Easy There Entropy: Coding, Crypto, Culture, Cosmos

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Easy There Entropy

Coding, Crypto, Culture, Cosmos

Understanding the ethereum trie

JUNE 4, 2014AUGUST 27, 2015 / WORK2HEAT

The other day I finally got around to reading the entire ethereum
yellow paper (http://gavwood.com/Paper.pdf) and to figuring out
how the modified Merkle-patricia-tree
(https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Patricia-Tree) (trie) works.
So let’s go through a brief but hopefully complete explanation of the
trie, using examples.

A block in the ethereum blockchain consists of a header, a list of

transactions, and a list of uncle blocks. Included in the header is a
transaction root hash, which is used to validate the list of
transactions. While transactions are sent over the wire from peer to
peer as a simple list, they must be assembled into a special data
structure called a trie to compute the root hash. Note that this data
structure is not needed except to verify blocks (and hence of course
to mine them), and can technically be discarded once a block has
been verified. However, it is implied that the transaction lists are
stored locally in a trie, and serialized to lists to send to clients
requesting the blockchain. Of course, that client will then
reconstruct the transaction list trie for each block to verify the root
hash. Note that RLP (recursive length prefix encoding)
ethereum’s home-rolled encoding system, is used to encode all
entries in the trie.

A trie is also known as a radix tree

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree), and the ethereum
implementation introduces a couple modifications to boost
efficiency. In a normal radix tree, a key is the actual path taken
through the tree to get to the corresponding value. That is,
beginning from the root node of the tree, each character in the key
tells you which child node to follow to get to the corresponding
value, where the values are stored in the leaf nodes that terminate
every path through the tree. Supposing the keys come from an
alphabet containing N characters, each node in the tree can have up
to N children, and the maximum depth of the tree is the maximum
length of a key.

Radix trees are nice because they allow keys that begin with the
same sequence of characters to have values that are closer together
in the tree. There are also no key collisions in a trie, like there might
be in hash-tables. They can, however, be rather inefficient, like when
you have a long key where no other key shares a common prefix.
Then you have to travel (and store) a considerable number of nodes
in the tree to get to the value, despite there being no other values
along the path.

The ethereum implementation of radix trees introduces a number of

improvements. First, to make the tree cryptographically secure, each
node is referenced by its hash, which in current implementations are
used for look-up in a leveldb database. With this scheme, the root
node becomes a cryptographic fingerprint of the entire data
structure (hence, Merkle). Second, a number of node ‘types’ are
introduced to improve efficiency. There is the blank node, which is
simply empty, and the standard leaf node, which is a simple list of
[key, value]. Then there are extension nodes, which are also
simple [key, value] lists, but where value is a hash of some other
node. The hash can be used to look-up that node in the database.
Finally, there are branch nodes, which are lists of length 17. The first
16 elements correspond to the 16 possible hex characters in a key,
and the final element holds a value if there is a [key, value] pair
where the key ends at the branch node. If you don’t get it yet, don’t
worry, no one does :D. We will work through examples to make it
all clear.

One more important thing is a special hex-prefix (HP) encoding

used for keys. As mentioned, the alphabet is hex, so there are 16
possible children for each node. Since there are two kinds of [key,
value] nodes (leaf and extension), a special ‘terminator’ flag is used
to denote which type the key refers to. If the terminator flag is on,
the key refers to a leaf node, and the corresponding value is the
value for that key. If it’s off, then the value is a hash to be used to
look-up the corresponding node in the db. HP also encodes whether
or not the key is of odd or even length. Finally, we note that a single
hex character, or 4 bit binary number, is known as a nibble.

The HP specification is rather simple. A nibble is appended to the

key that encodes both the terminator status and parity. The lowest
significant bit in the nibble encodes parity, while the next lowest
encodes terminator status. If the key was in fact even, then we add
another nibble, of value 0, to maintain overall evenness (so we can
properly represent in bytes).

Ok. So this all sounds fine and dandy, and you probably read about
it here (https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/%5BEnglish%5D-
Patricia-Tree) or here
ethereums-tries-with-node/), or if you’re quite brave, here
(http://gavwood.com/Paper.pdf), but let’s get down and dirty with
some python examples. I’ve set up a little repo on github
(https://github.com/ebuchman/understanding_ethereum_trie) that
you can clone and follow along with.

git clone

Basically I just grabbed the necessary files from the pyethereum repo
(trie.py, utils.py, rlp.py, db.py), and wrote a bunch of exercises as
short python scripts that you can try out. I also added some print
statements to help you see what’s going on in trie.py, though due to
recursion, this can get messy, so there’s a flag at the top of trie.py
allowing you to turn printing on/off. Please feel free to improve the
print statements and send a pull-request! You should be in the trie
directory after cloning, and run your scripts with python
exercises/exA.py, where A is the exercise number. So let’s start
with ex1.py.

