Jenney's 1st Year Latin Vocabularies

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Gladiator's bronze parade helmet from Pompeii Latin-English Words which appear in the vocabularies are marked by the number of the Lesson in which each occurs. A 3, ab, prep., with abl. from, axoay from, by: tenga, inthe rear. 5 abdo, -ere, ~ jum, pu away, hide abduco, i, ductum, lea ny , tum, g0 aay jectum, throw ax. abscido, -ere, -cidi, -isum, cutoff. absum, abesse, aful, afutirus, be away, be distant, be absent, 32 ‘ac, conj. (Same as atque), and, and also, ‘and even, simul ac, as soon a8. 21, 36 acced6, -ere, -cessi, -cessum, g0 fo, ap- procl, 39 accida, “ere, acci pent 48 sere, -cépi, -ceptum, receive, ac- capt. 24 accumbo, -ere, -cubui, -cubitum, recline (at table) acer, actia, acre, ad, sharp, fierce. 18 acigs, -&i, {straight Fine, line of battle. 31 acriter, adv., sharply, fereely. 31 ad, prep., with ace, fo, near, toward, for, a5 addicd, -ere, -dGxi, -ductum, lead 10, bring te; infwence, 41 ded, -ite, -ii CivD, -itum, go foward, ap proach (followed by acc.) 52 adferd, -ferre, attuli, allatum, bring up, bring to, report. 52 — fall upon, hap: adficio, ere, -feci,-fectum, act, afflict, adhaeres, chaerére, -haesi, -haesum, cling to, adhibed, ire, -ui, -itum, hold to, apply employ. adhiic, adv., up to this time, stil adimo, -ere, -émi, -emptum, tate away. adlig6, -ire, -avi, ~itum, bind fo, bind, adsto, -stare, -stit, stand by or nen, esse, -fui, -futarus, te near, be 22 adulescéns, scentis, m., young man, youth, 58 adventus, -is, m., arrival, approach. 29 advolo, -are, ~avi, ~itum, fly to, fly in aedis, cis, £. temple; pl, house. 54 aedifi nae bung, 46 aedificd, -are, -avi, tum, build Aedui, “Orum, m., the Aeduans, a Gallic tribe. aeger, aegra, aegrum, sick. 54 aegre, adv, with difculty, hardly, scarcely. 54; aegrd ferre, 10 fake i hard Aegyptius, -a, -um Fgyptian Aeneads, -ae, m., follower of Aeneas. Aenéis, -ae, m., Aeneus. Acolia, -ae, f., Aeoia Aeolus, -i,m,, Aeolus, god of the winds. aeque, equaly. 33 ‘aequus, -a, -um, level, equal, air, just, like, 3B es, aeris, n., bronze, estas, -tatis, {, summer; prima aestate, atthe beginning of summer. 20, 36 aestus, «ils, m., heat fide elas, otitis, {, age. 53 Aethiopa, -ae, f., Ethiopia, Aetna, -ae, f.. Ena, a volcano in Sicily afffigs, -ffigere, eye, oats face, as fact: as a matter of fact, guider fail, dafics fair, ccqus faith, fides faithful, fais fall, (noun) ocaisus; (verb) endo; fall upon, acide 501 502 fame, glirix family, gens; my family, your family, ete, mel, Eu, et. famous, clirus, nobilis, nts far, far off, by far, longé; far and wide, Tonge lntéque; farther, ulterior; farthest, extras, ultims farewell, val, valete; bid farewell, valve ibe farmer, agricola farmhouse, villa farther, ulterior farthest, extrinus, ultinus fate, cisus father, pater favor, beneficium, gratia fear, (noun) timor; (verb) timed, vereor feel, seni; feel gratitude, gritian habeo fellow citizen, cizis few, a few, jc: quite a few, complirés field, ager, campus fierce, der, ferus fiercely, &viter fifteen, guindecin: ith, guintus fight, (noun) pugna; (verb), pugrd ‘i, fill up, compres finally, tandem find, invenid, reperid; be found, nascr; find out, cognosed fine, pulcher finish, compet, pefiid fire, ignis; with fire and sword, ferrd et igne; set on fire, incendd first, primus; at frst, primi; for the first time, primum; when first, cum primum five, quingue flank, tats flee, flee from, fugié fleet, clasis flight, fuga flower, fos fly, vals follow, sepuor following, posterus food, cibus foot, pis; at or to the foot of, sub footsoldier, pedes for, (conjunction) enim, nam; (preposi- tion) ai, in, prd; in exchange for, pri for a long time, diz; for the first primum; for the sake of, causd, grata: for which reason, qua dé causi; be eager for, studed; grieve for, doled: prepare for, par’; provide for, provides; take counsel for, cinsuld; wait