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Simple Indicators for an effective Power Quality

Monitoring and Analysis

Schneider Electric Schneider Electric
France France

Dominique VILLARD
Schneider Electric

Abstract— Power Quality surveys and studies show that the basic power quality measurements, such as Total Harmonic
major part of end users has limited knowledge on power quality Distortion, voltage and current unbalance , voltages level or
and its possible impact on equipment and installation. Even when power factor measurements. However, this information is
power quality monitoring systems are in place, end users have usually not explored, because the provided metrics are often
difficulties to follow, understand, analyze and exploit power
considered as complex and understandable only by power
quality measurements. The purpose of this paper is to introduce
simple green-yellow-red indicators for each power quality quality experts.
problem. Easy to understand and integrate in a power quality Although, Power Quality information should be meaningful
monitoring system, they are based on recognized power quality and accessible to people insight the facility that are not
standards and statistical analysis. This paper introduces as well a necessarily power quality specialists or consultants. For
Power Quality Index, summarizing the global power quality example, an energy procurement manager needs simple power
level. quality view to avoid penalties, adapt and optimize the energy
contract. A plant manager needs to understand power quality,
Keywords—power quality; monitoring; analysis; power quality its impact on the facility and associated cost. A maintenance
indicators; power quality index
manager or technician needs a quick and easy view to
understand power quality issues for equipment diagnostic and
downtime root cause analysis.
I. INTRODUCTION The difficulty to interpret power quality measurements comes
usually from the variety of power quality problems and
Power Quality is an area of growing concern for end users due
metrics, the volume of information and the diversity of
to the frequency of power quality issues and their financial
applicable standards. If we take as example the harmonics,
impact. Today is estimated that 30 to 40 percent of all
they are characterized by couple of metrics: min, max and
business downtime is related to power quality problems. The
average THDi, THDu, TDD, spectral analysis and individual
total power quality cost to European economy exceeds 150
harmonic ranges, and those parameters for each of the three
billion € [1]. In US, the losses due to power quality
phases. Complex limits recommendations depending on the
phenomena are estimated at between 119 billion USD and 188
voltage level and short-circuit voltage are provided by IEEE
billion USD [2].
and IEC standards, and in addition, each Energy provider has
Even that the economic impact of poor power quality is
his own requirements on the rejected harmonics limits. Not to
important and often compared to the amount spent on the
forget that the other power quality problems have their own
energy bill, the investments on power quality measurement or
metrics, sometimes even more complex, including waveform
corrective equipments are still limited. Technical and
interpretation and statistical analysis.
economic investigations show that only 10% of the
To simplify the power quality analysis, this paper presents a
unmitigated power quality cost is invested in power quality
new methodology turning the multitude of metrics on different
mitigation solutions. This is due to the choice of investment
power quality problems into meaningful, unified and easy to
priorities, but also and mainly on the lack of knowledge on the
understand green-yellow-red indicators for each power quality
power quality problems and their impact on the electrical
problem. Green indicator shows acceptable operating
conditions. Yellow indicator should be interpreting as a
Today, a major part of the facilities have an installed power
warning, a further follow-up and investigation is
monitoring system or devices and can access to at least some

978-1-4799-7993-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

recommended. Red colour indicates real power quality issues unbalance, under- and over-voltages, frequency variations and
over the acceptable limits. A deeper analysis is therefore voltage variations (flicker).
required to investigate the origins, estimate the impact and
undertake appropriate corrective actions. 1) Short term events:
In addition to the green-yellow-red indicators, this paper For short term power quality events, the approach is first to
provides a calculation method for a global power quality classify each event to one of two possible categories (no
index, providing an overview at a glance of overall power impact, likely impact) based on standards or experimental
quality. curves. Then, for a given time period, the green-yellow-red
In the last part of this paper, a real industrial facility example indicator is estimated based on the number of events with
is taken to illustrate the application of the green-yellow-red likely impact and representative statistic results.
indications and the power quality index.
The proposed method can be easily integrated in power quality 2) Long term disturbances:
monitoring system to convert the large volume of data into For long term power quality disturbances, the green-yellow-
meaningful and easy to understand information. A deeper red indicator is evaluated directly for a given time period, by
investigation of all metrics for a given power quality problem using thresholds defined by power quality standards or other
can be still useful and needed, but only in the case of yellow recommendations.
and red indicators. This method can be used as well as a tool The green-yellow-red indicators are usually estimated on a
for power quality consultants, saving their time and allowing monthly or yearly base, but they can be evaluated as well for
them to focus on the area where problems occur. shorter time periods.