In ex1.py, we initialize a trie with a blank root, and add a single


state = trie.Trie('triedb', trie.BLANK_ROOT)

state.update('\x01\x01\x02', rlp.encode(['hello']))
print state.root_hash.encode('hex')

Here, we’re using '\x01\x01\x02' as the key and 'hello' as the

value. The key should be a string (max 32 bytes, typically a big-
endian integer or an address), and the value an rlp encoding of
arbitrary data. Note we could have used something simpler, like
'dog', as our key, but let’s keep it real with raw bytes. We can
follow through the code in trie.py to see what happens under the
hood. Basically, in this case, since we start with a blank node,
trie.py creates a new leaf node (adding the terminator flag to the
key), rlp encodes it, takes the hash, and stores [hash, rlp(node)] in
the database. The print statement should display the hash, which we
can use from now on as the root hash for our trie. Finally, for
completeness, we look at the HP encoding of the key:

k, v = state.root_node
print 'root node:', [k, v]
print 'hp encoded key, in hex', k.encode('hex')

The output of ex1.py is

root hash
root node: [' \x01\x01\x02', '\xc6\x85hello']
hp encoded key, in hex: 20010102

Note the final 6 nibbles are the key we used, 010102, while the first
two give us the HP encoding. The first nibble tells us that this is a
terminator node (since it would be 10 in binary, so the second least
significant bit is on), and since the key was even length (least
significant bit is 0), we add a second 0 nibble.

Moving on to ex2.py, we initialize a trie that starts with the

previous hash:

state = trie.Trie('triedb',
print state.root_node

The print statement should give us the [key, value] pair we

previously stored. Great. Let’s add some more entries. We’re going
to try this a few different ways, so we can clearly see the different
possibilities. We’ll use multiple ex2 python files, initializing the trie
from the original hash each time. First, let’s make an entry with the
same key we already used but a different value. Since the new value
will lead to a new hash, we will have two tries, referenced by two
different hashes, both starting with the same key (the rest of ex2.py)

print state.root_hash.encode('hex')
print state.root_node

The output for ex2.py is:

[‘ \x01\x01\x02’, ‘\xcb\x8ahellothere’]

So that’s not all that interesting, but it’s nice that we didn’t overwrite
the original entry, and can still access both using their respective
hashes. Now, let’s add an entry that use’s the same key but with a
different final nibble (ex2b.py):

print 'root hash:', state.root_hash.encode('hex')
k, v = state.root_node
print 'root node:', [k, v]
print 'hp encoded key, in hex:', k.encode('hex')

This print 'root node' statement should return something

mostly unintelligible. That’s because it’s giving us a [key, value]
node where the key is the common prefix from our two keys
([0,1,0,1,0]), encoded using HP to include a non-terminator flag and
an indication that the key is odd-length, and the value is the hash of
the rlp encoding of the node we’re interested in. That is, it’s an
extension node. We can use the hash to look up the node in the

print state._get_node_type(state.root_node) ==
common_prefix_key, node_hash = state.root_node
print state._decode_to_node(node_hash)

And the output for ex2b.py:

root hash:
root node: ['\x10\x10\x10',
hp encoded key, in hex: 101010
['', '', [' ', '\xc6\x85hello'], [' ',
'\xcb\x8ahellothere'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '']

This result is rather interesting. What we have here is a branch node,

a list with 17 entries. Note the difference in our original keys: they
both start with [0,1,0,1,0], and one ends in 2 while the other
ends in 3. So, when we add the new entry (key ending in 3), the
node that previously held the key ending in 2 is replaced with a
branch node whose key is the HP encoded common prefix of the
two keys. The branch node is stored as a [key, value] extension
node, where key is the HP encoded common prefix and value is the
hash of the node, which can be used to look-up the branch node that
it points to. The entry at index 2 of this branch node is the original
node with key ending in 2 (‘hello’), while the entry at index 3 is the
new node (‘hellothere’). Since both keys are only one nibble longer
than the key for the branch node itself, the final nibble is encoded
implicitly by the position of the nodes in the branch node. And since
that exhausts all the characters in the keys, these nodes are stored
with empty keys in the branch node.

You’ll note I added a couple print statements to verify that these

nodes are in fact what I say they are – extension and branch nodes,
respectively. Also, note, that there is a general rule here for storing
nodes in branch nodes: if the rlp encoding of the node is less than 32
bytes, the node is stored directly in an element of the branch node. If
the rlp encoding is longer than 32, then a hash of the node is stored
in the branch node, which can be used to look-up the node of
interest in the db.

