Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Fusha: Lënda: Anglisht Shkalla: V Klasa: XII

Tema Mësimore: Situata për diskutim:

Grammar- conditional clauses The teacher and the students talk about
Kompentencat e të nxënit: conditional sentences using if, unless, imagine,
Students will be able to: provided, suppose and inversion.
- Use vocabulary related to exams
- Use correctly conditional sentences using
if, unless, imagine, provided, suppose and
Burimet e informacionit: Fjalori me terma/ koncepte të reja:
Coursebook, Workbook, digital platform,
photos, ELP, interactive flashcards (TB), Extra
Lidhja Ndërlëndore e temës:
This topic can be related to other subjects.
Metodologjia e ores së mësimit:
Brainstorming, group activities, pair activities, individual work, matching activities, gap filling
activities, questions and answers.
Organizimi i ores së mësimit:
Hapi i pare:
Start your class with the following warm up activity:
Writing chain stories or even writing chain poems.
If you decide to do the chain poem writing activity, then give them a skeleton
If I drink coffee,
I’ll stay awake tonight
If I stay awake tonight,
I’ll fall asleep in the morning.
And if I fall asleep in the morning,
My teacher will be very angry
Hapi i dytë:
Ask students to look at exercise 1 on page 84 and and discuss the most typical excuse used by
students in Albania and in pairs compare it with the excuse from exercise 1 in the SB. Then ask
them to read the story on exercise 2 and answer the questions:
What excuse did the students use for missing their exam? What happened next?
Then move to exercise 3 and read with students Grammar Focus and then rewrite the conditional
clauses in blue in the story using if.
Hapi i tret :
For the next activities ask students rewrite the conditional sentences using unless and then tick
the sentences that are true for them and exercise 5 where they have to complete the second
sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first using the words in capitals.
Përforëcimi i të nxënit:
Ask students to work with exercise 6 where they have to use the prompts to write conditional
Then ask them to write four more true sentences about themselves on Ex. 7 and in pairs ask and
answer their questions from the previous exercise.
If time work with WB exercises.
Vlerësimi i nxënësve:
Evaluation based on observations, answers, group work and home work.
WB Exercises.

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