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Metamorphosis: Jhenric Madrilejos� Transformation from Totoy to Sex Bomb

By: Amelia Joy M. Nova
Grade 10-Erudite

Once a he now will forever be a she

Jhenric Madrilejos started to doubt herself when she was six years old. She
enunciated that it all started when someone made them dance to the songs of the
then famous female group, the Sexbomb girls. Needless to say, she got inspired by
that notable experience.
No journey is ever easy. When she was younger, her parents brought her a toy car
and they bought her younger sister a Barbie doll. For some reasons, she started to
feel envious and wanted to switch her toy with her sister�s Barbie doll.
It didn�t take long for her dear mother to accept the spontaneous �revelation.� Her
father, however, had a difficult and longer time to accept the truth. Her mother,
being the loving mother that she is, did everything to convince her husband to
accept and support her. Still, her father remained indifferent.
A week quickly passed by but her father still refused to talk to her and completely
ignored her presence. She could not do anything then but hope that her father was
just taking time to finally let the realization sink in his mind and heart until
one unforgettable morning. It was just a regular day but to her surprise, her
father approached her and apologized. Indeed, parents� love is unconditional.
She started to change herself from a man to a woman. Of course we�re living in a
judgemental society so expect there are people who will judge you. She didn�t mind
the gossips and the eyes of judgement. Luckily her friends also accepted her, so
her personality didn�t go down.
Her friends and family accepted her so she started not to care about what other
people would think and say. What mattered most to her was the love she�s receiving
from them.
However, her struggles didn�t seem to end any sooner. In the classroom, she felt as
though she committed anything wrong with any of her classmates. Reminded by her
mother�s thoughtful words, she ignored those negativities and hoped that someday,
people like her would no longer be ridiculed and discriminated for the basis of
gender. Acceptance was all she wanted.
Supported and guided by her family, she had managed to stay away from negative
people, mind her own business and do well, and just let things be. Now, she lives
with a grateful heart that her transformation went smooth. She is also thankful
that she has such a loving family and understanding and loyal friends who never
fail to show their unwavering affection for her. These things are what constitute
the Jhenric Madrilejos that she is today- brave, determined, and strong.
Despite all her struggles in life �financial, physical, emotional, she will never
ever turn her back on whatever challenge she is going to face in the future. No
mountain is ever too high for a determined soul, and no ocean is ever too deep for
a heart full of greatness.
Once a he, now will forever be Miss Jhenric Madrilejos, a Bachelor of Secondary
Education (BSED) major in English graduate.

Evanescence: The Lost Children�s Laughter of Ba�adero

By: Christopher S. Hisarza
Grade 8-Euler

�Kuya, laro tayo!�

I don�t know how to tell my little brother Mon-Mon that we can�t climb that
�mountain� anymore. It�s not possible.
�Sige na, Kuya. Akyat tayo doon. Dati �di ba, ang bilis ko!�
How will I tell a five-year old boy, who�s very eager to climb that thing there
that it�s not the same �mountain� we used to climb last year?
In my 12 years of existence, I grew up, used to run in this place I consider
playground-the Ba�adero rice field.
I remember, when I was younger like the age of Mon-Mon, I climb the mountain of
dayami (hay) in the middle of the field as fast as I can. That was where I learned
my first acrobatic skills.
Looking at the mountain of the sand now, if I�ll tell Mon-Mon that it�s not
possible for us to play there anymore, I know he�ll be disappointed.
I don�t know when did the subdivision Bria Homes started to rise in our rice field.
I just realize today that the playground I used to know is already gone.
I can no longer hear the children�s laughter every afternoon, after school. The
sound of the grinding machine that works all day and night started to get in my
senses. I�m getting used to it. I don�t miss the sound of laughter anymore.
The massive area of land of Ba�adero had been converted into subdivision, school,
resort, apartments. The green rice field had long been gone, together with the
children�s laughter.
Tatay said development is good. But I said, just in my mind, that rice field is
better. That�s how I feel.
Am I selfish to long for the nice view of Mt. Makiling, yearn to see the green
field again, hear the laughter of the children of Ba�adero or smell the dew of the
new mown hay?
As I look at Mon-Mon in the eyes, I tried to figure out in my mind, will there be a
chance to hear children�s laughter in this field again? I didn�t get an answer.
�Uwi na tayo, Mon-Mon. Naamoy ko na ang masarap na sopas ni Nanay.�
I smiled and hold my brother in the hand. His face lit up hearing about Nanay�s
As we walk away from the �mountain�, I can�t help myself but look back hoping to
see the same peak of hay in there. But there�s no mountain of hay, it was totally
gone. There�s only the tall grey sand standing proud in our rice field.

