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Portoviejo - Ecuador



Hello and welcome back to the course autoguiado Powerball or fundamentals. You can
see the orientation of objects within the tree or the environment of the unit 11.

 They are to define instances of object classes and instantiation
 understand the hyperbole uses a class definition to instantiate the object schema it
happens when you open a window and the feed roller
 describes the abstract and concrete classes low and explains their roles in the
inheritance model describes what happens when you open the offspring.

The topics covered, our definitions display class definitions, instantiation, creation and
initialization object inheritance transaction. Basics Powerbuilder procedures. Seeing a
higher class, you are opening a descendant inheritable in perveler.
What components in the system easily order could be affected by the object-oriented
Everybody objects with orange border are flashing, indicating that all objects could be
used as why object-oriented within the application you are creating new design.

object-oriented interfaces
what we will do now is build right standard visual user objects to replace the controls you
have used in previous laboratory exercises,
This will include base classes for objects and abstract level, please ask 3.6 and 4.3 for
Let's build a superior object key window using the concept of an abstract base class for
objects window level 3.4 or 4.4 again,
Then we will gather all these abstract classes or Concrete Concrete LaPlace also fulfills
a working-level window.
Object properties behaviors
I'm looking for some definitions of the behaviors of the object properties of the methods
and instances of class instances as a whole, it seems that some properties and behavior of
objects, we know that an object is an antibody having characteristics also known as
properties and behaviors also known as an example of method you like building a house,

Let's look at how we do it, first of all, we share it with a plane if that plane, if you follow
the instructions Lucrin Life, complete with a concrete object called Turn object is really
a class definition all Builder, specifies the properties and methods of an object is similar
to a plane.
the methods of an object and is similar to a plane to see the class definition of a window
or the class definition of a command button, these planes are in reality.

The Parlor IDE on top in the middle of the bar is the search object.

Open play in the search of objects and check out the system.
Example, could be a destroyer of builders, of course, all have properties, so when using
the navigator object to the system tab, check all the objects that are provided to you in
class System A coincidence with the operating system is replace your display window for
an operating system of Microsoft, objects and their behaviors that come as standard bass

The best look at instantiation process: the process of building an object from class
definition examples here would be a carpenter who fills a house from a plane, an
application window is also built from it.

In the real world, he says he is sure that you can see an architect designing a plan to build
a house that the plane has passed several construction workers and falling red UNF is a
real object.
Comparable or instantiation begins with purple or Peters, shaft in a particular class,
which are kinds of system have just seen in the class definition playback ID. Of course,
near the runtime library Karbala use these plans to build an object runtime.

Look at any class definition, the library short nap port, you can export the text sent using
the library you paid or cyst tree, my favorite is the rotation of the shaft system.

You can do this within the code of power supply to log in the window and in the drop
down list box window Microsoft Bender from the fall in this dialog static text messages
static text have been waiting for.

The new law Fergie window d is the fact that it is exactly the same as the film and also
has some object placed within it to listen to the objects that have been added.

We have also established the title Uniquely will borrow the alignment uniquely well as
the command button other properties, for example, it has different properties, not only
collects the event of a casual sister, but we have also added additional behavior.
Each instance has a unique memory location so far, we used to open to open a kind of
visual window open with the customer is a class definition and going to the library Power
Broker to collect the class definition and then build a memory instance of that definition,
of course, can eliminate this memory window using the close (w_clust).

Create object
Use three different resources using the group class, which is the definition of these planes,
whose request is basically an active visual object in which the user interacts with most
Winder in the window and saw

Powebuilder checks if the class definition is in my class. If the class definition is in the
 Because, as you use it, it was like a cash into the ear to the plan again
 If you are not in the plane of Kashmir, choose your notice that releases the
definition of the first power of the photo library, the order of the library that
defines it, so if you have two definitions of the same object in different libraries,
first finding is money
So how blowout Tire creates objects or create an instance using the class definition or
that plane tree or signs in the direction to call the ID and then displays the object to the
user for each object having an identifier or variable reference What about a class of non-
visual object?
So as not visually instead of using the open, use the man in the stream that is the same as
instantiated in the plane, create an object from this transaction call up, we can use multiple
transaction objects to connect to databases passwords multiple databases and two days
maybe even the third database, which is some verification of user logon.
And, of course, once you actually performs a transaction other than the default SQL, use
that parameter for use in any of the SQL commands to indicate where the amount of a
fast flow flowing through the audit transaction number 1 2 3 Four.

Task Sequence
With which it has already taken to preview the previous variable object class
Define and I cool instantiate planter the object itself using the high command, for
example, the pointer is equal to the transaction Korea did not but after the Eagles create
transactions processed GTR puts mobile highlight why she can address can assign values,
of course, the object properties ....

Connection through a secondary transaction

Define a problem initializing the actual values that connect
to man object but of course.
When did you finish disconnect from the database?
If you are using an object secondary transaction, be sure to use pause use and specifies
the terrible rule automatically destroys once it leaves the HEAD object, however, if you
wish to garbage collection turbo there remove objects memory, you can use Troy Aikman,
this works on any object.

