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Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

Remediation technologies for metal-contaminated soils and

groundwater: an evaluation
C.N. Mulligan a,*, R.N. Yong b, B.F. Gibbs c
Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3G 1M8
Geoenvironmental Engineering Research Centre, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, P.O. Box 917, Newport Road, Cardiff,
CF2 1XH, United Kingdom
MDS Pharma Services, 2350 Cohen Street, Montreal, Canada H4R 2N6
Accepted for publication 28 March 2000

Metals including lead, chromium, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, copper and mercury can cause signi®cant damage to the environ-
ment and human health as a result of their mobilities and solubilities. The selection of the most appropriate soil and sediment
remediation method depends on the site characteristics, concentration, types of pollutants to be removed, and the end use of the
contaminated medium. The approaches include isolation, immobilization, toxicity reduction, physical separation and extrac-
tion. Many of these technologies have been used full-scale. This paper will review both the full-scale and developing tech-
nologies that are available. Contaminants can be isolated and contained to minimize further movement, to reduce the
permeability of the waste to less than 1 £ 10 27 m/s (according to U.S. guidelines) and to increase the strength or bearing
capacity of the waste. Physical barriers made of steel, cement, bentonite and grout walls can be used for isolation and
minimization of metal mobility. Another method is solidi®cation /stabilization, which contains the contaminants in an area
by mixing or injecting agents. Solidi®cation encapsulates contaminants in a solid matrix while stabilization involves formation
of chemical bonds to reduce contaminant mobility. Another approach is size selection processes for removal of the larger,
cleaner particles from the smaller more polluted ones. To accomplish this, several processes are used. They include: hydro-
cyclones, ¯uidized bed separation and ¯otation. Addition of special chemicals and aeration in the latter case causes these
contaminated particles to ¯oat. Electrokinetic processes involve passing a low intensity electric current between a cathode and
an anode imbedded in the contaminated soil. Ions and small charged particles, in addition to water, are transported between the
electrodes. This technology have been demonstrated in the U.S. full-scale, in a limited manner but in Europe, it is used for
copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel. The duration of time that the electrode remains in the soil, and
spacing is site-speci®c. Techniques for the extraction of metals by biological means have been not extensively applied up to this
point. The main methods include bioleaching and phytoremediation. Bioleaching involves Thiobacillus sp. bacteria which can
reduce sulphur compounds under aerobic and acidic conditions (pH 4) at temperatures between 15 and 558C. Plants such as
Thlaspi, Urtica, Chenopodium, Polygonum sachalase and Alyssim have the capability to accumulate cadmium, copper, lead,
nickel and zinc and can therefore be considered as an indirect method of treating contaminated soils. This method is limited to
shallow depths of contamination. Soil washing and in situ ¯ushing involve the addition of water with or without additives
including organic and inorganic acids, sodium hydroxide which can dissolve organic soil matter, water soluble solvents such as
methanol, nontoxic cations, complexing agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), acids in combination with

* Corresponding author. Fax: 11-514-848-2809.

E-mail address: (C.N. Mulligan).

0013-7952/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0013-795 2(00)00101-0
194 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

complexation agents or oxidizing/reducing agents. Our research has indicated that biosurfactants, biologically produced
surfactants, may also be promising agents for enhancing removal of metals from contaminated soils and sediments.
In summary, the main techniques that have been used for metal removal are solidi®cation/stabilization, electrokinetics, and in situ
extraction. Site characteristics are of paramount importance in choosing the most appropriate remediation method. Phytoremedia-
tion and bioleaching can also be used but are not as well developed. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil; Remediation technologies; Groundwater; Sediments; Heavy metals

1. Introduction This phenomenon can lead to extinction or alteration

of plants and animals. Metals can accumulate in the
In the United States, 1200 sites are on the National following order, river sediments, bacteria, tubicids
Priority List (NPL) for the treatment of contaminated and then ®sh and man if one consumes these ®sh.
soils, indicating the extensiveness of this problem. Over the past years, use of metals such as copper,
Approximately 63% of the sites on the NPL include cadmium and zinc have increased substantially
contamination from toxic heavy metals (Hazardous (Table 1). Copper is produced more than any other
Waste Consultant, 1996). For example, lead was metal, whereas more zinc reaches the soil than any
found at 15% of the sites, followed by chromium, other metal. Lead use has decreased due to toxicity
cadmium and copper at 11, 8 and 7% of the sites, concerns. In Canada, according to the National Pollu-
respectively. Therefore, metal contamination is a tant Release Inventory, approximately 13,300 ton of
major problem. copper, 9500 ton of zinc, 1300 ton of lead and 33 ton
Cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc of cadmium were released to the air, water and soil
are considered the most hazardous and are included on (NPRI, 1995).
the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list In view of the extensiveness of metals in the
of priority pollutants (Cameron, 1992). Sources of environment, this paper describes the fate and trans-
metals include domestic and industrial ef¯uents, the port of selected metals and technologies for reme-
atmosphere, runoff and lithosphere. Once metals are diation that are full-scale and developing. This
allowed to pass through the municipal waste treatment information will assist in the selection of the appro-
facility, the heavy ones return to the environment priate technology for treatment of metal-contaminated
where they are persistent, cannot be biodegraded soils and sediments.
and can thus follow a number of different pathways.
The metals can adsorb onto the soil, runoff into rivers
or lakes or leach in the groundwater, an important 2. Mobility of metals
source of drinking water. Exposure to the heavy
metals through ingestion or uptake of drinking water In its natural form, cadmium is relatively rare and
(particularly where water is reused) and foods can concentrated in argillaceous and shale deposits as
lead to accumulation in animals, plants and humans. greenockite (CdS) or otavite (CdCO3) and is usually
associated with zinc, lead or copper in sul®de form
Table 1 (Cameron, 1992). It is a bluish-white soft metal or
Global production of metals and the rate of metals reaching the soil
(10 3 ton/year) (adapted from World Resources Institute (1992/
grayish powder. It is more mobile, though, than zinc
1993) and Nriagu and Pacyna (1988)) at low pH, particularly at pH values between 4.5 and
5.5. Above pH 7.5, cadmium is not very mobile. Its
Metal 1975 1980 1985 1990 Emissions to divalent form is soluble but it can also complex with
the soil in
organics and oxides. A natural source of cadmium is
the 1980s
volcanoes that can release cadmium into the atmos-
Cd 15.2 18.2 19.1 20.2 22 phere, spreading it over a wide area. It is only in the
Cu 6739.0 7204.0 7870.0 8814.0 954 last twenty years that cadmium has become a concern
Pb 3432.2 3448.2 3431.2 3367.2 796
due to the extensive use in industrial applications
Zn 3975.4 4030.3 4723.1 5570.9 1372
including steel plating, pigment stabilization and
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 195

