A Review of NBA Accreditation For Undergraduate Engineering Programmes (TIER-II)

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

A Review of NBA Accreditation for Undergraduate

Engineering Programmes (TIER-II)
Sachin Patil, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RYMEC, Ballari-India.
Amrutha G E, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
RYMEC, Ballari-India. geamrutha@gmail.com

Abstract-The higher education system in India has witnessed a remarkable growth, particularly in the last two decades,
to become the third largest system in the world. The number of institutions in the country has increased from around
30 in 1950 to more than 20,000 colleges. The number of universities has increased from around 20 to more than 500
universities awarding degrees. The challenge is to ensure its quality along with expansion. To meet this challenge, All
India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has established National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in the year
1994, for periodic evaluations of technical institutions and programs according to specified norms and standards as
recommended by AICTE council. India which was a provisional member of Washington Accord since 2007, became a
permanent member in 2014. This paper focuses on Accreditation process of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes
under TIER-II.

Keywords — Accreditation, NBA, Outcome Based Education, Program outcomes, SAR, TIER II.

I. INTRODUCTION Parliament in 1987. National Board of Accreditation (NBA)

was originally constituted in September 1994, in order to
There is debate in the country about the various approaches assess the qualitative competence of educational institutions
to measure the quality, especially in the context of from Diploma level to Post-Graduate level in Engineering
unprecedented expansion of higher education institutions and Technology, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture,
and programs, entry and operation of foreign institutions in and related disciplines. NBA conducts evaluation of
variety of forms, and desire for global recognition through programs of technical institution on the basis of laid down
the international accords. A mandatory and robust norms. NBA in its present form has come into existence as
accreditation system is required that could provide a an autonomous body with effect from 7th January 2010,
common frame of reference for students and other with the objective of assurance of quality and relevance of
stakeholders to obtain credible information on academic technical education through the mechanism of accreditation
quality across institutions[1]. Through the process of of programs offered by the technical institutions[1]. The
accreditation, an agency evaluates the quality of a specific NBA works very closely with faculty, educational
educational program of an higher education institute, in institutions, government, industries, regulators,
order to formally recognize it as having met standards. The management, recruiters, alumni, students and their parents
result of this process is usually the awarding of a status of to ensure that the programmes serve to equip their
recognition to conduct educational programmes within a graduates with sound knowledge of fundamentals and to
time-limited validity. Presently there are two central bodies develop an adequate level of professional competence in
responsible for accreditation, the National Accreditation them, such as would meet the needs of the technical
Assessment Council (NAAC) and the National Board of profession locally as well as globally. The objective of the
Accreditation (NBA). This Process of Accreditation is an NBA is to assess and accredit professional programmes
effort in this direction, to meet quality goals in offered at various levels by the technical institutions on the
education[1]. basis of norms prescribed by the NBA. The NBA became a
II. NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCREDITATION provisional member of the Washington Accord (WA) in
2007. The Washington Accord is an international
The New Education Policy of 1986 perceived the need for a agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting
Statutory Body at the National level responsible for engineering degree programmes. It recognizes the
commanding the growth and quality of Technical Education substantial equivalency of the programme accredited by
in the country. Accordingly, All India Council for those bodies and recommends that graduates of the
Technical Education (AICTE) was established by an Act of programmes accredited by any of the signatory bodies be

