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Recent Progress in Inequalities A Volume Datianted to Prof. D. 8. Mitrinovie ©1997 Khnwer Academic Publishers LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) GRADIMIR V. MILOVANOVIC Faculty of Hlectronic Engineering, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Bor 73, 18000 Nis, Yugoslavia 1, Biographical Data Professor Dragoslav S. Mitrinovié, the famous scientist, a moclest man, teacher and amodel of many generations; died on April 2, 1995, He was bo in Smoderevo, Saia, on June 23, 1908, as the first child of Svetislav and Marija Mittinovic, iis sister Ruvzica (19091993) was the second and the last chill in the Mitrinovié family. Their father, a known judge, died when Dragoslav wes seven, so that he ‘was forced to fight for his living himsdé. He received danentary and second cchication in Pristina and Vranje. Th 1932be graduated mathematics of Philesoply, University of Belgrade. ‘The nest year, as a student of Professor Mihailo Petrovié ~ Alas, he defended! his Ph. D. thesis in the field of Differential xuations entitled “Inwestigations of an important differential azuation of the fist ones”. Fic. 1, Drageslay with his ster Fic. 2. DS. Mitrinovié as a student aca (fiom 1913) (Gom 1920) “Typeset by AUSIEX G.V. MILOVANOVIC 2 Jn 1983 he got mamial to Olga Sretenovi¢ (1910-1996). Olga was also a mathe anatician and she worked as a seccndary school teacher, ‘Their sons, Svetiskv ty professors. (2984) and Mihailo (1945), are the uni Fics 4. Drogpslay and Olga FIG. &. Prof, Mihailo Petro = Alas (Geom 1023) (1508-1943) Until 1946 D. S. Mitrinovi¢ worked as a secondary school teacher. He spent some time as a researcher at the Paris University. His ID-cards from that period are shown in Figures 5 and 6, CULTE DES sclENcEs ARTE DINMATRIGULATION Fic. 5, Univensity immatricubation cand Fic, 6, Card forthe National Library During this period Mitrinovié published about 50 scientific papers, mainly on differential equations. 2. Professional Career Mitrinovié started his university career in Skoplje, Macedonia, as an Associate LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 3 Professor at the Philosophical Faculty, Tt took him only five years (1946-1951) to found the Skoplje School of Mathematics. At the Philosophical Faculty he founded the Department of Mathematics and two mathematical joumals (“Zlornik radowa Filoanfskog fakateta u Shopliu” in 1948.and “Bilten drustoa matematieara i fieitara Makedonije” in 1950). The first: mathematical research papers in Macedonia were done ly Profesor Mitrinvié. His persistent. work resulted in the foundation a rich professional mathematical Hbrary there and in a wide exchange of scientific publications with foreign comtries. At the beginning, all the lecturing in Skeplje was performed by two mathematicians only. Tt was at that time that a core of scientific workers was formed in Skoplje, which is today one of the recognise! scientific conta, A number of Ph.D, theses were defended, mainly under the supervision of Professor Mitrinovi¢. Thanks to his scientific contribution he was ected the member of the Macadonian Academy of Seience and Art. From 1951 to his retirement in 1978 Professor Mitrinovié tanght at the Faculty of Eketrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, and in 1953 he was elected the Head of the Department of Mathematics. During his long period of teaching he supported young and talented mathematicians, students of his faculty (to whem mathematics would be their fiture profession), gave them instructions for their scientific research, made them get to know the scientific references he knew so well and héped them pablish their results in the country and abroad, He made his collaborators work as hard as be practised himsdf, ‘He encouraged the progress and success of all his assistants, He founded the welkknewn Belgrade School of Functional Equations, Differential Equations and Inequalities. He was also the founder of the Publiaations of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Series: Math= ematies and Physics, which soon became the workdwiderenown journal. Numerots ‘world welbinown and autstanding mathematicians published ther