nickel±cadmium batteries (Fassett, 1980). The aver- metal with bluish tinge. Soil texture, pH, nature of the
age content of cadmium in soil is less than 1 ppm. In parent rocks and organic content all affect the natural
plants, the normal range is 0.005±0.02 ppm with toxic content of zinc in the soil. Under acidic conditions,
levels between 5 and 30 ppm. Sources of cadmium zinc is usually divalent and quite mobile. At high pH,
include alloys, polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC) zinc is bioavailable due to the solubility of its organic
manufacture, solders, fungicides, enamels, motor oil, and mineral colloids. Zinc hydrolyzes at pH 7.0±7.5,
textile manufacturing, electroplating and rubber, forming Zn(OH)2 at pH values higher than 8. Under
sewage sludges and phosphate fertilizers (Matthews, anoxic conditions, ZnS can form upon precipitation,
1984). It enters the environment through industrial whereas the unprecipitated zinc can form ZnOH 1,
ef¯uents and land®ll leaching, spills and leaks at ZnCO3 and ZnCl 1. Natural levels of zinc in soils
hazardous waste sites, mining and household wastes. are 30±150 ppm. Levels of 10±150 ppm are normal
Copper is found naturally in sandstones and in in plants while 400 ppm is toxic. Sources of zinc
minerals such as malachite and chalcopyrite. It is a include brass and bronze alloys, galvanized products,
reddish-brown metal that binds strongly to organic rubber, copying paper, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,
matter and clay minerals, thus decreasing its mobility. batteries, televisions, tires, metal coatings, glass,
The organic matter, however, can be degraded paints and zinc-based alloys (Cameron, 1992). It can
through anaerobic or aerobic means releasing the enter the environment from galvanizing plant ef¯u-
copper in its monovalent or divalent states, respec- ents, coal and waste burning, leachates from galvan-
tively. It has also been demonstrated that bio- ized structures, natural ores and municipal waste
surfactants can release organically bound copper treatment plant discharge. Zinc is commonly found
(Mulligan et al., 1999a). The average content of in wastes as zinc chloride, zinc oxide, zinc sulfate
copper in rural soils is 2 to 100 ppm. Plants can accu- and zinc sul®de (Agency for Toxic Substances and
mulate copper with average contents in the range of Disease Registry, 1995).
5±30 ppm while toxic levels vary from 20 to
100 ppm. Increased levels of copper are due to uses
in fertilizers, building materials, rayon manufacture, 3. Metal speciation
pesticide sprays, agricultural and municipal wastes
and industrial emissions (Cameron, 1992). The term speciation is related to the distribution of
Lead is found naturally in soils, most commonly in an element among chemical forms or species. Heavy
the form of the ore gelena (PbS) and in smaller quan- metals can occur in several forms in water and soils.
tities in cerussite (PbCO3), anglesite (PbSO4) and Interest has increased in sequential extraction tech-
crocoite (PbCrO4). It is a bluish-white, silvery or niques to relate the degree of mobility with risk
gray metal with a high density of 11.4 g/cm 3. Lead assessment, (i.e. the more mobile the metal is,
can be found in soils at the surface and organic matter the more risk associated with it (Bourg, 1995)) and
in higher quantities. Sources of lead include lead±zinc as a method of designing remediation techniques
smelters, ammunition, solder, glass, piping, insecti- (Mulligan et al., 1999b). Not only is total metal
cides, paints and batteries (Jawarsky, 1978). The diva- concentration of interest, but is also now accepted
lent form is the most common and is capable of that understanding the environmental behavior by
replacing calcium, strontium, barium and potassium determining its speciation is of paramount impor-
in soils. In general, background levels less than tance. Based on this information on contaminated
10 ppm are found, and mobility of lead in soils is soil, the most appropriate method for soil remediation
low. Organic matter can adsorb substantial quantities can be determined.
of lead. Lead is released into the air from burning of To determine the speciation of metals in soils,
wastes and fossil fuels and subsequently lands onto speci®c extractants are used. The different extractants
the soil. It also reaches the soil from land®lls and solubilize different phases of metals. By sequentially
paints. extracting with solutions of increasing strengths, a
Although not as toxic as cadmium, zinc is quite more precise evaluation of the different fractions
often associated with this metal. Zinc is a soft, white can be obtained (Tessier et al., 1979). A soil or
196 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

