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Justin Winegar

Mr. Droski

English 11B


Many people want to clamp down on gun control because they think that it will lower all

of the killings that are involved with guns. But they really just have to clamp down on the

weapon permits so people can't get guns so easily.

If you get a weapons permit they also give you a gun case, so your child or other people

may not get into the weapon. First reason is that we should make the legal age to buy a gun to

21. Secondly we should make it a longer waiting period to get that weapons permit incase they

wanted to shoot someone that day, lastly make it harder to get guns because school shootings

are usually from kids with mental issues so make it harder for them to get a gun.( "Gun Control."

Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018.)

My first reason why we should make it harder to get guns is because that we need good

people on a campus with a gun/weapons permit. (Gun Control, “several states advanced

legislation to permit the carrying of a firearm without a license and the carrying of firearms on

public university campuses.”) If there is an intruder on the campus with any type of weapon the

office or teacher can stop them from hurting anyone on campus. Also we need it so kids don't

get there hands on a gun because that is usually what happens with school shootings.

Secondly we should make it a longer period of time for the waiting time of the

gun/weapons permit, so if someone wants a gun at that moment he will not be able to harm

anyone or themselves. Lott, John R., Jr. "Gun Licensing and Registration Leads to Increased

Crime, Lost Lives." Gun Violence, edited by James D. Torr, Greenhaven Press, 2002. This source
says that you have to wait around a month after you order, purchase a permit. Also you can always

cancel your order because if you want a gun that day or week, then the next couples days you

realize you don't want one, you can say no to it.

My final reason why we should clap down on gun control is that people are getting guns

too easily and wanna crimes , murders, and school threats/shootings have happened. That is

why we should raise the age to purchase a gun to 21. Scherer, Michael. "Florida Gov. Rick

Scott backs raising age for gun purchases to 21." This article is say that we need to make the

age to purchase a gun up to 21 because many kids are finding a way to get a hold of them. (

Michael Scherer “including additional school-security funding and a new process to take guns

out of the hands of those deemed to pose a danger.”) Many school shootings happen because

the kids that are 18 can just go buy one if they already have a permit. That shows why we

should make it 21 and older to purchase a gun and a permit.

The opposing viewpoint to gun control is that the people of the other side of this

argument want to give more people guns, which would have many more gun violences and

injuries, also more deaths. "Reality Check Quick Takes: How many deaths by guns in the US?"

CNN Wire, 20 Oct. 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. In this article is says that many people

have died by murder but most are from suicide and other shootings. This is saying that we should

crack down on guns. Cracking down on gun control would make it so much better because there

wouldn't be as many deaths in the United States.

In conclusion the United States should clamp down on guns. We need to clamp down

because it would lower the suicide, homicide, and other unknown deaths involved with guns. If you

are for guns you need to rethink what your safety is in this country. To wrap it up, we need to make it

a longer time period to get a gun permit, make it harder to have children/adults get it, and finally

make the legal age to purchase a gun to 21.

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