INDICATORS One of the difficulties to build green-yellow-red indicators is
A. Method selection to select the appropriate standard.
The existing power quality standards should be carefully
Two possible methods to estimate green-yellow-red indicators
checked, as they can apply for the Supply side (distribution
were investigated and analysed.
network) or for the Demand side (ex. industrial and
The first method is based on the real impact that poor power
commercial buildings). A common mistake is to mix those
quality has to the end user electrical installation. It consists on
standards and select a wrong application.
the estimation of the downtime, the damage and the shorten
Previous researches [6], [7] were done to define a power
life of the equipments due to power quality issues. This
quality global index at supply side. Although, the obtained
method has the advantage to reflect the reality for the end
results cannot be applied at demand side, where different
user. However, its implementation requires sophisticated and
metrics and standards are used.
not-proven algorithms and it is not 100% reliable.
The demand side, which is in the scope of this paper, is
The second investigated method is to put in place simple
characterized by diversity of IEEE, IEC, EN standards and
power quality indicators based on recognized power quality
experimental results for some power quality problems, and in
standards and international statistical results. This method
the same time a lack of international standards or
gives an indication to the end user about its power quality
recommendations for other main power quality disturbances.
level, even though that it does not track the real power quality
An overview of the existing standards is provided at this
paper, as well as selection criteria and recommendations.
The method based on recognized power quality standards and
statistical results was selected due to its simplicity, reliability,
flexibility and adaptability to the sensitivity and the III. GREEN-YELLOW-RED INDICATORS FOR SHORT TERM EVENTS
requirements of each facility. In addition, it is easy to explain,
Short term power quality events regroup voltage dips, swells
understand and implement in a power quality monitoring
and interruptions, usually associated with system fault
system or consultant tools. This method is further developed
conditions, as well as voltage transients, due mainly to
and explained in this paper.
lightning strikes and switching operations (capacitors banks,
tap changing transformers)
B. Main principles Short term power quality events have usually a visible and
As proposed by CIRED JWG C4.107 [4], the power quality immediate impact in the electrical installation. Voltage dips
problems are separate into two broad classes: and interruptions have as consequence an unscheduled
-discrete or short-term events, including transients and short- downtime. Voltage swells and transients cause malfunction,
duration voltage variations, with duration inferior to 1 minute damage and reduced efficiency of electric equipments.
as defined by IEEE 1159-1995 [5].
-quasi - stationary or long-term power quality disturbances,
including current and voltage harmonics, current and voltage
A. Standards selection experience and the impact of short term power quality events
Various power quality standards can be used to determine the to their installation.
impact of short-term power quality events. The most used and
popular are: B. Green-yellow-red indicator estimation
- CBEMA: developed by the Computer Business
To determine a colour-code indicator, the first step is to use
Equipment Manufacturers Association in 1977 to address
the magnitude and the duration of each individual power
the power acceptability for computer equipment
quality event to classify it into two categories:
- CBEMA - ITIC: modified version of the CBEMA power
- No impact: for events inside the power acceptability
acceptability, developed in 1994 and revised in 2000, by
the Information Technology Industry Council
- Likely impact: for events outside the power acceptability
- SEMI F47: Specification for Semiconductor Processing
Equipment Voltage Sag Immunity, originally published
For example, a voltage dip of 40% magnitude for 300
in 2000 and updated in 2006
milliseconds duration is considered as event with impact
- IEC 61000-4-11 : Voltage dips, short interruptions and
according to the CBEMA-ITIC power acceptability curve. A
voltage variations immunity tests, applies to equipment
voltage dip of 80% magnitude and duration of 100
which draws current less than 16 amps per phase
milliseconds is classified as an event with no impact
- IEC 61000-4-34: Voltage dips, short interruptions and
As the indicators are usually built for a given period – week,
voltage variations immunity tests; applies to equipment
month or year, the next step is to define the number of events
over 16 amps.
“with impact” per time period (the events with “no impact”
- Samsung Power Vaccine: developed by Samsung for
are ignored). This number is benchmarked with the results
semiconductor manufacturing equipment, focused on the
coming from a database including more than 800 end user
voltage dips and interruptions equipment immunity.
worldwide facilities to provide a meaningful colour code
indication to the end user about its power quality level
Fortunately, all these power quality standards use the same
regarding short-term power quality events.
principle as presented with the example of the CBEMA-ITIC
curve here after. Based on the magnitude (vertical axis) and
the duration (horizontal axis) of the events, they define: IV. GREEN-YELLOW-RED INDICATORS FOR LONG TERM
- an area in the center of the plot, where the equipment is DISTURBANCES
expected to operate properly,
Long term power quality disturbances include steady state
- an area above the envelope where there is a risk of
disturbances, such as voltage and current unbalance and
damage, overload and malfunction for the equipment
harmonics, long-duration variations (undervoltages and
- and an area below the envelope where the voltages are
assumed to cause the load to drop out due to lack of overvoltages) and also the intermittent voltage or frequency
energy variations.
The effect of this type of power quality disturbances is usually
equipment failure, malfunction, overheating and damage.
A. Standards selection
There are specific standards or regulations for each long-term
power quality disturbance. For some disturbances, there are
various standards that can be applied, for others the available
recommendations are much restricted. Some examples are
presented here below:
- The limits for the harmonics are specified by standards
such as IEC 61000-2-4 and IEEE 519, 2014 revision.
- The recommendations for unbalance deviations are
provided by ANSI C84.1 and NEMA MG-1, but there are
no international standards recommendation regarding
current or voltage unbalance
- Frequency variations limits are fixed by the European
norm EN50160, IEC 60034 for generators, but also by
national regulations in all most every country.

