Improving Indonesia's Ease of Doing Business Rank Through Simplifying Starting Business Procedures

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Improving Indonesia’s Ease of Doing

Business Rank through Simplifying
Starting Business Procedures
by Eggie Dwi Ananda C (1806159911)

Background The online services and human capital improvements

The government has done a lot of efforts to improve were the variables that had the most impact in EoDB
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), among them is by (Almeida, 2016). The implementation of OSS in some
improving Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) rank. Empirical local government is still constrained by the limited
study shows that efficient business regulation is the main internet network and unpreparedness of human
factor of FDI improvement (Vogiatzoglou, 2016), resources. The weak coordination and collaboration
especially for middle-income countries (Corcoran and between government agencies adds to the existing
Gillanders, 2014). Moreover, EoDB has been proven to problems. The issuance of regulations by various line
have a significant influence on economic growth (Ani, ministries lacks coordination and a coherent vision
2015). (Sandee, 2016). In fact, China as the top 10 EoDB 2019
performers, managed to prove that collaboration is an
In 2019, Indonesia not only failed to reach the EoDB effective way to improve public services and solve
rank target of 40 as President Joko Widodo had set, but complex problems (Liu and Zheng, 2015).
we were also down 1 position from 72 to 73. Even
though the overall score was up 1.49 points, it signaled Condition and Development of Policy in
that other countries have done better improvement than Indonesia
Indonesia. The starting business indicator, in particular, Based on the EoDB 2019 report (table 1), to start a
needs special attention and must be improved business in Indonesia must go through 10 stages which
immediately – now is still in 134 position. require 20 days to complete, with a maximum cost of
5,03 million rupiahs.

Table 1: Starting a Business in Jakarta – Procedure, Time and Cost

No. Procedures Time to Complete Agency Associated Costs
1. Pay fee for obtaining clearance of company Less than one day Notary IDR 100,000
name (online procedure)
2. Obtain clearance for the company's name at the Less than one day Notary Included in procedure 3
Ministry of Law and Human Rights (online procedure)
3. Arrange for a notary to obtain the standard 1 day Notary - IDR 500,000 for companies with capital
form of the company deed and notarize (simultaneous with of up to IDR 25 million;
company documents previous - IDR 2 million, for companies with
procedure) capital of up to 500 million; and
- IDR 4 million for companies with
capital up to IDR 1 billion.
4. Apply to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Less than one day Ministry of Law and Included in procedure 6
for approval of the deed of establishment (online procedure) Human Rights
5. Apply for the Certificate of Company Domicile 2 days Municipality No charge
(Surat Keterangan Domisili Usaha, SKDU)
6. Pay the non-tax state revenue (PNBP) fees for Less than one day Notary IDR 500,000 (validation of company as
legal services (online procedure) legal entity) + IDR 430,000 (publication)
7. Apply for the permanent business trading 7 days on average One Stop Integrated No charge
license (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan, SIUP) Service Body of SKI
and the company registration certificate (Tanda Jakarta Provincial
Daftar Perusahaan, TDP) Government – Ministry
of Trade
8. Register with the Ministry of Manpower 1 day Ministry of Manpower No charge
9. Apply for the Workers Social Security Program 7 days Social Security No charge
(BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) and for the Healthcare Administrative Bodies
Insurance Program (BPJS Kesehatan) (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan,
BPJS Kesehatan)
10. Obtain a taxpayer registration number (NPWP) 1 day Tax Office No charge
and a VAT collector number (NPPKP) (simultaneous with
Total 20 days IDR 5,030,000
Source: EoDB 2019 Report

Word count (excluded table and reference): 1266 1


This achievement was obtained through several which removes the Certificate of Company Domicile
policies as follows: (SKDU) from the licensing requirements under
DPMPTSP's authority, and sets the completion time of
- 2013: Regulation of Ministry of Trade 77/2013,
simultaneous SIUP and TDP for 1 day. However, based
which states that the business license (SIUP) and
on the EoDB report the SIUP and TDP processes can
company registration certificate (TDP) can be
take up to 7 days. This is at least caused by the
issued simultaneously for all trading companies.
verification officers being unable to handle the very
- 2017: Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs
large number of SIUP and TDP submissions
19/2017, which states that to achieve the EoDB
(overload), and the applicant has not yet completed
target, the Ministry Home Affairs eliminates the
the requirements set at the first submission.
requirement for a nuisance permit (Hinder
Ordonantie/HO). Comparison with the conditions and development of
- 2017: Regulation of Ministry of Law and Human other countries' policies
Right 3/2017, which regulates the uniformity of
New Zealand
notary rates for making company deeds.
- 2017: Regulation of Ministry of Trade 7/2017, Starting a business in New Zealand only requires 1
which deletes the validity period of SIUP so that it step and resolved no more than 35 minutes. Business
no longer needs to be extended. owners can register their company name through
- 2017: Presidential regulation 91/2017 which sets by filling out the form and
the strategy for accelerating business. paying a registration fee of NZD 115. When
- 2018: Government Regulation 24/2018, regarding registering the company name, the business owners
the Online Single Submission (OSS), which is meant automatically get the Inland Revenue Department
to facilitate and accelerate business registration (IRD) and Good and Service Tax (GST) numbers.