Coming Out: How Mariecar Sumbilla Turned from Shy to Confident

By: Mary Jane Obiles
Grade 10- Erudite

Not long before being discovered in the magnificent world of journalism, Mariecar
Q. Sumbilla had a not-so-fair-share in the inhumane world of �not totally bullying�
but more on teasing; the only good and bad thing at the same time is that she was
the victim of �not so bad jokes either.�
Mariecar, being always quiet became the subject of teasing. She admitted that at
times, the jokes are annoying but she can always have her revenge whenever she
wants to.
Being a nice girl, she slowly learned how to deal with the �jokers� in a way where
she somehow turned herself to becoming a joker also.
Then a big break came.
When Ms. Valarie taught journalism class in Grade 8, she noticed that Mariecar has
the potential of being a writer. Ma�am. Val encouraged her to become a journalist,
and when she agreed, she started her trainings of becoming a Science and Technology
�During our trainings, I noticed that she is the most silent trainee. We talked to
her, with, simply bringing the best out in her, in mind. She would respond to our
questions and would be silent again. I never doubted her skills for the basis of
difference in personalities. I know and believe that she has a lot more to offer.�
Ma�am Val is so proud in narrating their journey.
According to an article in Elite Daily, an American online news platform, it�s
always the quiet ones who are the smartest. This may not be acceptable for
everybody, I am certain that it�s true in Mariecar�s case. They are the introverts
who prefer to �fly under the radar, silently producing the best work and the most
incredible art.� This manifests Mariecar�s personality. Thinking carefully,
listening more, talking less-all these are necessary for a brainpower, thus,
explaining her silent and surprising nature.
The Divisions Schools Press Conference (DSPC) came, and Mariecar ranked 4th place
in Pagsulat ng Artikulong Aghaam at Teknolohiya.
Not bad for a first timer.
She actually is a qualifier for the next level of competition-Regional Schools
Press Conference (RSPC).
When she received her awards, she can�t help but be emotional, that very minute
she's going to cry. But when she returned to her seat, it is noticeable that she's
hiding her tears. No worries, because those were tears of joy.
Returning to classroom after the competition, with that glued smile on her lips, it
is certain, the shy girl will never be shy anymore.

Metanoia: When Does Hatred Turn to Love?

By: Patrick Miguel D. Detecio
Grade 9-Dalton

I crossed that thin line between love and hate. Now at this moment, while writing
You are the most annoying person in school. I hated you for being so protective
over me when I�m not even your own kid.
It�s actually hate at first sight.
�Saan ka pupunta?�
I remember you asked me with your baritone and sounds like so bossy voice.
�May bibilhin lang po sa labas.�
�Hindi puwede.�
I gave you the first hate speech in my mind.
I don�t want to think about you anymore but I can�t help it.
The different reports seen on television and over the radio about security breach
which led to the different violent cases involving learners, parents, or other
parties, enforces school administrators to hire competent and skilled security
guards. Through this and careful process, You, Norman P. Otares, was selected.
There was never a question of priority as you spend long hours, days, weeks,
months, and years serving the school. You have always been observed and seen
prioritizing school safety. Strict implementation of school security policies were
your daily routine. Providing for your family and the love for your job is way
beyond imaginable.
Alright, I�m sorry.
I know it�s somewhat late but I�m saying sorry. I wanted to say thank you, too for
all your efforts in ensuring the safety of everyone in CIS. Thank you, because even
in rainy seasons, when others stay safe and comfortable in their own homes, you�re
still here guarding and securing the school, teachers, principals, students, staff,
and visitors.
Thank you because you did your job well. You followed instructions and protocols
even if it would mean misunderstanding you. Honestly, I do not understand the
nature of your work, some may do, but many more can�t appreciate you. I know the
reason, why you�re not letting us go outside the school, because you just want our
safety and you don�t want us to be hurt or to be in trouble.
I�m sorry for all the wrongdoings I�ve done. I�m sorry for everything .I�m sorry if
I never listened. I�m sorry if caused you a lot of troubles sometimes or maybe most
of the time.
It�s really true that you�re going to see the worth of a person when he is gone.
Why do we often take things and people for granted, often those that deserve our
gratitude the most?
Enjoy the little things in life because someday you will realize they were big
things. �Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had�. What you have
now was once everything you strove to attain. Just because something becomes
repetitive does not mean it needs to be replaced. Think of how lucky you are to
have someone you can be with comfortably around, It�s a true gift and one should
cherish at all times.
Even if we are hard to handle there is really a person who�s going to love us even
in a short period of time. I can also imply that many students are posting photos
of our guard in their social media accounts because maybe they�re guilty because
they did not treat him well while he was still alive. They�re even posting pictures
of him smiling and there�s a caption saying I�m sorry and RIP. Well in fact they
don�t sound sincere, because all they have to do with him and sometimes, as I have
observed, they did not show much appreciate to your service. Sometimes I�m just
going to think, Why can�t they just stop and, rather than whine and complain about
not being allowed to go outside during class hours, why can�t students simply try
to understand the situation?
Appreciate all things you have in your life, because you will never know when that
time will end. Don�t wait until you realize that without it, your foundation to
make it through each day begins to crumble. Too many times people don�t realize
what they have because they are out there looking for something better. The problem
is when they do realize it, they will come crawling back. Everyone falls into the
trap that the grass is always greener on the other side. People makes mistakes,
it�s part of human nature.
Today I crossed that thin line hoping it will make you hear me say, I�m sorry.
I can�t help the tears as they stream from my eyes. Is it too late to say I�m
Too late to realize that the hatred will turn into love when that person you think
you hate leaves you.
I love you, Kuya Guard.
Rest In Peace.

