Micro-Network Creation in Industrial Surveying: Lucie Pospíšilová, Jiří Pospíšil, Hana Staňková

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ISSN 2029-6991 print / ISSN 2029-7009 online

2012 Volume 38(2): 70–74

UDK 528.41


Lucie Pospíšilová1, Jiří Pospíšil2, Hana Staňková3

SKF Ložiska a.s., U Měšťanského pivovaru 7, 170 04 Praha 7, Czech Republic
2, 3
Institute of Geodesy and Mine Surveying, Faculty of Mining and Geology, V B-Technical University
of Ostrava, 17.listopadu 15, 708 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
E-mails: 1lucie.pospisilova@skf.com (corresponding author); 2jiri.pospisil@vsb.cz; 3hana.stankova@vsb.cz

Received 10 April 2012; accepted 21 June 2012

Abstract. Industrial surveying is special field of work within engineering surveying. In this article we have docu-
mented some procedures and principles which are very special in industrial surveying.
A micro-network consists of net points which are set as a base for all surveying in the industry. These points create
coordinate system for all measured parts of the machine. For realization of micro-network are used well known
geodetic methods such as triangulation, trilateration, levelling or trigonometric high. As horizontal and vertical
controls do not exist in a factory hall, a surveyor has to find some different method to start working.
Keywords: micro-network, industrial surveying, mechanical engineering.

1. Introduction inspections, it is possible to prolong the lifetime of the

machine and its parts.
Geodetic measurement of machine parts and metal con-
structions in the industry is a special field of engineer- 2. General principles for micro-network creation
ing surveying. According to ČSN 730401 (1990) is in-
dustrial surveying used anywhere is not possible to use In industrial surveying we do not use horizontal control
traditional mechanical tools for measurement, like dial and vertical control because there are none in the factory
micrometer, gap gauge etc. A surveyor uses for his work halls. Surveyor then has to find different beginning for
theodolites, levelling instruments, total stations or vari- his work. It is necessary to create micro-network which
ous types of laser equipment. Sophisticated laser instru- is based on completely distinct from common rules.
ments such as laser trucker and interferometer are not Micro-network surveying points, which can be
commonly used in factories. However, theodolites, lev- called net points, work as a geometrical base for optical
elling instruments and total stations are quite frequent. measurement, setting-out for the assembly work, verifi-
These instruments are more suitable for measurement of cation of measurement and rectification. Micro-network
large and rugged industrial parts like crane trucks, roll- is defined in local coordinate system. The dimension of
ing mills, large steel constructions, and etc. In mechani- point-to-point distances is connected to the dimension
cal terminology, geodetic measurement is referred to as of the measured machine or device. The micro-network,
“optical” measurement. which is created inside a factory building, is complete-
A surveyor co-operates with the production, verifi- ly independent of outer horizontal and vertical control.
cation of the construction and preparation of parts for The main emphasis is placed on geometrical determina-
transport, setting out of the parts for the construction as- tion and continuity of the machine, not on the machine
sembly on site and verification of the assembled parts be- location in the factory building. The micro-network is
fore operator acceptance. The necessity for optical meas- connected not only to the measured object but in many
urement is very often used not only for new machines cases provides the continuity of the industrial machine.
but more for machines which are just being produced Basic micro-network shape is usually right-angled.
(Asociace… 2006). Net points create the main axis and the transversal
The need for mechanical inspection of machine axis. The main axis X goes in the centre of the machine
is important not only from the “optical” measurement and the transversal axis Y establishes the width of the
point of view but from the technical state also. On the machine, see example in Fig. 1. Both axes are created by
basis of the inspection results it is possible to improve at least two points. Then there are more points set which
its efficiency. Using correct procedures and well-planned perform parallel axes. The number and densification of

