Breathing Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Caster can breathe any gas or liquid safely for the duration. Hot or corrosive gasses and liquids may still damage the caster’s skin.

Polymorph Self Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

13 Caster’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass and it
can survive in the target’s current environment. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell. The target’s ability scores do not change, and they do
not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.

Statue Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster becomes a solid stone statue for the duration. Caster can still see and hear, but may take no action.

Shapechange Range: Caster Duration: 10 mins/lvl
Caster’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of their choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass and it can
18 survive in their current environment. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell. The caster’s ability scores do not change, and they do not get
any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water. Additionally, the caster may
change to a different form at any time by concentrating for one round.

Water Body Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster becomes an amorphous blob of water. Caster can move at 20’ per round and seep through cracks or porous material. Caster cannot cast spells or take
any actions other than movement while in this form.
Mist Body Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Caster becomes a cloud of mist. Caster can fly at 20’ per round, and pass through small openings. Caster can spread themselves out to become invisible.
Caster cannot cast spells or take any actions other than movement while in this form.
Fluid Body Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
30 Caster is affected by either Water Body or Mist Body, and can switch betweeen the two, or switch to their normal body, by concentrating for a round.
Master of Forms Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
50 Caster is affected by either Shapechange or Fluid Body, and can switch between the two, or switch to their nomal body, by concentrating for a round.

gas mouLDing
Condense Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster extracts a 1’x1’x1’ volume of water by condensing it from the surrounding air into a suitable receptacle.

Warmth Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs

2 Caster warms the air around them (in a 1’ radius per level) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature.

Fog Cloud (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Creates a 10’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Wall of Air Range: 10’ Duration: C

4 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Still Air (10’r) Range: Self Duration: C

5 Slows all air movement and wind within a 10’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Fog Cloud (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates a 50’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Clear Fog (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 Clears all fog (both natural and magical) in a 50’ radius.

Curved Wall of Air Range: 10’ Duration: C

9 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 20’x10’x3’ that can be curved in up to a semicircle. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take
greater psyChiC speLL paths

a –10 penalty.
Lasting Wall of Air Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Fog Cloud (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates a 100’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Still Air (50’r) Range: Self Duration: C

12 Slows all air movement and wind within a 50’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Clear Fog (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 Clears all fog (both natural and magical) in a 100’ radius.

Clear Air Range: Self Duration: Instant
15 All gasses within a 10’ radius of the caster are converted to clear air. As long as the caster concentrates, further gas entering the area is also converted.

Protective Winds Range: Self Duration: C
17 Creates a 10’ radius whirlwind around the caster, which completely blocks all missile attacks, slows movement down to a fifth of normal, and gives all melee
attacks a –16 penalty.

Create Oxygen Range: 100’ Duration: C
20 Creates oxygen in a 50’ radius. All breathing creatures in the area get a +4 bonus to all physical activities, and all fire does double damage.

Fog Cloud (100’r/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 hr/lvl

25 Creates a 100’ radius per caster level cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Clear Fog (100’r/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 Clears all fog (both natural and magical) in a 100’ radius per caster level.

Control Clouds Range: 1000’/lvl Duration: C

50 Caster can control clouds within a 1000’ radius per caster level. Clouds can be formed or dispersed, and can be made to rain, sleet, snow, produce lightning,
or to stop doing any of those things. The caster cannot control where the lightning strikes hit within the area; they will strike tall trees and buildings as
normal. Clouds can also be lowered to ground level to form natural mist and fog/

iron wiLL
Advance Preparation Range: Self Duration: See below
1 When cast alongside another spell, this spell allows that spell to be readied so that it can be cast at a later time with no preparation rounds. The caster may
not cast any other spells until the readied spell has been cast, and this spell costs an amount of mana equal to the level of the spell being readied.
Mindsense (20’) S, F Range: 20’ Duration: C
2 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range.
Iron Will (+1) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Caster gains a +1 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and mental attacks from creatures.

Intuition (25%) Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Caster recalls a piece of information from their memory, subconscious or racial memory that has a 25% chance of being useful in their current situation.
Mask Species F Range: Self Duration: C
6 Caster appears to be a species of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular species or species).
Perception (+10) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
7 Caster notices small details of the target object, location or creature that give significant information about it. Caster gains a +10 bonus to a Search or Spot
check on the target of the spell.
Iron Will (+2) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Caster gains a +2 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and mental attacks from creatures.
Mask Class F Range: Self Duration: C
9 Caster appears to be a class of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular class).

greater psyChiC speLL paths

Sift Information (+10) Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 Caster gains an insight about the significance of multiple pieces of information when taken together, gaining a +10 bonus to a lore skill check related to the
Mask lvl F Range: Self Duration: C
11 Caster appears to be a level of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular level character).
Steel Resolve (+10) Range: Self Duration: Instant
12 Caster steels themselves at the start of a long or arduous task, gaining a +10 bonus on any ability check or skill check that will take an hour or more to
Iron Will (+3) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Caster gains a +3 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and mental attacks from creatures.

Mind Blank Range: Self Duration: C
15 Caster appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such
Iron Will (+5) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
16 Caster gains a +5 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and mental attacks from creatures.
Intuition (100%) Range: Self Duration: Instant
17 Caster recalls a piece of information from their memory, subconscious or racial memory that has a 100% chance of being useful in their current situation.
Mask All F Range: Self Duration: C
18 Caster appears to be a species, class and level of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such things).
Iron Will (+10) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 Caster gains a +10 bonus to their saving throws against psychic spells and mental attacks from creatures.
Perception (+20) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster notices small details of the target object, location or creature that give significant information about it. Caster gains a +20 bonus to a Search or Spot
check on the target of the spell.
Sift Information (+20) Range: Self Duration: Instant
25 Caster gains an insight about the significance of multiple pieces of information when taken together, gaining a +20 bonus to a lore skill check related to the
Steel Resolve (+20) Range: Self Duration: Instant
30 Caster steels themselves at the start of a long or arduous task, gaining a +20 bonus on any ability check or skill check that will take an hour or more to
Mental Reflection Range: Self Duration: C
50 All psychic spells (other than weaponlike spells) and mental attacks against the caster are reflected back onto their attackers.

LiquiD mouLDing
Boil Range: 1’ Duration: C
1 Caster causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to heat up to boiling point. When the caster stops concentrating the water
cools naturally.
Freeze Range: 1’ Duration: C
2 Caster causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to cool down to freezing point. When the caster stops concentrating the
water thaws naturally.
Settle Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Causes all sediment and other material in suspension in up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to be destroyed, leaving the
water clear.

Purify Water Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Causes all material that is dissolved in up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to be destroyed, leaving the water clear.
Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: C
6 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. The water is not created,
and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.
Vapour Range: Touch Duration: Instant
7 Causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to evaporate into a cloudy vapour which rapidly disperses.
Part Water (100’) Range: 10’ Duration: C
8 Creates a 3’ wide and 100’ long corridor through water. If the water is 10’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, If the water is more than 10’ deep it will
form a dry corridor along the bottom with water magically supported overhead.
greater psyChiC speLL paths

Water Bolt W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

9 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.
Curved Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: C
10 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x20’x1’ that can be bent in up to a semicircle. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take
a –10 penalty. The water is not created, and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.
Becalm (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
11 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster is calmed. Waves up to 20’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Lasting Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. The water is not created,
and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.

Part Water (300’) Range: 10’ Duration: C
15 Creates a 4’ wide and 300’ long corridor through water. If the water is 50’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, If the water is more than 50’ deep it will
form a dry corridor along the bottom with water magically supported overhead.

Maelstrom Range: 300’ Duration: C
17 Creates a 20’x20’ whirlpool in a body of water that will draw in any objects and creatures within 200’ at a speed of 20’/round.
Tsunami Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 Creates a wave up to 1’ tall per caster level and up to 10’ wide per caster level that travels directly away from the caster.
Bubble (10’r) Range: Self Duration: C
19 Creates a 10’ radius bubble of air around the caster. The caster may move the bubble by “swimming” normally in the water as if the bubble were not there.
The air in the bubble is constantly refreshed.
Becalm (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
20 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster per level is calmed. Waves up to 50’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.
Part Water (100’/lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: C
25 Creates a 6’ wide and 100’ long per caster level corridor through water. If the water is 100’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, If the water is more
than 100’ deep it will form a dry corridor along the bottom with water magically supported overhead.
Bubble (20’r) Range: Self Duration: C
30 Creates a 20’ radius bubble of air around the caster. The caster may move the bubble by “swimming” normally in the water as if the bubble were not there.
The air in the bubble is constantly refreshed.
Water Moulding Range: Self Duration: C
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

psyChiC movement
Jump S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd
1 Caster may make a 50’ long or 20’ high jump.

Feather Fall S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

2 Caster can land after a fall as if the fall were 20’ per caster level less than it actually is.

Levitate (10’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Caster may move vertically at 10’/round and hover in place.

Weightlessness Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Caster becomes weightless for the duration and caster will drift in the wind if there is any. At the end of the spell, the caster will float gently down rather than
falling suddenly.
Water Moves Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Caster can move in water as freely as they can in air. This spell gives no ability to breather underwater.

Fly (15’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 Caster may fly at a speed of 15’/rnd (1mph).

Levitate (50’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

7 Caster may move vertically at 50’/round and hover in place.

Dive Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

8 Caster may dive into water from a height of up to 50’ per level providing they land in a depth of water at least equal to their own height.

greater psyChiC speLL paths

Hide in Object Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Caster can step inside any inanimate object large enough to hold them and hide for the duration. Caster can not see out of the object, and can perform no
action while hidden.
Fly (75’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Caster may fly at a speed of 75’/rnd (5mph).

Greater Feather Fall S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

12 Caster can land safely on their feet after a fall of any length.

Levitate (200’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 Caster may move vertically at 200’/round and hover in place.

Phasing (1’/min) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

14 Caster may pass through any inanimate material at a up to 1’ thick per minute. This provides no protection from attacks. If the duration ends while the caster
is inside solid material, the caster dies instantly.
Fly (150’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster may fly at a speed of 150’/rnd (10mph).

Spy from Object Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Target can step inside any inanimate object large enough to hold them and hide for the duration. Target can see out of the object, and can move around to
look out in different directions but perform no other actions while hidden.

Merge with Object Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Target can step inside any inanimate object large enough to hold them and hide for the duration. Target can see out of the object, and can move around to
look out in different directions, and can cast spells on themselves; but can perform no other actions while hidden.
Fly (300’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Caster may fly at a speed of 300’/rnd (20mph).

Phasing (1’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 Caster may pass through any inanimate material at a rate of 1’ per round. This provides no protection from attacks. If the duration ends while the caster is
inside solid material, the caster dies instantly.
Psychic Movement Range: Self Duration: C
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

psyChiC speeD
Jog S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Caster can run at 2x normal walking speed without tiring. If the caster stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Speed (1 round) S Range: Self Duration: 2 rnds total
3 Caster is Hasted for one round, but then Slowed for the following round.

Speed (2 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 4 rnds total
5 Caster is Hasted for two rounds, but then Slowed for the following two rounds.

Haste (1 round) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

6 Caster is Hasted for one round.

Speed (3 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 6 rnds total

7 Caster is Hasted for three rounds, but then Slowed for the following three rounds.

Run S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

8 Caster can run at 3x normal walking speed without tiring. If the caster stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Haste (2 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 2 rnds

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Caster is Hasted for two rounds.

Swim S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

10 Caster can swim at 2x normal speed without tiring. If the caster stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.

Speed (5 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 10 rnds total

11 Caster is Hasted for five rounds, but then Slowed for the following five rounds.

Haste (3 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds

12 Caster is Hasted for three rounds.


Haste (5 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 5 rnds
15 Caster is Hasted for five rounds.

Jog S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
17 Caster can run at 4x normal walking speed without tiring. If the caster stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.


Speed (10 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 20 rnds total
20 Caster is Hasted for ten rounds, but then Slowed for the following ten rounds.

Haste (10 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 10 rnds

25 Caster is Hasted for five rounds.

Speed (24 hrs) S Range: Self Duration: 48 hours total

30 Caster is Hasted for up to 24 hours, or until they spend a whole round not moving such as by standing still or by sitting or laying down (shifting in position
and breathing do not count as movement for this purpose), whichever happens first; but then Slowed for the same length of time that they were Hasted.

Haste (24 hrs) S Range: Self Duration: 48 hours total

50 Caster is Hasted for up to 24 hours, or until they spend a whole round not moving such as by standing still or by sitting or laying down (shifting in position
and breathing do not count as movement for this purpose), whichever happens first.

Dimension Door (100’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Caster is teleported up to 100’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.

Dimension Door (300’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 Caster is teleported up to 300’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.

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Teleport (50’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 Caster is teleported up to 50’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and direction) is not empty, the
spell fails.
Dimension Door (500’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Caster is teleported up to 500’ providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.

Teleport (100’) Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 Caster is teleported up to 100’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and direction) is not empty, the
spell fails.

Dimension Door (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant
15 Caster is teleported up to 100’ per level providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way.

Teleport (300’) Range: Self Duration: Instant

16 Caster is teleported up to 300’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and direction) is not empty, the
spell fails.

Teleport (500’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
18 Caster is teleported up to 500’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and direction) is not empty, the
spell fails.

Teleport to Other (100 miles) Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 Caster is teleported directly to another being with which they are currently in mental contact, providing that being is within 100 miles.

Dimension Door (horizon) Range: Self Duration: Instant

25 Caster is teleported as far as they can see providing there is nothing partially or wholly blocking their way and they remain on the same planet.

Teleport to Other (10 mil/lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant

30 Caster is teleported directly to another being with which they are currently in mental contact, providing that being is within 10 miles per caster level.

Teleport to Other (global) Range: Self Duration: Instant

50 Caster is teleported directly to another being with which they are currently in mental contact, providing that being is on the same planet.

sixth sense
Acute Hearing Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Caster gains acute hearing, giving them a +10 bonus to all Spot checks involving hearing.

Night Vision (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

2 Caster can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest within a 100’ radius as if it were day.

Peripheral Vision Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Caster can see in a 300° arc, and cannot therefore be flanked.

Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

4 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects such as
Underwater Vision (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Caster can see through even the murkiest of water within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

Wolf Scent Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

6 Caster gains a very acute sense of smell, enabling them to track like a wolf.

Smoke Vision (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

7 Caster can see through even the thickest of smoke, fog or gas clouds within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

Acute Feeling Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

8 Caster gains an extremely accurate sense of touch, giving them a +5 bonus to rolls that require such (including Pick Lock and Disable Device checks).

Dark Vision (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

9 Caster can see in complete darkness within a 100’ radius as if it were day.
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Remote Hearing (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

10 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away per caster level. The point can be through intervening objects, but must be a point that the caster has
previously visited.
Remote Vision (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
11 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away per caster level. The point can be through intervening objects, but must be a point that the caster has
previously visited. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.
Ignore Illusion Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 One illusion or conjuration within range ceases to exist for the caster. Caster can no longer see, hear or smell the illusion and cannot interact with any “touch”
aspects that it might have.
Lasting Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects such as
Truesight (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
14 Caster is affected by Peripheral Vision, Underwater Vision (100’), Smoke Vision (100’), and Dark Vision (100’) simultaneously.

Night Vision Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

15 Caster can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest as if it were day with full normal visual range.

Mass Ignore Illusion Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 All illusions and conjurations within range cease to exist for the caster. Caster can no longer see, hear or smell the illusions and cannot interact with any
“touch” aspects that they might have.
Underwater Vision Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 Caster can see through even the murkiest of water with full normal visual range as if it were clear air.

Smoke Vision Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

19 Caster can see through even the thickest of smoke, fog or gas clouds with full normal visual range as if it were clear air.

Truesight (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

20 Caster is affected by Peripheral Vision, Dark Vision (100’), Night Vision, Underwater Vision, and Smoke Vision simultaneously.

Remote Hearing (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

25 As Remote Hearing (100’/lvl) except for thr range.

Remote Vision (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 As Remote Vision (100’/lvl) except for the range.

Sense through Other Range:Planet Duration: C

50 Caster can perceive through the senses of a willing target anywhere on the planet, providing the caster can accurately locate them by some means.

soLiD mouLDing
Stone Warmth Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
1 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of unattended stone per level to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature.
Metal Warmth Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
2 Caster warms 6 cubic inches of unattended metal per level to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature.
Solid Warmth Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
3 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any unattended non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the
ambient temperature.
Stone Heat Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of unattended stone per level to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature. The temperature of
the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Metal Heat Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Caster warms 6 cubic inches of unattended metal per level to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the ambient temperature. The temperature of
the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Solid Heat Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any unattended non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the
ambient temperature. The temperature of the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Solid Cool Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
7 Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any unattended non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade below the
ambient temperature.

greater psyChiC speLL paths

Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
10 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.
Solid Melt Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any unattended non-living solid material per level (including metal) up to its melting point. The temperature of the object rises
at 50 degrees per round.
Solid Chill Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any unattended non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade below the
ambient temperature. The temperature of the object lowers at 50 degrees per round.
Powder Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
13 Up to 10’x10’x10’ of unattended non-living solid material within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine powder.
Snap Wood Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 One piece of wood up to 1’ in diameter snaps in half. If the wood is being held or worn by a creature, the holder may make a saving throw.
Stone Passage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Caster creates a 3’x6’ passage through stone up to 1’ thick.
Metal Passage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 Caster creates a 3’x6’ passage through metal up to 1” thick.
Snap Metal Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 One piece of metal up to 3” in diameter snaps in half. If the metal is being held or worn by a creature, the holder may make a saving throw.
Fuse Lock Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 One lock or similar mechanism comprised of fine moving parts (but not living being comprised of such) is fused into a solid lump of metal. In the case of a
lock, it may be fused while either locked or unlocked, and will be permanently stuck in that state.
Solid Passage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
19 Caster creates a 3’x6’ passage through any unattended non-living solid material up to 1” thick.
Stone Shape Range: Touch Duration: C
20 Caster may shape non-magical stone as if it were soft clay.
Metal Shape Range: Touch Duration: C
25 Caster may shape non-magical metal as if it were soft clay.
Solid Shape Range: Touch Duration: C
30 Caster may shape any non-magical solid material as if it were soft clay.
Transmutation Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Caster may transmute any 1 ounce of any solid substance into any other solid substance that they have a sample of to hand. This spell can only be cast once
per day.

Moving Force (1lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 A gentle force of 1lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Holding Force (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 A force of 5lb. in strength resists all attempts to move the target unattended object, including gravity.

Moving Force (5lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

3 As Moving Force (1lb.) except that the force is 5lb.

Holding Force (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 As Holding Force (5lb.) except that the force is 25lb.

Moving Force (5lb., 2 objects) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

5 A gentle force of 5lb. in strength carries two unattended objects. The objects can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Holding Force (5lb., 2 objects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 A force of 5lb. in strength resists all attempts to move each of two unattended objects, including gravity.

Moving Force (25lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

7 As Moving Force (1lb.) except that the force is25lb.

Holding Force (50lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 As Holding Force (5lb.) except that the force is 50lb.

Moving Force (50lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

9 As Moving Force (1lb.) except that the force is 50lb.
greater psyChiC speLL paths

Fling Object (small) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

10 Caster may fling one unattended object within 10’ at a target within 100’. Attack uses the Brawling table with a small size and does Blunt, Sharp or Piercing
critical strikes depending on its shape.
Holding Force (100lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 As Holding Force (5lb.) except that the force is 100lb.

Moving Force (100lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

12 As Moving Force (1lb.) except that the force is 100lb.

Fling Object (medium) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

13 Caster may fling one unattended object within 10’ at a target within 100’. Attack uses the Brawling table with a medium size and does Blunt, Sharp or
Piercing critical strikes depending on its shape.
Holding Force (200lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
14 As Holding Force (5lb.) except that the force is 200lb.

Moving Force (25lb., 3 objects) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

15 A gentle force of 25lb. in strength carries three unattended objects. The objects can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Holding Force (25lb., 3 objects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

16 A force of 25lb. in strength resists all attempts to move each of three unattended objects, including gravity.

Moving Force (200lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

17 As Moving Force (1lb.) except that the force is 200lb.

Fling Object (large) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

18 Caster may fling one unattended object within 10’ at a target within 100’. Attack uses the Brawling table with a large size and does Blunt, Sharp or Piercing
critical strikes depending on its shape.
Holding Force (500lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 As Holding Force (5lb.) except that the force is 500lb.

Moving Force (500lb.) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

20 A gentle force of 500lb. in strength carries the target unattended object. The object can be carried no quicker than 1’/second, and cannot be thrown.

Fling Object (small, 3 objects) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

25 Caster may fling three unattended objects within 10’ at the same target or different targets within 100’. Attacks use the Brawling table with a small size and
do Blunt, Sharp or Piercing critical strikes depending on its shape.
Fling Object (huge) W(S) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
30 Caster may fling one unattended object within 10’ at a target within 100’. Attack uses the Brawling table with a huge size and does Blunt, Sharp or Piercing
critical strikes depending on its shape.
Telekinesis Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Destroy boDies
Sprain Limb Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Target takes light muscle damage to a random limb, giving them a –4 penalty to all actions.
Numb Limb Range: 100’ Duration: See below
2 Target’s random limb goes numb and becomes useless for one round per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Rend Flesh (touch) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Target’s flesh is ripped as if by sharp claws. Target takes an “A” severity slashing critical strike. For every two points by which the target fails their saving throw
after the first two, the severity of the critical strike is increased by one level; to a maximum of “E”.
Limb Spasm Range: 100’ Duration: See below
4 Target’s random limb goes spasms and goes rigid for one round per point by which they fail their saving throw. Target immediately falls (if a leg) or drops
what they are carrying (if an arm) and the limb is then useless for the rest of the duration.
Limb Break Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Target’s random limb has a serious severity break in its bone. Target immediately falls (if a leg) or drops what they are carrying (if an arm) and target is then at
a –15 penalty to all actions.
Rend Flesh (20’) Range: 20’ Duration: Instant
6 Target’s flesh is ripped as if by sharp claws. Target takes an “A” severity slashing critical strike. For every two points by which the target fails their saving throw
after the first two, the severity of the critical strike is increased by one level; to a maximum of “E”.
Skin Flake Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
7 Target’s skin constantly flakes and peels giving them a hideous appearance.
Rend Flesh (50’) Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
8 Target’s flesh is ripped as if by sharp claws. Target takes an “A” severity slashing critical strike. For every two points by which the target fails their saving throw
after the first two, the severity of the critical strike is increased by one level; to a maximum of “E”.
Burst Eardrum Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

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Target’s eardrum bursts, losing their hearing in one ear, and giving them a –10 penalty to sound-based spot checks. If both eardrums are burst, the target is
completely deaf.
Putrefy Limb Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
10 Target’s random limb decays as if it has been removed from their body. When it has decayed beyond repair it will fall off. See the Injury and Healing chapter
of the main Rulebook for further details.
Milky Eye Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 Target’s eye goes milky and loses all sight, giving them a –10 penalty to visual-based spot checks. If both eyes go milky, the target is completely blind.
Muscle Tear Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 One of target’s major body muscles (not the heart) tears, counting as serious muscle damage and giving them a –12 penalty to all actions.
Lung Collapse Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
13 Target’s lungs partially collapse, counting as serious organ damage and giving them a –8 penalty to all actions.
Shatter Bone Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 One of target’s major bones (not the skull or spine) shatters, counting as critical bone damage and giving them a –15 penalty to all actions.
Brain Shake Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
15 Target’s brain is violently shaken, giving them serious brain damage and sending them into a coma for a day.

Flesh To Stone Range: 100’ Duration: See below
20 Target turns to stone for one week per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Greater Brain Shake Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
25 Target’s brain is violently shaken, giving them critical brain damage and sending them into a permanent coma.
Rend Flesh (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 Target’s flesh is ripped as if by sharp claws. Target takes an “A” severity slashing critical strike. For every two points by which the target fails their saving throw
after the first two, the severity of the critical strike is increased by one level; to a maximum of “E”.
Rend Flesh (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
50 Target’s flesh is ripped as if by sharp claws. Target takes an “E” severity slashing critical strike.

Destroy gasses
Clear Fog (10’r/lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Clears all fog (both natural and magical) in a 10’ radius per caster level.

Still Air (10’r) Range: Self Duration: C

2 Slows all air movement and wind within a 10’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Destroy Air (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

3 Destroys most air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.

Dead Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C

4 Slows all air and wind within a 10’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –1 penalty to all actions each five rounds. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –10. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.
Still Air (20’r) Range: Self Duration: C
5 Slows all air movement and wind within a 20’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Destroy Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Destroys most air in a 10’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.

Dead Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C

7 Slows all air and wind within a 20’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –1 penalty to all actions each five rounds. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –10. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.
Gas To Air Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Turns any gas to clear air. 1 cubic foot is changed per round that the caster concentrates, but the change itself is instant (the gas does not revert back and the
change cannot be later dispelled).
Still Air (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
9 Slows all air movement and wind within a 100’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.
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Destroy Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

10 Destroys most air in a 20’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.

Greater Destroy Air (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

11 Destroys all air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “D” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the vacuum.

Swift Dead Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C

12 Slows all air and wind within a 10’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –1 penalty to all actions each round. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –10. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.
Dead Air (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C
13 Slows all air and wind within a 50’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –1 penalty to all actions each five rounds. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –10. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.
Greater Destroy Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 Destroys all air in a 10’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “D” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the vacuum.

Swift Dead Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C

15 Slows all air and wind within a 20’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –1 penalty to all actions each round. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –10. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.

Implosion (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Violently destroys all air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “E” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the vacuum.

Swifter Dead Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C

25 Slows all air and wind within a 20’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour. The air in the target area is slowly turned bad, with all creatures taking
a –4 penalty to all actions each round. This penalty goes unnoticed until it reaches –12. At –20, all creatures in the area fall unconscious and suffocate.
Implosion (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 Violently destroys all air in a 10’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “E” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the vacuum.

Collapse Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

50 Destroys all air in a building up to 100’x100’x100’ in size. The building will collapse and all inside will take an ‘E’ severity Blunt critical strike from debris.

Destroy LiquiDs
Vaporise Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Up to 10 cubic feet of liquid per level of the caster is instantly vaporised. The vapour is not heated and will settle and condense naturally.

Freeze Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

2 Up to 10 cubic feet of liquid per level of the caster is instantly frozen. The ice will thaw naturally.

Slow Drying (1,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

3 Up to 1,000 cubic feet of water or similar liquid disappears slowly over the course of an hour leaving no vapour.

Destroy Liquid (100 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

4 Instantly destroys up to 100 cubic feet of liquid.

Becalm (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C

5 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster is calmed. Waves up to 20’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Water Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.

Drought Range: 100’ Duration: 1 day

7 No rain or snow will fall in a 100’ radius of the caster for the duration of the spell.

Dry Object (1 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

8 Target non-living object of up to 1 cubic foot in size is instantly and completely dried (both of surface and absorbed moisture).

Slow Drying (10,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

9 Up to 10,000 cubic feet of water or similar liquid disappears slowly over the course of an hour leaving no vapour.

Destroy Liquid (1,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

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10 Instantly destroys up to 1,000 cubic feet of liquid.

Lasting Drought Range: 500’/lvl Duration: 1 day/lvl

11 No rain or snow will fall in a 500’ radius of the caster per level for the duration of the spell.

Dry Object (10 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

12 Target non-living object of up to 10 cubic feet in size is instantly and completely dried (both of surface and absorbed moisture).

Slow Drying (100,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

13 Up to 100,000 cubic feet of water or similar liquid disappears slowly over the course of an hour leaving no vapour.

Destroy Liquid (10,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

14 Instantly destroys up to 10,000 cubic feet of liquid.

Becalm (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

15 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster per level is calmed. Waves up to 50’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.




Parch Land Range: 1 mile Duration: C
20 For each minute that the caster concentrates, the humidity within a mile of them is decreased by 1% of its normal value. After the caster stops concentrating,
the humidity will return at 5% of its normal value per day.

Slow Drying (1,000,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

25 Up to 1,000,000 cubic feet of water or similar liquid disappears slowly over the course of an hour leaving no vapour.

Becalm (1,000’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

30 All water within a 1,000’ radius of the caster per level is calmed. Waves up to 50’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Swift Parch Land Range: 1,000’/lvl Duration: C

50 For each minute that the caster concentrates, the humidity within a 1,000’/lvl of them is decreased by 5% of its normal value. After the caster stops
concentrating, the humidity will return at 5% of its normal value per day.

Destroy minDs
Pain (25%) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
1 Target loses 25% of their current (not total) hit points. The spell lasts for 10 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw, and as there is no
physical wound the “damage” cannot be healed until the spell has ended.
Daze (1 rnd/two) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
2 Target is Dazed for one round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Slow Wits Range: 100’ Duration: See below

3 Target’s gains a –5 penalty on initiative rolls for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Off Kilter Range: 100’ Duration: See below

4 Target’s gains a –5 penalty on skill checks involving grace or balance for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Klutz Range: 100’ Duration: See below

5 Target’s gains a –5 penalty on attack rolls for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Daze (3 rnds/two) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

6 Target is Dazed for three round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Pain (50%) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

7 Target loses 50% of their current (not total) hit points. The spell lasts for 10 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw, and as there is no
physical wound the “damage” cannot be healed until the spell has ended.
Erase Memories Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
8 Target forgets a period of time of up to 1 minute per caster level. The period to be forgotten must be known to the caster.

Power Word: Pain S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

9 Target loses 50% of their current (not total) hit points.

Mind Blast Range: 100’ Duration: See below

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10 Target gains a –5 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks involving grace or balance, and initiative rolls for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Blackouts Range: 50’ Duration: Permanent

11 Each day at a random time, the target will suddenly fall unconscious for 10 minutes.

Daze (5 rnds/two) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

12 Target is Dazed for five round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Knockout Range: 100’ Duration: See below

13 Target falls unconscious for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw. The round after the unconsciousness ends, the target is Dazed.

Mass Hesitancy Range: 100’ Duration: See below

14 One target per caster level becomes extremely hesitant for one hour per point by which they fail their saving throw and must make a Wisdom check each
round to be able to perform any action. Targets will still instinctively defend themselves but not actively attack.
Feeblemind Range: 100’ Duration: See below
15 Target loses all will and can perform no action for one day per two points by which they fail their saving throw. Target can be led around and fed, but if left
will not fend for themselves.

Amnesia Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
20 Target loses all long-term memory of who they are. Skills and abilities are retained, but target will forget they have them.

Mass Pain (25%) Range: 300’ Duration: See below

25 All targets within range loses 25% of their current (not total) hit points. The spell lasts for 10 minutes per point by which they fail their saving throw, and as
there is no physical wound the “damage” cannot be healed until the spell has ended.
Mass Mind Blast Range: 100’ Duration: See below
30 One target per caster level gains a –5 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks involving grace or balance, and initiative rolls for one day per point by which they
fail their saving throw.
Mass Knockout Range: 100’ Duration: See below
50 One target per caster level falls unconscious for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw. The round after the unconsciousness ends, each
target is Dazed.

Destroy soLiDs
Thaw Ice Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Up to 10 cubic feet of ice per level of the caster instantly melts.

Plough Soil Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

2 Loosens up to 100 cubic feet of hard or packed soil as if it had been ploughed.

Age Structure Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent

3 One non-living structure (whether manufactured or artificial) of up to 100 cubic feet per caster level erodes and deteriorates at 1,000 times its normal speed.

Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

4 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.
Shatter Portal (10’x10’x1’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
5 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be no more than 10’x10’x1’ in size and must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Rock To Earth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of stone into densely packed clay and soil.

Earth To Mud Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of densely packed clay and soil into a slurry of mud.

Stone Passage Range: Touch Duration: Instant

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Caster creates a 3’x6’ passage through stone up to 1’ per caster level thick.

Shatter Object Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

11 One non-living inorganic object of up to 1 cubic foot in size shatters into shrapnel. Anyone holding the object takes a “C” severity piercing critical strike and
anyone within 5’ takes an “A” severity piercing critical strike. If the object is being held or worn then the holder may make a saving throw.
Powder Earth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 Up to 100 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Stone Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

13 Up to 100 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Shatter Portal Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

14 The target portal (door, window or gate), which may be of any size but must be made from non-magical material, shatters into splinters.

Powder Metal Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

15 Up to 1 cubic foot of non-magical metal within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Anything Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Up to 1 cubic foot of inorganic material of any kind within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Earthshaker Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 round

25 Causes a minor earthquake in a 100’r per caster level around the caster. The earthquake is not strong enough to destroy buildings (unless the builing is already
unsafe, in the game master’s opinion) or harm creatures caught in it, but it will terrify non-sapient creatures who will flee the area.
Chasm Range: 300’ Duration: See Below

30 A chasm appears in the ground, up to 10’ deep per caster level, 1’ wide per caster level, and 20’ long per caster level. The chasm takes two rounds to open. If
the caster keeps concentrating while it is open, they can spend an additional three rounds concentrating to close it. If the caster stops concentrating at any
point, the chasm remains in its current state.
Earthquake Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 round

50 Causes a major earthquake in a 100’r per caster level around the caster, but the caster can delay the effect for up to 1 round per caster level. The earthquake
is strong enough to damage or destroy buildings, and anyone in a building will take a ‘C’ severity blunt critical strike from debris. It will terrify non-sapient
creatures who will flee the area.

Destroy souLs
Truth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster asks target a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the same language that it was asked in if
their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.
Possession (type A) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
2 Target is possessed by a type A demon. The demon’s behaviour cannot be predicted (it is no more likely to help the caster than to hinder them) but will
always be petty and malicious. The target may repeat the saving throw each round, and the possession ends when they succeed.
Phobia Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
3 Target gains a mild phobia of a thing (e.g. spiders, fire) and must make a Wisdom check in order to be able to approach or interact with that type of thing.
Misplaced Conscience Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
4 Target feels incredibly guilty over a specific past deed (whether harmful or not) and must make a Wisdom check in order to be able to do a similar deed.
Mistrust Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
5 Target mistrusts everyone, and may only place themselves in a situation where others could harm them by making a Wisdom check.
Possession (type B) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
6 Target is possessed by a type B demon. The demon’s behaviour cannot be predicted (it is no more likely to help the caster than to hinder them) but will
always be malicious. The target may repeat the saving throw each minute, and the possession ends when they succeed.
Cowardice Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
7 Target becomes extremely cowardly, and must make a Wisdom check in order to avoid fleeing when faced with any perceived danger.
Magic Jar Range: 100’ Duration: See below
8 Target and caster’s souls swap bodies. Caster can operate target’s body with a –10 penalty to all actions, but target is unconscious in caster’s body. If either
body is injured to the point of death, both die. The target may repeat the saving throw each ten minutes, and the spell ends when they succeed.

Possession (type C) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
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10 Target is possessed by a type C demon. The demon’s behaviour cannot be predicted (it is no more likely to help the caster than to hinder them) but will
always be cunningly malicious. The target may repeat the saving throw each ten minutes, and the possession ends when they succeed.
Steal Soul (keeping object) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
11 Caster steals part of target’s soul and puts it into an organic object they carry. Target is at –6 to all activities, and caster can control target by holding the item
and concentrating. The spell lasts until the target is out of range, the object is destroyed, the object leaves the caster’s possession, or the caster cancels the spell.
Hide Soul Range: 100’ Duration: See below
12 Part of target’s soul is hidden in a random organic object within 100 miles. Target takes a –6 penalty to all actions until the object is destroyed. Target is
always aware of the direction of the object.
Possession (type D) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
13 Target is possessed by a type D demon. The demon’s behaviour cannot be predicted (it is no more likely to help the caster than to hinder them) but will
always be deviously malicious. The target may repeat the saving throw each hour, and the possession ends when they succeed.
Power Word: Fear S Range: 100’ Duration: See below
14 Target flees from the caster in terror for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Shout Of Fear S Range: 20’ Duration: See below
15 All targets within range flee from the caster in terror for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw.

Steal Soul (hiding object) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

20 Caster steals part of target’s soul and puts it into an organic object they carry. Target is at –6 to all activities, and caster can control target by holding the item
and concentrating. The spell lasts until either the object is destroyed or the caster voluntarily cancels the spell. The caster dropping or hiding the object will
not stop the spell, neither will the target leaving the spell’s initial range. Target is always aware of the direction of the object.
Greater Magic Jar Range: 100’ Duration: See below
25 Target and caster’s souls swap bodies. Caster can operate target’s body with a –2 penalty to all actions, but target is unconscious in caster’s body. If either body
is injured to the point of death, both die. The target may repeat the saving throw each ten minutes, and the spell ends when they succeed.
Rend Soul Range: 100’ Duration: See Below
30 Target’s soul is torn from their body goes to whatever afterlife awaits, while the body remains comatose and not-quite-dead. After 1 month per 2 points by
which the target fails their save, the soul returns (providing the body has been kept alive). A Raise Dead spell will return the soul earlier.
Finger of Death Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 Target dies, and their grace period immediately ends.

artifiCiaL Limbs
Measuring Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster assesses and mentally measures the stump of a lost limb. This spell is required before an artificial limb can be made for the patient.
Craft Wooden Limb C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
2 Caster acquires the skills needed to make an articulated wooden limb (to fit a previous assessment) over the course of a day. The limb will can be externally
flexed (for example to grip something) and will be usable enough to walk/run or wield a weapon in combat but not for fine motor control.
Attach Wooden Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Grafts a wooden limb to the stump that it was measured for. The artificial limb becomes part of the patient and can not be removed except by physically
severing it.
Control Limb (8 hrs) Range: Touch Duration: 8 hrs
4 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.
Craft Glass Limb C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Caster acquires the skills needed to make an articulated glass limb (to fit a previous assessment) over the course of a day. The limb will can be externally flexed
(for example to grip something) and will be usable enough to walk/run or wield a weapon in combat but not for fine motor control.
Attach Glass Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Grafts a glass limb to the stump that it was measured for. The artificial limb becomes part of the patient and can not be removed except by physically severing
Control Limb (24 hrs) Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
7 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.
Craft Metal Limb C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
8 Caster acquires the skills needed to make an articulated bronze, brass or iron limb (to fit a previous assessment) over the course of a day. The limb will can be
externally flexed (for example to grip something) and will be usable enough to walk/run or wield a weapon in combat but not for fine motor control.
Attach Metal Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

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9 Grafts a bronze, brass or iron limb to the stump that it was measured for. The artificial limb becomes part of the patient and can not be removed except by
physically severing it.
Artificial Skin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Artificial skin grows over an artificial limb, covering it and making it seem like a natural limb from a distance.
Control Limb (1 week) Range: Touch Duration: 1 wk
11 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.
Craft Titanium Limb C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Caster acquires the skills needed to make an articulated titanium or obsidian limb (to fit a previous assessment) over the course of a day. The limb will can be
externally flexed (for example to grip something) and will be usable enough to walk/run or wield a weapon in combat but not for fine motor control.
Attach Titanium Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 Grafts a titanium or obsidian limb to the stump that it was measured for. The artificial limb becomes part of the patient and can not be removed except by
physically severing it.

Control Limb (1 month) Range: Touch Duration: 1 mnth
15 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.

Grow Skin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Target’s skin grows over an artificial limb that they have grafted onto them, covering it and making it outwardly indistinguishable from a natural limb.
Control Limb (1 year) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
25 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.
Control Limb (1 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
30 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.
Control Limb (permanent) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
50 Grants the target complete control over an artificial limb that has been grafted onto them. The limb has as much fine motor control as a normal limb.

menD bLooD
Staunch Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit point per round. If target moves, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.

Seal Wounds (1 hit/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

2 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.

Cure Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

3 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round.

Seal Wounds (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

4 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit point per round. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have
to be all from the same wound.

Cure Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Stops or slows target’s bleeding by 3 hit point per round. The bleeding does not necessarily have to be all from the same wound.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Mend Bone, Mend Muscle
and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See
the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
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Staunch Bleeding (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

10 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound. If target moves, bleeding will resume.

State Of Grace Range: Touch Duration: 1 hr/lvl

11 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.

Seal Wounds (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound. If target moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.

Remove Blood Clot Range: Touch Duration: Instant

13 Removes any single blood clot from the target.

Cure Bleeding (1 wound) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Stops all target’s bleeding from a single wound.

Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Mend Bone, Mend
Muscle and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Cure Bleeding (all wounds) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Stops all target’s bleeding.

Mass Cure Bleeding Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

30 Stops all bleeding from one injury per level of the caster. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same target, the caster may cure multiple targets while
casting the spell.
Mend Blood Range: Self Duration C (1 rnd/lvl)
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

menD bone
Set Bone (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. This spell will not heal a
fractured skull.
Heal Cartilage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 One of target’s areas of cartilage damage is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Bone (any) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

4 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. This spell will not heal
a fractured skull.
Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Mend Muscle and
Mend Nerves And Organs paths.
Heal Broken Skull Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Joint Range: Touch Duration: Instant

7 Target’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Bone Instantly (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

8 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a Light injury is healed. This spell will not heal a fractured skull.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Mend Blood, Mend Muscle

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and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See
the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Cartilage Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 One of target’s areas of cartilage damage is healed.

Set Bone Instantly (any) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 One of target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed. This spell will not heal a fractured skull.

Heal Broken Skull Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Target’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed.

Transplant Bone Range: Touch Duration: Instant

13 Caster replaces one of target’s bones with one taken from another member of the same (or at the Game Master’s discretion, very similar) species.

Heal Shatter Range: Touch Duration: Instant

14 One of target’s shattered bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Joint Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

15 Target’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed.

Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Mend Blood, Mend
Muscle and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Regrow Cartilage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Targets missing cartilage and tendons are regrown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Bones Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 Target’s missing bones are regrown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Skeleton Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 Target’s missing bones, cartilage, and tendons are regrown.

menD fLesh
Cure Wounds (1–10) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Target is healed 1d10 hit points.

