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NIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WISSEIA (COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES b COURSE TETLE: INTRODUCTION TO GITDANCE AND COUNSELLING QUE, DURATION: 26 Minar Inder Number... ft i ‘Claws 4, Coaunselling is nlveays iiated by the counse Te FALSE dance deale Wath emotional rather than inisllcctua attitudes, RUE Seippty the bet arcrwer te comptrie ewe 5 The dh ticrr te Mase the, Probie istablishing relat 14. 16 a hurnan sealant afta fauier nebabine iy 4 POISOIH-persen relationship The counselies is @ special person to the cmasellor and as such it Is impartant for the counsellor to know himiher rather than knowing about himther The counselling characterslic being telered to here is. A Counselling is a face-o-face relationship B. Counselling is a person-in-person relationship C. -Counseliing is a human relationship 0 ‘Counseding s a relationship characterized by eiutual respect Ee concept of counselling is nol any of the fofiowing except the. giving of information _giving of advies and mcgmmendations c. influencing of behaviour by edmonishing and Ihreatening OD, ae volummary behavioural change Which of the following counselling situation is also Known as “Adjustie Counselling’? Crisis counselling Prevenlive counseling Facililative counselling (Developmental counseling one> “The concepl of petsonal develapinant assumes.thal it is desiratie tr le have the opportunity to think about the kind of self one war hanwhesself "Which counseling situation is being referred to here? A. Facifitative counseling B, Crisis counselling c Developmental coumnseting D Preventive counselling Infrapersonal msaue such #& acquisition of good personal hygiene h be deall with using 8 Factitative counseling 6. Preventive counselling b, Crisis counselling 4.0. Appramal service wenlory service is synonymous fh. Appraisal service 8. Informative service Counselling service D. vite 24 22. row much a Blur tollawing is 23 omF Achinyement tests. q Attihude tests: One of these tools is meant to assess the likes arnd dislikes. of lve mcrvicius Personality inventories inventsciees nal inwentorkes Vocational inventerias Porsonal and farnily background Medical and heallh information Personal and behayiour trails Cerlificatas from previous schoots atte A B Cc. oD. (Aithese can tbe found In the curvutalive tecond excepts oc. A 8 c DB. ted licale whether each of the statements is true or false by circling te correct oice Guidance in Ghana started in a formalized way ever since the 126 A Tre 8 False: 4) Guidance services offered al the early years was mainly for woo ral pun A True 6 Fatse The year 1957 saw the introduction of tine record cards by the CROW ae aie 8. Fats 30, Counselling is influenced by the counsel A True a. Falee M1 besl and mo 31. The counselling approach that involw 3B. 38 40 Tue Bh False calkag senet | A True B. Fase The Eclectic Gounselling Approach emehasizes leaching and hectpireg the client to be able to make hisiher own decision instead of always satyiry) en alas. A Tue 8. Fala Guidance can bo said to be developmental faciikattve bul not preventive A Tae a Fake : In counseaing, efists situational are believed to have ndvidual to deviale fom a sormal behaviour pater givenfscughLio- deal wih the concern at hand : A Tee B. False ve absence of « Guidance being a conlmuous process implies thal 4 hallmark of tydidance A True 6. Fae In gudance as the senvke provider recognizes: tee: clignily at ol the individual as well as thelr fght Io choo: helshe could be said to be applying Ue counselling element: Unconcdilianal po AL True: B. False Indiation of counselling is the sole recog A True B False vd didactic since it is | vally Tex Counselling i A True 46 aq. 48 4g % i 1 Wes pooGe Meany that (1 1 al a sing il 2 5 place cee A True 6. False . Counseling consists of a definilely structured permissive relationship but Wis peren aveness can be limited by the counselict’s values and philosophy. A True a Fale Confidentaity in counsedling is abeclule regardless of any conditions. A True B. Fake In chasification tests are used to group iifforent individuals Into levels of jobs whareas In placement tests arrused to assign individuals into diffe of Jobs. ; A Tris: B. False ' The goal setting stage is the firs! and foremost activity of the counselling stages A The «' 6. False ‘Gudance is emotionally flexiste and eural A True B. Fale in nabuires Counselling is less structured, public and didactic A Tre & Feige Observation as a nones! method makes use of natural sense al s hearing, tasting, touching, and smelfing to collect data A Trug Questionnaire as a non-test method is used to obtain information about or trom an individual through oral iteraction AL True B. False A " best options ‘hich of the following pérsinalifies cee. counselling ax “a service dosigfied to