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

recognized by the other bodies as having met the academic Institutions planning to acquire International Accreditation.
requirements for entry to the practice of engineering. To
B. Accreditation Process
become a signatory member of the WA, a robust
accreditation system was implemented by the NBA, New The NBA has two-tier accreditation system for
Delhi, with support from all the stakeholders and as a result undergraduate engineering programmes. It was decided to
NBA, India has become the permanent signatory member make two separate manuals for each tier after having
of the Washington Accord on 13th June 2014. discussed with stakeholders. The TIER-I document is
applicable for programmes offered by academically
III. ACCREDITATION OF UNDERGRADUATE autonomous institutions and by university departments and
ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES constituent colleges of the universities, whereas, the Tier-II
documents is for the non-autonomous institutions, i.e.,
A. Need of Accreditation
those colleges and technical institutions which are affiliated
NBA accreditation is quality assurance for technical to a university. In both TIER-I and TIER-II documents, the
institutions, wherein an approved institution is appraised to same set of criteria have been prescribed for accreditation.
corroborate that the programme or institution continues to In the TIER- I document, the criteria which are based on
make up to standards set by AICTE from time to time. outcome parameters have been given more importance,
Accreditation gives assurance that the institution or whereas, in the TIER-II document, the importance for
programme achieves their aims and objectives honestly. outcome-based criteria has been reduced, significantly,
Accreditation assures the programmes to produce thereby enhancing the focus on the output-based criteria.
competent professionals that not only meet the local
The accreditation process, whether for a first-time
industry requirements but are also acceptable in the global
accreditation or re-accreditation, broadly involves the
job markets by transforming the raw student admitted to the
following activities.
programme into a capable professional in the chosen
1. The institution submits the Pre-qualifier for the
specified field. NBA accreditated institutions will be
programmes applied for accreditation along with
favored by funding agencies for releasing grants for
10% fee.
research benefiting the institution. Accreditation also
2. If the programme complies with the qualifiers, the
benefits student as institutions delivers quality professional
institution submits the SAR for the programmes
education which satisfies the need of corporate world. Due
applied for accreditation along with remaining 90%
to accreditation from NBA, the Institution’s systems and
procedures get aligned with the Institution’s Mission and
Vision. Therefore, NBA acts as a catalyst for the

Figure 1: NBA Accreditation Process

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

students and stakeholders, adopting best practices, taking

3. NBA constitutes the Evaluation team which corrective measures and so on.
comprises one Chairperson and 2 evaluators for each
of the programme. As soon as NBA declares an institution to be eligible, the
4. Based on the SAR, Chairperson and evaluators institution should commence the process for preparation of
prepare the Pre-visit report. Visit will be conducted a Self-Assessment Report (SAR). In drafting the SAR, the
on scheduled dates and the committee submits the institution should refer to relevant NBA standards and
visit report based on the guidelines for the purpose criteria. SAR should be based on self-introspection and
of formulation of their views about strengths, should not be promotional in nature. This process facilitates
weakness, concerns, deficiency, and observations the institute to judge the overall effectiveness of its own
etc. about the programme concerned. processes. It should be careful in compiling data,
5. NBA receives the Pre-visit report and Visit reports information and its interpretation.
along with the comprehensive report of the The SAR consists generally three parts namely Part-A,
Chairperson and sends it to Moderation Committee. Part-B and Part-C as shown in figure 2. Part-A mainly
6. Moderation Committee for the sake of consistency seeks general information about the institute and
initially prepares a draft report based on reports department/programme. Part-B seeks information based on
submitted by the Evaluation Team and sends the 10 broad criteria developed through a participatory process
same to the institution and Chairperson. involving experts from reputed national-level technical
7. Institution submits its response to factual errors, if institutions, industries, R&D organizations, and
any, in draft report within 14 days to NBA. professional bodies. Each criterion relates to a major feature
8. Moderation Committee prepares a Comprehensive of institutional activity and its effectiveness. Part-C seeks
Report in line with the feedback from the institution, declaration of the institution and annexures.
Pre-visit, Visit report and along with the report of PART A
the Chairperson of the visiting team and submits to Institutional Information
Evaluation and Accreditation Committee. PART B
9. Evaluation and Accreditation Committee which in Program Level Criteria
turn deliberates over the Moderation Committee’s Criteria Criteria Summary
Comprehensive Report and submits its 1 Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives
recommendation to Sub Committee of Academic 2 Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes
Advisory Committee. 3 Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes
10. Sub Committee of Academic Advisory Committee 4 Students’ Performance
takes decision on grant of the Accreditation to a 5 Faculty Information and Contributions
particular programme and is conveyed to the 6 Facilities and Technical Support
institution. 7 Continuous Improvement
11. If the institution is not satisfied with the decision of Institute Level Criteria
Accreditation, then the institution can make an Criteria Criteria Summary
appeal against the decision. 8 First Year Academics

