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Fourth Monthly Test

Name ____________________________________________ Section _____ Date ____________ Score _________

A. Read each statement/question and write RISE if the statement/question has a rising intonation and FALL for
falling intonation on the blank provided for.
1. I have to work late tonight. 1. _________ 6. Where are you going? 6. _________
2. When will we leave? 2. _________ 7. Is it true? 7. _________
3. Is his name John? 3. _________ 8. Can you believe it? 8. _________
4. How did he fall? 4. _________ 9. Are you feeling okay? 9. _________
5. My computer is broken. 5. _________ 10. How are you feeling? 10. _________

B. Identify the simple and compound sentences on the paragraph. Circle the simple sentences and underline
the compound sentences. (10 pts.)

Frustration is a big word. It is the root of many sicknesses that include Depression, Panic Attacks, Stress, and
many other unhealthy emotional sicknesses. It is an emotion that can trigger long term thoughts that will damage your
mind for a long time. Frustration is an emotion that shouldn't be taken easily. It doesn't sound dangerous, but long
exposure to it will damage emotional thoughts.
How does frustration form? Well, it can start from emotional stress. When bullies pick on you, naturally a sense
of fear and disliking forms in your brain. This constant bullying can soon turn into frustration of thoughts about
thinking, "How can I avoid these people?" These will all lead to mild cases of frustration. Another way of picking up
frustration is if you are doing badly at work, and you are under the threat of getting fired. This is another example of
getting frustrated. These are all mild cases of frustration, but like nuclear substance. Too much exposure can lead to
detrimental sicknesses that aren't worth the cost.

Test II. COMPLETION . Complete the Dewey Decimal table with the right Class Number, Major Classification, and

Class Number Major Classification Example

000-099 21. Encyclopedia
22. Philosophy and Psychology 23.
200-299 24. Theology, Myth
25. Social Sciences 26.
400-499 27. 28.
500-599 29. Mathematics
30. Technology 31.
700-799 32. Sculpture
33. Literature 34.
900-999 35. Geography

Test III. WRITING . Create an author card, card catalog using the data below. (10 pts.)

A. 400.2
B. Miller, Anna Marie
C. English Language- Growth and Development
D. English Language and how it all grew. New York: Language Services, c 1994
E. 81 pp.

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