70 Copyright © 2012 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press Technika

Geodesy and Cartography, 2012, 38(2): 70–74 71

these points is not specified by anyone because it de- density established according to measurement
pends on the length and segmentation of the measured requirements.
machine. At least three micro-network points has to be – Completely new micro-network- creation of a mi-
created. cro-network for measurement needs.
The actual shape and location of the basic net points
and additional net points (densificated points) can be 3.1. Micro-network creation according to the project
seen in Fig. 1. Shape of the micro-network which is In this case a completely new machine is assembled and
shown is just illustrative example connected to a special all assembly is carried out according to the project.
case. This is not a general micro-network shape. The whole process of the micro-network creation
begins with the building of the new factory hall or during
3. The methods to create the micro-network the construction work for the installation of the new ma-
chine part. The real dimension of every surveying point is
The methods to create the micro-network are triangula- established by the project – horizontal coordinates X, Y.
tion, trilateration, levelling or trigonometric high. These All the dimensions which are written in the project are
methods are well known but surveyor needs horizontal in millimetres. Every coordinate of the net point is con-
and vertical control as base for the measurement. There nected to the Zero point- the beginning of the local co-
are no points in the factory halls. Thus, a surveyor has to ordinate system. At this point X and Y coordinates are
find a different method to start working. equal to 0,0 mm.
The following situations can occur: Places for the net points are built into the floor- the
– Micro-network creation according to the project- metal plates (approximately 100×100 mm) are roughly
the net points are done by the project, set-out and set in position according to the project. An accurate mark
density established according to measurement ne- of the net point is done by the surveyor who will carry
eds. out the rest of the optical measurement work. An accu-
– Micro-network creation based on existing net rate mark is created on the metal plate like hole or dig
points- utilization of the existing net points and line (see Fig. 2). These net points are used for all of the

Fig. 1. Scheme of the micro-network points with dimensions

72 L. Pospíšilová et al. Micro-network creation in industrial surveying

setting-out due to forced centering equipment. The ma- necessary to know the machine- its construction and how
chine is assembled and it can occur that some net points it operates. That is why they have to communicate with
are not visible any more. This can reduce the number of the mechanical engineer or machine staff who know the
net points which are used for the temporary station and machine. After that the surveyor can decide which part
the carrying out of measurement becomes complicated. of the machine can represent the machine axis. The main
That is why we have to create additional net points that orientation of the Total Station is based on that machine
are temporarily set on the walls or parts of the hall con- part and after that the surveyor can create the temporary
struction. net points on the walls or hall construction. The coordi-
nates of these points are used for all the optical measure-
ment of the machine. Sometimes it is necessary to create
permanent net points for the next time a measurement is
carried out.
It is important to know that this kind of optical
measurement solves the geometry of the machine and
the realignment of the crossed parts. Every measured
part has to be parallel or perpendicular to the machine
axis according to the machine construction. When the
measured machine part is misaligned it is necessary to
put it in the correct position. Some parts can weigh a few
tons and the manipulation of it can be very difficult or
impossible. In that case the reduction of the position can
not be done and the machine engineer has to find anoth-
er way to align the measured and connected parts.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the permanent monumentation
For instance the rolling mill- the main function is
forming of the material with the help of pressure be-
3.2. Micro-network creation based on the existing tween a couple of rolls- (see Fig. 3).
net points
In this case the machine is assembled and the surveyor
just comes and verifies the positions and continuity of the
machine parts. They can use existing net points which
substitute the central machine axis or width machine
axis. These points can be used for the orientation of the
Total Station- chapter 3.1. The location of these points is
usually on the floor of the hall so the surveyor can have
problems using them after every position change of the Fig. 3. Principle of the rolling mill
Total Station.
All services and verifications are done when the
machine is stopped. This means that many workers are
required with a lot of equipment and material to trans-
fer. That is why the surveyor uses the points on the floor
only for the first orientation and then creates temporary
points on the walls or construction of the hall. These
temporarily placed surveying points consists of a mag-
netic base and surveying prism. Sometimes it is possi-
ble to fix the surveying prism on the wall as a permanent
mount. The surveyor has to identify the coordinates of
these points for other orientation of the Total Station and
optical measurement.
3.3. Completely new micro-network
The last method used to create the micro-network is the Fig. 4. Axes creation at the rolling mill
situation when there are no net points as they could have
been destroyed or inaccessible for the optical measure- The entire unit of a rolling mill consists of many
ment. This can happen when the machine is older and rolls which transfer material toward the working rolls
nobody has any recollection of assembling it on site. (Fig. 4). The press is the biggest and the most important
The main problem is to set-up the machine axis part of the machine. The axes of the rolls have to be par-
which is the base for the rest of the optical measurement. allel- the material has to be guided correctly to the press,
This important consideration can influence in a negative then formed to the expected shape and then moved out.
or a positive way the total measurement and evaluation. That is why the press is meant to be the base for the
The surveyor who does not have any experience with this whole measurement. One of the working rolls performs
kind of measurement cannot solve this situation. It is the perpendicular axis (green line). To that axis is set the
Geodesy and Cartography, 2012, 38(2): 70–74 73

