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Meeting Women During The Day

You: “Hey real quick (Time Constraint), this is totally random and I know you are
busy (acknowledging her reality) but I just saw you over here and thought you were
absolutely adorable (Genuine Compliment). I had to at least say high”
Girl: “Awww thanks!”
You: “I’m [your name].”
Girl: “I’m Jenny nice to meet you.”
You: “Jenny, well good to meet you Jenny. So listen Jenny, (Repeating her name 3
times) I have to leave in a second (Time Constraint) but I don’t know anything about
you (Acknowledging the Reality) so tell me one cool thing about you, because I don’t
know if we can hang out yet. (Challenge)”
Girl: “Hmmm I don’t know.”
You: “Well like what are you passionate about. Like for me I love traveling because
it makes me feel so free and alive. What about you Jenny, is there something like that
for you? (Reciprocity)”
Girl: “Yeah I love roller blading on the beach.”

You: “Why? What is it about roller blading that you love? (emotionally charged
followup question)”
Girl: “I don’t know, I just feel like I’m in my own world. I’m just so relaxed and
You: “I know what you mean, I feel really care-free when I’m traveling. Like all the
worries in life just fade away.” (Relating to her emotions)
Girl: “Totally!”
You: “Well listen I like that you roller blade because I can tell you are very
passionate about it, we have to keep in touch. Here put your number in my phone.
Wait, you aren’t the stalker type are you? (Restricted Request).”
Girl: “Haha no way!”
You: “Okay I’ll take a chance this once. Here put it in.” (Challenge)
You: “What are you doing now?”
Girl: “Well I’m meeting a friend in half an hour but until then, nothing.”
You: “Do you like ice-cream?”
Girl: “Yeah!”
You: “Okay I know a great place we can grab a cone for a few minutes but then I
have to go (Time Constraint) and you have to promise you won’t get too hyper if you
have sugar. (Restricted Request)”
Girl: “HAHA. I won’t, let’s go.”

Meeting Women At Night

You: “Hi I’m [Your Name] I don’t believe we’ve met yet.”
Girl: “No we haven’t, I’m Samantha.”
You: “A pleasure, Samantha. Well listen Samantha, I have to get back to my friends
in a minute (Time Constraint) but I want to see if you are fun (Challenge), let’s play a
game. Have you ever played Shag, Marry, Kill? (Fun)’

You: “Hey have you noticed that you and I are like the hottest people in this entire
place? So I figured we should meet.”
Girl: “Yeah it’s true haha.”
You: “I can tell you are not from here. Don’t tell me, I’m really good at guessing
where people are from. Mmmmm definitely Botswana! (Fun)”
Girl: “Ha ha I don’t even know where that is. Sounds like Africa. I’m from the
You: “Oh no a valley girl huh? That’s trouble. My last girlfriend was from the valley
and so I swore off valley girls for good. I don’t know if I can make an exception.
You’ll have to really impress me. (Challenge)”

*Normally you won’t go into rapport until a little later in the interaction if you are at a
bar or club. It’s a good idea to get her alone before you go into deep rapport.


Start with a hug and/or kiss on the cheek and then go into Rapport first. You can also
go into Challenge.

“Hey good to see you. [Hug] How was your day? (Rapport)”

“Hey good to see you. [Hug] So you like sushi right? Because if you don’t that’s a total
deal breaker for me? (Challenge)”
Note: Should be said with a smile.

Sexualizing The Conversation

Makes her think about sex and she will associate it with you, which makes it a lot
easier to go for sex.

Set a sexual frame as early as you can. If you treat her like she is your lover then
she will start acting like it.

"That thing you did with your hair is incredibly sexy."

"You have an incredible sexual energy."

"We can only have sex 8 times a day..."

Note: Marriage Role play

"I can tell you are kind of the reserved type, you keep your desires at
bay, you don't party much, but underneath it all you have an
unquenchable sexual appetite, like you are really naughty in bed."
Note: Cold Read.

“I can tell you have a naughty side…”

Note: This is just a bold statement that creates fun sexual conversation.

“You can come over but no sex, pinky swear?”

Note: Negation.

“I have that effect on a woman"

Note: Say this sexual innuendo to her if she says something like, “I’m all wet” or “I’m
so hot” or “I’m burning up.”

“You’re turning me on, stop.”

Note: Say this if she does something sexy.

Going For The Kiss

“I shouldn’t do this but you are just too damn tempting…”

“Are you a good kiss? Well let’s find out...”

“Would you like to kiss me?”

Her Response Your Response
“Yes” Kiss Her
“I don’t know” “Well let’s find out…” and then kiss her
“Not here” “I understand” and take her somewhere else to kiss her
“No” “Well I didn’t say you could, it just looks like you have something
on your mind”

“Wait, I didn’t hear a word you just said, all I could think about was
kissing you. So what were you saying?”
Note: Say this if she just keeps talking and talking and you want to kiss her. Then a
minute or two later say, “wait it happened again, come here...” and kiss her.

Almost Kiss
"I'm totally distracted because I keep thinking about kissing you and I know we are
nowhere ready for that yet so we are going to do an almost kiss, we get as close as
possible without actually kissing, if you kiss me you will be breaking all trust in this
Note: Get as close as you can without actually kissing. Then do it again a few minutes
later, but this time go for the real kissing.

Taking Her Home

Use plausible deniability so she doesn’t have to make a logical decision about it
and feel slutty about her decision. You want her to feel like it just happened.

“My place is on the way to the next bar, let’s stop by to X”

X = “see my view”, “charge my phone”, “have a drink”, “listen to that song I was telling
you about”, anything that you mentioned earlier in the evening that is at your house.

“You can come in but we have to be good, try to keep your hands above
my waist”
Note: Restricted Request.

“Look we don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with”

Note: Say this and mean it if she is hesitant going home with you or dismisses your

Handling Objections

“Aww that’s cute”

Note: Works for most objections.

Agree & Absurdify:

Girl: “We are not having sex.”
You: “Of course not. It’s not like I’m going to throw you against that wall and have
my way with you and it’s going to be the best most passionate raw sex you’ve ever
experienced. That would be just awful.”

Girl: “I’m not giving you my number”

You: “Of course not, we’ll just use telepathy because I can read minds. You have
some really naughty thoughts about me, bad girl!”

Girl: “I have to go, I’m in a hurry”

You: “No, what you have to do is stay for 5 more seconds and tell me one cool thing
about you.”
Note: This goes against Agree & Absurdify but works great because saying “no” to a
hot girl displays a lot of dominance and authority.

Girl: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “No you have to break up with him”

Girl: “Haha I can’t.”
You: “Okay fine we’ll do it your way, I’ll just be your lover on the side then. But I feel
like you just want me for my body.”
Note: Say the last line as if you are disappointed.

Girl: “I have a boyfriend”

You: “Of course you do, I had a feeling because there’d be something horribly wrong
with the world if you didn’t have a boyfriend. But, I don’t want to be your boyfriend I
just want to get to know you.”

Girl: “How many girls have you been with?”

You: “I’ve been with 3,528 girls, or was it 3529?”

*After you handle the Attraction Test or objection make sure to immediately change
the subject or move locations.

Making A Mistake

“This is why i don’t go out in public.”

Note: If you drop something or spill something.

“It’s okay it will heal.”

Note: If she gets mad that you smacked her butt.

"Let's strike that one from the record.”

Note: Self commentary is usually perceived as funny.

“I’m sorry.”
Note: Despite common misconception it is okay to apologize if you really did
something wrong.

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