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The application of nuclear physics in biology and medicine 1

The application of nuclear physics in biology and medicine

Nuclear physics is ubiquitous in our lives: Detecting smoke in our homes, testing for and

treating cancer, and monitoring cargo for contraband are just some of the ways that nuclear

physics and the techniques it has spawned make a difference in our safety, health, and

security. Many of today’s most important advancements in medicine, materials, energy,

security, climatology, and dozens of other sciences emanate from the wellspring of basic

research and development in nuclear physics. Answers to some of the most important

questions facing our planet will come from nuclear science, interdisciplinary efforts in energy

and climate, and marketplace innovations. The economic impact of the applications of nuclear

physics is significant. As an example, particle beams from accelerators are used to process,

treat or inspect a wide range of products with a collective value of more than $500 billion.1

At the same time, approximately 23 million nuclear medicine procedures are carried out each

year in the United States to diagnose and treat cancers, cardiovascular disease, and certain

neurological disorders. In the future, basic nuclear science will be a key discipline that

provides ideas and insights leading to the intellectual properties and patents with which

venture capitalists and entrepreneurs will shape the economies of the future.

Ionizing radiations has many beneficial uses; for the diagnosis and for the curing of many

diseases. Since infected cells can be killed by these radiations. Hence, they are widely used in

cancer treatments.

Radioactive isotopes are commonly used in medicine, which help the physicians to know

more about the body structures. For the treatment of cancers radioisotopes are commonly used

which require destruction of harmful cells causing these type of diseases.

Although nuclear medicine started its clinical origin in the 1930 decade, the invention of

gamma scintillation camera by an American engineer Hal Anger in the mid of 1950s, though,

this invention brought an important turn back in medicine imaging Radioactive isotopes also

allow excellent quality imaging of bones, heart, liver and many parts of our body. Gamma ray

emitted tracers are used in large number of diagnostic procedures in nuclear medicine. These

traces are formed due to the bonding of radioisotopes having short life period with chemical

compounds that allow the targeting of a particular body regions or physiologic processes.

Emitted gamma rays can be detected by gamma cameras and computer enhancement of the

resulting images allows quick and relatively non-invasive assessments of trauma or

physiological impairments.

Cancer, which is a process of rapid growth of cells, is damage by radio isotopic radiations.

Somehow, some cancerous growth of cells can be eliminate or restricted by the use of

radioisotope radiations. The most common forms of external radiations therapy is use of the

gamma radiations and X-rays. During the last half of the twentieth century, the radioisotope

Cobalt-60 was most commonly used source of radiation used in such treatments.

Today thousands of hospitals all over the world use radioisotopes in medicine, and about 90%

of the procedures are using for diagnosis. Technetium-99 is the most common isotope used in

diagnosis, with some 30 million procedures in a year, accounting for 80% of all nuclear

medicine procedures all over the world.

Here is a list of isotopes with their half-life period and uses:

Chromium-51: Half-life period 28 days Purpose: Used to label red blood cells and

quantify gastro- intestinal protein loss.

Cobalt-60: Half-life period is 10.5 months Purpose: Formerly used for external beam


Erbium-169 Half-life period is 9.4 days Purpose: Use for relieving arthritis pain in

synovial joints.

Iodine-125 Half-life period is 60 days Purpose: Used in cancer Brach therapy (prostate

and brain), also diagnostically to evaluate the filtration rate of kidneys and to diagnose

deep vein thrombosis in the leg. It is also widely used in radioimmunology- assays to

show the presence of hormones in tiny quantities.

Iodine-131 Half-life period is 8 days Purpose: Widely used in treating thyroid cancer and

in imaging the thyroid; also in diagnosis of abnormal liver function, renal (kidney)

blood flow and urinary tract obstruction. A strong gamma emitter, but used for beta

therapy. Iodine used for curing thyroid cancer

Iridium-192 half-life period is 74 days Purpose: Supplied for use as an internal

radiotherapy source for cancer treatment (used then removed).