12. The appeal will be placed before the Appellate 9 Student Support Systems
10 Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources
Committee which examines and evaluates the appeal
and submits evaluation report to Academic Advisory
Declaration by the Institution & Annexures
13. Academic Advisory Committee considers the Figure 2: SAR contents

evaluation report and makes decision. The definitions of the terms used in SAR are as follows:
Mission and Vision statement - Mission statements are
essentially the means to achieve the vision of the institution.
NBA’s Accreditation Criteria is based on the concepts of Vision is a futuristic statement that the institution would
total quality management. These concepts are assessment of like to achieve over a long period of time, and Mission is
the quality of programmes using qualitative and the means by which it proposes to move toward the stated
quantitative parameters, objectively measuring the quality Vision.
of inputs, processes and outputs against national
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) – Programme
benchmarks, continuous improvement in the performance,
educational objectives are broad statements that describe
networking with stakeholders, working in teams, problem-
the career and professional accomplishments that the
solving and problem prevention, transparency in
programme is preparing graduates to achieve.
functioning, quality assurance, value addition, participation,
self-assessment and peer assessment, innovations according Programme Outcomes (POs) – Programme Outcomes are
to requirements of the external environment, feedback from narrower statements that describe what students are

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

expected to know and be able to do upon the graduation. among the stakeholder should be projected
These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behavior that  Process involved in defining the Vision, Mission of the
students acquire in their matriculation through the Department and the PEOs of the program should be
programme. projected
Course Outcomes (COs) - Course Outcomes are narrower  Process involved in establishing matrix of PEOs and
statements that describe what students are expected to elements of Mission statement of the programme and
know, and be able to do at the end of each course. These Justification for each of the elements mapped in the
relate to the skills, knowledge, and behavior that students matrix should be projected
acquire in their matriculation through the course. B. Criterion 2: Program Curriculum and Teaching-
Learning Processes
Assessment – Assessment is one or more processes, carried
out by the institution, that identify, collect, and prepare data This criteria has 2 parameters and is for 120 marks as
to evaluate the achievement of programme educational shown in table 2
objectives and programme outcomes. Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
Evaluation – Evaluation is one or more processes, done by  Implementation of process which ensures
the evaluation team, for interpreting the data and evidence mapping/compliance of University Curriculum with the
accumulated through assessment practices. Evaluation POs & PSOs, Identification of appropriate gaps, if any
determines the extent to which programme educational for the attainment of defined POs & PSOs.
objectives or programme outcomes are being achieved, and  There should be effective participation of internal and
results in decisions and actions to improve the programme. external department stakeholders with effective process
Mapping – Mapping is the process of representing,
 Steps should be taken to get identified gaps included in
preferably in matrix form, the correlation among the
the curriculum by communicating to university/BOS
parameters. It may be done for one to many, many to one,
 Delivery details of content beyond syllabus and
and many to many parameters.
mapping of content beyond syllabus with the POs &
The criteria have been formulated in terms of parameters, PSOs should be made available
including quantitative measurements that have been  Academic Calendar based on University academic
designed for maximally objective assessment of each calendar should be made available
feature. The technical programme to be accredited will have
to satisfy all the following criteria during the full term of Table 2: Criterion 2
accreditation. Sl no Parameter Marks
1 Program Curriculum
A. Criterion 1: Vision, Mission, and Program State the process used to identify extent of compliance of the
Educational Objectives a
University curriculum for attaining the Program
Outcomes(POs) & Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs), mention
This criteria has 5 parameters and is for 60 marks as the identified curricular gaps, if any
shown in table 1 State the delivery details of the content beyond the syllabus
b 10
Table 1: Criterion 1 for the attainment of POs & PSOs
Sl no Parameter Marks 2 Teaching-Learning Processes
1 5 Describe the Process followed to improve quality of Teaching
State the Vision and Mission of the Department and Institute a 25
2 State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 5
Quality of internal semester Question papers, Assignments
Indicate where and how the Vision, Mission and PEOs are b 20
3 10 and Evaluation
published and disseminated among stakeholders
c Quality of student projects 25
State the process for defining the Vision and Mission of the
4 25 d Initiatives related to industry interaction 15
Department, and PEOs of the program
e Initiatives related to industry internship/summer training 15
5 Establish consistency of PEOs with Mission of the Department 15
Total 120
Total 60
 Pedagogical initiatives such as real-life examples,
Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria collaborative learning, ICT supported learning,
 Appropriate/relevant Vision & Mission statements of interactive classrooms etc should be implemented
the Department should be published and must be  Methodologies to support weak students and encourage
consistent with Institute statements bright students should be implemented
 Program Educational Objectives (3 to 5) of the program  Quality of classroom teaching should be enhanced to
under consideration should also be published keep students engaged
 Stated PEOs must be adequate in respect of publication  Quality of laboratory experience with respect to
& dissemination among stakeholders conducting, recording observations, analysis should be
 Process involved in dissemination among stakeholders upgraded
and the extent of awareness of Vision, Mission & PEOs  Continuous assessment in the laboratory should be done