Unstun (1 Round) S Range: Touch Duration: Instant

2 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the target.

Heal Light Burns or Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

3 Target is healed of one area of Light burns or frostbite.

Regeneration (1/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

4 Target is healed 1 hit point per round.

Wake Range: Touch Duration: Instant

5 Target is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition.

Heal Serious Burns or Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

6 Target is healed of one area of Serious burns or frostbite; or two areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Cure Wounds (5–50) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

7 Target is healed 5d10 hit points.

Unstun (3 Rounds) S Range: Touch Duration: Instant

8 Three rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the target.

Heal Critical Burns or Frostbite Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Target is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite; or one area of Serious burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; or three areas of
Light burns or frostbite.
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Regeneration (2/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

10 Target is healed 2 hit point per round.

Cure Wounds (10–100) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 Target is healed 10d10 hit points.

Heal Burns/Frostbite (3 areas) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Target is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; two areas of Serious burns or frostbite; one area of Serious
burns or frostbite and two areas of Light burns or frostbite; or four areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Unstun (5 Rounds) S Range: Touch Duration: Instant

13 Five rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the target.

Ranged Unstun (1 Round) S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

14 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the target.

Regeneration (3/rnd) Range: Touch Duration: C

15 Target is healed 3 hit point per round.




Cure Wounds (20–200) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Target is healed 20d10 hit points.

Instant Regeneration Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Target is restored to full hit points.

Heal Burns/Frostbite (all) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 Target is healed of all burns and/or frostbite.

Unstun (all) S Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 All stun-like effects are removed from the target.

menD musCLe
Heal Tendon (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 One of target’s damaged tendons resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Muscle (1 Muscle) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 One of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Tendon (1 Tendon) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

4 One of target’s damaged tendons is healed over the course of an hour.

Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl

5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Mend Bone and
Mend Nerves And Organs paths.
Heal Muscle (3 Muscles) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Three of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles are healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Tendon (3 Tendons) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

7 Three of target’s damaged tendons are healed over the course of an hour.
Heal Muscle Instantly (1
8 Range: Touch Duration: Instant
One of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed.

Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Mend Blood, Mend Bone
and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See

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the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Tendon Instantly (1
10 Range: Touch Duration: Instant
One of target’s damaged tendons is healed.

Heal Muscle And Tendon (all) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 All of target’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles and tendons are healed over the course of an hour.

Transplant Muscle Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 Caster replaces one of target’s muscles with one taken from another member of the same (or at the Game Master’s discretion, very similar) species.

Regrow Muscle Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 One of target’s missing or destroyed muscle is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Tendon Range: Touch Duration: Instant

15 One of target’s missing or destroyed tendons is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Mend Blood, Mend
Bone and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Regrow Muscle Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 One of target’s missing or destroyed muscle is re-grown.

Regrow Tendon Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 One of target’s missing or destroyed tendons is re-grown.

New Flesh Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 All of target’s missing or destroyed tendons are re-grown over the course of an hour.

menD nerves anD organs
Heal Nose Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Heals all damage to target’s nose short of complete loss.
Heal Nerve Damage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 One area of target’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Heal Ear (external) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 Heals all damage to the target’s external ear, including complete loss. This spell does not cure deafness associated with inner ear damage.
Preserve Limb Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
5 Stops a severed limb or other body part from decaying. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Preserve Limb spells on the Mend Bone and
Mend Muscle paths.
Heal Eye (light) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Heals all damage to the target’s eyes resulting from a Light injury.
Paralysis Relief Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Paralysed target is temporarily able to move. This does nothing to heal the damage that caused the paralysis, but neither does it aggravate the condition.
Heal Ear Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Heals all damage to the target’s external and inner ear, including complete loss. This spell also cures deafness associated with inner ear damage.
Reattach Limb Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Mend Blood, Mend Bone
and Mend Muscle paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Eye (critical) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
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Heals all damage to the target’s eyes short of complete loss. This spell also cures blindness associated with eye damage (but not loss).
State Of Grace Range: Touch Duration: 1 hr/lvl
11 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.
Heal Nerve Damage Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant
12 One area of target’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Transplant Organ Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 Caster replaces one of target’s organs (except the brain) with one taken from another member of the same (or at the Game Master’s discretion, very similar)
Heal Organ Range: Touch Duration: Instant

14 Heals one area of target’s organ or lung damage over the course of one hour. Although the spell takes an hour to repair the organ, it will stabilise the target
immediately and prevent death from the organ damage that it is healing. If the organ damage would have killed the target, the target instead remains
unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Heal Brain Damage Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 One area of target’s brain damage is healed over the course of 24 hours. This will awaken the target from a coma (at the end of the 24 hour period).
Regrow Nose Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 Target’s missing or destroyed nose is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.
Heal Organ Immediately Range: Touch Duration: Instant
17 Heals one area of target’s organ damage.
Regrow Eyes Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 Target’s missing or destroyed eyes are re-grown over the course of 24 hours. This spell cures the blindness associated with eye loss at the end of the 24 hour

Reattach Limb Instantly Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Mend Blood, Mend
Bone and Mend Nerves And Organs paths. If the body part has decayed, the target may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Regrow Nerves Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 One area of target’s missing nerves, except for the brain, regrows over the course of 24 hours. Paralysis caused by the missing nerves is cured at the end of
the 24 hour period.
Regrow Organ Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 One of target’s missing organs regrows over the course of 24 hours. The spell will stabilise the target immediately and prevent death from the missing organ
that it is regrowing. If the organ damage would have killed the target, the target instead remains unconscious until the organ is fully grown.
Regrow Brain Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Target’s missing brain regrows over the course of 24 hours. The spell will stabilise the target immediately and prevent death from the missing brain that it is
regrowing. The target remains unconscious until the brain is fully grown.

ConneCteD vision
See Through Animal (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Caster sees through the eyes of an animal in range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

Sense Through Animal (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
3 Caster experiences all senses of an animal within range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

See Through Creature (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
5 Caster sees through the eyes of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.
See Through Animal (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C
6 Caster sees through the eyes of an animal in range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

Sense Through Animal (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C
8 Caster experiences all senses of an animal within range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

See Through Creature (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C

CLairvoyant speLL paths

10 Caster sees through the eyes of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.
See Through Animal (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C
11 Caster sees through the eyes of an animal in range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

Sense Through Creature (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C

12 Caster experiences all senses of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.
Sense Through Animal (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C
13 Caster experiences all senses of an animal within range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

See Through Creature (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C
15 Caster sees through the eyes of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

Sense Through Animal (1 mi/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl’ Duration: C
20 Caster experiences all senses of an animal within range. The animal must be visible when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

See Through Creature (1 mi/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl’ Duration: C

25 Caster sees through the eyes of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.
Sense Thru Creature (1 mi/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl’ Duration: C
30 Caster experiences all senses of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.
Sense Thru Creature (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C
50 Caster experiences all senses of a creature in range. The creature must be visible (if sapient, it may be mentally detected by spells from the True Seeing path)
when the spell is cast but need not remain so for the duration.

mentaL vision
Truth (1 question) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster asks target a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the same language that it was asked in if
their language skill permits. If they make their saving throw, the target may lie.

Truth (3 questions) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
3 Caster asks target three questions that can each be answered in a few short words. The target must answer them truthfully in the same language that they were
asked in if their language skill permits. If they make their saving throw, the target may lie.

Read Surface Thoughts Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
5 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target.

Analyse Mind S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant

6 Caster learns the species, class and level of one sapient being within range.

Detect Lies (1 min) Range: 10’ radius Duration: 1 min

7 Caster recognises any lie spoken within range. Lies of omission or dissembling are not recognised, only actual falsehoods.

CLairvoyant speLL paths

Read Deep Thoughts Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)

10 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having those
Detect Lies (3 mins) Range: 10’ radius Duration: 3 mins
11 Caster recognises any lie spoken within range. Lies of omission or dissembling are not recognised, only actual falsehoods.

Detect Lies (5 mins) Range: 10’ radius Duration: 5 mins
13 Caster recognises any lie spoken within range. Lies of omission or dissembling are not recognised, only actual falsehoods.

Read Memories Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
15 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having those
thoughts. Additionally, caster can read any of target’s conscious memories.

Postcognitive Lie Detection Range: See Below Duration: 3 rnds
20 If the caster casts a Postcognition spell during the next three rounds, they can detect if anyoner speaking during that vision is lying. Lies of omission or
dissembling are not recognised, only actual falsehoods.
Deep Reading Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
25 Caster can read the deep subconscious thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having
those thoughts. Additionally, caster can read any of target’s memories, even those target does not consciously remember.
Steal Memories Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
30 Caster can remove one of target’s memories (of a single incident lasting five minutes or less) per round.

Detect Lies (1 min/lvl) Range: 100’ radius Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Caster recognises any lie spoken within range. Lies of omission or dissembling are not recognised, only actual falsehoods.

penetrating vision
Underwater Vision (10’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
1 Caster can see through even the murkiest of water within a 10’ radius per level as if it were clear air.

Dark Vision (10’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

2 Caster can see in complete darkness within a 10’ radius per level as if it were day.

Wood Vision (1’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

3 Caster can see through wood with a 1’ thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Remote Vision (10’) Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

4 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Clairvoyance (10’/lvl) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

5 Caster can move the point from which they can see at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 10’ per level (but not through intervening objects).

Detect Invisible Range: Self Duration: C

6 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect within a 10’ radius per level. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this
spell, but at a –10 penalty.
Stone Vision (6”/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
7 Caster can see through stone with a 6” thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Steel Vision (1”/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

8 Caster can see through iron or steel with a 1” thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

9 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects such as

CLairvoyant speLL paths

Remote Vision (10’/lvl) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
10 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away per level. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Metal Vision (1”/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

11 Caster can see through any metal with a 1” thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Black Vision (10’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

12 Caster can see through nox obscura within a 10’ radius per level as if it were day.

Remote Vision (100’, 2 points) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

13 Caster can see as if at two fixed points up to 100’ away simultaneously. The points can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate either viewpoint.

Remote Vision (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

14 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away per level. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Waiting Remote Vision Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 day/lvl

15 Caster sets a watching point within range and a visual trigger. If that trigger occurs within sight of the watching point within 1 day per caster level, the caster
is mentally alerted and may concentrate (for a maximum of 1 min/lvl) to see as if at that point. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.

Solid Vision (1’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
20 Caster can see through any solid substance with a 1’ thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Clairvoyance (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

25 Caster can move the point from which they can see at a speed of 10’ per round to any point within 100’ per level (but not through intervening objects).

Casual Remote Vision Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

30 Caster can see as if at a fixed point up to 100’ away per level while concentrating. Concentration can be turned on and off during the spell’s duration without
the spell ending. The point can be through intervening objects. The caster may rotate their viewpoint.
Solid Vision (10’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
50 Caster can see through any solid substance with a 10’ thickness per level as if it were clear air.

Feel Origin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster becomes aware of the place where the touched object comes from. This is the source of its material if it is natural, or the place it was made if it is
Feel Curse Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Caster becomes aware if the touched item is cursed. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.
Postcognition (1 min/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
3 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 1 minute per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.
Feel Sphere Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 Caster can tell the sphere of magic (if any) contained within the touched item.
Postcognitive Significance Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Caster becomes aware of the length of time that has passed since each significant event in the touched item’s past, but not what those events are. This
awareness can be used to guide Postcognition spells.
Significant Postcognition Range: Touch Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
6 Caster has a vision of what happened in the most significant event that has happened in the touched item’s past.

Postcognition (1 hr/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
8 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 1 hour per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.

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Feel Purpose Range: Touch Duration: Instant

10 Caster becomes aware of the basic purpose of the touched item (but not detailed instructions for its use).
Postcognition (1 day/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
11 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 1 day per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.

Postcognitive Recognition S Range: Self Duration: Instant

13 This spell may be cast while the caster concentrates on a Postcognition spell. The caster memorises one creature, place or item seen in the vision, and may
choose to have the presence of that creature, place or item be considered “significant” when casting Precognitive Significance even if its presence would
otherwise be unremarkable.
Curse Insight Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
14 Caster can tell the level, effect, and cure requirements of any single active curse or cursed item that they can see within 50’.
Postcognition (1 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
15 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 1 year per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.

Postcognitive Finding Range: See Below Duration: 3 rnds
20 If the caster casts a Postcognition spell during the next three rounds, they can target the spell to home in on the creature, place or item that most closely
matches a description that they have.
Postcognition (10 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
25 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 10 years per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.
Postcognition (100 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
30 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 100 years per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of a
touched item.
Postcognition (1,000 year/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: C (10 mins/lvl)
50 Caster has a vision (including sound) of what happened in the past (up to 1,000 years per level ago) either in their current location or in the prior location of
a touched item.

Premonition (1 min) Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next minute) if they perform a specific action now.

Premonition (3 mins) Range: Self Duration: Instant
3 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next three minutes) if they perform a specific action now.
Prophetic Dreams (1 dream) Range: Self Duration: See below
4 Gives the caster a dream (next time they sleep for at least an hour) about a subject of their choice. The dream will reveal information about the subject that
the caster did not already know.
Premonition (5 mins) Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next five minutes) if they perform a specific action now.
Predict General Action S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Caster gains knowledge of what action the target will take this round. In this Statement of Intent phase, the caster may hear the opponent’s general choice of
action (e.g. “cast a spell”, “attack” but not specifics of which spell or which target) before announcing their own; while still getting the normal +2 bonus to
initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.

Prophetic Dreams (2 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
8 Gives the caster two dreams (next time they sleep for at least an hour) about subjects of their choice. The dreams will reveal information about the subjects
that the caster did not already know.
Predict Specific Action S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

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9 Caster gains knowledge of what action the target will take in the following round. In the following round’s Statement of Intent phase, the caster may hear the
opponent’s exact choice of action including specifics of which spell or which target before announcing their own; while still getting the normal +2 bonus to
initiative for announcing their own action before other enemies do.
Premonition (10 mins) Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next ten minutes) if they perform a specific action now.
Prophetic Dreams (3 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
11 Gives the caster three dreams (next time they sleep for at least an hour) about subjects of their choice. The dreams will reveal information about the subjects
that the caster did not already know.

Predict General Action (3) S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
13 As Predict General Action, but three targets can have their actions predicted.

Premonition (1 min/lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant
15 Caster is given a vision of the most likely outcome (over the course of the next minute per level) if they perform a specific action now.

Predict General Action (5) S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 As Predict General Action, but five targets can have their actions predicted.
Prophetic Dreams (5 dreams) Range: Self Duration: See below
25 Gives the caster five dreams (next time they sleep for at least an hour) about subjects of their choice. The dreams will reveal information about the subjects
that the caster did not already know.
Mass Predict General Action S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
30 As Predict General Action, but one target per caster level can have their actions predicted.
Predict Specific Action (3) S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 As Predict Specific Action, but three targets can have their actions predicted.

true seeing
Mindsense S,F Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
1 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range.
Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
2 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects such as
Remember Mind (10’/lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
3 Caster memorises the mental “signature” of one sapient being within range for future use with Locate Mind spells. Caster must have been using Mindsense to
track the target up until the moment this spell was cast.
Analyse Mind (lesser) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
4 Caster learns the species and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the target up until the moment this
spell was cast.
Locate Mind (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C
5 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Analyse Mind (greater) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
6 Caster learns the species, class and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the target up until the moment
this spell was cast.
Sense Activity (30’) S Range: 30’ Duration: C
7 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range, and is aware of the activity each is performing in vague
terms (e.g. “fighting”, “casting a spell”, “eating”, “hiding”).
Remote Hearing (10’/lvl) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
8 Caster can hear as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away per level. The point can be through intervening objects, and can be moved at 10’ per round.

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Sense Activity (10’/lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C

10 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range, and is aware of the activity each is performing in vague
terms (e.g. “fighting”, “casting a spell”, “eating”, “hiding”).
Remember Mind (100’/lvl) S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
11 Caster memorises the mental “signature” of one sapient being within range for future use with Locate Mind spells. Caster must have been using Mindsense to
track the target up until the moment this spell was cast, or be able to see the target.

Analyse Mind (grtr, 100’/lvl)) S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
13 Caster learns the species, class and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the target up until the moment
this spell was cast, or be able to see the target.
Locate Mind (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
14 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Remote Senses (10’/lvl) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
15 Caster can use all senses as if at a fixed point up to 10’ away per level. The point can be through intervening objects, and can be moved at 10’ per round.

Locate Mind (5 miles/lvl) Range: 5 miles/lvl Duration: C
20 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Remote Senses (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
25 Caster can use all senses as if at a fixed point up to 1 mile away per caster level. The point can be through intervening objects, and can be moved at 10’ per
Remote Senses (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
30 Caster can use all senses as if at a fixed point anywhere on the planet. The point can be through intervening objects, and can be moved at 10’ per round.
Locate Mind (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C
50 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.

Shimmer Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Target appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 attack penalty.
Silhouette Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 Target (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Target gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.
Disguise (visual only) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
3 Target looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. This is a visual illusion only, and the target does not physically change. The target
cannot be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.
Sign Language Range: 20’ Duration: C
4 Target perceives caster’s sign language and gestures (limited to simple words and concepts) as the caster speaking fluently in the target’s language. The target
gets a saving throw against this spell, but gets a –10 penalty to their roll.
Offset Image (10%) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Target appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the target have a 10% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.
Disguise (2 aspects) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
6 Target looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. Additionally, the target appears like the same species to another sense (either smell,
touch or hearing). This is an illusion only, and the target does not physically change. The target cannot be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.
True Disguise (visual only) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
7 Target looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of caster’s own size. This is a visual illusion only, and the target does not physically change. The target
can be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.
True Disguise (sound only) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
8 Target sounds like any humanoid species within +/–20% of caster’s own size. This is a visual illusion only, and the target does not physically change. The
target can be disguised as a specific individual with this spell, although it does not grant language ability.
Disguise (3 aspects) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

9 Target looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. Additionally, the target appears like the same species to another two senses (from

Conjurer speLL paths

smell, touch, taste, or hearing). This is an illusion only, and the target does not physically change. The target cannot be disguised as a specific individual with
this spell.
Offset Image (20%) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 As Offset Image (10%) except initial miss chance is 20%.
Projected Image (1 Image) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Creates an illusionary double of the caster (visual only), that the caster can control by concentrating. When the caster is not concentrating, the illusionary
double copies the caster’s movements.

Mass Shimmer Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 One target per caster level appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 attack penalty.
Disguise (5 aspects) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
14 Target looks, sounds, smells, tastes and feels like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. This is an illusion only, and the target does not
physically change. The target cannot be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.
Offset Image (30%) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 As Offset Image (10%) except initial miss chance is 30%.

Offset Image (40%) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 As Offset Image (10%) except initial miss chance is 40%.
Mass Disguise (visual only) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
25 One target per caster level looks like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. This is a visual illusion only, and the target does not physically
change. The target cannot be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.
Offset Image (50%) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 As Offset Image (10%) except initial miss chance is 50%.
Changing Disguise (5 aspects) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
50 Target looks, sounds, smells, tastes and feels like any humanoid species within +/–20% of target’s own size. This is an illusion only, and the target does not
physically change. The target can change their appearance at will, but cannot be disguised as a specific individual with this spell.

greater Conjuring
Conjuration (2 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects.

Illusion (1 aspect) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of one conjured aspect.

Conjuration (3 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (2 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of two conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (2 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of two conjured aspects.

Conjuration (5 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects.

Delayed Illusion (1 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

7 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of one conjured aspect. The appearance may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Delayed Conjure (3 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of three conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (3 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of three conjured aspects.

Conjuration (7 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

Conjurer speLL paths

10 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of seven conjured aspects.

Delayed Illusion (3 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of three conjured aspects. The appearance may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (4 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

12 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of four conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (5 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of five conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (5 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

14 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of five conjured aspects.

Conjuration (10 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

15 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of ten conjured aspects.




Illusion (10 aspects) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of ten conjured aspects.

Delayed Conjure (10 aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of ten conjured aspects. The scene may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Permanent Conjuration Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent

30 Creates an immobile scene in a 10’ radius that consists of ten conjured aspects.

Permanent Illusion W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent

50 Creates an illusionary object or creature that fits in a 10’ radius and consists of ten conjured aspects. The illusionary object only moves or changes when the
caster concentrates on it.

Light Conjuring
Conjure Light Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a simple immobile visual scene in a 10’ radius.

Palm of Light Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

2 Creates a beam of light like that of a hooded lantern from the caster’s palm. Light is effective at up to 50’.

Varied Light (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

3 The light level within a 10’ radius of the caster can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.

Flash Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a 10’ radius bright flash of light at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per point by which it fails its saving
Magic Missile W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
6 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.

Blinding Globe Range: 100’ Duration: See below
9 Creates a globe of darkness around the target’s head, which moves with the creature and lasts for 1 round per point by which it fails its saving throw.

Conjurer speLL paths

Varied Light (50’r) Range: 50’ Duration: C
10 The light level within a 50’ radius of the caster can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.

Lux Clara (100’r) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Touched object or point in space gives off light with all the properties of lux clara and which is effective within a 100’ radius. If cast on an object, the light
moves with the object.

Signal Range: Self Duration: C
13 Creates a beam of light up to 1 mile long of any colour that springs from caster’s palm.

Nox Obscura (100’r) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl

14 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of nox obscura that suppresses even magical light and which is effective within a 100’ radius. If cast on an
object, the darkness moves with the object.
Varied Light (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C
15 The light level within a 100’ radius of the caster can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.

Lightning Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table.

Varied Light (500’r) Range: 500’ Duration: C

25 The light level within a 100’ radius of the caster can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.

Lightning Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

30 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table.

Varied Light (100’ r/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C

50 The light level within a 100’ radius of the caster per caster level can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.

physiCaL Conjuring
Conjure Smell Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a simple immobile set of smells in a 10’ radius.
Force Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
2 Shoots a bolt of force at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Brawling attack table.
Conjure Taste Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Creates a simple immobile set of tastes in a 10’ radius.
Stinking Cloud (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
4 Creates a 10’ radius cloud of pungent acrid scent at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which it
fails its saving throw. The saving throw is re-rolled each round that a target remains in the area and the effects are cumulative. The scent will drift with wind.
Conjure Touch Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Creates a simple immobile set of tactile sensations in a 10’ radius. These make objects in the area feel different to their nature. As with the touch aspects that
are applied to illusions, these structures and sensations disappear after a hard impact.

Force Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
7 Shoots a bolt of force at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Brawling attack table.

Stinking Cloud (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
9 Creates a 20’ radius cloud of pungent acrid scent at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which it
fails its saving throw. The saving throw is re-rolled each round that a target remains in the area and the effects are cumulative. The scent will drift with wind.
Conjure Touch (2 touch aspects)
Conjurer speLL paths

Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

10 Creates a simple immobile set of tactile sensations in a 10’ radius. These make objects in the area feel different to their nature. As with the touch aspects that
are applied to illusions, these structures and sensations disappear after two hard impacts.
Force Bolt (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
11 Shoots a bolt of force at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Brawling attack table, with a small size.

Mass Conjure Smells/Tastes Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 One object per caster level can have its taste/smell altered for the duration. These tastes and smells will stay with the objects if they are moved out of the area.
Stinking Cloud (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
14 Creates a 50’ radius cloud of pungent acrid scent at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which it
fails its saving throw. The saving throw is re-rolled each round that a target remains in the area and the effects are cumulative. The scent will drift with wind.
Conjure Touch (3 touch aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Creates a simple immobile set of tactile sensations in a 10’ radius. These make objects in the area feel different to their nature. As with the touch aspects that
are applied to illusions, these structures and sensations disappear after three hard impacts.

Conjure Touch (5 touch aspects) Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
20 Creates a simple immobile set of tactile sensations in a 10’ radius. These make objects in the area feel different to their nature. As with the touch aspects that
are applied to illusions, these structures and sensations disappear after five hard impacts.
Conjure Permanent Smell Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
25 Creates a simple immobile set of smells in a 10’ radius.
Conjure Permanent Taste Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
30 Creates a simple immobile set of tastes in a 10’ radius.
Conjure Permanent Touch Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
50 Creates a simple immobile set of tactile sensations in a 10’ radius. These make objects in the area feel different to their nature. As with the touch aspects that
are applied to illusions, these structures and sensations disappear after five hard impacts.

sounD Conjuring
Conjure Sound Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a simple immobile set of repeating or constant sounds in a 10’ radius.
Silence (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Creates an intangible barrier 5’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.
Varied Sound (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C
3 The sound level within a 10’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.
Screamer Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
4 Creates a sudden burst of sound at the ears of a target within range. The target is Dazed for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Silence (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Creates an intangible barrier 10’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.
Varied Sound (50’r) Range: 50’ Duration: C
6 The sound level within a 50’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.
Deafening Globe Range: 100’ Duration: See below
7 Creates an intangible barrier 6” around the target’s head through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature and lasts for 1 hour per point
by which they fail their saving throw.
Silence (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Creates an intangible barrier 50’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.
Dog Whistle Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)

9 Creates a loud sound too high pitched for human hearing. All creatures within range (e.g. bats, dogs) that can hear such sounds are Dazed for 1 round per
two points by which they fail their saving throw. The saving throw is re-rolled each round that a target remains in the area and the effects are cumulative.
Natural animals that can hear the sound will flee the area.
Varied Sound (100’r)

Conjurer speLL paths

Range: 50’ Duration: C
10 The sound level within a 100’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.
Screamer (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 Creates a sudden burst of sound at the ears of a all targets within the radius. The targets are Dazed for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Silence (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Creates an intangible barrier 100’ around the target object or creature through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the creature.

Deafening Globe (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
14 Creates an intangible barrier 6” around the head of each target’s in a 10’ radius through which sound cannot pass. The barriers move with each creature and
last for 1 hour per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Varied Sound (10’ r/lvl) Range: 50’ Duration: C
15 The sound level within a 10’ per level radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.

Mass Deafening Globe Range: 100’ Duration: See below
20 Creates an intangible barrier 6” around the head of one target per caster level through which sound cannot pass. The barriers move with each creature and last
for 1 hour per point by which they fail their saving throw.
Mass Silence (1’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around one target object or creature per caster level through which sound cannot pass. The barriers moves with the creatures.
Varied Sound (20’ r/lvl) Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 The sound level within a 20’ per level radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.
Deadly Vibrations Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
Creates a loud sound too high pitched for human hearing. All creatures within range are Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving
50 throw. Creatures who fail their save by more than eight points fall unconscious, and creatures who fail their save by more than fifteen points die from brain
damage due to the vibrations. The saving throw is re-rolled each round that a target remains in the area and the effects are cumulative. Natural animals that
can hear the sound will flee the area.

triCks of the minD
Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects.
Detect Invisible Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
2 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this spell, but at a –5 penalty.
Mask Species Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Target appears to be a species of caster’s choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular species).
Mask lvl (1 lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Target’s apparent level is modified by caster’s choice of up to +/–1 level to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a
particular level character).
Conjure Mind Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Creates a simple immobile fake sapient mind (with a class, level and species of the caster’s choice) that will show up on all magical detections (including
symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular class, level or species).
Mask Class Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
6 Target appears to be a class of caster’s choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular class).
Mask lvl (3 lvls) Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Target’s apparent level is modified by caster’s choice of up to +/–3 levels to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a
particular level character).

Mask Magical Aura Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
10 Target enchanted object or active spell is masked and fails to show up on magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a the
Conjurer speLL paths

presence of a particular object). The caster can only mask the magical aura of an active spell that they can see.
Ignore Illusion Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 One illusion or conjuration within range ceases to exist for the caster. Caster can no longer see, hear or smell the illusion and cannot interact with any “touch”
aspects that it might have.

Mask lvl (10 lvls) Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Target’s apparent level is modified by caster’s choice of up to +/–10 levels to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a
particular level character).
Mass Ignore Illusion Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 All illusions and conjurations within range cease to exist for the caster. Caster can no longer see, hear or smell the illusions and cannot interact with any
“touch” aspects that they might have.
Mask All Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Target appears to be a species, class and level of caster’s choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular
varieties of such things).

Mind Blank Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
20 Target appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such
Lasting Mask Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
25 Target appears to be a species, class and level of caster’s choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular
varieties of such things).
Mass Mind Blank Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
30 One target per caster level appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are
activated by such things).
Mass Mask All Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
50 One target per caster level appears to be a species, class and level of caster’s choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are
activated by a particular varieties of such things).

bLooD repair
Seal Wounds (1 hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.

Cure Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

2 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round.

Repair Vein (1 injury) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

3 Stops all bleeding from a single one of caster’s injuries that bleeds at up to 2 hit points per round.

Seal Wounds (5 hits/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

4 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 5 hit points per round. If the caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not
have to be all from the same wound.
Cure Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. The bleeding does not necessarily have to be all from the same wound.

Repair Artery (1 injury) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

6 Stops all bleeding from a single one of caster’s injuries.

Reattach Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant

7 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Bone Repair, Muscle Repair
and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. See
the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Mass Seal Wounds A Range: Self Duration: Instant
9 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round per caster level. If the caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The
bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.

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Mass Cure Bleeding A Range: Self Duration: Instant
10 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round per caster level. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.

Remove Blood Clot A Range: Self Duration: Instant

11 Removes any single blood clot from the caster.

Repair Artery (3 wounds) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
13 Stops all caster’s bleeding from up to three of caster’s injuries.

Reattach Limb Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

15 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Bone Repair,
Muscle Repair and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Cure Bleeding (all) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 Stops all caster’s bleeding.

New Blood A Range: Self Duration: Instant

25 Replaces all of caster’s lost blood.

Cleanse Blood A Range: Self Duration: Instant

30 Removes any impurities from caster’s blood, curing them of any disease or poison.

Blood Repair Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

bone repair
Set Bone (light) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. This spell will not heal a
fractured skull.
Heal Cartilage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
2 One of caster’s areas of cartilage damage is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Bone (any) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

3 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours. This spell will not heal
a fractured skull.
Heal Broken Skull A Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Joint A Range: Self Duration: Instant

5 Caster’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Set Bone Instantly (light) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

6 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a Light injury is healed. This spell will not heal a fractured skull.

Reattach Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant

7 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Blood Repair, Muscle Repair
and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. See
the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Cartilage Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 One of caster’s areas of cartilage damage is healed.

Set Bone Instantly (any) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

9 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed. This spell will not heal a fractured skull.
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Heal Broken Skull Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

10 Caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) skull is healed.

Set Joint Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

11 Caster’s damaged or broken (but not shattered) joint is healed.

Heal Shatter A Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 One of caster’s shattered bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 24 hours.

Regenerate Cartilage A Range: Self Duration: Instant

13 One of caster’s missing areas of cartilage re-grows over the course of 24 hours.

Regenerate Bone A Range: Self Duration: Instant

14 One of caster’s missing bones re-grows over the course of 24 hours.

Reattach Limb Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

15 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Blood Repair,
Muscle Repair and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the
Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Heal Shatter Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 One of caster’s shattered bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed.

Mass Regrow Cartilage A Range: Self Duration: Instant

25 All of caster’s missing areas of cartilage re-grows over the course of 24 hours.

Mass Regrow Bone A Range: Self Duration: Instant

30 All of caster’s missing bones re-grows over the course of 24 hours.

Instant Skeleton A Range: Self Duration: Instant

50 All of caster’s missing bones and areas of cartilage re-grow instantly.

Lay on hanDs
Lay On Hands (1st lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with first level spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (2nd lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

2 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with second level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (3rd lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

3 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with third level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (4th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

4 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with fourth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (5th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

5 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with fifth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (6th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

6 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with sixth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (7th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

7 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with seventh level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (8th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

8 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with eighth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (9th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

9 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with ninth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (10th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant


empath speLL paths

One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with tenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (11th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

11 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with eleventh level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (12th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

12 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with twelfth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (13th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

13 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with thirteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (14th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

14 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with fourteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (15th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

15 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with fifteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (16th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

16 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with sixteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (17th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

17 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with seventeenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (18th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

18 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with eighteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (19th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

19 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with nineteenth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (20th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

20 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with twentieth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (25th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with twenty fifth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (30th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with thirtieth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

Lay On Hands (50th lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 One impairment (injury, poison, disease, or hit point loss) that the caster can cure with fiftieth level or lower spells is transferred from target to caster.

musCLe repair
Heal Tendon (light) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 One of caster’s damaged tendons resulting from a Light injury is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Muscle (1 Muscle) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

2 One of caster’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Tendon (1 Tendon) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

3 One of caster’s damaged tendons is healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Muscle (3 Muscles) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

4 Three of caster’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles are healed over the course of an hour.

Heal Tendon (3 Tendons) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

5 Three of caster’s damaged tendons are healed over the course of an hour.

Reattach Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant

7 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Blood Repair, Bone Repair
and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. See
the Injury and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.
Heal Muscle Instantly (1 area) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 One of caster’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles is healed.

Heal Tendon Instantly (1 area) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

9 One of caster’s damaged tendons is healed.
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Heal Muscle/Tendon (all) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 All of caster’s damaged (but not completely destroyed) muscles and tendons are healed over the course of an hour.

Regrow Muscle A Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 One of caster’s missing or destroyed muscle is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Tendon A Range: Self Duration: Instant

13 One of caster’s missing or destroyed tendons is re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Reattach Limb Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

15 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Blood Repair, Bone
Repair and Nerve And Organ Repair paths. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Instant Regrowth A Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 One of caster’s missing or destroyed muscles or tendons is re-grown instantly.

Regrow Muscle (all) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

25 All of caster’s missing or destroyed muscles are re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Regrow Tendon (all) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

30 All of caster’s missing or destroyed tendons are re-grown over the course of 24 hours.

Instant Muscle/Tendon Heal A Range: Self Duration: Instant

50 All of caster’s damaged muscles and tendons are healed.

nerve anD organ repair
Heal Nose A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Heals all damage to caster’s nose short of complete loss.
Heal Nerve Damage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
2 One area of caster’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Heal Ear (external) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
3 Heals all damage to the caster’s external ear, including complete loss. This spell does not cure deafness associated with inner ear damage.
Heal Eye (light) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Heals all damage to the caster’s eyes resulting from a Light injury.
Paralysis Relief A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Paralysed caster is temporarily able to move. This does nothing to heal the damage that caused the paralysis, but neither does it aggravate the condition.
Heal Ear A Range: Self Duration: Instant
6 Heals all damage to the caster’s external and inner ear, including complete loss. This spell also cures deafness associated with inner ear damage.
Reattach Limb A Range: Self Duration: Instant

7 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb spells on the Blood Repair, Bone Repair
and Muscle Repair paths. The limb is useless for 24 hours after reattachment. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. See the Injury
and Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details
Heal Eye (critical) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 Heals all damage to the caster’s eyes short of complete loss. This spell also cures blindness associated with eye damage (but not loss).
Instant Heal Nerve Damage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
9 One area of caster’s nerve damage (but not paralysis or brain damage) is healed over the course of 24 hours.
Heal Organ A Range: Self Duration: Instant

10 Heals one area of caster’s organ or lung damage over the course of one hour. Although the spell takes an hour to repair the organ, it will stabilise the caster
immediately and prevent death from the organ damage that it is healing. If the organ damage would have killed the caster, the caster instead remains

empath speLL paths

unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Heal Paralysis A Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Cures any paralysis due to nerve damage that the caster has.
Facial Regeneration A Range: Self Duration: Instant
12 Caster’s missing or destroyed nose and/or eyes are re-grown over the course of 24 hours. This spell cures the blindness associated with eye loss at the end of
the 24 hour period.
Instant Heal All Nerve Damage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
13 All areas of caster’s nerve damage (except for paralysis or brain damage) are healed.
Heal Organ Immediately A Range: Self Duration: Instant
14 Heals one area of caster’s organ damage.
Reattach Limb Instantly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

15 Reattaches a severed limb or other body part. This spell must be cast in conjunction with the other Reattach Limb Instantly spells on the Blood Repair, Bone
Repair and Muscle Repair paths. If the body part has decayed, the caster may acquire penalties. The limb may be used immediately. See the Injury and
Healing chapter of the main Rulebook for further details.

Heal Brain Damage A Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 One area of caster’s brain damage is healed over the course of 24 hours. This will awaken the caster from a coma (at the end of the 24 hour period).
Regrow Organ A Range: Self Duration: Instant
25 Regrows one of caster’s missing organs over the course of one hour. Although the spell takes an hour to regrow the organ, it will stabilise the caster
immediately. If the missing organ would have killed the caster, the caster instead remains unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Regrow Brain A Range: Self Duration: Instant
30 Regrows caster’s missing brain over the course of one hour. Although the spell takes an hour to regrow the brain, it will stabilise the caster immediately and
prevent death from the missing brain. If the organ damage would have killed the caster, the caster instead remains unconscious until the organ is fully healed.
Restore Soul A Range: Self Duration: Instant
Caster’s soul returns from the afterlife and re-enters their body, providing they have not died of old age and they do not still have fatal injuries. For the caster
50 to use a Lay on Hands spell on a dead person in order to return them to life (and then use this spell to bring themselves back to life) the target of the Lay on
Hands must make a constitution check with a TN of 20 + the number of weeks that they have been dead (time spent in an extended Grace Period does not
count towards this). If this check fails, the caster cannot take on the target’s dead condition.

skin repair
Cure Wounds (1–10) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Caster is healed 1d10 hit points.

Heal Light Burns/Frostbite A Range: Self Duration: Instant

2 Caster is healed of one area of Light burns or frostbite.

Unstun (1 Round) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant

3 One round’s worth of stun–like effects is removed from the caster.

Regeneration (1/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: C

4 Caster is healed 1 hit point per round.

Heal Serious Burns/Frostbite A Range: Self Duration: Instant

5 Caster is healed of one area of Serious burns or frostbite; or two areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Wake A Range: Self Duration: Instant

6 Caster is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition.

Cure Wounds (5–50) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

7 Caster is healed 5d10 hit points.

Heal Critical Burns/Frostbite A Range: Self Duration: Instant

8 Caster is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite; or one area of Serious burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; or three areas of
Light burns or frostbite.

Unstun (3 Rounds) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant

9 Three rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the caster.

Regeneration (2/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: C

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10 Caster is healed 2 hit point per round.

Mass Heal Burns/Frostbite A Range: Self Duration: Instant

11 Caster is healed of one area of Critical burns or frostbite and one area of Light burns or frostbite; two areas of Serious burns or frostbite; one area of Serious
burns or frostbite and two areas of Light burns or frostbite; or four areas of Light burns or frostbite.

Cure Wounds (10–100) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 Caster is healed 10d10 hit points.

Unstun (5 Rounds) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant

13 Five rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the caster.

Regeneration (3/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: C
15 Caster is healed 3 hit point per round.




Cure Wounds (20–200) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
20 Caster is healed 20d10 hit points.

Cure Wounds (all) A Range: Self Duration: Instant

25 Caster is restored to full hit points.

Heal All Burns/Frostbite A Range: Self Duration: Instant

30 Caster is healed of all areas of burns and/or frostbite.

Unstun (all) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant

50 All stun-like effects are removed from the caster.

Appraise Jewellery Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster becomes aware of the value of any item made of precious or semi-precious materials. Only the material value is known, not any additional value for
Appraise Craftsmanship Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Caster becomes aware of the value of any crafted or artistic item, including both its material value and its value to collectors of its type of art or craft.
Feel Enchantment Range: Touch Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
3 Caster can feel whether each object touched is magical in some way, but gains no insight about the type or power of the object’s magical nature.
Identify (10%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
4 Caster has a 10% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.
Appraisal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Caster becomes aware of the market value of any item touched.
Feel Significance Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Caster becomes aware of whether the item touched has cultural significance to its makers or users; but not what that significance is.

Feel Origin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Caster becomes aware of the place where the touched object comes from. This is the source of its material if it is natural, or the place it was made (and the
species/culture of its maker) if it is manufactured.

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Identify (20%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Caster has a 20% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.
Feel Curse Range: Touch Duration: Instant
11 Caster becomes aware if the touched item is cursed. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

Identify Significance Range: Touch Duration: Instant
13 Caster becomes aware of whether the item touched has cultural significance to its makers or users; and exactly what that significance is.

Identify (30%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 Caster has a 30% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.

Identify (50%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Caster has a 50% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.
Greater Feel Origin Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Caster becomes aware of the place where the touched object comes from. This is the source of its material if it is natural, or the place it was made (and the
exact identity of its maker) if it is manufactured, along with its date of manufacture.
Identify (75%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 Caster has a 75% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.
Identify (100%) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Caster has a 100% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an item. The caster can only cast this spell once per item, but may cast other Identify
spells on the item after this one.

Memorise Text (x1) Range: Self Duration: C
1 Caster can memorise any text as quickly as they can read normally. Caster retains has perfect recall of the text (including any diagrams or maps that
accompany it) indefinitely. Caster need not understand the text that they are memorising.
Tongues II Range: 10’ Duration: C
2 Target is able to understand very basic single-word ideas and concepts (“attack”, “peace”, “hungry”, “friend”, etc.) in any spoken language as if they had two
ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to a similar level. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.
Identify Text Range: Self Duration: Instant
3 Caster becomes aware of the language that a text they examine is written in, and the identity of the author (if the text was dictated, translated or copied, it is
the scribe that is identified; not the original author).
Cold Reading (10%) Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
4 When talking to a target about a specific subject, caster can read the target’s body language and expressions well enough to gain 10% of the facts that the
target knows about the subject without the target being aware that they have given anything away.
Memorise Text (x2) Range: Self Duration: C
5 Caster can memorise any text twice as quickly as they can read normally. Caster retains has perfect recall of the text (including any diagrams or maps that
accompany it) indefinitely. Caster need not understand the text that they are memorising.