sediment sample is shaken over time with a weak temperatures. This fraction is usually used to com-
extractant, centrifuged, and the supernatant is plete the mass balances for the metals.
removed by decantation. The pellet is washed in In natural soils, Kabata-Pendias (1992) demon-
water and the supernatant removed and combined strated that the speciation of trace metals depends
with the previous supernatant. A sequence of reagents on the physical and chemical characteristics of the
is used, following the same procedure, until ®nally, soil. Soil pH, redox, organic, carbonate, clay and
mineral acid is used to extract the residual fraction. oxide contents all in¯uence metal speciation and
Heavy metal concentrations are then determined in mobility. Simple and complex cations are the most
the various extracts by atomic absorption or other mobile, exchangeable cations in organic and in-
means. Numerous techniques and reagents have organic complexes and are of medium mobility
been developed and have been applied to soils while chelated cations are slightly mobile. Metals in
(Shuman, 1985), sediments (Lum and Edgar, 1983), organic or mineral particles are only mobile after
sludge-treated soils (Petrozelli et al., 1983) and decomposition or weathering, and precipitated metals
sludges (Lakanen and Ervio, 1971). These methods are mobile under dissolution conditions (e.g. change
are not standardized and the results can even vary in pH). Kabata-Pendias (1992) also showed the
with the same reagents, pH, temperature, extractant speciation of trace metals such as zinc, copper,
strength and solid sample to volume of extractant cadmium and lead. Zinc and cadmium are mostly
ratio. None of the extractions is completely speci®c. organically bound, exchangeable and water soluble.
However, the extractants chosen attempt to minimize Copper is mainly organically bound and exchange-
solubilization of other fractions. able, whereas, lead is slightly mobile and bound to
To extract the exchangeable fraction, ammonium the residual fraction. Chlopecka (1992) showed,
acetate, barium chloride or magnesium chloride at however, that the cadmium and zinc speciation in
pH 7.0 are generally used (Lake, 1987). They cause soils depended signi®cantly on the application of
the displacement of the ions in the soil or sediment sewage sludge on the soil. Fertilizer addition, water
matrix bound by electrostatic attraction. Pickering and air pollution can also affect speciation.
(1986) showed that magnesium chloride leached low Recently, sequential extraction techniques have
quantities of other sul®des, organic matter, aluminum been studied as a tool in various applications. Yong
and silicon. et al. (1993) examined sequential extraction to obtain
The carbonate phase (calcite and dolomite) is a better appreciation of the ability of clay soil barriers
extracted at pH 5.0 with sodium acetate acidi®ed to contain contaminants in land®ll barriers. The effect
with acetic acid. This solubilizes the carbonates, of soil pH, constituents and heavy metal types were
releasing carbonate-entrapped metals. Organic matter, evaluated. In a study by Ramos et al. (1994), sequen-
oxides or clay components are not solubilized. tial extraction techniques were used to evaluate the
The reducible phase (iron and manganese mobility of cadmium, zinc, lead and copper in
oxides) is extracted with hydroxylamine hydro- contaminated soil in a national park. Cadmium was
chloride with acetic acid at pH 2.0. The hydroxy- found to be the most mobile and would likely be the
lamine hydrochloride reduces the ferrous and most bioavailable.
manganese hydroxides to soluble forms. Other Ravishankar et al. (1994) evaluated several sludges
components such as organic matter and clay com- for Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn speciation to predict
ponents are not solubilized to any great extent (Tessier bioleaching processes. They concluded that more
et al., 1979). stabilized sludges contained higher contents of
Hot hydrogen peroxide in nitric acid is used to organically bound metals and that sludges vary
oxidize the organic matter and solubilize sul®des. considerably making bioleaching prediction dif®cult.
The oxidized organic matter then releases metals A potential method to determine if the heavy metals
that are complexed, adsorbed and chelated. These can be removed by remediation techniques (such as
agents are used so that the silicates are not affected soil washing) or to predict removal ef®ciencies is to
by this treatment. In the ®nal step, the silicates and determine speciation with selective extractive tech-
other materials are dissolved by strong acids at high niques. It is believed that exchangeable, carbonate
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 197