B. Green-yellow-red indicator estimation

Fig. 1. CBEMA-ITIC Power Acceptability Curve
To determine the colour-code indicator for long term
In addition to the available standards, some facilities build disturbances, the first stage is to select the metrics to monitor.
their own power acceptability curves, based on their proper Usually, it is more suitable to select metrics on the voltage
quality, than on the current quality, ass they are more The power quality index can be used for benchmark among
representative and the limits are easier to t determine. For facilities and it should be follow
wed in the time (trend analysis).
example for the harmonic distortion, it is better to monitor
THDu than THDi, as THDi limits are usuaally depending on VI. EXAMPLE OF
the electrical installation parameters (ex. short-circuits power). A power quality monitoringg system was installed to an
The next step is to fix the limits for the yelloow and red colour industrial facility. Power quality
q events and long-term
indicators, based on standards or other reccommendations. If disturbances have been reccorded and red-yellow-green
the yellow/red limits are exceeded for a periood longer than 5% indicators have been computedd.
of the recorded time, the indicator becoomes respectively On a monthly base, the majjor part of the power quality
yellow/ red. This time limit of 5% was selected to avoid indicators were green, indicatinng that there is no critical issue,
measurement errors and to be more reprresentative of the except for the voltage sag annd power factor indicators, for
impact that the disturbance may generate (aa single exceed of which the colour codes were reespectively red and yellow.
the fixed limits is not necessarily impactting the electrical
installation and equipment)
For example, the green-yellow-red indicationn for the harmonic
distortion is based on the THDu value. Thee yellow/red limits
are fixed according to the IEEE standardd: 3% for yellow
indication and 5% for red indication. For a period
p of 24 hours,
if the yellow limit was exceeded for more than 72 minutes, the
colour-code indicator becomes yellow. If the t red limit was
exceeded for the same time period the indiccator becomes red.
Otherwise, the indicator remains green.


The Power Quality Index is an overview at a a glance of the
power quality level.
It can be defined for one measurement poinnt, where it can be Fig. 2. Power Quality Indicators - Inddustrial case study
computed by a metering device or by a software system. It
can be also set for an area or even all faacility, taking into A deeper analysis shows forr the recorded period, several
account the measurements from several metering points. At voltage sags with impact on thhe process were detected, which
this case it is computed by a software syystem, getting and turns the voltage sags indicatorr in red.
compiling information from several availablee sources.
The Power Quality Index is a summary of all individual power
quality indicators. In order to be physicallly quantified, the
Power Quality Index is expressed in percenttage, taking values
between 0% and 100%, where 0% indicaates worst power
quality, and 100% an optimal power quality. It is calculated by
using the following formula:
Fig. 3. CBEMA-ITIC Power Acceptaability Curve –Industrial case study

The power factor indicator wass yellow, as the recorded power

factor was often below the expeected 0.94 limit.
“PQ.Ind.Indicators” are numbers corresponnding to the color
code of each individual indicator. The minnimal value of the
individual indicators corresponds to the green color code and
the maximum value – to the red color code.
“Wheight Factor” is a number from 0 to 1, specific for each
power quality event. It gives the opportunitty to the End User
to customize the Power Quality index in regard to the
sensitivity of his installation to the differeent Power Quality
Disturbances. However a weight factor of 1 for each power
quality indicator is recommended in order to t have a standard
index for facility benchmark.
The power quality index can be displayed thhrough an A/ B/ C/ Fig. 4. Power Factor and THDU trendd analysis –Industrial case study
D/ E/ F graph or other qualitative scale.
Ten power quality disturbances were followed, one was red,
one yellow and eight green. The weight factors for the power
quality problems are set at 1(default values), the power quality
index is at 85%.

This paper presents new methodology to determine a green-
yellow-red indicator for each power quality disturbance, as
well as a global power quality index.
The proposed method is based on recommended power quality
standards and statistical results. It is easy to understand and
reliable. It can be integrated into power quality devices,
monitoring system or consultant tools.

[1] J. Manson, R.Targosz, “European Power Quality Survey Report”,
Leonardo Energy, 2008
[2] S. Bhattacharyya, S.Cobben, “Consequences of Poor Power quality – an
Overview”, Power Quality, book edited by Mr Andreas Eberhard (Ed.),
ISBN: 978-953-307-180-0, InTech, 2011
[3] M. Stephens, D. Dorr, 'Technical and Economic Considerations for
Power Quality Improvements', EPRI TR-1005910, December 2001
[4] JWG CIGRE-CIRED C4.107, “Economic framework for power
quality”, 2010
[5] IEEE 1159-1995. “Recommended Practice For Monitoring Electric
Power Quality”
[6] G. Carpinelli, P. Caramia, P. Varilone, P. Verde, et al, “ A Global Index
for discrete Voltage Disturbances”, IEEE International Conference on
Electrical Power Quality and Utilization, Spain 1:5, 2007
[7] G. J. Lee, M. M. Albu, G. T. Heydt, “A Power Quality Index Based on
Equipment Sensitivity, Cost and Network Vulnerability”, IEEE Trans.
Power Delivery, 19 (3), 2004

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