Tongues III Range: 10’ Duration: C
7 Target is able to understand short simple sentences in any spoken language as if they had three ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to
a similar level. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.
Cold Reading (30%) Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
8 As Cold Reading (10%) except 20% of the facts target knows are learned.

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Memorise Text (x3) Range: Self Duration: C

10 Caster can memorise any text three times as quickly as they can read normally. Caster retains has perfect recall of the text (including any diagrams or maps
that accompany it) indefinitely. Caster need not understand the text that they are memorising.
Identify Source Range: Self Duration: Instant
11 Caster becomes aware of whether a text they examine has been copied, dictated or translated; and if so, caster also becomes aware of its source language and
identity of original author/dictator.
Tongues V Range: 10’ Duration: C
12 Target is able to understand everyday speech in any spoken language as if they had five ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any language to a
similar level (albeit with an accent). Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.
Cold Reading (50%) Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
13 As Cold Reading (10%) except 20% of the facts target knows are learned.

Memorise Text (x5) Range: Self Duration: C
15 Caster can memorise any text five times as quickly as they can read normally. Caster retains has perfect recall of the text (including any diagrams or maps that
accompany it) indefinitely. Caster need not understand the text that they are memorising.

Memorise Text (instant) Range: Self Duration: C
20 Caster can memorise any text as quickly as they can glance at it or flick through its pages. Caster retains has perfect recall of the text (including any diagrams
or maps that accompany it) indefinitely. Caster need not understand the text that they are memorising.
Cold Reading (75%) Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
25 As Cold Reading (10%) except 20% of the facts target knows are learned.
Cold Reading (100%) Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
30 As Cold Reading (10%) except 20% of the facts target knows are learned.
Tongues VII Range: 10’ Duration: C
50 Target is able to understand complex and technical speech in any spoken language as if they had seven ranks in the language skill and is able to speak any
language to a similar level with no accent. Target gains no ability to read or write other languages.

Calming Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
1 Target is calmed of strong anger, although it may remain quietly hostile if it was already. It will not start a fight (but will fight in self defence if attacked).
Caster must speak for the duration (count this as concentration) and target must be able to hear the caster (but does not need to understand the words).
Holding Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
2 Target is slowed. Caster must speak for the duration as with Calming Speech.
Stunning Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
3 Target is dazed. Caster must speak for the duration as with Calming Speech.

Sleep Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
5 Target falls asleep, but may be awoken as normal (which ends the spell even if the caster is still talking). Caster must speak for the duration as with Calming
Charming Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
6 Target believes the caster to be a good friend. Caster must speak for the duration as with Calming Speech.
Terror Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
7 Target is terrified of the caster and must flee until the speech ends or they can no longer hear it. Caster must speak for the duration as with Calming Speech.
Lasting Calm Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x2

8 Target is calmed of strong anger, although it may remain quietly hostile if it was already. It will not start a fight (but will fight in self defence if attacked).
Caster must speak for the duration (count as concentration) and target must be able to hear the caster (but does not need to understand the words). Once the
speech has stopped or the target can no longer hear it, the spell continues for a period of time equal to the length of time that it has already been active for.
Lasting Stunning Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x2
9 Target is dazed. Caster must speak for part of the the duration as with Lasting Calming Speech.

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Erase Memories Range: 10’ Duration: Permanent
10 Target forgets a period of time. The period to be forgotten must be known to the caster. Caster must speak for the duration (count as concentration) and
target must be able to hear the caster (but does not need to understand the words).
Lasting Charm Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x2
11 Target believes the caster to be a good friend. Caster must speak for part of the the duration as with Lasting Calming Speech.
Lasting Terror Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x2
12 Target is terrified of the caster and must flee until the speech ends or they can no longer hear it, and then continue fleeing for the same duration again. Caster
must speak for part of the the duration as with Lasting Calming Speech.
Command Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
13 Target follows whatever commands caster puts into the words of their speech, providing they are not obviously harmful. Caster must speak for the duration
as with Calming Speech.

Lasting Sleep Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x2
15 Target falls asleep, and may not be awoken except by magic (which ends the spell even if the caster is still speaking) for the duration of the speech and an
equal duration afterwards. Caster must speak for part of the the duration as with Lasting Calming Speech.

Epic Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C x3
20 Caster uses any of the lower level “Lasting Speech” spells on this path, and the effect lasts for three times the length of the speech rather than just twice the
initial duration.
Lasting Command Speech Range: 50’ Duration: C
25 Target follows whatever commands caster puts into the words of their speech, providing they are not obviously harmful. Caster must speak for part of the the
duration as with Lasting Calming Speech.
Coma Word Range: 50’ Duration: Permanent
30 Target falls into a coma that lasts until the spell is dispelled.
Killing Word Range: 50’ Duration: Permanent
50 Target falls into a coma that lasts until the spell is dispelled. If the target fails their saving throw by 10 or more points, they are killed instead.

sounD mastery
Silence (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.

Varied Sound (1’r) Range: Self Duration: C

2 The sound level within a 1’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.

Silence (10’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Creates an intangible barrier 10’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.

Varied Sound (10’r) Range: Self Duration: C

5 The sound level within a 10’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.

Silence (up to 10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates an intangible barrier that the caster can vary from skin-tight to up to 10’ around the themselves through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves
with the caster.
Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.

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Silence (50’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Creates an intangible barrier 50’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.

Varied Sound (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C

11 The sound level within a 100’ radius of the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the area.

Powder (1’x1’x1’) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
13 Up to 1’x1’x1’ of non-living solid material within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine powder.

Delayed Conjure Sound Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

14 Creates a simple immobile set of repeating or constant sounds in a 10’ radius. The sounds may be delayed for up to 24 hours.

Varied Sound (10’ r/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C

15 The sound level within a 10’ radius per level around the caster can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied through the

Powder (10’x10’x10’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Up to 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine powder.

Silence (100’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates an intangible barrier 100’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.

Screamer Range: 50’ Duration: Instant

30 All targets within 50’ of the caster are dazed for 1 round per 2 points by which they fail their saving throws.

Delayed Varied Sound Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 The sound level within a 10’ radius per level around the where the spell is cast can be varied from silent to that of a loud shout. The sound level can be varied
through the area. The sound variations can be set to be triggered by a particular noise occurring within range up to 24 hours later, and what variations occur
during the duration can be pre-decided by the caster.

voCaL ControL
Whisper (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Caster whispers and their voice is also heard at a point of their choice within range.
Project Voice (x2) Range: Self Duration: C
2 The loudness of the caster’s voice is doubled.
Project Patter (x2) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
3 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) has its range doubled.
Patter For Two S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
4 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects two targets within range. The caster must spend at least as
much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Whisper (300’) Range: 300’ Duration: C
5 Caster whispers and their voice is also heard at a point of their choice within range.
Project Voice (x5) Range: Self Duration: C
6 The loudness of the caster’s voice is increased by a factor of five.
Group Patter (10’) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
7 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects all targets within 10’ of the caster. The caster must spend at
least as much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Project Patter (x3) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
8 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) has its range tripled.
Whisper (500’) Range: 500’ Duration: C
9 Caster whispers and their voice is also heard at a point of their choice within range.

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Patter For Three S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
10 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects three targets within range. The caster must spend at least as
much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Subtle Patter S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
11 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) can be heard only by its target. The caster must spend at least as
much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Project Patter (x4) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
12 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) has its range quadrupled.
Whisper (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: C
13 Caster whispers and their voice is also heard at a point of their choice within range.
Patter For Five S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
14 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects five targets within range. The caster must spend at least as
much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Group Patter (50’) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
15 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects all targets within 50’ of the caster. The caster must spend at
least as much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.

Project Patter (x5) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
20 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) has its range quintupled.
Group Patter (100’) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
25 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) affects all targets within 100’ of the caster. The caster must spend
at least as much mana on this spell as on the spell it is used with.
Project Patter (x6) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds
30 The next spell the caster casts from the Patter path (if cast within the duration of this spell) has its range sextupled.
Vocal Control S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration. Any Patter spells taking advantage of these effects must be cast

Silhouette Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Target (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Target gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.
Darkness (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the darkness moves with the
Bolt Of Darkness (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
3 Shoots a bolt of darkness at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.
Dark Vision Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Target can see in complete darkness as if it were day.
Flash Of Darkness Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a sudden flash of darkness and cold at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they
fail their saving throw.
Varied Light (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C
6 The light level within a 10’ radius of the caster can be varied from dark to brightly lit. The light level can be varied through the area.
Darkness (5 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Five points in space within range each give off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these can be combined into a smaller
number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 20’ radius and one 30’ radius).
Black Smoke (10’r) Range: 20’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
8 Creates an opaque black cloud with a 10’ radius. The cloud inflicts an ‘A’ frost critical strike on each creature within it each round. Targets may make a saving
throw on their initiative to avoid the damage.
Bolt Of Darkness (200’) W(S) Range: 200’ Duration: Instant
9 Shoots a bolt of darkness at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.
neCromanCer speLL paths

Ring of Smoke Range: Self

10 Creates a circular wall of opaque black smoke up to 10’x6” in a 10’ radius around the caster. The wall must be supported on a surface. The wall cannot be
seen through, and anyone who pushes through the wall takes an “A” severity fire critical (no saving throw allowed).
Delayed Darkness (1 area) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
11 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius. The light can be delayed for up to 24 hours.
Black Lightning (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 Shoots a bolt of black lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.
Bolt Of Darkness (300’) W(S) Range: 200’ Duration: Instant
13 Shoots a bolt of darkness at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.

Wall of Obsidian Range: 50’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Creates a wall of solid obsidian up to 10’x20’x1’. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither
end is up against a wall.
Black Lightning (200’) W(S) Range: 200’ Duration: Instant
16 Shoots a bolt of black lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.

Nox Obscura (10 areas) Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 Ten points in space within range each give off an aura of nox obscura that suppresses even magical light and which is effective within a 10’ radius; or these
can be combined into a smaller number of correspondingly larger areas (e.g. one 40’ radius and two 30’ radius).

Black Lightning (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
20 Shoots a bolt of black lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table, but doing frost critical strikes.
Black Lightning (turning) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant
25 Shoots a bolt of black lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table, but doing frost critical strikes. The attack
can turn a single 90º corner before hitting its target. The caster must know the target’s location, and the attack bonus is halved.
Black Lightning (following) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant

30 Shoots a bolt of black lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table, but doing frost critical strikes. The attack
can twist and turn as much as it needs to reach the target (providing it does not run out of range first) but can not fit through a gap less than six inches in
diameter. The caster must know the target’s location, and the attack bonus is halved.
Master of Darkness Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Thaw Ice (10 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Up to 10 cubic feet of ice instantly melts.

Powder Earth (10 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

2 Up to 10 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

3 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.
Powder Stone (10 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
4 Up to 10 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Thaw Ice (1,000 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

5 Up to 1,000 cubic feet of ice instantly melts.

Powder Anything (1 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

6 Up to 1 cubic foot of nonmagical inorganic material of any kind within range (must be a single object)is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Earth (100 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

7 Up to 100 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Shatter Object Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

8 One non-living inorganic object of up to 1 cubic foot in size shatters into shrapnel. Anyone holding the object takes a “C” severity piercing critical strike and
anyone within 5’ takes an “A” severity piercing critical strike. If the object is being held or worn the holder gets a saving throw.
Powder Stone (100 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

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Up to 100 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Thaw Ice (1,000 cu’/lvl) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

10 Up to 1,000 cubic feet of ice per caster level instantly melts.

Powder Anything (10 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

11 Up to 10 cubic feet of nonmagical inorganic material of any kind within range (must be a single object) is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Earth (1,000 cu’) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

12 Up to 1,000 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

13 Causes large cracks to form in up to 100 cubic feet of nonmagical inorganic material (not metal).

Powder Stone (1,000 cu’) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

14 Up to 1,000 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Disintegrate (1 cu’) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

15 Up to 1 cubic foot of any nonmagical inorganic material ceases to exist leaving no trace or residue.

Powder Earth (100 cu’/lvl) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
20 Up to 100 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range per caster level is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Stone (100 cu’/lvl) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

25 Up to 100 cubic feet of stone within range per caster level is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.

Powder Anything (100 cu’/lvl) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant

30 Up to 100 cubic feet per caster level of nonmagical inorganic material of any kind within range (must be a maximum of one object per caster level) is reduced
to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.
Disintegrate (100cu’) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
50 Up to 100 cubic foot of any nonmagical inorganic material ceases to exist leaving no trace or residue.

unDeaD CommuniCation
Undead Tongue (1 min) Range: Self Duration: 1 min
1 Caster can understand and be understood by all sapient undead.
Spirit Lore (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
2 Forces a first level sapient undead to analyse an item and tell the caster about it. The undead has a 5% chance to identify each magical power or bonus of an
item. Each undead can only analyse a given item once.
Speak With Dead (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
3 Forces a first level sapient undead to answer a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the same
language that it was asked in if their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.
Stalker (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
4 Forces a first level sapient undead to seek out a person, place or object and either report its location back to the caster or physically retrieve it (caster’s choice).
Undead Tongue (6 mins) Range: Self Duration: 6 mins
5 Caster can understand and be understood by all sapient undead.
Spirit Lore (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
6 As Spirit Lore (1st level) except the undead can be up to 5th level.

Speak With Dead (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
8 Forces a sapient undead of up to fifth level to answer a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the
same language that it was asked in if their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.
Undead Tongue (12 mins) Range: Self Duration: 12 mins
9 Caster can understand and be understood by all sapient undead.
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Stalker (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs

10 Forces a sapient undead of up to fifth level to seek out a person, place or object and either report its location back to the caster or physically retrieve it (caster’s
Spirit Lore (7th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
11 As Spirit Lore (1st level) except the undead can be up to 7th level.

Speak With Dead (7th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
13 Forces a sapient undead of up to seventh level to answer a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in
the same language that it was asked in if their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.
Stalker (7th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
14 Forces a sapient undead of up to seventh level to seek out a person, place or object and either report its location back to the caster or physically retrieve it
(caster’s choice).
Undead Tongue (concentration) Range: Self Duration: C
15 Caster can understand and be understood by all sapient undead.
Spirit Lore (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
16 As Spirit Lore (1st level) except the undead can be up to 10th level.
Speak With Dead (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
17 Forces a sapient undead of up to tenth level to answer a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the
same language that it was asked in if their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.

Stalker (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
19 Forces a sapient undead of up to tenth level to seek out a person, place or object and either report its location back to the caster or physically retrieve it
(caster’s choice).
Spirit Lore Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
20 As Spirit Lore (1st level) except the undead can be up to caster’s level.
Speak With Dead Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
25 Forces a sapient undead of up to caster’s level to answer a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in
the same language that it was asked in if their language skill permits. If the target makes their saving throw, they may lie.
Stalker Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
30 Forces a sapient undead of up to caster’s level to seek out a person, place or object and either report its location back to the caster or physically retrieve it
(caster’s choice).
Undead Communication Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

unDeaD ControL
Undead Control (1st lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one first level corporeal undead target.

Undead Minion (1st lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

2 Target first level sapient undead becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (2nd lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

3 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to second level.

Undead Minion (2nd lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

4 Target sapient undead of up to second level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (3rd lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

5 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to third level.

Undead Minion (3rd lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

6 Target sapient undead of up to third level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (4th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

7 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to fourth level.

Undead Minion (4th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

8 Target sapient undead of up to fourth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (5th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

9 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to fifth level.

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Undead Minion (5th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent
10 Target sapient undead of up to fifth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (6th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

11 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to sixth level.

Undead Minion (6th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

12 Target sapient undead of up to sixth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (7th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

13 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to seventh level.

Undead Minion (7th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

14 Target sapient undead of up to seventh level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (8th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

15 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to eighth level.

Undead Minion (8th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

16 Target sapient undead of up to eighth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (9th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

17 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to ninth level.

Undead Minion (9th lvl) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

18 Target sapient undead of up to ninth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control (10th lvl) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

19 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to tenth level.

Undead Minion (10th lvl) 0 Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

20 Target sapient undead of up to tenth level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Undead Control S Range: 100’ Duration: C

25 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one corporeal undead target of up to caster’s level.

Undead Minion 0 Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Permanent

30 Target sapient undead of up to caster’s level becomes the caster’s minion. Caster may only have one undead minion per level.

Master of Undead Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

unDeaD Creation
Animate Dead (1st lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a first level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its actions.
Create Skeleton (1st lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
2 Binds one first level shade within range into a corpse that it is touching (no larger than an ogre), creating a first level skeleton. The skeleton has free will and
is not under the control of the caster.
Animate Dead (2nd lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a second level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Create Skeleton (2nd lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
4 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to second level.
Animate Dead (3rd lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a third level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its actions.
Create Skeleton (3rd lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
6 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to third level.
Animate Dead (4th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a fourth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Create Skeleton (4th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
8 Binds one shade of up to fourth level within range into a corpse that it is touching (no larger than an ogre), creating a skeleton of equal level to the shade.
The skeleton has free will and is not under the control of the caster.
Animate Dead (5th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
9 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a fifth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its actions.
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Create Skeleton (5th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant

10 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to fifth level.
Animate Dead (6th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a sixth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its actions.
Create Skeleton (6th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
12 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to sixth level.
Animate Dead (7th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a seventh level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Create Skeleton (7th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
14 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to seventh level.
Animate Dead (8th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating an eighth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Create Skeleton (8th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
16 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to eighth level.
Animate Dead (9th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a ninth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Create Skeleton (9th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
18 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to ninth level.
Animate Dead (10th lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
19 Animates a single corpse (no larger than an ogre), creating a tenth level husk. The husk will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control its
Become Lich Range: Self Duration: Instant

20 Caster becomes a lich. Once the caster starts the process by casting this spell for the first time, it must be completed by casting the spell twenty times per day
for twenty days, once per hour (with the caster resting for four hours per day). If this process is not completed, the caster dies and becomes a zombie rather
than a lich. Should the caster be raised from the dead, they may not cast this spell again for a year.
Create Skeleton (10th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
25 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to tenth level.
Animate Dead Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 Animates a number of corpses (no larger than ogres), creating a a total number of levels of husk equal to the caster’s level. No individual husk may be more
than tenth level. The husks will remain inactive unless the caster concentrates to control their actions.
Create Skeleton S Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
50 As Create Skeleton (1st level) except the shade and resulting skeleton may be up to caster’s level.

unDeaD summons
Undead Familiar Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
When this spell is cast on the corpse of a small non-magical animal (no bigger than a house cat) every day for a week, the animal is raised as a skeleton and
1 becomes the caster’s familiar. The caster and familiar magically understand each others speech, although the familiar retains its animal intelligence. Whenever
the familiar is within 50’ per caster level, either may share the senses of the other by concentrating. A caster may only have one familiar at a time. If either
dies, the other takes a –5 penalty to all actions for two weeks.
Summon Shade (1st lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
2 Summons the shade of a first level sapient creature. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will not act
during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.
Control Shade (1st lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
3 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one first level shade or other incorporeal undead.
Command Shade (1st lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 Target first level shade or other incorporeal undead must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).
Summon Shade (3rd lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
5 Summons the shade of a sapient creature of up to third level. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will not
act during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.
Control Shade (3rd lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
6 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to third level.
Command Shade (3rd lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to third level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).
Summon Shade (5th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
8 Summons the shade of a sapient creature of up to fifth level. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will not
act during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.

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Control Shade (5th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
9 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to fifth level.
Command Shade (5th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
10 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to fifth level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).
Summon Shade (7th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
11 Summons the shade of a sapient creature of up to seventh level. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will
not act during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.
Control Shade (7th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
12 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to seventh level.
Command Shade (7th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to seventh level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).
Summon Shade (10th lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
14 Summons the shade of a sapient creature of up to tenth level. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will not
act during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.
Control Shade (10th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
15 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to tenth level.
Command Shade (10th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
16 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to tenth level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).

Summon Shade Range: 10’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
18 Summons the shade of a sapient creature of up to caster’s level. The corpse (or the largest part of the corpse still remaining) must be present. The shade will
not act during the first round of the spell, and then has free will for the remaining duration.

Control Shade (20th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
20 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to twentieth level.
Command Shade (20th lvl) S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
25 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to twentieth level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).
Control Shade S Range: 10’ Duration: C
30 Caster mentally controls the actions of any one shade or other incorporeal undead of up to caster’s level.
Command Shade S Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
50 Target shade or other incorporeal undead of up to caster’s level must obey caster’s spoken commands (if it can understand them).

Change gasses
Condense Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster extracts a 1’x1’x1’ volume of water by condensing it from the surrounding air into a suitable receptacle.

Wall of Air Range: 10’ Duration: C

2 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Fog Cloud (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Creates a 10’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Still Air (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C
5 Slows all air movement and wind within a 10’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Fog Cloud (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

6 Creates a 100’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Lasting Wall of Air Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Fire Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

9 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table.

Still Air (50’r) Range: 50’ Duration: C

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Slows all air movement and wind within a 50’ radius of the caster by 30 miles per hour.

Fog Cloud (300’r) Range: 300’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Creates a 300’ radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Clear Air Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 All gasses within a 10’ radius of the caster are converted to clear air. As long as the caster concentrates, further gas entering the area is also converted.

Destroy Air (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

13 Destroys most air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “C” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.

Create Oxygen Range: 100’ Duration: C

14 Creates oxygen in a 50’ radius. All breathing creatures in the area get a +4 bonus to all physical activities, and all fire does double damage.

Protective Winds Range: Self Duration: C

15 Creates a 10’ radius whirlwind around the caster, which completely blocks all missile attacks, slows movement down to a fifth of normal, and gives all melee
attacks a –16 penalty.

Fog Cloud (100’r/lvl) Range: 300’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
20 Creates a 100’ radius per level cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Implosion (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

25 Violently destroys air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “E” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.

Control Clouds Range: 1000’/lvl Duration: C

30 Caster can control clouds within a 1000’ radius per caster level. Clouds can be formed or dispersed, and can be made to rain, sleet, snow, produce lightning,
or to stop doing any of those things. The caster cannot control where the lightning strikes hit within the area; they will strike tall trees and buildings as
normal. Clouds can also be lowered to ground level to form natural mist and fog/
Transmutation Range: 20’ Duration: Instant
50 Caster may transmute up to 1,000 cu’ of any gas within range into any other gas that they have a sample of to hand. This spell can only be cast once per day.

Change LiquiDs
Boil/Freeze Range: 1’ Duration: C
1 Caster causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to either heat up to boiling point or cool down to freezing point. When
the caster stops concentrating the water cools or thaws naturally.
Settle/Purify Water Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Causes all sediment and other material in suspension or dissolved in up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to be destroyed,
leaving the water clear.
Vaporise Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Up to 10 cubic feet of liquid per level of the caster is instantly vaporised. The vapour is not heated and will settle and condense naturally.
Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: C
4 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. The water is not created,
and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.
Water Bolt W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.
Part Water (3’x100’x10’) Range: 10’ Duration: C
6 Creates a 3’ wide and 100’ long corridor through water. If the water is 10’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, but if the water is more than 10’ deep it
will overflow into the trench, spoiling the spell.
Rain Range: Self Duration: C
7 Heavy rain falls in a 100’ radius around the caster.
Becalm (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
8 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster is calmed. Waves up to 20’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.
Tsunami Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
9 Creates a wave up to 1’ tall per caster level and up to 10’ wide per caster level that travels directly away from the caster.

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Lasting Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. The water is not created,
and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.
Part Water (4’x300’x50’) Range: 10’ Duration: C
11 Creates a 4’ wide and 300’ long corridor through water. If the water is 50’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, but if the water is more than 50’ deep it
will overflow into the trench, spoiling the spell.
Transmute Liquid Range: Touch Duration: Instant
12 Up to 10 cubic feet of liquid per level of the caster is turned into pure water.
Maelstrom Range: 300’ Duration: C
13 Creates a 20’x20’ whirlpool in a body of water that will draw in any objects and creatures within 200’ at a speed of 20’/round.
Air Tunnel (5’x100’) Range: 10’ Duration: C
14 Creates a 5’ diameter and 100’ long corridor of air along the bottom of a body of water.
Becalm (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
15 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster per level is calmed. Waves up to 50’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Part Water (6’x100’/lvlx100’) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Creates a 6’ wide and 100’ long per caster level corridor through water. If the water is 100’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, If the water is more
than 100’ deep it will overflow into the trench, spoiling the spell.
Air Tunnel (5’x100’/lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Creates a 6’ diameter and 100’ long per caster level corridor of air along the bottom of a body of water.
Siphon Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C
30 Draws water out of a water source. The water will travel through the air as if through a 10’ diameter pipe to anywhere in range. The caster can move the
imaginary pipe by concentrating.
Transmutation Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Caster may transmute up to 1 cu’ of any liquid into any other liquid that they have a sample of to hand. This spell can only be cast once per day.

Change soLiDs
Solid Warmth Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
1 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the ambient
Solid Heat Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the ambient
temperature. The temperature of the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Solid Cool Range: Touch Duration: 24 hrs
3 Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade below the ambient
Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
4 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.
Warp Door Range: Touch Duration: Instant
5 Warps the shape of the touched door subtly. The door can be made to either jam or unjam.
Ignite Wood Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
6 One unattended wooden or paper object within range bursts into flame.

Solid Heat (50’) Range: 50’ Duration: C
8 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the ambient
temperature. The temperature of the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Solid Cool (50’) Range: 50’ Duration: 24 hrs
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Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade below the ambient
Wall of Ice Range 10’ Duration: Instant
10 Creates a wall of ice up to 10’x20’x2’. It takes 50 rounds to hack through, or 100 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.
Solid Passage (3’x6’x1’) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
11 Caster creates a 3’x6’ passage through any non-living solid material up to 1’ thick.
Rock To Mud Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of stone or earth into a slurry of mud.
Powder Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
13 Up to 10’x10’x10’ of non-magical, non-living solid material within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine powder.
Solid Passage (4’x8’x2’) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 Caster creates a 4’x8’ passage through any non-living solid material up to 2’ thick.
Solid Shape Range: Touch Duration: C
15 Caster may shape any nonmagical stone or metal as if it were soft clay.

Long Passage (4’x8’x5’/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster creates a 4’x8’ passage through any non-living solid material up to 5’ thick per caster level.
Solid Passage (6’x12’x10’) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Caster creates a 6’x12’ passage through any non-living solid material up to 10’ thick.
Long Passage (3’x6’x10’/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 Caster creates a 4’x8’ passage through any non-living solid material up to 10’ thick per caster level.
Transmutation Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Caster may transmute any 1 ounce of any solid substance into any other solid substance that they have a sample of to hand. This spell can only be cast once
per day.

Minor Distraction Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Target is distracted, resulting in a –6 penalty to all actions.
Indecision Range: 100’ Duration: See Text
2 Causes the target to become unable to make decisions for 1 round per point by which they fail the saving throw. The target will continue to fight a foe they
are currently engaged with and will respond in self-defence against new foes, but will not otherwise take any action.
Dim Vision Range: 100’ Duration: C
3 Target’s vision is dimmed. Target takes a –20 penalty to missile attacks and a –10 penalty to all other actions.
Terror Range: 100’ Duration: See below
4 Target flees from the caster in terror for 1 round per two points by which they fail the saving throw.
Trip Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Target trips and falls, even if standing or kneeling in a motionless position.
Fumble Fingers Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
6 Target drops whatever they are holding in their hands.
Phantasmal Killer Range: 100’ Duration: C
7 Target imagines the existence of a nonexistent enemy. Enemy has same abilities as the target, but all damage it does is imaginary and disappears when the
spell ends. If the target kills the enemy the spell ends early. If the enemy “kills” the target, the target remains unconscious until the spell ends.
Whirligig Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Target is spun violently around. This Dazes Target for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.
Weapon Delusion Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
9 Target thinks their weapon has changed into a different type of weapon (of the same general type: melee, missile or throwing) and must use their attack
bonus with that weapon type when using it in combat.

oCCuLtist speLL paths

Hallucinatory Terrain Range: 100’ Duration: C
10 Target sees their surroundings as whatever scene caster can imagine. Moving creatures and items are seen normally by target, although may appear out of
Blinding Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 Target is completely blind for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.
Displacement Range: 100’ Duration: See below
12 Target sees their surroundings normally, But all moving creatures are seen displaced 1’ from their actual location. All target’s attacks have a 50% chance of
missing (check this miss chance before rolling the attack).
Mass Minor Distraction Range: 300’ Duration: C
13 One target per caster level is distracted, resulting in a –6 penalty to all actions.
Power Word: Fear S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 Target flees from the caster in terror for 1 minute per two points by which they fail their saving throw.
Erase Memories Range: 100’ Duration: See below
15 Target has complete amnesia for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw. Target retains skills, but will not remember that they possess them.

Power Word: Confusion S Range: 50’ Duration: See Text
20 All targets in range become unable to make decisions for 1 round per point by which they fail their saving throw. The targets will continue to fight a foe they
are currently engaged with and will respond in self-defence against new foes, but will not otherwise take any action.
Permanently Erase Memories Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
25 Target has complete amnesia until this spell is dispelled. Target retains skills, but will not remember that they possess them.
Surreality Range: 100’ Duration: See Text
30 Target sees everything wrongly for one day per point by which they fail their saving throw. Things are always seen as having their basic shape, but will be seen
as different objects that share that approximate shape, for example a person might be seen as a gorilla; a tent as a cottage; a sword as a broom; and so forth.
Mass Confusion Range: 300’ Duration: Varies
50 Up to twenty targets within range are each hit by a spell effect of caster’s choice from the level 1–10 spells on this path. Targets do not all have to have the
same spell effect.

greater hiDing
Shimmer Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Caster appears to shimmer in a confusing manner that causes all attacks against them to take a –2 to-hit penalty.
Invisibility Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
2 Caster (without clothes or equipment) becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Silhouette Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Caster (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Caster gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.
Silent Moves Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 No sounds can be produced in a 1’ radius of the caster, but sounds produced outside that area travel into it as normal.
Invisibility (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
5 Caster and everything that is entirely within 1’ of them becomes invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Invisibility (up to 1’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
6 Caster and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 1’ of them become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended
prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Flat Image Range: 100’ Duration: C
7 Creates a flat image up to 1000 square feet in size which shows a static scene. The scene appears three dimensional to anyone viewing the image. The image is
intangible and may be walked through without resistance.
Offset Image (10%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
8 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 10% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%

Projected Image (1 Image) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
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10 Creates an illusionary double of the caster (visual only), that the caster can control by concentrating. When the caster is not concentrating, the illusionary
double copies the caster’s movements.
Invisibility (up to 10’r) Range: Self Duration: 24 hrs
11 Caster and any other objects at the caster’s discretion that are entirely within 10’ of them become invisible for the duration, or until the spell is ended
prematurely such as by a sharp knock.
Offset Image (20%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 20% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.
Flatten Self Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
13 Caster becomes flattened, as if a cardboard cut-out. Caster can act normally, but can squeeze through narrow cracks and can’t be seen from the side.
Hide in Object Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
14 Caster can step inside any inanimate object large enough to hold them and hide for the duration. Caster can not see out of the object, and can perform no
action while hidden.
Mind Blank Range: Self Duration: C
15 Caster appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such

Offset Image (30%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 30% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.
Nondetection Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Neither caster nor anything they carry or wear can be detected by any spell.
Offset Image (50%) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 Caster appears to be displaced slightly from their actual location. Attack rolls against the caster have a 50% chance of simply missing. Each time a particular
enemy misses the caster, the chance for that foe to miss again goes down by 5%.
Spying Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
50 Caster is affected by Hide in Object, Mind Blank, and Nondetection simultaneously, and can see out of the object in which they are hidden.

poLymorph seLf
Study Target Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster studies one target within range and memorises their current form and appearance for future castings of Disguise And Shapechange.
Disguise (face only) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 Caster’s face changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing. Specific individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing
the caster has previously cast the Study Target spell on them.
Disguise (humanoid only) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Caster’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of their choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass. Specific
individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing the caster has previously cast the Study Target spell on them. The caster’s ability scores do not change,
and they do not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.
Mask Species F Range: Self Duration: C
4 Caster appears to be a species of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular species or species).
Grow Self Range: Caster Duration: 10 mins/lvl
5 Caster grows to twice their normal height, but this does nor affect their ability scores.
Shrink Self Range: Caster Duration: 10 mins/lvl
6 Caster shrinks to half their normal height, but this does not affect their ability scores.
Mask Class F Range: Self Duration: C
7 Caster appears to be a class of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by a particular class).
Adaptable Breathing Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
8 Caster can breathe any gas or water based liquid. This spell does not stop corrosive gasses or acidic liquids from damaging the caster externally.
Alter Self Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
9 Caster’s form changes to that of a humanoid species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell.
This does not affect the caster’s ability scores.
False Tongue Range: 20’ Duration: C

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10 Caster can speak normally to any sapient being within range, and the target will think the caster is speaking in their own language. This does not grant the
caster any understanding of the language if the target replies.
Mask lvl F Range: Self Duration: C
11 Caster’s apparent level can be anything they choose to all magical detections (including spells that are activated by a particular level character).
Disguise (humanoid only) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

12 Caster’s form changes to that of any humanoid species/age/gender combination of their choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass.
Specific individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing the caster has previously cast the Study Target spell on them. The caster’s ability scores do not
change, and they do not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.
Mind Blank Range: Self Duration: C
13 Caster appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including spells that are activated by such things).
Mask All Range: Self Duration: C
14 Caster appears to be a species, class and level of their choice to all magical detections (including spells that are activated by such things).
Disguise Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

15 Caster’s form changes to that of any species/age/gender combination of their choosing providing it is between half and twice their current mass. Specific
individuals may be imitated using this spell, providing the caster has previously cast the Study Target spell on them. The caster’s ability scores do not change,
and they do not get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water.

Phasing Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster can push through non-magical inanimate material as if wading through deep water. The material reforms behind the caster and is undamaged.
Casual Mask Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
25 Caster appears to be a species, class and level of their choice to all magical detections (including spells that are activated by such things).
Specific Mask Range: Self Duration: C
30 Caster can appear to be any individual that they have previously cast Study Target on for purposes of all magical detections.
Impersonation Range: Self Duration: 30 days
Caster has Disguise and Specific Mask effects on themselves making them appear as any individual they have previously cast Study Target on both physically
50 and to magical detections. In addition, caster’s body language, verbal tics and idioms, casual behaviour, and even thought patterns will match that of the
target. Caster retains their own goals and intents, but will carry them in the manner that the target would. Caster’s own personality is suppressed, merely
“along for the ride” as they experience what their false persona is doing. However, they can end the spell at any time, restoring their true personality.

artifiCiaL Life
Find Familiar Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
When this spell is cast on a willing small non-magical animal (no bigger than a house cat) every day for a week, the animal becomes the caster’s familiar. The
1 caster and familiar magically understand each others speech, although the familiar retains its animal intelligence. Whenever the familiar is within 50’ per
caster level, either may share the senses of the other by concentrating. A caster may only have one familiar at a time. If either dies, the other takes a –5 penalty
to all actions for two weeks.
Detect Artificial Life Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
2 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all artificial life forms within range.
Create Homunculus Range: Touch Duration: Instant
3 Caster’s familiar becomes a homunculus, and becomes as intelligent as the caster although it retains personality traits from its original form. The change is
permanent, and the homunculus continues to serve as the caster’s familiar after the change.
Minor Clockwork Automaton C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
4 Allows caster to create a minor clockwork automaton. The automaton can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
Create Elemental Wisp Range: 10’/lvl Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Creates an elemental wisp of any type out of a quantity of the relevant element. The wisp can be given a single instruction by its creator as it is being formed.
New Instruction (rank A) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
6 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank A, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If
the target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.
Craft Flesh Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows caster to create a flesh golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.

New Instruction (rank B) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
9 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank B, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If
the target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.
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Lesser Clockwork Automaton C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

10 Allows caster to create a lesser clockwork automaton. The automaton can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
Create Lesser Elemental Range: 10’/lvl Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
11 Creates a lesser elemental of any type out of a quantity of the relevant element. The elemental can be given a single instruction by its creator as it is being
Craft Lesser Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows caster to create a clay, bronze or stone golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
New Instruction (rank C) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
13 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank C, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If
the target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.
Greater Clockwork Automaton C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
14 Allows caster to create a greater clockwork automaton. The automaton can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
Craft Iron Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
15 Allows caster to create an iron golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
New Instruction (rank D) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
16 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank D, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If
the target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.

Create Greater Elemental Range: 10’/lvl Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
18 Creates a greater elemental of any type out of a quantity of the relevant element. The elemental can be given a single instruction by its creator as it is being
New Instruction (rank E) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
19 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank E, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If
the target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.
Craft Steel Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows caster to create a steel golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
Craft Mithral Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows caster to create a mithral golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.
New Instruction (rank F) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
30 Gives a new instruction to an artificial life form of rank F, overriding any previous instruction. If the saving throw succeeds, the target attacks the caster. If the
target was created by the caster, no saving throw is allowed.
Craft Adamantine Golem C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows caster to create an adamantine golem. The golem can be given a single instruction by its creator at the end of its creation process.

DeteCt Life
Mindsense S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
1 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range.

Lifesense S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
3 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all living beings within range that are larger than a mouse.

Study Life S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
5 Caster studies a target creature within range for use with other spells on this list.

Find Studied (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C

6 Caster is aware of the distance and direction to a single target that they have previously studied, providing the target is within range.

Analyse Person S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
9 Caster can tell the species, class and level of a person they look at within 10’ per caster level.

Mind Compass (1,000’/lvl) Range: 1,000’/lvl Duration: C


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Caster is aware of the direction to all targets that they have previously studied who are currently within range.


Sense Activity Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
13 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range, and is aware of the activity each is performing in vague
terms (e.g. “fighting”, “casting a spell”, “eating”, “hiding”).

Find Studied (1,000’/lvl) Range: 1,000’/lvl Duration: C
15 Caster is aware of the distance and direction to a single target that they have previously studied, providing the target is within range.


Mind Compass (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
18 Caster is aware of the direction to all targets that they have previously studied who are currently within range.

Find Studied (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
20 Caster is aware of the distance and direction to a single target that they have previously studied, providing the target is within range.

Mind Compass (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C

25 Caster is aware of the direction to all targets that they have previously studied who are currently within range.

Find Studied (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C

30 Caster is aware of the distance and direction to a single target that they have previously studied, providing the target is within range.

Track Studied Range: Same Planet Duration: 24 hours

50 Caster is constantly aware of the distance and direction to a single target that they have previously studied, providing the target is within range.

proteCt Life
Protection (+1) Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Gives the target a +1 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Blessing (+1) Range: 100’ Duration: C

2 Gives the target a +1 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana, Toughness,
Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Resist Magic (+1) Range: 100’ Duration: C
3 Gives the target a +1 bonus to Arcane, Divine and Psychic saving throws, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Fire Resistance (+4) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

4 Target is immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Cold Resistance (+4) S Range: 100’ Duration: C

5 Target is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Sphere Of Coolness (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

6 All within range are immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Sphere Of Warmth (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

7 All within range are immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Protection (+1, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

8 Gives each target within range a +1 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Blessing (+1, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

9 Gives each target within range a +1 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer
Mana, Toughness, Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Resist Magic (+1, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C
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Gives each target within range a +1 bonus to Arcane, Divine and Psychic saving throws, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Protection (+3) Range: 100’ Duration: C

11 Gives the target a +3 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Blessing (+3) Range: 100’ Duration: C

12 Gives the target a +3 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana, Toughness,
Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Resist Magic (+3) Range: 100’ Duration: C
13 Gives the target a +3 bonus to Arcane, Divine and Psychic saving throws, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Sphere Of Coolness (20’r) Range: 20’ Duration: C

14 All within range are immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Sphere Of Warmth (20’r) Range: 20’ Duration: C

15 All within range are immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Protection (+3, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

16 Gives each target within range a +3 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Blessing (+3, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

17 Gives each target within range a +3 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer
Mana, Toughness, Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Resist Magic (+3, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C
18 Gives each target within range a +3 bonus to Arcane, Divine and Psychic saving throws, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Protection (+5) Range: 100’ Duration: C

19 Gives the target a +5 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Blessing (+5) Range: 100’ Duration: C

20 Gives the target a +5 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana, Toughness,
Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Resist Magic (+5) Range: 100’ Duration: C
25 Gives the target a +5 bonus to Arcane, Divine and Psychic saving throws, and a +5 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Protection (+5 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: C

30 Gives each target within range a +5 bonus to fear, disease and poison saving throws.

Protect Life Range: 100’ Duration:: 1 min/lvl

50 Target is affected by Protection (+5), Blessing (+5) and Resist Magic (+5) simultaneously.

raise DeaD
Preserve Limb (1 day) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 day
1 Target limb (not a whole corpse) is preserved from decay.

State Of Grace (1 min/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.

Preserve Corpse (1 day) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 day

3 Target corpse (or part of corpse)
is preserved from decay.

State Of Grace (1 hr/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 hr/lvl
5 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.

Preserve Corpse (1 day/lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 day/lvl
7 Target corpse (or part of corpse) is preserved from decay.

Preserve Corpse (1 wk/lvl) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 wk/lvl

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Target corpse (or part of corpse) is preserved from decay.

State Of Grace (1 day/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl

11 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.

Raise Dead (month recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

Target corpse is brought back to life if it has been dead for less than a year (time spent in an extended Grace Period does not count towards this). If the target
12 still has fatal injuries or has died of old age, they will immediately re-enter their Grace Period; otherwise they must make a constitution check with a TN
of 10 + twice the number of days that they have been dead (time spent in an extended Grace Period does not count towards this, either) to return to life. The
target will be at a –10 penalty to all actions for a month per day they spent dead (again, time in an extended Grace Period does not count towards this).

