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-wash hands

-id pt, self & ce

First thing -ask comfort/pain

-glove prn

-do 20 min checks


-drip rate

Fluid management -site check



-i.v. site

-i.v. tubing

-i.v. flow rate & fluid infusing

-g tube site check

20 minute checks
-g tube tubing

-g tube flow rate & fluid infusing

-O2 flow rate

-cannula & tubing

-assess level of mobility

-assistive devices


Mobility -support injured limbs

-transfer/traction if ordered



Vital signs -drank nothing 15 min before temp

-glove for oral temp

-clean scale after use

-surgery site/iv arm = no b/p

-balance scale before use

-palpate brachial artery for b/p

-measure O2 sat if ordered

-do not re-inflate b/p for 1 min

-barrier for scale




Vital signs: List of 7 -resp

-O2 sat

-pain scale


-bed low

-side rails up x2

-phone in reach
-ask comfort level/pain

-wash hands


-assess in 2 locations


Skin assessment






Abdominal assessment


-measure girth (if ordered)


Neuro assessment -LOC (A&O, person, place, time)


-Fontanel if <1 year

-motor response- grasps/pushes

-noxious stimuli




Peripheral vascular assessment

-cap refill


-O2 sat if ordered

-fowlers position/ HOB up

-sounds bilaterally

Respiratory assessment -pattern/rate

-accessory muscle use?


-Lobes (document upper and lower)



-assess: rate, rhythm, sound

Respiratory management -perform measure (IS,DB,Cough)

-splint if necessary



Musculoskeletal management -joints





-traction if ordered



-re assess



-assess: location, type, appearance of drainage

-irrigation if ordered

Wound management -cleanse wound w/designated solution

-topical med if ordered

-dressing change if ordered


-assess response to activity

-observe nail beds

-position HOB up

-flow rate

O2 management -humidification

-articles of hazard

-skin under tubing

-sats if ordered


-rate pain

-ask about comfort

-observe signs & symptoms

Pain/comfort management -medicate or inform primary nurse

-do 3 measures



-select med

-measure dose

Medication -pt i.d.

-administer within 30 min

-MAR documentation within 30 min

Intermittent tube feeding -check gtts

-check placement
-check residual

-determine amount of feeding

-administer within 30 min

-adjust flow rate


-readiness to learn

Patient teaching -what is being taught

-patient understanding

-feeding type


-check placement

Enteral feeding -residual

-burp if <6 months

-at room temperature


-assess: color, amount, consistency

-clean surrounding tissue if ordered

-insert tube if ordered

Drainage collection
-maintain patency/position

-remove tube if ordered


-select volume, ready patient, instill and record

-select solution


-verify tube placement



-instill slowly


Speciment collection -obtain speciment in proper container

-label appropriately

-observe: color, consistency & odor

-how was the speciment collected?

-where is it going?


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