main axis of the machine (red line). This line is not the Thanks to mathematical and physical reductions
best for measurement so it has to be moved parallelly out and other functions, the process of optical measurement
of the machine (yellow line). Then it is necessary to fix can be faster and the surveyor can get the values almost
the created machine axis with the help of temporary net immediately. New Total Stations can use the method of
points. the temporary station, transformations and the method
of least squares to minimise deviations. These functions
4. Equipment and tools which can be used make the surveyorʼs work faster and easier and do not
The accuracy required in the mechanical industry is be- prolong the time spent on site.
low one millimetre and so the surveyor has to use appro-
priate equipment and tools. Short distance between two 5. Methods and accuracy of the micro-network
pieces can be set by a slide calibre and the levelling of measurement
the machine part can be set by a sensitive inclinometer The first step for micro-network creation or densifica-
(0.1 mm/m or 0.01 mm/m). tion is going through the project documentation. The ba-
The measured quantities surveyed are distance and sic surveying points are set out but the surveyor can add
angle. For industrial purposes these quantities have to be some more to the project. During all assembling work,
more precise than in land surveying. It was common in the rule is that visibility of at least two points has to be
the past that there were columns in the factory buildings kept for orientation. This condition is very important be-
for forced centering. The distances were measured with a cause many of the projected points can be hidden below
tape or using parallactic distance measurement method the construction of the machine.
and the angles were measured with a one-second theodo- Net points are usually set-out of the survey station
lite (Zeiss Theo 010, Wild T 2m, etc.). The forced center- with the polar method. The monumentating of the sur-
ing then provided high precision of the created micro- veying points they are measured again and then should
network. These methods are archaic, time consuming be micro-network equilibrated by the method of least
and not possible to use in todayʼs working conditions. squares. The surveying points have the coordinates
At present the surveyor can use heavy tripods and Total which are used for the rest of the measurement. The po-
Stations which can measure distances and angles at the sitioning measurement of every machine part is done
same time. with the help of temporary station of the Total Station
The accuracy of industrial Total Stations is 0.3 mgon and the level deviations are set with the trigonometrical
in angle measurement and 1 mm + 1 ppm in distance measurement of heights.
measurement. These Total Stations are made by Leica Standard position deviation of the surveying point
(TDA5005 and TS30) or by Trimble (S6, S8). The sur- is σXYP with the polar method according (Michalčák
veyor has to use appropriate tools like reflective tapes or et al. 1985):
reflectors. Passive reflection can not be used in industry
under any circumstances. ⎡ s⎛s ⎞⎤
Standard reflective prisms have a centering accuracy σ2XYP = σ2XY ⋅ ⎢1 + ⎜ − cos χ ⎟ ⎥ +
of 2 mm which is absolutely unsatisfactory for industrial ⎣ d⎝d ⎠⎦
1 ⎛ 2 σχ 2 ⎞ ,
measurement. In that case it is necessary to use special 2

reflective prisms such as Leica GPH1P Professional with ⎜ σs + 2 ⋅ s ⎟ (2)

2 ⎜⎝ ρ ⎟

a aim accuracy 0.3 mm or a one-inch ball prism. The
surveying points on the floor are created with the help of
a special tool. The shorter the distance between the floor where: σXY – standard position deviation of a point in the
and the centre of the prism, the higher accuracy of the micro-network (providing σX1 ≅ σX2 ≅ σY1 ≅ σY2 ≅ σXY);
centering. That is why the prism is fixed to the special s – setting out of the distance; σs – standard deviation of
triangular base with levelling screws and two perpendic- the set-out distance; d – distance to the point of orienta-
ular spirit levels. The net point is then projected on the tion; χ – set-out angle; σχ – standard deviation of the set-
floor. out angle; ρ – radian value in gon scale (63662 mgon).
Formulating from the 2 the standard position devi-
ation of the surveying point in the micro-network then:
If the electronic distance meter precision is
±0.2 mm/100m, then on a distance of 40 m, there is a d2
distance deviation of ±0.08 mm. Angle measurement ac- σ2XY = ⋅
curacy is done by the Total Station producer. If the preci- d 2 + s 2 − d ⋅ s ⋅ cos χ
sion is α = 0.15 mgon then the angular deviation Op is
set with the formula ⎛ σ2 σ2χ ⋅ s 2 ⎞
⎜ σ2XYP − s − ⎟. (3)
⎜ 2 2ρ2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Op = tg α · s. (1)