Raise Dead (week recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
15 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except the constitution check TN is 10 + the number of days dead and recovery time is one week per day spent dead.

State Of Grace (1 wk/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 wk/lvl

16 Target’s Grace Period is extended for the duration of this spell. The target must be already in their grace period when this spell is cast.

Raise Dead (three day recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except the constitution check TN is 10 + half the number of days dead and recovery time is three days per day spent dead.

Raise Dead (day recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except the constitution check TN is 10 + the number of weeks dead and recovery time is one day per day spent dead.

Raise Dead (hour recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except the constitution check TN is 10 + half the number of weeks dead and recovery time is one hour per day spent dead.

Raise Dead (instant recovery) Range: Touch Duration: Instant

30 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except the constitution check TN is 10 + the number of months dead and no recovery time is needed.

Resurrection Range: Touch Duration: Instant

50 As Raise Dead (month recovery) except no constitution check or recovery time is needed.

summon Life
Summoning (1 min or lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min)
1 Summons a non-sapient first level creature which obeys the caster’s mental commands. The caster may choose the rough type of creature but not the exact
species or individual.

Summoning (3 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)

3 Summons one or more non-sapient creatures which obey the caster’s mental commands. The caster may choose the rough type of creature (all must be the
same type) but not the exact species or individual. A total of three levels of creatures can be summoned for up to one minute; or a first level creature for three

Summoning (5 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
5 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of five level minutes of creatures can be summoned.

Summoning (7 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
7 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of seven level minutes of creatures can be summoned.

Summoning (9 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
9 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of nine level minutes of creatures can be summoned.
Summon Demon (type A) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
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Summons a rank A demon which appears over the course of two rounds. The demon reluctantly obeys the caster’s mental commands. When the caster stops
concentrating the demon takes two rounds to disappear again, and may try to cause harm or mischief during this time.
Summoning (15 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
11 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of fifteen level minutes of creatures can be summoned.

Summoning (20 mins or lvls) Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
13 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of twenty level minutes of creatures can be summoned.

Summon Demon (type B) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
15 Summons a rank B demon which appears over the course of two rounds. The demon reluctantly obeys the caster’s mental commands. When the caster stops
concentrating the demon takes two rounds to disappear again, and may try to cause harm or mischief during this time.

Delayed Summoning Range: 100’ Duration: See below
17 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of ten level minutes of creatures can be summoned. The appearance of the creatures can be delayed for
up to 24 hours, and the caster can leave an instruction for the creatures to follow when they arrive, in the same manner as instructing an artificial creature.

Summon Demon (type C) Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
20 Summons a rank C demon which appears over the course of two rounds. The demon reluctantly obeys the caster’s mental commands. When the caster stops
concentrating the demon takes two rounds to disappear again, and may try to cause harm or mischief during this time.
Summoning Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
25 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total level minutes of creatures equal to the caster’s level can be summoned.
Specific Summoning Range: 100’ Duration: C (see below)
30 As Summoning (3 mins or levels) except that a total of twenty level minutes of creatures can be summoned, and the caster can choose the exact species that is
Call Ally Range: Same Planet Duration Instant
50 Caster names a sapient creature, and (if willing) the creature is teleported to the caster’s location. The creature learns the identity of the caster and the physical
circumstances into which they ate being brought before deciding whether or not they are willing to be teleported.

turn unDeaD
Turn Undead (5 targets) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
Up to five undead within range flee the caster for the duration. If cornered and unable to flee further they will cower defencelessly. If any target fails its saving
1 throw by 10 points or more, that target disintegrates. Undead that are more powerful than type A count as extra targets (type B = 2 targets, type C = 3 targets,
etc.) If cast at fewer than five targets, the targets get a –1 bonus to their saving throws for each fewer target (e.g. If cast at three targets, the caster could
gain +2 against one of them or +1 against each of two of them).

Curse Relief (1 min/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 One curse that is affecting the target temporarily stops affecting them for the duration (no saving throw allowed). The Game Master must determine what
counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

Turn Undead (9 targets) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 As Turn Undead (5 targets) except that up to nine targets are affected.
Remove Curse Range: Touch Duration: Instant
7 One curse that is affecting the target is removed. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell. If the
curse’s saving throw succeeds then the caster may not try again on the same curse/target combination until they have increased in level.

Curse Relief (1 hr/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 hr/lvl
9 One curse that is affecting the target temporarily stops affecting them for the duration (no saving throw allowed). The Game Master must determine what
counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

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Turn Undead (12 targets) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 As Turn Undead (5 targets) except that up to twelve targets are affected.

Turn Undead (15 targets) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 As Turn Undead (5 targets) except that up to fifteen targets are affected.

Curse Relief (1 day/lvl) Range: Touch Duration: 1 day/lvl
18 One curse that is affecting the target temporarily stops affecting them for the duration (no saving throw allowed). The Game Master must determine what
counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of this spell.

Destroy Undead Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 One undead of type A to type E within range disintegrates, or one undead of type F flees the caster for the duration. If cornered and unable to flee further a
type F undead will cower defencelessly.
Greater Remove Curse Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 One curse that is affecting the target is removed, getting a –6 penalty to its saving throw. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their
setting for purposes of this spell. If the curse’s saving throw succeeds then the caster may not try again on the same curse/target combination until they have
increased in level.
Turn Undead (20 targets) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 As Turn Undead (5 targets) except that up to twenty targets are affected.
Mass Remove Curse Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
50 One target per caster level has a curse that is affecting it removed. The Game Master must determine what counts as a ‘curse’ in their setting for purposes of
this spell.

arCane Charging
Implant Arcane (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
3 Allows the caster to implant a first level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Charge Arcane Wand C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
4 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Arcane wand. The wand will be filled with ten charges and can hold only a first or second level spell. This spell must
be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (2nd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Allows the caster to implant a second level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Arcane Spell (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
6 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Arcane spell operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows the caster to implant a third level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Charge Arcane Rod C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
8 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Arcane rod. The rod will be filled with thirty charges and can hold only a first to fifth level spell. This spell must be
cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (4th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
9 Allows the caster to implant a fourth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Arcane Spell (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
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10 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Arcane spell operate three times per day, or an implanted second to third level Arcane spell operate once per
day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
11 Allows the caster to implant a fifth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Charge Arcane Staff C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Arcane staff. The staff will be filled with a hundred charges and can hold a first to tenth level spell. This spell must
be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (6th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
13 Allows the caster to implant a sixth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Arcane Spell (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
14 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Arcane spell operate five times per day, or an implanted second level Arcane spell operate twice per day, or
an implanted third to fifth level Arcane spell operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (7th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
15 Allows the caster to implant a seventh level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Implant Arcane (8th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
18 Allows the caster to implant a eighth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Implant Arcane (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows the caster to implant a tenth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Arcane Spell (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

25 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Arcane spell operate ten times per day, or an implanted second level Arcane spell operate five times per day,
an implanted third level Arcane spell operate three times per day, an implanted fourth or fifth level Arcane spell to operate twice per day, or an implanted
sixth to tenth level spell to operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Constant Arcane Spell (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
30 Allows the caster to make an implanted first to tenth level Arcane spell operate constantly. The implanted spell must be one that targets the caster only, and
have a duration that is not instant. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Arcane (50th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows the caster to implant a fiftieth level Arcane spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Wood C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
1 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of wood or paper. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Create Spell Scroll (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

2 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Cloth C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

3 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of cloth. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Create Spell Scroll (2nd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

4 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to second level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Wand C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

5 Allows caster to create a wand capable of holding charges of a first to second level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Organic C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

6 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of any organic material that is not inherently magical. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
item’s crafting.
Create Spell Scroll (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to third level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Create Spell Scroll (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
9 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to fifth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

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Craft Rod C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
10 Allows caster to create a rod capable of holding charges of a first to fifth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Create Spell Scroll (7th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to seventh level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Create Spell Scroll (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
14 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to tenth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Staff C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

15 Allows caster to create a rod capable of holding charges of a first to tenth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Magical Organic C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of any organic material that is inherently magical other than that coming from dragons. This spell must be cast
every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Create Spell Scroll (20th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to twentieth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Dragonhide C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

30 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of dragonhide or the bones, claws, or teeth of dragons. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
item’s crafting.
Create Spell Scroll (50th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows caster to create a magical scroll that can hold a first to fiftieth level spell. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

magiCaL enhanCement
Mana Enhancer (+1) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
3 Allows caster to enchant an item so that it provides the mana to power one spell each day for its wielder. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of
the item’s crafting.
+1 Weapon C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
4 Allows caster to enchant a weapon to have a +1 bonus to its wielder’s attacks. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+1 Armour C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Allows caster to enchant a suit of armour or shield to give a +1 bonus to its wearer’s Dodge Bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
item’s crafting.
+1 Skill C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
6 Allows caster to enchant an item to give a +1 bonus to its wearer’s skill bonus with a particular skill or save DC (except weapons skills and spell path research
skills). This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Mana Enhancer (+2) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows caster to enchant an item so that it provides the mana to power two spells each day for its wielder. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of
the item’s crafting.
+2 Weapon C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
8 Allows caster to enchant a weapon to have a +2 bonus to its wielder’s attacks. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+2 Armour C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
9 Allows caster to enchant a suit of armour or shield to give a +2 bonus to its wearer’s Dodge Bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
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item’s crafting.
+2 Skill C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
10 Allows caster to enchant an item to give a +2 bonus to its wearer’s skill bonus with a particular skill or save DC (except weapons skills and spell path research
skills). This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Minor Combat Ability C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
11 Allows caster to enchant a weapon, shield, or armour to have a minor combat ability. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Mana Enhancer (x2) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows caster to either enchant an item so that it doubles its wearer’s mana. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+3 Weapon C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
13 Allows caster to enchant a weapon to have a +3 bonus to its wielder’s attacks. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+3 Armour C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
14 Allows caster to enchant a suit of armour or shield to give a +3 bonus to its wearer’s Dodge Bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
item’s crafting.
+3 Skill C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
15 Allows caster to enchant an item to give a +3 bonus to its wearer’s skill bonus with a particular skill or save DC (except weapons skills and spell path research
skills). This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Mana Enhancer (x3) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
17 Allows caster to either enchant an item so that it triples its wearer’s mana. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Major Combat Ability C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
18 Allows caster to enchant a weapon, shield, or armour to have a major combat ability. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

+4 Weapon C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows caster to enchant a weapon to have a +4 bonus to its wielder’s attacks. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+4 Armour C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows caster to enchant a suit of armour or shield to give a +4 bonus to its wearer’s Dodge Bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the
item’s crafting.
Mana Enhancer (x4) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
30 Allows caster to either enchant an item so that it quadruples its wearer’s mana. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
+4 Skill C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows caster to enchant an item to give a +4 bonus to its wearer’s skill bonus with a particular skill or save DC (except weapons skills and spell path research
skills). This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Iron C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
1 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of iron. Iron weapons and armour naturally have a +0 bonus and can be enchanted to have up to a +1 bonus.
This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Low Steel C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
2 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of low steel. Low steel weapons and armour naturally have a +1 bonus and can be enchanted to have up to a +2
bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Base Metals C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
3 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of base metals (copper, tin, silver, etc.) Base metals are not suitable for making magical weapons or armour. This
spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Alloy C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
4 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of alloy (bronze, brass, electrum, etc.) Alloy weapons and armour naturally have a –1 penalty but can be
enchanted to have up to a +1 bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Iron to Steel C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Allows caster to make steel from iron during the crafting process of an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft High Steel C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
6 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of high steel. High steel weapons and armour naturally have a +2 bonus and can be enchanted to have up to
a +3 bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Refine Titanium C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows caster to refine pure titanium from ore during the crafting process of an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Stone C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
8 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of non-precious or semi-precious stone. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

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Craft Titanium C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
10 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of titanium. Titanium weapons and armour naturally have a +3 bonus and can be enchanted to have up to a +4
bonus. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Gems C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
11 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of gemstone. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Gold C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
13 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of gold. Gold is not suitable for making magical weapons or armour. This spell must be cast every day for the
duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Mithral C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
15 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of mithral. Mithral weapons and armour are naturally magical and have a +4 bonus. This spell must be cast
every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Adamantite C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of adamantite. Adamantite weapons and armour are naturally magical and have a +5 bonus. This spell must be
cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Condense Aetherite C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows caster to condense aetherite out of the air during the crafting process of an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s
Craft Aetherite C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
30 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of aetherite. Aetherite weapons and armour are naturally magical and have a +5 bonus. This spell must be cast
every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Craft Lead C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of lead. Lead is not suitable for making magical weapons or armour. This spell must be cast every day for the
duration of the item’s crafting.

non-arCane Charging
Implant Non-Arcane (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
3 Allows the caster to implant a first level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Charge Non-Arcane Wand C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Divine/Psychic wand. The wand will be filled with ten charges and can hold only a first or second level spell. This
spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Non-Arcane (2nd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
6 Allows the caster to implant a second level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Non-Arcane Spell (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
7 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Divine/Psychic spell operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s

Implant Non-Arcane (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
9 Allows the caster to implant a third level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Charge Non-Arcane Rod C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
10 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Divine/Psychic rod. The rod will be filled with thirty charges and can hold only a first to fifth level spell. This spell
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must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Non-Arcane Spell (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
11 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Divine/Psychic spell operate three times per day, or an implanted second to third level Divine/Psychic spell
operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Non-Arcane (4th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows the caster to implant a fourth level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Implant Non-Arcane (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
14 Allows the caster to implant a fifth level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Non-Arcane Spell (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs

15 Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Divine/Psychic spell operate five times per day, or an implanted second level Divine/Psychic spell operate
twice per day, or an implanted third to fifth level Divine/Psychic spell operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s
Implant Non-Arcane (6th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
16 Allows the caster to implant a sixth level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Implant Non-Arcane (7th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
18 Allows the caster to implant an eighth level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Charge Non-Arcane Staff C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows the caster to charge or recharge an Divine/Psychic staff. The staff will be filled with a hundred charges and can hold a first to tenth level spell. This
spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Implant Non-Arcane (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows the caster to implant a tenth level Divine/Psychic spell into an item. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Daily Non-Arcane (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
Allows the caster to make an implanted first level Divine/Psychic spell operate ten times per day, or an implanted second level Divine/Psychic spell operate
30 five times per day, an implanted third level Divine/Psychic spell operate three times per day, an implanted fourth or fifth level Divine/Psychic spell to operate
twice per day, or an implanted sixth to tenth level Divine/Psychic spell to operate once per day. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s
Constant Non-Arcane (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows the caster to make an implanted first to tenth level Divine/Psychic spell operate constantly. The implanted spell must be one that targets the caster
only, and have a duration that is not instant. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Craft Liquid C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
1 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of liquid. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Make Potion (1st lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
3 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a first level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every day
for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Distil Poison (5th lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Allows caster to extract and distil a poison of any type with a penetration level of up to five from raw ingredients over the course of a day.
Craft Gas C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
5 Allows caster to create an enchanted item out of gasses. This spell must be cast every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Make Potion (2nd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
6 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a second level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every
day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Make Potion (3rd lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
9 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a third level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every day
for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Distil Poison (15th lvl) Range: Self Duration: Instant

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Allows caster to extract and distil a poison of any type with a penetration level of up to fifteen from raw ingredients over the course of a day.

Make Potion (4th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
12 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a fourth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every
day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Make Potion (5th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
15 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a fifth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every day
for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Make Potion (7th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
17 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a seventh level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every
day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Make Potion (10th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
20 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a tenth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every day
for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Make Potion (13th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
25 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a thirteenth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every
day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Make Potion (17th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
30 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a seventeenth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast
every day for the duration of the item’s crafting.
Make Potion (20th lvl) C Range: Self Duration: 8 hrs
50 Allows caster to create a single draught of a potion (either liquid or gaseous) that can have a twentieth level spell implanted in it. This spell must be cast every
day for the duration of the item’s crafting.

Acute Hearing S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Caster gains acute hearing, giving them a +10 bonus to all Spot checks involving hearing.

Night Vision (100’) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

2 Caster can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest within a 100’ radius as if it were day.

Peripheral Vision S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Caster can see in a 300° arc, and cannot therefore be flanked.

Wolf Scent S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

4 Caster gains a very acute sense of smell, enabling them to track like a wolf.

Underwater Vision (100’) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

5 Caster can see through even the murkiest of water within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

Smoke Vision (100’) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

6 Caster can see through even the thickest of smoke, fog or gas clouds within a 100’ radius as if it were clear air.

Acute Feeling (+5) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

7 Caster gains an extremely accurate sense of touch, giving them a +5 bonus to rolls that require such (including Pick Lock and Disable Device checks).

Dark Vision (100’) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

8 Caster can see in complete darkness within a 100’ radius as if it were day.

Detect Invisible Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

9 Caster can see a glow around any active invisibility effect. The caster may attack the invisible creature while concentrating on this spell, but at a –10 penalty.
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Illusionsight Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)

10 Caster can see a glow around any illusion or conjuration or any item containing an illusion or conjuration. The glow may shine through thin objects such as

Tracking Scent Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

11 Caster is able to track incredibly faint scent, such as that left by a creature which has travelled through snow or a storm.

Ignore Illusion Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

12 One illusion or conjuration within range ceases to exist for the caster. Caster can no longer see, hear or smell the illusion and cannot interact with any “touch”
aspects that it might have.

Acute Feeling (+10) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

13 Caster gains an extremely accurate sense of touch, giving them a +5 bonus to rolls that require such (including Pick Lock and Disable Device checks).

Black Vision (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

14 Caster can see in pitch blackness within a 100’ radius as if it were day.

Wood Vision (1”/lvl) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

15 Caster can see through up to an inch of wood per level as if it were clear air.




Truesight (100’) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
20 Caster is affected by Peripheral Vision, Underwater Vision (100’), Smoke Vision (100’), and Dark Vision (100’) simultaneously.

Stone Vision (1”/lvl) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

25 Caster can see through up to an inch of stone per level as if it were clear air.

Metal Vision (1”/lvl) S Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

30 Caster can see through up to an inch of metal per level as if it were clear air.

Awareness Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvlv

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

boDy ControL
Cat’s Crace S Range: Self Duration: See below
1 Caster gains a +10 bonus on their next dexterity check or dexterity-based skill check. The bonus lasts for the duration of the check, but if not used
immediately, it fades in 1 round.
Dislocate Range: Self Duration: 10 min
2 Caster can dislocate all their bones without harm. This allows them to wriggle out of manacles/bonds and through holes that are no wider than their head.
Focus (+2) S Range: Self Duration: See below
3 Caster gains a +2 bonus on their next physical ability check or physical skill check (except for attacks). The bonus lasts for the duration of the check, but if
not used immediately, it fades in 1 round.
Pain Resistance (25%) S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 25% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,
their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.
Alter Face (1 hr) Range: Self Duration: 1 hr
5 Caster’s face changes to a different form. Caster can look like any humanoid species (although their body won’t change with their face). Specific individuals
may be imitated.
Water Breathing Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 Caster can breathe under water (but not in air) for the duration.
Focus (+4) S Range: Self Duration: See below
7 As Focus (+2) except the bonus is +4
Bull’s Strength (x2) S Range: Self Duration: 1 min
8 Caster gains a +2 bonus to strength based ability checks and skill checks (including attack rolls that use strength as a bonus). Caster also does double damage
(not counting damage from critical strikes) on all melee attacks.
Pain Resistance (50%) S,A Range: Self
9 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 50% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,

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their grace period does not start until this spell runs out.
Alter Person Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
10 Caster’s form changes to that of a humanoid species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell.
This does not affect the caster’s ability scores.
Focus (+6) S Range: Self Duration: See below
11 Caster gains a +6 bonus on their next physical ability check or physical skill check (except for attacks). The bonus lasts for the duration of the check, but if
not used immediately, it fades in 1 round.
Bull’s Strength (x3) S Range: Self Duration: 1 min
12 Caster gains a +3 bonus to strength based ability checks and skill checks (including attack rolls that use strenght as a bonus). Caster also does triple damage
(not counting damage from critical strikes) on all melee attacks.
Wake S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
13 Caster is fully awoken from any sleeping (including magical sleep) or Out condition.

Pain Resistance (75%) S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster is able to remain conscious with negative hit points of up to a 75% of their normal hit point total. If this means that they are still conscious after death,
their grace period does not start until this spell runs out

Grace S,A Range: Self Duration: See below
20 Caster’s grace period is extended indefinitely, or until their brain has been completely destroyed.
Focus (+10) S Range: Self Duration: See below
25 As Focus (+2) except the bonus is +10
Bull’s Strength (x4) S Range: Self Duration: 1 min
30 Caster gains a +4 bonus to strength based ability checks and skill checks (including attack rolls that use strenght as a bonus). Caster also does quadruple
damage (not counting damage from critical strikes) on all melee attacks.
True Pain Resistance S,A Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
50 Caster is able to ignore all hit point loss and takes no penalties from injuries (other than missing body parts) until they have taken enough hit point loss to
kill them, at which point they die.

Swinging (1 swing) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd
1 Caster’s movement this round may include a jump of up to 10’ and a swing from something (a branch, chandelier, rope, etc.) with no need for the caster to
slow down or to make any kind of skill check to do so.
Speed (1 round) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd
2 Caster is Hasted for one round, but then Slowed for the following round.

Dodge (1 attack) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

3 Caster may dodge one melee or missile attack (but not a weapon-like spell attack) this round, gaining a +10 bonus to their dodge bonus against it.

Swinging (3 swings) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

4 Caster’s movement this round may include up to three jumps of up to 10’, each of which can include a swing from something (a branch, chandelier, rope,
etc.) with no need for the caster to slow down or to make any kind of skill check to do so.
Somersault (1 flip) S Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Caster immediately leaps up to 6’ vertically, landing up to 10’ away in any direction and landing with any facing.

Haste (1 round) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

6 Caster is Hasted for one round.

Speed (3 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds

7 Caster is Hasted for three rounds, but then Slowed for three rounds.

Dodge (3 attacks) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

8 Caster may dodge three melee or missile attacks (but not weapon-like spell attacks) this round, gaining a +10 bonus to their dodge bonus against each.

Swinging (5 swings) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

9 Caster’s movement this round may include up to five jumps of up to 10’, each of which can include a swing from something (a branch, chandelier, rope, etc.)
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with no need for the caster to slow down or to make any kind of skill check to do so.
Speed (5 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 5 rnds
10 Caster is Hasted for five rounds, but then Slowed for five rounds.

Somersault (3 flips) S Range: Self Duration: Instant

11 Caster immediately makes three leaps; each of which can be up to 6’ vertically, landing up to 10’ away in any direction and landing with any facing.

Haste (3 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 3 rnds

12 Caster is Hasted for three rounds.

Dodge (5 attacks) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

13 Caster may dodge five melee or missile attacks (but not weapon-like spell attacks) this round, gaining a +10 bonus to their dodge bonus against each.

Speed (10 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 10 rnds
15 Caster is Hasted for five rounds, but then Slowed for five rounds.

Haste (5 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 5 rnds
20 Caster is Hasted for five rounds.

Dodge (all attacks) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

25 Caster may dodge all melee or missile attacks (but not weapon-like spell attacks) this round, gaining a +10 bonus to their dodge bonus against each.

Haste (10 rounds) S Range: Self Duration: 5 rnds

30 Caster is Hasted for ten rounds.

Dodging Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvlv

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Staunch Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If caster moves without concentrating, bleeding will resume.
Seal Wounds (1 hit/rnd) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
2 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume.
Unstun (1 Round) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
3 One round’s worth of stun-like effects is removed from the caster.
Slow Regeneration (1hit/min) S,A Range: Self Duration: C
4 Caster regains 1 hit point per minute.
Cure Bleeding (1 hit/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
5 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 1 hit point per round.
Set Bone A Range: Self Duration: Instant

6 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The
concentration need not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off. This spell will not heal a
fractured skull.
Heal Muscle/Tendon A Range: Self Duration: Instant
7 One of caster’s damaged muscles or tendons resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 8 hours of concentration. The concentration need
not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off.
Seal Wounds (3 hits/rnd) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
8 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 3 hit point per round. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have
to be all from the same wound.
Unstun (3 Rounds) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
9 Three rounds’ worth of stun-like effects are removed from the caster.

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Poison Delay S,A Range: Self Duration: C
10 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out.
Slow Regeneration (2hits/min) A Range: Self Duration: C
11 Caster regains 2 hit points per minute.
Repair Artery A Range: Self Duration: Instant
12 Stops all bleeding from a single one of caster’s injuries.
Cure Bleeding (3 hits/rnd) A Range: Self Duration: Instant
13 Stops or slows caster’s bleeding by 3 hit points per round. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.
Set Bone Quickly A Range: Self Duration: Instant

14 One of caster’s fractured or broken (but not shattered) bones resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 1 hour of concentration. The
concentration need not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off. This spell will not heal a
fractured skull.
Heal Muscle/Tendon Quickly A Range: Self Duration: Instant
15 One of caster’s damaged muscles or tendons resulting from a any severity injury is healed over the course of 1 hour of concentration. The concentration need
not all be done at once, but if it is stopped then this spell must be re-cast to continue from where it left off.

Poison Riddance S,A Range: Self Duration: C
20 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out. If the caster concentrates for a whole hour, any poison in their system is neutralised.
Seal Wounds (all) S,A Range: Self Duration: Instant
25 Stops caster’s bleeding. If caster moves faster than a walk within an hour, bleeding will resume. The bleeding does not have to be all from the same wound.
Instant Poison Riddance S,A Range: Self Duration: C
30 Caster is not affected by any poisons until the duration runs out, and any poison in their body is immediately neutralised.
Healing Trance A Range: Self Duration: See Below
50 All spells on this path cast themselves as necessary (without further mana cost), but the caster falls into a coma until they have finished working. This spell can
be cast alongside Grace from the Body Control spell path.

transCenDentaL moves
Jump (1 jump) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd
1 Caster may make a 50’ long or 20’ high jump.

Feather Fall (20’/lvl) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

2 Caster can land after a fall as if the fall were 20’ per caster level less than it actually is.

Run On Snow Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on snow or loose sand with no penalty and no chance of falling.

Run On Branches Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on narrow branches, ledges or beams as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance
of falling off.

Jump (3 jumps) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

5 Caster may make three 50’ long or 20’ high jumps.

Instant Turn (1 turn) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

6 Caster’s movement this round may include a turn of up to 180 degrees without the caster needing to slow down or make any checks.

Levitate (10’/rnd) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

7 Caster may move vertically at 10’/round and hover in place.

Feather Fall (50’/lvl) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

8 Caster can land after a fall as if the fall were 50’ per caster level less than it actually is.

Walk On Walls Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 Caster can walk and fight on vertical surfaces at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.
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Long Jump S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

10 Caster may make a 10’ long per level or 5’ high per level jump.

Instant Turn (3 turns) S Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd

11 Caster’s movement this round may include up to three turns of up to 180 degrees without the caster needing to slow down or make any checks.

Wall Kick S Range: Self Duration: Instant

12 If caster is within 10’ of a vertical surface, they can immediately leap at it, kick off it, and land up to 25’ away facing in any direction.

Run On Walls Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

13 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on vertical surfaces at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.

Teleport (100’) Range: Self Duration: Instant
15 Caster is teleported up to 100’ including through barriers. If the intended destination (specified in terms of absolute distance and direction) is not empty, the
spell fails.




Walk On Ceilings Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster can walk and fight on any surfaces, even upside down, at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.

Run On Ceilings Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Target can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on any surfaces, even upside down, at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.

Free Running Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

30 Caster is affected by all the “Run” spells on this path simultaneously.

Transcendental Moves Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvlv

50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Minor Distraction Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Target is distracted, resulting in a –6 penalty to all actions.
Limb Spasms Range: 100’ Duration: C
2 One of target’s limbs (determined randomly) spasms and cannot be used.
Phantasmagoria Range: 100’ Duration: C
3 Distances seem to shift and bend in target’s vision. Target takes a –20 penalty to ranged attacks and a –10 penalty to all other actions that require sight or
Phantom Smell/Taste/Touch Range: 100’ Duration: C
4 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in their sense of smell, taste or touch. False touch sensations can cause irritation but not actual
Screamer Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a sudden burst of sound at the ears of a target within range. The target is Dazed for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.
Phantom Hearing Range: 100’ Duration: C
6 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in their sense of hearing. The sounds can appear to come from anywhere, and may include speech in
any language the caster knows, although caster cannot imitate the voices of specific individuals.
Fumble Fingers Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
7 Target drops whatever they hold in their hands.
Phantom Sight Range: 100’ Duration: C
8 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in their sense of sight. The images may block the target’s sight of real objects by appearing to be in
front of or over them, but can not make real objects disappear or become transparent.
Blinding Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
9 Target is completely blind for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

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Body Spasms Range: 100’ Duration: C
10 Target’s entire body spasms. Target is Dazed and takes a –15 penalty to all actions (instead of the normal –4 penalty for being Dazed).
Phantasmal Killer Range: 100’ Duration: C
11 Target imagines the existence of a nonexistent enemy. Enemy has same abilities as the target, but all damage it does is imaginary and disappears when the
spell ends. If the target kills the enemy the spell ends early. If the enemy “kills” the target, the target remains unconscious until the spell ends.

Phantom Sight & Hearing Range: 100’ Duration: C

13 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in their senses of sight and hearing. The images may block the target’s sight of real objects by
appearing to be in front of or over them, but can not make real objects disappear or become transparent. The sounds can appear to come from anywhere, and
may include speech in any language the caster knows.

Overload Senses Range: 100’ Duration: See below
15 Target’s senses are suddenly overloaded. Target is Dazed for one round per excess point of success on the Penetration check rolled against them. If the saving
throw fails by more than 10 points, target is unconscious for the duration instead of Dazed.
Phantom Sense (any 3 senses) Range: 100’ Duration: C
16 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in any three senses, with the same limitations as the other Phantom Sense spells on this path.

Phantom Sense (any 4 senses) Range: 100’ Duration: C
18 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in any four senses, with the same limitations as the other Phantom Sense spells on this path.
Isolation Range: 100’ Duration: See below
19 Target is blind, deaf, numb, and cannot taste or smell for one day per two points by which they failed their saving throw.
Phantom Sense (all senses) Range: 100’ Duration: C
20 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in all their senses, with the same limitations as the other Phantom Sense spells on this path.
Phantom Sense (300’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
25 Target receives false sensations (controlled by the caster) in all their senses, with the same limitations as the other Phantom Sense spells on this path.

mentaL ControLs
Truth Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster asks target a single question that can be answered in a few short words. The target must answer it truthfully in the same language that it was asked in if
their language skill permits. If the saving throw is successful, the target may lie.
Sleep Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
2 Target falls asleep. The sleep is natural once induced, and the target may be awoken normally.

Charm Person Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Causes the target person to believe that the caster is a good friend.

Calming Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Target is calmed of strong anger, although it may remain quietly hostile if it was already. It will not start a fight (but will fight in self defence if attacked).

Indecision Range: 100’ Duration: See Text

5 Causes the target to become unable to make decisions for 1 round per point by which their saving throw fails. The target will continue to fight a foe they are
currently engaged with and will respond in self-defence against new foes, but will not otherwise take any action.
Terror Range: 100’ Duration: See below
6 Target flees from the caster in terror for 1 round per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

Suggestion Range: 10’ Duration: See below

7 Causes the target to perform a single suggested act that they would otherwise not be violently opposed to performing.

Hold Person Range: 50’ Duration: C

8 Causes the target person to be Slowed.

Emotion Control Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 Target feels an emotion of the caster’s choice (directed at a target of the caster’s choice) for the duration.

Mind Control Range: 10’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

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10 Causes the target to obey any verbal commands from the caster that they would otherwise not be violently opposed to performing.

Induce Coma Range: 100’ Duration: See below

11 Target falls into a coma for 1 day per two points by which they fail their saving throw. The saving throw for this spell always gets a +4 bonus.

Charm Monster Range: 50’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

12 Causes the target foe to believe that the caster is a good friend.

Geas Range: 10’ Duration: Varies
15 Target is given a task, which must be within their capabilities and not self-destructive. Failure to perform the task results in the target taking an ‘E’ severity
lightning critical strike.
Paralysis Range: 50’ Duration: C
16 Target is paralysed for the duration and cannot move.

Feeblemind Range: 50’ Duration: See below
18 Target loses all will and can perform no action for one day per two points by which they fail their saving throw. Target can be led around and fed, but if left
will not fend for themselves.

Knockout Range: 100’ Duration: See below
20 Target falls unconscious for 1 minute per two points by which they fail their saving throw.

True Geas Range: 10’ Duration: Varies

25 Target is given a task, which must be within their capabilities and not self-destructive. Failure to perform the task results in the target taking an ‘E’ severity
critical strike of each type.
Puppet Range: 300’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
30 Caster has total control over target’s actions for the duration. Caster can switch between giving mental commands or take physical control of target’s body.

Permanent Puppet Range: 300’ Duration: Permanent

50 Caster has total control over target’s actions until the spell is dispelled, the target dies, or the caster casts this spell again. Caster can only have one permanent
puppet at a time. Caster must concentrate to control their puppet, and can switch between giving mental commands or take physical control of target’s body.

minD bLast
Daze (1 round) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 rnd
1 Target is Dazed for the duration of the spell.

Slow Reactions Range: 100’ Duration: See below

2 Target loses initiative each round for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Pain (25%) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

3 Target loses 25% of their current (not total) hit points. The spell lasts for 10 minutes per point by which they failed their saving throw, and as there is no
physical wound the “damage” cannot be healed until the spell has ended.
Electrify (‘A’ severity) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
4 Target suffers an ‘A’ severity lightning critical strike.

Daze (3 rounds) Range: 100’ Duration: 3 rnds

5 Target is Dazed for the duration of the spell.

Paralysis (1 rnd/ 2 points) Range: 100’ Duration: See below
7 Target is paralysed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Electrify (‘B’ severity) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

8 Target suffers a ‘B’ severity lightning critical strike.

Pain (50%) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

9 Target loses 50% of their current (not total) hit points. The spell lasts for 10 minutes per point by which they failed their saving throw, and as there is no
physical wound the “damage” cannot be healed until the spell has ended.

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Mind Blast (10’r) S Range: 10’ Duration: See below
10 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Daze (5 rounds) Range: 100’ Duration: 5 rnds

11 Target is Dazed for the duration of the spell.

Paralysis (3 rnds/ 2 points) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

12 Target is paralysed for three rounds per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Electrify (‘C’ severity) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

13 Target suffers a ‘C’ severity lightning critical strike.

Mind Blast (50’r) S Range: 50’ Duration: See below
15 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Electrify (‘D’ severity) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

16 Target suffers a ‘D’ severity lightning critical strike.

Paralysis (5 rnds/ 2 points) Range: 100’ Duration: See below

17 Target is paralysed for five rounds per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Daze (10 rounds) Range: 100’ Duration: 10 rnds

18 Target is Dazed for the duration of the spell.

Mind Blast (100’r) S Range: 100’ Duration: See below

19 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Electrify (‘E’ severity) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

20 Target suffers an ‘E’ severity lightning critical strike.

Greater Mind Blast (50’r) S Range: 50’ Duration: See below

25 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw. Anyone who fails the saving throw
by more than 10 points falls unconscious for 8 hours.
Mind Blast (300’r) S Range: 300’ Duration: See below
30 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw.

Ultimate Mind Blast (50’r) S Range: 50’ Duration: See below

50 All creatures within range (except caster) are Dazed for one round per two points by which they failed their saving throw. Anyone who fails the saving throw
by more than 10 points dies.

minD meLD
Read Basic Emotions Range: 10’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
1 Caster can read the emotional state of the target, but not what the emotions are directed at (e.g. Target is afraid).

Read Complex Emotions Range: 50’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
3 Caster can read the emotional state of the target as well as what those emotions are directed at (e.g. Target is afraid of being caught talking to you by their
Mind Meld (psychic) Range: Touch Duration: C
4 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts) and may transfer mana to each other with 100%
efficiency. Target must be a psychic spell user.
Read Surface Thoughts Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
5 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target.
Mind Meld (touch) Range: Touch Duration: C
6 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts). If target is a psychic caster, both may transfer
mana to each other with 100% efficiency.

Mind Meld (100’) Range: 100’ Duration: C
8 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts). If target is a psychic caster, both may transfer
mana to each other with 100% efficiency.

Read Deep Thoughts Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
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10 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having those
Re-Meld (100’/lvl) S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C
11 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts). If target is a psychic caster, both may transfer
mana to each other with 100% efficiency. The target must be someone who the caster has mind melded with previously.

Swap Minds Range: Touch Duration: 1 Day
13 Caster and target’s minds (and souls) swap bodies. Caster may act as normal in target’s body. Target is paralysed (but conscious) in caster’s body for the
duration unless they are also a psychic caster, in which case they may also act as normal in caster’s body.

Read Memories Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
15 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having those
thoughts. Additionally, caster can read any of target’s conscious memories.

Mind Meld (50’/lvl) Range: 50’/lvl Duration: C
18 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts). If target is a psychic caster, both may transfer
mana to each other with 100% efficiency.

Read Subconscious Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
20 Caster can read the surface thoughts (either visual or verbal) of the target, and also has revealed the target’s reasoning and motivation for having those
thoughts. Additionally, caster can read any of target’s previous experiences, whether target consciously remembers them or not.
Swap Minds Range: Touch Duration: See Below
25 Caster and target’s minds (and souls) swap bodies until the spell is dispelled or the caster chooses to end it. Caster may act as normal in target’s body. Target is
paralysed (but conscious) in caster’s body for the duration unless they are also a psychic caster, in which case they may also act as normal in caster’s body.
Steal Memories Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 rnd/lvl)
30 Caster can remove one of target’s memories (of a single incident lasting five minutes or less) per round.
Re-Meld (global) S Range: Same Planet Duration: C
50 Caster and willing target can share visual thoughts (and if they think in the same language, verbal thoughts). If target is a psychic caster, both may transfer
mana to each other with 100% efficiency. The target must be someone who the caster has mind melded with previously.

minD sense
Mindsense S,F Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
1 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range.
Analyse Mind (lesser) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
2 Caster learns the species and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the target up until the moment this
spell was cast.

Remember Mind S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
5 Caster memorises the mental “signature” of one sapient being within range for future use with Locate Mind spells. Caster must have been using Mindsense to
track the target up until the moment this spell was cast.
Analyse Mind (greater) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: Instant
6 Caster learns the species, class and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the target up until the moment
this spell was cast.
Locate Mind (100’/lvl) Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C
7 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Mind Compass (1000’/lvl) Range: 1000’/lvl Duration: C
8 Caster is aware of the direction (but not distance) to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Far Mindsense S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: C
9 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within a 50’ radius, the entirety of which must be in range.
Sense Activity S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C

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10 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range, and is aware of the activity each is performing in vague
terms (e.g. “fighting”, “casting a spell”, “eating”, “hiding”).
Mind Compass (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
11 Caster is aware of the direction (but not distance) to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Far Analyse Mind (lesser) S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
12 Caster learns the species and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Far Mindsense to track the target up until the moment this
spell was cast.

Mass Analyse Mind (lesser) S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
14 Caster learns the species and level of one sapient being within range per round. Caster must have been using Mindsense to track the targets up until the
moment this spell was cast.
Far Analyse Mind (greater) S Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
15 Caster learns the species, class and level of one sapient being within range. Caster must have been using Far Mindsense to track the target up until the
moment this spell was cast.

Locate Mind (1 mile/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
18 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.

Analyse Activity S Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
20 Caster detects the number and location (but not specific details) of all sapient beings within range, and is aware of the activity each is performing in detailed
terms, including targets for attacks, exact spells being cast, and so forth.
Locate Mind (5 miles/lvl) Range: 5 miles/lvl Duration: C
25 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is within range.
Mind Compass (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C
30 Caster is aware of the direction (but not distance) to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is on the same
Locate Mind (global) Range: Same Planet Duration: C
50 Caster is aware of the direction and distance to one sapient being whose mental signature they have memorised, providing the being is on the same planet.

Send Thoughts (100’, psychic) S Range: 100’ Duration: C
1 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target must be a psychic caster. The target hears the thoughts in their own native
language, but in the caster’s “voice”.

Send Thoughts (100’) S Range: 100’ Duration: C
3 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target hears the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.

Send Thoughts (500’) S Range: 500’ Duration: C
6 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target hears the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.

Broadcast Thoughts (10’) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
9 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a all creatures within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
Send Thoughts (500’) S Range: 500’ Duration: C
10 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target hears the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
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Broadcast Thoughts (100’) S Range: 100’ Duration: C
12 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a all creatures within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.

Broadcast Thoughts (10’, choice) S Range: 10’ Duration: C
14 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a creatures of their choice within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s
Broadcast Thoughts (300’) S Range: 300’ Duration: C
15 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a all creatures within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
Delayed Message Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

16 Caster may leave a message of up to 25 words that can be delayed for up to 24 hours and will be delivered on a particular trigger. In addition to the normal
triggers for delayed spells, the caster may specify the presence or action of a specific person whose mind they have memorised using the “Remember Mind”
spell from the Mind Sense path.

