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970RV: Chapter 11: The American Family

1. How many of these terms can you define? Be ready to explain them.

a) immediate family
b) extended family
c) nuclear family
d) breadwinner
e) homemaker
f) baby boomer
g) step family
h) blended family
i) sandwich generation

2. How did the marriage/family demographics change after World War II?

3. How is the American family different from one that would be found in an aristocratic society?

4. What did the author say about the effects of divorce on children?

5. Why is the American emphasis on the individual “contradictory” when it comes to children?

6. How does the author describe the American way of dealing with teenagers? What do you think about

7. Look at the “four stages” of marriage? What do you think about that model of describing marriage?
Would it be accurate in a description of marriage in your country? Where do Ashima and Ashoke fit in?

8. After reading the article, what is one thing . . .

a) that you already knew that was confirmed?

b) that surprised you?

c) that you have a question about or a reaction to?

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