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Name : Muhammad Hijaz

Nim : 1801075

Class : Konversi 2018

Many Factors Make People High On Stress In The Street

Factors Stress In The Street

Traffic jam 35%

15% 35%
Excavation 20%
Public Transfortation 10%
10% 20%
Flood 20%
Pollution 15%

Based on the survey mostly people assumed that many factors

make people high on stress in the street. That factors is Traffic jam
35%, Excavation 20%, Public Transfortation 10%, Flood 20% and
Pollution 15 %. One example of cases that occur in Makassar at this
time is :
The existence of a flyover construction project on Jalan AP.
Pettarani results in total traffic jam due to road closure. This
congestion makes motorists, motorists become irregular, in addition to
the bottlenecks of the operating vehicles that cause air pollution due to
the amount of dust and smoke.
Besides that the rain also flushed the city of Makassar making
the volume of water high enough to cause overflow in the drainage
and to inundate the road surface, hundreds of vehicles stuck in a
number of main roads that were flooded with water.

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