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Monkey Business
Ferlite Scientific Research Inc.: A Glimpse from the Dark Past

In the heart of Banadero lies a mysterious place known to the residences as

"Ungguyan". From the name itself, somewhere in the past, the story goes behind the
scenes of an exporter's life, some monkeys and his "monkey business."
In 1989, dozens of macaque monkeys were shipped from the Philippines to a facility
of a private commercial lab in Reston, Virginia, owned by Hazleton Laboratories
(now known as Covance). The intention was to use the macaques for testing�but they
never made it that far. After arriving in Reston, many suddenly and inexplicably
died, and were later found to have Ebola virus.
Soon, it was found out that these monkeys are from the Ferlite Scientific Research

What Happened in Ferlite Farm?

Ferlite Scientific Research Inc. Monkey farm is a private owned land located in a
4-hectare area in Banadero, Calamba City, Laguna. It was an orchard but later on
the owner started to use some part of it for a laboratory and a farm used to breed
the crab eating monkeys where the Reston Ebola virus was believed to be first
A certain Alex Lina of Banadero, but now residing in Paranaque owns the farm.
Ferlite uses open cages as their holding facilities. Individual cages are used in
their quarantine facility. Until 1996, Ferlite exported 1500 monkeys annually to
the United States. The monkeys used for breeding come from Zamboanga and Iligan
After the Reston cases, Ferlite destroyed its stock of 1,600 monkeys. The poor
animals were put to death using lethal injection and burned them. That act lasted
for almost a week. Caretakers of the farm still cry until today with the thought of
the monkeys killed.
"Ungguyan" became just an ash from the past, but the orchard, the trees, some of
the cages and cries of the monkeys remained in that abondoned piece of land.

Reston Ebola: The Virus Gone Viral

Reston virus (RESTV) is one of six known viruses within the genus Ebola virus.
Reston virus causes Ebola virus disease in non-human primates; unlike the other
five Ebola viruses, it is not known to cause disease in humans, but has caused
asymptomatic infections.
Reston virus was first described in 1990 as a new "strain" of Ebola virus (EBOV).
It is the single member of the species Reston Ebola virus, which is included into
the genus Ebola virus, family Filoviridae, and order Mononegavirales. Reston virus
is named after Reston, Virginia, US, where the virus was first discovered.
Ferlite has been the source of animals in all six recorded outbreaks of the Asian
strain of Ebola virus infection in laboratory primates. The first occurred at a
primate importing firm in Reston in October 1989, and was chronicled in the book
"The Hot Zone." In the six months after those cases were discovered, smaller
outbreaks occurred at a primate importing company in eastern Pennsylvania, at the
company in Alice, Tex., where the most recent cases were found, and again in
Reston. The one non-American outbreak occurred in Siena, Italy, in 1992, and also
involved macaques supplied by Ferlite.
The sentiments of the caretakers of the farm, like Mang Badong is that if it is
Ebola why weren't they affected. Though several times it was explained to him that
Resto Ebola is not known to cause disease to human, it was already fixed in his
mind that the government had no mercy for killing all the innocent monkeys they
In the heart of Banadero lies a mysterious place known to many as "Ungguyan". Now,
it just a piece of abandoned land full of memories about a monkey business in the

11 out of 40 students play ML

By: Mariecar Sumbilla
Grade 8-Euler

There are 11 out of 40 students in Grade 8 Pilot play Mobile Legends (ML).
Three years ago, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena was
created by Moonton Technology.
ML is one of the most popular mobile games currently being played by not just
students but anybody who feels like playing online games. While its premise is
interesting enough, what really keeps players glued to their smart phones?
"Playing ML helps my mood become good, " Mc Claren Vasquez said. According to this
grade 8 student, whenever he has extra time, he will automatically log in and play.
"Kapag recess o lunch, naglalaro ako kahit nasa school. Pero hindi ako naglalaro
kapag may klase. Kahit adik ako sa ML, mas importante pa rin sa akin ang pag-aaral
ko," Vasquez emphasized.
The most recent ML update brought in several new additions to the game players not
only have a new interface to get used to, but they�re introduced to new heroes as
According to the survey conducted by the journalists, there is an average of 27%
of the total number of students in every classroom plays the game.
Players claim the game enhanced well being.
Additionally, playing these games regularly can help increase memory capacity.
Tasks such as keeping track of different bingo cards as well as focusing on the
numbers called out during a game can greatly aid mental stimulation.