for, exspects forage, r& frimentaria force, vis; forces, cipize forceful, veheméns ford, vadum foreign, aliémus, barkorus foremost, primis foresee, privided foresighted, pridins forest, sila form a plan, consiliam cupid former, wntiquus, prior; the former, ile formerly, slim forth: bring forth, pridua’: go forth, pri groiior: put forth, prions; set forth, ex ind, propos fortification, mnitia fortify, mfnio fortunately, fticiter fortune, fortina forum, forum forward: go forward, prigredior; lead for- ward, prides founder, auctor four, quattuor fourteen, quattuordecim fourth, quartus frankly, libere free, (adjective) liber; (verb) libent; set free, [iberd, salvo freedom, liertis freely, liberé fresh, recins friend, amicus; my friends, yout friends, etc. met bt, ete friendly, amicus friendship, anicita frighten, ferred from, 4, ab, dé, é ex away from, @, ab; down from, dé; from all sides, from everywhere, undigue; from here, inde; from where, from which, where from, nde; flee from, fui; Keep . . . from + prokibed; order... from... impero front: in front of, ante, pro c gain, cinsequor Gallic, Galles game, lus garden, hortus ‘gartison, pracsdinum gate, porta ‘gather, Lego Gaul, Calla, Gallus ‘general, (noun) imperttor; German, Germarus Germany, Germiinia Bet, compard: get possession of, potior sift, donum inl, ule ive, dd; give back, redid; give ground, podem referd; give way, cido lad, lactus gladness, gaudium glory, glia £80, e0, me (es, ete.) ednfer; let go, mitt; {go aboard, conseendo; go away, discedo; Tet go away, dimitto: go back, rede, pe- dem rejerd, rovertor; let go back, remitté; 130 forth, go forward, progredior; go out, egredior, excedd, exed; gO to, accbid; go toward, ade 0d, deus ‘goddess, dea ‘gold, ourum; of gold, aureus golden, aureus ood, fons Boodbye, rule, valete Bovernment, imperium grain, frimentum; having to do with grain, frumentarius; grain supply, 1 Frvsentaria grant, tibud ‘grass, herb (adjective) 503 Brateful, gritus Bratitude, gritia; feel gratitude, gratiam Ihabed; show gratitude, gritiam referd (great, magrus; how great, quantus; so ‘great, such a great, tentus; rather great, too great, maior; very great, maximus; reat number, multitads Breater, maior; the greater part, magna pars greatest, maximus Breatly, magnopere; more greatly, mazis; most greatly, maxing greatness, magnititds Greece, Greecia Greek, Graecus grief, dolor grieve, grieve for, doled grim, tristis round: give ground, pedem reerd group, rumerus grow, criscd guard, (noun) custis, presidium; (verb) sere, défend® guest, hospes H habit, consuetids, mas hhad, sec have halfway up a (the) mountain, i medi ‘monte halt consisto hand, manus; hand down, hand over, ni handicapped, ipatitus happen: it happens, acct, fi happily, fticiter happy, flix, lacus harbor, portus hard, darts; be hard pressed, laird hardly, ayy, vie hardship, labor harm, no3 harsh, davus has, soe have hasten, contends Ihave, habed have to, deed having, see have 504. hae, hic, ile, he who, qué hhead, caput; be at the head of, pracsum hear, aid heavy, gravis height, eltezdo help, (noun) auxilium; (verb) i200 Helvetia, Heleitia Helvetian, of the Helvetians, Heleéivs hence, inde her, see she; for possession, see also suus haere, hic, fic; from here, nude; this here, Hi hero, vir hesitate, dubitd herself, ips, su (see Lesson 40) high, situs; on high, alte, of high birth, nBbilis higher, altor, superior highest, altssimus, summus hill, calls, mons hhim, see he himself, pe, su (see Lesson 40) hinder, impedis hindered, impeditus hindrance, impedimentum his, see he; for possession, see also suus hold, habed, obtined, tened; hold back, re- fined; hold in check, hold up, sustined; hold together, contnes holy, sacer home, domus; at home, go home, etc, see Special Place Constructions, Lesson 50 hope, (noun) spés; (verb) spero horn, cored horse, equis horseman, eyes host, hospes hostage, obses hostile, inimicus