Sodium-24 Half-life period is 15 hours Purpose: For studies of electrolytes within the


Xenon-133 Half-life period is 5 days Purpose: Used for pulmonary (lung) ventilation


Phosphorus-32 Half-life period is14 days Purpose: Used in the treatment of polycythemia

Vera (excess red blood cells). Beta emitter.

Applications of X-Rays

 Radiography: Radiography is used to diagnose the ailment and diseases of the internal

and hidden parts of the body using x-rays.

 Fluoroscopy: Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging that shows a continuous x-ray

image on a monitor.

 Digital Subtraction Angiography: Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is used to

image blood vessels.

 Computerized Axial Tomography: A computerized axial tomography scan is an x-ray

procedure that combines many x-ray images with the aid of a computer to generate

cross-sectional views and, if needed, three-dimensional images of the internal organs

and structures of the body.

 Mammography: Mammography is a special type of x-ray that is used for the detailed

images of breast.

 Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy), high-energy rays are

used to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing and dividing. A specialist in

radiation therapy is called a radiation oncologist.

The nuclear physics is also used in biomedical researches: - The Radioactive isotopic

materials are very essential in curing many dreadful diseases like AIDS, cancer and

Alzheimer's disease.

In Pharmaceutical drug testing: - The U.N. Food and Drug Administration require all new

pharmaceutical drugs to be tested for safety and effectiveness. More than about 80 percent of

those drugs are tested with radioactive materials. One of the most important tests is to

determine if the pharmaceutical is going to the other parts of the body than the desired or
intended target and what effect it can cause to the parts where it is not needed. By adding a

radioactive tag to the pharmaceutical, researchers can pinpoint all the parts of the body and

the concentration that accumulates non-targeted areas. From this they can determine if there is

likelihood of adverse reactions in other parts of the body.

Metabolic Research: - Radionuclide is used extensively in metabolic studies and genetic


Chemical Reaction Imaging: - the latest single photon emission typography (SPET) on

positron emission tomography (PET) enable scientists to watch colour images of chemical

reactions in living tissue and, in particular, to trace opioid molecules- naturally occurring

morphine-type drugs - which eliminate pain within the brain.

Radioactivity waste disposal practices have changed substantially over the last twenty years.

Evolving environmental protection considerations have provided the impetus to improve

disposal technologies, and, in some cases, clean up facilities that are no longer in use. Designs

for new disposal facilities and disposal methods must meet environmental protection and

pollution prevention standards that are stricter than were foreseen at the beginning of the

atomic age.

The future impact of nuclear science on medical science is difficult to predict. If history is an

indicator, one can expect more significant and exciting contributions. At the least, advances in

nuclear medicine will likely remain closely connected with advances in nuclear techniques.

One future direction is personalized medicine, the attempt to identify and treat disorders based

on an individual’s response to the disease process. This will require more sophistical nuclear
tools. As an example, chemistry systems will be reducing to the size of a postage stamp, thus

making patient-specific diagnostic tools and treatment truly individualized.

Other important new directions involve the coupling of advances in genetically engineered

antibodies with radionuclides and the use of nuclear imaging to help us understand the

underlying causes of disease by extracting functional and anatomical information in the same


One hundred years ago, a group of scientists unknowingly ushered in the atomic age. Driven

by curiosity, these men and women explored the nature and also the functioning of atom.

Their work initiated the paths of research which changed our understanding of the building

blocks of matter. There discoveries prepared the way for development of new methods and

tools used to explore our origins, the functioning of our bodies both in sickness and health,

and much more. How did our conceptions of atomic properties change? How has that change

affected our lives and our knowledge of world?

Radiation is a two edged sword: its usefulness in both medicine and anthropological and

archaeological studies is undisputed, yet the same materials can be used for destruction.

Human curiosity drove inquiring scientists to harness the power of an atom. Now humankind

must accept the responsibility for the appropriate and beneficial uses of this very powerful


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Applications of Radioactivity in Medicine. Retrieved from


Gilman A, Philips FS. The Biological Actions and Therapeutic Applications of the B-
Chloroethyl Amines and Sulfides. Science. 1946 Apr 5;103(2675):409–436

Nuclear Physics: a Volume 654, Issues 1–2, 26 July 1999, Pages C19-C33




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