Let's look at Pearl Harbor or IDE here is the show window I was using.

Note that says it contains the connection button talking about it and keep the previous
unit that'll do.

Siri then you know we have two windows and demo Demo 2.
Show me just close the demo to not touch her, I'll just run it.

So use the right mouse button to run the preview and can see it basically comes down and
manages the entire definition of ancestor so this plane is based entirely on the plane of
their ancestors.

However, let me double-click demo W and interest only say Call add another command
and keep only closes when I will not open the demonstration of Bellevue for not using
the right hand but I'll just run it as is without making any change to a minimum and
behold, the command button that defy any ancestor is dynamic, collected at runtime that
did not.

Here's a neat trick using the right mouse button on the blank and showing the highest key
now you can actually see Herencia between Windows that here in the search of objects,
so again, if you have an ancestor and descendant, there is a relationship between the plane
herbal and dynamic at the same time relationship.

Terminology heritage,
What is a descendant of an ancestor, which is a subclass, which is an inheritance
hierarchy, which is the base class and abstract class and class extension and, last but not
least, a particular class?

Look up, look at some basics of inheritance here, there is here a lot. Define that has some
text messages if you have an oval and a rectangle. We can create another December that
knows that the only difference is that the other object B has accepted all behavior of
Diamonds is added to, oh, okay. I'll leave the rest of my mother. indirect example. We
see that objects of C & D in Heritage realize that you have added a larger rectangular
logic and Dee has added an ellipse to its repertoire of objects.
Then, the role of insurance in creating reusable objects disappointed functionality is very
important to take into account the functionality concept. Define the ancestral objects in
the area for his sadness, which means that Dakota has a place and a place to keep your

Common base hierarchy levels

Soul Surfer look at some common levels, for example, creating a higher abstract level
called W May, will be your new base class, you can see again, we can use the object
browser as I have shown before in the IDE, go to classes system and take a look at all the
different I see that provide the windows operating system and voter identification.

Then you can create a descendant of those who called Beyblade base or texting class,
The summary first level when you have a window defined in the system classes that can
inherit from it to create your first window where you control in this example, call W_Main
from there, you can create something else, for example, leaves Bob_Bob or W _child, for
example, is a player.
Be examples of abstract classes below its first base class called W_Main. Can I sing at
this point if you have a W_Main window where you can pass the standard appearance of
all windows in your application, for example, you have a window called W_emergente
that defines the behavior of all types of pop-up windows within your application?
Then for a common basis, if a new method for handling all kinds is required.
Once in the base class, we could do that if we had access to the system classes, but only
the ID Parlor does through access to the Microsoft operating system, so when creating
W_Main, which is basically the first level basis your application, you can add properties.
Again they can be transmitted to all working windows within easy order system, so we
strongly recommend that you create a baseline level within their part of a library on
having control recommend.
W Main in this example, the EU Post open event is automatically transferred to all other
boob friends, that is, if I inherited W_pop class system, but I could not pass that w_Post.
Open to the Northern Behavior pop-up window, so ideally inherit pop-up W & W_child
of W_Main would be much more beneficial architectural approach.

Then again, the window class is the class system, braids tissue are all new class called
W_ancestor default, this will be a main window and can leave tight the way it is right and
then of course you can inherit from emerging sheet than 4 w child's response.
Class hierarchies
Who is really hurricanes glass as browser button on the feed bar and then click on the
system on the object that was completed and showed him playing a popup menu with the
object browser and select to display the highest key I did when we're really looking at the
two windows that do not have, so I can see what object is created from what kinds of
objects also have an object, so perform this particular action and the object browser while
you're in the kind of system activating the part that will show the hierarchy within the
system classifies itself.
The top level of the hierarchy in the system classifies an object known as an object of
power if you use the right mouse button on the object, you can select from the popup
expand all descendants.

Opening a descendant
the class definition and all definitions of ancestral class must be loaded into the group
classes are loaded as needed and remain there until the last one refers to this definition is
destroyed so that again the classic automatically administered to a clock garbage rooms.
You can see that when you go to the player, you can see that it is a new file and then in
the parvo object, a page where you can select non-standard visual, visual, non-visual,
visual standard piston

Then, for user objects such as buttons range, for example, we would use an object
standard visual user let's look at this point.

I would like to add another object, so from the drop-down menu can here choose, for
example, a check box.

But I do that in the properties panel check box that says number one inherited from the
plastic box system.
You can use an object class 8 / system or better yet, you can subclassified into or creative
offspring Button actual command of the kind of system say that the rule of his car the
library is an object of standard visual user and then attach to any window, but where you
need it.

Boyfriend Heritage, both properties and behaviors are transmitted, methods are
transmitted in the real model refresh, creative object, illustration, cover object, select
Standard Sanam all the controls we've been using so far in the startup window subclassify
session can actually create a standard control or as a descendant of the class system as the
ancestor improves fire, the night could be sometime in the future.
So before building any part of your application to create a library of standard controls
may not know exactly what to do with them right away, what good is that they are
ancestors over which it has control, so you can open them later during the development
cycle and add properties or methods you need to complete the application or improve
accordingly is inherited save and name the object is a standard control extended.

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