hot, calus hour, hore house, ces, domus; at the house of, spud: country house, villa how, quam, guemadmodure, quiimodo, ut; how great, how large, how much, juantus; how many, quot however, autem human being, hom’ hundred, one hundred, centim hhusl, conicio husband, vir Lego ify sh if... not, nisi immediately, statin immortal, inomorilis in, in; in all, omnind; in back, in the reas, 4 tergo: im difficulty, impedits; im exe change for, pr; in front of, ante, pri; in like manner, similte; in such a way, ita; in that place, ib; in the presence of, apud in this way, sie: in truth, vere; in vain, fisted increase, aged, 72500 indeed, quidem, vero infantry, peditas (from pedeo) inflict infers influence, (nown) auctoritas, gratia: (verb) added inform, cortiorem (erties) facie, doce, mone be informed, certior id inhabit, noold injure, noced injustice, iniria inmost, intimus inner, interior inquire, quaero instead of, pro instruct, mands intend: intending to, see Participles, Les son 41 interest: consult the interests of, consuid interrupt, intermitto interval, spativen into, in; put into effect, eficid; throw into confusion, perturbs iron, ferrume is, see be island, insula it, hoc, id, illud; i happens, aocidit, fs it {is convenient, conceit; it is necessary or proper, oporta it is permitted, ioe ssi | ' i : | Italy, Tata is, ets, suas itself, su, sul (Gee Lesson 40) javelin, pt Join, conungd; join battle, provfany com mits join together, comings journey, ser joy, tion joy, lets jnge, (mown) dex; (ver) indlied judgment, icin Julia, ia Sais, [a juror, alex jst, aq, Hstus justice, is K keep, ainseres, serod; keep. rohibes Kill, caeto, interfici, occido kind, gers; of such a kind, tills kindness, beficium king, rex Kingdom, kingship, rignim kinsman, propingus knight, eves Iknow, seid, cognioi (from engnésed); not know, nescid = from, Tabor, lbs Tack, inopia lacking: be lacking, d?sum land, ter; native land, patria language, lingua large, aaplus, magias; how large, quarctus; rather large, too large, maior; so large, such a large, funtus; very large, larger, maior: a larger amount, pis largest, mucimus last, extrimus, novissimus; at last, lander Jate: late at night, multé noct; ate in the day, multd dé latest, novus latter: the latter, ic laugh, laugh at, rides launch, dies law, ss, Ie lay waste, nists Tead, dici; lead across, tidied; lead away, dédlcd; lead back, redied; lead down, ididiiat: lead forward, pré lead to, al leader, dix earn, cogndscd, dised least: at least, quidem leave, discado, excedé, relingud: eave be hind, relingud; leave off, sis left, religuus, sinister; leftchand, sinister ‘on the left, @sinistrd legion, legis length: at length, tenders Tess, (adjective) minor; (adverb) minus lest, nz let, see Hortatory Subjunctive, Lesson 43; Tet go, mitt let go away, dimitt; let g0 back, remitis letter, litera, literae, epistula level, cquns liberty, Iibertis Hieutenant, lgatus Life, vita Tift up, tolls light, (noun) itx; (adjective) levis ike, (adjective) aejuus, similis: im ike ‘manner, simile (verb) amd likewise, item line: straight Line, line of battle, acits line of mareh, agmert listen to, audié Tittle, (noun) puudum; (adjective) parvus: (adverb) pal, paulon live, habio, nol, vi Toaf, pins ong, (adjective) longus; for a long time, live in, incol6 505 506 i: (adverb) aii longer, (adverb) diitius, iam; for a longer time, diits longest: for the longest time, diutssimé look: look at, :pectd; look at attentively, cinspicid loose, sold Jord, dominus lose, dmittd Toud, magnus love, and lower, injerior lowest, inaus,fnfimus loyal, fais loyalty, fides Lucius, Lictus luck, fortina lucky, foe M magistracy, magistritus ‘magistrate, magistratus majority, magne pars ‘make, jacid; be made, fd; make a mistake, errd; make a plan, cinsilium capid; make war upon, bellum infers man, fiom, vir; our men, nostT; young men, adulescens manliness, virtis ‘manner, madus, rat; in