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

in the form of Internal Semester examination and  Program level Course-PO/PSOs matrix of all courses
internal marks, Practical record books, each experiment including first-year courses should be prepared
assessment, final marks should be based on assessment  The quality/relevant assessment processes & tools
of all the experiments and other assessments. should be used to gather the data upon which the
 Student feedback in appropriate format on teaching evaluation of Course Outcome is based
learning process should be taken frequently, analyzed  The attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with
and necessary actions should be taken respect to set attainment levels should be recorded
 Effective process for internal semester question paper  The quality/relevant assessment processes & tools
setting and evaluation should be implemented by should be used for assessing the attainment of each of
ensuring questions from outcomes/learning levels the POs & PSOs
perspective  Results of evaluation of each PO & PSO should be
 Assignments should promote self-learning and should analyzed and necessary actions should be taken
be relevant to COs
D. Criterion 4: Students’ Performance
 Appropriate methodology for identification of projects
and allocation to Faculty Members should be This criteria has 6 parameters and is for 150 marks as
implemented shown in table 4
 Projects should be classified considering factors such as Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
environment, safety, ethics, cost, standards etc which  Enrollment ratio of students enrolled at the first year
contributes towards attainment of POs and PSOs level on average basis during the previous three
 Continuous monitoring and evaluation should be done academic years starting from current academic year
to assess individual and team performance and also to should be at least 50%
assess quality of completed projects/working prototypes  Success rate of students of the program without
so that quality papers are published and awards are backlogs in any Semester/year of study Without
received by projects Backlog and Success rate of students of the program
 Industry Institute interaction should be achieved by with backlogs in stipulated period should be improved
installing industry supported laboratories and by  Efforts for improving Academic Performance of
involving industry in the program design and partial students of the program in Second Year and Third Year
delivery of any regular courses for students should be done
 Initiation for Industrial training/tours, Industrial
Table 4: Criterion 4
/internship /summer training of more than two weeks for
Sl no Parameter Marks
students should be taken and post-training Assessment, 1 Enrolment Ratio 20
its impact analysis, and student feedback should be 2 Success Rate in the stipulated period of the program
documented for this initiation Success rate without backlogs in any Semester/year of study
a Without Backlog means no compartment or failures in any 25
C. Criterion 3: Course Outcomes and Program semester/year of study
Outcomes b
Success rate with backlogs in stipulated period (actual
duration of the program)
This criteria has 3 parameters and is for 120 marks as 3 Academic Performance in Third Year 15
shown in table 3 4 Academic Performance in Second Year 15
Table 3: Criterion 3 5 Placement, Higher studies and Entrepreneurship 40
Sl no Parameter Marks 6 Professional Activities
1 Establish the correlation between the courses and the POs & PSOs Professional societies / chapters and organizing engineering
a 5
a Course Outcomes 5 events
b CO-PO/PSOs matrices of courses 5 b Publication of technical magazines, newsletters, etc. 5
Program level Course- PO/PSOs matrix of ALL courses Participation in inter-institute events by students of the
c 10 c program of study (at other institutions) 10
including first year courses
2 Attainment of Course Outcomes Total 150
Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data
upon which the evaluation of Course Outcome is based
10  Percentage of students of the program placed, admitted
Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with to Higher studies and into Entrepreneurship should be at
b 40
respect to set attainment levels
least 40%
3 Attainment of Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes
Describe assessment tools and processes used for assessing  Students of the program should involve in activities of
a 10
the attainment of each of the POs & PSOs professional societies/chapters and organize engineering
b Provide results of evaluation of each PO & PSO 40 events at institute
Total 120
 Students of the program should publish technical
Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria magazines, newsletters, etc.
 COs must be defined for every course  Students of the program should participate in inter-
 Mapping of CO-PO/PSOs of courses should be done institute, inter-state events

