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What is integrity?
According to Google, integrity is the quality of being and having strong moral principle.
Integrity is the state of being undivided and whole. But, the actual meaning of integrity is not limited
to the above two definitions. It is much more than these definitions.
Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values.
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Integrity is what we say, what we do and what we say we do.
Integrity is choosing courage over comfort.
Integrity is choosing what is right over what is fun, fast and easy.
Integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not.
Personal development:
Integrity is the foundation of our character. A person who possesses the quality of integrity has an
unblemished character in every area of his/her life. One of the best activity we can engage ourself in
is developing our character. And one of the best ways to do it is by consistently doing the same things
that a thoroughly honest person would do. To be totally honest with others, we first have to be totally
honest with ourselves. The Universal law of Attraction states that we, inevitably attract people and
circumstances that are in harmony with our values.
National development:
Integrity not only helps in personal development but also helps in national development. Integrity
contributes towards the nation building of the country. It ensures the prosperity of a nation. It has
gained prominence in government and governance as well as in actual policy making at all levels. It
has become important in all sectors of the society.
Integrity and Us:
Our integrity is manifested in our willingness to adhere to our values. If we are forced to comply, e
would have a much safer world. Nobody forces us to do anything and that is the point. Our personal
integrity can developed only by one person, i.e, OURSELVES. Everything starts with us. So, it is
with you, with me, with all of us together with which we can develop the sense of integrity.
Our behaviour towards integrity:
We want everyone around us to act with seems to be such a common trait, but if it’s so
common, why is it so hard to find it among ourselves? Maybe, because doing all the things listed
above is not so easy! Even employers, when they look for people to hire, they look for three qualities
in them, namely, Integrity, Intelligence and Energy. If everyone did the right thing and if they don’t
get influenced by the wrong, then the world can be different and we can be different, you can be
different and I can be different in a good way, righteous way.
Living by examples:
We all admire and respect righteous people. After all, they are our true models, who inspire us every
day. But how many of us actually possess integrity? We have had many people from the history, like
Mahatma Gandhi ji, Abraham Lincoln, who are impeccable examples of integrity.
Therefore, we must possess qualities like dedication, commitment, creativity, fearlessness,
enthusiasm, honesty, truthfulness and purposefulness and follow the path of integrity. So let’s wake
up with all our heart, body and mind as integrity is forever and for- “Integrity is a way of life”.

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