Detour: A LIfe and Death Situation in the Rice Field

By: Jane A. Bassig
Grade 12-ABM

Planting rice is never and will never be fun.

And that's because there's a failure to modernize rice farming in the Philippines.
The problems now being traced to the Rice Tariffication Law have been there for
years, so it would be wrong to blame this new law for the decades-old problems in
the rice sector.
Rice production hasn't been able to keep up with our relatively high population
growth, resulting in the Philippines becoming the world's largest rice importer in
recent years.
Vilma Mendoza,45, is one of the farmers who really felt how planting rice is not
fun. She has five children and all of them are studying. She assumed that she is
affected by the law because the price of the rice is undeniably low. Plus the fact
that her salary also decreases. So low that it reaches below normal.
Vilma is working for the sake of her children, with high hope that someday, she can
move away from the mud. She was born in the field, learn to live a life there, and
hoping that she will not die in there.
But with the Rice Tarrification Law, when there are newly invented machines or
robots that can help farmers do their work easily and faster, she smells death.
Afraid of the day when she's not yet ready to step out of the mud but the mud may
not need her anymore.
She has a dream of going out of the mud, someday maybe after her children's
graduation. Not sooner. Not when the subsidy from the government replaced her work
in the field. Not so soon.
What would happened to her and her family's life in the field when modernization
Its already hard to find a job for a 45 year old like her. If she could found one
then maybe she�s going to go for it. Being a farmer is one of the hardest job here
in the Philippines. Because a farmer should plant and harvest their crops. Aside
from that they should always take care of everything in the farm. It is one of the
hardest but most enjoyable work.
Nowadays since the ricee tariffication law was already signed by President Duterte,
with the abundance of rice supply here in the Philippines many farmer are going to
suffer including Vilma.
The signing of the Rice Tariffication Law has made things worse for the country�s
farmers, one of the poorest sectors. That's how Vilma understood. The 10 billion
rice competitive enhancement fund is a music to the farmers' ear. But they will not
expect that much. They accepted the fact that some crocodiles may interfere.
Before, Vilma actually is contented with the salary. The P11 price of a kilo of
palay is enough and can support her family.
Today, she worries that her life in the field migth turn to death anytime soon.

Switch: From losing to winning

How CIS interpretative dancers perform their first victory to regionals
By: Mary Jane Obiles
Grade 10-Erudite