Save Rainforests �CIS Students

By: Mary Jane Obiles
Grade 10-Erudite

CIS students shared Facebook posts, awareness campaign and news articles about
saving one of the earth�s lungs, the Amazon Rainforest.
The students believe that the more people who knows what is happening to
rainforests and the Indigenous communities who rely on them, the more likely they
are to help.
Read your food and products labels carefully and refuse to buy products with palm
oil or insist on sustainable alternatives. It is one of the weeds that people don't
know how valuable and expensive it is in other country, said Jane Bassig when asked
what she is doing to help save the rainforest.
CIS students have their own fair share to stop what is currently happening in the
Amazon Rainforest.
Since these students are far from the Amazon rainforest, there is no means for them
to physically visit the place and literally help keep off the fire. Instead, they
do class project to learn more about rainforests and the plants and animals that
live there. They plan to create a skit, write a story, or decorate their classroom
to look like a real rainforest.
We tell our friends and family about how important the rainforests are, we ask our
teacher to teach our class more about rainforests, Bassig added.
We also believe that when we use less paper�re-use paper instead of throwing it
out, cut it up to use as a notepad, or recycle the paper used, we are helping save
rainforest, explained Amelia Nova, a grade 10 student. We also ask our parents and
teacher about how they recycle their paper, Nova added.
The children are also asking the school administrator to buy environmentally
friendly paper.
The students believe that their little effort can con tribute to stop the alarming
fire in the Amazon rainforest.

Stop Agri-land Conversion


An Executive Order (EO) is set to be signed by President Rodrigo Duterte declaring

a two-year moratorium for conversion of agricultural lands. There is a need to stop
agri-land conversion.
It is just right that the administration's ultimate aims are to empower the
nation's farmers, continuing open dialogue and consultation to all stakeholders
especially the farmers and to attain food security.
The EO will be based on five thrusts and policy directions - protect farmers and
ensure their security of tenure, promote farmers rights and welfare, contribute to
rural development, ensure food security, and strengthening the DAR community. That
for the first time is the most decent action our government can contribute to the
welfare of our poor farmers.
From 1988 to June 2016, around 60,000 hectares of agricultural land have converted
which spells great reduction in palay production. This is not a good action.
Continuous agri-land conversion will never bring good fortune not just to the poor
farmers but to the nature itself.
Furthermore, who will be benefited with these conversions? Will the commoner even
get a little share from the outcome?
On the other hand, the EO could hamper the goal of developing more economic zones,
expanding the manufacturing industry, accelerating infrastructure projects and
decongesting urban areas. Such policy framework on land use may also administer
limits to conversion and expansion of selected uses to ensure that there is balance
to meet future demands for food security, housing and shelter, and industry and
But still, we cannot deny the fact that rapid urbanization and population growth
have contributed to the problem of shrinking agricultural lands. I agree with Sen.
Francis Pangilinan when he said that we need farmers to feed the country. Farmers
need farm lands to feed the country.
Everybody needs food to live. Therefore, we really need to make farming an
attractive enterprise. Studies show that agriculture takes a back seat among other
land development projects as it has the smallest return on investment.


