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Document or cite the following using necessary punctuation, indentation, caps & italics.

1. Book: Writing With Precision: How to Write So That You Cannot Possibly Be
Misunderstood by Jefferson D. Bates; Publisher: Penguin Books, New York; 2000

2. Article in Fast Company (magazine): “Continental’s Turnaround Pilot” by Keith

Hammonds 2001 December; pp. 96-101

3. Newspaper article from The Washington Post, no author listed: “New Drug Appears to
Sharply Cut Risk of Death from Heart Failure,” page A12 on July 15, 1993

4. Article in journal: “Chicana Feminism and Postmodern Theory” by Paula M. Moya in

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, volume 26, issue 2, Winter 2001.
University of Chicago Press pp. 28-41

5. Electronic copy of printed journal article (with DOI): “Theory of Mind Function, Motor
Empathy, Emotional Empathy and Schizophrenia: A Single Case Study” by Karen Addy
in Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Vol. 18, issue 3, Sept. 2007, pp. 293-
3065 DOI: 10.1080/09670870701292746

6. Electronic copy of printed journal article (no DOI): “Perception as Abduction: Turning
Sensor Data into Meaningful Representation” by Michele Shanahan, Spring 2003, in
Cognitive Science, Vol. 18, pp. 162-180. Found August 25, 2004 from

7. Report on Website, organization as author: “1997 Sourcebook on Federal Sentencing

Statistics” by U.S. Sentencing Commission found on Dec.8, 1999 at

8. Data posted on 2006 from the survey “National Health Disparities: Findings for Fiscal
Years 2002-2006 found on October 14, 2006 from The National Institute of Health at

9. Parenthetical citation from #8 above for quote: “Age and socio-economic disparities
continued to be the highest of all categories.”

10. Parenthetical citation from #3 above, page A12: “The results were consistent in five

11. Parenthetical citation: Author—John Smith; no publishing date


Addy, K. (2007). Theory of mind function, motor empathy, emotional empathy and

schizophrenia: A single case study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology,

18(3), 293-305. doi: 10.1080/09670870701292746

Bates, J. D. (2000). Writing with precision: How to write so that you cannot

possibly be misunderstood. New York: Penguin Books.

Hammonds, K. (2001, December). Continental’s turnaround pilot. Fast Company,


Moya, P. M. (2001). Chicana feminism and postmodern theory. Signs: Journal of

Women in Culture and Society, 26(2), 28-41.

National Institute of Health. (2006). Health disparities: Findings for fiscal years 2002-

2006. Retrieved October 14, 2006, from


New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The

Washington Post, p. A12.

Shanahan, M. (2003). Perception as abduction: Turning sensor data into meaningful

representation. Cognitive Science, 18, 162-180. Retrieved from

U. S. Sentencing Commission. (n.d.). 1997 sourcebook of federal sentencing

statistics. Retrieved December 8, 1999, from


“Age and socio-economic disparities continued to be the widest in 2006” (National Institute of
Health [NIH], 2006, para. 5).

“The results were consistent in five studies” (“New Drug,” 1993, p. A12).

(Smith, n.d.)

*Pages 193-198 in APA Manual (6th ed.)–helpful indexing for your references

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