Practice like you�ve never won, perform like you�ve never lost. Dance to the tune
of your heart beat. Say "Kami naman!"
Dancing is not just getting up, painless like a leaf blown by the wind. Dancing is
when you tear your heart out and rise out of your body to hang suspended by the
world. The dash and high spirits of dance attracts colonize of every one of ages,
as does the intellect of community, the sheer pleasure of heartbreaking to music,
and the brute closeness.
In the process, nation gain knowledge of additional about themselves, opportunity
down inhibitions, stimulate their minds, and discover new acquaintances.
For the first time, the always second choice, always an option, always at the back
of the limelight, stood confidently and claimed the victory for the first time. The
team will perform and represent the city in the Regional competition for
interpretative dance.
Everyone, the whole CIS crowd, is so proud at them. The sweetness of victory in its
How did the kids do that?
They won because the choreography was made by the two senior high students. Imagine
they won because they are truly amazing.
Our dancers are really stupefying. Why?, Dancers allow to gain knowledge of
thousand of insinuating changes purely by examination by inspection a big name
demonstrating folks movements. They don't mark the moves down, and they're not
certain a manuscript with theirs and every person moves in print in.Imagine if
actors or musicians had to become skilled at their parts by central part plainly by
examination or listening to a big cheese else.
What time dancers chance mother country at the point of rehearsals they obtain to
practice, but they don't possess something to strike a chord them of dance moves,
other than their confess fantastic memory.
When they�re practicing something, it�s fun to watch them move together in the
accompaniment of the song. They�re happy dancing, even though it can lassitude
This is probably one of the happiest things that has ever happened to them. It is
one of the accomplishment that they made in our school. Live like you�ll going to
die tomorrow ,work like you don�t need money, and dance like nobody�s watching.
The support these dancers get is good enough so they do not feel discouraged.
Most importantly, according to Joseph, one of the choreographers, dance from the

Angeline Ramirez: Darna's Struggle

By: Amelia Joy Nova
When it comes to beggars, I�m confused. If I walk past one of the streets in
Calamba, I feel both guilt and embarrassment. Sometimes I�m not proud to say, I
feel a flash of irritation at beggars who make me feel uncomfortable this way.
Occasionally, I give them small amount of money, but I usually hurry on by.
I suspect most of them behave in a different way. Since beggars are everywhere,
coming in different forms with different pleas. Some board public transportation
and polish your shoes, or wipe your car�s windshield once stopped. Some hand out
envelopes saying they need money for school. Some even go as far as presenting a
medical certificate in the hope of getting financial aid for their �illness� or
they want to cure a member of their family who has a deadly disease that any time
they will die.
Others are lost, in need of assistance for their commute back home. Some appear to
be genuinely helpless, while nonchalant blurt out expletives if you give them
nothing.But when you heard their untold stories, you will really feel sorry for
One of the children that probably have an inspiring story is Angeline Ramirez,6
years old. She is one of the children begging for money to live, and she once said
that, �Kaya po ako namamalimos para may pangbaon po ako sa school tsaka, gusto ko
pong maging Darna paglaki ko.�
Angeline is a first grader at Calamba Elementary School, youngest of the family.
Her mother, who�s always with her, willingly and happily shared that since
Angeline�s father�s death few years ago, she�d been a Super Nanay to her 5
children, working tirelessly day and night, and when they needed more for food,
they go begging for alms. Only 3 are still studying and the other two already have
their own family. Indeed, life hasn�t been so �generous� with them.
Imagine there are many jobs that can be dreamed up, but for her she just want to be
a Darna. Simple yet uniquely distinguishing in any job that a child would dream.
She also aforementioned that even though they are poor as a church mice, they�re
still full of joy of spring. �Gusto ko pong makapagtapos ng pag-aaral kahit mahirap
para maging Darna ako at para po matulungan ko si mama at para di na siya
magtrabaho.� She will persevere to study to help her family and become a Darna
This pure soul just taught me another important lesson in life, a lesson I can
never learn merely from books, which is to be grateful for everything that you have
because there are people who don�t get to have the necessities you are complaining