By: Darwin U. Remedios
Grade 10-Erudite

Waste Segregation Policy, Zero Waste Project, Eco Brick and many other waste
management program were imposed but failed in Calamba Integrated School (CIS)
Waste is always a major problem in schools. Waste is still around the corner, on
the ground, in the hallway, everywhere.
CIS family, there are so many ways on how we can help the nature.
Separating, reducing, reusing, recycling and composting are good options for
managing school waste. As a concern citizen, one needs to find ways to get rid of
school waste with the least negative effects on the environment.
Separating waste is the first step in managing the school�s rubbish. Set up bins
for the different kinds of waste, and make sure the right bins are used. One should
have clearly labelled bins for glass, paper, plastic, cans and for organic waste.
Let us avoid sending waste to a landfill. Landfills cause environmental problems,
such as unpleasant smells and contaminants and toxins leeching into water and the
Why don�t we educate staff and students about using other ways of disposing of
waste, such as recycling, reusing and composting?
Think about reusing waste around the school and the school community, including
taking lost property to the local opportunity shop; using plastic bags as bin
liners or as packaging, instead of bubble wrap; having students make recycled paper
and use shredded paper as bedding for pets.
Contact your local council to find out what can be recycled in your area. Generally
you can recycle: glass, paper and cardboard, cans, plastic.
Make sure recycle bins are used correctly and that the items are clean when they go
in the bin.
For recycling to work, educating students and staff is essential. Some local
councils help schools to set up recycling programmes and educate their staff and
Separate organic waste like food scraps, plants, paper and lawn clippings from
other rubbish.
Use organic waste for composting and teach students about how it works. We can use
the compost on the school gardens, saving on the cost of fertiliser and other
chemicals. You could set up worm farms, which can be used to teach parts of the
Burying waste on school grounds will almost certainly require resource consent. If
you�re thinking of burying rubbish, contact your local council first.

Ba�adero: Tragedy of the Common (Column)

By: Sheila J. Villareal
Master Teacher I-Science

The phrase tragedy of the commons, first described by biologist Garrett Hardin in
1968. It describes how shared environmental resources are overused and eventually
Barangay Ba�adero before is reach in natural resources. The land is planted with
different crops. As time passed b it was converted by the known giant businessmen
into different subdivisions inhibited by the increasing population.
Over population of migrant is not really the big problem. The real difficulty that
the barangay is facing now is the undisciplined migrants who do not care about
segregating their garbage, people who burn garbage and smokers producing carbon
dioxide that harm the atmosphere.
Another issue is the land intended for rice plants that is the daily meal of the
people eating 3 times a day is now at the critical level. Sooner or later, totally
losing the rice field is possible. It will be replaced by small houses or even by
giant buildings like mall.
How many more sacks of rice will be imported instead of planting it in our own land
and helping our local farmers?
The Philippine law has no power to stop converting agricultural turned into
residential houses. Why? It is because those businessmen are also the politicians
protecting their business and not the law of land itself.
Today, Ba�adero has only a piece of green field for pasturing the cows which
showcases good scenery every barangay local can observe in the morning. The dews in
those green grasses during rainy seasons and those dry leaves during summer which
brings one back to the old province is also in a critical state.
Good scenery brought by nature has long been replaced by houses built by Bria. This
land is starting to get smaller for those cows feeding it which serves as food for
Even the rice field at the right side of the school is also in danger of becoming a
field with houses that can cause the loss of fresh air that the community and
school of Calamba Integrated School is receiving.
The tragedy of the commons is starting to invade Ba�adero, unless we, people will
do something about it.

Gulasiman : Ba�adero�s Unnoticed Gem (FEATURE)

By: Sheila J. Villareal
Master Teacher I-Science

Wait, what? How many among the residents of Ba�adero knew about this weed that�s
wickedly good for your health? I bet, if not totally none, there are only few knew.
Whenever you pull out purslane in your garden, you might want to think twice and
save this plant that is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-
bacterial, antitumor, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, and more! Whew! Now this is a
weed to watch out for.
Purslane or Gulasiman with a scientific name Portulaca oleracea is one of the weeds
that sprout in a crack of cement, pot with plants and anywhere in Ba�adero.
It is one of the weeds that people don't know how valuable and expensive it is in
other country.
Gulasiman contain High in nutrients, including vitamins (A, B, B2, C, niacin amide,
nicotinic acid, a-tocopherol, B-carotene), minerals, fatty acids (especially omega-
3), glutathione, glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
It also contains flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and urea. The plant contains urea,
vitamin C, ash (1.6%), and fat (4%). Study shows that fresh aerial parts isolated
�-sitosterol, �-sitosterol-glucoside, N,N�-dicyclohexylurea, and allantoin, while
air dried and powdered aerial parts yielded saponin (32% as the highest
constituent), alkaloid (26%), tannin, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside, terpenoid,
protein, and starch.
Studies found out that it has many medicinal uses. According to the

Researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, led by Julian

Weghuber PhD, investigated extracts prepared from seven different plants reported
to exhibit anti-diabetic effects via GLUT4 (glucose transporter protein type 4)
translocation-inducing properties.
It was also found out that gulasiman can stimulates blood circulation, lower bad
cholesterol, protect bones against osteoporosis, reduce inflammation of bee stings
and snakebites, and improve vision.
The juice of the leaves is reportedly good for dysmenorrhea, dysentery, dysuria,
and anthelmintic benefits. It also has anti-ulcer, anti-diabetes and anti tumor
The leaves are said to be effective against tumors, bruises, swellings, and gout.
It can also be used in washing or cleansing skin diseases like eczema, burns and
other wounds for anti-haemorrhagic effects.
According to, purslane may help treat a wide variety of skin
conditions as well. A study published in 2004 revealed that purslane leaves contain
high levels of vitamin A. This vitamin, combined with the cocktail of compounds
found in this �weed� mean that it can help reduce inflammation when applied
When consumed it may aid in improving skin, reduce wrinkles, and stimulate the
healing of skin cells to remove scars and blemishes.

Anti-cancer potential

A 2016 study by Chinese researchers suggests that purslane seed oil has antioxidant
and anti- proliferative properties that can help reduce oxidative stress.
During the in-vitro test on cancerous cells, the seed oil inhibited tumor cell
growth exhibiting anti-cancer potential. Further studies are required to explore
its anti-cancer properties.

Improves Vision

Vitamin A and beta-carotene, contained in purslane, have both been connected to

improved eye health and vision. These can help prevent macular degeneration and
cataracts by eliminating free radicals that attack the cells of the eye and cause
these common age-related diseases.
This short plant with round, smooth, thick green leaves that grows yellow flowers
and branches from brown stems is not short anymore when it comes to how beneficial
it is.
You will see purslane in salads and soups in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine, or
used as medicine in other cultures as well.
In the Philippines, purslane is also called as alusiman, bakbakad, dupdupil,
gulasiman, ulasiman, kantataba, and a few more.
Not all Filipinos know that purslane is a super food, despite the fact that this
mighty plant can withstand even the most drastic of conditions. And because it is a
succulent, consider it drought-proof! Literally, it can just grow anywhere!
Indeed, gulasiman is a wonder weed. Packed with awesome benefits for the skin and
body, make no mistake to add these in your diet, just make sure to wash it
thoroughly and buy from those that grow them free of pesticides. It doesn�t hurt
that it tastes great too! If trying purslane topically, make sure to discuss these
with your dermatologist first to ensure that your skin won�t get irritated.
Purslane is indeed a powerful plant but just ignored by many of us. Look no
further, you might already have some growing it in your garden today.

A World without Plastics (FEATURE)

By: Patrick Miguel D. Detecio
Grade 9- Dalton

Plastic is one of the revolutionary inventions that are now filling up our oceans;
killing thousands of marine biodiversity. Just how many plastics do we have around
us? Would our life be less comfortable without it?
Our plastic bag is chemically processed natural gas or oil. You can tear it, burn
it, or throw it away when you�re done with it, but it won't decompose the way bread
Since 1950's, we've created tons of plastic waste. We recycled some, and
incinerated some. The former process leaves us now with billion tons of plastic
waste; the latter destroyed our ozone layer.
More plastic wastes end up in the sea, killing marine animals which mistook this
indigestible synthetic for food. If we eliminate plastics from our lives, we can
save hundreds of marine species for entanglement and plastic ingestion. The
challenge we all have to face is whether or not we can live life without the use of
harmful plastics.
Although it is almost impossible for people to use plastics, it is possible to
develop a rather brilliant, long term solution. The then, students Jenny Yao and
Miranda Wang, developed bacteria that eat plastic pollution, giving hope of
solution to our never-ending problems involving plastic pollution. They have
founded their own company, Biocollection, to help lessen, if not eliminate at all,
the problems in plastic waste.
The development of the technology is divided into two parts: first the plastic is
dissolved and enzymes are catalyzed whereby the plastics become highly malleable
fractions. The projects run 24 hours, moving plastics from the water as promising.
They already won 5 prizes to this project. Yao and Wang became even more popular as
they are the youngest to win the Perlman Science Prize. They used technology to
reduce waste and pollution. They used technology to break the material, and
everything becomes biodegradable. Nothing is really impossible with the use of
With this invention, our world problems on plastic eventually decrease. And we can
decrease the pollution here on Earth. And thousands of marine animals would be
The long-term success of this invention is up to the people. If everyone is fully
aware of the purpose and intention of this innovation, then it�s most definitely
one big success to claim.
PUBG:Journey Beyond Reality
by: Amelia Joy M. Nova
Grade 10- Erudite

