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The moment a woman learns that she is positive in the pregnancy test, it gives excitement and happiness to the couple. However, it also gives a feeling of fear on
how to take care of a life inside the woman’s womb. They said “Children are gifts from God”. Therefore, the challenge is how to protect that gift.
In the first three (3) months of pregnancy the expectant mother experienced early morning vomiting, nausea and occasional craving for certain food like green
mango and other sour food. There is also an occasional mood swing. The expectant mother’s weight starts to increase.
The woman needs to have a regular check-up with OB-Gyne to check both the condition of the mother and the baby. The OB-Gyne is prescribing safe medicines
and vitamins to be taken by the expectant mother to ensure that she and her baby is healthy. The expectant mother had a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and was
treated immediately to avoid complication. She is experiencing leg cramps at night and was adviced to put pillows underneath her legs in order to elevate her
legs.The expectant mother needs to wear comfortable maternity dresses and flat sandals and shoes. She also avoids carrying heavy load.
As the baby grows, the expectant mother feels the “baby bump” between 5th and 6th month. The expectant mother becomes more excited and even let the expectant
father feel the movement of the baby on the stomach. There is also swelling of ankles, fingers, legs, and face. This tends the expectant mother to wash a little but
slow. The expectant mother is being monitored closely between 38 to 40 weeks which is the probable baby’s birth. Child bearing’s day-to-day is truly exceptional.

The most common reason why baby cries is hunger. Sometimes the baby is wet, feeling hot or cold, sleepy, not feeling well, or the baby wants to be held.
Normally when the baby cries, the mother will breastfeed the baby. But, if the baby will not accept the milk, the mother must check the baby’s temperature, or if
the baby is wet, want to be carried or sleepy.
The mother hums or uses lullaby music while breastfeeding to lull the baby to sleep.

A baby’s bath is an activity which needs special Most of the mothers prefer breastfeeding. It The pediatrician or the baby’s doctor will advise
attention also. This must be done in the morning. enhances more bondage. A mother must be very that by 4th month old the baby can start to take
careful during breastfeeding and ensures that her solid foods. The mother gives her baby start a
*Prepare the baby’s bath tub, soap, soft towel one (1) table spoon of purely mashed potato.
baby will get the necessary nutrients from her
and clothes. Then the mother switches to Cerelac cereal and
milk. Below are the tips.
*Prepare luke warm water. Gerber with variety of flavors from fruits to
a. The mother must dip a cotton ball to a luke vegetables. The mother starts to give in between
*Ensure that the baby’s position is comfortable warm water. The wet cloth ball must be wiped in 1 to 2 table spoon of orange and papaya juice
in the bath tub. The mother’s hand is holding the her breast areola to ensure that it is clean before extract.
baby’s head and neck. the baby will suck it.
The mother also gives mashed carrots with little
*The mother will test first the temperature of the b. The baby’s head must be faced to the amount of banana and mango. The mother starts
water before pouring it slowly on baby’s body. mother’s breast and ensure that the baby’s to feed her with 3 to 4 table spoon of porridge
mouth is in contact with the areola. when the baby is almost 10th month old. The
*A small amount of baby liquid soap shall be
c. If possible, the mother will slowly squeeze her mother puts a pinch of boiled chicken breast /
put on the soft towel and it will be gently pat on
breast to help the milk get out of the areola. boiled egg. All solid food is being served fresh
the baby’s body. The same soap shall be used in
and to be eaten once
bathing the head.
d. The baby must allow the baby ample time to
*The baby must be rinsed immediately. After, suck.
which the baby is being dry using again a soft
e. The mother may switch the baby to another
towel and dress up.
f. The mother must let the baby burp after

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