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Unit IV National Policymaking Institutions

Unit IV Topic 5: Growth of Presidential Power

Score In addition to Score 4.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond Sample Tasks
5.0 what was taught.

4.5 In addition to score 4.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial
Score The student: 
4.0 Explain how and why presidential power has expanded over time and how the
balance of power between the President and Congress has shifted from one to the
other and the factors that have influenced this movement. Emphasis: War and

3.5 No major errors or omissions regarding 3.0 content and partial knowledge of the 4.0 content
Score There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and 
3.0 processes as the student:
 Recognizes or recalls specific terminology such as:
Constitutional War Powers Cabinet
War Powers Resolution Executive Office of the Pres
Budget Process White House Office
Budget & Impoundment Control Act Chief of Staff
OMB Council of Economic Advisors
CBO Veto Power
Coalition Builder Public President
Budget Committee Honeymoon Phase
U.S. v Nixon Policy Agenda
Congressional Oversight

However, the student exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more
complex ideas and processes.
2.5 Partial knowledge of the 3.0 content but major errors or omissions regarding the 4.0 content
Score With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the
2.0 more complex ideas and processes.
1.5 With help, a partial understanding of the 2.0 content but not the 3.0 content
Score Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.

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