Ok, so that was pretty cool. Let’s do it again but with a key equal to
the first few nibbles of our original key (ex2c.py):

state.update('\x01\x01', rlp.encode(['hellothere']))

Again, we see that this results in the creation of a branch node, but
something different has happened. The branch node corresponds to
the key ‘\x01\x01’, but there is also a value with that key
(‘hellothere’). Hence, that value is placed in the final (17th) position
of the branch node. The other entry, with key ‘\x01\x01\x02’, is
placed in the position corresponding to the next nibble in its key, in
this case, 0. Since it’s key hasn’t been fully exhausted, we store the
leftover nibbles (in this case, just ‘2’) in the key position for the node.
Hence the output:

[['2', '\xc6\x85hello'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '',

'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '\xcb\x8ahellothere']

Make sense? Let’s do one final component of exercise 2 (ex2d.py).

Here, we add a new entry with a key that is identical to the original
key, but has an additional two nibbles:


In this case, the opposite of what we just saw happens! The original
entry’s value is stored at the final position of the branch node, where
the key for the branch node is the key for that value
(‘\x01\x01\x02’). The second entry is stored at the position of it’s
next nibble (5), with a key equal to the remaining nibbles (just 7):

['', '', '', '', '', ['7', '\xcb\x8ahellothere'], '',

'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '\xc6\x85hello']

Tada! Try playing around a bit to make sure you understand what’s
going on here. Nodes are stored in the database according to the
hash of their rlp encoding. Once a node is retrieved, key’s are used
to travel a path through a further series of nodes (which may
involve more hash lookups) to reach the final value. Of course,
we’ve only used two entries in each of these examples to keep things
simple, but that has been sufficient to expose the basic mechanic of
the trie. We could add more entries to fill up the branch node, but
since we already understand how that works, let’s move on to
something more complicated. In exercise 3, we will add a third
entry, which shares a common prefix with the second entry. This
one’s a little longer, but the result is totally awesome (ex3.py):

state = trie.Trie('triedb',
print state.root_hash.encode('hex')
print state.root_node
print ''
print 'root hash:', state.root_hash.encode('hex')
print 'root node:', state.root_node
print 'branch node it points to:',
print ''

Nothing new yet. Initialize from original hash, add a new node with
key '\x01\x01\x02\x55'. Creates a branch node and points to it
with a hash. We know this. Now the fun stuff:

print 'root hash:', state.root_hash.encode('hex')
print 'root node:', state.root_node
branch_node = state._decode_to_node(state.root_node[1])
print 'branch node it points to:', branch_node

We’re doing the same thing – add a new node, this time with key
'\x01\x01\x02\x57' and value 'jimbojones'. But now, in our
branch node, where there used to be a node with value
'hellothere' (ie. at index 5), there is a messy ole hash! What do
we do with hashes in tries? We use em to look up more nodes, of

next_hash = branch_node[5]
print 'hash stored in branch node:',
print 'branch node it points to:',
And the output:

root hash:
root node: ['\x00\x01\x01\x02',
branch node it points to: ['', '', '', '', '', ['5',
'\xcb\x8ahellothere'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '\xc6\x85hello']

root hash:
root node: ['\x00\x01\x01\x02', '\xd5/\xaf\x1f\xdeO!
branch node it points to: ['', '', '', '', '',
\xab\xa2\x9eV\xe4\x14\xdfl0', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '\xc6\x85hello']
hash stored in branch node:
branch node it points to: ['', '', '', '', '', [' ',
'\xcb\x8ahellothere'], '', [' ', '\xcb\x8ajimbojones'],
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

Tada! So this hash, which corresponds to key [0,1,0,1,0,2,5],

points to another branch node which holds our values
'hellothere' and 'jimbojones' at the appropriate positions. I
recommend experimenting a little further by adding some new
entries, specifically, try filling in the final branch node some more,
including the last position.

Ok! So this has been pretty cool. Hopefully by now you have a
pretty solid understanding of how the trie works, the HP encoding,
the different node types, and how the nodes are connected and refer
to each other. As a final exercise, let’s do some look-ups.

state = trie.Trie('triedb',
print 'using root hash from ex2b'
print rlp.decode(state.get('\x01\x01\x03'))
print ''
state = trie.Trie('triedb',
print 'using root hash from ex3'
print rlp.decode(state.get('\x01\x01\x02'))
print rlp.decode(state.get('\x01\x01\x02\x55'))
print rlp.decode(state.get('\x01\x01\x02\x57'))

You should see the values we stored in previous exercises.