helpan dividualanalyse linself by relaling his capabilities, achievericats, intereet and fjuttenent to wdust new decition he hed made o& hae \o-twalce. «Clk Rogers Joreph Perex Meenfiord Deng lative Reoned Card whch is avitalreference materiel troduced jn dome geleciéd eléwenlary schools in some districis of ive co the ‘oy the Curriculam keseaneh Department Unit Auge (5 ‘ B, 1981 a c Bel D191 Coniiiélling being value oriented me ald ih matin, motivation needs and fee! implies that comndelling, is A less didnetic Be ifidential : c ee of cyuality of lhuman beings and their seed torenercise treed dance principle is being referred id it this instance’? A. Guidance 15 oriedited toward cooperation not compaltsion +B Guidance is based uphn recognizing ihe dignity and worth of the individ “as Their right tacheost ic The primary mode by which eae Guidance of the ine lance is conducted fies in individual be soncemed pr dual. tire ancl pinacy inseling does Hote fh Cate A. True igh @ clloweup is an activity engaged In bY egunsclles to bey any 1B, False Sesl scores used for selection aims ot dividing individuals into groups of classes ding 1o types, A Te B, False a into different types (of, Tests used for classification 4] but nal levels: tof oe) False Information service is to understanding of the envircarnent as Appraisal sarvice ts to } derstanding of the sell ATs 6. Feliee 6 Anecdotal record can be found among lhe © usualy found in cum ecord card i A. True! B. Fale Use the fallow tp answer question 57 to 6G. Write only the letters A Empathy B. Rappat C. Altentn D. Genuineness = E. Humanness F. Cont: ly and Suster 57. The condition of fhutual understanding, 1 towards cordial relationship... 4 58 The abimy of a person 16 lislen and understand the voice, _betels. atinucles and expenenced of others = The counsellar being ‘natural, he dors HOT Taerere Wing iiat sey The maxinwm invelvornent by the ¢ounsellor n nthe client's cor whatis said and what is nol even said, i ihe Tallow Daa rom ont of 10. who requice 50° road Bo Co Crisiseminsélling Th, preventive counselling, ‘Gneraf {he follovring counselling gitusions would be very approprlate. if the co iddetithens corcotn afd wank! to addrors 40 ne to. prepare individuals 16 hm cecurrenses: 4 Fasititative councelling TH Preventative counsel € Developnvemtal dounsellinin, 1. Crisis comnmctiiin, Ascliiewerietteet Intetesd inventories 1... Berdauiaity inventories This type: ot test ts used to nscioss farm leaminp, succes Ag, Aptitude tests B. _- Mental sbility'te: videdige aKills,'and chatacreristies Unat eeive to predict 1D. ~ Persoeality Felts by BH thes Following, t Pallow-ap a [etlorring ta answer Qeealions 23 — 40; write the loitess against the appropriate opts fh Eeapathy B, Atendivencss c Genuimcness | D. Rapport Unconditional pariiive cenard Y Conefeteness a Humarens It Ceadfidentiality I & L Hemanness STheconnseflar is patural, helshe docs mat feel one thing: ame seiys soothes wor ¢ himvfberself jen. J Jes deh Jbl he cleus a The counselloe regornises the Sigelty ard worth wf the chunellenk sree counsellor exhibats an oimospihere of bnestovoith share infionaée infotanation withant heeianice ...C- The Gomselior aisuwes the inlersal Game of refeyeoce of the ecuncelliiy/¢Hiemt om 250 perceive Che world ait the cotmselbee seas 1! -- The counselling relaticiwship thrives om the fact thet be perparcd to expose themsclves, .e. their strengits, I values. 3 tive, focshed ed redhective Tstenier “he counsellor initiates relationship through accept Counsellor addresses the real and specific issues wf the <0 ate ene eae Se ard suTeinents is true ur false. APC HGelor demons! sthic users jedgemecual, Are — B. Fale ng to. Wl D) libemry He defined guidance as “a cluster of foomalized e_ycalionel sorvieet Aepigoes hy Gegehoed ‘to aisidl students to achiove setf-kuowledge or celf-tindersianding whieh ld necessary for ikem jo main the fullest sell-derclopment aned self-realizati : A. Joseph Pecos (156) TB. Cecl Rogers (1962) i. ©. Denga (1986) DD. Arbuelle (1966) I tests are used 19 categories people into vasiqus types ef ww then it eoul Athat he panpose of the test is for A B atustion C. Classification b ic ‘will be the purpose off a test which a counsellor uses to assist the’ Science instead of the Arts, since hefshe expects to pérlorm better and have hipher inlegest in scietice subjects thamin Arts? AL Selection pee problems and provide: appropi bet future perl conaieeapeurTae hee pe iecante HF ring isanore eee" be major alm of gmidence in pelipols bs 30 eae pad taoublesorne alvristls a5 ae eek cesirebe cham in eR : 1 Troe Fale ee conetosenion pena counting sen a pevesy ounsellimg Soren Counselling is a wo-way ‘AcTrus Bh False A.Tiue i Felop snp, members ‘Group munselling, inmximiogs & ‘ctlmate of e001: interdependent A Tos «6B. ie Andiveiual counsctting ja characterized bey inadeqoate 1 tiene