Rediscovering: Baywalk In Calamba Laguna

By: Amelia Joy Nova

Calamba Aplaya is where you can travel at the Laguna Lake, Mt. Makiling and the far
distance the mountains of Laguna Southern towns. Aplaya serves as a favorite
tourist place among locals. As the sun rises there are lots of joggers, adult with
their kids, couples, �barkadas� taking selfies, fishermen, men with nets aiming to
harvest shrimps, and also there are lots of water lilies beside the shore line
captivates the beauty of its own version of nature in the bay.
The whole post within the sea holds the sea boundaries that also give light to
those who visit the place early in the morning or late in the evening.
Early morning is a favorite time to catch the first sunrays and perhaps buy some of
the lakes bounties and late in the afternoon, because it�s so windy , and gazing at
the lake will calm your nerves. And during weekends they have this weekly aerobatic
exercise, that will engage you to dance to the tune of the music, while enjoying a
beautiful view and light atmosphere.
Another activity you can try is visiting the Wonder Island Resort, the only resort
hotel in the middle of Laguna Lake. You will need a prior arrangement with the
resort�s management so they can accommodate you fairly well. Fast transportation is
guaranteed since ferry is provided by Wonder Island where you can ride from the
Aplaya�s dock.
Tourists will have to ride a banca first to get to Wonder Island Resort, that is
said to be a perfect place for those who want to forget the pollution and hustle
and bustle in Metro Manila. Wonder Island Resort also has a sauna and a Jacuzzi.
The place is not only for relaxation and enjoyment, the water in the swimming pool
is believed to be therapeutic as it can heal the likes of Arthritis, because the
water comes from one thousand feet below the ground.
Even the clouds on the sky coordinates with the beauty of the whole scenery. It�s
really a perfect place to take pictures or to enjoy walking while being fascinated
with the surroundings. One that struck to my attention is a man just beside the sea
shore waiting for something. I wonder how he managed to go up and sit there with
this bamboo stick.
As I observe this man, I realize that he is aiming for something � either to shoot
a bird or a fish which is quite a remorseful activity to do. We have to save the
sanctuary of the lives around the bay rather than getting them or worst killing
There is this area that serves as a small port for transporting people and
different goods from other places. Boats that varies from different sizes are
visible, which also depict the lives of every people living within these places.
This is how to capture in mind a simple place . Far in the crowded and polluted
city of Metro Manila, and an inexpensive tour destination.
This is truly a gem that should be taken cared of- for the future generation to

Life Behind Dorms: How Calamba City Jail Slowly but Surely Changes its
�accommodation� to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL)
By: Eva Pajanustan

Dorms, formerly called prison cells, are what keep Persons Deprived of Liberty
(PDL), formerly called inmates, from the rest of the outside world.
Given how the public perceives jails and detention centers, it is understandable
that no PDL would ever dream to experience the extremely poor condition inside any
jail and under any management because as humans, everyone deserves an uplifting and
positive environment to grow and reflect. From the movies to the news-jails are not
quite a place to be.
In some movies, the overwhelming number of PDL are usually jammed together in a
small dorm without proper ventilation. They are portrayed as tough and scary so the
thought of being inside with relatively close distance is quite unimaginable and
Surprisingly, PDL inside the Calamba City Jail, located in Brgy. Turbina, show a
different face of the jail management. Just like any other jails in the nation, it
has good facilities and programs to help cater to the needs of the PDL. But what
makes this jail remarkably different from the other jails in the region is its
significantly positive atmosphere, management, facilities, and most importantly,
the positive impact it shares and leaves to PDL which helps them see and embrace
change positively.
This change somehow gives PDL a glimpse of hope and an ounce of courage to face the
outside world and the unforgiving society, anytime, if there is, they regain
�freedom� by clearing themselves legally.
Life inside is �normal� -doing what people in the outside world do everyday. Start
the morning with a prayer, exercise, eat, read, do handicrafts, chat with each
other, reflect, eat, pray, sleep, and repeat.
Clean environment, well-ventilated and comfortable dorms, functional facilities,
clear set of activities for the day, fair and humane treatment from the Jail
Wardens and other officials-these are just some of the good things PDL enjoy.
Additionally, there are cultural, religious, and sports activity which molds PDL�s
social, moral, and spiritual being, preparing them for the better.
Thus, there�ll be no time to waste being pessimistic because of the existing
programs that require their time, effort, and attention.
The city jail provides opportunities to PDLs to learn new skills, earn a
certificate, even apply the learned skills and benefit from it greatly by earning
money from it. Government and private institutions and agencies offer free
trainings to PDL nationwide. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA) and Alternative Learning System (ALS) are among those government agencies
and institutions which, work hand-in-hand with the BJMP management to attain a
positive result concerning the total well-being of the PDL, respectively.
TESDA offers life skills with National Certificate II which is required by skills-
based companies. ALS, on the other hand, helps PDL in achieving a diploma they need
in their pursuit of better careers.
With these, the City Jail has its own PDL-managed departments such as kitchen
department, laundry department, and cleaning department. Each dorm has a head or a
coordinator to take responsibility of dormmates so everything is organized, and
conflicts will be avoided.
Thus, there�ll be no time to waste being pessimistic because of the existing
programs that require their time, effort, and attention.
The fresh, uplifting, positive atmosphere will help PDL overcome the fear of the
judgmental, stereotypical, and neglecting outside world.