papers in the Publications, "This joumal is available in many university libraries all over the world. Soon after foundation of the first faculties in Nis in 1960, Professor Mitrinewié founded another school of mathematics. In the period between 1965 and 1975 hie was the Head of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Flectronic Engineering, University of Nis. He supported the development of any field in ‘mathematics, encouraged his oollaboratcrs and assistants, introduced them into new fields he himself didn’t work in and was in touch with developed centers all over the warld, His collaborators appreciated and aocepted such approach of his. ‘Thanks to all this, the Nis School of Mathematics soon grew into a powerfill center of Appreximation Theoty, Inequalities and Numerical Mathematics, without any problems and separations which are characteristic for this country. Professor Mitrinovié was a very commmmicative person, He maintained epistolary rdationship with mumewous workl respectable mathematicians, “He was a long- time member of the American Mathematical Society, Société Mathématique de France and ene of the founders of the Serbian Scientific Society. His social acti ity on the professional plan is also notewortly He was the founder of the Mathe ematical documentation center of the Society of mathematicians and physicists of 4 G.V. MILOVANOVIC Serbia, the Vice-president of the Union of societies of mathematicians and physi- cists of Yugoslavia, the President of the Society of mathematicians and physicists of Macedonia, the President of the Commission for mathematics of the. Federal Council for the. coordination of scientific research, a Member and the President of the corresponding commission in Serbia, the Vice-president of the Commission Jor tertrbooks, not to mention several other duties within the framework of the University. For a long time, Professor Mitrinovié was a member of the Editorial Board of East nropean Series “Mathematics and Its Applications” in the Khuwer Acadlemie Publishers Fic. 7. S. Miloloié, D. S. Mitinovié, R. 2. Djpedjecié, and G. Vs Milovanenié (Pare; 1975) Mitrinovié was a prolific writer of many university books as wall as significant menographs of high scientific: level, published by the world’s mest famous publish+ ing houses. His monograph Analytic Inequalities (with P.M. Vasié) published in 1970 by Springer Verlag, hal a very powerful inflnce an the development of this fidd in Yugpslavia and abroad. Many generations of students and mathematicians studied fiom Professor Mitrinovié’s books. His name an the covers always signified high standards and a rigorous mathematical style, 3. Scientific Work in Inequalities ‘The scientific work of Professor Mitrinovié and his contributions in mathematics can be Classified into the following areas: 1, Differential equations; 2. Finctionall equations; 3. Inequalities; 4. Othor fields. LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 5 His work in the first. two areas (Differential and Functional equations) has been described in [10] (see also [14] and [6-7]). Beside more than one hundred papers on differential equations and more than thirty papers on finctional equations, he published tlnee text-books on dif sential equations, His starting papers on fime~ tional equations from fifties were important for developing, a welleknown Belgrade School of Finctional Equations as wall as the appearing of his “Mathematics Prob lem Book”, Vol. JI (1960), with several interesting open problems related to the lessical fictional equations. ‘These problems were a “gine” for young mathe ‘maticians and for the mest talented students. We mention that 7 mathematicians tock their Ph.D. theses in differential equiae tiers with Profesor Mitrinevié: B.S. Popov (1952), I. Bandié (1958), D. Percine Jkova (1963), 1 Sapkarev (1904), J.D. Keckié (1970), P.R. Lam (1977). andl Bs Piperevski (1982), Also, Professor Mittinovi¢ gave seven Ph.D. theses in fine= tional equations: D.Z. Djokewi¢ (1963), K. Milosevié Rakocevié (1963), P.M. Vasi¢ (1963), RZ Djondjevié (1966), R-R. Janié (1968), I. Stamate (1971), and B. Zari¢ (1975). A nice review on these theses has just been written by Professor B.D. Crstici (Gee [3)). ‘The last and the greatest Mitrinovie’s passion in mathematics was the one called = Inequalities. He wes involved in all Kinds of inequalities. He often used to say “There are no equalities, even in the human life, the inequalities are always met Until early sixties only the classical work Inequalities by Hardy, Littlewood, and Pélya, appeared in 1994, intended to transform the fidd of inequalities ftom a collection of isolated formulas into a systematic discipline. Professor A.M. Fink (iowa State University) even said: “Thad not considered inequalities as a research subject, even though T owned a copy of Hanly, Littlewood, and Pélya’s “Inequal- ities”, Inequalities were a sidelight to my research in differential equations. But through Professor Mitrinovie’s book “Analytic Inequalities” from 1970 and his cor- respondence with me, I saw the richness of the subject of inequalities, the eure he took to ascribe intellectual ideas to their real sources, and his personal integrity in ‘writing about the subject.” Mitinovie’s interest in inequalities started very early considering some inequalities for elementary symmetric fimetians (1959). His work can be dassified into the following areas: 1, Hanentary inecwalities; 2. Geomettic inequalities; 3, Means and their inequalities; 4, Analytic inecmualities; 5. Inequalities and extremal problems with polynomials; 6. Various particular inequalit 7. Inequalities in number theory. ‘To each of these areas Mitvinovié devoted at least one monograph. At this point ‘we could cite Professor Dick Askey, who told: “He was a collector of interesting 6 G.V. MILOVANOVIC and important older mathematienl results, This resulted in a number of books hich have few if any rivals. When an inequality arises, as it often does in my ‘work or in Teters from others asking alout one, the first place I laok is in the books of Mitrinovié, There are few with his dedication to preserving interesting mathematics. Fortunately, he did not rite all of his books alone, so he helped tmain others to Jollow in his footsteps. May they carry on his legacy of service to the community of mathematicians around the world.” 1. Mitrinovié started with dementary inequalities in 1959, Very soon in 1964 he published (in coeperation with E.S, Bares, D.C. B. Marsh and J.R«M, Radok) the book entitked “Elementary Inequalities” (P. Nocelhoff, Groningen), ‘This tte torial text and problem collection is designed to introduce the student, at under gzadhate cr senior high school level, to the elementary properties of inequalities, Considerably onlargpdl version of this book appeared in Polish in 1972, with PM. Vasié and RR. Janié-as coranithots. Among many elementary inequalities treated yy Professor Mitrinovié we mention only those with elementary symmetric fisno= tiers 4 = On(t1y-0e 2n)e ELS k Sn—1 and 0 (HIPAM I > 0 2. Several papers Mittinovié dewted to the geometric inecpnlities. In 1969 the book “Geometric Inequalities” (Groningen), written by O. Bottema, R.Z. Dierdj vi, RLR. Janié, D.S. Mitrinovié, and P.M, Vasié, was appeared. The book appreciated and has been mnch quoted in the mathematical literature. Tt contains about 400 varied gpometric inequalities rdated to the daments of figures in the plane (triangles, quadilaterals, n-gons, cindes) and 225 authors are cited in it. After the appearance of this book (called “Bible of Bottema” in the Canadian Jounal Crux Mathematioorum), during the period from 1969-1986 a large mam bber of papers and problems concerning geometric inequalities were published in ‘mathematical journals and this inspired Professor Mitrinovi¢ to compile an ency lopedlic work “Recent. Advances in Geometric Inequalities” (Kluwer, 1989) joint with J.-E, Pecariéand V. Volenec, ‘This book ocntains several thousands of inertia ities, not only for elements of figures in the plano, bat also for elements of figures in space and hyperspace (tetrahedra, polyhedra, simplices, polytopes, spheres). This book is a good hase for the various synthesis of apparently unconnected! results about geometric inequalities, and also represents a rich source book for obtaining, some deeper and essential generalisations. 