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Code Mixing becomes one of the real impacts of multilingual language
development in this era. The Increasing of using code mixing is also appeared in the
literature like novel. One of the novels that use code mixing is Koala Kumal by
Raditya Dika. Besides the author who is very popular in young generations, this
novel also becomes one of the books with the highest readers in Indonesia in 2016.
This research focuses on the form of using code mixing, and the contextual
meaning. This research aims to analyze the form of code mixing, and followed by
describing the contextual meaning.
This research uses qualitative descriptive approach due to this research
focuses on content analysis in finding out the answer of statement of problems. The
data that found by using teknik simak and teknik catat in the procedure of collecting
is analyzed by classifying and describing in technique ofdata analysis.
The result shows that in this novel found 74 code mixings. Followed by
describing the contextual meaning, 75 code mixings are classified in 25 insertion of
word, 29 insertion of phrase, 17 insertion of hybrid, 2 insertion of idiom, 1 insertion
of word reduplication, and none of clause insertion. In finding then it is followed by
describing the lexical meaning, researcher found that there are some contextual
meanings which have different meaning in its lexical. Like in the word cut, season,
shoot in the utterance or sentence means not correctly same as in lexical meaning.
Instead, those words have more appropriate meaning according to the context of the
sentence or in the utterance.

Keywords: Koala Kumal, code mixing, forms, contextual meaning.

Advisor Researcher

Drs. Jarum, M.Ed Panji Achmad Tanju J.S

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