and reducible oxide fraction may be amenable to soil wells) are under development and have not been
washing techniques (Li et al., 1995). Removal of the demonstrated as effective but are potentially useful
organically and residually bound fraction may not be in restricting downward movement of metal con-
economical to recover or necessary, due to lack of taminants by acting as underlying liners without the
bioavailability. Gombert (1994) used sequential requirement for excavation. Grout injection by either
extraction to determine if cesium, cobalt and chro- vertical boring or horizontal drilling and block dis-
mium could be removed by soil washing. Since less placement are the main types of horizontal barriers.
than 20% was extracted after dissolving 20% of the There have been problems with soil compaction and
soil mass, soil washing was abandoned as an option. vertical boreholes can increase the likelihood of
Mulligan et al. (1999a) demonstrated that sequential contaminant migration.
extraction techniques could be used prior to soil wash- Solidi®cation/stabilization technologies are very
ing, to design and monitor the remediation process. common in the United States (Conner, 1990) as they
Copper associated with organic matter and zinc asso- contain the contaminants, not the contaminated area
ciated with oxides were successfully removed by like physical barriers. Solidi®cation is physical encap-
biosurfactant/hydroxide solutions and biosurfactant/ sulation of the contaminants in a solid matrix while
acid solutions, respectively. Clearly, more work is stabilization includes chemical reactions to reduce
needed in this ®eld. contaminant mobility. Some metals such as arsenic,
chromium (VI) and mercury are not suitable for this
type of treatment since they do not form hydroxides
4. Remediation techniques that are not highly soluble. Liquid monomers that
polymerize, pozzolans, bitumen, ¯y ash and cement
4.1. Isolation and containment are injected to encapsulate the soils. Soils can be
treated in situ or after excavation. However, there
Contaminants can be isolated and contained, to are few vendors of in situ processes while many
prevent further movement, to reduce the permeability exist for ex situ processes since mixing in situ is
of the waste to less than 1 £ 10 27 m/s (as required by dif®cult to evaluate. For ex situ processes, in-drum,
the U.S. EPA) and to increase the strength or bearing in-plant or area mixing processes are used. Small-
capacity of the waste (USEPA, 1994). Physical scale pilot plants can treat up to 100 ton per day of
barriers made of steel, cement, bentonite and grout contaminated soil whereas 500±1000 ton of soil per
walls can be used for capping, vertical and horizontal day can be stabilized in large plants (Smith et al.,
containment. Capping is a site-speci®c proven tech- 1995).
nology to reduce water in®ltration. Synthetic mem- In situ solidi®cation/stabilization techniques are
branes can be used for this purpose. preferred since labor and energy costs are lower but
Vertical barriers reduce the movement of con- site conditions such as bedrock, large boulders, clays
taminated groundwater or uncontaminated ground- and oily patches may cause mixing problems. In situ
water through a contaminated area. To prevent the processes are most suitable for shallow contamination
transport of contaminants past the barrier, the barrier since conventional equipment including draglines,
should extend to a clay or bedrock layer of low per- backhoes, clamshell buckets and vertical auger mixers
meability. If this cannot be done, a groundwater are used (Jasperse and Ryan, 1992). Augers vary from
extraction system would be required to avoid the 1 to 3 m in diameter and can reach depths of 13 m. US
passage of contaminants below the barrier (Rumer regulatory agencies are receptive to this technology
and Ryan, 1995). Slurry walls, grout or geomembrane since the contaminants are not transferred to another
curtains, and sheet pile walls are employed. Slurry medium which would also require treatment. In the
walls are the least expensive and are thus the most UK, an in situ process called the Colmix process
common. Although there are many variations, a verti- (slurry including cement, slag-based grout and lime)
cal trench is always constructed under a slurry such as was used to immobilize heavy metals and ammonium
bentonite and water. at the ICI Explosives' land®ll in Scotland (Wheeler,
Horizontal barriers within the soil (trenches or 1995).
198 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

Graphite and glass polluted ones. Characterization in terms of particle

A frit starter path size and contaminant level in each fraction is the
most important parameter in determining the suit-
ability of this process. Bench-scale tests to evaluate
the separation technique are also valuable. To accom-
plish this, several processes are used. They include:
hydrocyclones which separate the larger particles
Contaminated greater than 10±20 mm by centrifugal force from the
soil area smaller particles, ¯uidized bed separation which
B Subsidence
removes smaller particles at the top (less than
Electrodes 50 mm) in the countercurrent over¯ow in a vertical
column, by gravimetric settling and ¯otation which
is based on the different surface characteristics of
contaminated particles. These methods have been
used in mineral ore processing. Addition of special
Natural soil chemicals such as frothers or ¯otation agents and
aeration causes these contaminated particles to ¯oat.
C Backfill over monolith Magnetic separation, which is based on the magnetic
properties of metals, can also be used to separate these
from ferrous materials. Physical separation techniques
are becoming more common and applications will
continue to increase as they can be used to remove
Vitrified monolith
metal contamination in a particular form or in com-
Fig. 1. Diagram showing steps in the vitri®cation process for metal, bination with other processes, to reduce the volume of
including (A) insertion of electrodes and placement of graphite and soil to be treated by other methods. Most times, off-
glass frit starter path to initiate vitri®cation, (B) subsidence of the the-shelf equipment from the mining industry (hydro-
soil during vitri®cation and (C) placement of back®ll over vitri®ed
cyclones, centrifuges, screens, etc.) can be used.

4.3. Pyrometallurgical separation

Vitri®cation is a solidi®cation/stabilization process
requiring thermal energy. It involves insertion of Pyrometallurgical processes use high temperature
electrodes into the soil which must be able to carry furnaces to volatilize metals in contaminated soil.
a current, and then to solidify, as it cools (Fig. 1). Temperatures of 200±7008C are used to evaporate the
Toxic gases can also be produced during vitri®cation. contaminants. After volatilization, metals are then
Full-scale applications exist for arsenic, lead and recovered or immobilized. These methods are most
chromium contaminated soils. Mixed wastes can applicable to mercury since it is easily converted to its
also be treated in this manner. High clay and moisture metallic form at high temperatures. Other metals includ-
contents and debris can affect the ef®ciency of the ing lead, arsenic, cadmium and chromium may require
process. These solidi®cation/stabilization processes pretreatment with reducing or ¯uxing agents to assist
are suitable for contamination in shallow depths and melting and provide a uniform feed. This type of treat-
of large volume. Leaching of the contaminants must, ment is usually performed off site due to a lack of mobile
however, be carefully monitored as is the case for units and is most applicable to highly contaminated soils
vitri®cation, the formation of a glassy solid. (5±20%) where metal recovery is pro®table. The soil
then must be concentrated by physical or soil washing
4.2. Mechanical separation processes prior to pyrometallurgical processes.
Mercury, however, can be easily recovered at lower
The aim of the size selection processes is to remove concentrations (Smith et al., 1995). Other valuable
the larger, cleaner particles from the smaller, more metals such as gold or platinum can also be recovered
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 199