When the distance is 40 m, the total angular devia- Inserting in the formula 3 values for Total Station
tion of the point is 0.09 mm. The total position deviation Leica TDA5005 and measured values for the most unfa-
of the net point is 0.12 mm. Used formulas and symbols vourable configuration: σs = 0.3 mm, σχ = 0.3 mgon, s =
follows Czech standards (Terminologický... 2005–2011). 50 m, χ = 200 gon, d = 60 m. These values were gained
74 L. Pospíšilová et al. Micro-network creation in industrial surveying

from the calculation of this error. Then the standard po- References
sition deviation of the surveying point when the neces-
sary precision σXYP = 1.0 mm, is the standard position Asociace technických diagnostiků České republiky o.s., Stanovy
deviation of the point: σXY = 0.6 mm. ATD ČR o.s., 2006.
This value would be acceptable in the case that the ČSN 730401. Názvosloví v geodézii a kartografii, Úřad pro
measurement is done from the surveying points. Using technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví.
the method of the temporary station, the final value of Praha, 1990.
the station is set by the transformation of the measured Michalčák, O.; Vosika, O.; Veselý, M.; Novák, Z. 1985. Inžinier-
orientations with the obtained deviations. These devia- ska geodézia I. Nakladatelstvo technickej a ekonomickekej
tions should pass the criterion for σXY. literatúry Bratislava. 408 s.
The whole measurement can be influenced by other Terminologický slovník zeměměřictví a katastru nemovitostí.
factors: VÚGTK Praha-Zdiby, 2005–2011. Available from Internet:
– Errors of the measurement instrument are in in- http://www.vugtk.cz/slovnik/index.php
dustrial Total Stations very small and it is possible
to reduce it with the help of the standard measu- Lucie POSPÍŠILOVÁ. Project manager for optical measu-
rement procedures (measurement in both positi- rement, SKF Lozicka a.s., U Mestanskeho pivovaru 7, 170
on of the instrument which is sometimes in the 04 Praha 7, Czech Republic, Ph +420 737 208 265, e-mail:
industry problem), using a three axial compensa- lucie.pospisilova@skf.com.
tor on, calculation or instrument calibration. She holds an Engineer degree (from 2007) from VSB-
– Errors in aiming and reading. These days the re- Technical University of Ostrava, in engineering geodesy. Cur-
ading of the measured values is completely com- rently works for SKF Loziska a.s. Czech Republic as a project
puterized and the aiming is computerized also. manager for optical measurement- industrial surveying within
Function of the Automatic Target Recognition- Europe. And more, pursuiting postgraduate studies towards
ATR can find the target and aim automtically at Ph.D. degree in geodesy at VSB-Technical University of Ostra-
the same place. va. Author and co-author of scientific publications, magazine
– Influence of the environment includes refraction articles and technical reports. Research interests: basics of geo-
which is insignificant to a distance of 50 m. One desy, metrology, instruments of geodesy.
of the most influencial parts are heating sources
which are very common in industrial surveying. JIŘÍ POSPÍŠIL. Lecturer, Institute of Geodesy and Mine Sur-
– Error of the instrument centering is eliminated veying, Faculty of Mining and Geology, VSB-Technical Univer-
thanks to the use of the temporary station. The sity of Ostrava, 17.listopadu 15, 708 00 0strava, Czech Republic.
error of the target centering is eliminated with the Ph +420 597 323 208, e-mail: jiri.pospisil@vsb.cz.
special tools for the fixing of the target. He holds an Engineer degree (from 2005) from VSB-
Technical University of Ostrava, in engineering geodesy. Cur-
6. Conclusion rantly pursuiting postgraduate studines towards Ph.D. degree
in geodesy at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Author and
This article introduces the procedures, mounting of net co-author of scientific publications, magazine articles and tech-
points and the precision of the micro-network creation nical reports. Research interests: mining survey, basics of geo-
in industrial surveying. The accuracy of these measure- desy, cadastre of real estate, metrology, digital terrain model,
ments and setting of the mechanical parts to the correct instruments of geodesy.
position is not specified by any law or legislation. The as-
sembly work depends on the producerʼs tolerances and Hana STAŇKOVÁ. Lecturer, Institute of Geodesy and Mine
the userʼs requirements. But our experience is based on Surveying, Faculty of Mining and Geology, VSB-Technical Uni-
the procedures mentioned and the precision and accu- versity of Ostrava, 17.listopadu 15, 708 00 0strava, Czech Repu-
racy of the measurement equipment used. blic. Ph +420 597 321 234, e-mail: hana.stankova@vsb.cz.
It is necessary to mention again that every machine She holds an Ph.D. degree (from 2006) VUT Brno, in ge-
and machine part is different and that micro-network odesy. Author and co-author of many scientific publications
creation is based on these differences. That is why the and magazine articles in mazines from database Scopus and
work has to be carried out with the co-operation of the Web of Knowledge. Participated in a few international confe-
machine engineer or machine staff and the experience rences. Research interests: cadastre of real estate, geodetic ba-
of the surveyor. If these conditions are not fulfilled the ses, technology GNSS, mining survey, cartography, adjustment
surveyor can make the situation of the machine worse or calculation.
even cause an accident.

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