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

E. Criterion 5: Faculty Information and Contributions programme

This criteria has 9 parameters and is for 200 marks as  Provision of Visiting /Adjunct/Emeritus faculty etc.
shown in table 5 With Minimum 50 hours per year interaction should be
made in the programme
Table 5: Criterion 5
Sl no Parameter Marks F. Criterion 6: Facilities and Technical Support
1 Student-Faculty Ratio (SFR) 20 This criteria has 5 parameters and is for 80 marks as shown
2 Faculty Cadre Proportion 25
in table 6
3 Faculty Qualification 25
4 Faculty Retention 25 Table 6: Criterion 6
5 Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning 20
Sl no Parameter Marks
Faculty as participants in Faculty development /training
6 15 Adequate and well equipped laboratories, and technical
activities /STTPs 1 30
7 Research and Development Additional Facilities created for improving the quality of
a Academic Research 10 2 25
learning experience in Laboratories
b Sponsored Research 5 3 Laboratories: Maintenance and overall ambience 10
c Development Activities 10 4 Project laboratory 5
d Consultancy (From Industry) 5 5 Safety measures in laboratories 10
Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System
8 30 Total 80
9 Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Faculty etc. 10
Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
Total 200  Adequate well-equipped laboratories to run all the
program-specific curriculum with adequate and
Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria qualified technical supporting staff should be
 Student-faculty ratio must be between 1:15 to 1:25 established
 Cadre wise number of faculty required as per AICTE  The laboratories must be equipped with computing
guidelines should be available in the programme resources, equipments, and tools relevant to the
 Appropriate Faculty Qualification as per AICTE programme. The equipments of the laboratories should
guidelines should be available in the programme be properly maintained, upgraded and utilized so that
the students can attain the programme outcomes.
 Faculty retention should be at least 50% of required
 There should be an adequate number of qualified
Faculties during the period of assessment keeping technical supporting staff to provide appropriate
CAYm3 as base year guidance for the students for using the equipment, tools,
 Innovations that contribute to the improvement of computers, and laboratories.
student learning, which typically include use of ICT,  The institution must provide scope for the technical staff
instruction delivery, instructional methods, assessment, for upgrading their skills and professional advancement
evaluation etc must be made available on Institute  Care should be taken for maintenance, overall ambiance
Website, must also be available for peer review and and Safety measures in laboratories
critique and can be reproducible and developed further G. Criterion 7: Continuous Improvement
by other scholars This criteria has 4 parameters and is for 50 marks as shown
 Faculty should participate in Faculty development in table 7
programmes/training activities /STTPs for a period of at
Table 7: Criterion 7
least 2 days
 Faculty should involve in quality publications which are Sl no Parameter Marks
Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of each of the
referred/SCI Journals, citations, Books/Book Chapters 1
POs and PSOs
etc. Academic Audit and actions taken during the period of
2 10
 Encouragement should be given for the faculty with Assessment
Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies and
respect to Registering/Completing Ph.D. and also for 3
guiding of research scholars while working in the Improvement in the quality of students admitted to the
4 program 10
 Efforts should be made to get research funds from Total 50

outside, for at least Rs 4 lakhs Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
 Development activities like Product Development,
 Actions should be taken based on the results of
Research laboratories, Instructional materials, Working evaluation of each of the POs and PSOs by
models/charts/monograms etc should be incorporated in Identification of gaps/shortfalls followed by
the programme implementation of action plan to bridge the gap
 Programme should involve in Consultancy (From  Academic Audit should be done on conduct and actions
Industry) to generate revenue of at least Rs 2 lakhs taken in relation to continuous improvement
 well-defined performance appraisal and development  Efforts should be done in improving Placement
numbers, quality, core hiring industry, and pay packages
system should be implemented effectively in the