Send Thoughts (1 mile) S Range: 1 Mile Duration: C
18 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target hears the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
Broadcast Thoughts (100’, sel) S Range: 100’ Duration: C
19 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a creatures of their choice within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s
Broadcast Thoughts (2000’) S Range: 2000’ Duration: C
20 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a all creatures within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
Send Thoughts (1 mile/lvl) S Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
25 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a single target within range. The target hears the thoughts in their own native language, but in the caster’s “voice”.
Delayed Broadcast Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

30 Caster may leave a message of up to 25 words that can be delayed for up to 24 hours and will be delivered on a particular trigger. In addition to the normal
triggers for delayed spells, the caster may specify the presence or action of a specific person whose mind they have memorised using the “Remember Mind”
spell from the Mind Sense path. When the message is triggered, it is heard by all within a 300’ radius
Far Broadcast (1 mile/lvl) S Range: 1 mile/lvl’ Duration: C
50 Caster may project verbal thoughts to a all creatures within a 100’ radius of a point within range. The targets hear the thoughts in their own native language,
but in the caster’s “voice”.

Change Colour Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Caster changes colour to match any one organic object they touch. This can give up to a +2 bonus to Stealth checks depending on the colour of the object.
Enhance Shadows Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 All shadows within range are darkened further, giving a +5 bonus to Stealth checks in the area.

Silence (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.
Camouflage Range: Self Duration: C
5 Caster blends into the background whenever they stop moving gaining a +15 bonus to Stealth checks while stationary.
Light Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
6 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light moves with the object.
Darkness Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the darkness moves with the
Silhouette Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
8 Caster (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Caster gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.

Plant Disguise Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Caster appears to be any plant of approximately their size. This is purely a visual illusion and the caster does not physically change.

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Mind Blank Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
11 Caster appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such
things), providing they remain stationary.

Animal Disguise Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Caster appears to be any animal of approximately their size. This is purely a visual illusion and the caster does not physically change.

Animal Mind Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Caster appears to be any animal of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such things), providing they
remain stationary.

Plant Shape Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster’s form changes to that of any plant of approximately their size. Caster can still see and hear, can look in different directions, and can cast spells on
themselves; but can perform no other actions while in plant form.
Animal Shape Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Caster’s form changes to that of any animal of approximately their size. The caster’s ability scores do not change, and they do not get any special abilities of
their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water. Caster can still cast spells, but only those that
affect just themselves.
Greater Plant Shape Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 Caster’s form changes to that of any plant ranging from a fifth of their size to five times their size. Caster can still see and hear, can look in different directions,
and can cast spells on themselves; but can perform no other actions while in plant form.
Greater Animal Shape Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Caster’s form changes to that of any animal ranging from a fifth of their size to five times their size. The caster’s ability scores do not change, and they do not
get any special abilities of their new form other than grossly physical ones such as using wings to fly or using gills to breathe in water. Caster can still cast
spells, but only those that affect just themselves.

Path Knowledge Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
1 Caster immediately becomes aware of the destinations (at either end) of a single path within range.
Night Vision Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
2 Caster can see in shadowy light such as night-time in a forest as if it were day.
Track Quarry Range: Self Duration: C
3 Caster gains a +10 bonus to all Search checks made to find and follow a creature’s tracks.
Path’s Echoes Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Caster sees a vision of all who have travelled through their current location in the last hour per caster level.
Find The Path (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: Instant
5 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.
Track’s Echoes (touch) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Caster touches a set of tracks and sees a vision of the creature that made them. This also gives the caster a +5 bonus to Search checks made to track the
creature that left the tracks.
Ambush Warning (50’r) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Caster gets a tingling feeling when within 50’ of any sapient being that actively intends them harm.
Object’s Echoes Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Caster sees a vision (with sound) of all who have passed within 50’ of the touched object in the last hour per caster level.
Find The Path (5 miles) Range: 5 miles Duration: Instant
9 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.
Speak With Animal Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
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10 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of animal. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the animal type chosen. Generally carnivores are smarter than herbivores and pack animals have more complex languages than solitary ones.
Track’s Echoes (50’r) Range: 50’ Duration: Instant
11 Caster sees a vision of the creatures that made all tracks withing range. This also gives the caster a +5 bonus to Search checks made to track the creatures that
left the tracks.
Speak With Plant Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
12 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of plant. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the plant type chosen. Generally, most non-magical plants have no sapience or language at all.
Find The Path (20 miles) Range: 20 miles Duration: Instant
13 Caster gains knowledge of the direction and distance to the nearest point (within range) that is on any path or well-travelled route. The caster gains no
knowledge of where the path leads.
Ambush Warning (100’r) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
14 Caster gets a tingling feeling when within 100’ of any sapient being that actively intends them harm.
Speak With Rock Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of rock or stone. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and
sapience of the rock type chosen. Generally, most non-magical rocks have no sapience or language at all.

Ambush Warning (10’ r/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
20 Caster gets a tingling feeling when within 10’ per level of any sapient being that actively intends them harm.
Location Finding Range: Self Duration: C
25 Caster knows the direction and distance of, and the fastest route to, any location on the same planet.
Tracking Range: Self Duration: C
30 Caster can follow a creature’s tracks despite (and ignoring) any magical attempts that have been made to hide or remove them.
Destination Range: Self Duration: C
50 Caster knows the destination of a set of tracks they touch. The destination is usually the current location of the creature that made the tracks, unless the
creature stopped making tracks for some reason (they started to fly or entered the water).

Fire Resistance (+4) S Range: Self
1 Caster is immune to natural fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat based attacks.

Cold Resistance (+4) S Range: Self Duration: C

2 Caster is immune to natural cold, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/ice based attacks.

Resist Magic (+1) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

3 Gives the caster a +1 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +1 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Blessing (+1) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Gives the caster a +1 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana,
Toughness, Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Protection (+1) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Gives the caster a +1 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Purification Range: Touch Duration: Instant
7 Removes all disease and poison from a non-living object (usually a quantity of food or drink) of up to 1 cubic foot per level.

Resist Magic (+2) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

8 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +2 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Blessing (+2) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

9 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana, Toughness,
Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).

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Protection (+2) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Gives the caster a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Elemental Resistance (+4) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

11 Caster is immune to natural cold, fire and heat, and gains a +4 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against cold/fire/heat based attacks.

Resist Magic (+3) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Gives the caster a +3 bonus to saving throws against spells, and a +3 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Blessing (+3) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

14 Gives the caster a +3 bonus to all skill checks (but not to passive skills that are used without explicit checks, such as Weapon Skills, Transfer Mana, Toughness,
Sneak Attack, or Spell Path Research).
Protection (+3) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
15 Gives the caster a +3 bonus to saving throws against fear, disease and poison.

Cure Disease Range: Touch Duration: Instant
20 Target makes a new saving throw against any diseases currently affecting them, with a +10 bonus.

Remove Curses Range: Touch Duration: Instant

25 Target makes a new saving throw against any curses currently affecting them, with a +10 bonus. The Game Master must determine what constitutes a “curse”
in their setting.
Cure Poison Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 Target makes a new saving throw against any poisons currently affecting them, with a +10 bonus.

True Protection Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

50 Gives the caster a +5 bonus to all saving throws and a +5 dodge bonus against weapon-like spells.

Detect Outdoor Traps Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any outdoor trap or snare. Each trap in the area has a 75% chance of being detected by this spell.
Find Water (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: Instant
2 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest natural fresh water source within range.
Conjure Flame Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
3 One piece of flammable material within range catches fire. Once started, the fire is non-magical and will use fuel and go out as normal. If the material is
being held or worn, the holder gets a saving throw.
Predict Rain (1 day) Range: Self Duration: Instant
4 Caster can tell when natural rain or storms will occur in their current location over the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Find Food (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: Instant
5 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest source of at least 1lb. of food. This includes edible plant material such as fruit and roots, and
freshly dead (but not living) animals.
Purify Water Range: Touch Duration: Instant
6 Causes all material that is dissolved or in suspension in up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to be destroyed, leaving the water
Find Shelter (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: Instant
7 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest place of shelter such as a cave or overhang.
Instant Trap (“B” severity) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Caster creates (during the round of spell casting) a quickly improvised trap such as a snare or pit up to 10’ in diameter which can inflict a “B” severity critical
strike (blunt, slashing, piercing, grappling or knockdown at the caster’s discretion) to the creature that triggers it.
Predict Weather (1 day) Range: Self Duration: Instant
9 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Detect Movement (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
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10 Caster is aware of all movement within 100’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Find Water (10 miles) Range: 10 miles Duration: Instant
11 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest natural fresh water source within range.
Alarm (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

12 Caster is alerted if any movement bigger than the scurrying of a mouse occurs within range. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals. This will wake
the caster if they are sleeping.
Find Food (10 miles) Range: 10 miles Duration: Instant
13 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest source of at least 1lb. of food. This includes edible plant material such as fruit and roots, and
freshly dead (but not living) animals.
Instant Trap (“E” severity) Range: Touch Duration: Instant
14 Caster creates (during the round of spell casting) a quickly improvised trap such as a snare or pit up to 10’ in diameter which can inflict a “E” severity critical
strike (blunt, slashing, piercing, grappling or knockdown at the caster’s discretion) to the creature that triggers it.
Find Shelter (10 miles) Range: 10 miles Duration: Instant
15 Caster becomes aware of the location and details of the nearest place of shelter such as a cave or overhang.

Detect Movement (500’r) Range: Self Duration: C
20 As Detect Movement (100’r) except the radius is 500’
Predict Weather (5 days) Range: Self Duration: Instant
25 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in their current location over the course of the next five days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Alarm (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

30 Caster is alerted if any movement bigger than the scurrying of a mouse occurs within range. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals. This will wake
the caster if they are sleeping.
Detect Movement (1 mile) Range: Self Duration: C
50 As Detect Movement (100’r) except the radius is 1 mile

Run On Stones Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
1 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on gravel, shingle and rubble with no penalty and no chance of falling.
Walk On Branches Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
2 Caster can walk and fight on narrow branches, ledges or beams at no penalty and with no chance of falling off.
Swim (2x) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Target can swim at 2x normal speed without tiring. If the target stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.
Walk On Water Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Caster can walk and fight on reasonably calm water at no penalty and with no chance of falling in.
Run On Snow Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
5 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on snow or loose sand with no penalty and no chance of falling.
Run On Branches Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
6 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on narrow branches, ledges or beams as if on the ground and at no penalty and with no chance
of falling off.
Pass Without Trace (self) Range: Self Duration: C
7 Caster can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their movement.
Pass Without Trace (1 target) Range: 50’ Duration: C
8 One target within range can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their movement while the caster concentrates.
Run On Water Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
9 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on reasonably calm water at no penalty and with no chance of falling in.
Pass Without Trace (2 targets) Range: 50’ Duration: C
10 Two targets within range (one of which may be the caster) can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their
movement while the caster concentrates.

warDen speLL paths

Swim (4x) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
11 Target can swim at 4x normal speed without tiring. If the target stops before the duration is up, the spell ends prematurely.
Pass Without Trace (5 targets) Range: 50’ Duration: C
12 Five targets within range (one of which may be the caster) can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their
movement while the caster concentrates.

Run On All Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
14 Caster can walk, run, fight or perform any other manoeuvre on gravel, shingle, rubble, narrow branches, ledges, beams, snow, loose sand, or reasonably calm
water at no penalty and with no chance of falling in.
Pass Without Trace (10 targets) Range: 50’ Duration: C
15 Ten targets within range (one of which may be the caster) can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their
movement while the caster concentrates.

Spy From Tree Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
20 Caster can step inside a tree and hide for the duration. Caster can see out of the tree, and can move around to look out in different directions but perform no
other actions while hidden.
Pass Without Trace (20 targets) Range: 50’ Duration: C
25 Twenty targets within range (one of which may be the caster) can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces of their
movement while the caster concentrates.
Merge With Tree Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
30 Caster can step inside a tree and hide for the duration. Caster can see out of the tree, and can move around to look out in different directions, and can also
cast spells on themselves (but only themselves) while inside the tree.
Mass Pass Without Trace Range: 50’ Duration: C

50 One target per caster level within range (one of which may be the caster) can move at a walking speed without leaving any tracks, scent trails, or other traces
of their movement while the caster concentrates. If the caster is the only target of this spell, then it will utterly protect them from being tracked, even by the
Tracking spell on the Exploring spell path.

air mastery
Breeze Range: 10’/lvl Duration: C
1 Creates a cooling breeze in a radius around the caster.
Wall of Air Range: 100’ Duration: C
2 Creates a wall of turbulent air up to 10’x10’x3’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Miniature Storm (5’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 6 rnds
4 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 5’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.
Still Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C
5 Slows all air movement and wind within a 10’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour.
Miniature Storm (10’r) Range: 20’ Duration: 6 rnds
6 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 10’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.
Destroy Air (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
7 Destroys most air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.
Still Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C
8 Slows all air movement and wind within a 20’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour.

Miniature Storm (20’r) Range: 40’ Duration: 6 rnds
10 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 20’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.
warLoCk speLL paths

Miniature Tempest (5’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 10 rnds

11 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 5’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: E, E, D, D, C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.
Destroy Air (10’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 Destroys most air in a 10’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.
Still Air (50’r) Range: 100’ Duration: C
13 Slows all air movement and wind within a 50’ radius of the target point by 30 miles per hour.
Cyclone Range: 100’ Duration: C
14 Creates a cyclone with a 10’ radius. Movement through the cyclone is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. Additionally, all within take an “A”
severity blunt critical strike each round. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.
Miniature Tempest (10’r) Range: 20’ Duration: 10 rnds
15 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 5’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: E, E, D, D, C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage.

Destroy Air (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 Destroys most air in a 20’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “B” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the partial vacuum.
Greater Destroy Air (5’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
18 Destroys all air in a 5’ radius. Anyone in the area takes a “D” severity Blunt critical strike as more air rushes in to fill the vacuum.
Mobile Miniature Storm (20’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 6 rnds

19 Creates a miniature storm cloud with a 20’ radius. The storm inflicts a lightning critical strike on each creature within it each round, with a severity that
decreases as the storm fades: C, C, B, B, A, A. Each target that is in the area on its initiative must make a saving throw to avoid the damage. The caster may
move the storm at a speed of 10’ per round by concentrating.
Control Winds Range: Self Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
20 Caster can control the direction and speed of winds in a 100’ radius per level around themselves. Any wind direction can be chosen, and any winds speed can
be chosen from still to 1mph per caster level. Each 5mph of wind gives a –1 penalty on missile attacks.
Shockwave Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
25 Caster causes a sudden shockwave to pass through the air in front of them in a cone 300’ long and 25’ wide at the end. All within the cone take a “B” severity
blunt critical strike.
Summon Storm Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: 1 hour

30 Caster can summon a storm that fills a 1 mile radius per caster level with winds of up to twice their level in mph, and optionally torrential rain, sleet, or snow
and frequent lightning strikes. The caster cannot control where the lightning strikes hit within the area; they will strike tall trees and buildings as normal. The
start of the storm can be delayed by up to 1 hour per caster level.
Air Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

earth mastery
Rope Trick Range: Touch Duration: C
1 One rope of up to 10’ per level in length slowly moves under the caster’s control. The caster must remain holding one end of the rope, and the rope can tie
itself around things but is too slow to restrain a resisting target.
Plough Soil Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
2 Loosens up to 100 cubic feet of hard or packed soil as if it had been ploughed.

Wall of Earth Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
4 Creates a wall of densely packed earth up to 10’x20’x3’. It takes 10 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if
neither end is up against a wall.
Expand Cracks Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 All existing cracks in 10’x10’x10’ of non-living solid material expand greatly, causing the material to break into chunks. If the material has no existing cracks,
this spell has no effect.

Wall of Stone Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Creates a wall of solid stone up to 10’x20’x1’. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither
end is up against a wall.

Rock To Earth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
9 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of stone into densely packed clay and soil.

warLoCk speLL paths

Lasting Wall of Earth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
10 Creates a wall of densely packed earth up to 10’x20’x3’. It takes 10 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if
neither end is up against a wall.
Earth To Mud Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
11 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of densely packed clay and soil into a slurry of mud.
Earth To Rock Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
12 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of densely packed clay and soil into solid rock or up to 100 cubic feet of loose soil into gravel.
Lasting Wall of Stone Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
13 Creates a wall of solid stone up to 10’x20’x1’. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither
end is up against a wall.
Rock To Soil Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
14 Crumbles and loosens up to 100 cubic feet of stone into ploughed soil.
Powder Earth Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
15 Up to 100 cubic feet of earth, mud, clay or soil within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.
Fuse Walls Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
16 Fuses two magically created stone walls together into a seamless whole, or fuses the stone blocks making a manually built stone wall together into a seamless
Rock To Mud Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
17 Turns up to 100 cubic feet of stone into a slurry of mud.
Curved Wall of Stone Range: 10’ Duration: Instant
18 Creates a wall of solid stone up to 10’x20’x1’ that can be curved in up to a semicircle. It takes 200 rounds to hack through. The wall must be supported on a
surface but cannot be toppled.

Powder Stone Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Up to 100 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.
Powder Metal Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
25 Up to 100 cubic feet of stone within range is reduced to an equal quantity of fine dry powder.
Earthshaker Range: 100’/lvl Duration: 1 round
30 Causes a minor earthquake in a 100’r per caster level around the caster. The earthquake is not strong enough to destroy buildings (unless the builing is already
unsafe, in the game master’s opinion) or harm creatures caught in it, but it will terrify non-sapient creatures who will flee the area.
Earth Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

fire mastery
Boil Range: 10’ Duration: C
1 Caster causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to heat up to boiling point. When the caster stops concentrating the water
cools naturally.
Solid Warmth Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
2 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade above the ambient
Ignite Wood Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
3 One unattended wooden or paper object within range bursts into flame.
Wall of Fire Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
4 Creates a wall of fire up to 10’x10’x6”. The wall must be supported on a surface. The wall cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes through the wall
takes an “A” severity fire critical (no saving throw allowed).
Solid Heat Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
5 Caster warms 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (other than metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade above the ambient
temperature. The temperature of the object rises at 50 degrees per round.
Fire Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
6 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table.
Cube of Fire (10’x10’x10’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
7 Creates a cube of fire up to 10’x10’x10’. The cube must be supported on a surface. The cube cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes through or
remains in the cube takes an “A” severity fire critical (no saving throw allowed) each round, beginning the round after the cube forms.
Fireball W(U) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Shoots a 1’ radius ball of fire at a target point within range. When it reaches the target point, it bursts into a 10’ radius ball of flame that inflicts an attack on
all within the radius using the Fireball table.

warLoCk speLL paths

Ring of Fire Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl

10 Creates a circular wall of fire up to 10’x6” in a 10’ radius around the caster. The wall must be supported on a surface. The wall cannot be seen through, and
anyone who pushes through the wall takes an “A” severity fire critical (no saving throw allowed).
Fire Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
11 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table.
Cube of Fire (20’x20’x20’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
12 As Cube of Fire (10’x10’x10’) except the cube is up to 20’x20’x20’ in size.
Delayed Cube (10’x10’x10’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
13 As Cube of Fire (10’x10’x10’) except the formation of the cube can be delayed for up to 24 hours or until triggered.
Rain Of Fire Range: 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
14 A rain of fire falls in a 10’ radius inflicting a “B” severity fire critical strike to all in the area. Targets in the area must make a saving throw on their initiative
each round to avoid the damage.
Ignite Metal Range: 1’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
15 One unattended metal object up to 10’x10’x10’within range bursts into flame, which will consume the object for the duration as if it were made of wood.
Fire Bolt (100’, 3 bolts) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
16 Shoots three bolts of fire at targets within range (may be the same target). Each attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table, but the caster only adds their
attack bonus to one of the three attacks.
Fire Bolt (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
17 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table.
Delayed Rain Of Fire Range: 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
18 As Rain of Fire except the start of the rain can be delayed for up to 24 hours or until triggered.
Cube of Fire (20’x20’x20’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
19 As Cube of Fire (10’x10’x10’) except the cube is up to 50’x50’x50’ in size.
Fire Bolt (turning) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant
20 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table. The attack can turn a single 90º corner before hitting its
target. The caster must know the target’s location, and the attack bonus is halved.
Fire Bolt (following) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant

25 Shoots a bolt of fire at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table. The attack can twist and turn as much as it needs to reach the
target (providing it does not run out of range first) but can not fit through a gap less than six inches in diameter. The caster must know the target’s location,
and the attack bonus is halved.
Ignite Stone Range: 1’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
30 One unattended stone object up to 10’x10’x10’within range bursts into flame, which will consume the object for the duration as if it were made of wood.
Fire Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

frost mastery
Freeze Range: 1’ Duration: C
1 Caster causes up to 6 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to cool down to freezing point. When the caster stops concentrating the
water thaws naturally.
Solid Cool Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
2 Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade below the ambient
Wall of Frost Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
3 Creates a wall of chilling vapour up to 10’x10’x6”. The wall must be supported on a surface. The wall cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes
through the wall takes an “A” severity frost critical (no saving throw allowed).

Solid Chill Range: 10’ Duration: 24 hrs
5 Caster cools 1 cubic foot of any non-living solid material per level (including metal) to a temperature up to 250 degrees centigrade below the ambient
temperature. The temperature of the object lowers at 50 degrees per round.
Ice Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
6 Shoots a bolt of ice at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt attack table.
Frostball (10’r) W(U) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
7 Shoots a 1’ radius ball of chilling vapour at a target point within range. When it reaches the target point, it bursts into a 10’ radius ball of cold that inflicts an
attack on all within the radius using the Frostball table.
Wall of Ice Range 100’ Duration: Instant
8 Creates a wall of ice up to 10’x20’x2’. It takes 50 rounds to hack through, or 100 hit points of fire damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be
supported on a surface and can be toppled if neither end is up against a wall.
Cube of Frost (10’x10’x10’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
9 Creates a cube of chilling vapour up to 10’x10’x10’. The wall must be supported on a surface. The cube cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes

warLoCk speLL paths

through or remains in the cube takes an “A” severity frost critical (no saving throw allowed) each round, beginning the round after the cube forms.
Ring of Frost Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
10 Creates a circular wall of chilling vapour up to 10’x6” in a 10’ radius around the caster. The wall must be supported on a surface. The wall cannot be seen
through, and anyone who pushes through the wall takes an “A” severity frost critical (no saving throw allowed).
Ice Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
11 Shoots a bolt of ice at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt attack table.
Flash Freeze Range: 1’ Duration: Instant
12 Caster causes up to 60 gallons (approximately 1 cubic foot) of water per caster level to cool down to freezing point.

Cube of Frost (20’x20’x20’) Range 50’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
14 Creates a cube of chilling vapour up to 20’x20’x20’. The wall must be supported on a surface. The cube cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes
through or remains in the cube takes an “A” severity frost critical (no saving throw allowed) each round, beginning the round after the cube forms.
Ice Bolt (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
15 Shoots a bolt of ice at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt attack table.
Ice Bolt (100’, 3 bolts) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
16 Shoots three bolts of ice at targets within range (may be the same target). Each attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt attack table, but the caster only adds their
attack bonus to one of the three attacks.

Cube of Frost (50’x50’x50’) Range 100’ Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
18 Creates a cube of chilling vapour up to 50’x50’x50’. The wall must be supported on a surface. The cube cannot be seen through, and anyone who pushes
through or remains in the cube takes an “A” severity frost critical (no saving throw allowed) each round, beginning the round after the cube forms.

Frostball (20’r) W(U) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
20 Shoots a 1’ radius ball of chilling vapour at a target point within range. When it reaches the target point, it bursts into a 20’ radius ball of cold that inflicts an
attack on all within the radius using the Frostball table.
Rain to Snow Range: 1 mile Duration: See Below
25 All falling rain within range is turned to snow. The spell lasts until the rain stops falling.
Chill Area Range: 1000’/lvl Duration: 24 hours
30 Caster reduces the temperature within radius to a temperature up to 50 degrees centigrade below what it would otherwise be.
Frost Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

Light mastery
Palm of Light Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
1 Creates a beam of light like that of a hooded lantern from the caster’s palm. Light is effective at up to 50’.
Magic Missile (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
2 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.
Light (10’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
3 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light moves with the object.
Enhance Shadows Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl
4 All shadows within range are darkened further, giving a +5 bonus to Stealth checks in the area.
Flash Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
5 Creates a 10’ radius bright flash of light at the target point within range. Each target within the area is Dazed for 1 round per point by which they fail the
saving throw.
Darkness (10’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
6 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the darkness moves with the
Light (up to 50’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
7 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within up to a 50’ radius. The caster can vary the radius by concentrating. If cast on
an object, the light moves with the object.
Magic Missile (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
8 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.
Darkness (up to 50’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
9 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of magical darkness which is effective within up to a 50’ radius. The caster can vary the radius by
concentrating. If cast on an object, the darkness moves with the object.
warLoCk speLL paths

Lightning Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

10 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table.
Delayed Light (10’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
11 Touched object or point in space gives off normal light which is effective within a 10’ radius. If cast on an object, the light moves with the object. The light
can be delayed for up to 24 hours or until triggered.
Magic Missile (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
12 Shoots a spark-like missile at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Magic Missile attack table.
Signal (5 miles) Range: Self Duration: C
13 Creates a beam of light up to 5 miles long of any colour that springs from caster’s palm.

Lightning Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
15 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table.

Lux Clara (100’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
17 Touched object or point in space gives off light with all the properties of lux clara and which is effective within a 100’ radius.
Nox Obscura (100’r) Range: Touch Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 Touched object or point in space gives off an aura of nox obscura that suppresses even magical light and which is effective within a 100’ radius.
Signal (10 miles) Range: Self Duration: C
19 Creates a beam of light up to 10 miles long of any colour that springs from caster’s palm.
Lightning Bolt (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
20 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table.
Lightning Bolt (turning) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant
25 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table. The attack can turn a single 90º corner before
hitting its target. The caster must know the target’s location, and the attack bonus is halved.
Lightning Bolt (following) W(S) Range:: 300’ Duration: Instant

30 Shoots a bolt of lightning at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Lightning Bolt attack table. The attack can twist and turn as much as it needs
to reach the target (providing it does not run out of range first) but can not fit through a gap less than six inches in diameter. The caster must know the
target’s location, and the attack bonus is halved.
Light Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

water mastery
Condense Range: Touch Duration: Instant
1 Caster extracts a 1’x1’x1’ volume of water by condensing it from the surrounding air into a suitable receptacle.

Fog Cloud (10’ r/lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

2 Creates a 10’ per caster level radius cloud of dense fog that reduces visibility down to 1’ in the area.

Wall of Water Range: 100’ Duration: C

3 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty.

Water Bolt (100’) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

4 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.

Clear Fog (10’ r/lvl) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

5 Clears all fog (both natural and magical) in a 10’ radius per caster level.

Becalm (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
8 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster is calmed. Waves up to 20’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Lasting Wall of Water Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl
10 Creates a wall of turbulent water up to 10’x10’x1’. Movement through the wall is halved, and attacks through it take a –10 penalty. The water is not created,

warLoCk speLL paths

and must be drawn from a source within 50’ of the caster.
Water Bolt (300’) W(S) Range: 300’ Duration: Instant
11 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.

Create Rain Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Causes heavy rain (or snow if the temperature is low enough) to fall around the caster in a 100’ radius per caster level. All Spot checks and missile attacks
directed into the area from outside it take a –5 penalty.

Water Bolt (500’) W(S) Range: 500’ Duration: Instant
15 Shoots a bolt of water at a target within range. The attack is resolved on the Water Bolt attack table.

Water Bolt (100’, 3 bolts) W(S) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant

16 Shoots three bolts of water at targets within range (may be the same target). Each attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt attack table, but the caster only adds their
attack bonus to one of the three attacks.

Becalm (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: C
18 All water within a 100’ radius of the caster per level is calmed. Waves up to 50’ high are stopped and waves higher than that are reduced by that amount.

Maelstrom Range: 300’ Duration: C
20 Creates a 20’x20’ whirlpool in a body of water that will draw in any objects and creatures within 200’ at a speed of 20’/round.

Part Water (6’x100’/lvlx100’) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 min/lvl

25 Creates a 6’ wide and 100’ long per caster level corridor through water. If the water is 100’ deep or less, this will form a dry trench, If the water is more
than 100’ deep it will overflow into the trench, spoiling the spell.
Summon Sea Storm Range: 1 mile.lvl Duration: 1 hour
30 Caster can summon a sea storm that fills a 1 mile radius per caster level with swells up to 1’ high per caster level, winds of up to twice caster level in mph, and
torrential rain. The start of the storm can be delayed by up to 1 hour per caster level. The area will be extremely hazardous to shipping.
Water Mastery Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
50 Caster can use one of the lower level spell effects on this path each round for the duration.

animaL Companions
Find Familiar Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
When this spell is cast on a willing small non-magical animal (no bigger than a house cat) every day for a week, the animal becomes the caster’s familiar. The
1 caster and familiar understand each others speech, but the familiar retains its animal intelligence. Whenever the familiar is within 50’ per caster level, either
may share the senses of the other by concentrating. Caster may only cast this spell when they have no familiar. If either dies, the other takes a –5 penalty to
all actions for two weeks.

Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

3 Target non-magical animal becomes devoted to the caster, to the extent of self sacrifice, after an hour of concentration. If target dies, caster is at a –6 penalty
to all actions for a week, followed by a –4 penalty for a week, followed by a –2 penalty for a week. Caster must have no animal companions when casting this

Second Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
6 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more than one animal companion when casting this spell, and it creates a second companion.
Familiar Sense (100’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
7 Caster may share their familiar’s senses at a range of 100’ per caster level.
Summon Companion Range: 1000’/lvl Duration: Instant
8 Caster sends a mental call to one of their familiars or animal companions, informing it of their location and asking it to come to their aid.
Third Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
9 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more than two animal companions when casting this spell, and it creates a third companion.
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Second Familiar Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

When this spell is cast on a willing small non-magical animal (no bigger than a house cat) every day for a week, the animal becomes the caster’s familiar. The
10 caster and familiar understand each others speech, but the familiar retains its animal intelligence. Whenever the familiar is within 50’ per caster level, either
may share the senses of the other by concentrating. Caster may only cast this spell when they have no more than one familiar. If either dies, the other takes
a –5 penalty to all actions for two weeks.
Dismiss Range: Touch Duration: Instant
11 Target (which must be caster’s companion or familiar) is dismissed and no longer has a connection to the caster.
Fourth Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
12 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more than three animal companions when casting this spell, and it creates a fourth companion.
Familiar Sense (1,000’/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
13 Caster may share their familiar’s senses at a range of 1,000’ per caster level.
Locate Companions Range: Self Duration: C
14 Caster is aware of the direction and distance of all their familiars and animal companions.
Fifth Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
15 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more than four animal companions when casting this spell, and it creates a fifth companion.

Familiar Sense (1 mile/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
17 Caster may share their familiar’s senses at a range of 1 mile per caster level.

Sixth Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
20 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more than five animal companions when casting this spell, and it creates a sixth companion.
Familiar Sense (10 miles/lvl) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
25 Caster may share their familiar’s senses at a range of 10 miles per caster level.
Mass Animal Companion Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
30 As Animal Companion, except caster may have no more animal companions when casting this spell than their caster level minus one, and it creates a new
companion bringing them up to a number of companions equal to their caster level.
Familiar Sense (global) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
50 Caster may share their familiar’s senses if the familiar is anywhere on the same planet.

animaL Lore
Sleep Animal (1 animal) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
1 Causes one visible animal within range to fall asleep. Target may be woken as normal.
Heal Small Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Cures one small (the size of a house cat or smaller) animal of all Light and Serious injuries. This spell will not bring an animal back to life if it has already
Speak With Animal Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of animal. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the animal type chosen. Generally carnivores are smarter than herbivores and pack animals have more complex languages than solitary ones.
Sleep Animal (3 animals) Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
4 Causes three visible animals within range to fall asleep. Targets may be woken as normal.
Control Animal (1 animal) Range: 100’ Duration: C
5 Caster can completely control the actions of one animal.
Locate Animal (1 mile) Range: 1 mile Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
6 Caster visualises a species of animal, and if an of that species are within 1 mile, caster knows the exact direction and distance to them.
Charm Animals Range: 10’ Duration: C
7 All animals within range consider the caster to be a good friend or packmate.
Heal Medium Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
8 Cures one medium (the size of a wolf or sheep or smaller) animal of all Light and Serious injuries, or one small (the size of a house cat or smaller) animal of
all injuries. This spell will not bring an animal back to life if it has already died.
Animal Telepathy Range: 100’ Duration: C
9 Caster can read the thoughts and emotions of one animal. The coherence of the thoughts will depend on the intelligence and sapience of the animal chosen.
Most animals without language think in crude non-verbal images only.
Raise Small Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant

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Target dead small (the size of a house cat or smaller) animal is brought back to life providing it has been dead for no more than a year and its body is in a fit
state to support life. If the body is decayed, the animal will suffer similar penalties to a person who is raised from a decayed body.
Control Animal (3 animals) Range: 100’ Duration: C
11 Caster can completely control the actions of three animals.
Raise Medium Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
12 As Raise Small Animal, except medium (the size of a wolf or sheep or smaller) animals can be raised.
Call Animal (3 animals) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
13 Caster chooses an animal species and if there are members of that species within range, three random ones will make its way to the caster who can then
mentally control their actions once they are in sight.
Call Specific Animal (1 animal) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
14 Caster visualises an specific animal and if an animal matching that image is within range, it will make its way to the caster who can then mentally control its
actions once it is in sight.
Control Animal (5 animals) Range: 100’ Duration: C
15 Caster can completely control the actions of five animals.
Heal Large Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
16 Cures one large (the size of a horse or tiger or smaller) animal of all Light and Serious injuries, or one medium (the size of a wolf or sheep or smaller) animal
of all injuries. This spell will not bring an animal back to life if it has already died.
Call Animal (5 animals) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
17 As Call Animal (3 animals) except five animals are called.
Raise Large Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
18 As Raise Small Animal, except large (the size of a horse or tiger or smaller) animals can be raised.
Heal Huge Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
19 Cures one huge (the size of an elephant) animal of all Light and Serious injuries, or one medium (the size of a horse or tiger or smaller) animal of all injuries.
This spell will not bring an animal back to life if it has already died.
Call Animal (10 animals) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
20 As Call Animal (3 animals) except ten animals are called.
Heal Any Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
25 Cures one animal of all Light and Serious injuries, or one medium (the size of an elephant or smaller) animal of all injuries. This spell will not bring an
animal back to life if it has already died.
Raise Huge Animal Range: Touch Duration: Instant
30 As Raise Small Animal, except huge (the size of an elephant) animals can be raised.
Mass Call Animal Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: C
50 As Call Animal (3 animals) except one animal per caster level is called.

nature’s bounty
Request Food Range: Self Duration: Instant
1 One or more local animals will arrive within an hour carrying enough food (vegetables, nuts, fruit) to feed the caster for a day, drop the food at the caster’s
feet, then leave.
Request Warmth Range: Self Duration: 8 hours
2 A large (horse or tiger sized) local animal will arrive within an hour and curl up to sleep for eight hours, letting any friendly person lie with them for warmth.
Request Guide Range: Self Duration: See below
3 A local animal will arrive within an hour and guide the caster to any place the caster describes within 1 mile per caster level. The animal’s ability to find the
place is only as accurate and specific as the caster’s description of it.
Request Guard Range: Self Duration: 8 hours
4 A large (horse or tiger sized) and fierce local animal will arrive within an hour and guard the caster from all harm for the next eight hours.
Request Transport Range: Self Duration: 8 hours
5 A large (horse or tiger sized) and strong local animal will arrive within an hour and allow any friendly person to ride it for eight hours.
Request Meat Range: Self Duration: Instant
6 One or more local predators will arrive within an hour carrying enough meat to feed the caster for a day, drop the food at the caster’s feet, then leave.
Request Lookout Range: Self Duration: 8 hours
7 A flying animal with keen senses will arrive within an hour, and spend the next eight hours keeping lookout and alerting the caster to any dangers that
approach within 100’ of the caster.

Mass Request Range: Self Duration: Varies
9 As any of the “Request” spells on this path, except up to one animal per caster level arrives.
Invoke Mist Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
10 Natural mist or light drizzle will form over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster.
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Invoke Rain Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour

11 Natural rain will begin to fall over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster.
Invoke Snow Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
12 Natural snow will begin to fall over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster.
Invoke Downpour Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
13 Natural heavy rain will begin to fall over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster.
Invoke Hail Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
14 Natural snow will begin to fall over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster.
Invoke Storm Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
15 A natural thunderstorm will begin over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius of the caster. The caster cannot control where lightning will strike in the area, it
will strike tall buildings and trees as normal.
Produce Plains Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
16 The ground within a 100’/lvl radius of the caster will sprout grasses and small bushes if it doesn’t already have equal or greater vetegation. Once produced, the
vegetation is not artificially supported and will die off if conditions can’t support it.
Produce Woods Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
17 The ground within a 100’/lvl radius of the caster will sprout bushes and trees, becoming lightly wooded, if it doesn’t already have equal or greater vetegation.
Once produced, the vegetation is not artificially supported and will die off if conditions can’t support it.
Produce Forest Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
18 The ground within a 100’/lvl radius of the caster will large trees, vines, and ground vegetation, becoming thick forest or jungle, if it doesn’t already have equal
or greater vetegation. Once produced, the vegetation is not artificially supported and will die off if conditions can’t support it.
Produce Terrain Range: 100’/lvl Duration: Instant
19 The ground within a 100’/lvl will shift into terrain of the caster’s choice; producing hills, streams, valleys, desert, rock outcrops, caves, and so forth. This will
work around, rather than destroying, any existing artificial structures.
Invoke Tornado Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour

20 A natural tornado will form over the next hour touching down somewhere within 1 mile of the caster and behaving normally for such weather. Trees will be
uprooted and weak buildings will be destroyed, although it will not move fast enough to pose a threat to people and animals if they choose to flee from its
path. Those who remain in its path will take an ‘A’ severity blunt critical strike from debris.
Invoke Hurricane Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
25 A natural hurricane with 70–100mph winds will form over the next hour covering a 1 mile radius around the caster. Trees will be uprooted and weak
buildings will be destroyed, and all those who don’t have a secure place to shelter will take an ‘A’ severity blunt critical strike from debris.
Request Army Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 hour
30 All medium or larger local animals will arrive within an hour and form an army that the caster can direct for the next hour before it disbands.
Instant Bounty Range: Self Duration: Varies
50 As any of the “Request” or “Invoke” spells on this path, except the effect happens instantly with no delay.

nature’s eye
Detect Outdoor Traps Range: 100’ Duration: C (1 min/lvl)
1 Caster can see a glow around any outdoor trap or snare. Each trap in the area has a 75% chance of being detected by this spell.
Detect Movement (100’r) Range: Self Duration: C
2 Caster is aware of all movement within 100’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Predict Rain (1 day) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
3 Caster can tell when rain will fall in the spell’s range over the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Predict Storms (1 day) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
4 Caster can tell when natural storms will occur in the spell’s range over the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Predict Weather (1 day) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
5 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in the spell’s range over the course of the next 24 hours, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Detect Movement (300’r) Range: Self Duration: C
6 Caster is aware of all movement within 300’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Alarm (10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

7 Caster is alerted if any movement bigger than the scurrying of a mouse occurs within range. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals. This will wake
the caster if they are sleeping.
Predict Weather (3 days) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
8 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in the spell’s range over the course of the next three days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.

Detect Movement (500’r) Range: Self Duration: C

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Caster is aware of all movement within 500’, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals.
Predict Weather (5 days) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
11 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in the spell’s range over the course of the next five days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Alarm (100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl

12 Caster is alerted if any movement bigger than the scurrying of a mouse occurs within range. The caster can tell the number, size and location of things that
are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species or identity of individuals. This will wake
the caster if they are sleeping.

Predict Weather (10 days) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
14 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in the spell’s range over the course of the next ten days, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Remote Move Detect (1 mile) Range: Self Duration: C

15 Caster is aware of all movement within 100’ of a chosen point up to a mile away, but cannot move without ceasing to concentrate. The caster can tell the
number, size and location of things that are moving and the nature of movement (walking, flying, crawling, rolling, slithering, etc.) But not the exact species
or identity of individuals.

Remote Move Detect (5 miles) Range: Self Duration: C
17 As Remote Move Detect (1 mile) except movement is detected in a 300’ radius of a point up to 5 miles away.

Remote Move Detect (10 miles) Range: Self Duration: C
20 As Remote Move Detect (1 mile) except movement is detected in a 500’ radius of a point up to 10 miles away.
Predict Weather (1 day/lvl) Range: 1 mile/lvl Duration: Instant
25 Caster can tell what natural weather will occur in the spell’s range over the course of the next day per caster level, with an accuracy of +/–15 minutes.
Remote Move Detect (100 miles) Range: Self Duration: C
30 As Remote Move Detect (1 mile) except movement is detected in a 500’ radius of a point up to 100 miles away.
Remote Move Detect Range: Self Duration: C
50 As Remote Move Detect (1 mile) except movement is detected in a 500’ radius of any point on the same planet that they have spent significant time in (one
day deliberately studying it, or 30 days casually living there)

pLant Lore
Plant Growth (x10, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 day
1 Causes all non-magical members of any single plant species within range to grow at ten times the normal rate. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Heal Plant Range: Touch Duration: Instant
2 Heals all damage done to a non-magical plant (not a tree) short of death. This will re-grow picked fruit. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Speak With Plant Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl
3 Caster can speak and understand the “language” of any one type of plant. The level of conversation possible will depend on the intelligence and sapience of
the plant type chosen. Generally, most non-magical plants have no sapience or language at all.
Plant Growth (x100, 10’r) Range: 10’ Duration: 1 day
4 Causes all non-magical members of any single plant species within range to grow at a hundred times the normal rate. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Growth Potential (x2) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
5 Causes the natural maximum size of the touched non-magical plant to be doubled. Note that this spell doesn’t affect the current size of the plant, only the
maximum size that it will grow to. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Barkskin Range: Self Duration: 1 rnd/lvl
6 Caster’s skin becomes like bark, giving them an armour class of “Furred Creature” for the duration if unarmoured.
Control Plant (1 plant) Range: 100’ Duration: C
7 Caster can completely control the actions of one plant. Movement is only possible if the plant is naturally mobile.
Growth Potential (x3) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
8 Causes the natural maximum size of the touched non-magical plant to be tripled. Note that this spell doesn’t affect the current size of the plant, only the
maximum size that it will grow to. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Plant Growth (x10, 100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 day
9 Causes all non-magical members of any single plant species within range to grow at ten times the normal rate. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Heal Tree Range: Touch Duration: Instant
10 Heals all damage done to a non-magical plant (including a tree) short of death. This will re-grow picked fruit. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
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Growth Potential (x5) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

11 Causes the natural maximum size of the touched non-magical plant to be multiplied by five. Note that this spell doesn’t affect the current size of the plant,
only the maximum size that it will grow to. This spell does not affect healing herbs.

