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Background: Although suicide loss has been associated with several negative outcomes, numerous

studies have shown that loss survivors can experience posttraumatic growth (PTG) following the suicide
loss of a significant other. However, few studies have explored the mechanisms of such growth. Aims:
The aim of this study was to identify predictors of PTG among a sample of adult suicide loss survivors
and to explore whether the amount of time since the suicide loss moderated the relation between self-
reported coping and PTG. Method: Suicide-bereaved adults (n = 307) completed online questionnaires
measuring personality, coping, help-seeking attitudes, social support, and PTG. Results: Hierarchical
regression analyses showed five independent associations with PTG: time since loss, perceived
closeness, help-seeking attitudes, social support, and problem-focused coping. Time since loss did not
moderate the relation between any of the self-reported coping styles and PTG. Limitations: The
limitations of this study include a cross-sectional design, potential selection bias, no comparison or
control group, and unrepresentative sample demographics of suicide loss survivors. Conclusion:
Problem-focused coping showed the strongest association with PTG, independent of time since loss,
suggesting that this coping style may facilitate growth throughout the grief trajectory. (PsycINFO
Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)


Este banală constatarea că în faţa aceluiaşi factor
de stres, indivizii reacţionează în moduri complet
diferite. Există, prin urmare, un mod foarte
personal în care este evaluat, dar şi controlat factorul
de stres. Una dintre căile analizate este reglarea
cognitiv-emoţională, sau coping-ul cognitiv, care
poate fi înţeles ca maniera cognitivă de management
al informaţiei conştientizate emoţional. Procesele
cognitive sau cogniţiile ne pot ajuta să gestio
năm sau să reglăm emoţii sau sentimente şi să
păstrăm controlul asupra emoţiilor noastre, să nu ne
lăsăm copleşiţi (Garnefski, Kraaij şi Spinhoven,
2001). Noi acţionăm ca „manageri ai emoţiilor“
(Lazarus şi Cohen-Charash, 2001), iar principala
funcţie a reglării emoţionale este reducerea stresului
negativ. Strategiile de reglare cognitiv-emoţională

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