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Question I (50 points)

Write a 450-word reflective essay with the title “Education is not preparation for life; education
is life itself.” (John Dewey)

Question II (25 points)

You have been appointed as spokesperson for the committee of the students’ association of your high
school. Your fellow students have asked you to write a proposal for the school’s magazine setting out
the kinds of activities and events the association would like to run over the year. The proposal should
include details of how activities will be funded and how they might have a beneficial educational
Write your proposal. (300 words)

Question III
(25 points)
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
(10 points)

Walking disposal units

On returning from a visit to America in 1847, a Norwegian lawyer reported many differences
between Europe and the land on the other 1… of the Atlantic. What 2…. him as really odd, however,
was the ubiquitous American pig. During his stay, he observed that pigs kept the streets clean 3…
eating up all sorts of refuse. Then, 4… these walking disposal units were full, they were butchered
and provided a real treat for the dinner table. They were the original recycling units.
Working class women, who 5…. on the pigs to supply food for the table, allowed them to roam
wherever they wanted in order to scavenge 6…. garbage. Thus, city pigs converted waste into protein
for the working poor. But as the saying 7…., one man’s meat is another man’s poison, and by 1848
8….many pigs were wandering in the streets that they began to be 9…. as a nuisance by some.
Occasionally, they injured or 10…. killed children.

B. Find one word which is appropriate for all the three gaps in each of the following
sentences. (5points)
1 a Rita was so squeamish that she always fainted at the………………. of blood when she was given an
b As he was approaching 80, his ……………. began deteriorating and now he found it difficult to
recognize people.
c Special military units were sent to the affected region and ordered to shoot looters on……… .

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2 a Tina was employed two years ago on a………. basis and has since found a permanent position in the
marketing department.
b Such a(n)……….style of dress is not acceptable in such a professional working environment.
c Unless you become less……….in your attitude to money, we shall soon be in debt.

3 a I reckon you want to tell me something. Don't bottle it up! Get it off your……………….and you'll
feel much better.
b With a war ……………. of 20 billion dollars and the backing of the Congress, the President was
ready to lead the nation to war.
c Isn't it time we threw out this……………… of drawers? It'll never go well with the rest of the

4 a When we arrived at midnight, the party was already in full.......... .

b When you look at issues such as crime and education, there has been a noticeable......... in public
opinion, away from government policy.
c Amazingly, the ........... which her grandfather had built in the garden for them to play on was still
there when she visited the spot 50 years later.

5 a Most elderly women prefer to wear……….dresses and skirts rather than those with patterns.
b It’s quite……… to those who know about environmental matters that global warming will cause
widespread flooding in the future.
c Although he’d been a ….. boy, he grew up to be a handsome man.

C. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence, similar in meaning to the original
sentence, but using the word given. The word must not be altered in any way. (10 points)
1. They chose that holiday resort because it was recommended in a newspaper article. INFLUENCED
Their……………….. recommendation in a newspaper article.
2. The matter was only brought to my attention a few days ago. MADE
It wasn’t until a few days ago……………………..the matter.
3. I helped Ray, with the result that his business became successful.FAVOUR
I.......................... which his business became successful.
4. Dawn was not the only person to notice the abandoned car that morning. ALONE
Dawn ………………………….. the abandoned car that morning.
5. I wanted to make sure that all my good work wasn’t wasted in that way. WASTE
I wanted to prevent………………………… in that way.


Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu. Timp de
lucru: 3 ore.

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