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OFFER OF APPOINTMENT DATE:08-NovEMBER-2019, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (THREE YEARS CONTRACT) We have in fle, your resume, and application. After the evaluation of the whole document, We found you qualified to work with our te Hence, we seck to employ your service atthe position stated in the appointment letter. Details of your remuneration and entitlement are as follows: 1.SALARY ‘You will receive USD 10.800,00(Ten Thousand Five Hundred United State Dollars ‘Monthly Baste pay. Funds can be transerved to any Bank designated by you and this must be {nconformity withthe present tax situation of the country. The Monthly Salary is Net after Taxes. 2. ALLOWANCE/ENTITLEMENTS. ‘Medical allowance: SD 940.00(Monthly) Conveyance allowance: USD 750.00(Monthly) Food allowance: USD 1400.00(Monthiy) “Accommodation is free. All workers with their own separate chamber/apartmen “Transportation will be provided. “Flight tickst will be provided, * Visainernationalwork permitguidelinewill be givenforeasy procurement 3. WORK HOURS/DURATION. ‘You will be working & hoursper day and you also get an hour break after your fist 4 hours om duty that make i ato of 7 hours work pero. There's no room for aver ime as our workers work with, shits and is against the policies of the company duc to health isue with some workers. We pay in S DOLLARS and notin other foreign currencies Your total wayelsaary per moathis equivalent to 313.390.00 4. PAID LEAVEPERIOD/TRAVEI Allemployces ars entitled to to{1}months paid leave which cam be taken once at atime or 2weeks ‘apart one different period. All employees will receive USD 2,605.00 to take home for lave period. ‘Kindly Note the Leave is annually(Once a year) and Company provide fly business Class to and from [Nigeria Leave i different from the Lenve ie once a yearlong hollday why your normal rotation is weeks on duty and 9 weeks off 5. ADDITIONAL SERVICESR ‘creation /Sportstacilitesshallato he made available atthe disposal with no expenses fo he incurred. Laundry and dry cleaning services willalso be made available to all workers by the company’s laundry and dry cleaning uni ‘We are offering you 3wecks off duties interval and during this period. y your love ones and family. 33 ‘ou wil stil continue to receive your monthly Salary and it willbe wie to any bank of your choice depending on where you choose to spend your offdays. Ihave the chance ta visit ‘On attaining permanent status, your salary and allowances shall be revised at absolute discretion ‘of the management. The institution reserves the right to dismiss you on the ground of but not limited to gross misconduct, dishonesty and all other acts ely to bring the Institution into disrepute or to cancel los of goodvill or toany other ground which n the opinion ofthe institution warrant summary dismiss, ‘Your entitlement for leave and oter fringe benefits wl bei accordance with rlss and ‘equations ofthe ination ey be reload from ti ome rhs oer acetal sou lene sy youracetance by signing nit) PENS tthe foot ofthe attached dupliate copy o th letter and return Ifo wy therwise the offer Sle regarded as having ped IHERERY ACCEPT THIS THEREIN JOR OFFER WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITONS STATED NAME: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS WITH YOUR CURRENT COUNTRY: suBseey 9: SUBSEADECK/PO9/BT112

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