like manner, similter many, multi; ow many, quol; rather many, plav8s; 50 many, fof; too many, lures; very many, plurini; many peo- pple, mult march, (noun) iter; army on the march, line’ of march, agen, (verb) iter facis marketplace, fori marsh, pals master, dominus, magister matter, rs; as a matter of fact, quidem: me, see I ‘means: by means of, see Ablative of Means or Instrument, Lesson 9 measure, modus meet, congreior,convenié memory, memoria merchant, mcraitor message, nitius messenger, nintivs midday, meridiés middle of, metius midnight, media nox . rile, mille passiss military, miltaris; military power, imper- ium; military standard, signun: mind, eninus, mins rine, meus misfortune, clamitas missile, Zum mistake: make a mistake, err ‘mock, lds money, pecinia month, minsis ‘moon, line ‘more, (noun) pis; adjective) plies; (ad- verb) magis, and see also Comparison, Lessons 33-36; more often, spins; wish... more, mals moreover, autem most, (adjective) plrimus; (adverb) max- ‘né, and see also Comparison, Lessons 33-36; most often, saepissiné mother, mater ‘mountain, mdns; halfway up the moun- tain, i maid monte mouth, 05 ‘move, c240, moves; move back, removed; move deeply, permoved; move thor- ‘oughly, commaveo much, (adjective) magnus, multus; how much, quantus; $0 much, tantus; (ad= verb) mult, multume murder, caies must, see Passive Periphrastic, Lessons 59 and 60 my, meus myself, ipse, mei (see Lesson 40) N ‘name, (noun) ndmen; (verb) appell nation, gs, populus native land, patria nature, nitira 1 sear, ad, prope, propnguis; be near, ai Sunn, draw Nea, apropos nearby, propings seater, propior nearest, proximus neatly, fer, prope necessary, neces, necesirus) it Is nec ‘essary, recess et, oprtet neighbor, finns neighboring, finitimus neither, (adjective) neuter; (conjunction) neji (ie); neither... nor, neque (ne) nese (80) never, mionjuam, 18 nevertheless, toner sew, crus, recens next, (adjective) pestoms, proxintsy (ad verb) deinde night, ncr; early in the night, prin noct; Tate at night, mult note nine, nove nineteen, indEcigiett sinh, onus zo, illus, niki: mo one, nem, né ue rable, nabs, pucker nobly, pulchré noise, nor noon, movies nor, neu (te) not, no; and» «mot, neque (ue) if "ot, ns; oF nol, an, Heo; not any, mils; ot at all, mi; not even, né fuidem; not only ..» but also, nn ‘tum. se etia; nok yet, natu rnot know, nes; say... not, nyo; not swish, m3 nothing, nihil, néquid (see Lesson 58) number, mumerts; great number, ulttids o obey, pared obligation: be under an obligation, gri- ia dab observe closely, cinspics ‘obtain, cinsequor 0f, dé, 6, ex; See also Genitive of Posses- sion, Lesson 18 off: far off, longe; leave off, désists offensive weapon, lum office: public office, magistrtus ‘often, sazpe; more often, rather often, sae pus; most often, sepissine old, sntiquus, senex, vetus; of old, old fashioned, antiquus alder, maior nit, senior oldest, maximus nit ‘on, in; see also Ablative of Time When, Lesson 25 ‘once: once upon a time, dlim: at once, ‘statin fone, alius, quidam, Gus; one another, to ‘one another, with one another, infer sé (ns, 13); one hundred, contin; one thousand, mille; no one, nZmd, n& quis (ee Lesson 58); the one, alter oneself: betake oneself, mé (tz sz, ctc:) only, silus; not only slum... sed etiam contush, impetus ‘onto, in ‘onward: carry onward, iferd ‘open, (adjective) apertus; (verb) aperid ‘pinion, opinid, sententia bbut also, nin opportunity, facults ‘or, an, aut, vel; oF not, anmin, necne; either “or-aut. . aut, vel... vel; whether Sor, utrum «a order, (noun) ord; in order that, in order to, see Adverbial Clause of Purpose, Lesson 44; (verb) imperd, tubed originator, auctor cother, alius; each other, to each other, with each other, inter sé (10, 00s); the other, aller; the otherts), céter ‘ought, dzbn: see also Passive Peripheastic, Lessons 59 and 60 four, ours, noster; our men, nostri ‘ourselves, ips, nostrumt (see Lesson 40) out: out of, & ex; way out, exitus; drive ‘out, expel; find out, cogniscd; go out, igredior, excida, exad point out, dem 507 508 tri; search out, explird; set out, prifciscor outcome, exius outer, exterior ‘outermost, extremes outstanding, Zgregius lover, in, thins; hand over, tril; place over, pragcid overpower, apprin, proms overtake, cinsequor owe, dh own: his own, her own, its own, their own, suus; my own, meus; our own, roster; your own, fs, vester owner, dominus pace, passus ain, dolor part, pars: greater part, magna pars pause, infermittd pay, soled; pay the penalty, pocram dé peace, pix penalty, porns: pay the penalty, pornars fa people, populus: good people, many peo- ple, etc., boni, mul, etc. (see Adjec- fives as Substantives, Lesson 6); the ‘common people, pléts; belonging to the people, piblicus permit, patior, permittd; it is permitted, lieet persuade, persuaded pertain, pertnes pile up, mstruo pitch camp, cistra pind place, (noun) locus; at one's country place, rt (trom ris); in that place, ib; to this place, hii to that place, 0, ilac: to what place, qué: (verb) pais; place in ‘command of, place over, pracfcis plain, campus plan, conslium, rat: adopt a plan, con- silium: ined; form or make a plan, con sila capi play, lade please, délect5, places pleasing, gritus pledge, fides plenty, cipia plot, insiize poem, carmen Poet, poeta point out, déminstro oor, mise port, portus possession: get or take possession of, ptior possible: as... as possible, quam with superlative, Lesson 36; a8 soon as pos- sible, quam primum posterity, poster? ower, potest; military power, imperixm powerful, poténs powerfully, potenter Practice, sus practise, exered Praise, (noun) laws; (verb) badd prefer, mild Prepare, compass, par’; prepare for, pard prepared, purdius presence: in the presence of, apud present: be present, aisuin press, prem3; be hard pressed, labind prestige, auctivitis prevent, probes private, privittus proceed, mi (3, sf, ete.) oSnfers profitable, ails promise, polieor Proper: itis proper, oportet propose, propa protection, praesidium; under the protec- tion, in fe, infidem prove, prot provide for, provided province, provincia prudent, pridéns Public, piblicus; public office, magistratus punish, poenan simi dé; be punished, pena do punishment, poena Pursue, cinsequor | | | push, pal ut, pons; put forth, prdpon0; charge of, putin command of, prayicid; ut into effect, effcid put in Q quarters: winter quarters, hiberna queen, régina quite a few, compli race, gestus raise, follé rampart, valium rank, ordé rashly, nudicter rate: at any rate, quidem rather, see Comparison, Lessons 33-36 rather large, maior; rather many, pir’ rather often, saepius; rather small, mi nor: wish . . rather, reach, pervenio read, [e965 ready, portus realize, setid rear, novisinsuim agmen; in the rear, tergd reason, caus, rat; for which reason, qua receive, acipi, recipi recent, recins reconnoiter, explant region, regio reinforcements, lia relate, ferd, narrd relation, relative, necessivius, propingas remaining, reliquis remember, mcmori teed remove, fol repait, refice reply, responded report, (noun) fima: (verb) adfers, defers, Enitntid, nto, refed, renietio republic, ris pbc repulse, rec reputation, rescue, ips resist, sist est, uiis; the rest of, cBter, reliquaes restore, re, roicid restrain, continad retreat, mi (6, <% ete.) return, 3 (ls, ete) recip referd, revertor revolt, defcid revolution, #25 novae reward, praensium Rhine, Rens ride, vehor right, (nousn) is; (adjective) devter,iastus; fon the right, # dextra righthand, dexter rise, orior, surg ima, epinis pedem refers des, patent rock, saxum Roman, Remi Rome, Rima; of Rame, Riminus rout, pelo route, ifer rule, rego running, cursus sacred, sacer sad, tristis safe, tus safely, sis sail, nlvigd, sailor, nauta sake: for the sake, causd, same, Idem; at the same time, simul Sardis, Saris hor 510 