from low soil concentrations. Rotary kilns, arc furnaces Source of contaminant
or rotary hearth furnaces are the main types of equip-
ment used in this process. They usually produce a slag Ground surface
with a high concentration of heavy metals that can then
be recovered (USEPA, 1996a,b). The technologies Treatment wall
include ¯uidized bed thermal desorption, high-vacuum
retort, Pittsburgh Mineral and Environmental Techno-
logy's (PMET's) thermal recovery process, Remedial Groundwater groundwater
Technology Group's (Farragut, Tennessee) thermal
screw processor and X-Traxe thermal desorption Impermeable layer
system (Hazardous Waste Consultant, 1996).
Mercury levels from 1 to 228 mg/kg were obtained Fig. 2. Permeable reactive treatment barrier placed in the ground-
after treatment of soil contaminated with 1300± water to remove metal contaminants.
34,000 mg/kg of mercury at a US EPA SITE demonstra-
tion of the X-Traxe process. Rust/OHM has a full-scale that is resistant to acid and neutral leaching (Robins,
unit that can remediate 10 ton/h of soil for a 20,000± 1992). Mercury, lead, selenium and silver are also
100,000 ton of contaminated soil. Some of the metals applicable for reduction. These chemical treatments
remain in the solid residues which will have to be can be performed in situ by injection into the ground-
properly disposed of. Pretreatment is often necessary water but have the potential to introduce further
to reduce the volume of soil to be treated, produce a contamination.
uniform feed and increase metal recoveries.
4.5. Permeable treatment walls
4.4. Chemical treatment Permeable barriers (Fig. 2) that contain a reactive
substance (physical, chemical or biological or a
Chemical treatment by reductive as well as oxidative
combination) are being evaluated for reducing the
mechanisms may be used to detoxify or decrease the
mobilization of metals in groundwater at contamin-
mobility of metal contaminants (Evanko and Dzombak,
ated sites. Various materials have been investigated
1997). This method is commonly used for wastewater
and include zeolite, hydroxyapatite, elemental iron
treatment. Oxidization reactions which detoxify, preci-
and limestone (Vidac and Pohland, 1996). Prelimin-
pitate or solubilize metals involve addition of potassium
ary results have shown that elemental iron can be used
permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite or
for chromium reduction and limestone for lead preci-
chlorine gas. Neutralization reactions are performed to
pitation. The advantages of this technique are that it is
adjust the pH of acidic or basic soils. Reduction reac-
in situ, a wide variety of contaminants can be treated
tions are induced through the addition of alkali metals
and ¯ow control can be used. Further research is
such as sodium, sulfur dioxide, sul®te salts and ferrous
required in the areas of matching the contaminant
sulfate. Sometimes chemical treatment is used to
with the media in the barrier, optimization of the
pretreat the soil for solidi®cation or other treatments.
¯ow and retention time through the barrier, and
For example, chemical reduction of Cr(VI) is performed
methods of regenerating the media.
during solidi®cation/stabilization. Oxidation is less
commonly used with solidi®cation/stabilization. These 4.6. Electrokinetics
reactions are, however, not speci®c and there is there-
fore, a risk of converting other metals into more toxic or Electrokinetic processes involve passing a low
mobile forms. Arsenic is most applicable for chemical intensity electric current between a cathode and an
oxidation since As(V) is less toxic than As(III). anode imbedded in the contaminated soil (Fig. 3).
Co-precipitation of high concentrations of As(V) and Ions and small charged particles, in addition to
Fe(III) forms FeAsO4 while low concentrations of water, are transported between the electrodes. Anions
As(V) co-precipitate with FeHO2 with high concentra- move towards the positive electrode and cations
tions of Fe(III) to form arsenic ferrihydride, a product towards the negative. An electric gradient initiates
200 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

AC/DC Converter 4.7. Biochemical processes

Techniques for the extraction of metals by micro-
of fluids biological means are rather limited at this time. The
Clean purge well Extraction well main methods include bioleaching and oxidation/
Anode + Cathode – reduction reactions. Bioleaching involves Thiobacil-
lus sp. bacteria under aerobic and acidic conditions
Groundwater level
(pH 4) at temperatures between 15 and 558C, depend-
ˇ ing on the strain. Leaching can be performed by direct
ˇ ˛
means, oxidation of metal sul®des to produce sulfuric
ˇ ˛
acid, which then can desorb the metals on the soil by
substitution of protons. Indirect leaching involves
conversion of Fe 21 to Fe 31 which in turn oxidizes
sulfur minerals to Fe 21 producing acidity. Several
soil options are available for bioleaching including heap
leaching, bioslurry reactors and in situ processes.
Fig. 3. Electrokinetic process for soil remediation. Cations move Anoxic sediments are more suitable for treatment
towards the cathode and anions towards the anode. Buffer solutions
since the bacteria can solubilize the metal compounds
are added and removed by the purge and extraction wells.
without substantially decreasing the pH. Soils require
lower pH values to extract the metals since they have
already been exposed to oxidizing conditions. For
movement by electromigration (charged chemicals both heap leaching and reactors, the bacteria and
movement), electro-osmosis (movement of ¯uid), sulfur compounds are added. In the reactor, mixing
electrophoresis (charged particle movement) and is used and pH can be controlled more easily.
electrolysis (chemical reactions due to electric ®eld) Leachate is recycled during heap leaching. Copper,
(Rodsand and Acar, 1995). Buffer solutions are used zinc, uranium and gold have been removed by
to maintain the pH at the electrodes. The metals can Thiobacillus sp. in biohydrometallurgical processes
be removed by electroplating or precipitation/co- (Karavaiko et al., 1988). Several feasibility studies
precipitation at the electrodes, using ion exchange have indicated that contaminated soils can be remedi-
resins or recovering the metals by pumping the ated by Thiobacilli (Tichy et al., 1992). Sludges from
waste to the surface (Smith et al., 1995). The process anaerobic processes that contain metal sul®des could
can be used in situ or with excavated soil. Metals as be treated in this manner (Blais et al., 1992).
soluble ions and bound to soils as oxides, hydroxides Another leaching technique that has potential for
and carbonates are removed by this method. Other remediation of metal-contaminated soil is through
non-ionic components can also be transported due to the production of citric and gluconic acids by the
the ¯ow. Large metal objects, rocks, foundations, fungus Aspergillus niger can produce citric and glu-
rubble or other obstacles can interfere with the process conic acids. They can act as acids (pH 3.5) and chelat-
(Acar and Gale, 1995). Unlike soil washing, this ing agents for the removal of metals such as copper
process is effective with clay soils of low perme- from oxide mining residues (Mulligan et al., 1999c).
ability. It is mainly applicable for saturated soil with Inexpensive carbon substrates will be required to
low groundwater ¯ow rates. Demonstrations of decrease the costs of this process.
this technology have been performed, such as Biosorption is a biological treatment method which
the Lasagnae technology, but are limited. In involves the adsorption of metals into biomass such as
Europe, this technology is used for copper, zinc, algal or bacterial cells that can be dead or alive. If
lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel. large-scale, inexpensive production techniques for
Electrode duration and spacing is site-speci®c the biomass are developed, this heavy metal treatment
and may need to be optimized, in addition to the is promising (Hazardous Waste Consultant, 1996).
type of pore ¯uid used. This method is mainly applicable for removal of
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 201

