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Ange Patrick Amessan

English 101
Prof. Anthony
October 1, 2019

The Changing Seasons

As the sun finally warms up the earth, excitement begins to build up within me. I look all

around me, and I see the animals climb out of their holes and bask in the warm sunlight, shaking

off the layers of snow. I look above me, and I find young baby birds squeak and stretch out their

arms in my branches. As for myself, I stand tall in the cold, not affected by the temperature at all.

My job of providing a home for the animals complete, I look towards the sun in earnest, as nature

begins to show signs of life.

The months roll by and the animals become more active. They begin finding food for

themselves, eating the plentiful nutrients of the earth. I now see insects rise out of the ground to

go about their business - some climbing my trunk and using my branches as homes. I don’t mind

in the slightest, as I begin to feel a change in myself, with my new leaves budding pink. A few

humans dance and play under me as they are showered by my pedals; however, I laugh as they are

chased away by busy bees carrying pollen to a nearby flower. The rainy season comes, and now

the humans are jumping in puddles, having a good time. Part of me shivers in content as I’m fed

with water. When the rain stops, I look up again to see a rainbow hidden away by my new green

leaves, bold and beautiful in the evening sun.

It’s hot now, and most days, I feel parched. Now that the rainy season has ended, a lot of

the animals hang around beneath my feet. I feel the soil become dry, but the humans do a good job

of keeping things moist with their various tools of preservation. Night times are beautiful, though.
Many fireflies rise out of the ground and create glimmering pathways with their light. They’re

complemented by the moon and the distant stars that dot the sky. Many of the young children twirl

around before meeting at my base, to tell campfire stories of distant lands with sprawling creatures.

Suddenly, small chills crawl up my base and see a leaf of mine fly off.

A few more months pass by, and everything is orange now. The grass under me turn an

ashy color, and the leaves above me fly off, carried by the wind. A lot of the animals and insects

begin to dig holes once again, ready to hibernate for the next season. As things begin to get lonely,

I see humans in their long sleeves collect some of my leaves and jump into them, having a grand

old time. The days continue to get colder, before at long last, I’m greeted with snow. However,

snow keeps falling, but I have no one to enjoy it with. These days are barren, and my leaves have

all since departed. Though, I breathe in and enjoy the silent beauty of the winter months.

These seasons have come and gone, over decades and centuries. I have seen each and every

cycle, ever since I have been planted. Each year is mostly the same, but there are little differences

that make me feel happy, for example, the humans. Each year they get older, until a whole family

comes from the little children. As I remember the years prior, I sigh in content, when the warm

sun overlooks the earth, building excitement within me once again.

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