3. Mitvinovi¢ also devoted several papers to the means and their inoqualities, His main collaborator in this field was P.M. Vasié (1934-1996). Unifying the results proved by W.N, Everitt [Amer, Math, Monthly 70 (1963), 251-255] andl Mitrinovié and Vasié [Univ. Beograd. Publ. Flektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz, No LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 7 159 - No 170 (1966), 1-8], H. W. McLaughlin and F.T. Metcalf [Pacific J. Math, 22 (1967), 308-311] cbtained some interesting, inequalities for means of ander r+ Later, Mitrinovié and Vasi¢ (1968) proved even mare gpneral results which contain inequalities of McLaughlin and Metcalf, In 1966 Mitrinovié and Vasi¢ introduced! fone method, so-called emethod, for gptting inequalities. ‘This method can be summarised as follows: (1) Start with an inequality which can be proved by the theory of maxima and (2) Tha convenient manner introduce one or mere parametersinto the function from which that inequality was obtained; (3) Find the extreme values of such a fiction, treating the parameters: as fied, Jn this way an inequality involving one or mare parameters is obtained. Assigning conveniently chosen values to those parameters, one may obtain various ineryuale ities whose forms bear no similarity to the original, ‘This method often unifies ‘solated! inequalities and yields known inequalities as special cases, Using this method Mitrinovié and Vasi¢ obtained many interesting inequalities with means. As a top in this fidd is certainly the monceraph “Means and Their Inequalities” ‘written on 459 pages by DoS. Mitrinovi¢, P.S, Bullenand P.M, Vasi¢ and published ‘by Khiwer in 1988. 4, The most important Mitrinovie’s work on inequalities inequalities appeared in the Mathematical Analysis. He ocnsilered mary’ important classical inequalities inchiding their variations and generalisations. Expecially, we mention his work on the Steffensen inequality from 1969, as well asa jpint. paper with P.M. Vasié an an integral inoquality escribed to Wirtinger, In 1974 Mitrinovi¢ and Vasi¢ published one important paper cn history, variations and generalisations of the Chebyshev inequality and the question of some priorities. Jn 1965 Mitrinovi¢ published the book “Nejedinakosti” in Serbian on 240 pages. Five years later, a grandiose work appeared by Springer Verlag ~ “Analytic Ine ccualitis,” ‘Talking on Mitrinovié’s contribution in mathematics, Professor P.S. Bullen says “During his long and active life Professor Mitrinovié not onky did much original work in various fields, although mainky in inequalities. In addition he became famous for research into the obscure origins of many famous results, However his mast abiding contritation are three, The famous took, done with the collaboration of Professor Vasié, “Analytic Inoqualities”. It is, after the classic “Inequalities” by Hardy Littlewood and Pélya, the most referred to book: in the field of inexqalities.””) Durie Bullen sss T have called the Publlacije Helarotehnichog Falalteta Univerziteta Bongracki,serja Matematika i Fila “his jamal” and it was 90 in a very weal saree, Te Ban ‘serial tool for working in the eld of inequalities, and the almest complete run that Thave i ‘ne of my mest valuable persesions in the nny mathematical Hhxary. T only wish that it were ‘complete. Finaly there are the many students Professor Mitrinenié brought along and who are 8 G.V. MILOVANOVIC ‘The complete material of this book is divided into three parts, In the first part (“Introduction”) an approach to inequalities is given, while the main attenticn is devoted to convex functions. The seccml and main part. (“General Inequalities”) consists of 27 sections, each of which is dedicated to a class of inecualities of ‘importance in Analysis. Finally, the third part (“Particular Inequalities”) gives a collection of vations inqualities. 