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG is reportedly causing mental illness among

students as their PUBG addiction is hampering their sleeping cycles while also
increasing stress levels.
Although it has some cited positive effects to the brain, what�s more concerning is
its negative effect. But with this app there are many teens whose going depressed
and wanted to get suicide because of this app. They were already addicted with it.
They don�t get enough proper sleep. And even worse, some young players believe that
they can do what the characters can.
In China, a 13-year-old boy jumped off a building, and the mother claims that it is
because he wanted �to see if he could survive like the characters in the PUBG video
game.� The characters jump off buildings to save time without losing lives.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG has become one of the most popular online
multiplayer games ever seen and since the game was released for smartphones in form
of PUBG Mobile, it has seen a massive reach among youngsters as well as gaming
The popularity of PUBG can be measured with the fact that smartphone manufacturers
and the developer itself have sponsored more than a couple of gaming events for
PUBG fans, which were well received.
With the increasing popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a debate has also
started around the world where people are worried about addiction to this online
game and the kind of mental damage it can cause to its players, specially to the
mind of the young learners.
We conducted a survey in one of sections in 8th grade. Almost 26% are playing PUBG
and most of the players are male. This shows that there are students who are really
addicted with this application.
Boys really love to play video games. That make them more familiar in playing
There are many teens affected greatly by this video game. Once addicted, their
minds wander beyond reality as they don�t get enough proper sleep.
Younger students should take a break from this video game to avoid addiction and
probable self-harm.

Harmony as the Key

Questioned by some, Gaia theory - the idea that all living and non-living
components on earth work together to promote life - is gaining support.
According to the People of Guardian Industries, Gaia theory suggests that the Earth
and its natural cycles can be thought of like a living organism.
Ba�adero is just a tiny dot of the gaia.
When one natural cycle starts to go out of kilter other cycles work to bring it
back, continually optimising the conditions for life on earth.
It was named after the Greek Earth goddess, Gaia, the theory was developed in the
1960s by scientist Dr James Lovelock. At the time, Lovelock was working for Nasa,
looking at methods of detecting life on Mars. The theory came about as a way of
explaining why the Earth's atmosphere contains high levels of nitrogen and oxygen.
This theory explain why every cycle on earth maintains the balance of nature . It
explains why our atmosphere contains only a few percent of carbong dioxide and why
the level of salinity of the ocean remains the same through time. The gaian
believed that long time ago the components of the gases in the atmosphere is
different that it was adjusted to the level in which the carbong dioxide level is
in the percentage level that the living organism can survive. It also believed
that the earth itself is like a living organism with different metabolic cycle that
includes different cycle such a water cycle, njtrigen cycle etc which help the
earth live and survived but then people are like a living parasite killing the
earth by emitting too many gases that cause sickness to the earth that is the
reason why we are experiencing climate change and different catastrophe.
People may think that their small activities may not affect the earth itself, but
in reality it will.
If Ba�adero will have to keep its rice fields, trees and clean river, this tiny dot
may help the whole gaia. If people will know how to segregate their garbage then
they can help solve the problems about environment even the health issue itself.
We are exepriencing the global effect of the human activities abuse of the earth,
to cure the earth, we, the part of it should work together for it is where we live.

When Puppy love gone wrong: Challenges of teenage pregnancy

A nine - year old boy reveals he had a crush and that he wanted to marry a nine -
year old girl. As early as 10, a little girl is capable of entering into a
relationship with the opposite gender. At 12 a grade 7 student got pregnant. These
scenarios aren't just drama or telenovela. These happen in real life. Everything
starts with puppy love. With curiosity, the puppy becomes a baby.

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