Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

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English V

Lic. Heysel Padilla

Isis Mabel Zuleta - 201230010224


San Pedro Sula
In a document, you are going to make the next assignments:

Write sentences with the Vocabulary.

1. I think it's highly unlikely that my sister will go bowling.

2. They go camping every summer.
3. Some animals are very good at climbing.
4. They go clubbing most weekends.
5. We went diving on the coral reef.
6. My father went fishing.
7. We can just hang out and have a good time.
8. We plan to go hiking tomorrow.
9. I try and work out at the gym once a week.
Write an essay about your last vacations.

After a long day's work and finishing one more period in the university,
the desired vacations finally arrived.

My last vacation was spent with some friends in Azacualpa, Santa Bárbara
in the house of an aunt of a friend, we had fun and relaxed, we received
very well, we went to a stream where we refreshed and swam for a while,
but for To get to that ravine we had to go a long way, we played soccer,
at night we liked to spend some time outside talking, we stayed three days,
one of those days we stayed up talking, telling jokes and eating, we
walked some streets in which It felt very calm. When we said goodbye to
my friend's family, we thanked them for the attention they had given us,
and congratulations they told us that they were coming back soon. The
trip was a bit long and tired, but it was worth it since we had a lot of fun.

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