low concentrations of metals in water. Therefore, the ideal for SRB activity. The second site has copper
cells could potentially be placed in permeable barriers (up to 92 mg/l), chromium (up to 78 mg/l), zinc (up
for adsorption of metals in groundwater. to 8.3 mg/l), nickel (up to 3.5 mg/l) with high levels of
Microorganisms are also known to oxidize and sulfate (up to 3000 mg/l). Results will be available in
reduce metal contaminants. Mercury and cadmium the coming years.
can be oxidized while arsenic and iron can be reduced Biomethylation involves the addition of a methyl
by microorganisms. Cr(VI) can be oxidized to Cr(III) (±CH3) group to a metal such as arsenic, mercury,
that is less mobile and toxic. Bacteria such as Bacillus cadmium or lead. The methylated forms are more
subtilis and sulfate reducing bacteria in the presence mobile and can migrate into the groundwater.
of sulfur can perform this reaction. Although, methylation increases volatility, it is not
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) form metal (Me) likely that methylation of metals such arsenic will
sul®des that are insoluble as shown in the following be performed for remediation since the by-products
reactions are more toxic. They are currently under develop-
ment and not commercially available. Volatilization
CH3 COOH 1 SO22 2
4 ! 2HCO3 1 HS 1 H
of selenium from contaminated agricultural soils
has shown some promise (Thompson-Eagle and
H2 S 1 Me21 ! MeS 1 2H1 Frankenberger, 1990) Therefore, these processes
As can be seen from the equations, sulfate, low could be used for soil and sediment treatment. How-
redox conditions and an electron donor such as metha- ever, this form of the metal may dif®cult to control in
nol are required. Oxygen should not be there and gas emissions.
nutrients must be added. Stimulating sulfate reduction Another process (called mercrobes) has been devel-
can increase pH also and form metal hydroxides and oped and tested in Germany at concentrations greater
oxides that precipitate and do not migrate in soils and than 100 ppm. Between 95 and 99% of the mercury
groundwater. A project proposed by the Flemish Insti- was reduced in laboratory tests (Hazardous Waste
tute for Technological Research for NATO/CCMS Consultant, 1996). Since the mobility is in¯uenced
(1999). It involves bioprecipitation of the heavy by its oxidation state, these reactions can affect the
metals (zinc, cadmium, arsenic, lead, chromium, contaminant mobility.
nickel, and copper) within biological reactive zones
or biowalls. The ®rst site contains zinc (0±150 mg/l), 4.8. Phytoremediation
cadmium (0.4±4 mg/l), and arsenic (20±270 mg/l)
with high concentrations of sulfate (400±700 mg/l), Plants such as Thlaspi, Urtica, Chenopodium,

Atmosphere Phytovolatilization

Plant Phytoaccumulation

Soil Phytostabilization

Groundwater level

Mechanisms for
phytoremediation of metals

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing the mechanisms of the phytoremediation process for metal uptake.
202 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