Wall Of Thorns Range: 100’ Duration: 10 mins/lvl

13 Creates a wall of densely tangled briars and razor sharp dagger-like thorns up to 10’x20’x5’. It takes 10 rounds to hack through, or 25 hit points of fire
damage to burn a hole through. The wall must be supported on a surface. Anyone pushing through the wall will take an ‘A’ severity Piercing critical strike (no
saving throw allowed).

Entangle Range: 100’ Duration: 1 hr/lvl
The caster specifies a target area with a radius equal to their level in feet and which is entirely within range. All plants in that area animate and make
15 Grappling attacks on every creature within the area. The maximum threshold for the attacks depends on the size of the plants (long grass = small, shrubs =
medium, hedges and large bushes = large, trees = huge). Once a creature is grabbed (as the result of a critical strike), it will be held and not attacked again
until it has freed itself.
Extinguish S Range: 100’ Duration: Instant
16 All non-magical fire in a 10’ radius per caster level of the target point is instantly extinguished.

Growth Potential (x10) Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
18 Causes the natural maximum size of the touched non-magical plant to be multiplied by ten. Note that this spell doesn’t affect the current size of the plant,
only the maximum size that it will grow to. This spell does not affect healing herbs.

Pass Through Plant Range: Self Duration: Instant

20 Caster steps “into” a tree and teleports to another tree of their choice within 100’ per level, immediately stepping “out of ” the second tree. The caster need
not know the exact tree they are stepping out of, they can specify a distance and direction and will emerge from the nearest tree to that point (which in rare
circumstances may be the same tree that they entered).
Growth Potential (x10, 100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: Permanent
25 As Growth Potential (x10), except affects all plants of a chosen species within a 100’ radius of the caster. The spell still does not affect healing herbs.
Plant Growth (x100, 100’r) Range: 100’ Duration: 1 day
30 Causes all non-magical members of any single plant species within range to grow at a hundred times the normal rate. This spell does not affect healing herbs.
Instant Growth Range: Touch Duration: Instant
50 Causes a single non-magical plant to grow to it’s full potential size instantly. This spell does not affect healing herbs.

wiLD shape
Cat’s Grace Range: Self Duration: See below
1 Caster gains a +10 bonus on their next dexterity check or dexterity-based skill check. The bonus lasts for the duration of the check, but if not used
immediately, it fades in 1 round.
Fire/Cold Resistance (+2) S Range: Self Duration: C
2 Caster is immune to natural fire, heat and cold, and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat/cold based attacks.

Plant Disguise Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

3 Caster appears to be any plant of approximately human size such as a bush or cactus. This is purely a visual illusion and the caster does not physically change.

Silence (1’r) Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

4 Creates an intangible barrier 1’ around the caster through which sound cannot pass. The barrier moves with the caster.

Water Breathing Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

5 Caster can breathe under water (but not in air) for the duration.

Animal Disguise Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

6 Caster appears to be any animal of approximately human size such as a wolf or panther. This is purely a visual illusion and the caster does not physically
Camouflage Range: Self Duration: C
7 Caster blends into background whenever they stop moving gaining a +15 bonus to Stealth checks while stationary.

Silhouette Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
9 Caster (with clothes and equipment) darkens to appear like a silhouette. Caster gets +10 to Stealth checks in the dark.

Plant Shape Range: Self Duration: 1 min/lvl

10 Caster’s form physically changes to that of any plant of approximately human size such as a large shrub or cactus. Caster can still see and hear, can look in

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different directions, and can cast spells that target only themselves; but can perform no other actions while in plant form.
Fire/Cold Resistance (+5) S Range: Self Duration: C
11 Caster is immune to natural fire, heat and cold, and gains a +5 bonus to saving throws and dodge bonuses against fire/heat/cold based attacks.

Mind Blank Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

12 Caster appears to have no sapience (or species or level or class) at all to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such
things), providing they remain stationary.
Animal Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

13 Caster’s form changes to that of any animal species/age/gender combination of the caster’s choosing from the size of a domestic cat to the size of a horse,
providing it can survive in the caster’s current environment. Specific individuals may not be imitated using this spell. The target’s ability scores do not change,
and they do not get any special abilities of their new form.

Animal Mind Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
15 Caster appears to be any animal of their choice to all magical detections (including symbols or delayed spells that are activated by such things).

Movement Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

16 As Animal Shape, except that caster get’s gross physical abilities of the animal such as being able to fly with wings or beathe underwater with gills.

Plant Size Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

17 Caster’s form changes to that of any plant from a small bush to a large tree. Caster can still see and hear, can look in different directions, and can cast spells
that target only themselves; but can perform no other actions while in plant form.
Combat Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl
18 As Movement Shape, but caster also gains the combat abilities of the animal species, and the size limit is between a rat and a bear.

Beast Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

19 As Movement Shape, except that the form may be one of a legendary beast such as a chimera or a hippogriff.

Animal Size Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

20 As Movement Shape, except that the size limit is between a mouse and whale.

Combat Beast Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

25 As Combat Shape, except that the form may be one of a legendary beast such as a chimera or a hippogriff.

Magical Beast Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

30 As Combat Beast Shape, except that the caster also gains magical abilities of the form such as dragon’s breath.

Wild Shape Range: Self Duration: 10 mins/lvl

50 Caster can use the effects of any spell on this path, and switch between forms each round.

axe, battLe
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 45E 41E 34E 40E 36E 33E 24E 20E 39E 35E 33E 19E 30
29 42E 38E 32E 37E 34E 32E 23E 20E 37E 33E 32E 19E 29
28 40E 36E 31E 35E 32E 30E 22E 19D 34E 31E 30E 18D 28
27 37E 34E 29E 32E 30E 28D 21D 18D 31E 28E 28D 17D 27
26 34E 31E 27D 30D 28D 27D 20D 17C 28E 26D 27D 16C 26
25 32E 29D 26D 28D 26D 25D 18D 16C 25D 24D 25D 15C 25
24 29D 27D 24D 25D 24D 23C 17C 15B 22D 22D 23C 15A 24
23 26D 25D 22D 23D 22C 22C 16C 15A 19D 20C 22C 14A 23
22 23D 23D 21C 20C 20C 20C 14C 14A 17C 17C 20B 13 22
21 21D 21C 19C 18C 18C 18B 13B 13 14C 15C 18A 12 21
20 18C 18C 17C 15C 16C 17A 12A 12 11C 13C 17A 11 20
19 15C 16C 15C 13C 14B 15A 10A 11 8B 11B 15 11 19
attaCk tabLes

18 13B 14B 14B 10B 12B 13 9A 9 2 9A 14 8 18

17 6A 12B 12B 8B 9A 12 8 9 - 6A 12 9 17
16 5A 9A 10A 5A 7A 10 6 8 - 4 10 8 16
15 - 7A 8A 2A 5 8 6 7 - 2 9 7 15
14 - 2 6 - 3 6 4 6 - 1 7 7 14
13 - - 3 - 1 4 2 5 - - 4 6 13
12 - - - - - 2 1 4 - - 3 6 12
11 - - - - - 1 - 3 - - 1 4 11
10 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 4 10
9 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 3 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Blunt

Notes: -

axe, hanD
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 27E 25E 18E 24E 21E 18E 16E 12E 22E 19E 18E 11E 30
29 26E 24E 18E 23E 20E 18E 16E 12D 21E 18E 18E 11D 29
28 25E 23E 17E 22E 19E 17D 15D 12C 20E 18E 17D 11C 28
27 24E 21E 16D 20E 18D 16D 14D 11B 18E 17D 16D 10B 27
26 22E 20D 15D 19D 17D 15C 14C 11B 17D 16D 15C 10A 26
25 21D 19D 15D 18D 16C 14C 13C 10A 16D 15C 14C 9A 25
24 19D 18D 14C 16D 15C 14B 12B 10A 15C 13C 14B 9 24
23 18D 17D 13C 15C 14C 13B 12B 9 13C 12C 13A 8 23
22 17D 15C 12C 14C 13B 12A 11B 9 12B 11B 12A 8 22
21 16C 14C 12B 13C 12B 11A 10A 8 11B 10B 11 8 21
20 14C 13B 11B 11C 11B 10 9A 8 10A 9B 10 7 20
19 13B 12B 10B 10B 10A 10 8 7 8 8A 10 7 19

attaCk tabLes
18 11A 10B 9A 9B 9A 9 8 7 7 7A 9 6 18
17 10A 9A 9 7B 8 8 7 6 6 7 8 6 17
16 6 8A 8 6A 7 7 6 6 3 5 7 5 16
15 5 7 7 5A 6 6 5 5 1 4 6 5 15
14 1 6 6 3 5 6 4 5 - 3 6 5 14
13 - 1 3 1 3 4 3 4 - 1 4 4 13
12 - - 2 - 2 3 2 4 - - 4 4 12
11 - - - - 1 3 2 3 - - 3 3 11
10 - - - - 1 2 2 3 - - 3 3 10
9 - - - - - 1 1 2 - - 2 2 9
8 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 8
7 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Slashing

Notes: Hand axes can be thrown with a range of 10’/25’/50’

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 20E 18E 15E 17E 17E 14E 16E 11E 15E 12E 14E 10E 30
29 18E 16E 14E 16E 15E 13D 15E 10D 14E 11D 13D 9D 29
28 18E 16E 13E 15E 15E 12D 14E 10D 13E 10D 12C 9D 28
27 17E 15D 12D 14D 14D 11C 13D 9C 12D 10C 11C 8C 27
26 16D 14D 11C 13D 13D 10C 12D 8C 11C 9C 10C 7C 26
25 15D 13C 11C 13C 12C 10C 12D 8C 11C 8C 10B 7B 25
24 14C 12C 10C 12C 11C 9B 11C 7B 10B 8B 9B 6B 24
23 13B 11B 9B 11B 10B 8B 10C 7B 9B 7B 8B 6B 23
22 12B 11A 8B 10B 10B 7B 9B 6B 9A 7B 7B 5B 22
21 11A 10A 7A 9A 9A 7A 8B 6A 8A 6A 7A 5A 21
20 10A 9A 6A 8A 8A 6A 7A 5A 7A 5A 6A 4A 20
19 9A 8A 6A 8A 7A 5A 7A 4A 6A 5A 5A 4A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 8A 7A 5A 7A 6A 4A 6A 4A 5A 4A 4A 3A 18
17 7 6 4A 6A 5A 3A 5A 3A 5 3A 3A 2A 17
16 7 6 3A 5 5A 3A 4A 2A 4 2A 3A 2A 16
15 6 5 2 4 4 2A 3A 2A 3 1A 2A 1A 15
14 4 4 1 3 3 1 2 1A 2 1 1 1A 14
13 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 - 1 - 13
12 3 2 - 2 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 12
11 2 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 11
10 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Knockdown

Notes: The Bash table can also be used for attacks where a creature butts or rams its target, although if such butts or rams involve sharp
horns then the horn attack table should be used instead. Bash attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack,
and are not normally used for the punches of humans and other humanoids of similar size, who should use the Brawling table.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 29E 27E 19E 24E 22E 17E 21E 14E 23E 15E 16E 13E 30
29 27E 25E 17E 22E 20E 15D 19E 12D 21E 13D 14D 11C 29
28 26E 24E 16D 21E 19E 15C 19D 12C 20E 13D 14C 11C 28
27 24E 22D 15C 20D 18D 14C 17D 11C 18D 12C 13C 10B 27
26 22D 20D 13C 18C 17C 12B 16C 10B 17C 10B 11B 9A 26
25 22D 19C 12C 17C 16C 12B 15C 9B 16C 10B 11B 8A 25
24 20D 17C 11B 16C 14C 11A 14B 8A 14C 9A 10A 7A 24
23 18C 15C 9B 14B 13B 9A 13B 7A 12B 7A 9A 6A 23
22 17C 14B 8A 13B 12B 9A 12A 6A 11B 7A 8A 5A 22
21 15B 12B 7A 12A 11A 8A 11A 5 10A 6A 7A 4 21
20 14B 10A 5A 10A 9A 6 9A 4 8A 4 6 3 20
19 13B 9A 5A 9A 9A 6 9A 3 7A 4 5 2 19

attaCk tabLes
18 11A 7A 3 8A 7A 5 7 2 5A 3 4 1 18
17 9A 5A 1 6 6 3 6 1 4 2 3 - 17
16 8A 4A 1 5 5 3 5 1 3 1 2 - 16
15 7A 2 - 4 4 2 4 - 1 - 1 - 15
14 5A 1 - 2 2 1 3 - 1 - - - 14
13 4 1 - 1 1 - 2 - - - - - 13
12 2 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 12
11 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Slashing

Notes: The Beak table can also be used for bite attacks made with the pincers such as those of a giant crab or scorpion. Beak attacks are
normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 43E 39E 29E 34E 30E 22E 28E 20E 31E 22E 22E 16E 30
29 41E 37E 27E 32E 28E 20D 26E 18D 29E 20D 20D 14C 29
28 39E 35E 26E 31E 27E 19C 25E 17C 28E 19C 19C 13C 28
27 37E 33E 24D 28D 25D 17C 23D 15C 26D 17C 17C 11B 27
26 34E 31D 22D 26D 23D 15B 21C 13B 24D 15B 15B 10B 26
25 33E 29D 21C 24C 22C 15B 20C 12B 23D 14B 14B 9A 25
24 30D 26D 19C 22C 20C 13B 18B 10A 20C 12B 12B 7A 24
23 28D 24C 17B 20B 18B 11A 16B 9A 18C 10A 11A 6A 23
22 26C 22C 15B 18B 17B 10A 15A 8A 17B 9A 10A 5A 22
21 24B 20B 13B 16A 14A 8A 13A 6A 15B 7A 8A 3 21
20 21B 17B 11A 13A 12A 7A 11A 4 13A 5A 6A 1 20
19 20B 16A 10A 12A 11A 6 11A 3 11A 4 5 1 19
attaCk tabLes

18 17B 13A 8A 9A 9 4 9 2 9A 3 3 - 18
17 15A 10A 6A 7 7 2 7 1 7A 1 1 - 17
16 13A 9A 5A 6 6 1 6 - 6 1 1 - 16
15 10A 6 3 4 4 - 4 - 4 - - - 15
14 8A 4 1 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 14
13 6A 3 - 2 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 13
12 4 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 12
11 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing, Blunt

Notes: The Bite table is intended for creatures with mouths and teeth. Bites from creatures with hard beaks should use the Beak table
instead. Bite attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 19E 17E 10E 22E 18E 15E 13E 9C 14E 17E 15E 8C 30
29 19E 16E 10E 21E 17E 15D 13D 9B 14E 16E 15D 8A 29
28 18E 16E 10E 20D 16D 14C 12C 9A 13E 16D 14C 8 28
27 17E 15E 9D 18D 15D 13B 12B 8 12E 15C 13B 7 27
26 17E 14D 9D 17D 14C 12B 11B 8 11D 14C 12A 7 26
25 16D 13D 9D 16C 13C 12A 10A 8 11D 13C 12A 7 25
24 15D 12D 8C 14C 12B 11A 10A 7 10D 11B 11 6 24
23 14D 12C 8C 13C 11B 10 9 7 9C 10B 10 6 23
22 13D 11C 7C 12B 10A 9 8 7 9B 9A 9 6 22
21 12C 10C 7B 10B 9A 9 8 6 8A 8A 9 5 21
20 11C 10B 7B 9B 9 8 7 6 7 7 8 5 20
19 11A 9B 6A 8A 8 7 6 5 6 7 7 5 19

attaCk tabLes
18 10A 8A 6 6A 7 7 5 5 6 6 7 4 18
17 9 7A 6 5 6 6 5 4 5 5 6 4 17
16 9 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 16
15 6 5 5 2 4 4 3 4 2 2 4 3 15
14 2 4 4 - 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 14
13 - 2 3 - - 2 2 3 - - 2 3 13
12 - - 3 - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 12
11 - - 3 - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 11
10 - - 3 - - - - 2 - - - 2 10
9 - - 2 - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Grappling, Blunt

Notes: A Bolas is a thrown weapon, with a range of 50/100/150’.

bow, Composite
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 25E 28E 21E 26E 25E 22E 16E 12E 19E 21E 22E 11E 30
29 24E 27E 20E 24E 24E 21E 15E 12D 18E 20E 21E 11D 29
28 23E 25E 19E 23E 22E 20D 14D 11C 17E 19D 20D 10C 28
27 21E 23D 18D 21D 21D 19D 14D 11C 15D 17D 19D 10B 27
26 20E 22D 17D 19D 19D 17C 13D 10B 14D 16D 17C 9A 26
25 18D 20D 16D 17D 17D 16C 12C 10A 13D 14C 16C 9A 25
24 17D 19D 15D 16C 16C 15C 11C 9A 11C 13C 15B 8 24
23 15D 17C 14C 14C 14C 14B 9B 8 10C 11B 14B 8 23
22 14C 16C 13C 12C 13C 13B 8B 8 9B 10B 13A 7 22
21 13C 14C 12C 10B 11B 11A 7A 7 7B 9B 11A 6 21
20 11B 13B 11B 9B 10B 10A 6A 6 6A 7A 10 6 20
19 8B 11B 10B 7B 8B 9 5 5 3 6A 9 5 19
attaCk tabLes

18 5A 10B 9B 5A 6A 8 4 5 1 4 8 5 18
17 4A 8A 8A 4A 5A 7 3 4 - 3 7 4 17
16 - 6A 7A 1 3 5 2 4 - 2 5 4 16
15 - 5A 6 - 1 4 1 3 - 1 4 3 15
14 - - 3 - - 3 - 3 - - 3 3 14
13 - - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - 2 2 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The range of a composite bow is 100/200/300’.

bow, Long
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 27E 29E 22E 27E 26E 23E 17E 13E 22E 22E 23E 12E 30
29 26E 27E 21E 25E 24E 22E 16E 13C 21E 21E 22E 12C 29
28 25E 26E 20E 23E 23E 21E 15D 12C 19E 19D 21E 11C 28
27 23E 24E 19D 22D 21E 19E 14D 12B 18E 18D 19E 11B 27
26 21E 22D 18D 20D 19E 18D 13C 11B 16D 16D 18D 10A 26
25 20D 21D 17D 18D 18D 17D 12C 10A 14D 15C 17D 9A 25
24 18D 19D 15D 16C 16D 15D 11B 10A 13C 13C 15D 9A 24
23 17D 18C 14C 14C 14D 14C 10B 9A 11C 12C 14C 8 23
22 16D 16C 13C 13C 13D 13C 8A 8 10B 10B 13C 7 22
21 14C 15C 12C 11B 11C 11C 7A 7 8B 9B 11B 7 21
20 12C 13B 11C 9B 9C 10B 6A 6 7A 7B 10A 6 20
19 11B 12B 10B 7B 8C 9A 5A 6 4A 6A 9 6 19

attaCk tabLes
18 7A 10B 9B 5A 6B 8 4 5 - 4A 8 5 18
17 5A 8A 7B 4A 4A 6 3 4 - 2 6 4 17
16 2 7A 6A 1 3A 5 2 4 - 1 5 4 16
15 - 5A 5A - 1 3 1 3 - - 4 3 15
14 - - 2 - - 2 - 3 - - 2 3 14
13 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: The range of a Long Bow is 100/200/400’.

bow, short
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 21E 22E 15E 21E 20E 17E 11E 7D 16E 16E 17E 6C 30
29 20E 21E 15E 20E 19E 16D 11D 7C 15E 15E 16D 6B 29
28 19E 20E 14E 18E 17D 15D 10D 7B 14E 14D 15C 6B 28
27 18E 18D 13D 17D 16D 14C 9C 6B 13D 13D 14C 5A 27
26 17D 17D 12D 15D 15D 13B 9C 6A 12D 12C 13B 5A 26
25 15D 16D 12D 14C 13C 12B 8B 6A 10C 11C 12B 5 25
24 14D 14C 11C 12C 12C 11A 7B 6 9C 9B 11A 5 24
23 13C 13C 10C 11C 10B 10A 6A 5 8B 8B 10A 4 23
22 12C 12C 9C 9B 9B 9A 6A 5 7B 7B 9 4 22
21 11B 11B 9B 8B 8B 8 5A 4 6A 6A 8 4 21
20 10B 10B 8B 6B 6A 7 4 4 3 5 7 3 20
19 5A 9B 7B 5A 5A 6 3 3 1 4 6 3 19
attaCk tabLes

18 4A 7A 6A 3A 3 5 2 3 - 2 5 3 18
17 - 6A 6A 1 1 4 2 2 - 1 4 2 17
16 - 5A 5 - - 3 1 2 - 1 3 2 16
15 - - 2 - - 1 - 2 - - 2 2 15
14 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 14
13 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The range of a Short Bow is 100/180/240’.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 9E 8E 4E 5E 5D 2C 5C 2 6E 2D 2B 2 30
29 9E 8D 4D 5D 5C 2A 5A 2 6D 2C 2 2 29
28 8D 8D 4C 5C 5B 2 5A 2 5C 2B 2 2 28
27 8D 7C 4C 4C 5A 2 5 2 5C 2B 2 2 27
26 7C 7B 4B 4B 4A 2 4 2 4B 2A 2 2 26
25 7C 6B 3A 4B 4 2 4 2 4A 2 2 2 25
24 6B 6B 3A 3A 4 2 4 2 4A 2 2 2 24
23 5B 5A 3 3A 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 23
22 5A 5A 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 22
21 4A 4 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 21
20 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 20
19 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 19

attaCk tabLes
18 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 18
17 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17
16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16
15 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 15
14 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 14
13 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Knockdown

Notes: The Brawling table can be used for attacks with improvised weapons such as hitting people with bottles or chairs or throwing
rocks at people. In some cases (depending on the improvised weapon used) it may be possible to do Slashing or Piercing criticals instead
of Blunt criticals. Unarmed attacks without an improvised weapon should be limited to a maximum result of 21. In cases where an
improvised weapon is used, the limit of the attack result may be larger at the discretion of the Game Master.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 24E 22E 15E 19E 18E 14D 17E 12E 20E 14E 14D 10E 30
29 23E 20E 13E 17E 16E 13C 15E 11D 18E 12D 13C 9C 29
28 23E 20E 13E 17E 16E 12C 15D 10C 18E 12C 12C 8C 28
27 21E 18E 12D 16D 15D 11C 14D 9C 16D 11C 11B 7B 27
26 20E 17D 11C 14D 14D 10B 13C 8B 15D 10B 10B 7B 26
25 19E 16D 10C 14D 13D 10B 12C 8B 15D 9B 10A 6A 25
24 18D 15D 9C 13C 12C 9A 11B 7B 13C 8B 9A 5A 24
23 17D 14C 8B 11B 11C 8A 10B 6A 12C 7A 8A 4A 23
22 16C 13C 8B 11B 10B 7A 10A 5A 11B 7A 7A 4 22
21 15B 12B 7B 10B 9B 6 9A 4A 10B 6A 6 3 21
20 13B 10B 6A 9A 8A 5 8A 3 9A 5 5 2 20
19 13B 10A 5A 8A 8A 5 7A 3 8A 4 5 2 19
attaCk tabLes

18 12B 8A 4A 7A 6 4 6A 2 7A 3 4 1 18
17 10A 7A 3 6A 5 3 5 1 6A 2 3 - 17
16 10A 6A 3 5 5 2 5 1 5A 2 2 - 16
15 8A 5 2 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 - 15
14 7A 4 1 3 2 1 3 - 3 - - - 14
13 6A 3 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 13
12 5 2 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 12
11 4 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - - - 11
10 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Piercing

Notes: Claw attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 21E 20E 13E 19E 18E 15E 13E 9D 16E 14E 15E 8C 30
29 20E 19E 13E 18E 17D 15D 13D 9C 15E 14E 15C 8B 29
28 20E 18E 12D 17D 16D 14C 12D 9B 14E 13D 14C 8A 28
27 19E 17D 12D 16D 16C 13B 12C 8A 14D 12C 13B 7A 27
26 18D 16D 11C 15D 14C 12B 11B 8A 13D 12C 12A 7 26
25 17D 15D 11C 14C 13B 12A 10B 8 13C 11C 12A 7 25
24 15D 14C 10C 13C 12B 11A 10A 7 11B 10B 11 6 24
23 14C 13C 10B 11C 11B 10 9A 7 10B 9B 10 6 23
22 13C 12B 9B 10B 10A 9 9A 7 9A 8A 9 6 22
21 13B 11B 9B 9B 9A 9 8 6 8 7A 9 5 21
20 12A 10B 8A 8B 8 8 7 6 7 6 8 5 20
19 11A 9A 8 7A 7 7 6 5 6 6 7 5 19

attaCk tabLes
18 10 8A 7 6A 6 7 6 5 5 5 7 4 18
17 6 7 7 5 5 6 5 5 2 4 6 4 17
16 4 6 6 4 4 5 4 4 1 3 5 4 16
15 1 5 6 2 3 4 3 4 - 2 4 3 15
14 - 3 5 1 2 3 3 3 - 1 3 3 14
13 - - 2 - 1 2 2 2 - - 2 2 13
12 - - - - - 2 1 2 - - 2 2 12
11 - - - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 11
10 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: -

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 48E 44E 35E 36E 41E 33E 33E 23E 42E 29E 31E 20E 30
29 46E 42E 33E 34E 39E 31E 31E 21D 40E 27D 29E 18D 29
28 45E 41E 32E 33E 38E 30D 30E 20D 39E 26D 28D 17D 28
27 42E 39E 30E 31E 36E 28D 28E 19C 36E 24C 26D 16C 27
26 40E 37E 28D 29E 33D 26C 26D 17C 34E 22C 24C 14B 26
25 39E 35E 27D 28D 32D 25C 25D 16C 33D 21C 23C 14B 25
24 36D 33D 25D 26D 30D 23C 23D 15B 31D 20B 22C 12B 24
23 34D 31D 23C 24D 28D 21C 21C 13B 29D 18B 20B 11A 23
22 33D 30D 22C 23D 27D 20B 20C 12B 27D 17B 19B 10A 22
21 30C 27C 20C 21C 25C 18B 19B 11A 25C 15B 17B 9A 21
20 28C 25C 18C 19C 23C 17B 17B 9A 23C 13A 16B 7A 20
19 27C 24C 18B 18C 21C 16B 16B 8A 22C 12A 15A 6A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 24C 21C 16B 16B 19B 14A 14A 7A 20B 11A 13A 5A 18
17 22B 19B 14B 14B 17B 12A 12A 5A 17B 9A 11A 3A 17
16 20B 17B 13A 13A 16A 11A 11A 5A 16A 8A 10A 3 16
15 18A 15A 11A 11A 13A 9A 9A 3A 14A 6A 8A 1 15
14 16A 13A 9A 9A 11A 8A 7A 2 11A 4A 7A - 14
13 14A 12A 8A 8A 10A 7A 7A 1 10A 3 6A - 13
12 12A 9A 6A 6A 8A 5A 5 1 8A 1 4 - 12
11 9A 7A 4A 4A 6A 3 3 - 6A 1 2 - 11
10 8A 6A 3A 3 5A 2 2 - 5A - 1 - 10
9 5A 4A 2A 2 3 1 1 - 3A - - - 9
8 3A 2A - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 8
7 2A - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: Crush attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack. This table can also be used for falling damage,
with an Attack Bonus of +1 per 5’ fallen. Falling attacks are also limited by the distance fallen. See Chapter 10 - Adventuring for more
details about falling.

Crush attacks are also done by ships ram’s, with a fixed attack bonus of +10.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 17E 15E 8E 12E 10E 7D 5E 4C 12E 7E 7D 3B 30

29 17E 14E 8E 12E 10D 7C 5C 4A 12E 7D 7C 3 29
28 16E 13D 8D 11D 9C 7B 5B 4 11D 7C 7B 3 28
27 15E 13D 7D 10C 9C 6A 5B 4 10D 6C 6A 3 27
26 14D 12D 7C 9C 8B 6A 5A 4 9C 6B 6 3 26
25 13D 11C 7C 8C 7B 6 4A 4 9C 6B 6 3 25
24 12C 10C 6C 8B 7A 5 4 3 8B 5A 5 3 24
23 11C 10B 6B 7B 6A 5 4 3 7B 4A 5 3 23
22 11C 9B 6B 6B 6 5 4 3 6A 4 5 2 22
21 10B 8B 5B 5A 5 4 3 3 6A 3 4 2 21
20 9B 7B 5A 4A 5 4 3 2 5 3 4 2 20
19 8A 6A 5A 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 3 2 19

attaCk tabLes
18 5A 5A 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 18
17 4 5A 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 17
16 1 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 - 1 2 2 16
15 - 2 3 - 2 2 1 1 - 1 2 1 15
14 - 1 3 - 1 2 1 1 - - 2 1 14
13 - - 1 - - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 13
12 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing

Notes: The Dagger table can also be used for other similar weapons such as knives or cleavers. Daggers may be thrown with a range
of 10/25/50’.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 15A 12A 8A 11A 11A 6A 11A 6A 12A 6A 6A 5A 30

29 14A 11A 7A 10A 10A 5A 10A 5A 11A 5A 5A 4A 29
28 13A 11A 7A 10A 10A 5A 10A 5A 11A 5A 5A 4A 28
27 13A 10A 6A 9A 9A 5A 9A 5A 10A 5A 5A 4 27
26 12A 9A 6A 8A 8A 4 8A 4A 9A 4A 4 3 26
25 12A 9A 5A 8A 8A 4 8A 4 9A 4 4 3 25
24 11A 8A 5A 8A 8A 4 8A 4 8A 4 4 3 24
23 10A 8A 4A 7A 7A 3 7A 3 8A 3 3 2 23
22 10A 7A 4A 7A 7A 3 7 3 7A 3 3 2 22
21 9A 7A 4 6A 6A 3 6 3 7A 3 3 2 21
20 8A 6A 3 5 5 2 5 2 6 2 2 1 20
19 8A 6 3 5 5 2 5 2 6 2 2 1 19
attaCk tabLes

18 7A 5 2 5 5 2 5 2 5 2 2 1 18
17 6A 5 2 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 - 17
16 6A 4 2 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 - 16
15 5 4 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 - 1 - 15
14 5 3 1 2 2 - 2 - 3 - - - 14
13 4 3 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 13
12 3 2 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 12
11 3 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 11
10 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 10
9 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing

Notes: The Diminutive attack table should be used for small creatures for which it would be unrealistic to use the other creature attack
tables. Diminutive attacks are initially limited to being “small”, and having a limit of 21 but each successive attack by the same creature
that does more than one point of damage raises the effective size of the next attack against the same target by one category

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 30E 29E 23E 26E 22E 17D 21E 15D 26E 19E 17D 13D 30
29 27D 25D 20D 22D 19C 14C 18C 12C 22D 16C 14C 10C 29
28 26D 24D 19D 21D 19C 14C 18C 12C 20D 15C 14C 10C 28
27 24D 22D 17C 19D 18C 13C 17C 11C 18C 13C 13B 9B 27
26 23D 20D 16C 18C 17C 13B 16C 10B 17C 12C 12B 8B 26
25 22D 19C 15C 17C 16C 12B 16C 10B 16C 11C 12B 8B 25
24 21C 18C 14C 16C 15C 12B 15C 9B 15C 10C 11B 7B 24
23 20C 16C 12B 14C 13B 11B 13B 8B 13B 8B 10A 6A 23
22 19C 15C 11B 13C 12B 10A 12B 8A 12B 8B 9A 6A 22
21 18C 14C 10B 12B 11B 9A 11B 7A 11B 7B 8A 5A 21
20 17C 13B 9B 11B 10B 8A 10B 7A 10B 6B 7A 5A 20
19 15B 11B 7A 9B 8B 6A 8A 5A 8A 5A 5A 4A 19

attaCk tabLes
18 14B 10B 6A 8B 7A 5A 7A 4A 7A 4A 4A 3 18
17 13B 8B 5A 7A 6A 4A 6A 4A 6A 3A 3A 3 17
16 11A 7A 4A 6A 5A 3 5A 3 5A 3A 2 2 16
15 9A 5A 2 4A 3A 1 3A 1 3A 1 - - 15
14 7A 3A 1 3A 2 - 2 - 2 1 - - 14
13 4A 2 - 2 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 13
12 2 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Fire

Notes: Fireball attacks use a static +10 Attack Bonus rather than a character’s normal attack bonus (this bonus may be different for
the attacks of some creatures). Similarly, shields do not contribute to a character’s Dodge Bonus against Fireball attacks. If a Fireball is
centred on a particular creature, the attack gets a +4 bonus against that creature. When multiple creatures are hit by a single Fireball, a
separate roll is made for each target.

The fireball attack table is used for the explosion of a flask of red powder, although this is less powerful than the spell and only has a
static +5 attack bonus, rather than +10. The fireball attack table may also be used for cannon fire, in which case it may also do Blunt or
Slashing criticals.

fire boLt
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 38E 31E 23E 28E 27E 17E 26E 13E 32E 14E 17E 11D 30
29 35E 29E 21E 26E 25E 16D 24E 12D 30E 13E 15D 10D 29
28 33E 27E 20E 25E 24E 15D 23E 12D 28E 13D 14D 10C 28
27 31E 25E 19E 24E 23E 14D 22E 11C 26E 12D 13D 9C 27
26 29E 24E 18E 23E 22E 13C 21E 11C 24E 12C 12C 9C 26
25 27E 22E 17E 22E 22E 13C 20E 11C 22E 12C 12C 9C 25
24 25E 20E 16D 21E 21E 12C 19D 10C 20D 11C 11C 8B 24
23 23E 18E 15D 20E 20D 11B 18D 9B 18D 10C 10B 8B 23
22 21E 17E 14D 19E 18D 11B 17D 9B 16D 10B 10B 7B 22
21 19E 15E 13C 18D 17D 10B 16C 8B 14C 9B 9B 7A 21
20 18D 14D 12C 17D 16C 10B 15C 8B 13C 8B 8B 7A 20
19 16D 13D 11B 16D 15C 9A 14C 7B 12C 7B 8A 6A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 15D 12C 10B 15C 14C 9A 13C 7A 11B 7A 7A 6A 18

17 13D 11C 9A 13C 12C 8A 12B 7A 10B 6A 6A 6A 17
16 12C 10B 8A 11C 11B 8A 10B 6A 9B 5A 6A 5 16
15 11C 8B 7A 9B 10B 7A 9B 6A 8A 5 5A 5 15
14 10B 7B 6 8B 9A 6 8A 6 7A 4 4 5 14
13 9B 5A 5 6A 8A 5 7A 5 6A 4 4 4 13
12 8A 4A 4 5A 6A 4 6A 5 5A 3 3 4 12
11 7A 2A 3 3 5A 3 5A 4 4A 2 2 3 11
10 5A 1 2 1 3 3 3A 4 3 1 2 3 10
9 3A - 1 - 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 9
8 2 - - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 8
7 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Fire

Notes: The range of a Fire Bolt is 50/200/500’, although not all spells will be able to reach the furthest ranges.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 43E 41E 34E 35E 31E 28E 26E 22E 38E 30E 28E 21E 30
29 41E 39E 33E 33E 30E 27E 25E 22E 35E 29E 27E 21E 29
28 38E 36E 31E 31E 28E 26E 24E 21D 33E 27E 26E 20D 28
27 36E 34E 29E 29E 26E 24D 23D 20D 30E 26E 24D 19D 27
26 33E 32E 28D 27E 25D 23D 22D 19C 28E 24D 23D 18C 26
25 31E 30D 26D 25D 23D 22D 20D 18C 26D 22D 22D 17C 25
24 29E 28D 25D 23D 22D 21C 19C 17B 23D 20D 21C 16A 24
23 27D 26D 23D 22D 20C 19C 18C 16A 21D 19C 19C 16A 23
22 24D 24D 22C 20D 19C 18C 16C 15A 18D 17C 18B 15 22
21 22D 22C 20C 18C 17C 17B 15B 14 16C 16C 17A 14 21
20 20D 20C 19C 16C 16C 16A 14B 13 14C 14C 16A 13 20
19 18C 17C 17C 14C 14B 14A 12A 12 11B 12B 14 12 19

attaCk tabLes
18 15C 15B 15B 12C 12B 13 11A 11 9B 11B 13 11 18
17 13C 13B 14B 10B 11A 12 10 11 6A 9A 12 11 17
16 7A 11B 12A 8B 9A 10 9 10 1 7A 10 10 16
15 5A 9A 10A 6A 7 9 7 9 - 6 9 9 15
14 1 6A 9 4A 6 8 6 8 - 3 8 8 14
13 - 1 4 1 3 6 5 7 - 1 6 7 13
12 - - 2 - 1 4 3 6 - - 4 6 12
11 - - - - - 3 1 5 - - 3 5 11
10 - - - - - 1 - 4 - - 2 4 10
9 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 3 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Piercing

Notes: -

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 24D 21D 15D 20D 19D 14D 18D 12D 20D 13D 14D 10C 30
29 22C 19C 13B 18C 17C 12B 16C 10B 18C 11B 12B 8B 29
28 22C 18C 13B 17C 16C 12B 16C 10B 18C 11B 11B 8B 28
27 20C 16C 11B 16C 15C 11B 15C 9B 17C 10B 10B 8B 27
26 19C 16C 11B 16C 15C 10B 14B 8B 16C 9B 9B 7B 26
25 18C 15C 10B 15C 14B 10B 14B 8B 15C 9B 9B 7A 25
24 17C 14C 10B 15B 14B 9B 13B 8B 14B 8B 9A 7A 24
23 15C 12B 9B 13B 12B 8A 12B 7A 12B 8A 8A 6A 23
22 14C 11B 8A 12B 11B 8A 11B 7A 11B 7A 7A 6A 22
21 13B 10B 8A 10B 10B 7A 10A 6A 10B 7A 6A 5A 21
20 12B 9B 7A 9A 9A 6A 9A 6A 9A 6A 5A 5A 20
19 10B 7A 5A 7A 7A 4A 7A 5A 7A 5A 3 4 19
attaCk tabLes

18 9A 6A 4 6A 6A 3 6A 4 6A 4 2 3 18
17 8A 5A 3 5A 5A 2 5A 3 5A 3 1 2 17
16 7A 4A 2 4A 4A 1 4A 2 4A 2 1 1 16
15 5A 2 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 15
14 4A 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 14
13 3A 1 - - - - - - - - - - 13
12 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Frost

Notes: Frostball attacks use a static +10 Attack Bonus rather than a character’s normal attack bonus (this bonus may be different for the
attacks of some creatures). Similarly, shields do not contribute to a character’s Dodge Bonus against Frostball attacks. If a Frostball is
centred on a particular creature, the attack gets a +4 bonus against that creature. When multiple creatures are hit by a single Frostball,
a separate roll is made for each target.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 15E 14E 12E 13E 12E 10E 11E 6E 12E 7E 9E 4E 30

29 13E 13E 11E 12E 11E 9E 10E 5E 10E 6E 8E 3E 29
28 13D 12D 10E 11E 10E 9E 10E 5E 10D 6E 8E 3E 28
27 12D 11D 9D 10D 10D 8D 9D 4D 9D 6D 7D 3D 27
26 10C 10C 9D 9D 9D 7D 8D 4D 8C 5D 7D 3D 26
25 10B 10C 8C 9C 8C 7C 8C 4D 7C 5C 6C 3D 25
24 9B 8B 7C 8C 8C 6C 7C 3C 6B 5C 6C 2C 24
23 8A 7A 7B 7B 7B 6B 7B 3C 5A 4B 5B 2C 23
22 7A 7A 6B 7B 7B 5B 6B 3C 5A 4B 5B 2C 22
21 5A 5A 5B 6B 6B 5B 5B 3B 4A 4B 4B 2B 21
20 5A 4A 5A 5A 5A 4A 5A 3B 2A 3A 4A 2B 20
19 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 3B 2A 3A 4A 2B 19

attaCk tabLes
18 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 2A 1A 2A 3A 1A 18
17 2A 2 3A 2A 2A 2A 3A 2A - 2A 2A 1A 17
16 1 1 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A - 2A 2A 1A 16
15 - 1 2A 1 1 2A 1A 1A - 1A 2A 1A 15
14 - - 1 - - 1A 1 1A - 1A 1A 1A 14
13 - - 1 - - 1A - 1A - 1 1A 1A 13
12 - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Grappling

Notes: Grappling attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack. In the case of humans, the assumed size is
“small” and the limit is 21.