5. The monograph “Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Ze- as’, written by G. V. Milovanovié, D.S. Mittinovié, and TheM. Rassias, and pubr lished by World Scientific, contains some of themost important results on the anal- ysis of polynomials and their derivatives. Besides the fundamental results, which are treated! with their proofs, the book ao provides an aocotnt of the mest reoent developments concerning extremal properties of polynomials and their derivatives: in various metrics with an extensive analysis of inequalities fer triganomettic sums and algebraic polynomials, as well as their zeros. Many extremal problems of Markov, Bernstein, Nikclsi, and Turdn type were considered. The inequalities are given for various donnins, various norms and for various subdasses of poly nomiials, both algebraic and trigonometric. Some 1200 references have been Gite, inchuding preprints. Professor T, Frdélyi in his teview an this book in the Jour= nal of Approximation Theory (Vol. 82 (1995), 471172) says: “The topics are tastefully selected and the results are easy to find. Although this book is not really ‘planned as a textbook to tench from, it is excellent for self study or seminars. This #8 a very useful reference took with many resulls which have not appeared in. a book Jorm yels It is an important addition to the literature.” Professor E,W. Cheney in Mathematics of Computation (Vol. 65 (1996), 438139) conchides his review ly words “The book is uritten in a gene style? one can open it anywhere andl egin to understand, without encountering wnfamitiar notation and terminology, It is strongly recommended to individuals and to litmaries.” (see also the reviews ivtitten by Professor N.K. Govil in Mathematical Reviews (95m: 30009) and ty HLM. Srivastava in Zentrablatt fir Mathematik (818-147). 6. The third part of Mitrinovi’s monograph “Analytic Inequalities”, which is entitled “Particular Inequalities”, represents a collection of various inoqualities, ‘mare ot less closely’ intercomnectex|, This 200-pages part includes discrete inerqual- ities, inequalities with algobraic and trigonometric fimetions and polynomials, in- cemalities with exponential, logarithmic and gamma functions, as well as integyal ‘necualities and inequalities in the complex demain, “Many of these results be- Jong to Profssor Mittinovié, Besides extensions and generalisations, Mitrinovi¢é always wanted to ink various isolated inequalities and find their ccmmen source. Recently he published lyy Kluwer two monographs with such results: “Jnaqualities Jrwolving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives” and “Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis” (jointly with J.E. Pecarié and A.M. Fink). In his recent Zhow carrying on his work all over the world, T mention Profsiors Vas, Pecarié as being the ones that Tknow besty but there are many othexs as any perusal of his journal” will shows T think it is no exaggeration to say that they ave keeping him alive, ane wi contin to do so for smeory yeas to come.” LIFE AND INEQUALITIES: D. S. MITRINOVIC (1908-1995) 9 papers, mainly written jointly with Pecarié, various particular inequalities were considered (FléManlell’s and related inequalities of Gauss-Winckler, inequal- ties for polyaans, some triganometric inequalities, Neuberg-Podoe and Oppenheim inequalities, Steffensen’s inequality, some determinantal inequalities, inequalities of Gocunewa and Levin, Ozeki's inequalities, Lebed’s inoquality, inequalities of Hilbert and Widder, Masuyama’s inequality, etc) 7. The last Mitrinovié's monograph was the “HandBook of Number Theory”, waite ten jointly by J. Sndor and B. Crstici and published by Kluwer this year (1996). Unfortinatdy, after the manuscript was finished and ching its preparation for printing, Professor Mitrinovié died, not having the chance to see his last work in libraries, The aim of this book was to systematise and to present in an easily ac- cessible framework the most impertant results from some parts of Number Theory, ‘which are expressed by inequalities or by estimates. ‘The book focuses on the mest important arithmetic fimetions in Number Theory together with various general- ‘ations, analogues and extensions of such fimetions, and also properties of some functions related to the distribution of the primes and of the quadratic residnes and to pextitions, etc. We note that the “east” for this Handbook was the pre- vious book “Inequalities in Number Theory” published in 1978 by Mitrinevié andl MS. Popadlié (Nancni Podmladak, University of Nis). We mention ako that 4 mathematicians took