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lThis question paper contains 4 prrnted pages.

6245 Your Roll lVo.

B.A. (FIons.)/II


(Comparative Politics)

Tirne : 3 Hcturs Maximtrm Marks : I00

(Write your Roll No. on the top immecliutely

on receipt of'this question paper.)

(gq ew-c-r + ffi # d-cr &' 41'

fuiffu etFr w nmT Wfr-qTt fufuvr)

lVote :- Answers may be written either in or in Hintli; but the

sume meclittm shoulcl be usecl throughout the paper.

ffi._W yw_sv w qr /ffi /ffi W rrTw

JF11 ,r-"18fr
+ Ar"v, A/Ar vrA o.rd +z qrLzm y6 fr dlql atFv t

lvote : The muximum murks printetl on the question paper are ctpplicable
for the canditlates registered v:ith the School o.f'Open Letuning.
These marks **ill, hou*eyer, be scalecl tlown proportionutely in
respect of the stuclents of regular- colleges, at the time o.f postitrg
of' awarcls ./br compiltttion of' result.

a}e. ,- yt;r-w w erfud yttfo 'wa enw rtqr elffrT' I ydw-m.a

dre)'d fus qTq *r rffia ffi * /"q w srql w
vrycfdq -qffirf{ur qfreiTq|a dqr m?-} vqq fuqr dTw t
6245 )

Attenpt any five questions.

All cltrestions c0rrY equal mark:;

trrE?'fu v{41 i rrn flft9I

qsft rp-+ A lrq aq+ A t

1. what do you understand by Modernity? critically Examtne.

JrT-uR-6-dT i enq avr crflt t? ona-qcm-+" qfrerur dftqt

2. Highlight the rnajor approacires to study Comparative


E"|;Il-Fffi irc-frR * snqqq * 5a 3qrqt- q} 'rqmi dfrqt

3. Write a brief essay on the development of socialism in and

outside EuroPe.

gfu + ir{t 3ir qrfl t-+rfffin + G-+-m vt \rs'ffirw ftqu frRqqt

4. Critically examine the position of the Monarch in British

Political sYstem.
B& m {G*R-6 qq{eTt t rrsrc fr Rrft ql c+rfrs-{ffio qfrmq

5. a federation? Discuss the main features of the

fecierai system in United States of America'

6245 3

qq wr il qgffi tw erttranr fr ffiq q{err * vgte 3TFrf,eTfr

q.r fri-q+ frRqt

6. Examine the role of American President in American


3{ttr+1 ffitn+ t irqqR 41 qR+.r qr qtqq dfrqt

7 . Describe the features of socialist economy'

{qffiqr-A srri-e-etqT t eertfr

qr quta frfuqt

What do you understand by class? What is the

between class and Poiitics?

qri t sq fl{f qq*t e? qli eir {ffiftR I wt teu *?

g. Analyse the changing role of nation state in

the context of

globalizat ion.



ffiRdd n + ffi i qt qfh'n frqFFfi ftfrqs:

(a) Multi-PartY SYstem

EE{siq qq{qT

(b) Supreme Court of USA

3rttrsT qT Erkt-+r qE{trIzT

(c) Decolonization


(d) Middle Class

qtrT eri

(1 0000)

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