hammer, war
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 25E 24E 17E 24E 22E 19E 17E 13E 20E 19E 19E 12E 30
29 24E 23E 17E 23E 21E 18E 17E 13E 19E 18E 18E 12E 29
28 23E 22E 16E 22E 20E 18D 16E 12D 18E 18E 18D 11D 28
27 22E 20E 15D 20D 19D 17D 15D 12C 16E 17D 17D 11C 27
26 20E 19D 15D 19D 18D 16D 14D 11C 15D 16D 16C 10B 26
25 19E 18D 14D 18D 17D 15C 14C 11B 14D 15C 15C 10A 25
24 18D 17D 13C 17D 16C 14C 13C 11A 13D 14C 14C 10A 24
23 16D 16D 13C 15C 15C 13B 12C 10A 12C 13C 13B 9 23
22 15D 15C 12C 14C 14C 12B 11B 10 11B 11B 12A 9 22
21 14C 14C 11C 13C 12B 12A 10A 9 9B 10B 12A 8 21
20 13C 12B 10B 12B 11B 11A 9A 8 8A 9A 11 8 20
19 11B 11B 10B 10B 10B 10 9A 8 7 9A 10 7 19
attaCk tabLes

18 10A 10B 9A 9B 9A 9 8 7 6 8 9 7 18
17 6A 9A 8A 8A 8A 8 7 7 3 7 8 6 17
16 5 8A 8 7A 7 7 6 6 1 6 7 6 16
15 1 7A 7 5 6 6 5 5 - 5 6 5 15
14 - 5 6 3 5 5 4 5 - 3 5 5 14
13 - 2 5 1 3 4 3 4 - 2 4 4 13
12 - - 5 - 2 3 2 4 - 1 3 4 12
11 - - 2 - 1 2 1 3 - - 2 3 11
10 - - 2 - - 2 1 2 - - 2 2 10
9 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 9
8 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: -

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 34E 31E 24E 28E 26E 22E 25E 19E 30E 22E 22E 18E 30
29 32E 29E 22E 26E 24E 20D 23E 17D 28E 20D 20D 16C 29
28 31E 28E 21E 25E 23E 19D 22E 16D 27E 19D 19C 15C 28
27 29E 26E 19D 23D 21D 17C 20D 14C 25D 17C 17C 13B 27
26 27E 24D 17C 21D 19D 16B 19C 13B 23D 15C 16B 12A 26
25 26E 23D 16C 20D 18D 15B 18C 12B 22D 14B 15B 11A 25
24 24D 21D 14C 18C 16C 13A 16B 10B 20C 12B 13A 9A 24
23 22D 19C 13B 16C 14C 11A 15B 9A 18B 11A 11A 7A 23
22 21D 18C 12B 15C 13B 11A 14A 8A 17B 10A 11A 6A 22
21 19B 16B 10B 13B 12B 9A 12A 6A 15A 8A 9A 5 21
20 17B 14B 8A 11A 10A 7 10A 4A 13A 6A 7 3 20
19 16B 13A 7A 11A 9A 6 10A 4 12A 5A 6 2 19

attaCk tabLes
18 14A 11A 5A 9A 7A 5 8 2 10A 3 5 1 18
17 12A 9A 4 7A 6 3 6 1 8A 2 3 - 17
16 11A 8A 3 6A 5 2 5 1 7A 1 2 - 16
15 9A 6A 1 4 3 1 4 - 5 - 1 - 15
14 7A 4 - 2 1 - 2 - 3 - - - 14
13 6A 3 - 1 1 - 1 - 2 - - - 13
12 4 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 12
11 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Blunt, Knockdown

Notes: The Horn table can also be uses for attacks by creatures with long tusks or spikes. Horn attacks are normally limited by the size
of the creature making the attack.

iCe boLt
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 36G 34F 28F 23F 23F 17F 19F 13F 32F 15F 17F 11E 30
29 34F 32E 26E 21E 21E 16E 18E 12E 30E 14E 15E 10D 29
28 32E 30E 24E 20E 20E 15D 17E 12D 28E 13E 14D 10D 28
27 30E 28E 22E 19E 18E 14D 16E 11D 26E 13E 13D 9C 27
26 28E 26E 20E 18E 17E 13D 15D 11C 24E 12E 12D 9C 26
25 26E 24E 18E 17E 16D 13C 15D 11C 22E 12D 12C 9C 25
24 24E 22E 17E 16E 15D 12C 14D 10C 20E 11D 11C 8C 24
23 22E 20E 15E 15D 14D 11C 13C 9C 18E 11D 10C 8B 23
22 20E 18E 14D 14D 13C 11C 13C 9B 16E 10C 10C 7B 22
21 18E 16D 13D 13C 12C 10B 12C 8B 14D 10C 9B 7B 21
20 17D 14D 12D 12D 11C 10B 11C 8B 13D 9C 8B 7B 20
19 15D 12D 11C 11C 10B 9A 10B 7B 12D 8B 8A 6A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 14D 9C 10C 10C 9B 9A 10B 7A 11C 7B 7A 6A 18

17 13D 7C 9C 9B 8A 8A 9A 7A 10C 7A 6A 6A 17
16 12C 6B 8B 8B 7A 8A 8A 6A 9B 6A 6A 5A 16
15 11C 5B 7B 7A 6A 7A 7A 6A 8B 5A 5A 5A 15
14 10B 4B 6A 6A 5 6A 7A 6A 7A 4A 4A 5A 14
13 6A 3A 5A 4 4 5A 6 5A 2 3 4A 4A 13
12 4A 2 4A 3 3 4 5 5A - 2 3 4A 12
11 1 1 3 1 2 3 4 4A - 1 2 3A 11
10 - - 2 - 1 3 3 4 - 1 2 3 10
9 - - 1 - 1 2 2 3 - - 2 2 9
8 - - - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 8
7 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Frost, Blunt, Slashing

Notes: The range of an Ice Bolt is 50/200/500’, although not all spells will be able to reach the furthest ranges.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 25E 23E 16E 22E 18E 15E 11E 7D 20E 17E 15E 6D 30
29 24E 22E 16E 21E 17E 15E 11E 7C 19E 16E 15E 6C 29
28 23E 20E 15E 19E 16D 14D 10D 7B 17E 15D 14D 6A 28
27 22E 19E 14D 18D 15D 13C 10C 7A 16D 14D 13C 6 27
26 20E 18D 13D 16D 14D 12C 9B 6 15D 13C 12B 5 26
25 18D 16D 13D 15D 13C 11B 9B 6 13D 12C 11A 5 25
24 17D 15D 12C 14C 12C 10A 8A 6 12C 11C 10A 5 24
23 16D 14C 11C 12C 11B 10A 7A 5 11C 10B 10 4 23
22 15C 13C 10C 11C 10B 9 7 5 9B 9B 9 4 22
21 13C 12B 10B 9C 9A 8 6 5 8B 8A 8 4 21
20 12C 10B 9B 8B 7A 7 5 4 7A 7A 7 4 20
19 10B 9B 8B 6B 6 6 4 4 4 5 6 3 19

attaCk tabLes
18 6A 8B 7A 5A 5 6 4 4 1 4 6 3 18
17 5A 6A 7 4A 4 5 3 3 - 3 5 3 17
16 1 5A 6 1 3 4 2 3 - 2 4 3 16
15 - 2 5 - 2 3 2 2 - 1 3 2 15
14 - - 4 - 1 2 1 2 - - 2 2 14
13 - - 2 - - 2 1 2 - - 2 2 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The Javelin table should be used for any thrown spear. The throw range for a javelin is 10/50/100’.

Lightning boLt
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 40I 35I 25H 26I 29I 23H 28I 20H 35I 18H 23H 19G 30
29 38I 32I 23H 25H 28H 22H 27H 19G 33I 16G 21H 18F 29
28 37I 31H 22H 24H 27H 21G 26H 19G 32H 15F 20G 18F 28
27 36I 30H 21G 23G 26H 20G 25G 18F 30H 15F 19G 17F 27
26 34H 28H 20G 22G 25G 19F 24G 18F 29G 14E 18F 17E 26
25 33H 26G 19G 21F 24G 18F 23G 18E 28G 14E 17F 17E 25
24 31H 24G 18F 20F 23F 17E 22F 17E 27F 13D 17E 16D 24
23 30G 22G 17F 19E 22F 16E 21F 17D 26F 13D 16E 16D 23
22 28G 20F 16E 18E 21E 16D 20E 16D 25E 12C 16D 16C 22
21 26G 16F 15E 17D 20E 15D 19E 16C 24E 12C 15D 15C 21
20 24F 16F 14E 16C 19D 15C 18D 15C 22D 11C 15C 15C 20
19 22F 15E 13E 15C 18D 15C 17D 15C 20D 11B 14C 14B 19
attaCk tabLes

18 20F 14E 12D 14C 17C 14C 16D 14B 18C 10B 14C 14B 18
17 18E 12E 11D 12B 16C 14B 15C 14B 16C 9B 13B 13B 17
16 16E 11D 10C 11B 15B 13B 14C 13B 14B 8A 13B 12B 16
15 14D 10C 9C 9A 14B 13B 13C 12B 12B 7A 12B 11A 15
14 12D 8B 8B 7A 12B 12B 12B 11A 10A 6A 11B 10A 14
13 10C 7B 7B 5 11B 11A 11B 10A 8A 5 10A 9A 13
12 8B 5A 6A 3 9A 10A 10A 9A 6 4 9A 8A 12
11 6A 3 5A 1 7A 9A 8A 8A 4 2 8A 7A 11
10 4A 1 4 - 5 8A 7 7A 2 1 7A 6A 10
9 2A - 2 - 3 6 5 6A - - 6 5A 9
8 1 - 1 - 1 5 3 5 - - 5 4 8
7 - - - - - 3 2 3 - - 4 2 7
6 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Lightning, Knockdown

Notes: The range of a Lightning Bolt is 50/200/500’, although not all spells will be able to reach the furthest ranges.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 22E 22E 15E 20E 22E 19E 17E 13E 17E 15E 19E 12E 30
29 21E 21E 15E 19E 21E 19E 17E 13D 16E 15E 19E 12D 29
28 20E 20E 14D 18E 20E 18D 16D 12C 15E 14D 18D 11C 28
27 19E 19D 13D 17D 19D 17D 15D 12C 14D 13D 17D 11B 27
26 18E 17D 13D 16D 18D 16C 14D 12B 13D 12C 16C 11A 26
25 17D 16D 12C 15D 17D 15C 14C 11A 12C 12C 15C 10A 25
24 16D 15C 12C 14C 16C 14B 13C 11A 11C 11C 14B 10 24
23 15D 14C 11C 13C 15C 14B 12B 10 10B 10B 14A 9 23
22 14C 13B 10B 11C 14C 13A 12B 10 9B 9B 13A 9 22
21 13C 12B 10B 10C 13B 12A 11A 9 8A 8B 12 8 21
20 12B 11B 9B 9B 12B 11 10A 9 7A 7A 11 8 20
19 10B 10B 8A 8B 11A 10 9 8 6 6A 10 7 19

attaCk tabLes
18 8A 8A 8A 7B 10A 10 8 7 4 6 10 7 18
17 5A 7A 7 6A 9 9 7 7 1 5 9 6 17
16 3 6A 7 5A 8 8 6 6 - 4 8 6 16
15 - 5 6 4 7 7 6 6 - 3 7 6 15
14 - 2 5 2 5 6 4 5 - 2 6 5 14
13 - - 4 - 4 5 4 4 - 1 5 4 13
12 - - 2 - 3 4 3 4 - - 4 4 12
11 - - - - 2 3 3 4 - - 3 4 11
10 - - - - 1 2 2 3 - - 2 3 10
9 - - - - - 2 1 3 - - 2 3 9
8 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 8
7 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: -

magiC missiLe
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 15B 13A 11B 12B 15C 13C 15C 11C 13B 8B 13C 11C 30
29 14B 12A 10B 11B 14B 12B 14B 10B 12B 7B 12B 10B 29
28 13B 11A 10B 10B 14B 11B 13B 10B 11B 6A 11B 10B 28
27 12B 11A 9A 10B 13B 11B 13B 9B 11B 6A 11B 9B 27
26 12B 10A 9A 9B 13B 10B 12B 9B 10B 6A 10B 9B 26
25 11B 10A 8A 9A 12B 10B 12B 9B 10A 6A 10B 9B 25
24 11B 9A 8A 8A 12B 9B 11B 8B 9A 5A 9B 8A 24
23 10B 8A 7A 8A 11B 9A 11B 8A 9A 5A 9A 8A 23
22 10B 8A 7A 7A 11B 8A 10A 8A 8A 4A 8A 8A 22
21 9A 7A 6A 6A 10A 8A 10A 7A 8A 4A 8A 7A 21
20 9A 6A 6A 5A 10A 7A 9A 7A 7A 3A 7A 7A 20
19 8A 6A 5A 5A 9A 7A 9A 7A 7A 3 7A 7A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 7A 5A 5 4A 8A 6A 8A 6A 6A 2 6A 6A 18
17 6A 4A 4 3 8A 6A 8A 6A 5A 2 6A 6A 17
16 5A 3 4 2 7A 5A 7A 6A 4 2 5A 6A 16
15 4A 2 3 1 6 5A 7A 5A 3 1 5A 5A 15
14 3A 1 3 - 5 4A 6 5A 2 1 4A 5A 14
13 2 1 2 - 4 4 6 4A 1 - 4 4A 13
12 1 - 1 - 3 3 5 4 - - 3 4 12
11 1 - 1 - 2 3 4 3 - - 3 3 11
10 1 - 1 - 1 2 2 3 - - 2 3 10
9 - - - - - 2 1 2 - - 2 2 9
8 - - - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 8
7 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Lightning

Notes: The range of a Magic Missile is 50/200/500’, although not all spells will be able to reach the furthest ranges.

mattoCk, war
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 41E 40E 33E 36E 33E 30E 28E 24E 35E 31E 30E 23E 30
29 39E 37E 31E 34E 31E 29E 27E 23E 33E 29E 29E 22E 29
28 36E 35E 30E 31E 29E 27E 25E 22D 30E 27E 27E 21D 28
27 34E 33E 28E 29E 27E 25D 24E 21D 28E 25D 25D 20D 27
26 31E 30D 26D 27D 25D 24D 22D 20C 25E 23D 24D 19C 26
25 29E 28D 24D 25D 23D 22D 21D 19C 23D 21D 22D 18C 25
24 27D 26D 23D 22D 21D 21C 19D 18C 20D 19C 21C 17B 24
23 24D 24D 21D 20C 19D 19C 17C 17B 18D 17C 19C 16A 23
22 22D 22C 19C 18C 17C 18C 15C 15A 15C 15C 18C 15A 22
21 20D 20C 17C 16C 15C 16B 14C 14A 13C 13C 16B 14 21
20 17C 18C 16C 14C 13C 14A 12B 13 10C 11B 14A 13 20
19 15C 15B 14C 11B 11B 13A 11A 12 8B 9B 13 12 19

attaCk tabLes
18 12B 13B 12B 9B 9B 11 9A 11 3 7A 11 11 18
17 6A 11B 10B 7B 7A 9 8A 10 - 5A 10 10 17
16 5A 8A 9A 4A 5A 8 6 9 - 2 8 9 16
15 - 6A 7A 1 3 6 5 7 - - 7 8 15
14 - - 2 - 1 4 2 6 - - 5 7 14
13 - - - - - 2 1 5 - - 3 6 13
12 - - - - - 1 - 4 - - 2 5 12
11 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 4 11
10 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 3 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: -

morning star
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 34E 32E 25E 27E 25E 22E 20E 16E 29E 22E 22E 15E 30
29 33E 31E 24E 26E 24E 21E 19E 16D 28E 21E 21E 15D 29
28 31E 29E 23E 25E 23E 20D 19D 15C 26E 20E 20D 14C 28
27 29E 27E 22D 23E 22D 19D 18D 15C 24E 19D 19D 14C 27
26 28E 26D 21D 22D 21D 19C 17D 14B 23D 18D 19C 13B 26
25 26E 24D 20D 20D 19D 18C 16C 14A 21D 17D 18C 13A 25
24 24D 23D 19D 19D 18C 17C 15C 13A 19D 16C 17B 12A 24
23 23D 21D 18C 18D 17C 16B 14B 12A 18D 15C 16B 11 23
22 21D 20D 17C 16C 16C 15B 13B 12 16C 14C 15A 11 22
21 19D 18C 16C 15C 15B 14A 12A 11 14C 12B 14A 10 21
20 18C 17C 15B 14C 13B 13A 11A 10 13B 11B 13 10 20
19 16C 15B 14B 12C 12B 12 10A 10 11A 10B 12 9 19
attaCk tabLes

18 14C 13B 13B 11B 11A 11 9 9 10 9A 11 9 18

17 13A 12B 12A 10B 10A 10 8 8 8 8 10 8 17
16 11A 11A 11 8A 9 9 7 8 7 7 9 7 16
15 7 9A 10 7A 8 8 6 7 3 6 8 7 15
14 5 7 9 5 6 7 6 6 1 5 7 6 14
13 - 4 6 2 3 5 4 5 - 2 5 5 13
12 - 2 6 1 3 4 3 4 - 2 4 5 12
11 - - 5 - 2 4 2 4 - 1 4 4 11
10 - - 2 - 1 3 2 4 - - 3 4 10
9 - - - - - 2 1 3 - - 2 3 9
8 - - - - - 2 1 3 - - 2 3 8
7 - - - - - 2 - 3 - - 2 3 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Piercing

Notes: -

mounteD LanCe
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 48E 46E 40E 41E 35E 32E 30E 26E 43E 37E 32E 25E 30
29 46E 44E 38E 39E 32E 30E 28E 25E 40E 34E 30E 24E 29
28 43E 41E 35E 36E 30E 28E 26E 24E 37E 32E 28E 23E 28
27 40E 38E 33E 34E 28E 26E 24E 22D 34E 30E 26E 21D 27
26 37E 36E 31E 31D 25D 24D 22D 21D 31E 27D 24D 20D 26
25 34E 33D 29D 28D 23D 22D 20D 19C 28D 24D 22D 19C 25
24 32D 30D 27D 26D 20D 20D 18D 18C 25D 22D 20D 17C 24
23 28D 28D 24D 23D 18D 17C 16C 16B 22D 19C 18C 16B 23
22 26D 25D 22D 21C 16C 15C 14C 15A 19C 17C 16C 15A 22
21 23D 23C 20C 18C 13C 13C 11C 13A 16C 14C 14C 13 21
20 20C 20C 18C 15C 11C 11B 9B 12 13C 12C 11B 12 20
19 17C 18C 16C 13C 9B 9A 7B 11 10B 10B 9A 11 19

attaCk tabLes
18 13B 15C 13C 10B 6B 7A 5A 9 3 7A 7 9 18
17 7A 13B 11B 7B 4A 4 3A 7 - 4A 5 8 17
16 6A 10A 9B 4A 1 2 1 6 - - 3 7 16
15 - 7A 7A - - 1 - 4 - - 1 5 15
14 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 4 14
13 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 3 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Knockdown

Notes: The Mounted Lance table can be used for any spear-like weapon used from a mounted position. If a lance is used on foot, use
the Spear table.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 25E 27E 20E 25E 24E 21E 15E 11E 20E 20E 21E 10D 30
29 24E 26E 19E 23E 23E 20E 14E 11C 19E 19E 20E 10C 29
28 23E 24E 18E 22E 21D 19D 14D 10B 17E 18D 19D 9B 28
27 21E 22E 17D 20D 20D 18D 13C 10B 16E 17D 18C 9A 27
26 20E 21D 16D 18D 18D 17C 12C 9A 14D 15D 17C 8A 26
25 18D 19D 15D 17D 17C 15C 11B 9A 13D 14C 15B 8 25
24 17D 18D 14C 15C 15C 14B 10B 8 12C 12C 14B 7 24
23 16D 16C 13C 13C 14C 13B 9A 8 10C 11B 13A 7 23
22 15C 15C 12C 12C 12B 12A 8A 7 9B 10B 12A 7 22
21 13C 13B 11C 10B 11B 11A 7A 7 7B 9B 11 6 21
20 11B 12B 10B 8B 9A 10 6 6 6A 7A 10 6 20
19 10B 10B 9B 7B 8A 9 5 5 3 6A 9 5 19
attaCk tabLes

18 5A 9B 8B 5A 6A 7 4 5 1 4 7 5 18
17 4A 7A 7A 3A 5 6 3 4 - 3 6 4 17
16 - 5A 6 1 3 5 3 4 - 2 5 4 16
15 - 2 5 - 1 4 2 3 - 1 4 3 15
14 - - 3 - - 3 1 3 - - 3 3 14
13 - - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - 2 2 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The range of a Flintlock is 100/200/300’.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 39E 37E 30E 32E 28E 25E 21E 17E 34E 27E 25E 16E 30
29 37E 35E 29E 30E 27E 24E 20E 17D 31E 26E 24E 16C 29
28 34E 32E 27E 28E 25D 23D 19D 16C 29E 24E 23D 15B 28
27 32E 30E 26E 26E 23D 21C 18D 15B 27E 22D 21C 14A 27
26 30E 28D 24D 24D 22D 20C 17C 14A 25E 21D 20C 13A 26
25 28E 26D 23D 22D 20C 19B 16C 14A 22D 19D 19B 13 25
24 25D 24D 22D 20D 19C 18B 14B 13 20D 17C 18A 12 24
23 23D 22D 20C 18C 17C 16A 13B 12 17D 16C 16A 11 23
22 21D 20C 19C 16C 15B 15A 12A 11 15C 14C 15 11 22
21 19D 18C 17C 14C 14B 14 11A 10 13C 12B 14 10 21
20 16C 16C 16C 12C 12A 13 9 9 10B 10B 13 9 20
19 14C 14B 14B 10B 11A 11 8 8 8A 9A 11 8 19

attaCk tabLes
18 11B 12B 13B 8B 9 10 7 8 4 7 10 8 18
17 6A 10B 11A 6A 7 9 6 7 - 6 9 7 17
16 4A 8A 10 4A 6 8 5 6 - 3 8 6 16
15 - 6A 8 - 4 6 4 5 - 2 6 5 15
14 - - 6 - 1 5 2 5 - - 5 5 14
13 - - 3 - - 2 1 4 - - 2 4 13
12 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 3 12
11 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Piercing, Blunt

Notes: This attack table can be used for any polearm like weapon, such as halberds, glaives, pikes and bill hooks.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 37E 35E 28E 26E 21E 18D 16E 12C 32E 21E 18D 11C 30
29 36E 34E 27E 25E 20D 18C 16D 12B 31E 20D 18C 11A 29
28 34E 32D 26D 24D 20C 17B 15C 12A 29D 20C 17B 11 28
27 33D 31D 25D 23D 19C 16B 15B 11 28D 19C 16A 10 27
26 31D 29D 24C 22C 18B 15A 14B 11 26C 18C 15A 10 26
25 30D 27C 23C 20C 17B 15A 13A 10 24C 17B 15A 9 25
24 28C 26C 22C 19C 16B 14A 13A 10 23B 16B 14 9 24
23 26C 25B 21B 18B 15A 13 12 10 21A 15A 13 9 23
22 25B 23B 20B 17B 14A 13 11 9 20A 14A 13 8 22
21 23B 22B 19A 16B 13A 12 11 9 18 13A 12 8 21
20 22A 21A 18A 14A 12 11 10 8 17 12 11 7 20
19 20A 19A 17A 13A 11 10 9 8 15 11 10 7 19
attaCk tabLes

18 19 18A 16 12A 10 10 9 7 14 10 10 6 18
17 17 16A 15 11 10 9 8 7 12 9 9 6 17
16 15 14 14 10 9 8 7 6 11 8 8 6 16
15 14 13 13 9 8 8 6 6 9 7 8 5 15
14 10 11 11 6 6 6 5 5 7 6 6 5 14
13 1 9 10 5 5 5 4 5 - 5 5 4 13
12 - 7 9 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 12
11 - 6 8 3 3 4 3 4 - 3 4 3 11
10 - 5 7 1 3 3 3 3 - 2 3 3 10
9 - 2 6 - 2 2 2 3 - 1 2 2 9
8 - - 5 - 1 2 1 2 - - 2 2 8
7 - - 2 - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: -

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 27E 25E 18E 24E 20E 17E 15E 11E 22E 19E 17E 10E 30
29 26E 24E 17E 23E 19E 16E 14E 11D 21E 18E 16E 10C 29
28 24E 22E 17D 21E 18D 15D 14D 10C 19E 17D 15D 9B 28
27 23E 20D 16D 19D 16D 14C 13D 10B 18D 16D 14C 9A 27
26 21E 19D 15D 18D 15D 13C 12C 9A 16D 15D 13C 8A 26
25 19D 18D 14C 16D 14C 12B 11C 9A 14C 13C 12B 8 25
24 18D 17C 13C 15C 13C 12A 10B 8 13C 12C 12A 7 24
23 16D 15C 12B 13C 11B 11A 9B 8 11B 11B 11 7 23
22 15C 14B 12B 12C 10B 10 8A 7 10A 10B 10 6 22
21 13C 12B 11B 10C 9A 9 6A 6 8A 8B 9 6 21
20 11B 10B 10A 8B 7A 8 5 6 7 7A 8 5 20
19 8A 9A 9 7B 6 7 4 5 4 6 7 5 19

attaCk tabLes
18 5A 8A 8 5A 5 6 4 4 1 4 6 4 18
17 3 7 7 4A 3 5 3 4 - 3 5 4 17
16 - 4 6 1 2 4 2 3 - 2 4 3 16
15 - 2 6 - 1 3 1 3 - 1 3 3 15
14 - - 4 - - 2 - 2 - - 2 2 14
13 - - 2 - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 13
12 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 12
11 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 11
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt

Notes: The range of a Sling is 60/120/180’.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 32E 30E 23E 29E 27E 24E 19E 15E 27E 24E 24E 14E 30
29 31E 29E 22E 27E 26E 23E 18E 15D 25E 23E 23E 14D 29
28 29E 27E 21E 25E 24E 22E 17E 14D 23E 22E 22E 13D 28
27 27E 25E 20D 24D 22D 20D 16D 13C 21E 20D 20D 12C 27
26 25E 24D 19D 22D 21D 19D 15D 13B 19D 18D 19D 12B 26
25 23E 22D 18D 20D 19D 18C 14C 12B 18D 17C 18C 11A 25
24 22D 20D 17D 18D 18D 17C 13C 12A 16D 15C 17C 11A 24
23 20D 19D 16C 16C 16C 15C 12C 11A 14C 14C 15C 10 23
22 18D 17C 14C 14C 15C 14B 11B 10 12C 12C 14B 9 22
21 16D 16C 13C 13C 13C 13B 10B 9 10B 11B 13A 9 21
20 14C 14C 12C 11B 11B 12A 9A 8 9B 9B 12A 8 20
19 13C 13B 11B 9B 10B 10A 7A 8 7A 8A 10 7 19
attaCk tabLes

18 11B 11B 10B 7B 8A 9 6 7 3 6A 9 7 18

17 5A 10B 9B 5A 6A 8 5 6 1 5 8 6 17
16 5A 8A 8B 4A 5A 7 4 6 - 3 7 6 16
15 - 6A 7A 1 3 5 3 5 - 2 5 5 15
14 - 5A 6 - 1 4 2 4 - 1 4 4 14
13 - - 3 - - 3 1 4 - - 3 4 13
12 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 3 12
11 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 10
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The range of a Smoothbore is 100/200/300’.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 29E 27E 20E 26E 23E 20E 13E 9D 24E 21E 20E 8C 30
29 28E 26E 19E 25E 22E 19D 13D 9C 23E 20E 19D 8B 29
28 27E 24E 19D 23E 21D 18C 12D 9B 21E 19D 18C 8B 28
27 25E 23D 18D 22D 20D 18C 12C 8A 20E 18D 18C 7A 27
26 24E 21D 17D 20D 19C 17B 11B 8A 19D 17C 17B 7A 26
25 22D 20D 16C 19D 17C 16B 10B 8A 17D 16C 16B 7 25
24 20D 19C 15C 17C 16C 15B 10A 7 16C 14C 15A 6 24
23 19D 18C 14C 16C 15B 14A 9A 7 14C 13B 14A 6 23
22 18D 16C 13B 15C 14B 13A 9A 7 13B 12B 13A 6 22
21 17C 15B 13B 13C 13B 12A 8A 6 12B 11B 12 6 21
20 15C 13B 12B 12B 12A 11 7 6 10A 10A 11 5 20
19 13B 12B 11A 10B 10A 10 6 6 9A 9A 10 5 19

attaCk tabLes
18 12B 10A 10A 9B 9A 9 6 5 7 8 9 5 18
17 10A 9A 9 7A 8 8 5 5 6 6 8 4 17
16 6A 8A 8 6A 7 7 4 4 3 5 7 4 16
15 5 7 7 4 6 7 4 4 1 4 7 4 15
14 1 4 6 2 4 5 3 3 - 2 5 3 14
13 - 2 5 - 1 3 2 3 - 1 3 3 13
12 - - 5 - 1 2 2 2 - - 2 2 12
11 - - 2 - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 11
10 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 10
9 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing

Notes: The Spear table should be used for any spear, lance or javelin like weapon that is being used in melee. If a spear is thrown, use
the Javelin table instead.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 12B 12B 7A 11B 10B 6A 9B 5A 11B 6A 6A 4A 30

29 11B 11A 6A 10A 9A 5A 8A 4A 10A 5A 5A 3A 29
28 11B 10A 6A 10A 9A 5A 8A 4A 10A 5A 5A 3A 28
27 10A 10A 5A 9A 8A 5A 7A 4A 9A 5A 4A 3 27
26 9A 9A 5A 8A 8A 4 7A 3 8A 4A 4 2 26
25 9A 9A 5A 8A 7A 4 7A 3 8A 4A 4 2 25
24 8A 8A 4A 7A 7A 4 6A 3 7A 4 3 2 24
23 8A 7A 4 7A 6A 3 6A 3 7A 3 3 2 23
22 8A 7A 4 6A 6A 3 5 2 7A 3 3 1 22
21 7A 6A 3 6 5 3 5 2 6A 2 2 1 21
20 6A 6 3 5 5 2 4 2 5 2 2 1 20
19 6A 5 3 5 4 2 4 2 5 2 2 1 19
attaCk tabLes

18 5A 5 2 4 4 2 4 1 4 1 1 - 18
17 5 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 4 1 1 - 17
16 4 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 4 - 1 - 16
15 4 3 1 2 2 1 2 - 3 - - - 15
14 3 2 1 2 2 - 2 - 2 - - - 14
13 3 2 1 2 1 - 1 - 2 - - - 13
12 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 12
11 2 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - 11
10 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 10
9 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing

Notes: The Stinger table should be used for creatures with piercing attacks of limited penetration. Stinger attacks are normally limited
by the size of the creature making the attack.

sworD, broaD
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 29E 27E 20E 22E 18E 15E 13E 9D 24E 17E 15E 8D 30
29 28E 26E 20E 21E 18E 15D 13E 9C 23E 17E 15D 8C 29
28 27E 25E 19E 20E 17D 14D 12D 9B 22E 16D 14D 8B 28
27 26E 23E 18D 19D 16D 13C 12D 9B 20E 15D 13C 8A 27
26 24E 22D 17D 18D 15D 13B 11C 8A 19E 14D 13B 7A 26
25 22E 20D 16D 16D 14C 12B 11C 8A 17D 13C 12B 7A 25
24 21D 19D 15D 15D 13C 11B 10B 8A 16D 12C 11A 7 24
23 19D 18D 15C 14C 12B 11A 9B 7 15D 11C 11A 6 23
22 18D 17C 14C 13C 11B 10A 9A 7 13C 10B 10A 6 22
21 17D 15C 13C 12C 10B 9A 8A 6 12C 9B 9 6 21
20 15C 14C 12B 10B 9A 8 7A 6 10B 8A 8 5 20
19 14C 13B 11B 9B 8A 8 6 6 9B 7A 8 5 19

attaCk tabLes
18 12C 11B 10B 8B 7A 7 6 5 8A 7A 7 5 18
17 11B 10B 10A 7A 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 4 17
16 7A 9A 9A 5A 5 6 4 4 4 5 6 4 16
15 5A 7A 8 4A 4 5 4 4 1 4 5 4 15
14 2 5A 7 2 3 4 3 3 - 2 4 3 14
13 - 2 5 - 1 3 2 2 - 1 3 2 13
12 - - 5 - 1 2 1 2 - - 2 2 12
11 - - 2 - - 2 1 2 - - 2 2 11
10 - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 2 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Blunt, Piercing

Notes: The Broadsword attack table can also be used for similar swords such as a long sword, or a katana.

sworD, faLChion
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 33E 31E 24E 28E 24E 21E 19E 15E 28E 23E 21E 14E 30
29 32E 29E 23E 27E 23E 20E 18E 15D 26E 22E 20E 14D 29
28 30E 28E 22E 25E 22E 19D 18D 14C 24E 21D 19D 13C 28
27 28E 26E 21D 23D 20D 18D 17D 14C 23E 20D 18D 13B 27
26 26E 24D 20D 22D 19D 17C 16D 13B 21D 19D 17C 12A 26
25 24E 23D 19D 20D 18D 16C 15C 12A 19D 17C 16C 11A 25
24 22D 21D 18C 19D 17C 15B 14B 12A 17D 16C 15B 11 24
23 21D 20D 17C 17C 15C 14B 13B 11 16C 14C 14A 10 23
22 19D 18C 16C 16C 14B 13A 12A 11 14C 13B 13A 10 22
21 17D 16C 15C 14C 13B 12A 11A 10 12B 12B 12 9 21
20 15C 14B 13B 12C 12B 11 10A 9 10B 11B 11 9 20
19 13C 13B 12B 11B 10A 10 9 8 9A 10A 10 8 19
attaCk tabLes

18 12B 11B 11B 9B 9A 9 8 8 7 8A 9 7 18

17 7A 10B 10A 7B 8 8 7 7 4 7 8 7 17
16 5A 8A 9 6A 7 7 6 6 1 5 7 6 16
15 2 7A 8 4A 5 6 5 6 - 4 6 6 15
14 - 4 7 2 4 5 4 5 - 3 5 5 14
13 - - 3 - 2 4 3 4 - 1 4 4 13
12 - - 2 - 1 3 2 4 - - 3 4 12
11 - - 2 - - 2 1 3 - - 2 3 11
10 - - - - - 1 - 3 - - 1 3 10
9 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Blunt

Notes: The Falchion table can also be used for other heavy chopping blades such as the kopis, falcate, and sappara.

sworD, rapier
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 21E 19E 12E 14E 12E 9E 8E 4C 16E 9E 9E 3C 30

29 21E 18E 12E 14E 12E 9D 8D 4C 16E 9E 9D 3B 29
28 20E 18E 12E 13D 11D 9D 8C 4B 15E 9D 9C 3A 28
27 19E 17E 11D 12D 11D 8C 7C 4A 14E 8C 8C 3A 27
26 19E 16D 11D 12D 10C 8B 7B 4A 14E 8C 8B 3 26
25 18E 15D 10D 11C 10C 7B 7B 4 13D 8C 7B 3 25
24 17E 14D 10D 11C 9C 7B 7A 4 12D 7B 7A 3 24
23 17D 14D 10C 10C 8B 7A 6A 4 12D 7B 7A 3 23
22 16D 13C 9C 9B 8B 6A 6A 4 11D 7B 6 3 22
21 15D 12C 9C 9B 7A 6 6 3 10C 6A 6 2 21
20 14D 12C 9C 8B 7A 6 5 3 10C 6A 6 2 20
19 13D 11B 8B 7B 6A 5 5 3 9B 5A 5 2 19

attaCk tabLes
18 13C 10B 8B 7A 6 5 4 3 8B 5 5 2 18
17 12C 9B 7B 6A 5 4 4 3 8A 4 4 2 17
16 11B 9A 7A 5A 4 4 3 3 7 4 4 2 16
15 11A 8A 7 5 4 4 3 2 6 3 4 2 15
14 10A 7A 6 4 3 3 3 2 6 3 3 2 14
13 6 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 13
12 - 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 12
11 - 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 1 11
10 - 2 5 - - 2 1 1 - 1 2 1 10
9 - - 4 - - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 9
8 - - 2 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing

Notes: -

sworD, sCimitar
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 29E 27E 20E 22E 14E 11E 11E 7D 24E 17E 11E 7D 30
29 28E 26E 19E 21E 14E 11D 11E 7C 23E 16E 11D 7C 29
28 26E 24E 18E 19E 13D 10D 10D 7B 21E 15D 10C 7B 28
27 24E 22E 18D 18D 12D 10C 9C 7B 19E 15D 10C 7A 27
26 22E 21D 17D 17D 11C 9B 9C 6A 18D 13C 9B 6A 26
25 21E 19D 16D 15D 10C 9B 8B 6A 16D 12C 9A 6 25
24 19D 18D 15C 14C 10B 8A 8B 6 14D 11C 8A 6 24
23 18D 17D 14C 13C 9B 8A 8A 5 13C 10B 8 5 23
22 16D 15C 13C 11C 8A 7 7A 5 11C 9B 7 5 22
21 14D 13C 12B 10B 7A 6 6A 5 10B 8A 6 5 21
20 12C 12B 11B 8B 7A 6 6 5 8A 7A 6 5 20
19 11C 10B 10B 7B 6 5 5 4 7 6 5 4 19
attaCk tabLes

18 6A 9B 9A 5A 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 18
17 5A 8A 8 4A 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 17
16 1 6A 7 2 4 4 4 3 - 2 4 3 16
15 - 3 6 1 3 3 3 3 - 1 3 3 15
14 - 1 5 - 2 3 3 3 - 1 3 3 14
13 - - 5 - 1 2 2 2 - - 2 2 13
12 - - 2 - 1 1 1 2 - - 1 2 12
11 - - - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 11
10 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Blunt

Notes: The Scimitar table can also be used for other curved slashing blades, such as sabres and cutlasses.

sworD, short
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 25E 23E 16E 17E 13E 10E 10E 6C 20E 12E 10E 5C 30
29 24E 22E 16E 16E 13D 10D 10D 6B 19E 12E 10C 5B 29
28 23E 21E 15E 16E 12D 9C 10C 6A 18E 11D 9C 5A 28
27 23E 20D 15D 15D 11C 9B 9C 6A 17E 11D 9B 5 27
26 22E 19D 14D 14D 11C 9B 9B 6 16D 10C 9A 5 26
25 20E 18D 13D 13C 10B 8A 8B 5 15D 10C 8A 4 25
24 19D 17D 13C 12C 9B 8A 8A 5 14D 9B 8 4 24
23 18D 16C 12C 11C 9B 7 7A 5 13C 8B 7 4 23
22 17D 15C 12C 10C 8A 7 7 5 12C 8B 7 4 22
21 16D 14B 11B 9B 7A 6 6 5 11C 7A 6 4 21
20 15C 13B 10B 9B 7 6 6 4 10B 6A 6 3 20
19 14C 12B 10B 8B 6 5 5 4 9B 6 5 3 19

attaCk tabLes
18 13B 11B 9A 7A 5 5 5 4 8A 5 5 3 18
17 12B 10A 9A 6A 5 4 4 3 7 5 4 3 17
16 11A 9A 8 5 4 4 3 3 6 4 4 3 16
15 10A 8A 7 4 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 2 15
14 6 7 7 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 14
13 1 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 - 1 2 2 13
12 - 2 5 - 1 2 1 2 - 1 2 2 12
11 - - 4 - - 1 1 2 - - 1 2 11
10 - - 2 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 8
7 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Piercing, Slashing

Notes: The Short Sword table can also be used for similar weapons such as a dirk or a gladius.

sworD, two -hanDeD
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 47E 45E 38E 40E 33E 30E 23E 19E 41E 35E 30E 18E 30
29 44E 42E 36E 37E 31E 29E 22E 19E 39E 33E 29E 18E 29
28 42E 40E 34E 35E 29E 27E 21E 18D 36E 31E 27E 17D 28
27 39E 37E 32E 32E 27D 26D 20D 17C 33E 28E 26D 16C 27
26 36E 35E 31D 30D 26D 24D 19D 16C 30E 26D 24D 15C 26
25 34E 32D 29D 28D 24D 23C 17D 16B 27D 24D 23C 15B 25
24 31E 30D 27D 25D 22D 21C 16C 15A 25D 22D 21C 14A 24
23 28D 28D 25D 23D 20C 20C 15C 14A 22D 20C 20B 13 23
22 26D 25D 23D 20C 18C 18B 14B 13 19D 18C 18B 12 22
21 23D 23C 21C 18C 16C 17A 12B 12 16C 15C 17A 11 21
20 21D 21C 19C 15C 14B 15A 11A 11 13C 13C 15 11 20
19 18C 18C 17C 13C 12B 14 10A 10 11C 11B 14 10 19
attaCk tabLes

18 15C 16C 15C 10B 10A 12 8 9 8B 9B 12 9 18

17 13B 13B 13B 8B 8A 10 7 8 2 6A 11 8 17
16 6A 11B 11B 5A 6 9 6 8 - 4 9 8 16
15 5A 8A 9A 3A 4 7 5 7 - 2 8 7 15
14 - 6A 7 - 2 6 4 6 - 1 6 6 14
13 - - 3 - 1 2 1 4 - - 3 4 13
12 - - 1 - - 1 - 4 - - 2 4 12
11 - - - - - - - 3 - - - 3 11
10 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 3 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing, Blunt

Notes: -

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 39E 36E 31E 28E 25E 18E 23E 16E 32E 18E 18E 14E 30
29 37E 34E 29E 26E 23E 16D 21E 15D 30E 16D 16D 13D 29
28 36E 33E 28E 25E 23E 16D 21E 15D 29E 16D 16D 13D 28
27 34E 31E 26D 23E 21E 15C 19D 13C 27E 14C 15C 11C 27
26 32E 29E 24D 22D 20D 14C 18D 12C 25D 13C 14C 10B 26
25 31E 28D 23C 21D 19C 13C 17C 11B 24D 12B 13B 10B 25
24 29C 26C 21C 19C 18C 12B 16C 10B 22C 11B 12B 8A 24
23 27C 24C 19C 18C 16C 11B 14C 9A 21C 10B 11A 7A 23
22 26C 23C 18C 17C 15C 10B 14C 8A 20C 9A 10A 7A 22
21 24C 21C 16B 15C 14C 9A 12B 7A 18C 8A 9A 5A 21
20 22C 19C 15B 14B 13B 8A 11A 6A 16B 7A 8A 4A 20
19 21C 18B 14B 13B 12B 8A 10A 5A 15B 6A 7A 4 19

attaCk tabLes
18 19B 16B 12A 11A 11A 7A 9A 4A 13B 5A 6A 2 18
17 17B 14B 10A 10A 9A 5 8A 3 12A 4 5 1 17
16 16B 13A 9A 9A 8A 5 7A 2 11A 3 4 1 16
15 14A 11A 7A 7A 7A 4 6 1 9A 2 3 - 15
14 12A 9A 5A 5 5A 3 4 1 7A 1 2 - 14
13 11A 8A 4 5 5 2 3 - 6A 1 2 - 13
12 9A 6A 2 3 3 1 2 - 4 - 1 - 12
11 7A 4 - 2 2 - 1 - 2 - - - 11
10 6A 3 - 1 1 - 1 - 2 - - - 10
9 4 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - - - 9
8 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Knockdown

Notes: Trample attacks are normally limited by the size of the creature making the attack.

water boLt
Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 26D 23D 19D 17D 17D 12D 15D 9D 22D 10D 12D 8C 30
29 24C 21C 18C 15C 16C 11C 14C 8B 20C 9C 11C 7B 29
28 23C 20C 17C 15C 15C 10B 13C 8B 19C 9B 10B 7A 28
27 22C 19C 16C 15C 15C 10B 13C 8B 18C 8B 10B 7A 27
26 21C 19C 16C 14C 14B 9B 12B 7A 17C 8B 9B 6A 26
25 20C 18C 15C 14C 13B 9A 12B 7A 16C 8B 9A 6A 25
24 19C 17C 14B 13B 12B 8A 11B 7A 15B 7B 8A 6A 24
23 18C 16C 13B 13B 12B 8A 11B 6A 14B 7B 8A 5A 23
22 17C 15B 12B 12B 11B 7A 10A 6A 13B 6A 7A 5A 22
21 16C 14B 11B 12B 10A 7A 10A 6A 12A 6A 7A 5A 21
20 15B 12B 10B 11A 9A 6A 9A 5A 11A 5A 6A 4A 20
19 13B 11B 9A 10A 8A 6A 8A 5A 9A 5A 6A 4A 19
attaCk tabLes

18 11B 9A 8A 9A 7A 5A 7A 5A 7A 4A 5A 4A 18
17 9B 8A 7A 7 6 5A 7 4A 5 4 5A 3A 17
16 7A 6 6A 5 5 4 6 4 3 3 4 3 16
15 5A 4 5 3 4 4 5 3 1 2 4 3 15
14 4A 2 4 1 3 3 4 3 - 1 3 2 14
13 2 1 3 - 2 3 3 2 - 1 3 2 13
12 1 1 2 - 1 2 2 2 - - 2 2 12
11 - - 2 - - 2 1 1 - - 2 1 11
10 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 10
9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 9
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Blunt, Knockdown

Notes: The range of a Water Bolt is 50/200/500’, although not all spells will be able to reach the furthest ranges.