their Ph.D. theses in inequalities with Professor Mitrinovié Lj.R. Stankovi¢ (1975), IB, Lackovié (1975), G.V. Milovanovié (1976) and 1.2. Milovanovi¢ (1980). Mitrinovie’s scientific interest. was also in the other fidds as Bernoulli's and Stine Jing’s numbers and polynomials (31 papers), as well as in complex analysis, special fimctions, orthogonal polyncmials, summation formas, abstract algpbra, etc. Es- pecially, we mention the monograph “The Cauchy Method of Residues ~ Theory ‘and Applications” in two volumes, written jointly with J.D. Keckié and published by Kluwer. The first volume, which appeared in 1984, 8 the only bodk that covers, all known applications of the calculus of residues. They range from the theory of equations, theory of mmbers, matrix analysis, evaluation of real definite integrals, summation of finite and infinite series, expansions of functions into infinite series and products, ordinary and partial differential equations, mathematical and the- oretical physics, to the calculus of finite differences and difference equations, On the other hand, the second volume (appeared in 1993) is devoted to new results in this field, Also, it contains some special contributions written by various aur thors and they are based mainly on their own research work, They inchale topies as the generalised vahie of an improper integral, mumetical evaluation of definite integrals, indusive calculus of residues, polynomials orthogonal on a seticirele in ‘the complex plane, and an interesting generalfsation of the residue theorem to distribution. ‘The total bibliography of Professor Mitrinovié contains 372 units, including 278 scientific papers and 30 other papers, as well as 16 monographs, 35 text-books, and 0 G.V. MILOVANOVIC 13 other books (se [5]). There are over 40 scientists: who received their doctoral degxees by Professor Mitrinovié, He enabled his collaborators and doctorands to te his Inge scientific documentation in which he kept old, rare and valuable papers, systematically collected over the past years, and pedantically earangrd into fidds. His collaborators were frequently surprised by his familiarity with references; in topics that, were not in his immediate cirde of interest. In his last years, he usad to give whole folders of precious papers to his visitors as a present, saying: “I do not have any more time for that”. Proféssor Mittinovi¢ devoted his whole life to mathematics. He led a modest Ii. His works will remain a long lasting value and will be cited in mathematical Titerature for a long time. He will remain in the memory of his numerous associates and students as a truly exceptional man they could leam a lot of ftom, References 1. M, Bertolino and P. M. Vasi¢, Professor Drapaslav S. Mitrinowid, Univ. Beogyad. Publ. Elekticteli. Fike Ser. Mat. Fiz, No. GO2— Now G3 (178), 47. 2. B. Cstic, Sur des aimiridnsions du Prof. D. S. Mitrinowie & ta théonie. des inégabités, DraggelayS. MitrinewiéLife and Work, University rl and Met” = Faculty of Math ‘mati ~ Skopje, Skcpjp, 1980, pp 8-7. Aten some dectorl thesis divacted by Professor Dragoslau S. Mitrinovié én the domes of functional equations, Scientific Review 21-22 (1906), 15-22. 4D, Dimitrowski, Dragoslaw S. Mitrinonié, Drageslay S. Mitrinevié ~ Life and Work, Unie ‘vority “Kirt and Metody" ~ Faculty of Mathematics ~ Skopje, Skopje, 1980, pp. 1-12. (Macedonian) 5, RZ Djmipvie and R. Re Jamies Pullintions of DS, Matrinovics This Volumes pp. 11-27. 6. JD. Keekié, Conunitution of Profesor D. S. Misinoo to Diffsential Equations, Univ. ongrade Publ. Flektmotehn. Fake Ser. Mat- Fis. No. 602 No. 638 (1978), 17-16. + Contrinution of Professor D. S. Mierinovit to fictional equations, Diageo So Mitinovi = Life and Work, University “Kiril and Meindi? = Faculty of Mathernatics ~ Skopje, Skopje, 1960, pp. 6-42. 8. My Merkle, [NV MEMORIAM = Professor Dragoslan 8. Mitrinovi (1905199), Unis. Beog= als Pull, Hlelaroteins Fale Sers Mat 6 (1905), 3-5, 9. GV. Milosanovié, INV MEMORIAM = Prof. dv Dragoslan S. Mitrinovid, Politila (May 9, 1985 & Angst 8, 195). 10. ———, Dragasian S. Mitrinowié (1908-1995) ~ Life and Scientific Work, Scientific Review Dame (1006) Hs

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