Polygonum sachalase and Alyssim have the capability chemistry of the binding of the contaminant and the
to accumulate cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc hydrogeology of the site are very important (USEPA,
and can be therefore be considered as an indirect 1987).
method of treating contaminated soils (Baker et al., Since water solubility is the controlling removing
1991). This method is limited to shallow depths of mechanism, additives are used to enhance ef®ciencies.
contamination. Rhizo®ltration, the adsorption by In an analysis of a test site, it was determined that 400
plant biomass, can be used to remediate metal- years would be required to treat a site with water alone
contaminated groundwater. Phytoextraction involves compared to 4 years with chemical enhanced ¯ushing
uptake of metals by trees, herbs, grasses and crops and (AAEE, 1993). The research in this area is still quite
can be used for soil treatment. Phytostabilization is a limited, particularly where metal removal is con-
process to excrete components from the plants to cerned (USEPA, 1987) but chemical enhanced ¯ush-
decrease the soil pH and form metal complexes. The ing has potential for a wide variety of metals. Little
plants will have to be isolated from wildlife and agri- handling of soil is required. Chemical enhanced ¯ush-
cultural lands. The climatic conditions and bio- ing includes addition of organic and inorganic acids,
availability of the metals must be taken into sodium hydroxide which can dissolve organic soil
consideration when using this method. Once con- matter, water soluble solvents such as methanol,
taminated, the plants will have to be disposed of in displacement of toxic cations with nontoxic cations,
an appropriate fashion. Some techniques include complexing agents such as EDTA, acids in combina-
drying, incineration, gasi®cation, pyrolysis, acid tion with complexation agents or oxidizing/reducing
extractions, anaerobic digestion, extraction of the agents. Soil pH, soil type, cation exchange capacity
oil, chlorophyll ®bers from the plants (Bolenz et al., (CEC), particle size, permeabilities and contaminants
1990) or disposal since plants are easier to dispose of all affect removal ef®ciencies. High clay and organic
than soil. Phytoremediation will be most applicable to matter contents are particularly detrimental. Once the
shallow soils with low levels of contamination (2.5± water is pumped from the soil, it must be extracted
100 mg/kg) for polishing. Phytoremediation ®eld and then treated to remove the metals in wastewater
demonstrations (Fig. 4) are summarized in Table 2. treatment facilities or reused in the ¯ushing process.
The main disadvantage of this method is that longer Several technologies exist such as sodium hydroxide
times are required compared to other methods. More or sodium sul®de precipitation, ion exchange, acti-
research is needed to enhance the extraction of the vated carbon adsorption, ultra®ltration, reverse osmo-
metals by the plants through genetic breeding or sis, electrolysis/ electrodialysis and biological means
other methods and how to correlate bioavailability (Patterson, 1985). Metal recovery and recycling must
with metal uptake. Crop plants that grow fast may be improved.
be viable for phytoremediation. Large-scale treatment has been done mostly for
organic removal and is limited to metals. Full-scale
4.9. In situ treatment (soil ¯ushing) treatment was performed at United Chrome, a chrome
plating plant (Corvallis, OR), for removal of Cr(VI)
Extracting solutions are in®ltrated into soil using (USEPA, 1996a,b). Water was used as the ¯ushing
surface ¯ooding, sprinklers, leach ®elds, basin in®l- solution with three methods of in®ltration, in®ltration
tration systems, surface trenches, horizontal drains or basins, injection wells and an in®ltration trench. The
vertical drains. Water with or without additives is site had a low permeability silty soil and treatment
employed to solubilize contaminants. The ef®ciency was performed for both shallow and deep aquifers.
of the extraction depends on the hydraulic con- A clay aquitard was also ¯ushed indirectly by using
ductivity of the soil. High permeability gives better deep injection wells. Signi®cant removal of chro-
results (greater than 1 £ 10 23 cm/s). The solubility of mium was achieved, in addition to hydraulic contain-
pollutants and if the pollutant was originally solu- ment of the plume. Levels of chromium were reduced
bilized in water or not affects removal ef®ciencies. to 18 from 2000 mg/l. At another site, a 30,000 m 3
Prior mechanical mixing of the soil can disturb the volume has been successfully treated in The
in®ltration of the extractant. Understanding the Netherlands to decrease the cadmium content in
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 203

90% of the soil from 10 to less than 1 mg/kg with

Lab, Riverside, CA
Rutgers University
dilute hydrochloric acid (pH 3) (Urlings, 1990).

USDA Salinity
Schnoor, 1997
More demonstrations are needed in this area, in addi-

Brown, 1995


tion to developing more understanding into the
mechanisms for solution, metal recovery and use of
non-toxic additives.

Uptake of Zn and Cd rapid but 4.10. Soil washing (chemical leaching)

90% reduction 137Cs, 90Sr in 2

soil dif®cult to decontaminate

volatilized but soil dif®cult to

In one season, reached below

Heavy metals can be removed from soils using

95% removal of U in 24 h

Se is partly taken-up and

various agents added to the soil (Fig. 5). This can be
weeks, 8000 X normal
concentration in roots

(350 ppb to ,5 ppb)

done in reactors or as heap leaching. These agents are:

inorganic acids such as sulfuric and hydrochloric

acids with pH less than 2, organic acids including


action level
In progress

acetic and citric acids (pH not less than 4), chelating
agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) and nitrilotriacetate (NTA), and various
combinations of the above (USEPA, 1991). The
cleaned soil can then be returned to the original site.
Soils with less than 10±20% clay and organic content
Indian mustard Brassica juncea
Sun¯owers Helieanthus anuus

Sun¯owers Helieanthus anuus

(i.e. sandy soils) are most effectively remediated with

these extractants. Both organics and metals are
Sun¯owers and mustard

removed. However, modi®cations to the process,

which is commercially used, have to be made for
each type of soil (Hinsenveld et al., 1990). In general,
Thlaspi spp.