The Arduous Trek of �Patty�, �Rey�, and �Archie� from the Four Corners of Calamba
City BJMP to Spiritual Comfort

One can never realize the importance of freedom until such time it is jeopardized.
Philippines, being a democratic country, uphold the best interest in human life as
far as the human rights interest is concerned.
The only word that sums up the remarkable differences between living inside and
outside the prison is FREEDOM. This seven-letter-word often comes in different
situation. This can be interpreted in different ways, by different people coming
from different walks of life.
Article 3, Section 1 of the Bill of Rights of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
states that �No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.�
This simply tells everyone to respect and treat even those inside the most unwanted
dorms ever existed.
�Rey�, �Patty� and �Archie� discovered something they could not even fathom in the
outside world-true comfort in spirituality.
When asked about the lessons they�ve learned all throughout their stay in their
dorms, each of them smiled. The genuine smile they showed means a lot to us as we
start asking them questions, carefully, respectfully, and with due consideration on
what should be �on� and �off� the record.
Coming from a well-to-do family, �Rey� got what he wanted, enjoyed his social life,
and experienced the best things life has to offer. But when asked about what he has
learned from the outside world, �I�ve learned that you will see the true colors of
those you considered friends once you ran out of penny,� he shared. �I was an easy-
go-lucky,� he added. He also made it clear that you cannot buy freedom and real
friends however rich you are.
�Patty� seconded, �That�s true. I had a lot of friends when I had money, but those
friends vanished like the wind the moment I was left with not even a single coin.�
Just like �Rey�, he also got a lot of friends and enjoyed life to the fullest. Back
when he did not know any money-making-skill, he lets his family visit him multiple
times a month. Now that he is earning enough to provide for his needs, he just lets
them visit him at least once a month. He earns money inside BJMP through
handicrafts and his side income, manicure and pedicure. His clients are his mates,
Jail Wardens, and even the families and relatives who visit them during visiting
hours. He also emphasized another important thing he�s thankful for, his newly
found comfort in spirituality. �I always go to church every Sunday, but whenever I
get back, I do everything I wanted, forgetting the application of my religious
�Archie� surprised us with his extra-ordinary enthusiasm. Journalists could only
smile while listening to him. We didn�t need to ask more questions, he was as
bright as the Sun and shared his thoughts eloquently.
Each of three has vibrant personality which made the interview a great one, leaving
the journalists inspired and touched. �Patty� even jokingly called out �Archie� for
passionately sharing positive things he has learned, which seemed endless. A day is
not enough for them to share all the good things that are worth sharing and all the
lessons worth remembering.
Each of them is ready to face a new page of their book of life. Each is positive
and willing to brace change for the better, and most importantly, each of them
found God in the right time, and perhaps, in the �right� place.


By: Amelia Joy Nova

You can't buy happiness they say, but you can buy cake and that's the same thing.
Cake is a part of every Filipino occasions-birthdays, weddings, anniversaries of
even a simple thank you message. Filipinos love sweets.
Susana Beguico, a teacher in a public school knew very well how to please everybody
with her sweeeet treat.
"I started doing this as a hobby. I asked everyone who likes sweet to taste the
cakes I'm baking. Surprisingly, I never received negative comments," Ma'am Su
narrates how she started.
The teacher never planned to make cake as her business. She just loves baking. She
even mentored kids in school whom she found hve the ability and the same love she
has for baking.
During the interview, Ma'am Su showed some certificates certifying she and her
students some regional competitions about bread and pastry. "When you really love
something, you will always be glad to share it to people," she explained.
BaySan is a name from Bayani, Ma'am Susana's husband and her own name. According to
her, most of her business are word of mouth. Every client that comes to her is thru
someone she knows or someone who tasted her cakes at an event. She never
advertised. The customers are willing to pay whatever the price is for her cake. "I
charge what I feel comfortable and makes it worth my time and effort. I value what
I do and price them accordingly," she stated.
Ma'am Su admits that making customized cakes is expensive because it is really time
consuming. According to her, there are times that some clients would complain that
the cake is really expensive. Sometimes, she gets frustrated. Some people just
don't understand the effort given when making a cake.
What makes BaySan's cakes special? Ma'am Su said, "I put all my time, my heart and
my attention whenever I'm baking. I myself love every cake I make. I know it's
already perfect when looking at it makes me smile and say, 'Ang ganda!'"
We can't buy happiness, it's true. But inside every BaySan's box of personalized
cake, you can always have a slice of happiness.

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