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Film reaction paper

The film named “Marriage material” has been chosen for the purpose of getting the reaction

paper done. This is because this film shows the sociological tradition of living within a

family with each other and shows the individual behaviour towards the family members. In

the movie, Andrew and Emily are the friends initially, falls in love with each other and

decide to live together. They lived for a few weeks and took care of a friend’s son who has

seven months old. The phase of childcare was new to them in the beginning but slowly with

the passage of time, they like to take care of the baby. Andrew was more excited in the initial

stages of the childcare while, Emily was worries about the cost that could occur for having

child and taking care of him. However, their friend tells them that it does not cost much to

have a baby which actually intrigues Emily. Andrew just wanted to pass the days and give the

child back to his parents. But Emily was emotional about the time she spends with the baby

while taking care of him. She feels emotional attachment with the child and wanted to get

married and have children. This actually provokes the idea of marriage in her mind with her

boyfriend Andrew. However, to Andrew a child is nothing more than a distraction from the

daily life routine. Andrew is a writer by profession and he has to pay attention and focus for

several hours on his computer and laptop for writing. This is because in order to write

something it is important to have concentration to get it done right (Davidson, 2015). The

child and Emily actually seems to be distraction to Andrew from his work. He is a

workaholic person and due to which his work is highly important for him. Due to their

different behaviours towards the adoption of a child makes their minds away from each other

due to which none of them seems to be a perfect marriage material this is why the name

“marriage material” of the film has been suggested. This short film actually shows that how

people have social interaction in the society and which actually builds the traditions of a

nation and a state. This also shows that how the choices of the individuals change as a result
of their reaction towards a specific situation. The thoughts of Emily to get married and have a

child is quite apparent and she likes all the parts of mothering which includes from feeding

the child to baby bath and nap time. Whereas, Andrew does not feel the same urge to become

a father. He is so absorbed in his computer with his writing work that he does not finds time

to give to the baby. Even Emily seems to be an annoyance now along with the baby because

they actually distract him from his work by making noise of baby crying. This is why

Andrew starts ignoring Emily as well. Emily asks Andrew about how he feels to have a baby

by asking that does he enjoys to have the baby but he just replies her in “Yeah”. Emily also

tells Andrew that it costs very less on the child but rather than cost Andrew is actually

worried about his writing work as he is unable to focus on his work in their presence. Hence,

the movie shows the individual behaviour for the society (Nisula, 2015).


 Davidson, Gabrielle L. et al. "Wild Jackdaws, Corvus Monedula , Recognize

Individual Humans And May Respond To Gaze Direction With Defensive

Behaviour". Animal Behaviour, vol 108, 2015, pp. 17-24. Elsevier BV,


 Nisula, Anna-Maija, and Aino Kianto. "The Antecedents Of Individual Innovative

Behaviour In Temporary Group Innovation". Creativity And Innovation Management,

vol 25, no. 4, 2015, pp. 431-444. Wiley, doi:10.1111/caim.12163.

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