And that’s that! Now, you might wonder, “so, how is all this trie
stuff actually used in ethereum?” Great question. And my repository
does not have the solutions. But if you clone the official pyethereum
repo, and do a quick grep -r 'Trie' . , it should clue you in.
What we find is that a trie is used in two key places: to encode
transaction lists in a block, and to encode the state of a block. For
transactions, the keys are big-endian integers representing the
transaction count in the current block. For the state trie, the keys are
ethereum addresses. It is essential for any full node to maintain the
state trie, as it must be used to verify new transactions (since
contract data must be referenced). Unlike bitcoin, however, there is
no need to store old transactions for verification purposes, since
there is a state database. So technically the transaction tries don’t
need to be stored. Of course, if no one keeps them around, then no
one will ever be able to verify from the genesis block up to the
current state again, so it makes sense to hang on to them.

And there you have it folks. We have achieved an understanding of

the ethereum trie. Now go forth, and trie it!



20 thoughts on “Understanding the

ethereum trie”

1. Stephan Tual - Ethereum

JUNE 6, 2014 AT 8:41 PM
Brilliant and informative article – thank you Ethan!

2. aranad
AUGUST 9, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Awesome thanks!

3. Pingback: Interactive Pyethereum Demo | Easy There Entropy
4. jiehua
JUNE 10, 2015 AT 12:47 PM
Like it!

5. Christoph Jentzsch (@ChrJentzsch)
AUGUST 27, 2015 AT 9:17 AM
Nice. This link:
Patricia-Tree should be replaced by

6. Christoph Jentzsch (@ChrJentzsch)
AUGUST 27, 2015 AT 9:20 AM
And the github repo should be public:
git clone
Cloning into ‘understanding_ethereum_trie’…
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists.

◦ work2heat
AUGUST 27, 2015 AT 3:54 PM
Thanks Christoph! I accidentally moved the repo – should be
back now. Sorry about that!

7. Bruce Smith
SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 AT 7:23 AM
Thanks. I tried running the examples but am having trouble
finding sha3 anywhere on the net so I am unable to.

8. Pingback: Деревья Меркла в Эфириуме | Ein Buch für Alle
und Keinen

9. Pingback: 谈谈以太坊的Merkle树 | 三个硬币

10. Pingback: Префиксные деревья в Эфириуме | Ein Buch für

Alle und Keinen

11. Bert
FEBRUARY 10, 2016 AT 6:08 PM

could you please explain what the internal key is good for once it
has been created?

Since the internal code may change, as new updates of the tire
may relocate items form terminal nodes to non-terminal nodes it
is not obvious to me why and how the internal key is used later

The client code will use the normal key (the non-hex-prefixed
one) as the client code cannot know in advance where the item is
placed within the data structure.

Many thanks for clarifying.


◦ work2heat
FEBRUARY 11, 2016 AT 12:43 AM
Hi Bert,

Great question. The hex-prefix code is updated as necessary –

it is never exposed to the user. It is simply used during tree
traversal to indicate whether or not we’re at a terminal node.

12. Hamish MacEwan
APRIL 30, 2016 AT 11:44 PM

The exercises are failing for me with:

File “src/utils.py”, line 3, in

from sha3 import sha3_256
ImportError: No module named sha3

Can you advise what I need to do to make this module available?

13. Hamish MacEwan
MAY 2, 2016 AT 3:23 AM

I solved my problems with the exercises but have found

something more intractable I hope you can help with:

:~/bin/understanding_ethereum_trie$ python exercises/ex1.py

root hash
root node: [‘ \x01\x01\x02’, ‘\xc6\x85hello’]
hp encoded key, in hex: 20010102

That is the root hash doesn’t match expectations, here or in


◦ work2heat
MARCH 10, 2017 AT 4:21 PM

Thanks for this. Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to

maintain or update this. Hopefully I can find the time soon.
Sorry about the difficulties. If you figure things out, or
manage to fix it, please let me know or make a pull request.

14. Tadhg
NOVEMBER 20, 2016 AT 4:29 PM
Thanks for this!

15. Pingback: Sharding FAQ - Cyber Capital

16. spharish24
MARCH 10, 2017 AT 12:58 PM
Hi Ethan,Can u explain why, if the length is even, we are
appending an extra zero?In this picture ”
https://i.stack.imgur.com/YZGxe.png ” , what does ‘3☐’ signify?

◦ work2heat
MARCH 10, 2017 AT 4:24 PM
I’m not sure we are appending an extra zero. I believe it’s just
notation for the extension node that holds the value. Note the
number under “prefix” in that diagram refers to the legend.
The 3[] says its a leaf node with an odd number of nibbles. If I
recall, the even/oddness is related to the hex-prefix encoding.
Hope that helps.



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