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Very Important:

Paper Title with 14-pt Times New Roman

Make sure your name is First name (lower case) FAMILY NAME (upper case)
arranged this way for Scopus Affiliation, City, Country, and E-mail address (10 pt – times new Roman)
and Web of Science indexing
purposes. (add here as the example above for each additional author)
Example: John R. SMITH

Abstract (12 pt)

Use the word “Abstract” as the title for the abstract section. The abstract should be no more than
250 words. It should capture research motivation, research Design/methodology, and main
findings and implications. The abstract should provide an excellent summary of the paper.

Keywords (12 pt): 3-4 keywords that highlight the topic in the paper.

Introduction (12 pt)

This section should follow keywords. This section should provide background of the study and
highlight research motivation.

All Headers are 12 pt font

Sub headers are italic and 10 pt font

Paragraphs are 10 pt fonts. Paragraphs are separated by a separate line. The whole document
should be arranged in 1 Column

Figures and Tables

Include figures and tables within the body of your paper. DO NOT design your figures using
Microsoft word in bits and pieces. This will cause the figure to be distorted during formatting and
production. You have to use a drawing tool and import the figure to word.

In terne t Usa ge


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011

Fig 1. Internet Usage & E-government access

Table 1: table title here
Factor Per country Per continent
Internet Usage

Figures’ titles should be under the figure. Tables’ titles should be above the table.

Make sure you have permission of any previously published figure or table from publishers and/or
authors. This is the sole responsibility of the author(s).


Include any acknowledgement right before the references section (if applicable). Also, if research
was funded by an organization / institution, please write the acknowledgement here


References section should be at the end of the manuscript. References to previously published
research studies must in Harvard style. References should be arranged alphabetically without
numbers. Keep one blank line space between each two references. Please follow the examples

DO NOT arrange references in categories like below. The titles in green are just to show
examples. The final list of references should be arranged alphabetically in one category.

Journal Articles

Last name, initials. (year) ‘Article title with only first letter upper case,’ Journal name, vol (issue
no.), pages.

Example: Articles with one author

Ackoff, R L. (1961) ‘Management Misinformation Systems,’ Management Science, 14 (4), 147-


Example: Articles with two authors

Sabri, EH and Beamon, M. (2000), 'A Multi-Objective Approach to Simultaneous Strategic and
Operational Planning in Supply Chain Design,' Omega: an International Journal of Management
Science 28 (1), 581-598.

Example: Articles with more than two authors

Fox, MS., Barbyceanu, M. and Teigen, R. (2000), 'Agent-oriented Supply Chain Management,'
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12 (1), 165-88

Online Journals and websites

Last name, initial(s). (Date published). Title of article. [Online]. Publisher. [Date you accessed the
site]. Available: URL.

Lorek, L. A., (2003), ''Buyers catch on to online shopping,' San Antonio Express-News. [Online],
[Retrieved December 22, 2003],


Bonini, C P. (1963) Simulation of Information and Decision Systems in the Firm, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Edited Books

Trowbridge, P. (2003), A case study of green supply chain management at advanced micro
devices, Greening the Supply Chain, Sarki, J. (ed), Greenleaf, Sheffield.


James, D. (1999), 'From clicks to coin,' Marketing News, 33 (21), 3.

Conference Paper

Jandos, J. and Vorisek, J. (2009), ‘Enterprise Web 2.0. What is it really?’ Proceedings of the 13th
Inernational Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9821489-2-1,
9-10 November 2009, Marrakech, Morocco, 10-15.

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