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Name of the SLA

Approaches/Theories/Methods Name of the Concept/Gist of the Theory Strengths and Weaknesses


UG is proposed as part of an innate biologically

The theory of the genetic component of the endowed language which permits the L1 acquirer to
language faculty, usually credited to Noam arrive at a grammar on the basis of linguistic
Chomsky. The basic postulate of UG is that a experience (exposure to input). UG provides a genetic
Universal Grammar Noam certain set of structural rules are innate to blueprint, determining in advance what grammars can
Chomsky humans, independent of sensory experience. (and cannot) be like. In the first place, UG places
With more linguistic stimuli received in the requirements on the form of grammars, providing an
course of psychological development, inventory of possible grammatical categories and
children then adopt specific syntactic rules features in the broadest sense.
that conform to UG.
However, the experience of other people that makes
UG strong for L2 cannot also be compared and applied
to others. Also, other theorists believe that
fossilization is also its weakness when it comes to L2.
Also, others believed that UG is only effective in L1

Behaviorism, also known as behavioral Behaviorism is based upon observable behaviors, so it

psychology, is a theory of learning based on is easier to quantify and collect data and information
the idea that all behaviors are acquired when conducting research.
Behaviorism B.F. Skinner through conditioning. Conditioning occurs
through interaction with the environment. On the other hand, many critics argue that behaviorism
Behaviorists believe that our responses to is a one-dimensional approach to understanding
environmental stimuli shape our actions. human behavior and that behavioral theories do not
account for free will and internal influences such as
moods, thoughts and feelings.
Comprehensible Input Stephen Comprehensible input (i + 1) is the formula This aims at language acquisition. Students work
Krashen that Krashen holds to for optimal language towards creating meaning and understanding one
learning for second language learners another. Gives more importance on fluency over
(SLLs). This states that if a SLL is offered accuracy.
input that is only slightly beyond what they Criticisms of Krashen’s hypothesis are that input alone
already know; acquisition will take place. He does not guarantee acquisition and that some
also makes a differentiation between grammatical forms cannot be learned without being
language learning and language acquisition, taught.
claiming that acquisition is what is needed for
the language learning
Native Language Magnet Kuhl Native Language Magnet Model helps Strength: Children acquire their native language in an
Theory explain how infants at birth can hear all the effortless manner which following the developmental
phonetic distinctions used in the world's paths without the formal analysis of the language
languages. According to Kuhl, to acquire a structure in the classroom.
language, infants have to discover which
phonetic distinctions will be utilized in the Weakness: Because they learn the language in a
language of their culture and do so by natural way, errors are not corrected right away.
discriminating among virtually all the
phonetic units of the world's languages.
An explanation of language development Strength: It takes an assumption that people learn how
emphasizing the role of social interaction to react and act to different circumstances concerning
between the developing child and their societal interactions.
Social interactionist theory Lev Vygotsky linguistically knowledgeable adults. It is
based largely on the socio-cultural theories of Weaknesses: People responds to the things and to
Soviet psychologist, Lev Vygotsky. other people according to the meanings attached to
them. The problem of this theory is that it is unable to
explain where people obtain the meaning of these
Usage-Based Theory Michael The usage-based theory of language suggests Strengths: The usage-based theory takes
Tomasello that children initially build up their language constructions, which are direct form meaning pairings,
through very concrete constructions based to be the basic units of grammar and believe that
around individual words or frames on the children learn constructions by first mastering specific
basis of the speech they hear and use.
Basically this means that children learn instances before going on to generalize and use the
language from their language experiences constructions productively with other lexical items.
and a language structure emerges from
language use. Weaknesses: The usage-based perspective on the
human capacity for language is in contrast to
approaches which instead attribute linguistic structure
to an innate, highly abstract, and language-specific
endowment. At the heart of most misunderstandings
is the idea that usage-based analyses only do number
crunching with too much focus on the effects that the
frequency of constructions and other cues play in the
learning process.

Optimality Theory Optimality Optimality theory is a general model of how Strengths: In optimality theory, the essence of both
Theory (OT) grammars are structured. It suggests that the language learning in general (learnability) and
was originally observed forms of language arise from the language acquisition (actual development children go
proposed by interaction between conflicting constraints through) entails the rankings of constraints from an
Alan Prince and like other models of linguistics, contain initial state of the grammar to the language specific
and Paul an input and an output and a relation between ranking of the target grammar.
Smolensky. the two. A constraint is a structural Weaknesses: One criticism of this theory is directed at
requirement that may be either satisfied or its application to phonology (rather than syntax or
violated by an output form and a surface other fields). It is claimed that Optimality Theory
form. A constraint is considered optimal if it cannot account for phonological opacity. In
incurs the least serious violations of a set of derivational phonology, effects that are inexplicable at
constraints, taking into account their the surface level but are explainable through "opaque"
hierarchical ranking. rule ordering may be seen; but in Optimality Theory,
which has no intermediate levels for rules to operate
on, these effects are difficult to explain.
Adaptive Control of R.C. Anderson -It considered the human being’s ability to This theory explains the complexity of learning the
Thought(ACT) acquire language as merely a component of language. It can explain how schematic information
highly complex cognitive structures. can lead into a more meaningful knowledge. However,
Intelligence is simply gathering together and its complexity cannot be easily understood. An
fine-tuning of many small units of knowledge elaboration of this model will somehow lead more into
that in total produce complex thinking. confusion rather than simplifying explanation of the
process of language acquisition.
Common Underlying Jim Cummins The learners possess a built-in ability to This language theory stresses the importance of early
Proficiency (CUP) acquire a second language using the same linguistic exposure to the L2 wherein as long as the
. language learning aptitude they display in learner did not exceed the critical age of learning
acquiring their basic master L1 in 5 years or another language, then easiness in acquisition is
less achieved. However, such context do not necessarily
apply to those learners who are lately exposed to the
target language. As certain language acquisition may
occur such as fossilization, pidgination, and language

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