With this OSS system, business owners will get The key to New Zealand's success lies in the
Business Identification Number (NIB) which will utilization of information technology, a
function as TDP, Import Identification Number (API), collaboration between government agencies and
and customs access. Furthermore, OSS integrates customer-centric public services.
business trading license (SIUP) process - procedure 7, New Zealand has succeeded in utilizing Big Data,
approval of foreign manpower utilization plan (RPTKA) where information provided by business owners is
- procedure 8, application for the workers social used by all government agencies. Business owners do
security program (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) and for the not need to fill out forms repeatedly for the same
healthcare insurance program (BPJS Kesehatan) – information requested by different government
procedure 9, and application for taxpayer registration agencies. When creating a public service system, the
number (NPWP) and a VAT collector number (NPPKP) – New Zealand government intensively engages
procedure 10. business owners to ensure that the system is easy to
Developments in Jakarta use.

The submission of SIUP and TDP in Jakarta is still done Key Performance Indicators for each government
through a system that has been running agency are not only based on the tasks inherent in
( The main reason why Jakarta the agency, but also on shared targets set by the
continues to choose its own digital system is that the Prime Minister, so collaboration between
company's recorded data in jakevo is very large, and government agencies is a necessity.
the process of migrating data to OSS takes a long time. Most Improved Countries
Business owners also feel the quality of OSS is still far
below jakevo. Performance expectancy, facilitating Afghanistan, Togo, Turkey and Côte d’Ivoire reduce
conditions, social influence, and perceived credibility the cost of establishing and minimum company
are all significant factors of user acceptance (Bhuasiri capital requirements. China launches online
et al, 2016) registration and simplification of social security
registration, Djibouti launches one-stop services, and
To improve the indicator of starting a business, the India replaces the value-added tax with goods and
Head of DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta issued Decree 23/2017- services tax.

Word count (excluded table and reference): 1266 2


Recommendation 2. Assistance for OSS implementation in government

agencies including the local government
In the long term, the Indonesian government can use
OSS has integrated procedures 6, 7, 8 and 9. However,
New Zealand’s system as a benchmark for starting
relevant agencies (Ministry of Manpower, Tax Office,
business procedures. The policy of sharing
BPJS and DPMPTSP) still accept requests outside the
information through the management of Big Data
OSS because the officers are not ready to use OSS.
does not only require investment in information
Therefore, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic
technology, but also a collaboration between
Affairs / BKPM needs to provide assistance in the use of
agencies and the development of human resources.
OSS so that OSS can be the only system used in the
Simplification of procedures can be done by revoking
business registration process.
regional regulations that conflict with the OSS and
making it difficult for business owners. 3. Delegation of the authority to issue SIUP to the UP-
In the short term, several strategies that can be PTSP in Sub-Districts and Villages (UP-PTSP Kecamatan
implemented immediately to shorten the procedure and UP-PTSP Kelurahan)
to 6 steps and completion time from 20 to 4 days are The SIUP issuance delay can be up to 7 days due to the
as follows (table 2): authority of SIUP category large and medium is still in
the UP-PTSP District Level (UP-PTSP Kota Admnistrasi).
1. Socialization of SKDU Elimination By delegating the authority of the SIUP category large
DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta has abolished SKDU from all and medium to the UP-PTSP Kecamatan and SIUP
types of licensing requirements under its authority. category small to the UP-PTSP Kelurahan, the process of
This information has not been properly socialized, so issuing SIUP can be shortened to a maximum of 1 day in
business owners consider SKDU to be something that accordance to the target set by the Head of DPMPTSP
is required to be owned. DKI Jakarta.

Table 2: Expected Output from Implementing Proposed Policy

No. Procedures Time to Complete Agency Associated Costs
1. Pay fee for obtaining clearance of company Less than one day Notary IDR 100,000
name (online procedure)
2. Obtain clearance for the company's name at Less than one day Notary Included in procedure 3
the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (online procedure)
3. Arrange for a notary to obtain the standard 1 day (simultaneous Notary - IDR 500,000 for companies with capital of
form of the company deed and notarize with previous up to IDR 25 million;
company documents procedure) - IDR 2 million, for companies with capital
of up to 500 million; and
- IDR 4 million for companies with capital
up to IDR 1 billion.
4. Apply to the Ministry of Law and Human Less than one day Ministry of Law and Included in procedure 6
Rights for approval of the deed of (online procedure) Human Rights
5. Pay the non-tax state revenue (PNBP) fees Less than one day Notary IDR 500,000 (validation of company as legal
for legal services (online procedure) entity) + IDR 430,000 (publication)
6. Business registration through OSS 1 day OSS – relevant agencies No charge
Total 4 days Up to IDR 5,030,000

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Word count (excluded table and reference): 1266 3

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