nav at ' A Tmo oR Fels Covmselling rlaliichip i cratered Ms qiutval aspect, effective: 201 congentragion on the needs, problems ‘and feelings of the ccnsrtleele ceomnselling ix sabjcette the ‘rallies and fimliaiions of the finiteness af bel AL 7 Ane: B. False : $120 “Coundelling iz o buknan relationship" inupties thet the el ie abe eyes of the conpsoliat ah, aa far #= possible, entets into the counsel yan shares: wish hisihes experiesees B. Pulse enticunseller is 0 see ¢stclient" does nok tke place if lye parties a lace-W face relent jes Ot eeeeeiteatia: A Trae D. False 53, Acounselleeitlient who needs to undergo <7 pallerus thal deviate from the norm. ee ee 1 of teaching 54 There is the cler peach Ale SVU NOVEMBER, 20H GUIDANCE, EDC 3 [EHOUR 30 MINUTES ARSWER ALL whether eact of the statements ts trae 7 false. Cirele the correct eh ‘Guidance & a spasmodic event Af Tn a. Fale: =o oonfidenitiaily is nat Counselling cannot be said to be very’ persons sbenbute A B Assertive training is an example of persanal-so°'2 vation A Tue 8 Fale bd personal coneems can best fie sowed by True Fabe nselee/clicn! C2 a The counéetor dons self-disclosure ty all cov lve thelr oor True Fatse otoe etl by the school lo assist students which is necessary for them to realization of their potentials” 4, Joseph Perez (1564) B. Carl Regers (1962) Cc. Denga (1985) D. - Astuaide (1955) Thay define counselling 35. on ihe indivediial’s of person's making needs" A. Gibson & Mitchell (1990 B. Sherizer & Stone (1876) C. Feters & Farwell (1967) A. Prediction ®. Evaluation , Classification D, Selection _* Tha counselior shows oF does nal jee! one B. —Altentivene: C. Rapport D. Empathy erect et oe Ho defined quidanca as "a cluster of formal to achieve sel-kre 5 “a epe—to— one he Iftests are used to categorise people into va said thal the purpose of the test is i lived educational , caviedge OF SET understanding attain the fullest sgalpdevelopment and sell ing relationstip svihicin To grewih, adjustment, problers-solving and d2cis DB. Thompsan & Proppen (3974) aiaus types of work then it coukd be fiat elamenis of Couns ze is for cate tus alse Sf Gption characteristics of the concept of discipline ively directive in spe 3 effort to Helpiny as a prawenii vwed 28 a tool for abs ‘bo consi ch is the out? information service is more then your ve Ahools in the county? 1961 171 1961 1951 lrecorls & tview nd prese an emodional an ng is a person ir is a human relat 4g a faceto-fac is a relationship Ome of The following services te becomes patent in helping individwals act direction necessary for ihe. The Counselling Service B. The Apgaisal Service “SC. The Infeenvation Service : , The Placement Sorice: Winch one of the folowing is the ODO one? A Guidance fs structured B Guidanes is lass didactic c ‘Guidance is informative O; Guidance is kremvisdye bared! (Which of the following guidance principles implies that te concep! should seck the indheidual’s total growin? A. Guidanes is 4 peogtamme foe all studeris B. Gurtanoe concerns tell wilh the personal devalop ©, Guidance a programms for alage D.. The mode by weet guidance is concu veri of the individuals individual beta vi Process ‘Which of hese statements & the ODDane? A ng neces MO than ine soluiion to an immediate deri: 8. Counpeting concerns ilself with alttude rather than sefon C Counseling is soul goal and {ulliiment of neads and aspirations DB. Gounseiting is erotional rather than purely inteteciual fo these are true abou! counselling except. ‘examination of all possible akemati ‘of cogeition 2d ine lily 1 Sar Invocatisnal infomation, fir is termed A dob dewekpment f | Needs ass Placement D, Forow-up {Which of the folowing statements Is Feet tr ades, baliaks o# ino rmaltor how ind tndiuenicing vol a impased on the scting we nm B To discuss and interprel test re: C, To discuss the general acades re or suggest the need for their cide real who contributed to the formalization of guidance: it Gh awe persomalitie: yy {A mark} pt ydnich gives tise 12 the oo aultations Service 01 (2 emake} fine that the coUEEEHOE 6 nek provide feediie ofial Gondition of eounset™ interna frarive Of Felerenee -ps between guidance FRANCE AND COL 1 AC Asso : eee Duper consists af two sections, Answer all questions i nection ‘A’ on the question paper and any gre from +eetlqn tu the ancwer boabilet Section “A” sand goals to achieve. rts 1) Falco” lance Co-andi A)Tr irae Assertive training is Aj Trae ie coun Ay True an spect of personal ~ social se ihe response Choose the best pots sg cor lestanis of counting deserter » counsels # a shudents 4 D vant who ), Achievement te: Mental ability texy ' Which of the following persénalities defines counsell ‘fatérview ar interaction between the client or counsellor expeclencing # problem 2 pounsellor who tries to render help"? A) Perez — Yectwe

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