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Carlos Cubillos

Assessment 3. Presentation.

I will address what I have prepared and what I have said in my presentation briefly.

We work together but we focus in specific areas of the presentation structure. I focused on the
fourth point. Where I was supposed to address the next considerations.

Possible consequences of not implementing PM practices effectively

1. Level of maturity impact of the level of effectiveness of PM.
2. Your organisation may have the maturity, but what the PM is not being implemented

First, I read look information about the maturity levels, because I was not familiar with the
concept. So, according to Kerzner, that was mentioned by the teacher in class, the maturity
levels are “the foundation to achieving excellence” where five levels were described to master

As a group, and I personally, we consider that by having a low maturity level could there will be
more probabilites to fail, but it does not mean that something positive could happen just by
having good luck. I consider that it would be hazardous to think differently. The purpose of the
methodologies is to help organisations to improve or to develop their projects. So, by
definition, a better maturity level would mean a higher expectation of the effectiveness of PM.
However, it would be essential to think that sometimes thinking outside the narrow
procedures, innovation could come.

Considering that our organisation level one is at the first stage, where the main issues would
come from the lack of a common language among stakeholders, there could be a perception of
contradiction by considering the Operation Processes and Assets. Why our organisation has a
lot of years in the market, with many locations and with a big budget to invest in a project when
at the same time carry a maturity level number one?

As we discussed in the class, there is no necessary contradiction. In one of our discussion

meetings, we consider that probably for our organisation projects could be something new and
that would explain that they have proceeded from a managerial point of view rather a project
management development.

Going back to the first point, my answer will be yes, but there are also probabilities that people
go wrong even by following high standards of effectiveness. But, if we consider that it would be
the regular case, it would no exist any reason to study Project Management.
The second point, the question about methodology, maturity and organisation we talked about
how any project methodology could fail if it doesn’t suit the organisation and if there is not
engagement from the stakeholders.

In my presentation I answered this questions:

1. What is the definition of maturity level? “A process that could be the foundation to
achieve excellence”
2. What was the maturity level of our company?
a. Level 1.
3. What is the common language about? I talked about Kerzner (PMBoK), and how it could
be considering a similar scenario when we consider Lean Six Sigma. The common
language will imply the knowledge of DMAIC by the stakeholders.
4. What are the characteristics? Basically a lack of training and fears of changing the status
5. What would be necessary to advance? Invest in this processes (getting more about the
6. What are the conclusions? I highlighted the main points of my classmate’s
presentations. After, I pointed out that Lean Sig Sigma will fit our organisation because
its methodology considers different roles depending on the level of engagement that
stakeholders have. That is why they distinguish the different belt categories.

When we discussed our organisation in our meetings, it was always essential to try to think in
one case that our organisation could be real. I brought the example of organisations that
develop software and sell them to governments to use it with their inhabitants. Jus having in
mind this consideration was very insightful to share ideas with a very engaged team.

The link that we check was useful to clarify the distinction to of Lean Six Sigma but not strictly
related with my part.


Kerzner, H. (2001). Strategic planning for project management using a project management
maturity model. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

My work team references.

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