Brassica sp.

soils with low contents of cyanide, ¯uoride and

sul®de, CEC of 50±100 meq/kg and particle sizes of

0.25±2 mm, with contaminant solubility in water of

greater than 1000 mg/l, can be most effectively
cleaned by soil washing (Hazardous Waste Consul-
tant, 1996). In the EPA VISITT 2.0, there are more
Rhizo®ltration of energy wastes

than 20 soil washing vendors and 5 vendors of acid

Phytoextraction of mine wastes
Phytoextraction of 200 £ 300 ft

Phytovolatilization of re®nery
wastes and agricultural soils

Rhizo®ltration near nuclear
Phytoremediation demonstration projects (Schnoor, 1997)

Rhizo®ltration of land®ll

The feasibility of using biodegradable biosur-

factants to remove heavy metals from an oil-
contaminated soil was recently demonstrated (Fig.
6) by laboratory scale batch washes with surfactin, a


rhamnolipid and a sophorolipid (Mulligan et al.,


1999a). The ®rst two agents are produced by bacteria

while the last is produced by a yeast. The soil
contained 890 mg/kg of zinc, 420 mg/kg of copper
with a 12.6% oil and grease content. A series of ®ve
batch washes removed 70% of the copper with 0.1%
Chernobyl, Ukraine

San Francisco, CA

surfactin/1% NaOH while 4% sophorolipid/0.7% HCl

Rocky Flats, CO
Ashatabula, OH

was able to remove 100% of the zinc. The results

Trenton, NJ

clearly indicated the feasibility of removing metals

Table 2

with the anionic biosurfactants tested even though

the exchangeable metal fractions were very low.
204 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

Contaminated soil

Surfactant Well

Groundwater level

Low permeability zone

Contaminant plume

Fig. 5. Diagram of soil ¯ushing process using injection of water or solution containing chemicals including acids, chelating agents or

These biosurfactants were also able to remove metals hydrocyclone pretreatment, solidi®cation/stabiliza-
from sediments (Mulligan et al., 1999c). Since these tion and chemical extraction (acids). Few of these
agents are biodegradable, can enhance hydrocarbon techniques in comparison to soil treatment have
removal and can potentially be produced in situ, been used commercially.
they have a great potential for soil washing and soil
¯ushing applications.
5. Conclusions
4.11. Treatment of sediments
A summary of the various remediation techniques
Since sediments contain large quantities of water, is shown in Table 3. Physical containment is the least
de-watering is frequently necessary after dredging to expensive approach but this leaves the contaminants
enable treatment. Methods include draining of the in place without treatment. Since metals are considered
water in lagoons with or without coagulants and ¯oc- relatively immobile, methods for metal decontamin-
culants or using presses or centrifuges. Treatment ation have focused on solid-phase processes such
methods are similar to those used for soil such as as solidi®cation/stabilization and vitri®cation. These

Total copper removal (%)

Total zinc removal (%)

100 100
80 Soph Soph
Surf Surf
60 60
Rham Rham
40 40
Control1 Control1
20 20 Control2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of washings Number of washings

Fig. 6. Cumulative copper (A) and zinc (B) removal after ®ve washes using different biosurfactants and controls. Experiments were performed
as batch washes in 50 ml centrifuge tubes according to Mulligan et al. (1999a). Control 1, 1%; surf, 0.1% surfactin/1% NaOH; rham, 0.1%
rhamnolipid/1% NaOH; control 2, 0.7% HCl; soph, 4% sophorolipid/0.7% HCl.
C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207 205

Table 3
Summary of remedial technologies

Technology Description Applicability Costs ($US/ton)

Physical Prevent movement by Land®ll covers and slurry walls 10±90
preventing ¯uid ¯ow
Encapsulation Creation of an inert waste Injection of solidifying 60±290
Vitri®cation Application of electrical energy Shallow metal-contaminated 400±870
to vitrify contaminant soil, low volatility metals
Ex situ treatment
Physical separation Includes, froth ¯otation, gravity For high metal concentrations 60±245
separation, screening, etc.
Soil washing Addition of surfactants and other For water soluble contaminants 25±300
additives to solubilize
Pyrometallurgical Elevated temperature extraction Highly-contaminated soils 200±1000
and processing for metal (5±20%)
In situ
Reactive barriers Creation of a permeable barrier Sorption or degradation of 60±245
contaminants in barrier
Soil ¯ushing Water ¯ushing to leach For soluble contaminants 100±200
Electrokinetic Application of electrical current Applicable for saturated soils Little info
with low groundwater ¯ow
Phytoremediation Use of plants for metal Shallow soils and water Good (50,000±200,000/acre)

processes can be performed in situ which reduces by recovery of metals. Phytoremediation and
handling costs. Costs depend on presence of debris, bioleaching are not as well developed but could be
excess moisture, contaminant dept, and soil homo- useful for areas of low contamination although longer
geneity. They are bene®cial where the area of contam- treatment times may be necessary. Numerous issues
ination is shallow but large. Long-term stability of the still need to be resolved and more demonstrations are
solidi®ed/stabilized matrix is the major unknown. required. Some of the issues include enhancing the
Vitri®cation is expensive but applicable to mixed accumulation of metals by plants, developing methods
wastes where few technologies are available. Electro- to extract meals from plants and determining correla-
kinetics and in situ ¯ushing have been used at a few tions between soil components and bioavailability.
sites but results are promising. More ®eld demonstra- Treatment walls are low cost, passive treatment
tions are needed for both of these technologies. Elec- methods that have potential. More research is
trokinetics is particularly promising for contamination required to match reactive media with contamin-
at moderate depths in clays but R&D is required to ants, model lifetime performance, optimize reten-
optimize pore ¯uids and electrode con®guration. In tion times and develop methods for regeneration
situ ¯ushing is most effective for homogeneous, of reactive media. The selection of each technol-
permeable, sandy and silty soils. Site hydrology ogy is site-speci®c. Overall, metal-contaminated
must be understood to avoid the movement of groundwater is treated above-ground. Metal-
contaminants into undesirable areas. More develop- contaminated soils are excavated and are treated
ments are needed in the area of non-toxic additives ex situ by solidi®cation/stabilization. In situ tech-
for in situ ¯ushing. Economics also could be improved niques are under development. Our research has
206 C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 193±207

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