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

 Care should be taken for Improvement in Higher Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
Studies admissions for pursuing PhD. in premier
 Effective mentoring system has to be developed for the
institutions and for improvement in number of
students for various purposes
 Feedback on teaching-learning process, facilities should
 Efforts should be done for improvement in quality of
be taken, analyzed and corrective measures should be
students admitted to the program in terms of ranks/score
taken accordingly
in qualifying state level/national level entrances tests,
percentage Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics marks  Scope for self-learning should be given by improving
in 12th Standard and percentage marks of the lateral the facilities, materials for learning beyond syllabus,
entry students Webinars, Podcast, MOOCs etc. and must be effectively
H. Criterion 8: First Year Academics  Career guidance facilities should be set up by institutes
This criteria has 5 parameters and is for 50 marks as  Counseling for higher studies and Pre-placement
shown in table 8 training should be given to students
Table 8: Criterion 8  Entrepreneurship initiatives should be taken and
Sl no Parameter Marks
encouragement for Co-curricular and Extracurricular
1 First Year Student- Faculty Ratio 5
activities like sports, cultural facilities, NCC, NSS,
2 Qualification of Faculty Teaching First Year Common Courses 5
clubs and Annual students activities should be given
3 First Year Academic Performance 10 J. Criterion 10: Governance, Institutional Support, and
4 Attainment
Describe theofassessment
Course Outcomes of first
processes usedyear courses
to gather the data Financial Resources
upon which the evaluation of Course Outcomes of first year is
a 5 Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria
Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all first year  Appropriate/Relevant Vision & Mission statements of
b 5
the Institute should be published in institute level
5 Attainment of Program Outcomes of all first year courses
documents and should be made available in Institute
a Indicate results of evaluation of each relevant PO/PSO 15
Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of relevant website, Library, Computer Center, Principal Chamber
b 5
Pos /PSOs etc
Total 50 Governing Body Composition, Senate, and all other
Following points play key role in evaluation of this criteria academic and administrative bodies, their memberships,
functions, and responsibilities, frequency of the meetings,
 First-year Student-faculty ratio must be between 1:15 to participation details of external members and attendance
therein, published service rules, policies, and procedures
 Appropriate Faculty Qualification as per AICTE
with year of publication and minutes of the meetings and
guidelines should be available in the programme based
action-taken reports should be documented
on number of regular Faculty with Ph.D. and Post
Table 10: Criterion 10
Graduation Sl no Parameter Marks
 First-year Academic Performance should be enhanced 1 Organization, Governance and Transparency
based on number of successful students appeared in the a State the Vision and Mission of the Institute 5
examination, where successful students are those who Governing body, administrative setup, functions of various
are permitted to proceed to the second year b bodies, service rules procedures, recruitment and promotional 10
 Care should be taken for the assessment of first-year policies.
Decentralization in working and grievance redressal
Course outcomes by using relevant assessment tools c
 Efforts must be done for attainment of Course d Delegation of financial powers 10
Outcomes of all first year as per the benchmark set for Transparency and availability of correct/unambiguous
the courses e 5
information in public domain
 Appropriate actions must be taken based on the results 2
of evaluation of relevant POs /PSOs attainment level Budget Allocation, Utilization, and Public Accounting at Institute level
from the COs of related first-year courses a Adequacy of Budget allocation 10
b Utilization of allocated funds 15
I. Criterion 9: Student Support Systems Availability of the audited statements on the institute’s
c 5
This criteria has 7 parameters and is for 50 marks as shown
3 Program Specific Budget Allocation, Utilization
in table 9
a Adequacy of budget allocation 10
Table 9: Criterion 9
b Utilization of allocated funds 20
Sl no Parameter Marks
4 Library and Internet
1 Mentoring system to help at individual level 5
a Quality of learning resources (hard/soft) 10
Feedback analysis and reward /corrective measures taken, if
2 10 b Internet 10
3 Feedback on facilities 5 Total 120
4 Self Learning 5
5 Career Guidance, Training, Placement 10  Working and grievance redressal mechanism should be
6 Entrepreneurship Cell 5 decentralized by giving delegated powers for taking
7 Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities 10 administrative decisions to Principal, Heads of
Total 50
Departments and relevant in-charges and utilization of