Armour Class

Furred Creature

Scaled Creature

Huge Creature

Solid Creature

Chain Shirt


Plate Suit
Roll Roll

30 26E 17E 10E 13E 11E 8D 7D 3A 21E 8E 8C 2 30

29 25E 17E 10E 13E 11D 8C 7C 3 20E 8D 8B 2 29
28 24E 16D 10D 12D 10C 8B 7B 3 19D 8C 8A 2 28
27 23D 15D 9C 12C 10B 7A 7A 3 18D 8C 7 2 27
26 23D 14C 9C 11C 9B 7 6A 3 17C 7B 7 2 26
25 21D 13C 9C 10C 9A 7 6 3 16C 7B 7 2 25
24 20C 13C 8C 10B 8A 6 6 3 15B 7B 6 2 24
23 19C 12B 8B 9B 8 6 6 3 14B 6A 6 2 23
22 18B 11B 8B 9B 7 6 5 3 13A 6A 6 2 22
21 17B 11B 7A 8A 7 5 5 3 12A 6 5 2 21
20 16B 10B 7A 7A 6 5 5 3 11A 5 5 2 20
19 15A 10A 7A 7A 6 5 4 3 10 5 5 2 19

attaCk tabLes
18 14A 9A 6 6 5 4 4 3 9 4 4 2 18
17 13A 8A 6 6 5 4 4 2 8 4 4 2 17
16 12 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 7 4 4 1 16
15 11 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 6 3 3 1 15
14 8 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 14
13 - 5 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 13
12 - 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 - 2 2 1 12
11 - 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 2 1 11
10 - 2 3 - 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 1 10
9 - - 3 - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 9
8 - - 2 - - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 8
7 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 1 7
6 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 6
5 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 5
4 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 4
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Critical Choice: Slashing

Notes: -

bLunt CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 It’s superficial at best. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

Nothing but bruising from DMG 4

2 DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4
this one. INI

That looked a lot worse DMG 3 DMG 3 DMG 7 DMG 5
3 DAZ 1
than it is. INI INI INI DEF 1 (–2)
BON +1

Broken Rib (S)

4 Wild swing hits foe in side.
DEF 1 DEF 1 (–4) DEF 1 (–4) PEN –1 BON +4
Broken Rib (S)
DMG 3 Broken Rib (S)
Strike foe in upper DMG 4 DMG 4 DMG 6
5–7 DEF 1 DMG 5
abdomen. DEF 1 (–4) STN 1 PEN –2
BON +1 DAZ 1
Muscle Damage (L) Broken Tibia (S)
DAM 10 DAM 12
8–9 Blow smacks foe in the calf. INI INI INI
PEN –2 PEN –2
PEN –1 (1 RND) PEN –4 (2 RNDS) PEN –5 (2 RNDS)

Hit foe in lower back as DMG 4 DMG 6 DMG 10 DMG 15
10 STN 1
they twist. DEF 1 (–4) DEF 1 (–5) STN 1 STN 1

Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (S)

Strike to foe’s chest. It 2 Broken Ribs (S)
DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 5 DMG 15
11 could have been a lot DMG 10
CritiCaL strike tabLes

DEF 1 (–5) DEF 2 PEN –2 DAZ 2

worse. PEN –3
DAZ 1 PEN –5
Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L) DMG 6
Strike catches foe squarely DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 10
12 DEF 1 DEF 1
in the thigh. DEF 1 (–5) DAZ 1 STN 1
PEN –1 PEN –1
PEN –2 PEN –2
BON +2
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
Foe’s attempt to parry DMG 5 Disarmed Muscle Damage (L)
DMG 9 DMG 10
13 exposes their weapon arm DAZ 1 DMG 8 DMG 10
to your strike. BON +4 DAZ 1 DAZ 1
PEN –2 PEN –2
PEN –3
Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L) Broken Shield
DMG 8 DMG 10 Shoulder Damaged (S)
Blow bounces off foe’s DMG 10 If no shield:
14 STN 1 STN 2 STN 2
shoulder. STN 2 Shoulder Shattered (C)
DAZ 2 DAZ 1 PEN –4
PEN –2 Arm Useless
PEN –2
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (S) Cartilage Damage + Broken Hip (C)
Cartilage Damage (C)
DMG 5 DMG 10 Knee Damaged (C) DOWN
DMG 10
15 A solid strike to foe’s leg. STN 1 STN 1 DMG 12 DMG 15
PEN –8
PEN –4 PEN –7 PEN –10 PEN –15
Broken Ulna +
Broken Shield Wrist Shattered (C) Muscle Damage (C) Elbow Shattered (C)
Tendon Damage (C)
A heavy blow catches foe’s If no shield: Shield Arm Useless DMG 9 Weapon Arm Useless
16 Weapon Arm Useless
arm at an awkward angle. Shattered Humerus (C) DMG 6 STN 1 DAM 9
Arm Useless DAZ1 PEN –10 STN 2
3 Shattered Ribs +
Muscle Damage (L) 2 Broken Ribs (S) 3 Broken Ribs (S) DOWN
Nerve Damage +
Blow hammers into foe’s DMG 10 DMG 12 DMG 12 DMG 15
17 Lung Damage (C)
side. STN 2 STN 2 STN 3 STN 3
DMG 30
PEN –4 PEN –5 PEN –7 BON +2
Muscle Damage +
Muscle Damage + Broken Spine + Shattered Spine +
Tendon Damage (S) Broken Scapula (S)
Strike glances off foe’s Cartilage Damage (S) Torn Spinal Cord (C) Immobilised (C)
18 shoulder and hits them in DMG 12 DOWN DOWN
STN 4 DMG 20
the neck. STN 3 DMG 25 OUT
PEN –6 DAZ 6
PEN –5 DIE 2 BLD 15
PEN –10
If no helm:
Broken Nose (S) Shattered Femur (C) Shattered Ulna (C) Shattered Spine +
Brain Damage (C)
Bizarre strike catches for DMG 15 DOWN DOWN Organ Damage (C)
19 COMA (3 WKS)
where they least expect it. STN 3 OUT OUT DOWN
else DMG 20
PEN –6 (2 DAYS) BLD 18 BLD 20 DIE 6
DAZ 12
Shattered Ribs + Shattered Ribs +
Brutal strike ricochets off DMG 20 Organ Damage (C) Shattered Skull +
Heart Damage (C) Lung Damage (C)
side of head and smashes DAZ 6 DOWN Brain Damage (C)
into chest cavity from If no helm: OUT DIE
above. Brain Damage (C) DIE 6 BON +4
BON +4 BON +5

fire CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 A warm draft at most. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

2 More smoke than flame. DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4

Impressive sparks but not DMG 2 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 5

that damaging. INI INI INI INI INI (2 RNDS)


4 A blast of hot air.


5–7 Fire nips at foe’s clothing.

DMG 7 DMG 8 DMG 9 Cloak destroyed

Smouldering embers DMG 6
8–9 DEF 1 DEF 2 DAZ 1 DMG 10
cover foe. DEF 1
Wooden bow
DMG 7 DMG 8 DMG 9 Wooden weapon destroyed
Catch foe’s weapon arm in destroyed
10 DEF 1 DEF 2 DAZ 1 DMG 12
the flame. DMG 10
DMG 8 DMG 8 DAZ 2 If no helm: DMG 11 DMG 13
Flickering flames surround
11 DEF 2 DAZ 1 If no leg armour: BLD 2 STN 1
BLD 1 BLD 2 BLD 3 else DMG 8 BLD 3
else BLD 1 BLD 1
DMG 9 DMG 8 Clothing on fire Shoulder Burns (L)
DMG 10
Scorching blast to foe’s DAZ 1 DAZ 2 DMG 12 DMG 15

CritiCaL strike tabLes

12 DAZ 2
arm. INI (2 RNDS) If no metal arm STN 1 STN 1 DAZ 1
BLD 2 armour: BLD 3 BLD 9* PEN –2 BLD 3
DMG 10 Leg Burns (L) Leg Burns (L) DMG 12 Leg Burns (L)
DAZ 2 DMG 9 DMG 10 STN 1 DMG 15
13 Foe stands in a hot spot. If no metal leg STN 1 STN 1 If no leg STN 2
armour: BLD 3 BLD 2 BLD 3 armour: BLD 6 BLD 4
else BLD 1 PEN –1 PEN –2 else BLD 4 PEN –12
Chest Burns (L) Organic body armour If no metal arm
Chest Burns (L) Chest Burns (L)
DMG 7 destroyed armour: Arm Burns (C)
A gout of flame erupts STN 1 DMG 15 Arm Useless
14 DAZ 2 DAZ 1
against foe’s chest. DAZ 1 STN 1 BLD 5
BLD 2 DOWN else Arm Burns (L)
PEN –1 PEN –3
PEN –2 BLD 3 BLD 4 PEN –3
DAZ 3 If no chest armour:
Chest Burns (L) If no shield:
If no chest armour: Chest Burns (C)
DMG 9 Arm Burns (C)
Chest Burns (S) DOWN
Fire plays about foe’s chest DMG 12 STN 1 Arm Useless
15 BLD 6 BLD 6
and arms. STN 1 DAZ 1 DAZ 6
PEN –5 PEN –12
BON +2 PEN –10
else Organic chest else DMG 12
PEN –3 else Drop shield
armour destroyed DAZ 3
If no shield: If no shield:
Arm Burns (C) Shield arm lost (C)
DMG 10
Drop weapon Arm Useless Weapon hand lost (C) DOWN
Strong flame catches foe’s STN 1
16 DAZ 2 DAZ 6 STN 3 OUT
outstretched arm. DAZ 1
BLD 2 PEN –10 BLD 5 else Shield destroyed
else Drop shield Shield hand lost (C)
Shield destroyed DAZ 6
If no leg armour:
Back Burns (L) Back and Arm Lung Damage (C)
Leg Burns (C)
DMG 8 DOWN Burns (C) DMG 20
Foe’s back is seared like Leg Useless
17 DAZ 2 DAZ 1 Both Arms Useless DOWN
a well-done steak. PEN –16
else Leg Burns (L)
PEN –4 DAZ 9 DIE 12
BLD 2 PEN –4
Foot lost (C) If no body armour:
Organic footwear Clothes on fire
DMG 15 Organ Damage (C) Organ Damage (C)
Fire ripples up foe’s legs Destroyed DMG 10
18 STN 6 DIE 12 DMG 20
from the feet to the groin. DMG 10 DAZ 3
BLD 3 else Body armour DIE 9
PEN –17 destroyed
Blind (6 RNDS) Leg Burns (C) Eyes Destroyed +
Hip Burns (S)
PEN –19 (6 RNDS) Leg Useless Brain Damage (C) Nerve Damage (C)
Flames engulf foe with a DMG 12
19 If no helm: DMG 18 If no helm: DIE 6 DMG 25
bright flash. STN 2
Head Burns (C) STN 6 BLD 4 else DIE 6
PEN –6
Nerve Damage (C) Organ Damage (C) Fractured Ribs + Muscle Damage +
Devastating strike burns DOWN DMG 20 BLD 12 If no chest armour: Organ Damage (C) Lung Damage +
foe right in the chest. BLD 8 DIE 9 DIE DMG 20 Chest Burns (C)
BON +2 else DIE 9 DIE 6 DIE

frost CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Foe is refreshingly cooled. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

A chill wind blows about DMG 4

2 DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4
foe. INI

Foe gets a light dusting of DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 6

snow and frost. INI INI INI INI INI (2 RNDS)

Frost forms on foe’s DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 7

clothing. INI INI (2 RNDS) INI (2 RNDS) DEF 1 DEF 1

Stinging particles of ice DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 8
5–7 DEF 1 (–4)
shower over foe. INI (2 RNDS) INI (2 RNDS) DEF 1 DEF 2 (–3)
Frostbite to Face (L)
Chilling air whistles DMG 5 If no foot covering:
8–9 DEF 1 DEF 2 DAZ 1
around foe. DEF 1 Frostbite to foot (L)
PEN –4
PEN –1
Frostbite to Hand (L)
DMG 7 Drop weapon
Foe’s weapon arm gets DMG 6 DMG 8 DMG 9
10 DEF 2 DMG 10
caught in a mini ice storm. DEF 2 DAZ 1 DAZ 1 BLD 2
PEN –1
DMG 8 DAZ 2 DMG 10 DMG 11
An icy wind chills foes DMG 7
11 DAZ 1 If no leg armour: DAZ 2 STN 1
entire front. DAZ 1
CritiCaL strike tabLes

Frostbite to Arm (L) Frostbite to Arm (L)

Layers of frost coat foe’s DMG 8 DMG 9 STN 1 STN 1
12 DAZ 2
shield arm. DAZ 2 STN 1 BLD 3 BLD 4
PEN –3 PEN –4
Frostbite in Foot (L) DAM 20 Drop Weapon
Leather footwear
DMG 10 If no shield: Frostbite to Hand (S)
Icy cold hits foe’s DMG 9 destroyed
13 STN 1 Nerve Damage (C) DMG 13
extremities hard. STN 1 DMG 11
BLD 3 Arm Useless DAZ 3
PEN –1 DAZ 5 PEN –6
Frostbite to Back (L) Frostbite to Back (L) Frostbite to Back (L) If no shield:
Frostbite to Back (L)
DMG 11 DMG 12 DMG 13 Frostbite to
Eddies of frost play about DMG 10
14 STN 1 STN 1 STN 1 Shoulder (C)
foe’s back. STN 1
DAZ 1 DAZ 1 DAZ 2 Arm Useless
PEN –1
Frostbite to
Frostbite to Side (L) Frostbite to Side (L) Frostbite to Arm (C)
DMG 12 Shoulder (C)
A freezing blast hits foe DMG 11 STN 2 Shield Arm Useless
15 STN 2 Shield Arm Useless
in side. DAZ 2 BLD 3 DMG 15
BLD 3 DMG 14
PEN –2 PEN –4 DAZ 3
Frostbite to Chest (L) Drop everything
BLD 4 Frostbite to Chest (S)
DMG 12 DMG 13 Frostbite to Chest +
An icy burst strikes foe If no chest armour: DAM 15
16 STN 1 DAZ 4 Nerve Damage (S)
directly in chest. Frostbite to Chest (S) STN 3
DAZ 1 BLD 3 DAZ 12
PEN –3 PEN –6
PEN –5
Broken Femur + Frostbite to Arms (C) Lung Damage (C)
DMG 14
Waves of cold bear down DMG 13 Frostbite to Leg (S) Both Arms Useless DMG 17
17 STN 3
on foe. STN 2 DAZ 6 DAZ 9 DOWN
BLD 5 PEN –8 BLD 6 DIE 12
Frostbite to DOWN Shattered Spine +
Rivulets of frost and ice Both Feet (C) OUT Torn Spinal Cord (C)
If no leg armour: If no leg armour:
18 run from foe’s chest down DAZ 9 If no chest armour: DOWN
Frostbite to Foot (C) Frostbite to Foot (C)
to their feet. BLD 6 Heart Damage (C) OUT
Foot Useless Foot Useless
PEN –16 DIE 12 DIE 9
PEN –14 PEN –15
DOWN DMG 17 Muscle Damage + Nerve Damage +
DAZ 6 Shattered Hip (C) DOWN Nerve Damage (C) Organ Damage (C)
Foe is coated in a layer If no helm: DMG 17 OUT DMG 18 DMG 19
of ice. Frostbite to Head (S) STN 3 If no body armour: DOWN DOWN
Both Ears Lost PEN –15 Organ Damage (C) OUT OUT
PEN –10 DIE 9 DIE 9 DIE 6
Shattered Pelvis + Heart Damage +
Frostbite to Face (L) Shattered Spine + Organ Damage +
Severed Artery + Lung Damage (C)
Lips Lost Torn Spinal Cord (C) Muscle Damage +
Frost and ice savagely Nerve Damage (C) DMG 19
20 Mute (2 WKS) DOWN Nerve Damage (C)
pound foe’s head and body. DMG 18 DOWN

grappLing CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Weak, at best. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

2 Foe slips from your grasp. DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4

Foe proves to be squirmier DMG 2 DMG 4 DMG 6 DMG 6

than you expected. INI INI INI DEF 1

Grasp forces foe to twist DMG 3 DMG 2 DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 3

awkwardly to escape. INI DEF 1 DEF 1 INI (2 RNDS) DAZ 1

Foe must duck and squirm DMG 5 DMG 2 DMG 3 DAZ 1

5–7 DEF 1 (–4)
to escape your grip. INI DAZ 1 DAZ 1 INI (2 RNDS)

If no shield:
Darting grab at foe’s shield DAZ 1 Shield Arm
8–9 DEF 1 DEF 1 STN 1
arm proves hard to avoid. DEF 1 Grabbed (6 RNDS)
A good grasp of foe’s body Waist
DMG 3 DMG 5 Grabbed (3 RNDS) STN 1
10 but it leaves their limbs Grabbed (3 RNDS)
DEF 1 (–4) DAZ 1 PEN –6* DAZ 1
free. PEN –5*

CritiCaL strike tabLes

Waist DMG 5
Your firm grip proves DEF 1 DMG 7
11 STN 1 Grabbed (3 RNDS) STN 1
tricky to avoid. INI (2 RNDS) DAZ 1
PEN –10* DAZ 1

Attempt to wrap foes legs DEF 1 (–5) DAZ 1 DMG 3 DMG 6 Grabbed (4 RNDS)
has limited success. INI (2 RNDS) DEF 1 STN 1 DAZ 3 PEN –5 *
Chest Chest
Grab reaches for chest and DMG 3 Grabbed (3 RNDS) Grabbed (3 RNDS)
13 DAZ 2 If no shield:
shoulders. DAZ 1 DMG 3 STN 1
PEN –10* PEN –4*
Weapon Arm
Shield Arm DMG 7
Your grasp at foe’s arms DMG 4 Grabbed (3 RNDS)
14 DEF 2 (–4) Grabbed STN 1
catches one of them neatly. STN 1 STN 2
PEN –10* DAZ 1
PEN –15*
Abdomen Abdomen Abdomen Abdomen
Grab opponent firmly Grabbed (2 RNDS) Grabbed (2 RNDS) Grabbed (5 RNDS) Grabbed (4 RNDS)
around waist. DMG 5 DMG 4 DAZ 2 STN 1
PEN –10* PEN –10* PEN –10* PEN –14*
Drop weapon
Chest Weapon Arm Weapon Arm
Shield Arm Torn Ligament +
Sudden grab pins foe’s Grabbed (3 RNDS) Grabbed (3 RNDS) Grabbed
16 Grabbed Muscle Damage (L)
arms to their chest. INI* STN 2 DMG 3
PEN –8* DAZ 3
PEN –10* PEN –10* Arm Useless*
PEN –8
Drop weapon
Abdomen Both Arms
DMG 3 Broken Rib (L) Shield Arm Broken (L)
Crushing grasp makes it Grabbed (6 RNDS) Grabbed
17 DAZ 2 STN 3 STN 2
difficult for foe to escape. INI* Arms Useless*
PEN –10* PEN –15*
PEN –4
If no shield:
Both Arms
Shield Arm Muscle Damage (L) Shoulder Damaged (S) Drop Weapon
Grasp wraps around foe’s Grabbed STN 2 DMG 8 DMG 10
18 Arms Useless*
extended arms. Arm Useless* DOWN DAZ 6 STN 1
PEN –10* PEN –2 PEN –6 DAZ 2
else DEF 1
Two Broken Arms +
Ankle Damaged (S) Both Arms Ankle Damage (C)
Grab envelops foe making DMG 3 Drop Weapon Grabbed DMG 10 DMG 20
them stumble and trip. STN 2 STN 6 STUN 4 STN 30 DOWN
PEN –5 PEN –19* OUT
PEN –19
Broken Weapon
Arms Arms Grabbed Arm (L) Neck Grabbed
Neck Grabbed
Grasp foe tightly round Grabbed (12 RNDS) Immobilised* DMG 20 Immobilised*
20 Strangled*
neck and shoulders. Immobilised* Fractured Tibia (S) DOWN Strangled*
DIE 6*
PEN –4

knoCkDown CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Better luck next time. - - - DMG 1 DMG 2

2 Barely a push. - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 5

3 Blow glances off opponent. DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 7

Abdominal blow knocks DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 7 DMG 8

wind out of foe. DEF 1 DEF 1 DEF 1 PEN –2 (1 RND) PEN –4 (1 RND)

Blow catches foe on side of DMG 9

5–7 head. It could have been DAZ 1
DEF 1 PEN –4 (1 RND) DAZ 1 DAZ 1
much worse. PEN –2 (1 RND)

Muscle Damage (S)

DMG 5 DMG 12
8–9 Blow impacts foe’s leg. INI If no leg armour:
PEN –1 (2 RNDS) DAZ 2
PEN –5

Heavy impact almost lifts DMG 5 DMG 5 DMG 5 DMG 8 DMG 12

foe from their feet. DEF 1 (–2) DEF 1 (–4) STN 1 STN 1 STN 1
CritiCaL strike tabLes

DMG 12
Foe avoids the brunt of
DMG 5 DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 10 STN 1
11 it, but catches a stunning
DEF 1 (–4) DAZ 1 STN 1 STN 1 DAZ 1
ding to the head.

Foe is caught in the thigh DMG 7 DMG 7 DMG 12

DMG 6 DMG 14
12 by the full strength of the If no leg armour: If no leg armour: DAZ 2
DEF 1 (–6) DAZ 3
blow. DAZ 1 DAZ 2 INI 3

Drop Weapon
Drop Weapon
Heavy smash to foe’s DMG 6 Drop Weapon DMG 7 DMG 13
13 DMG 6
weapon arm. DAZ 1 DMG 6 DAZ 2 STN 2
BON +4
Fractured Collar
Fractured Ribs (L) Fractured Rib (L)
Bone (S)
Impact lands squarely on DMG 6 DMG 7 DMG 8 DOWN
14 DMG 10
foe’s upper chest. PEN –10 (2 RNDS) STN 1 DAZ 2 STN 2
PEN –4 PEN –2
PEN –5
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Broken Femur (C)
DMG 15
DMG 7 DMG 9 DMG 10 DMG 12
15 Leg strike unbalances foe. DOWN
PEN –2 PEN –4 PEN –15
Drop Weapon
Broken Radius (S) Drop Everything
DMG 10 Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (S)
Foe tries to block and DMG 11 DMG 15
If no shield: DMG 10 DMG 10
16 catches the blow firmly on DAZ 3 BACK 5
their arm. BACK 5 DOWN
else Drop Shield PEN –2 BACK 10
PEN –5 STN 4
PEN –5
Broken Ankle (S)
Broken Fibia (S)
DMG 12 DMG 15 Drop Shield DMG 11
Heavy blow twists foe STN 6
17 STN 1 DAZ 3 DAZ 6 BACK 5
awkwardly. DOWN
PEN –10
PEN –10
Drop Everything
DMG 13
DMG 12 DMG 12 DMG 14 DMG 20
Foe caught by surprise by DAZ 3
18 STN 2 STN 2 DOWN STN 12
forceful impact. BACK 5
BON +4
BON +4
If no shield: If no shield:
Crushed Ear (S) Shattered Humerus (C) Shattered Shoulder (C)
Broken Nose (L) Drop Everything
Heavy impact does more DMG 9 Arm Useless Arm Useless
19 If no helm: OUT DMG 8
damage than knockback. DAZ 6 DMG 10 DOWN
else DAZ 3 BACK 10
PEN –10 else Drop Shield OUT
DAZ 9 else DAZ 6
BACK 10 Broken Neck (C)
DMG 10 Drop Weapon If no helm: BACK 5
Smashing blow sends foe DOWN
sprawling. STN 6
STN 3 DOWN else Helm Destroyed OUT

Lightning CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Fizzle. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

2 Foes hair stands on end. DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4

Pretty light show but little DMG 3 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4 If no metal armour:
else INI (2 RNDS)

Most of strike grounds DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 3 DMG 4 DMG 6

around foe. INI INI INI (2 RNDS) DEF 1 DAZ 1

Shock causes foe to twitch DMG 4 DMG 5 DMG 6 DMG 10
5–7 DEF 2
violently. INI (2 RNDS) INI (2 RNDS) DEF 1 DAZ 2

DMG 2 DMG 7 DMG 12

Strike to foes head leaves a DMG 5 DMG 7
8–9 DEF 1 DAZ 1 DAZ 2
smell of singed hair. DEF 1 DEF 2
BLD 2 PEN –2 (2 RNDS) PEN –2 (2 RNDS)
DMG 7 DMG 13
Foe is surrounded by a DMG 6 If no metal armour: If no metal armour:
10 DEF 1 DAZ 2
nimbus of small sparks. DEF 2 DAZ 1 DAZ 2
BLD 1 PEN –2 (2 RNDS)
else DAZ 2 else STN 2
If no leg armour:
DMG 7 DMG 10 DMG 13
11 Multiple sparks burn foe. DAZ 1 STN 1 DAZ 4
else DAZ 1

CritiCaL strike tabLes

DMG 8 DMG 15
If no metal armour: DMG 9 If metal armour but no Drop Weapon
Heavy jolt makes foe DMG 7
12 DAZ 2 STN 1 shield: DAZ 2
spasm. DEF 3
else STN 1 DAZ 1 DOWN BLD 2
If body armour: DMG 14
If no metal armour:
Powerful body strike leaves DMG 9 DMG 10 DAZ 2 STN 1
13 DAZ 3
sparking after-effects. STN 1 STN 2 else DAZ 6 DAZ 1
else DAZ 2
Back Burns (L)
Back Burns (L) Back Burns (S)
DMG 10 DMG 12
Lightning plays down DMG 7 DMG 11 DMG 15
foes back. STN 1 STN 2 STN 4
PEN –2 PEN –5
PEN –4
If no metal shield: Shattered Humerus +
If no shield:
Nerve Damage (C) Nerve Damage (C) Muscle Damage +
DMG 8 Nerve Damage (C)
Arcing strike catches foe Shield Arm Useless Weapon Arm Useless Cartilage Damage (C)
15 DAZ 3 Shield Arm Useless
behind shield. DMG 18 DOWN DMG 13 Weapon Arm Useless
PEN –1 (6 RNDS) STN 2
else DMG 12 DAZ 3 DAZ 6
else STN 4
If no chest armour:
If no metal chest armour:
DMG 15 DMG 18
Pretty sparks run across STN 6 DOWN
16 STN 1 DOWN else Chest Burns (L)
foe’s chest. else DMG 25 OUT
PEN –2
Damaged Muscle (L) Nerve Damage (C)
Broken Ulna (S) DMG 15
Strike to hand causes foe’s DMG 12 DMG 13 DOWN
17 DAZ 4 DAZ 30
fist to spasm and clench. STN 2 STN 2 OUT
PEN –8 BLD 3
PEN –2 DIE 12
DOWN If no leg armour:
If no body armour:
If no metal leg armour: Broken Tibia + Shattered Knee + Shattered Spine (C)
Major arc hits foe in Organ Damage (C)
DMG 15 Nerve Damage (S) Nerve Damage (C) DOWN
18 abdomen and runs down DIE 12
leg. else DAZ 9
else Nerve Damage (C) PEN –10 PEN –12 DIE 12
Leg Useless else STN 6
If no body armour: Organ Damage (C) Nerve Damage +
Organ Damage (C)
Nerve Damage (S) Nose Lost (S) If no body armour: Brain Damage (C)
DMG 25
Brutal strike lights foe up DAZ 3 Blind (2 WKS) DOWN DMG 30
like a Christmas tree. PEN –10 If no helm: OUT DIE 6 DOWN
else DMG 10 DOWN else BLD 5 OUT
Fractured Skull + Nerve Damage (C)
Heart Damage +
Brain Damage (C) DMG 20
DMG 10 Lung Damage (C)
Devastating charge leaves DMG 15 BACK 10 Cut in half
20 DOWN If no chest armour:
foe a twitching mass. DOWN DOWN DIE
else DIE 6

pierCing CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Barely a scratch. - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

Near miss tears clothing DMG 5

2 DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4
but leaves barely a graze. INI

Strike fails to penetrate, DMG 1 DMG 3 DMG 5 DMG 2 DMG 3

but takes foe by surprise. INI INI INI DEF 1 DEF 1

Muscle Damage (L)

Strike to foe’s side does DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DAZ 1
little damage. DEF 1 DEF 1 (–2) DEF 1 (–4) BON +4
PEN –2

Muscle Damage (L)

Abdominal strike tears DMG 2
5–7 through flesh but misses DEF 1
DEF 1 (–4) BLD 1 BLD 2 BLD 2
vital organs. BON +2
PEN –2

8–9 Strike hits artery in leg. BLD 1 BLD 2 BLD 3 If no leg armour:

Stunning strike glances off DMG 2 DAZ 1 DAZ 2 DMG 6
10 STN 1
foe’s head. DEF 1 (–6) BLD 1 BLD 1 STN 1

Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)

Strike pierces side of neck. BLD 2
CritiCaL strike tabLes

11 DAZ 2 DAZ 2 DEF 1 STN 1

That was close... DEF 1 (–5)
PEN –3 PEN –2
Muscle Damage (L)
Strike jabs foe hard in
12 DAZ 1 STN 1 DAZ 2 STN 1 STN 1
upper arm.
PEN –2
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L)
Chest strike glances off DMG 2
13 DAZ 1 DAZ 2 DAZ 2 DAZ 2
ribs but tears muscle. BLD 2
PEN –2
PEN –2 PEN –2 PEN –2 PEN –3
Muscle Damage +
Muscle Damage (L) Damaged Shoulder (L)
DMG 5 STN 2 Tendon Damage (C)
Brutal strike hits foe in DAZ 2 DMG 3
14 STN 1 DAZ 2 Shield Arm Useless
shoulder. BLD 3 STN 2
BLD 3 BON +3 DAZ 6
PEN –1 PEN –4
Muscle Damage + Muscle Damage +
Tendon Damage (S) Muscle Damage (S)
Tendon Damage (S) Cartilage Damage (S) Muscle Damage (C)
Strike drives deep into DMG 3 DMG 3
15 DMG 5 STN 2 STN 3
foe’s thigh. STN 1 STN 2
STN 2 DAZ 4 PEN –15
PEN –5 PEN –8
PEN –10 PEN –10
Muscle Damage (S) Muscle Damage + Muscle Damage (C)
Muscle Damage (S) Broken Radius (S)
DMG 3 Tendon Damage (S) Shield Arm Useless
Foe’s arm blocks the worst DAZ 3 DMG 10
16 DAZ 2 DAZ 6 DMG 12
of your strike, but at a cost. BLD 3 STN 3
PEN –6 PEN –5
PEN –5 PEN –5 BLD 3
Muscle Damage (S) Muscle Damage (S) Muscle Damage (S)
DAZ 6 DMG 5 DMG 7 DMG 10 Organ Damage (C)
Pierce foe’s abdomen with
17 BLD 5 STN 3 STN 3 STN 3 STN 12
a lucky strike.
BON +4 BLD 5 BLD 5 BLD 6 DIE 12
PEN –5 PEN –6 PEN –4
If no helm: If no helm: Broken Skull +
Broken Skull +
Muscle Damage (L) Broken Skull + Broken Skull + Brain Damage (C)
Brain Damage (C)
Nasty head-strike looks STN 2 Brain Damage (C) Brain Damage (C) DMG 9
really painful. BLD 3 DIE DIE DOWN
PEN –4 else DMG 6 else DAZ 6 OUT
DIE 12
Ear Lost (S) Damaged Hip (S)
Organ Damage +
DMG 3 DMG 5 Lung Damaged (C)
Penetrating strike skewers Organ Damage (C) Nerve Damage (C)
foe. DIE 6 DAZ 12
DIE 12
PEN –10 PEN –5
Lung Damaged (C)
Organ Damage (C)
DOWN Broken Spine + Heart Damage (C)
Piercing strike straight STN 3 DOWN
20 OUT Nerve Damage (C) BACK 10
through the chest. BLD 3 OUT
DIE 9 Immobilised DIE
BON +4

sLashing CritiCaL strikes
Description / Location A B C D E

1 Whiff! - - DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3

2 Foe’s had worse paper cuts. DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 4

Swing across face makes DMG 1 DMG 3 DMG 6 DMG 3 DMG 4

foe hesitate. INI INI INI DEF 1 DEF 1

Muscle Damage (L)

Downward swing catches DMG 1 DMG 2 DMG 4 STN 1
4 DMG 2
foe’s arm. DEF 1 DEF 1 (–2) DEF 1 (–4) BON +2
PEN –2
Muscle Damage (L)
Mid slash across foe’s DMG 2 DMG 3 DMG 3 DMG 3
5–7 DEF 1
abdomen connects. DEF 1 (–4) DAZ 1 STN 1 BLD 1
BON +2
PEN –2
Slash at leg height catches DMG 2 DMG 2 DMG 3
8–9 BLD 1 If no leg armour:
foe off guard. BLD 1 BLD 2 BLD 2


Foe’s dodge isn’t enough to DMG 2 DMG 4
10 DAZ 1 DAZ 1 STN 1
avoid a slash to the side. DEF 1 (–6) DEF 1 (–6)
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
Slash cuts into foe’s back as
11 DEF 1 (–5) DEF 2 DEF 1 DEF 1 DAZ 2
they twist to avoid it.
PEN –1 PEN –2 PEN –3 PEN –2

CritiCaL strike tabLes

Cut to foe’s face does little
12 DEF 1 DEF 2 DAZ 1 DAZ 2 DAZ 2
damage but bleeds badly.
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L)
Slash across chest tears DMG 3
13 DAZ 1 DAZ 1 DAZ 2 DAZ 2
muscle and glances off ribs. BLD 2
PEN –2
PEN –2 PEN –2 PEN –2 PEN –3
Muscle Damage (L) Muscle Damage (L)
DMG 8 Shattered Shoulder (C)
Overhead swing digs into STN 1 Shield Arm Useless
14 STN 1 DAZ 2 DAZ 3
foe’s shoulder. DAZ 3 DAZ 4
DAZ 2 BLD 3 PEN –4
BON +2 BLD 2
PEN –1 BON +2
Muscle Damage +
Tendon Damage (S) Muscle Damage (S) Muscle Damage + Muscle Damage +
Tendon Damage (S)
DMG 4 DMG 6 Tendon Damage (S) Tendon Damage (S)
Surprise low swing catches DMG 8
15 DAZ 2 STN 1 DMG 7 STN 2
foe’s legs. DAZ 6
PEN –6 PEN –8 PEN –9 PEN –10
PEN –14
Muscle Damage + Muscle Damage +
Muscle Damage (S) Muscle Damage (S) Broken Humerus +
Tendon Damage (C) Tendon Damage (C)
DMG 5 DMG 6 Tendon Damage (C)
Slash digs deep into foe’s Shield Arm Useless Weapon Arm Useless
16 STN 2 STN 2 Shield Arm Useless
arm. DMG 9 DMG 10
BLD 3 BLD 3 DMG 12
PEN –5 PEN –6 STN 3
Muscle Damage (L)
Muscle Damage (L)
DMG 6 DMG 10 Weapon Hand Lost
Upward swing bites into DMG 7 DMG 8
17 foe’s outstretched weapon STN 2 STN 2
BLD 6 DAZ 2 STN 12
arm. BLD 6 BLD 4
BON +4 BLD 8 BLD 15
PEN –4
PEN –2
Leg Lost
Muscle Damage (L) Fractured Spine (L)
DMG 10 Shield Hand Lost DMG 15
18 Deep slash tears into foe. STN 2 STN 4
BLD 3 BLD 15 BLD 20
PEN –2 PEN –2
BON +2
Ear Lost (S) Damaged Hip (S) Leg Lost
Shattered Spine +
DMG 3 DMG 7 DMG 15
Weapon Arm Lost Nerve Damage (C)
Vicious swing goes right STN 1 STN 1 DOWN
19 DMG 15 Immobilised
through opponent. DAZ 2 DAZ 2 OUT
BLD 3 PEN –4 BLD 20
PEN –10 BON +2 BON +2
Broken Skull +
Nose Lost Organ Damage (C)
Brain Damage (C) Eyes Destroyed (C)
DMG 2 DMG 20
Perfect head shot mutilates DMG 20 Blind Decapitated
PEN –6 DIE 3

Name: _________________ Level: _________________
Class: _________________ Experience: _________________

Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Charisma

Ability Rank Ability Misc Total
Skill Ranks
Movement Speed:_______ Score Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus
Aimed Spell ( ) Dex
Mana Ability Score:_______ Aimed Spell ( ) Dex
Aimed Spell ( ) Dex
Aimed Spell ( ) Dex
Aimed Spell ( ) Dex
Armour (Chain) -
Armour (Leather) -
Armour (Light) -
Mana Hit Points Armour (Plate) -
Bluff Cha
Climb Str
Debate Cha
Disable Device Dex
Armour Class
Handle Animal Cha
____________ History Int
Intimidate Cha
Dodge Bonus
Language ( ) -
________ Language ( ) -
Language ( ) -
Magical Lore Int
Mana Focus (Grace) Cha
Saving Throw Bonus Mana Focus (Landing) Cha
Base Save Mana Focus (Leap) Cha
Strength Save Mana Focus (Speed) Cha
Intelligence Save Mana Focus (Strength) Cha
Wisdom Save Mana Transfer Wis
Dexterity Save Nature Lore Int
Constitution Save Orate Cha
Charisma Save Pick Lock Dex
Read Magic Int
Spell Path Core? Ranks Level Religious Lore Int
Ride ( ) Dex
Ride ( ) Dex
Search Wis
Sense Lie Wis
Sense Magic Wis
Sneak Attack -
Spot Wis
Stealth Dex
Swim Str
Toughness Con
Use Magical Device Int
Weapon ( )
Weapon ( )
Weapon ( )
Weapon ( )
open game LiCense version 1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have con-
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tions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities
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open game LiCense

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open game LiCense


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathon
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jona-
than Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Red-
man, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Lightmaster Copyright 2019 Blacky the Blackball.


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