MIL 1st Grading Exam

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1. The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.
a. Media b. Literacy c. Information Technology

2. A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience,
instruction, signals or symbols.
a. Technology b. Information c. Media d. Media Literacy

3. Information nowadays is easily communicated through the use of these physical objects
a. Technology b. Information c. Media d. Media Literacy

4. A person is said to be a “Media Literate” when:

a. He has the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
b. He is able to recognize when information is needed, and to locate and evaluate
c. She has the knowledge to use technological tools effectively
d. None of the choices

5. A student posted in Facebook that there is no class in AuNHS today due to an upcoming heavy
storm. Determine which of the following students have the ability to recognize information when it is
needed, and where to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate in its various formats.
a. Karen who immediately call her friend to ask about the weather
b. John who checked the website of the weather station, found out there is really a storm coming,
called his teacher and verify about the no class announcement
c. Earl who opted to listen to the radio and wait for the announcement
d. Shiela who decided to not go in school at all because she have read the facebook post.

6. Due to the technological advancement that is onhand nowadays, which of the following do you
think will be a positive trend in Technological Literacy?
a. There will be more devices and gadgets available for productivity and convenience of the
b. People will surely work hard to afford the next best thing in technology
c. High Technology will be a social status of a person. The more technology literate you are, the
smarter you are perceived to be.
d. Technology Literacy will be a main problem because people only possession but not

7. The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to

engage with media and other information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.
a. Technology b. Information Literacy c. Media and Information Literacy d. none of the choices

8. It is an era where people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and
tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
a. Pre-Industrial b. Industrial c. Electronic d. Information

9. People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the
manufacturing of various products (including books through the printing press).
a. Pre-Industrial b. Industrial c. Electronic d. Information

10. The Internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network.
a. Pre-Industrial b. Industrial c. Electronic d. Information

11. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and
the early computers.
a. Pre-Industrial b. Industrial c. Electronic d. Information

12. A newspaper is what type of media?

a. Print Media b. Broadcast Media c. New Media d. Internet

13. Mr. James likes to watch TV Patrol every evening. What type of media does he prefer?
a. Print Media b. Broadcast Media c. New Media d. Internet

14. Ana is very fond of browsing Facebook and instagram to keep updated of the latest trend in social
network. What type of media is Facebook and instagram?
a. Print Media b. Broadcast Media c. New Media d. Internet

15. The co-existence of print media, broadcast media and the Internet, mobile phones,
as well as others, allowing media content to flow across various platforms.
a. MIL b. Media Convergence c. Information Overload d.none of the choices

16. Student A called his teacher to confirm the post of his classmate on facebook that the class is
suspended. What is this characteristic of information that refers to the trustworthiness of the
a. Timeliness b. Value c. Accuracy d. Reliability

17. Michael is doing a research study on the topic of Drug Abuse. He went to the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Authority (PDEA) to get some information. What characteristic of Information does
Michael is applying?
a. Value b. Timeliness c. Authority d. Accuracy

18. Teacher A had a forecast that 100% of the class will have a passing rate but after the exam, only
98% have passed. What Characteristic of Information is the teacher practicing?
a. Authority b. Accuracy c. Timeliness d. Reliability

19. Information is said to be important if it aids the user in making or improving decisions.
a. Timeliness b. Value c. Accuracy d. Reliability

20. While a piece of information may have been found accurate, reliable, and valuable during the time
it was produced, it may become irrelevant and inaccurate with the passing of time (thus making it
less valuable). What is the important characteristic to be consider?
a. Timeliness b. Value c. Accuracy d. Reliability

21. It is a combination of codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate
the meaning of media messages to an audience.
a. Language b. Media Language c. Indigenous Media d. Communication

22. This include sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting.
a. Technical Codes b. Symbolic Codes c. Written Codes d.None of the above

23. A red rose may be used symbolically to convey romance, or a clenched fist may be used to
communicate anger. What type of Code does this imply?
a. Technical Codes b. Symbolic Codes c. Written Codes d.None of the above
24. This refers to headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style.
a. Technical Codes b. Symbolic Codes c. Written Codes d.None of the above

25. It is the group of consumers for whom a media message was constructed as well as
anyone else who is exposed to the message.
a. Audience b. Messages c. Producers d. Convention
26. In the media context, this refers to a standard or norm that acts as a rule governing
a. Audience b. Messages c. Producers d. Convention

27. This is the information sent from a source to a receiver.

a. Audience b. Messages c. Producers d. Convention

28. People engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to
make a finished media product
a. Audience b. Messages c. Producers d. Convention

29. What is R.A 10175?

a. Anti-Plagiarism Law b. Cyber-Bullying Law c. Cyber-Crime Law d.None of the above

30. It is an an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author
without authorization.
a. Cyber bullying b. Plagiarism c. Stalking d. Identity Theft

31. Bullying that takes place online, or using electronic technology

a. Cyber bullying b. Plagiarism c. Stalking d. Identity Theft

32. The excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life.
a. Cyber bullying b. Plagiarism c. Stalking d. Identity Theft

33. An economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.
a. Cyber bullying b.Plagiarism c.Digital Divide d. Computer Addiction

33-36: Citizen Journalism. Complete the paragraph by filling in the blank the appropriate words/phrases
that can complete the thought.

Citizen journalism can empower ordinary people to be _______________________. It can promote

________________________________________. However, it can also pose problems such as
____________________________________. In order to avoid such problems, we must

37-40: The Internet as a Tourism Support

The Internet can empower local tourism through ______________________________. It can help develop
_________________________________. However, the Internet can also pose issues or problems to local
tourism. Some examples of these problems are _____________________. In order to maximize the
power of the Internet to promote local tourism, we must ________________________.

41-44: Phishing
The Internet can empower banking through ______________________________. It can have positive
developments in _________________________________. However, the Internet can also pose issues or
problems to online banking or commerce. Some examples of these problems are _____________. In
order to maximise the power of the Internet to promote and improve online banking or commerce, we
must _______________..
45-50: Human Trafficking
The Internet can make communications and job applications ______________________. It can help
develop _________________________________. However, the Internet can also promote human
by _____________________________________. In order to fight human trafficking, we must

“Be somebody, nobody thought you can be”

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