savage, ferus say, Je5, inquamt: say... mot, neg scarcely, aegr, vx school, ladus scout, expldritor sea, mare; of the sea, maitimis search out, expiord seat, sella second, alter, ecundius see, vides seek, petd, quaerd seem, vieor seize, cups, rapt sell, nds senate, senitus senator, senior send, milfo: send away, dimittd; send back, remitts serious, gravis set: set forth, expdnd, prOpond: set free, Iiberd,saleo; set on fire, incendd: s proficisor; set up, cdnstitue, tnstitua setting, occasus settle, cSnsi seven, septem Seventeen, septendecim seventh, septinus several, complir’s severe, gravis severely, graviter shallows, osdunt sharp, fer sharply, deriter she, 2 (from i), haec, ile shield, seatum ship, vis; war ship, nzvis longa shore, lus short, brevis shout, (noun) clamor; (verb) clam show, déminsira, doced, ostendo; show sratitude, gritiam rferd shut, claude Sicily, Siewia sick, aeger side, iatus; from or on all sides, wndigue sight, species sign, signum signal, signum silent: be silent, taoes similar, sivalis similarly, simiiter sister, sorr sit, sede; sit down, cinsido sixteen, sfdein: sixth, coxius size, magnit sky, cielum slaughter, caedés slave, servis sleep, (noun) guide; (verb) dormis small, parvus; rather small, too small, minor; very small, mnninus smaller, minor smallest, minimus smile, rides snatch, rap 50, ito, sic, tam; $0 great, so large, so ‘much, fc7!us; so many, fo! soldier, miles some, alii, quidam: some . . . others, ali aly; some day, dim; at some dis- tance, proc someone, sli something, aliquid son, fiius song, carmen soon, mor; as soon as, ctim primum, simu aigue (ae); a8 soon’ as possible, quam prima sorrow, dolor sorry: be sorry, doieo sort, genus south, meviigs space, spatien: Spain, Hispania Spanish, Hispitus spare, pared speak, foyuor speech, dritid; deliver a speech, drtonen: abe speed, celeritas spend the spirit, animus ter, hers | | i | | sponsor, suctor stand, sid; stand up, surg; take a stand, consist standard: military standard, signum star, stella state, its, rBs pb stay, mand still, tame stir up, incto stone, lapis, sexu stop, déssto,intermitto storm, fompess story, fabule straight line, acs strange, barbarus, mfrus stranger, hospes street, vis strength, re (from vis) strengthen, age, confirms strive, contendo strong, oalidus; be strong, vale strongly, vaide strugale, contend successfully, ficiter such, tis; Such a great, such a large, fantus; in such a way, ita; of such a kind, tas suddenly, repente,subito suffer, aber, paior suffering, dolor suitable, ioneus ‘summer, ars; at the beginning of sum- ‘mer, prima aestdte summon, convas sun, sil sundown, sunset, sis occisus supply, copia; grain supply, rs framentria support, subsume suppose, existing sure, certus; to be sure, guider surely, cer surpass, superd surprised: be surprised, miror surrender, tld ‘surround, circumoenio swamp, pis swift, ler 511 swiftly, celeriter swiftness, clei sword, forum, gladius; with fire and sword, for ef ane {able, mine take, capid; take a stand, oinsistd; take back, raid; take counsel for, cinsulb take possession of, potior talk, laquor task, negatian teach, dove teacher, magistor tear, lacrima tell, dics, marr temple, aiés ten, decom tenth, decimus terms, condicis terrify, perterrs territory, ager, foes than, quam; see also Ablative of Compar- Ison, Lesson 33, thank, grits ag that, (demonstrative pronoun and adjec~ tive) ill, is; that... there, ile; that which, quod; at that time, tum; in that place, it; to that place, 0, il their, theirs, coru (from is), hiram, il» them, see they themselves, ipsi, su! (see Lesson 40) then, deinde, ergo, tum there, e5, i, illic; there is, there are, etc, est, st, ete. that ... there, ile therefore, erga, itaque ‘they, ef (From is), i, te thing, 185 think, arbitror, existimd, puso I tertins thirteen, tvelecin Ihe, is; this... here, hic; in this way,

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