205 | IJREAMV04I0642065 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2018.0717 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

financial powers for each of the assessment years should faculty averaged for previous two academic years
be demonstrated including current academic year.
 Information on the policies, rules, processes,  The placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship
ratio is greater than or equal to 40% averaged over
information about student, faculty, and staff is to be
previous three assessment years[2].
made available on website
 Quantum of budget allocation, Justification of budget C. No Accreditation of the program
allocated, its utilization and Audited statements at If the program scores less than 600 marks or less than 40%
institute and programme level for assessment years is to marks in Faculty Information and Contributions (Criterion
be made available on website V) or fails to meet the criteria for award of provisional
 Relevant learning resources including e-resources and accreditation for 3 years, the program avail not be
considered for accreditation[2].
Digital Library should be made available and accessible
to students VI. CONCLUSION
 Internet access should be made available in labs,
Accreditation is a process of quality assurance and
classrooms, library, and offices of all Departments
improvement, whereby a programme in an approved
V. AWARD OF ACCREDITATION Institution is critically appraised to verify that the
Institution or the programme continues to meet and/or
A. Full Accreditation exceed the Norms and Standards prescribed by regulator
Full Accreditation for Six years will be accorded to a from time to time. It is a kind of recognition which
program on fulfillment of the following requirements: indicates that a programme or Institution fulfills certain
 Program scoring a minimum of 750 points in aggregate
out of 1000 points with minimum score of 60% in
mandatory fields (criteria 4 to 6) The NBA accreditation is essential as it serves the purpose
 The number of available Ph.D. in the department is of promotion and recognization of excellence in technical
greater than or equal to 30% of the required number of education in colleges and universities. Institutions, students,
faculty averaged for previous two academic years
employers, and the public at large all benefit from the
including current academic year.
 Admissions in the UG program at the program level are external verification of quality provided through the NBA
more than or equal to 75% while at the institute level, accreditation process. They also benefit from the process of
the admissions are more than or equal to 50%, averaged continuous quality improvement that is encouraged by the
for previous three academic years including Current NBA’s developmental approach to promote excellence in
Academic Year[2]. technical education.
 Faculty-Student Ratio in the department is less than or
equal to 1:15 averaged for the previous three academic The Washington Accord is a step forward to better the
years including current academic year. higher-education system in India and allow Indian
 At least 2 Professors or 1 Professor and 1 Associate graduates to compete at a global stage, but the major
Professor (on a full-time/regular basis) with Ph.D. drawback of getting NBA Accreditation under TIER-II is
Degree are available in the concerned department for that the NBA accredited programs offered by the TIER-I
previous two academic years including current
Institutions alone are eligible for the recognition of the
academic year.
 The HOD of the program under consideration possesses programs by other signatories of the Washington Accord.
Ph.D. Degree.
 The placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship
ratio is greater than or equal to 40% averaged over [1] Manual for NBA Accreditation http://www.nbaind.org/files/general-
previous three assessment years[2]. manual-of accreditation.pdf.
[2] Chairperson’s Visit Report for Undergraduate Engineering Program
B. Provisional Accreditation
TIER-II http://www.nbaind.org/files/chairman-report-Part-A-ug-tier-
Provisional Accreditation for Three years will be accorded ii-v0.pdf.
to a program on fulfillment of the following requirements: [3] Evaluation Guidelines for NBA Accreditation of Undergraduate
 The score for the program is greater than or equal to 600 Engineering Programmes TIER-II, National Board of Accreditation,
points with minimum 40% marks in Criterion V June 2015, New Delhi.
(Faculty Information and Contributions). [4] D. Brahadeeswaran, M. A. Abdul Hakeem, “A Review of NBA’s
 At least one Professor or one Associate Professor with Accreditation Criteria for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in
Ph.D. degree (on a full-time/regular basis) is available Engineering,” J. Engg. Sc. Mgmt. Ed. Vol-5 Issue-II (475–479).
in the respective Department for previous two academic [5] Suresh D. Mane, “Accreditation of UG Engineering Programmes in
years including current academic year. India: Enhanced Role of Teaching Fraternity,” International Journal
 The student-faculty ratio in the department under of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1,
consideration is less than or equal to 1:25 averaged for Issue-6, September 2015.
previous three academic years including current
academic year.
 The number of available Ph.D. in the department is
greater than or equal to 10% of the required number of

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